
    China South Locomotive Rolling - Auf der Überholspur - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 12.07.10 10:02:58 von
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    ISIN: CNE100000BG0 · WKN: A0Q8DQ · Symbol: C2L
    -2,04 %
    -0,0120 EUR
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 12.07.10 10:02:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Ich bin auf die Aktie der China South Rolling (WKN: A0Q8DQ) durch den unten eingestellten Artikel aufmerksam geworden. Diese Firma besitzt in China ein Monopol und dürfte auch bald den internationalen Markt aufmischen. Langfristig gab es für die Aktie nur eine Richtung, nämlich nach oben. Die Aktie wird zwar in Deutschland kaum gehandelt, aber auch das dürfte sich bald ändern. Im chinesischen Markt werden täglich Millionensummen gehandelt. Für mich ein überaus interessantes Investment. :eek:


      Rasende Harmonie

      Von Wagner, Wieland

      Auf der Expo in Shanghai werden westliche Eisenbahnkonzerne für ihre Technik werben. Doch der Ausbau des Superschnellzugnetzes ist vor allem ein Lehrstück über Pekings Expansionslust.
      Wie ein Schwarm Jagdfische funkeln die eleganten, weiß-blau lackierten Superschnellzüge in der Fabrikhalle. Die Spitzen der Triebwagen sind aufgerissen wie hungrige Mäuler, umsorgt von Technikern in beigefarbenen Uniformen.
      Vize-Chefingenieur Lü Renyuan, 48, lächelt stolz, in Kürze werden die frisch montierten Geschosse das Werk von China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock (CSR) hier im nordostchinesischen Qingdao verlassen und mit bis zu 350 Stundenkilometern über neue Hochgeschwindigkeitstrassen jagen - so schnell wie nirgendwo sonst auf der Welt.
      Schon jetzt pendeln sie zwischen Millionenstädten wie Wuhan und Guangzhou, dort verkürzen sie die Reisezeit von elf auf drei Stunden. Doch das soll nur eine Zwischenetappe sein auf der ehrgeizigen Aufholjagd der Volksrepublik, die sich seit 2004 geballt ausländische Eisenbahntechnologie einverleibt und damit zum gefährlichen Wettbewerber einstiger Lehrmeister wie Siemens aufrückte.
      Noch präsentieren westliche Konzerne auf der gerade eröffneten Expo in Shanghai stolz ihre Technologie. Noch hoffen sie dort auf weitere Milliardenaufträge. Noch loben sie, wie Siemens zum Start der Weltausstellung, artig, dass man sich als "integraler Bestandteil der chinesischen Wirtschaft" verstehe.
      Aber zur gleichen Zeit arbeitet CSR schon an eigenen Zügen, die 380 Kilometer pro Stunde zurücklegen. Die neuartigen Flitzer sollen ab 2011 die 1300 Kilometer lange Reise zwischen Peking und Shanghai auf vier Stunden verkürzen - bisher dauert sie rund zehn Stunden.
      So ist der Ausbau des Eisenbahnnetzes in der Volksrepublik vor allem auch ein Lehrstück geworden über chinesische Raffinesse und Expansionslust. Aus dem Auftraggeber ist ein Gegner geworden. Nirgends zeigt sich das besser als im Schienenverkehr.
      Die Herausforderung für den deutschen ICE, den französischen TGV oder den japanischen Shinkansen heißt nun "Hexie" - zu Deutsch "Harmonie": eine artige Reverenz an Staats- und Parteichef Hu Jintao, der ständig den Aufbau einer "harmonischen Gesellschaft" beschwört.
      Mit Hilfe der Superschnellzüge will Peking sein Riesenreich eng verknüpfen, das neue Netz soll bis 2020 von derzeit rund 6500 auf 18 000 Kilometer wachsen. Dann soll ein Gitter aus Hochgeschwindigkeitstrassen die wichtigsten Großstädte miteinander verbinden - von Nord nach Süd und Ost nach West. Später wollen die Planer es gar global ausdehnen - nach Südostasien sowie gen Westen - bis nach London. Natürlich mit chinesischer Schnellzugtechnologie.
      China als globaler Technologie-Führer? Noch vor kurzem belächelten westliche Experten diesen Gedanken, doch inzwischen sind es die Chinesen, die lächeln: Ob in Venezuela, Malaysia oder Indonesien - aggressiv drängen sie neuerdings mit eigenen superschnellen Exportzügen auf den Weltmarkt. Dabei schlachten sie rücksichtslos die Spitzentechnologien aus, die ihnen der Westen zunächst übertrug.
      In den USA hoffen sie zum Beispiel auf Milliardenaufträge aus jenem Konjunkturprogramm, mit dem Präsident Barack Obama Amerikas marodes Zugnetz ausbauen will. Und in Saudi-Arabien verzichtete Siemens kürzlich darauf, gegen die viel billigere chinesische Konkurrenz anzutreten. Stattdessen bietet der Münchner Konzern mit dem chinesisch geführten Konsortium für die geplante Schnellzugstrecke Mekka-Medina.
      Ingenieur Lü lässt den Blick durch die Halle schweifen: Die Schrauben liegen aufgeräumt in farbigen Plastikkästen, penibel geordnet nach Größe; der graue Werksfußboden glänzt staubfrei. Alles soll makellos sein in diesem Werk, in dem es für China um weit mehr geht als um superschnelle Züge.
      In einem nationalen Kraftakt ist den Planern der Kommunistischen Partei und des Eisenbahnministeriums gelungen, was Peking langfristig auch bei Autos, Flugzeugen und sonstiger Hightech anstrebt. Mit der politischen Vorgabe, Joint Ventures zu gründen, aber auch mit geschickter Verhandlungstaktik haben die Chinesen westliche Technologie-Größen wie Siemens, das französische Alstom, das kanadische Bombardier und den japanischen Kawasaki-Konzern zunächst ins Land gelockt, dann gegeneinander ausgespielt und dazu gebracht, zentrales Know-how preisgünstig zu überlassen.
      Ihre genetische Herkunft sieht man den chinesischen Zügen äußerlich noch an, hier in Qingdao ähneln sie vor allem dem japanischen Shinkansen. In Tangshan, einige hundert Kilometer weiter nordwestlich - dort lernte Konkurrent China Northern Rail vor allem von Siemens -, lassen sich die "Harmonie"-Züge dagegen kaum vom deutschen ICE unterscheiden.
      Doch bei den Karosserien, den Fahrleit- und Signalsystemen der "Harmonie"-Serie handle es sich um geistiges Eigentum der Chinesen, behauptet Lü: "Wir stehen längst auf den Schultern der globalen Hochgeschwindigkeitstechnologie."
      Auch äußerlich soll bald kaum noch etwas an den einstigen Technologie-Transfer aus dem Ausland erinnern: Auf der im Bau befindlichen Schnellzugstrecke Peking-Shanghai sollen die Züge offenbar ein prägnant chinesisches Design erhalten.
      Die heimischen Eisenbahner verweisen stolz darauf, dass sie bereits über 940 eigene Zugpatente entwickelt hätten. Das Eisenbahnministerium in Peking wacht streng darüber, dass die Zugbauer ihr Wissen, das sie vom Ausland erworben haben, miteinander teilen und kollektiv weiterentwickeln, zum Beispiel im modernen Forschungszentrum, das mitten in dem gewaltigen, 1,3 Quadratkilometer großen Werksgelände von Qingdao liegt - und direkt der Regierung untersteht.
      "Zizhu Chuangxin" - "unabhängige Innovation" -, so nennen die Chinesen ihre intelligente Weiterentwicklung ausländischer Expertisen. Was damit gemeint ist, will Lü an einem Beispiel zeigen, er lässt seinen Besuch in die Werkshalle fahren, wo die Drehachsen gebaut werden. Lü deutet auf die blitzblanken Stahlräder der Achsen - mit jeder weiteren Erhöhung des Fahrtempos müsse man auch das Material mit Karbon verstärken, erklärt er, so schaffe man ein völlig eigenes Produkt.
      An die Halle wird gerade angebaut, Ende 2009 fertigten sie in Qingdao noch jährlich 120 Superschnellzüge, bis Juni wollen sie die Kapazität auf 200 Züge erhöhen. Lü und seine Kollegen arbeiten praktisch rund um die Uhr, für seine Familie habe er kaum Zeit, sagt Lü. Aber seine Frau könne sich darüber nicht beklagen, sie arbeite ebenfalls hier im Qingdao-Werk.
      Wie eine große Familie feuern sich Chinas Eisenbahner in dem Ziel an, die westliche Konkurrenz immer weiter abzuhängen. Dieser patriotische Ansporn unterscheide sein Land gerade von Deutschland, sagt Lü, der auch deutsche Eisenbahnwerke wiederholt eingehend besichtigte: "Die Deutsche Bahn denkt vor allem an die Deutsche Bahn, Siemens denkt vor allem an Siemens. Aber in China denkt jeder daran, wie wir unsere Nation gemeinsam voranbringen können."
      Daran denkt auch Zhao Xiaogang, 59. Der Chef von CSR empfängt in der neuen Firmenzentrale in Peking. Der schmächtige Mann sieht nicht aus wie der Boss des größten Lokomotiven- und Waggonbauers, der seinen Reingewinn im ersten Quartal auf umgerechnet 39 Millionen Euro erhöhte - immerhin 85 Prozent mehr als im gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahrs.
      Seit Ausbruch der globalen Finanzkrise spüren die Zugbauer noch stärkeren Rückenwind. Denn auch um die Konjunktur anzufeuern, will Peking bis 2012 rund 78 Milliarden Euro jährlich in den Ausbau des Eisenbahnnetzes stecken. Zurzeit fahren die Superschnellzüge auf Strecken wie Peking-Tianjin zwar hohe Verluste ein. Aber das ist nicht Zhaos Sorge, dafür kommt seine Regierung auf.
      Den gelernten Ingenieur treibt der Ehrgeiz, immer neue Rekorde mit seinen Zügen aufzustellen. Wenn er vom Lärmpegel in allen Klassen schwärmt, lebt Zhao plötzlich auf: Den europäischen Standard halte China streng ein - aber eben mit Zügen, die nicht 270, sondern 350 Kilometer pro Stunde führen. Und dann der höhere Komfort! "Als ich im Eurostar reiste, rüttelte der so stark, dass ich mich am Sitz festhalten musste." In Chinas neuentwickelten Zügen könne er auch bei 350 Stundenkilometern bequem herumspazieren.
      Doch mit ihren Temporekorden gehen die Chinesen auch höhere Risiken ein als die ausländische Konkurrenz. "Auf Dauer die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten bleibt für China die größte Herausforderung", sagt Verkehrsexperte Sun Zhang von der Tongji-Universität in Shanghai. Die japanische Konkurrenz, die seit 46 Jahren das sicherste Superschnellzug-netz der Welt betreibt, wirft den Chinesen vor, mit ihrer Raserei Menschenleben zu riskieren.
      Im staatlichen Eisenbahnlabor in Qingdao testen Zhaos Ingenieure bereits einen "Harmonie"-Flitzer, der 550 Kilometer pro Stunde zurücklegen kann. Schon im Oktober wollen sie ihren nächsten Weltrekord aufstellen. Ziel: 600 Stundenkilometer. So tief flog noch niemand.

      DER SPIEGEL 18/2010

      Bahnstrategen träumen von Blitzzug Shanghai-Berlin

      08.07.2010, 7:35 Uhr | Joachim Hoelzgen, Spiegel Online

      Die schnellsten Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge der Welt jagen in China dahin. Die großen Inland-Fluggesellschaften können mit ihnen kaum noch konkurrieren, mancherorts verlieren sie die Hälfte ihrer Passagiere. Und schon denken die Bahn-Strategen an mehr: eine Trasse ins Herz Mitteleuropas.
      Chinesische Züge sind das Modernste, was die Bahn-Technik zu bieten hat: In nur drei Stunden brausen die Eisenbahn-Boliden von Kanton am Perlfluss nordwärts nach Wuhan, der Verkehrsdrehscheibe und Metropole Mittelchinas. Dabei beträgt die Fahrtstrecke 1069 Kilometer. Mit einem Durchschnittstempo von 350 Stundenkilometern rasen die bulligen Geschosse an Ententeichen und Reisfeldern vorbei, bis sie schließlich die Seenplatte erreichen, die Wuhan am großen Yangtze-Fluss umgibt.
      Neue Trassen in atemraubendem Tempo
      China lasse den Rest der Welt nun auch auf dem Feld der Superzüge hinter sich, lautete der Tenor einer Meldung von Xinhua, der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur, als die Schnellfahrttrasse am 26. Dezember vergangenen Jahres in Betrieb genommen wurde. Und damit es daran keine Zweifel gibt, stellte Xinhua dem Bericht zwei Vergleiche voran, die das Hinterherhinken der internationalen Konkurrenz markieren sollten: Demnach bringe es Japan mit dem Superzug Shinkansen nur auf eine Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von schlappen 243 Stundendenkilometern, während Deutschland mit den ICE-Schnellzügen und 232 Stundenkilometern Durchschnittstempo noch langsamer durch die Lande fahre, so Xinhua.
      In atemraubendem Tempo verlegen die Ingenieure der Volksrepublik immer neue Trassen, gleichzeitig schrauben sie das Tempo der Schienenflitzer immer weiter in die Höhe. Derzeit wird die Paraderoute Shanghai- Peking ausgebaut - für dann 380 Stundenkilometer schnelle Züge. Eine neue Strecke wird Peking mit Wuhan verknüpfen, und im Bau befindet sich auch eine Schnellfahrttrasse zwischen Hongkong und Chengdu, einem Zentrum der chinesischen IT-Industrie mit Filialen von Intel, SAP zeigen und Motorola zeigen in der Provinz Sichuan.
      Konkurrenz für die Inland-Fluggesellschaften
      Den epochalen Boom verantwortet das Ministerium für Eisenbahnen, das in Peking in einem monolithischen Gebäudeblock waltet. Allein in den kommenden drei Jahren wollen die Strategen 300 Milliarden Dollar in neue Schnellfahrtstrecken investieren. Das viele Geld stammt aus dem gewaltigen Konjunkturprogramm, mit dem die Staatsführung versucht, Chinas Wirtschaft trotz weltweiter Wachstumskrise in Schwung zu halten.
      Doch mit der neuen Welt der Superzüge hat auch ein innerchinesischer Machtkampf begonnen. Denn die Beförderung der Reisenden von Millionenstadt zu Millionenstadt stellt einen riesigen Markt dar, der zwischen den einzelnen Verkehrsträgern hart umkämpft ist. Vor allem die großen Fluggesellschaften China Southern und China Eastern sowie der Staatscarrier Air China fürchten die Konkurrenz der Blitzzüge.
      Fluggesellschaften unter Druck
      Das Problem: Die neuen Schienenfahrzeuge sind auf den besonders ertragreichen Strecken zwischen den großen Städten im Einsatz. In Spitzenzeiten, wenn zwei Zugeinheiten zusammen gekoppelt werden, transportieren sie auf einen Schlag 1200 Passagiere. Dagegen wirken die Boeing-737-Maschinen etwa von China Southern zwergenhaft.
      So sehr hat der Druck auf die Airlines mittlerweile zugenommen, dass Luftfahrtanalysten in Peking schon Zusammenschlüsse der Luftlinien erwarten. Vorneweg rechnen sie mit einer Fusion von China Southern, das sein Hauptquartier in Kanton hat, mit dem Konkurrenten China Eastern in Shanghai. Die beiden Fluggesellschaften befördern die Hälfte aller Flugreisenden Chinas.
      Im ganzen Land entsteht ein gigantisches Schienennetz
      Das Unheil für die Luftfahrtbranche zeichnete sich zunächst in Mittelchina ab. Dort ist am 6. Februar eine Trasse für Züge des 350-Stundenkilometer-Kalibers freigegeben worden, die von Zhengzhou nach Xi'an führt, dem einstigen Ausgangspunkt der Seidenstraße. Die Sieben-Millionen-Stadt Xi'an ist ein Mekka der China-Touristen. Sie brechen von hier aus zu der berühmten Terrakotta- Armee auf, die der erste Kaiser von China im dritten Jahrhundert vor Christus modellieren ließ.
      Die Reaktion auf die schnelle Strecke folgte prompt: Nur wenige Wochen später, am 25. März, wurden alle Flüge auf der Touristen-Route eingestellt, berichtet "Aviation Week & Space Technology", das US-Luftfahrtmagazin.
      Kritisch sieht es für die Fluggesellschaften auch auf der Verbindung zwischen Shanghai und Wuhan aus, obwohl auf der 1200 Kilometer langen Strecke derzeit nur 250 Stundenkilometer schnelle Expresszüge verkehren. Gleichwohl hat hier China Southern fast ein Drittel des früheren Passagieraufkommens eingebüßt.
      Und das Netz der Trassen, über das die Superzüge brausen, wird immer noch weiter gespannt. Bis 2020 sollen die gedrungenen Sprinter wie auf einem riesenhaften Schnittmusterbogen dahinrasen, mit Längsachsen und Querspangen in alle Himmelsrichtungen - von Süd- und Mittelchina bis nach Harbin im Nordosten und Lanzhou im Westen, hinter dem die großen Wüsten Chinas beginnen.

      08.07.2010, 7:49 Uhr | Joachim Hoelzgen, Spiegel Online

      2. Teil: Pläne für Neu-Delhi, Moskau, Berlin

      Bisher hat China Southern unter dem Ansturm der Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge am meisten zu leiden. Auf der Route von Peking nach Taiyuan etwa, einem Zentrum der Edelstahl- und Aluminiumproduktion und Ort eines Weltraumbahnhofs für den Start chinesischer Satelliten, hat die Gesellschaft 60 Prozent des Verkehrsaufkommens an die Schienenkonkurrenz verloren. Ein Verdrängungswettbewerb der besonderen Art hat auch auf der Metropolenstrecke Kanton-Wuhan eingesetzt. Hier hatte sich China Southern für eine Abwehrschlacht gerüstet, indem die Anzahl der täglichen Flüge von 12 auf 16 erhöht wurde.

      Die Strategen des Eisenbahnministeriums setzten dem aber täglich 21 Züge der 350-Stundenkilometer-Klasse entgegen - und haben so den Kampf um die Passagiere klar für sich entschieden. China Southern sah sich daraufhin gezwungen, die Zahl der Flüge auf nur mehr sechs am Tag zu reduzieren - was gerade mal der Hälfte des früheren Geschäfts entspricht.
      Die Eisenbahngeschosse zeigen den Airlines damit die Grenzen ihres Wachstums auf. Bis zum Jahr 2012 fliegen die Gesellschaften wohl nur noch ein Plus von 4,8 Prozent ein, lautet die Prognose des Wirtschaftsinformationsdiensts UOB Kay Hian. Zum Vergleich: Im bisherigen Rekordjahr 2008, dem Jahr der Olympischen Spiele in Peking, legten die Carrier noch um stolze 15 Prozent zu.

      Über Teheran und Prag nach Berlin
      Für die Eisenbahner geht es dagegen immer kühner weiter. Sie brüten über neuen, geradezu fantastischen Plänen, mit denen sie den Fluggesellschaften sogar auf internationalen Strecken in die Quere kommen könnten. Eine Karte im Büro von Chefplaner Zheng Jian, dem Direktor für Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge im Ministerium für Eisenbahnen, sieht Trassen für Superzüge von Shanghai nach Singapur und sogar nach Neu-Delhi vor. Angedacht ist ferner eine Verbindung von Shanghai nach Moskau sowie eine - politisch freilich fragile - Südroute nach Teheran samt einer Weiterfahrt von dort nach Prag und Berlin. Konkret geplant werde der Bau von Schnellfahrttrassen im Ausland aber noch nicht, sagte Zheng Jian im April der "New York Times".
      Im kolossalen Wettkampf zwischen Luftfahrtbranche und Superzügen rüstet nun auch die Flieger-Lobby Chinas auf, vor allem mit dem Bau neuer Flughäfen und der Modernisierung schon bestehender. Dem Geflecht der Bahntrassen wollen die Freunde des Luftverkehrs mit 91 neuen Verkehrsflughäfen die Stirn bieten, die bis 2020 aus dem Boden gestampft werden sollen. Wie dauerhaft der Boom ist, steht allerdings in Frage. Denn oft ist es lediglich der politische Wille einflussreicher Provinzregierungen und ambitionierter Metropolen-Bürgermeister, der den Flughafenbau vorantreibt - und weniger wirtschaftliche Vernunft.
      Flughafen soll ausgebaut werden
      So will Kanton seinen internationalen Großflughafen auf eine Kapazität von 75 Millionen Passagieren jährlich erweitern, und selbst Hongqiao, der alte Stadtflughafen im Westen von Shanghai, soll 40 Millionen Passagiere jährlich abfertigen können. Allerdings soll Hongqiao auch einen Bahnhof für Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge erhalten.
      schrieb am 14.07.10 10:46:06
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Auch schon etwas älter, aber trotzdem interessant!

      News: China South Locomotive and speed up lead the high-speed rail concept of plate
      published at Jul 2, 2010 @ China Real Estate News
      data indicate that the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, the national railway infrastructure investment is expected in about two trillion yuan; the Institute of Comprehensive Transportation under the National Development and Reform Commission estimated that the railway has already started projects to ensure the smooth completed in the next 5 years, the national railway investment plan of 3.5 trillion, an annual investment of more than 700 billion yuan.

      relatively recent trend of strong iron plate, a substantial adverse economic strength north and south two cars, China South Locomotive and once pulled up nearly 5%, led today's high-speed railway stocks up a large area. iron plates also have such certainty. the current real estate investment in China under the guidance of the control policyThe growth rate obviously slowed down. But Paul's economic growth, full employment protection is the market closely related to the topic of the parties, decline in real estate investment growth, while investment in the region must have a buffer to ease down on the scale of investment the negative impact of economic growth, so high-iron to improve the transport infrastructure in the environment there has strong momentum, a tightening of liquidity under a "green investment".
      schrieb am 14.07.10 11:18:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Hier nochmal die Website der Firma:

      Sind mittlerweile einige News rausgegangen! Stelle hier mal alle ab dem 09.07.10 rein!
      schrieb am 14.07.10 11:21:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      70% of SH-NJ intercity high-speed MUs built by CSR
      Source: CSR 2010-07-01 2010-07-09

      Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity High-speed Railway, which has been attracting extensive attention, was open to traffic on July 1. The 25 high-speed MUs, developed with a speed of 350km/h by CSR Qingdao Sifang Locomotive & Rolling Stock Co., Ltd., was put into operation as the major model of the railway. According to the source, the first batch of 35 MUs will run on the railway.
      Intercity high-speed railway is a rapid passenger transport system that caters to the needs for intercity and inter-town passenger transport and new public transportation. High-speed MU, marked by short distance, public transportation and high density, has become the optimal mode of regional rail transit development in China. According to the internal source, pull-through tests and simulative commissioning had been conducted for a month since June 1. With outstanding start-up and speed-up performance, braking performance and safety reliability, MUs can satisfy the features of intercity high-speed railways characteristic of “public transportation” such as multi-station stop, fast start-up and stop and high-density departure. The interior design gave full consideration to factors like sound insulation and noise reduction to increase riding comfort.

      As China’s major base for the R & D and manufacture of high-speed MUs, China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corporation Limited provided the first batch of MUs with a speed of 250km/h for the speed-up of the existing lines of Shanghai-Nanjing High-speed Railway early in January 2007, and has maintained safe and efficient operation over the three years. The model with a speed of 350km/h provided for the railway is superior to the model with a speed of 250km/h in power, air tightness, operation stability and aerodynamic performance, and is more technically complicated.

      According to the source, the railway is an intercity high-speed railway with the highest standard, longest mileage and fastest operation speed in China and the world. With an operating mileage of 301 kilometers, it runs through the core of the Yangtze River Delta that has the greatest concentration of cities, is more developed in productivity and grows fast, forms an “intercity effect” with cities like Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou and Zhenjiang, and has become a strong engine to boost the modernization of the Yangtze River Delta. In the future, the railway will join high-speed railways under construction such as Beijing-Shanghai, Shanghai-Kunming and Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu railways, and will boost the space of economic activities and radiation scope of productivity.

      Against the background of the grand Shanghai World Expo, as the major infrastructure serving the Expo, Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity High-speed Railway showcased the latest achievements in the development of high-speed railways in China by offering Chinese and foreign tourists quality rail travel services, and is conducive to expanding the international influence of Chinese advanced high-speed technologies, demonstrating the scientific and technology strength of the nation and establishing a new internal image.

      schrieb am 14.07.10 11:22:19
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      CSR digging machine bores through Chengdu metro tunnel two months earlier
      Source: CSR 2010-06-29 2010-07-09

      On June 27, mighty rumbles from the 22-meter-deep pumped well on East Square Station of Chengdu Subway Line 2 in Honghe announced that CSR’s first metro digging machine had bored through the left tunnel of Section 18 of Chengdu Subway Line two months ahead of schedule, setting a new record in the driving speed of metro digging machines in Sichuan and successfully writing the outstanding achievements of the first homemade metro digging machine.

      Chengdu is in a rare structure of water-rich sandy cobble stratum, for which Chengdu CSR Tunnel Equipment Co., Ltd. tailored an earth pressure balance metro digging machine. With a diameter of 6.26 meters, a weight of over 400 tons and a full length of over 80 meters, the machine integrated high technologies such as hydraulic pressure, electromechanical control, laser guidance and control and computer, was delivered to China Railway 23rd Bureau Group Co., Ltd. CR23g on December 31, 2009, and assumed the task of boring through the left and right tunnels with a total length of 2.8 kilometers in Section 18 of Chengdu Subway Line 2. The 1,398-meter left tunnel was launched this January 2 and open to traffic on June 27. During the construction period, the machine performed noticeably, with a daily driving speed and monthly driving speed of 28.5 meters and 457.5 meters respectively, setting new records in the driving speed of metro digging machines in Sichuan.

      According to Li Quanshe, chief mechanic of the Fifth Engineering Company of CR23g, the machine has outstanding performance, no blades were replaced in the full process of driving, and blades were found to be wearing-resistant through post-tunneling inspection. Thanks to the use of mechanized equipment, no safety accidents occurred during tunneling, the working environment of the constructors was favorable, and the construction progress was two months ahead of schedule.

      According to the source, the machine will be disassembled and transported to Donghonglu Station for short-term reconditioning, and will continue to serve the construction of the right tunnel of Section 18 of Chengdu Subway Line 2.

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      schrieb am 14.07.10 11:23:52
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      577 electric buses of CSR delivered to Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan
      Source: CSR 2010-07-08 2010-07-14

      On the morning of June 29, as the last hybrid bus pulled out of the electric bus assembly shop of CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd., all the 577 electric buses developed by the company have been put into the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan new energy vehicle demonstration project. Also, the company has become a professional electric vehicle manufacturer that boasts the largest delivery scale, the most varieties and the highest general technical strength at home.

      In 2009, CSR ZELRI successful won the bid for the demonstration project of 500 energy-conserving and new-energy vehicles in the national pilot area for “two-type” society in the “Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan” belt. Over the year, the company has delivered and put into operation 577 hybrid buses 209 for Changsha, 255 for Zhuzhou and 113 for Xiangtan. The electric bus model TEG6102PHEV put into operation is a mature and major electric bus model of the company. The model has two working modes-hybrid and traditional power, and is mature, simple in system structure and high in reliability.

      Now, the attendance of the electric buses delivered to Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan has topped 98%, equivalent to traditional buses powered by gasoline or diesel. The cumulative operating mileage has been up to 1.5 million kilometers, the single maximum operating mileage of the vehicles has topped 110,000 kilometers respectively. The actual fuel saving ratio per 100 kilometers has been over 20%, and the total amount of fuel saved has been up to 720,000 liters; the CO2, CO and NO emissions have reduced by 11,080 tons, 66 tons and 28 tons respectively, showing remarkable effects of emission reduction.

      According to the source, CSR has successfully entered key markets such as the Beijing Olympics, Shanghai World Expo and Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan energy-conserving and new energy vehicle demonstration project by its tremendous technical strength. The Shanghai World Expo contributed an order of 23 sets of parade systems, an order of 50% of electric systems, an order of 50% of ground chargers and an order of 100% of super-capacity electric systems. Also, CSR has become a well-deserved industrial pacesetter with bulk orders of new energy vehicle systems and vehicles from the Guangzhou Asian Games, Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2010 in Tianjin, International Solar Cities Initiative and TNT China Logistics.
      schrieb am 14.07.10 11:24:33
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Beijing Fanshan Subway Line uses core parts of CSR ZELRI
      Source: CSR 2010-07-08 2010-07-14

      On June 30, the metro vehicles on Fanshan Subway Line in Beijing started to us core parts developed and manufactured by CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co.,Ltd such as AC drive system, auxiliary power system, and train control and diagnosis system to increase the rate of train localization to 95%.

      It is learned that the institute has delivered four trains so far, with the remaining 17 to be delivered in the year.

      According to the source, the electric passenger vehicles on the line, coupled with four motors and trailers, 19m in length, 2.8 in width and 3.8m in height, boasts a maximum passenger capacity of 1,820, is China’s first Type-B electric metro vehicle with a speed of 100km/h, a localization rate of over 95% and completely independent intellectual property right, and has been up the advanced standard of domestic and overseas similar products in overall performance and technical indicators.
      schrieb am 14.07.10 11:26:49
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      CSR provides 4 hybrid buses for demonstrative tourist route of electric vehicles in Hunan
      Source: CSR 2010-07-07 2010-07-14
      On July 4, the first demonstrative tourist route of electric vehicles in Hunan was held on Xiangshan Square, Yanling. The first batch of four electric buses provided by CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd. was put into operation.

      At the launch ceremony, the person in charge of the institute, introduced the construction of electric vehicles of Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd. The pilot operation of the electric buses in Yanling took the first step in the construction and application of smart grids and made great efforts to seize opportunities and promote the building of an energy-conserving and environment-friendly society.

      New energy vehicles represent the development orientation of the auto industry, and the demonstrative operation of electric vehicles on the tourist route is of great help to protecting tourist environment, reducing carbon emission and enhancing urban environment.
      schrieb am 14.07.10 11:27:34
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      CSR escorts SH-NJ Intercity High-speed Railway
      Source: CSR 2010-07-08 2010-07-14

      Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity High-speed Railway was open to traffic on July 1. With a maximum speed of 350km/h, trains are dispatched every five minutes, up to 80 high-speed intercity MUs run on the line every day to accomplish real public operation between Shanghai and Nanjing, two attractive famous economic and cultural cities in east China, the line is an intercity high-speed railway line with the highest running speed and dispatch density in the world. 25 CRH2C MUs of CSR Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd. have run on the line, accounting for 70% of all MUs in operation.

      On the basis of the special geographical location of the railway and the special requirements of the Shanghai World Expo, the punctuality of arrival and departure of trains must be satisfactory was finally fixed at over 98% with a delay of less than 10 seconds. Thus, leaders of CSR at all levels attached great importance and made elaborate arrangements. Before formal operation, against the high temperature of 40 degrees, CSR President Zheng Changhong headed to Shanghai and Nanjing MU institutes for field instruction, to hold seminars and see front-line after-sale service teams working on the night. Zheng encouraged all the after-sale staff to carry forward the spirit of “working diligently and solidly” and resolutely fought a hard batter of escorting the formal operation of the railway to display the demeanor and quality of CSR, required that CSR should make meticulous, strict and solid preparations for operation on the basis of the requirements of Liu Zhijun, Minster of Railways, reminded everybody to give full consideration of the emergency plan, solve problems fast and duly, make corresponding summarization and work out the detailed training program geared to Shanghai Railway Bureau to ensure the safe and punctual operations of trains, and advocated giving full play to the collaborative advantage and capacity of all backbone units of the group for, coordinate and arrange persons in charge of major MU supporting enterprises of CSR such as Times Electric, CSR Electric Motor, Nanjing Haitai, CSR QSYRI and CSR Zhuzhou to gather on the sites of Shanghai and Nanjing to instruct the start-up and after-sale work of respective systems and parts to ensure the normal operations of all systems and equipment.

      To ensure the smooth operation of the railway, the leading body and after-sale staff of CSR SIFANG went all out. Chairman and Party Secretary Jiang Jing and General Manager Wan Jun convened several meetings before the opening of the line and personally arranged matters concerning post-opening after-sale services. The company decided to put the general manager and deputy general manager in charge of the special work mechanism for the field command of after-sale services to effectively guarantee the deployment of analysis and disposal of MU faults, overhaul of MUs and formulation of plans. To ensure the “zero-fault” release of MUs, through meticulous planning and scientific organization, on the basis of the existing after-sale service at Shanghai South Station, the company strengthened the after-sale force, established an after-sale service outlet in Nanjing, and formed an after-sale leadership group and emergency expert group headed by General Manager Wang Jun and persons in charge of all related departments. To escort the normal operations of MUs, on the basis of CSR’s requirements, the company incorporated over 30 major suppliers into the integrated management of after-sale services.

      Around the opening of the railway, General Manager Wang Jun and Deputy General Manager Zhao Jiaduo and Wang Rigang frequently headed to the MU after-sale outlets in Shanghai and Nanjing for work inspection and instruction, and took ride to find out the facts on the operations of MUs. Since June 24, Wang has stayed in the forefront of the after-sale service of the railway, taken ride every day, personally instructed after-sale services and held site work meetings. Aiming at the service guarantee for the railway, Wang required that after-sale staff should work solidly and meticulously, duly and accurately report information every day, and solve problems upon discovery and keep records. He noted that after-sale staff should attach great importance to working collectively and put into practice the expert remote knowledge system to provide good technical support for opening and operation, stressed that vehicle service facilities should be kept in good condition and after-sale service should be planned meticulously and organized scientifically to enhance service efficiency, and encouraged all after-sale staff to continue to carry forward the spirit of working diligently and solidly to ensure the safe and smooth opening and operation of the railway.

      CSR SIFANG attaches great importance to the work and life of after-sale staff. After the opening of the railway, headed by Deputy Party Secretary Wang Chenglong, the “Cool Delivery” team shuttled between Shanghai and Nanjing to convey care and encouragement to first-line after-sale staff.

      Now, the after-sale team of CSR SIFANG is ambitious. They give full play to the daring spirit of defying hardship and fatigue and working around the clock, conduct elaborate maintenance of MUs with the assistance of the MU bases and never let slip any fine fault or defect; the service team stays on watch for 24 hours, escorts the punctual and normal dispatch of every MU, brings back every MU safe and sound deep into night; after the formal operation of the trains, experts were sent every day to the dispatch desk for accurate, fast and timely diagnosis and disposal of any fault to ensure the safe and punctual operations of MUs. Despite the intolerable heat and the high temperature up to 40 degrees, the after-sale team which works over 16 hours a day never complaints or falls back. Ensuring the safe operation of every MU is their biggest concern.
      schrieb am 14.07.10 11:28:21
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      From Made in China to Created in China –An interview to Zhen Changhong, president of CSR
      Source: Reported by Chen Biao and Zhu Huiyao Release date: July 6, 2010 2010-07-14

      Before the gate of Chinese Railway Pavilion at World Expo site, a large number of visitors are rushing to take a group photo with the world fastest high-speed MU headed vehicle. The MU with maximum operation speed up to 380km/hour is the latest achievement of independent innovation from China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Industry Group Corporation CSR. CRS has solved lots of technical problems, which have impeded the development of Chinese railway industry. The technical route of “import—digestion—absorption--re-innovation” has enabled CRS to be on the forefront of high-speed railway epoch. “We have realized the transition from made in China to created in China.” said Zhen Changhong, president of CSR when he was exclusively interviewed by our reporter.

      It is impossible for any other countries to have such investment scale and construction speed

      People’s Pictorial: US president Barack Obama has first mentioned Chinese high-speed railway industry in the state of the union message of this year. Would you please account for the development of Chinese high-speed railway industry in the days to come and what a role for CSR will play in it?

      Zhen Changhong: Nowadays, low-carbon and emission reduction are advocated globally and green transportation has been a top choice of traveling for China and even the whole world. High-speed railway has numerous advantages of green transportation such as zero emission, energy-saving, environmental protection and high transportation efficiency.

      China has poured huge financial resource in high-speed railway construction. Since the starting of construction up to now, the high-speed mileage has reached 6552km, which ranks the first through the world. According to medium and long-term plan of railway network, the mileage of high-speed railway passenger line will hit 13,000km by 2012. As disclosed by the Ministry of Railways, this planned figure may be increased. By then, a national high-speed passenger network featuring a skeleton of “four vertical and four horizontal lines” will basically take shape. In the future, 1~8 hour accessible traffic ring centered on Beijing will be formed in China. Except Urumqi, Lhasa and Haikou, most of provincial capitals will be included into such fast traffic ring. By that time, China will have the biggest high-speed railway market. At present, 400 high-speed MUs are being operated on the lines. During the period of 12th five-year plan to come, the Ministry of Railways expects to have additional 2000 high-speed MUs.

      Since the global railway transportation is in such a rapid developing period, manufacturing enterprises like ours have definite bright prospects. For the moment, the supply of high-speed MUs cannot meet the demand. As a core enterprise to manufacture high-speed MUs, we have provided more than 70% products for Chinese high-speed railway markets. Therefore, CSR hopes to present its specialized and creative corporate image to the world and strive to be a pace-setter in domestic MU manufacture sector and a booster of international high-speed railway undertaking.

      People’s Pictorial: According to the statistics, more than 27,000 MUs is expected to be in possession for China in 2020, which shall be huge point of economic growth for CSR. What growth points else are available for CSR in the future?

      Zhen Changhong: It lies in green and low-carbon, which is the biggest growth point for China since this objective is put forward by Premier Wen. Currently, a great number of projects in China are undertaken with focus on it. How to be deeply involved it? Besides the production of energy-saving and environment-friendly high-speed MUs, CSR also involves in manufacture of high power AC drive diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, high-end urban rail and metro vehicles and other green environment-friendly vehicle models. Our diesel locomotive is a kind of green environment-friendly product, which is developed in cooperation with USA-based General Electric with its emission reduced by more than 30%. CSR has also applied good green technologies into wind power generation, electric vehicle and other fields. In addition, huge demand for high-speed railway is also presented in other countries. More than 50 countries have contacted with the Ministry of Railways, which include some countries like Russia and USA. However, only a few countries can provide high-speed MUs and China is among them.

      This year, the scale of CSR is among the first three producers in the industry of the world. By 2012, it will surely be number one. The reason is our output. Only a few enterprises can produce one hundred high-speed MUs and only a few countries require one hundred high-speed MUs annually. Each year, the Ministry of Railways purchases one thousand diesel locomotives and electric locomotives, one thousand passenger trains and tens of thousands of cargo trains. The ministry invested 800 billion yuan per annum, in which 700 billion yuan used for railway construction and 100 billion yuan for rail traffic equipment. Besides, light rail and subway registered a rapid growth. The subway projects of more than 20 cities have been approved by State Development and Reform Commission. More than 20 cities are waiting for the approval for their subway projects. Light rail and subway shall be an inevitable choice for cities to relieve their traffic pressure. So, the demand for light rail and subway is doubled year on year. The demand in 2008 is 1500. This figure was 3000 by 2009 and is expected to hit 5000 this year. It is impossible for any other countries to have such investment scale and construction speed. These are all the economic growth points of CSR in the coming years.

      During the period of six years, we have been working hard with all our efforts day and night.

      People’s Pictorial: This May witnessed the official appearance of home-made 380km/h high-speed MUs, which will be put into operation on Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway next year. Please tell us what a course CSR has passed through.

      Zhen Changhong: CSR has grasped the core technologies for R&D and manufacture of high-speed MUs in a systematical and comprehensive way and built a platform of design, manufacture and test for high-speed MUs. We have tackled 9 crucial core technologies, including traction electric transmission system and network control system, which are called as “heart” and “brain" of high-speed MUs respectively.

      CRH2 model CRH is a brand for China High-speed Railway created by the Ministry of Railways manufactured by CSR is a product with the highest localization rate in China, which reaches up to more than 95%. The model to be put into operation on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway is a new generation 380km/h high speed MUs with fully independent intellectual property.

      The high-speed MUs of CSR has gone through a journey of “import— digestion—absorption-- re-innovation”: In 2004, it was regarded as a starting point of Chinese high-speed railway construction. In January of that year, the State Council approved “the Medium and Long-term Plan for Railway Network”, in which 13,000km high-speed railway is planned to be built in China. Then, an idea was proposed that Chinese track traffic equipment manufacturing industry shall implement “introducing advanced technologies, carrying out joint design and production and creating Chinese brands” headed by the Ministry of Railways under the leadership of the State Council. Technologies have been introduced from Bombardier Canada, Alstom France, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Japan, Siemens Germany and other international advanced enterprises. Soon, by 2006 only 2 years later, the first home-made 200~250kg/h high speed MU rolled off the production line in Qingdao base of CSR. On April 18, 2007, it is time for Chinese railway to implement its 6th speed-up when CSR provided 47 MUs in one go, more than 90% of the trains put into operation on the lines. Since then, CSR has completed its building of high-speed MU system platform. Our manufacturing technologies and developing technologies have been raised to a new stage.

      On this basis, we launched the independent innovation of 300~350kg/h high speed MUs. By December, 2007, 300~350kg/h high speed trains were released. In September, 2008, CSR developed the internationally first long large marshalling sleeper car MU. In August 2008 and December 26, 2009, Beijing-Tianjin and Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railways were opened to traffic successively. The 350kg/h high speed trains made by our company were put into operation. On the railway line between Zhenzhou and Xi’an opened this year, we have created a new test speed up to 394.2km per hour.

      The development of 380A new generation high-speed MU designed for Beijing-Shanghai Railway is well under way. For the moment, the whole test train is under line test during non-operating time on railway line between Zhenzhou and Xi’an. A lot of test shall be performed in technologies including aerodynamic performance, pantograph-catenary''s current collecting performance, traction performance and other relevant specialized fields so as to carry out practical test of the whole train in performance index, safety index and traveling comfort index etc. One thousand sensors have been erected in the train as checking points. Any problem occurs in a checking point will be feed back to the control system. So, for present high-speed MUs, the faster, the safer. We have substantive scientific test foundations and operation and maintenance experiences, which are our advantages.

      During the period of six years, we have been immersing ourselves in the work day and night, which have been said jokingly as “5+2” and “white plus black” day plus night. Quite a few engineers and technicians often work to late night without holidays and weekends. Even on Spring Festival, only one day is free. During the initial period of import, we have put forward an investment concept of “1:3”, namely, for one dollar in technology, we shall put in three dollars for digestion and absorption. We focus on the investment in laboratory, test equipment and means because many technologies of high-speed MU need to be tested repeatedly. For the high-speed MU project, 14 key scientific research institutes including Institute of Mechanics, Institute of Computers under Chinese Academy of Sciences, 20 academicians and ten thousand scientific researchers have participated in the project. The foreigners said that we have done what they need to spend 40 years. We said to ourselves that we have to take one day as three or five days in our work.

      Nowadays, our products have been exported to 40 countries and regions. Last year, the overseas orders achieve a substantial growth of 60%. At present, the overseas orders accounts for around 10% of our revenue. This figure is expected to reach 20% in the future. Before, the export of CSR is focused on fittings and now the whole vehicles have been the main products of our export, in which high added-value locomotives, MUs and urban rail and subway vehicles accounts for 70-80%. Along with the larger scale, the market areas are becoming wider and wider. If high-speed trains can be exported, they enjoy high added-value and will be the most powerful representation of “created in China”.

      On November 17, 2009, during the US president Obama''s visit to China, a memorandum was signed between the Ministry of Railways and US General Electric Co. Ltd. Both sides promised to seek for intensified cooperation in USA’s high-speed railway projects for more than 350km/h. USA hopes to introduce high-speed railway technologies and is taking the road we have walked through. During a visit to China last year, Gary Locke, head of US Department of Commerce said that, 100 years ago, China exported railway labors to America while after 100 years, China exports railway technologies to America. We have realized the transition from made in China to created in China. We are immensely proud of participating in starting an epoch of Chinese high-speed railwa
      schrieb am 15.07.10 08:36:44
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Chairman of Sichuan Province Federation of Trade Unions Li Dengju Inspects CSR Chengdu
      Source: CSR Issued on: 2010-07-13 2010-07-15

      In the morning on July 7, Standing Member of Sichuan Province Committee and Chairman of Sichuan Province Federation of Trade Unions Li Dengju inspected CSR Chengdu in tandem with 20 leaders of provincial and municipal trade unions like the Standing Member of Chengdu Municipal Committee and Chairman of Chengdu City Federation of Trade Unions Bao Hui etc.

      Accompanied by party and political work leaders like Secretary of CSR Chengdu Party Committee Zhao Xiaoqian, Vice General Manager of CSR Chengdu Yang Song, Cai Dequan, and Vice Chairman of CSR Chengdu Trade Union Wang Jirong, Li Dengju and her team successively inspected the diesel oil locomotive workshop, locomotive workshop, and general assembly workshop as well as expressed their deep concern to employees.
      schrieb am 15.07.10 08:47:26
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      habe mir einige ins Depot geholt, schauen mir mal ???:keks:
      schrieb am 15.07.10 08:51:44
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      CSR Qishuyan Titled “Model Enterprise” at the “Well-off Cup” Contest
      Source: CSR Issued on: 2010-07-13 2010-07-15

      In the evening on July 6, All China Federation of Trade Unions and State Administration of Work Safety jointly convened National “Well-off Cup” Contest Commendation & Experience Communication Videophone Conference in Beijing, and CSR was honored the “Model Enterprise” title in tandem with other 41 domestic counterparts at the “Well-off Cup” Contest.

      Vice Chairman of All China Federation of Trade Unions, Vice Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, and Secretary of the Secretary Office Qiao Chuanxiu and Director of State Administration of Work Safety Luo Lin made lectures at the conference that was presided over by Vice Chairman of All China Federation of Trade Unions and Secretary of the Secretary Office Zhang Mingqi and attended by Director of State Administration of Coal Mine Safety Zhao Tiechui, Vice Director Huang Yi, Vice Railway Minister Hu Yadong, Vice Health Minister Chen Xiaohong etc.

      Since the launching of the “Well-off Cup” Contest, CSR Qishuyan earnestly organized employees to participate in the contest, and it organically integrated the “Well-off Cup” contest with other work like “Safety Month” Activity, “Safety Warning Day” Activity, “Safety Emergency Handling Pre-plan Drilling” and “Incorporation of Grassroots Qualified Model Trade Union” etc., so as to strongly promote the construction of the corporate safety culture. At the meantime, it organized employees to partake in the “Well-off Cup”-“Cases and Safety” Lecture Contest sponsored by Jiangsu Province Federation of Trade Unions, convened Labor Protection Supervision & Examination Committee of the Employee Representative Convention and members of the Trade Union Labor Protection Supervision & Examination Team to conduct large-scale inspection on the company’s safety production, in addition to supervising and examining the rectification work. It also published books and CDs in respect of safety production like Analysis on Employees’ Injury & Death Accidents, Protection of Legal Rights of Migrant Workers in Cities, and Employees’ Safety Production Knowledge –Prevention for Accidents etc., planned and designed Family Love Needs Safety, Bilingual Manual on Safety Education, and safety education pictures & cartoons exhibition tour, sponsored a series of safety culture activities for instance, it produced safety cartoon poker to issued the poker to production team, and organized the “Five Comparisons and Five Goods” labor contest for standardizing locomotive drivers’ work. These activities contribute to standardizing employees’ operation behaviors, improving the work teams’ service quality, and advancing the company’s safety production. Of which, the company’s “Love Life and Care Safety” locomotive driver safety operation demonstration VCR was awarded the “Third Prize of Safety Promotion Film” in the National Safety Culture VCR Works Competition. Since the founding of “Well-off Cup” Contest, the company’s all departments of different levels attached much importance to the activity, and they conducted extensive promotion and earnestly organized employees to take part in the contest, with the result that the company achieved favorable performance. In addition to being honored “Eminent Enterprise of National Well-off Cup Contest” for seven consecutive years, the company was also titled “Model Enterprise of National Well-off Cup Contest” by the “Well-off Cup” Contest Organizing Committee.
      schrieb am 15.07.10 08:52:20
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Xu Shousheng Inspects CSR Zhuzhou’s Three Subsidiaries
      Source: CSR Issued on: 2010-07-13 2010-07-15

      Recently, Acting Governor of Hunan Province and Vice Secretary of Hunan Province Committee Xu Shousheng and his team, accompanied by Secretary of Zhuzhou Municipal Committee Chen Junwen and Mayor of Zhuzhou City Wang Qun etc., successively inspected CSR Zhuji, CSR ZELRI, and CSR Motor.

      During the process of inspecting the CSR Zhuji’s urban rail business department, locomotive business department, and bogie business department, Vice Secretary Xu, when hearing that the locomotive general assembly factory has more than 70 years of history, said with gladness: “It actually exemplifies contemporary industrial civilization, and we should pass it on”. After hearing the report on CSR Zhuji’s capacity, comprehensive technical level, and overseas market development from Mr. Liu Ning, Vice Secretary Xu gave high recognition to the company’s achievements, and he said that CSR Zhuji should continue forging ahead to actively develop the international market.

      When inspecting the CSR ZELRI, Xu Shousheng personally experienced a newly-researched pure electric bus power consumption: 0.7KWH/km that was energy-saving and environmentally-friendly, and then he said with rejoicing: “CSR ZELRI upheld the internationalized operation philosophy and introduced advanced technologies and talents all over the world, which should be advocated”. Mr. Xu spoke highly of CSR ZELRI’s performances that were achieved through depending on core technologies, realizing concentrically diversified development, and building up the first-class brand in China rail transit traction electric drive sector. In addition, Mr. Xu also inspired CSR ZELRI to keep pace with Chinese government’s requirements for the construction of “Two-oriented Society” Resource-saving and Environmentally-friendly, in addition to actively developing strategically burgeoning industries like wind power and electric vehicle.

      At the CSR Motor, Xu Shousheng gave high recognition to CSR Motor for its products’ extraordinary performances in China railway’s heavy freight transportation and high-speed passenger transportation development process. Mr. Xu noted that to achieve long-term development, enterprises should accord with the requirements for the construction of “Two-oriented Society”, and they should actively develop the “Two-oriented” industry. He hoped that CSR Motor could implement and carry out the scientific outlook on development in an all-round manner, make endeavor to intensify its leading place, and do its utmost to achieve “First Development, Innovative Development, and Scientific Development”, so as to make more contributions for Hunan Province’s social and economic development.
      schrieb am 15.07.10 09:03:45
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.823.465 von JanaFee am 15.07.10 08:47:26Ich kann über die Kursentwicklung leider auch nicht sehr viel sagen, da der chinesische Markt nicht so transparent ist, aber der Newsflow ist für mich mehr als optimistisch. Wenn da keine schlechten Nachrichten folgen, dürfte der Kurs seine langfristige Reise gen Norden fortsetzen. Meiner Meinung nach entsteht da ein großer Komkurrent für Siemens und Co.
      schrieb am 15.07.10 12:59:09
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Wieviel bekommste denn pro Beitrag dafür ???? Wieder mal eine China Abzocke !!! so 90 % minus sollten doch drin sein....oder stellen die auch Mondkuchen her so wie good life China

      Viel Glück
      schrieb am 15.07.10 13:48:02
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.825.196 von Expertchen007 am 15.07.10 12:59:09Haha :laugh::laugh::laugh:......ich bekomm pro Eintrag eine Chinareise geschenkt und 500,-€auf mein Konto überwiesen. Kann man hier eigentlich noch Threads aufmachen ohne so ein blödes Geschwätz vorgeworfen zu bekommen. Wenn Du dir die artikel vorher durchgelesen hättest, dann wüßtest Du worum es geht. Am besten liest du nur die zwei Artikel vom Spiegel, das dürfte reichen. Ich habe den Thread hier aufgemacht, weil es keinen gibt und ich mit anderen infos austauschen will, auch wenn die Nachfrage in Europa gleich null ist. Wird in Asien gut gehandelt. CSR hat ein Monopol in China für Eisenbahnen und die bauen ihr Netz in gigantischem Ausmass aus. Manchmal ist es ratsam sein Gehirn einzuschalten bevor man einen Beitrag postet. Als ob alle die von einer Sache überzeugt sind Pusher wären! :laugh::laugh:
      Schau Dir halt die Zahlen an Scherzkeks! ;)
      schrieb am 15.07.10 13:54:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      “Xu Xiufeng Studio" established by CSR Shijiazhuang
      Source: CSR Issued on: 2010-07-14 2010-07-15

      Recently, CSR Shijiazhuang has established “Xu Xiufeng Studio” with Xu Xiufeng, who is a national model worker and professor senior engineer as a technical leader, which is one of the first 10 staff innovative studios awarded by Trade Union of Shijiazhuang Municipality.

      “Xu Xiufeng Studio” is mainly responsible for research and development of new products, overhauled products technical service, training of highly skilled staff and workers and other missions. It has been concentrated with elite in innovative research and development of the company, which includes 1 professor senior engineer, 4 senior engineers, 8 engineers and 1 technical expert. The establishment of the studio will not only set up a new platform for staff and workers to invent new technologies and create new approaches but also shoulder major duties in pushing forward the technological progress of the company.
      schrieb am 15.07.10 14:24:08
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.825.540 von ToBeMe am 15.07.10 13:48:02du machst es super, man ist gut informiert.... weiter so, danke !!!
      schrieb am 15.07.10 15:16:46
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Vielen Dank! ;)
      schrieb am 16.07.10 08:25:43
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      alle zahlen, charts und kurse zu der aktie findet ihr hier: (direkt von der quelle)…

      news search:…


      Expertchen007 scheint ja ein richtiger experte ueber china zu sein ;)
      schrieb am 16.07.10 08:42:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Das hier ist ein klares Langzeitinvestment und nichts für Zocker die von gigantischen Kurssprüngen pro Tag ausgehen. Die Kurve kann sich auf jedenfall sehen lassen. Die bauen im Moment die schnellsten Züge der Welt und Technik aus China ist nicht mehr der Müll, den wir von Anfang 2000 kennen. Die unterziehen ihre Züge den gleichen Qualitätschecks wie wir auch und die Nachfrage ist sehr hoch. Es bleibt nur abzuwarten, ob die Technik auf Dauer hält was sie verspricht. Wenn ja, dann dürfen sich Siemens und Co. warm anziehen!
      schrieb am 16.07.10 09:56:33
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      ich sehe das unternehmen nicht als konkurrent zu den bestehenden.
      wie du schon richtig siehst, ist dies ein langzeit investment.

      das grosse potential liegt aber am netzausbau in china selbst. die wird das unternehmen langfristig staerken und fuer wachstum sorgen.

      alles andere ist ein netter bonus.

      gruss aus shenzhen

      schrieb am 24.07.10 20:08:17
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Mal wieder ein paar News:

      China South Locomotive gets RMB 8.6-bln worth production deal
      Published: 20 Jul 2010 00:37:20 PST

      Jul. 20, 2010 (China Knowledge) - China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock<601766><1766> has won the bid for a supply contract to provide RMB 8.6 billion worth of a total 590 units of 7,200-kilowatt electric locomotives, sources reported.

      The contract value accounts for 18.5% of the operation revenue in 2009, the firm said.

      Reportedly, a consortium initiated by China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock has withdrawn from a construction contract bid to start a 450-kilometer railway project worth around US$$7 billion in Saudi Arabia.

      The Chinese locomotive producer reaped RMB 356 million in net profit in the first quarter of this year, reflecting a year-on-year jump of 84.55%, and its earnings per share were RMB 0.03.
      schrieb am 24.07.10 20:10:20
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Also wenn das mal keine guten Nachrichten sind!! :D

      China's South Locomotive in $592 mln Malaysia deal
      Ads by Google

      SHANGHAI, July 24 (Reuters) - China's South Locomotive said on Saturday it had entered into an agreement with the Malaysian government to supply interurban rail vehicles worth 1.89 billion ringgit ($591.9 million).

      South Locomotive, listed on both the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges, said the contract value equalled about 8.6 percent of its total sales for 2009.

      ($1=3.200 Malaysian Ringgit)

      (Reporting by Soo Ai Peng; Editing by Ron Popeski)
      schrieb am 26.07.10 08:55:39
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Hab da noch was Interessantes gefunden:

      CSR (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) wins electric locomotives project
      [Date:07-19-2010] Source: Infocast News

      China South Locomotive & Rolling (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) (CSR) announced that it recently received a notice from China National Technical Import and Export Corporation confirming its successful bidding for a project of 590 units of high-powered A/C six-axle 7,200kW electric locomotives with a total value amounting to RMB8.6 billion.

      The total bidding price accounts for 18.5% of the total revenue of CSR in 2009.
      schrieb am 26.07.10 08:56:35
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Ordentlicher Newsflow zur Zeit:

      China South Locomotive (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) agrees 4b contract in Malaysia
      [Date:07-26-2010] Source: Quam

      Domestic media reported that China South Locomotive (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) and Rolling Stock Corp. (CSR) last Saturday announced one its subsidiaries had secured a 4-billion-yuan (591.9 million U.S. dollars) contract to supply rail vehicles in Malaysia.

      The contract agreed by CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co. and the Transport Ministry of Malaysia requires the vehicles to be delivered by May 2012, said Dai Binggang, senior manager of the company.
      schrieb am 27.07.10 10:32:14
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      SGTE’s First Batch of Air Conditioning Units for 350km/h EMU Put into Shipment
      Source: CSR Issued on: 2010-07-16 2010-07-27

      On July 15, Shijiazhuang Guoxiang Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd.’s independently researched and manufactured 16 EU651 air conditioning units first batch for 350km/h EMU were put into shipment, which marked that the company achieved new progress in R&D and production of air conditioning units for new-generation EMU.

      Such air conditioning unit, geared to the new-generation EMU’s passenger compartment, adopts R407C environmentally-friendly refrigerant and all-new high-performance air conditioning compressor, and it takes advantage of “vibration source’s noise reduction” and “outward transfer of deadening vibration” research fruits so that it completely and utterly adopts low smoke halogen-free and flame resistance cable. With the application of new technologies, new materials, and new techniques, air conditioning unit in the new-generation EMU’s passenger compartment is more environmentally-friendly and user-friendly, and its refrigerating system gets further improved and can meet new-generation high-speed EMU’s application environment.
      schrieb am 27.07.10 10:33:54
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Rail Transit Electric Traction Engineering Forum held in Zhuzhou City
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 15, 2010 2010-07-27

      During July 13 to 14, the “Rail Transit Electric Traction Engineering Forum”, which was touted as the “Academic Summit” in China rail transit equipments sector and jointly sponsored by Industry Engineering Technology Committee of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Hunan Province Sci-tech Department, and CSR, was ceremoniously held at CSR ZELRI, and the forum brought together renowned scholars, academicians, and experts in the industry.

      10 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering including Wang Dianzuo, Wu Hequan, Tan Jianrong, Tang Renyuan, Li Hongzhi, Huang Chongqi, Lu Bingheng, Zhao Xu, Duan Zhengcheng, and Liu Youmei participated in the forum that was attended by scholars and experts from higher education institutions, leaders of Hunan Province Sci-tech Department, President of CSR Zheng Changhong, Vice President Tang Kelin, and Chief Engineer Zhang Xinning. The forum fell into special report and special invitation report, which were respectively presided over by Zhang Xinning and Liu Youmei.

      China rail transit equipment industry witnessed fast-rate growth over past years, and particularly the rail transit electric traction technology achieved the most remarkable progress. Thanks to years of technical introduction and independent innovation, such technology has hit a world-class level, and there is a China-characteristic technical standard and system. With respect to relevant technical issues, leaders, academicians, and experts had in-depth discussion and communication at the forum.

      Five experts from CSR i.e., Ding Rongjun, Yang Ying, Zhang Hong, Long Guzong, and Feng Jianghua, in consideration of the low-carbon, energy-saving, and environmentally-friendly industries’ demands and focusing on such key technologies as electric traction variable current control, network control, complete vehicle system integration, traction transformer, and traction motor etc., successively made some keynote reports themed on Research and Development of Contemporary Rail Traction Drive and Control Technologies, Research of Urban Rail Transit Low-carbon Technology Application, Research of High-speed Train’s Dynamics, Innovative Research and Application of High-speed EMU Traction Transformer, and “Research of Rail Transit Permanent-Magnetic Synchronized Traction System. These reports epitomized the overall situation and achievements of China’s electric traction technology, in addition to giving introduction to future rail transit electric traction technology’s high safety, high stability, high efficiency, and low energy consumption etc., which received high recognition from present academicians.

      Four academicians namely, Wu Hequan, Tan Jianrong, Tang Renyuan, and Huang Zongqi shared their special invitations reports with attendees at the forum, such as Two-oriented Merger and Five-oriented Manufacture, Key Generic Technologies in respect of Digitized Design and Manufacture and their Applications, Key Technological Issues in R&D of Rare Earth PM Motor, and New Progress of Rail Transit Electric Traction Introduction Contact Conductor. By virtue of special viewpoints, simple and accessible language, vivid and appropriate metaphor, four academicians displayed numerous scientific research fruits as well as put forward lots of constructive opinions and proposals.

      Former Executive Vice President of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director of the Industry Engineering Technology Committee of Chinese Academy of Engineering Wang Dianzuo academician made a conclusive speech at the forum, and he noted that all academicians and experts made elaborate reports and precise discussions, and their viewpoints were novel and of strong academic and application values, which were bound to actively boost the development of China rail transit equipment industry.

      During the communication at the forum there were remarkable spotlights and all attendees actively brought forth their own viewpoints. On the stage, all academicians and experts had discussion with present members on their research sectors and topics as well as up-to-date technical researches in the rail transit sector. Below the stage, guests inquired of academicians and experts about a series of questions like advanced technologies in China rail transit electric traction industry, large-power traction drive system’s technical hard nuts in actual engineering applications, and low-carbon technology’s application vision in urban rail transit etc., and all questions were answered one by one.
      In the wake of the forum, academicians and experts inspected CSR Zhuji’s three subsidiary arms.
      schrieb am 27.07.10 10:34:57
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      344 Graduates Join CSR Zhuji
      Source: CSR Issued on: July, 19, 2010 2010-07-27

      On July 14, more than 300 graduates from 68 higher education institutions in 23 cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Wuhan, Chengdu, and Harbin came to CSR Zhuji for employment registration, and among them, 82 graduates were conferred the “Master Degree” and 262 conferred the “Bachelor’s Degree”.

      It is learned that compared to previous years, the company has achieved breakthrough in the college distribution and educational level etc. For instance, as to college distribution, it mainly fixed eyes on graduates from China’s key higher education institutions, and it also endeavored to recruit graduates from characteristic departments of railway colleges. With respect to profession, it focused on graduates from such departments as machinery, electric, and materials processing, in a bid to cater for its “3+X” industry pattern and meet its demands for talents. During the recruiting process, CSR Zhuji also underscored the inspection to graduates’ comprehensive quality, and it would firstly recruit graduates who won “Double Degree”, or passed CET-6 or NCRE-II, or served as CPC member, or achieved municipal-level or above prizes in school, or held the position of Cadre of Students’ Union and Youth League Working Committee, or excelled at sports, art & entertainment, calligraphy, and painting etc.

      It is very crucial for the company to learn how to make graduates speedily know well the enterprise, transform their roles, and complete the evolution from students to professional workers and qualified employees. At the “2010 Conference for Welcoming Newly-employed Graduates” held on July 16, the Vice Secretary of the CSR Zhuji Party Committee and Chairman of Trade Union Guo Pengfei and Vice General Manager Luo Chongfu had further communication with newly-employed graduates. After that, the company management and relevant department principals offered them trainings in respect of enterprise operation strategy, human resources and career development, enterprise development VS youth development, enterprise’s commercial secret promotion and management, and enterprise’s core technologies and development etc.
      schrieb am 27.07.10 10:36:09
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      CSR Ziyang Succeeds in Homemade EMU Electric Connector
      Source: CSR Issued on: 2010-07-22 2010-07-27

      Recently, CSR Ziyang’s EMU electric connector passed the China Academy of Railway Sciences’ type Electric connector is one of key components associated with EMU’s driving safety. In 2005, CSR Ziyang solely introduced electric connectors from Japan YUTAKA, and these electric connectors were mainly used in high-speed trains, quasi-high-speed trains, EMUs, metro vehicles, and light rail vehicles. After that, CSR Ziyang achieved the license to solely manufacture and sell foresaid products in China.

      From complete introduction to components assembly and then to trial localization, CSR Ziyang passed Japan Kawasaki’s FAI certification, and its components successively passed YUTAKA Company’s certification and the China Academy of Railway Sciences’ type test, with the result that CSR Ziyang realized the batch production. At the present day, all performance parameters and indexes of CSR Ziyang’s EMU connectors, after being tested, hit the world advanced level.

      To protect the electric connector’s intellectual property, CSR Ziyang, during the process of components assembling and trial localization of connectors, capitalized on “Introduction, Assimilation, and Re-innovation” mode to achieve 10 new and practical state-level patents.
      schrieb am 27.07.10 10:39:02
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Also bei dem Newsflow darf man wohl davon ausgehen, dass die Aktie mal wieder anziehen sollte, auch wenn ich davon leider noch nichts merke! :(
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:00:10
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      CSR Zhuji’s “World Expo Metro Vehicle” Undergoes 140 million person-times of Running Test
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 22, 2010 2010-07-27

      “Since April 15 when ’‘Shanghai World Expo Metro Volunteer Guarantee Activity’’ kicked off, the 600 metro vehicles, which were research and produced by CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd., have maintained “Zero Rescue and Zero Passenger Vacancy” running record to this day. So far, it has transported more than 140 million person-times of passengers safely, which is equivalent to eight relocations to Shanghai City’s total population”, said Yan Desheng, Regional Service Representative resident in CSR Zhuji Shanghai Metro Department, while being interviewed during the “Hunan Week” held by Shanghai World Expo.

      It is learned that CSR Zhuji’s metro vehicles mainly serve Shanghai Metro Line 1, Line 4, and Line 11. Since the opening of Shanghai World Expo, the three lines will respectively transport 1.28 million person-times, 800,000 million person-times, and 180,000 million person-times of passengers each day. Aside from 27 of 49 metro vehicles along the Line 1 that were manufactured by CSR Zhuji, 28 metro vehicles along the Line 4 and 26 metro vehicles in service along the Line 11 were supplied by CSR Zhuji. By July 18, CSR Zhuji’s all vehicles functioned well, and these vehicles’ total running mileage hit about 1.30 million kilometers. Moreover, there was no significant accident during the running period, and about 1.685 million person-times of passengers took CSR Zhuji’s metro vehicles per day on the average.

      Why CSR Zhuji’s metro vehicles can undergo such tough running test?

      After the 100-day-long Shanghai World Expo Professional Metro Guarantee Service came to the end, Yan Desheng said: “CSR Zhuji’s strong technical strength, favorable product quality, and considerate after-sales service are three key factors to ensure the safe running of the World Expo metro vehicles.

      Yan Desheng noted: “CSR Zhuji has profound accumulation in urban rail vehicle research & production technologies of European origin. So far, CSR Zhuji is the only enterprise passing IRIS Standard in China rolling stock industry, and it has developed urban rail vehicle design technology platform, manufacture technology platform, product technology platform, and business platform with independent intellectual property. It also produces products fully in line with IRIS standard, thus its products can meet high-standard and high-intensity operation demands”.

      Chief Expert of CSR Zhuji Chen Xihong said: “To meet the demand for fast passenger transportation, Shanghai Metro Line 11, for instance, requires that the vehicle’s hourly speed should hit 100km, while in domestic market, only CSR Zhuji can develop 100km/h Type A metro vehicle to meet such running demand.”

      Surely, the safe running of the World Expo metro vehicles is also conditional on quality service guarantee. Yan Desheng said that as early as March before the opening of the World Expo, CSR Zhuji signed agreement to become Shanghai World Expo’s first round of volunteer service unit for professional metro guarantee. After Shanghai City launched the “World Expo Metro Guarantee Activity” in the middle 10 days of April, CSR Zhuji assigned dozens of site service personnel to make “Base-type, Resident-style, and Trial Drive” guarantee plan so as to ensure the vehicle running in an all-round and multi-angle manner during the World Expo period.

      While being interviewed on the arduous work for ensuring the safe running of the World Expo metro vehicles, Yan Desheng said: “our driving guarantee personnel stayed in the vehicle for more than 10 hours each day, so as to efficiently resolve the problem in the event of driving malfunction, as well as to ensure the vehicle’s efficient running. If the transportation pressure is relatively small, our driving guarantee personnel will adopt “Resident Mode”, namely, each personnel will take charge of one section, and all personnel shall stay within their responsible section during the vehicle’s running hours, so as to assure the vehicle’s normal operation. As to maintenance personnel on the base, they should shift work within 24hours in two metro bases. To ensure the vehicle’s normal starting on the next day, they usually busied themselves till seven o’clock of the next day.”

      Yan Desheng added: “So far, CSR Zhuji has delivered 31 vehicles 186 cars to Shanghai Line 11 North Section Vehicle Engineering Project, of which, 26 vehicles have been put into running, which can fully meet Line 11’s running requirements”.

      It is learned that CSR Zhuji now is busying itself in producing metro vehicles for Guangzhou Asian Game. Yan Desheng revealed that CSR Zhuji would introduce its experiences in the Shanghai World Expo into Guangzhou Asian Games.
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:00:59
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      CSR Zhuji Achieves Breakthrough in Metro Stainless Steel Vehicle Body
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 15, 2010 2010-07-27

      On July 6, CSR convened experts from CSR Sifang, CSR Puzhen and Beijing Rail Transit Construction Management Co., Ltd., and Guangzhou Metro Corporation to conduct examination to CSR Zhuji Type B metro vehicle’s stainless steel body technology design.

      The experts team earnestly examined and read Type B metro stainless steel body technology’s design materials, heard CSR Zhuji’s introduction in respect of project implementation, technical design, strengthen & mode calculation, and vehicle interface etc., and visited the manufacture site.

      In the end, the experts’ team noted that the project design plan met requirements of such standards as GB/T 7928 and EN 12663, and the overall technical scheme was feasible. CSR Zhuji referred to and firstly introduced European advanced design philosophy in the connection structure between the underframe’s bolster and curb girder as well as in sidewall frame’s stereo joint. Also, the experts team capitalized on software like Hypermesh and Ansys to conduct finite element calculation & analysis to the body structure, and concluded that strength, rigidity, and mode indexes fully met Type B metro stainless steel body’s relevant requirements.

      CSR Zhuji’s success in passing the examination symbolizes that it has achieved historical breakthrough in stainless steel urban rain vehicle sector. At present, not only can CSR Zhuji design aluminum alloy body urban rail vehicle but also the stainless steel body urban rail vehicle, which makes CSR Zhuji take up the favorable position in the urban rail industry.
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:01:39
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      First Vehicle for Tainjin Metro Line 3 Rolls off Production Line
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 16, 2010 2010-07-27

      On July 16, the first vehicle for Tianjin Metro Line 3, which was manufactured by CSR Sifang, rolled off the production line in Qingdao. The vehicle adopts “Mc-T-M-T-T-Mc” 3M3T formation, with maximum speed hitting 80km/h, and its designated passenger size hits 1440 persons, with maximum passengers rocketing to 1832 persons.

      The vehicle of Tianjiin Metro Line 3, mainly in blue color, displays Tianjin City’s characteristics of being the port city, and its vehicle body adopts internationally advanced light-weight stainless steel body technology that features strong anti-corrosion ability, long service life, and excellent energy-saving & environmentally-friendly performance.

      In terms of human-centric design and safety, the vehicle is more eye-catching. At the cab’s front window, it adopts super large anti-impact electrically heated glass so as to broaden the driver’s viewing angle to front signal to the maximum and ensure the train’s running safety. Also, the vehicle adopts the international tiptop fireproof standard, camera system, and fire alarm system, with its seat shape catering for ergonomic requirements. It employs high-quality glass steel that is steady, anti-skid, and easy to be cleaned. In every compartment there is LED large-size screen, which can broadcast programs of different channels in real time through the wireless network. The compartment is also equipped with emergence alarm device, and in the event of emergency, passengers can call the driver through the device so as to help the driver efficiently handle the efficiency. Needless to say, the vehicle has automatic drive function, by which the driver can select the “Automatic Drive Mode” and fix the vehicle’s running in specific section. In the event that the vehicle gets close to front train, it will automatically slow down its speed and keep distance to the front train.

      As Tianjin’s backbone line extending from the southwest to the northeast, the Metro Line 3, in tandem with the Tianjin Metro Line 1 and Line 2, constitutes Tianjin Fast Rail Transit Network’s basic framework. The line starts at Huayuan Industry Park of Xiqing District in the south and arrives at Xiaodian of Beichen District in the north, with total length amounting to 29.66km. At the initial phase, there are 23 stations in total along the line, and it is predicted that the line will be put into trial running in July 2011.

      It is learned that as the important R&D and production base of China’s high-speed trains and urban rail transit vehicles, CSR Sifang has totally won orders of nearly 2200 vehicles from more than 10 metro lines at home and abroad, and its products received warm welcome from customers. To this day, the company can produce 1000 urban rail metro vehicles each year.
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:02:46
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Cross-straits Journalists Walk into CSR Zhuji to Experience the Charm of the “Capital of Trains”
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 20, 2010 2010-07-27

      On July 17, “Cross-straits Media’s Visit to Hunan Province” joint interview team arrived at CSR Zhuji to experience the charm of the “Capital of Trains” at the manufacture site.

      It is learned that the interview team’s visit to CSR Zhuji aims to make warm-up promotion for the “2010 Entering Taiwan Hunan Week & the 6th Hunan-Taiwan Exchanges and Cooperation Conference on Economy and Trade” that will kick off in Taiwan at the beginning of August. All told, 21 media agencies including Taiwan’s mainstream media like the United Daily News, China Times, CtiTV, TVBS, SET, and EBC etc. and domestic media like CCTV and Hunan TV partook in the interview in tandem with more than 40 journalists. At the meantime, Vice General Manager of CSR Zhuji Luo Chongfu accompanied them.

      The interview team firstly heard Mr. Luo Chongfu’s brief introduction to the company, and then journalists successively visited the Factory History Museum, Urban Rail Department, and Locomotive Department and climbed to the metro vehicle that would be shipped and delivered to the Shanghai World Expo. CSR Zhuji’s time-honored development history, profound industrial background, extraordinary overseas performances left deep mark on journalists’ memories, and all journalists spoke highly of CSR Zhuji’s superb technical R&D strength and first-class design & production level. “All products here were independently researched and developed, and CSR is of high technical strength, while enterprises in Taiwan cannot match it”, “In Shanghai we ever took “Made in CSR Zhuji” metro vehicle that was modernized and cozy”, “few of Taiwan Enterprises can keep abreast of CSR Zhuji”, some journalists from Taiwan were quoted as saying. Vice President of the Common Daily Zhang Hongguan said that he would actively promote CSR Zhuji as well as boost the cooperation between Zhuzhou City and Taiwan after his return to Taiwan.

      Taiwan media agencies’ group interview and report to Hunan Province will strongly display and promote the economic & social development fruits in both Hunan Province and Taiwan. That will speed up Hunan Province and Taiwan’s communication and cooperation in economy & trade, culture, and media news etc., as well as enhance both regions’ knowledge to one another.
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:03:17
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      CSR Sifang Recognized as “State AAAA Standardized Enterprise with Favorable Behaviors”
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 22, 2010 2010-07-27

      From July 15 to 16, Experts Team of Standardization Administration of China including 7 members examined and approved CSR Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd.’s standardization work for favorable behaviors and creation work.

      Within two days, the Experts Team heard CSR Sifang’s work report in respect of enterprise standardization work and creation of state AAAA standardized favorable behaviors. Meanwhile, the team also watched the picture demonstration, visited the production site, and examined and spot-checked relevant documents and materials on site. Through scoring tested items one by one, the Experts Team eventually calculated out CSR Sifang’s total score- 486, which met the requirement to Level-AAAA enterprises with standardized favorable behaviors score: 460, and heralded CSR Sifang’s success in passing the “State AAAA Standardized Enterprise with Favorable Behaviors” examination & acceptance work.

      Over past years, CSR Sifang, through introducing and adopting advanced technical standards, promoted the enterprise’s technical progress in an all-round manner, which laid a foundation for its independent innovation and sustainable growth. All told, it partook in the formulation of more than 80 national and industrial standards. To this day, the company’s standard systems cover all-round sectors like production, operation, and management of EMU, metro vehicle, and railway passenger car, with the result that it has cultivated the enterprise standard system that focuses on technical standard and comprises management and work standards, and these standards were put into efficient running as well.

      At the sum-up meeting, the Experts Team gave full affirmation to CSR Sifang’s standardization work, in addition to bringing forth relevant proposals and suggestions. Vice General Manager and Chief Engineer of CSR Sifang Gong Ming, on behalf of the company, extended heartfelt gratitude to the Experts Team’s arduous work, and he said: “CSR Sifang will take this examination as an opportunity to earnestly tidy up the experts team’s requirements and suggestions, as well as consummate the company’s work and make unceasing improvement, so as to make the company’s standardization system more perfect, reasonable, and efficient, as well as to constantly advance its standardization level, in hopes of laying a solid foundation for the company to establish favorable order and achieve the optimal benefits.”
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:03:51
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      CSR Wins Malaysia’s Urban Rail Vehicle Order worth 4 billion yuan
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 26, 2010 2010-07-27
      On July 23, CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co., Ltd. CSR Zhuji signed an urban rail vehicle purchase contract worth nearly 4 billion yuan with the Ministry of Transportation of Malaysia, and according to the contract, all vehicles will be applied in the busiest South-North Intercity Line in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia.

      Principal of Malaysia National Rail Corporation said that CSR Zhuji’s green and low-carbon urban rail vehicles would bring citizens of Kuala Lumpur all-new life experience. After introducing these vehicles, Kuala Lumpur will not only achieve “Zero Pollution, Zero Emission”, but also shorten the train departure interval from previous 30 minutes to 7.5 minutes, which will greatly alleviate Kuala Lumpur’s traffic jam.

      General Manager of CSR Zhuji Xu Zongxiang noted: “Malaysian market is touted as CSR Zhuji’s “Blue Sea” in the business development. Located in the core belt of Southeast Asia, Malaysia has extensive international communication, and it is an open market, based upon which, CSR Zhuji will further accelerate its step to develop the ASEAN market and the more extensive European & American market.”

      CSR Zhuji’s urban rail vehicles that will be applied in Malaysian market belong to “power-distributed” train, and their running speed hits 140km/h. Each vehicle is made up of six cars.
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:04:24
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      CSR’s Self-made Type A Metro Vehicle Awarded “State Key New Product” Prize
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 19, 2010 2010-07-27
      Recently, CSR Zhuji’s independently researched and developed Type A Metro Vehicle was awarded the “2010 State Key New Product” prize jointly by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Commerce, and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

      As the “2010 State Key New Product”, type A metro vehicle with independent intellectual property helped shatter international tycoons’ monopoly to metro vehicles’ core technologies, promote the development of China urban rail industry, and advance China’s international competitiveness in the urban rail transit equipments industry.

      CSR’s success in winning the prize exemplifies its strong R&D strength and extraordinary product innovation capacity in rail equipment industry. That will provide sufficient technical support for China urban rail transit industry to speedily expand the transportation capacity and improve the technical equipments.
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:05:32
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      The World Firs t±800 KV HV DC Converter Valve Equipped with “CSR Core”
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 22, 2010 2010-07-27

      Recently, the world first ±800kV/4750A UHV DC converter valve, which was equipped with CSR ZELRI’s self-made 6-inch 7200V thyristor that has independent intellectual property, successfully passed the key type test-Valve Insulation Impact Test including two sub-tests like operation impact test and lightning impact test, which created the world No.1 in terms of through current capability and voltage level among products of its kind. The test result was in line with national technical standards, and it also passed the certification of the world authoritative power test certification authority.

      By contrast with AC power transmission technology, DC power transmission has such strong points as small line loss, low line cost, speedy adjustment, strong system reliability, and large power transmission capacity. Research results reveal that adoption of±800kVDC power transmission technology will help enlarge power transmission scale, save lots of power transmission corridor resources, and make the power transmission more economical and reasonable. It can also effectively resolve the load center’s hard nuts like power grid’s short circuit and over-standard current, so as to improve the power grid’s safety and stability. In light of the State Grid’s Power Grid Planning During the Eleventh Five-year Plan Period and Its Outlook to 2020, China will invest tens of billions of yuan in the coming 10 years to build up more than 20 EHV or UHV large-scale DC power transmission projects so as to meet the demands in its “West-to-East Power Transmission, Mutual Power Supply between North and South, and Nationwide Interconnection” strategy.

      In DC power transmission, DC conversion must be resolved. First of all, two converter stations should be respectively established at the feed end and at the receiving end, with main converter equipments like converter transformer and converter valve being installed at both ends. After that, the converter station at the feed end will rectify the AC into DC, which will be transmitted to the converter station at the receiving end through the DC power transmission line. At the receiving end, the converter station will again convert DC into AC and supply it to the power load.

      DC power transmission technology is the world-recognized most efficient technical means to resolve long-distance & large-capacity power transmission and power grid interconnection, in which the R & D and production of the key equipment DC converter valve is considered one of the most complex power equipment technologies. Moreover, converter valve is identified as the “Heart of DC Power Transmission System”, and the thyristor, a vital component of converter valve, is also touted as the “Core of Converter Valve”. Before this, only Switzerland-based ABB and Germany-based Siemens controlled such technology.

      Over past years, CSR ZELRI, backed by China’s “Scientific Support Program during the 11th Five-year Plan Period” and the State Grid’s significant scientific research projects like “Key Technological Breakthrough Project”, worked with China Electric Power Research Institute and invested huge to successfully develop the 6-inch thyristor featuring the largest diameter and the highest power in the world, which was regarded as a significant breakthrough in China HV DC power transmission technology sector. So far, the product has been granted four national patents, and CSR ZELRI also firstly completed the construction of 6-inch HV thyristor trial production capacity & industrialization base as well as the construction of test capacity and reliability test means in China, which met UHV ±800KV DC power transmission 6-inch thyristor’s engineering and industrialization requirements.

      So far, CSR ZELRI has provided China Electric Power Research Institute with 80 pieces of 6-inch 7200V thyristors, as well as successfully delivered 400 pieces of 6-inchconverter valve thyristors for Lingbao Back-to-Back HVDC Project. The test’s success fully exemplifies CSR ZELRI’s advanced capacity in R & D, design, and production of power semiconductor devices like HV thyristor.
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:06:03
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      CSR Delegation Wins the Third Prize of Mixed Team in National Railway Badminton Competition
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 22, 2010 2010-07-27

      On July 15, 2010 National Railway Badminton Competition came to the end at the Huhhot Railway Bureau Sports Stadium. CSR Delegation gave full swing to its teamwork spirit and won the third prize of mixed team, which was the best performance in CSR’s sports competition history.

      In single event, CSR athletes in men''s doubles and women’s doubles dared to struggle and win, and they exerted their extraordinary will and level. As a result, Zhang Wenqing of CSR Qishuyan & Liu Changrong of CSR Zhuji won the second prize in women’s doubles, and Hu Ping of CSR Zhuji & Liu Juntao of CSR Luoyang and Qian Zhiwei of CSR Qishuyan & Sha Ciping of CSR Luoyang respectively won the sixth place in women’s doubles and men’s doubles. All athletes won glory and brought honor for CSR, and the entire CSR Delegation also received full recognition from the organizing committee for its humility and courtesy during the competition.

      On the basis of “CSR Cup” 2nd Employees’ Badminton Competition held in June, CSR sifted out competent athletes to constitute the CSR Badminton Delegation so as to participate in the National Railway Badminton Competition. During the intensive training period in Beijing, CSR Badminton Delegation received high attention from CSR leaders. Meanwhile, Chairman of CSR Zhao Xiaogang, accompanied by Qiu Wei Vice Director of CSR Working Committee , personally expressed his concern and solicitude to athletes on site regardless of the scorching heat, and he also had amiable communication with athletes in terms of badminton technique. Chairman Zhao made an important speech at the intensive training site, and he mobilized athletes to struggle hard and exert their advantages to win glory for CSR.

      In the competition there were totally 14 delegations and more than 120 badminton athletes participating in three events, namely, mixed team, women’s doubles, and men’s doubles.
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:07:46
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      CSR Awarded Two Major Prizes
      Source: CSR Issued on July 26, 2010 2010-07-27

      On July 23, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council SASAC convened the “Principals Meeting of Central Enterprises”, and at the meeting, the SASAC released the examination results to operation performance of principals of central enterprises in 2009 and in the second tenure, as well as commended “Special Prize” enterprises and those central enterprises that achieved prominent business performance during 2007-2009. Meanwhile, CSR Group was awarded “Technological Innovation Prize” and “Special Prize for Benefit Improvement”.
      schrieb am 28.07.10 09:18:13
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      China South Locomotive nets RMB 3.98-bln contract in Malaysia
      Published: 27 Jul 2010 20:54:52 PST

      Jul. 28, 2010 (China Knowledge) - China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock<601766><1766>, the country's largest manufacturer of rail vehicles, yesterday announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co Ltd, last week signed a contract worth RMB 3.98 billion with Malaysia's Ministry of Transport to supply railway cars, sources reported.

      In a statement filed with the Shanghai Stock Exchange, China South Locomotive said the contract value accounts for 8.6% of the operation revenue in 2009, computed by the Chinese Accounting Standards.

      The Chinese locomotive producer reaped RMB 356 million in net profit in the first quarter of this year, reflecting a year-on-year jump of 84.55%, and its earnings per share were RMB 0.03.
      schrieb am 30.07.10 09:28:20
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      China South Locomotive inks RMB 8.6 bln worth of orders
      Published: 29 Jul 2010 01:00:16 PST

      Jul. 29, 2010 (China Knowledge) - China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock<601766><1766> yesterday secured 590 high-power electric locomotive orders worth a total of RMB 8.6 billion from Chengdu Railway Bureau of Sichuan Province.

      Pursuant to the agreement signed between the two partners, all the electric locomotives will be delivered within one year.

      On Jul. 24, the state-owned and listed company announced that it had inked a contract with the ministry of transport of Malaysia to provide nearly RMB 4 billion worth of intercity trains, which will be used in Kuala Lumpur, capital of the Asian country.

      Reportedly, Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Co Ltd<3898>, which is owned by China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock and is based in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, has completed issuing RMB 500 million worth of financing bills with a maturity of 365 days and with an interest rate of 3.18% on the interbank market.
      schrieb am 03.08.10 07:34:59
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Zhang Shuguang Inspects CSR Guangdong Jiangmen Urban Rail Repair Base
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 30, 2010 2010-08-03

      In the afternoon on July 28, Vice Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Railways MOR and Director of the Transport Bureau Zhang Shuguang, accompanied by President of CSR Zheng Changhong, General Manager of the Guangzhou Railway Group Guo Zhuxue, and Vice Director of Basic Department of Transport Bureau of MOR Liu Chaoying, inspected the CSR Urban Rail Repair Base in Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province in tandem with General Manager of CSR Sifang Wang Jun and General Manager of CSR Puzhen Lou Qiliang.

      Zhang Shuguang came to Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province in the wake of his participation in the MOR and Guangdong Province’s “Ministry-Province Cooperative Conference for Accelerating the Railway Development”. At the base site, after reporting the base construction’s strategic purpose and specific planning to Zhang Shuguang, Zheng Changhong noted that construction of the Jiangmen Urban Rail Repair Base was CSR’s market strategy layout for catering to contemporary urban rail transit’s development trend and enhancing the cooperation with Guangdong Province, and it would contribute to giving full swing to CSR’s strong points and building up the complete urban rail transit network system.

      After inspecting the base, Zhang Shuguang pointed out that MOR and Guangdong Province, through ministry-province cooperative means, accelerated Guangdong Province’s railway construction, in order to better exert rail transit’s advantages and make it serve Guangdong Province’s economic and social development. He said: “MOR supports CSR to partake in Guangdong Province’s rail transit construction, and it also supports CSR to build up the maintenance base for bolstering urban rail transit network’s high-efficiency running.” Zhang also required that CSR should further optimize Jiangmen Urban Rail Repair Base’s construction plan so as to give full swing to the base’s functions.

      During the inspection process in Jiangmen City, Zhang Shuguang also convened a symposium to discuss with leaders of Jiangmen Municipal Government and Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission.
      schrieb am 03.08.10 07:35:29
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Chairman Zhao Xiaogang Meets the Secretary-general (Executive Vice Minister) of Ministry of Transport Malaysia Long See Wool
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 30, 2010 2010-08-03

      CSR to intensity its cooperation with Malaysia in terms of rail transit development

      On July 23, prior to the urban rail vehicle signing ceremony between CSR and Malaysia, Chairman Zhao Xiaogang met the Secretary-general Executive Vice Minister of Ministry of Transport Malaysia Mr. Long See Wool, and both sides had further communication in regard to further cooperation.

      Chairman Zhao recounted China railway’s leap-forward development, in addition to briefly introducing CSR’s huge achievements over past years. Zhao said that at the present day, CSR’s high-speed EMUs made up more than 70% of China’s total EMUs in service, and he cordially invited Mr. Long See Wool to inspect CSR when available, so as to experience China’s HSR like Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR, Zhengzhou-Xi’an HSR, and Shanghai-Ningbo HSR, as well as to inspect up-to-date fruits resulting from China rail transit equipment’s development.

      Mr. Long See Wool expressed his gratitude to and pleasantly accepted Chairman Zhao’s warm invitation, and he said that with the advent of low-carbon economy, Malaysia had the strong will to develop the rail transit, and Malaysia and CSR would have immense cooperation space. Mr. Long See Wool also expected to further the cooperation with CSR in the future.

      After the signing ceremony, Chairman Zhao, accompanied by the President of Malaysia National Rail Corporation Dr.Aminuddin, inspected the rail transit line in Kuala Lumpur, and he also took the inter-city EMU.
      schrieb am 03.08.10 07:36:04
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      CSR Signs Locomotive Export Contract with Saudi Arabia-It’s China’s First Time to Deliver Main-line Locomotive to this Region
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 21, 2010 2010-08-03

      On July 20, the eye-catching Saudi Arabia Locomotive International Tendering Project was successfully signed at DAMMAN, the seat of SRO Headquarters. Secretary of CSR Qishuyan Party Committee and Vice General Manager Liu Daihua, on behalf of CSR, signed contract with Acting President of SRO Mr. Hammed. In the project, CSR will provide the SRO with 10 main-line locomotives. That is CSR’s another breakthrough in Saudi Arabia market since it signed SAR freight train contract with Saudi Arabia in 2008. It is also the first time for homegrown locomotive manufacturers to deliver the main-line locomotive products to this region.

      In light of the contract, the first two locomotives will be delivered to the user within 8 months since CSR receives the letter of credit, and the left 8 locomotives will be delivered within the next 13 months.

      As of May 2009, CSR actively participated in SRO’s locomotive tendering projects. In consideration of Saudi Arabia’s special climate like high temperature and strong sand storm, CSR, through in-depth survey & communication and elaborate design, provided the SRO with satisfying locomotive technologies and application solutions, which received recognition from SRO. After that, CSR Qishuyan earnestly analyzed the user’s actualities and made several bidding strategies. Thanks to its more than one year of endeavor, CSR stood out amid its domestic and overseas counterparts and eventually won the bid.

      At the signing ceremony, Acting President of SRO Mr. Hammed gave full recognition to CSR’s capacity and expressed his will of long-term cooperation, and he also hoped that both sides should further the partnership. Mr. Liu Daihua extended his gratitude to SRO’s high recognition to and full faith in CSR, and he noted that CSR would strictly abide by the contract to deliver the first-class products to SRO, in addition to offering quality services.
      schrieb am 03.08.10 07:36:43
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      CSR Puzhen’s First Batch of Summer Holiday Trains Successfully Delivered
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 30, 2010 2010-08-03

      At 4: 30 p.m. on July 27, with a train whistle, an all-new Type 25G passenger train was slowly pulling out of CSR Puzhen No. 3 Gate Ex-factory Vehicle Dedicated Line, and the locomotive of Nanjing Passenger Transportation Section of Shanghai Railway Administration, which was waiting at the Puzhen Station’s Main Line Track, also whistled to greet the Type 25G passenger train as old friend. That marks the first 20 units of Ministry of Railways’ 700 Summer Holiday Trains, which were manufactured by CSR Puzhen for Hangzhou Section of Shanghai Administration, have been put into service.

      To mitigate passenger transportation pressure of the railway in summer holiday, CSR Puzhen, in light of its production schedule, will deliver about 200 Summer Holiday Trains to different railway bureaus by the end of this month, which is also CSR Puzhen’s first fulfillment plan in its 700 Summer Holiday Trains Production Mission in the summer.

      It is learned that to ensure this batch of Summer Holiday Trains’ delivery period and product quality safety, cadres and employees of CSR Puzhen overcame harsh weathers like high temperature, hot summer, sweltering, rain, moisture, and flood and capitalized on lean management means and collaborative production to convert the technical requirements of Qinghai-Tibet train research & production into the production of the Summer Holiday Trains. CSR Puzhen underlined “Four Preventions”, gave priority to product quality safety, and stressed the resolution of inertial mass problems like knocking & bumping and scratch resistance, with the result that it launched lots of measures and methods like lean logistics distribution, lean dispatching, lean process control, lean technique & technology visual management, and lean quality safety weekly spot check system etc. Meanwhile, production units intensified management and examination, and monitored the product quality safety in an all-round manner. Also, the logistics department was dedicated to serving frontline workers: for instance, it supplied meal in a centralized way and prevented heatstroke and lowered temperature, so as to inspire all employees’ production passion. By now, CSR Puzhen has completed the production of 180 Summer Transportation Trains, with daily output hitting 8 vehicles. It has repaired 30 trains, fulfilling 100% of the scheduled mission. Moreover, it would deliver the Beijing-Badaling Line A2 on July 29, and in its factory, 310 vehicles have been put into production. By Dai Xuejun
      schrieb am 03.08.10 07:38:01
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      China’s First Offshore Permanent Magnetic Direct Drive 2.5MW Wind Generator Unit Rolls Off Production Line in Dafeng City of Jiangsu Province
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 28, 2010 2010-08-03

      Recently, China’s first 2.5MW power generator unit, which was produced by CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Co., Ltd. CSR Motor, successfully rolled off the production line in Dafeng City of Jiangsu Province.

      Permanent Magnetic Direct Drive Power Generator is of such strong points as reliable generator unit, simplified structure, and low running noise, thus it is touted as tiptop product in contemporary power generation sector. As early as February 2008, CSR Motor joined hands with the Goldwind Science & Technology to embark on the R & D of offshore wind power generation products. On the basis of existing mature 1.2MW and 1.5MW permanent magnetic synchronous wind generators, they only spent 2 months to complete the research and production of the 2.5MW offshore wind power generator that is characterized by low rotation speed, simple structure, few components, high reliability, and free from maintenance. After that, the power generator was delivered to the Goldwind Science & Technology for general assembly.

      CSR Motor is China’s technical leading enterprise in traction motor and transformer, core components of the rail transit equipment. In 2004, the company established strategic partnership with Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co., Ltd. to incorporate the Motor Research Laboratory of National Wind Power Generation Engineering Technical Research Center”, in which they successively developed and produced 750KW, 800KW, 1.2MW and 1.5MW power generators. By now, CSR Motor has become China’s largest MW-level power generator manufacturer, with annual output hitting 2000units.

      It was learned from the principal of CSR Motor that by the middle 10 days of this month, CSR Motor only spent 4 years to achieve four leap-forward growths in the MW-level power generator production, namely, its production capacity respectively hit 50 units, 380 units, 1500 units, and 2000 units. This year, CSR motor will deliver 60 units of power generators to the Goldwind Science & Technology, and it is predicted that the company will deliver 600 units the next year. At the present day, CSR Motor’s products have been applied in several wind farms like Tongliao of Inner Mongolia, Dabancheng of Xinjiang, and Dafeng of Jiangsu.

      China has abundant offshore wind energy resources, for instance, the wind energy resources within 10m water depth are about 100 million KW, that within 20m water depth, 300 million KW, and within 30m water depth, about 490 million KW. The value of quantity of offshore wind energy in China is 3 times that of onshore wind energy, thus China has potential prospect in the development of offshore wind energy resources. Needless to say, wind power generation is of zero pollution to environment, and one 2.5MW power generation unit can generate 21.90 million kW/H per year, which can meet 12166 households’ demands for electricity.
      schrieb am 03.08.10 07:38:51
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Zheng Changhonog Inspects Guangzhou Large-power Electric Locomotive Repair & Manufacture base
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 30, 2010 2010-08-03

      In the afternoon on July 29, President of CSR Zheng Changhong inspected the Guangzhou-based large-power electric locomotive repair & manufacture base. President Zheng firstly learned about the base construction, and then he convened a symposium to discuss with the construction unit at the base. Meanwhile, Vice Chief Engineer Zhu Longju, General Manager of CSR Sifang Wang Jun, General Manager of CSR Puzhen Lou Qiliang accompanied President Zheng in tandem with Zhang Dayong, director of Locomotive Office of Equipment Department, Transportation Bureau of the Ministry of Railways MOR.

      After learning about the site construction, President Zheng pointed out while hearing the report from relevant construction departments that the construction of Guangzhou large-power electric locomotive repair & manufacture base was of great significance to the construction of harmonious railway. He said: “CSR was designated as the base’s important convener, which fully exemplifies the MOR’s high faith in CSR, thus we should earnestly abide by the MOR’s work schedule and remove varied difficulties to elaborately organize the construction and ensure the work schedule, for the purpose of building up the first-class and high-quality repair & manufacture base. President Zheng also required that the Base Preparation Team, under the support of local government, must coordinate different parties to make sure that the base can be put into application ASAP, as well as to produce and deliver the Hexie large-power electric locomotive at the base by the end of 2011.

      At the work site, Zheng Changhong expressed his solicitude to builders and managers on the job, and he spoke highly of their “Seek for Greater Perfection and Assiduous” work style and extended his gratitude to them for their timely and high-quality construction regardless of harsh weather.
      schrieb am 03.08.10 07:39:49
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      CSR Signs Locomotive Order worth RMB 8.6 billion in Beijing
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 28, 2010 2010-08-03

      Recently, Chengdu Railway Administration of Ministry of Railways officially signed a large-power electric locomotive purchase contract worth nearly 8.6 billion yuan with CSR Zhuji in Beijing. In light of the contract, Chengdu Railway Administration will purchase 590 units of electric locomotives from CSR Zhuji, of which, 170 units will be assumed by CSR Ziyang. All locomotives will be delivered within 1 year since the contract signing.

      So far, CSR Zhuji has won the “Hexie” Type-1 series electric locomotive order for four consecutive times, with total contractual volume hitting 1710 units. Thanks to capacity reconstruction, CSR Zhuji’s capacity in electric locomotive production now hits 800units/year, and it has become the world largest electric locomotive manufacturer. In this order, the six-axle 7200kw large-power AC drive electric locomotive is currently the mainstream type in China railway transportation market. By virtue of more than 50 years of professional experiences in electric locomotive research and production, CSR Zhuji only spent half year to develop the six-axle 7200kw electric locomotive, with localization rate exceeding 92%, which created a new miracle in the world locomotive history. Such achievement was recognized by the Railway Minister Liu Zhijun as “Honor of Chinese Railway, and Honor of Chinese Nation”. In 2009 when the six-axle 7200kw electric locomotive rolled off the production line, it grabbed 50% shares in domestic railway market in that year.

      CEO and General Manager of CSR Zhuji said: “CSR’s Hexie Type-1 electric locomotives consists of three collections, eight-axle 9600kw, six-axle 9600kw, and six-axle 7200kw. Since being put into running, large-power electric locomotives of the three collections have completed more than 146 million km of safety running distance all told. As the mainstream transportation force of the Datong-Qinhuangdao Line with the world largest transportation capacity, Hexie Type-1 eight-axle 9600kw electric locomotives shoulder more than 55% of annual transportation capacity along the line, and they contributed much to the line’s 340-plus million tons of total transportation capacity. Particularly in 2008 Anti-freezing Disaster Relief, Hexie Type-1 eight-axle 9600kw electric locomotives transported above 5.25 million tons of thermal coal within 15 days, making huge contribution to the Anti-freezing Disaster Relief’s final success”.

      Through Hexie Type-1 locomotive’s three platforms, CSR Zhuji has fully controlled nine core technologies like vehicle body, bogie, and braking system and 10 supporting technologies like vehicle hook buffer mechanism and pantograph of the world’s most advanced large-power electric locomotive, so that it established integral design technology platform, manufacture technology platform, and product technology platform. By virtue of strong capacity resulting from these platforms, CSR Zhuji, as the rail transit equipment system solution provider focusing on customers’ demands, can customize products for the railway market, according to Xu Zongxiang.

      Xu Zongxiang added: “Thanks to four driving factors like the Ministry of Railways’ scientific industry policy, booming market demands, favorable product application, and improvement of the enterprise’s comprehensive strength, CSR Zhuji frequently won orders”.

      Xu noted that CSR Zhuji would unswervingly persist in the “Introduction, Digestion, Assimilation, and Re-innovation” strategy, and constantly promote commercialization of core technologies, industrialization of products, and concentration of industries, so as to make contribution to the railway industry’s leap-forward development.
      schrieb am 06.08.10 14:06:42
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      CSR Puzhen’s Qinghai-Tibet Passenger Trains Serve the World Expo
      Source: CSR Issued on: August 4, 2010 2010-08-05

      As at August 1, the Shanghai-Lhasa Qinghai-Tibet Passenger Trains, which were produced by CSR Puzhen for serving the World Expo, had completed 270,000km of safety running and transported passengers of 120,000 person-times, whereas they built the “Gold Channel” for Tibetan compatriots to visit the World Expo.

      All told, Qinghai-Tibet Passenger Trains include five vehicles and 83 cars, which were put into production in January 2010 and officially put into service on July 1. Since the “Qinghai-Tibet Passenger Trains” was regarded as CSR Puzhen’s “Quality Project” for serving the World Expo, leaders of CSR Puzhen attached much importance to these trains’ manufacturing process and preparatory work before their running. During the design phase, the company leaders and designers frequently visited vehicle sections like Shanghai, Xining, and Beijing to solicit opinions from users, so as to engineer the technical scheme for complicated environments like alpine cold, high altitude, tundra, lack of oxygen, and large running span etc., in addition to amending original design scheme through survey, study, and disc

      After these Qinghai-Tibet trains were put into service, CSR Puzhen’s aftersales service personnel and the supplier’s attendants, in light of the Ministry of Railways’ management requirements for localized operation work, participated in the section party’s two shift meetings each day. In the morning, they arranged relevant work, and in the afternoon, they fulfilled examinations to locate and resolve troubles in real time.

      Within one month as of the running, principal leaders of CSR Puzhen took the train for two times, and leaders of domestic market department personally directed the running to duly learn about the running information, for the purpose of rectifying problems in real time, satisfying users, and ensuring the efficient operation of Tibetan compatriots’ “World Expo Channel”.
      schrieb am 06.08.10 14:07:16
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      China’s Green & Low-carbon Metro Equipment Marches into Singapore
      Source: CSR Issued on: August 4, 2010 2010-08-05

      On August 2, with the instantaneous high temperature caused by the plasma-cutting machine, pieces of 12mm steel plates were cut into materials with different shapes, ushering in the formal launch of China’s first Power & Battery Dual-energy Metro Engineering Maintenance Vehicle Export Project Singapore assumed by CSR Zhuji.

      While being interviewed, Supervisor of Urban Rail Vehicle and Rail Engineering Vehicle Marketing Center of CSR Zhuji Chen Cheng said: “This dual-energy metro engineering maintenance vehicle will not burn oil or emit smoke in cities or in sealed metro tunnel. Each vehicle has 30 years of service life, and it can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide by nearly 2100 tons and save application expenses by more than 6.4 million yuan as compared to internal combustion-type metro engineering maintenance vehicle.”

      Source said that on June 1 last year, CSR Zhuji’s metro products were firstly marketed to developed countries. CSR Zhuji won the purchase order for 14 metro engineering maintenance vehicles from Singapore Land Transportation Administration LTA, which would be used in Singapore downtown’s 40km metro line construction, rail cleaning, cable laying, equipment maintenance, and in-stop commissioning etc. It is predicted that as at the end of August next year, the first group of two green & low-carbon dual-energy metro engineering maintenance vehicles will march into Singapore territory.

      Dual-energy metro engineering maintenance vehicle is still a sunrise industry in China. At present, due to increasing demands for metro line maintenance and vehicle rescue in China mainland’s urban rail traffic sector, China has been equipped with nearly 1000 units of internal combustion-type metro engineering maintenance vehicles including locomotives for dispatching, maintenance, rescue, grinding, and mining etc.. Also, the market potential of internal combustion-type dual-energy metro engineering maintenance vehicle industry is also immense, and China will additionally purchase up to 1000 units during the 12th Five-year Plan Period.

      It is learned that CSR Zhuji is China''s first company to develop, research, and manufacture the dual-energy metro engineering maintenance vehicle, and it is also committed to developing domestic and international markets. That will play an active and exemplary role to boost China’s energy saving and emission reduction in urban rail transit section, drive the localization of metro engineering maintenance vehicle’s core components like high-energy accumulator and traction system, and build up complete industry chain and cultivate new economic growth point.
      schrieb am 13.08.10 15:25:42
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Zhuzhou Times New Materials Technology''s Granted Patents Surpass the Number of 100
      Source:CSR Issued on: August 10. 2010 2010-08-12

      Recently, CSR ZELRI’s subordinate Zhuzhou Times New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. was granted the invention patent certificate for its invention patent “An Asphalt-base Compound Damping Material and Its Production Method & Usage” patent no.: 200410046625.8. After that, Zhuzhou Times New Materials Technology’s granted patents exceeded the number of 100.

      Zhuzhou Times New Materials Technology always attached much importance to intellectual property protection. As early as 2005, it established the patent strategy decision institution to examine & discuss patent strategy plan and research significant projects’ patent strategy. By now, Zhuzhou Times New Materials Technology has built up a complete set of intellectual property right protection system involving appraisal & examination, application, utilization, and protection. By virtue of brand strategy, the company made full use of patented products with independent intellectual property to develop overseas and domestic markets. Via diverse means like enlarging reward and signing responsibility certificate with chief engineers etc, Zhuzhou Times New Materials Technology made a large improvement in patent application quantity and quality this year, with authorized number being increased greatly as well.
      schrieb am 18.08.10 13:56:13
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      “Made in CSR” Rubber Bearings in Aid of the Reconstruction of Maoxian County of Sichuan
      Source: CSR 2010-08-18
      During August 10th to 11th, Chairman of CSR Zhao Xiaogang, Vice Secretary of CSR Party Committee and Secretary of CSR Commission for Inspection Discipline Liu Hualong inspected three Sichuan-based enterprises in tandem with independent directors Yang Yuzhong, Chen Yongkuan, Dai Deming, and Cai Dawei, and Independent Director Zhao Jibin participated in the inspection to CSR Chengdu. At the meantime, Secretary of the Board of Directors Shao Renqiang, Vice Chief Economist and Director of Board Chairman Office Wang Gongcheng, and Director of President Office He Shugao accompanied the inspection team.

      On August 10th, Zhao Xiagang and his inspection team visited CSR Chengdu, and leaders of CSR Chengdu firstly reported the Chengdu Company’s basic information, production & operation during January to July, and forecast of the whole-year operation to members of the board, as well as answered independent directors’ questions. That enabled all independent directors to have a basic knowledge to CSR Chengdu’s product structure, market status, and industry situation. And then members of the board successively inspected the locomotive, motor, and passenger train production sites regardless of the sweltering summer heat.

      In the wake of the inspection to CSR Chengdu, Zhao Xiaogang and his team came to Chengdu CSR Tunneling Equipments Co., Ltd. After inspecting the production site, the inspection team watched the animation demonstration VCR in respect of tunnel shield machine and tunnel boring machine TBM, as well as heard the company’s introduction on TBM’s production, technical development, and market expansion etc.

      In the morning on August 11th, the inspection team had further inspection to CSR Ziyang’s crankshaft processing & production line, engine assembling & commissioning line, foundry department’s new construction site, six-axle electric locomotive production line, and crankshaft hydraulic machine operation area. After that, the inspection team had an all-round knowledge to the production, technical development, and market expansion of CSR Ziyang’s principal operations like locomotive, engine, and crankshaft.

      Later, CSR Ziyang convened special report meeting, and General Manager of CSR Ziyang Xia Chunsheng and Chief Engineer Jin Biao respectively reported the company’s work in respect of marketing, technical transformation, internal management, and technical innovation etc.

      On August 11th, Zhao Xiaogang and his team inspected CSR Meishan, and General Manager of CSR Meishan Zhang Zuo made a report on the company’s production and operation to independent directors.

      After hearing Zhang’s report, the inspection team also inspected CSR Meishan’s production sites like steel casting workshop, machinery workshop, freight workshop, materials preparation workshop, brake machine workshop, and fastening parts workshop etc.
      schrieb am 18.08.10 13:57:02
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Zhao Xiaogang, Liu Hualong and Independent Directors Inspect Three Sichuan-based Enterprises
      Source: CSR 2010-08-18
      During August 10th to 11th, Chairman of CSR Zhao Xiaogang, Vice Secretary of CSR Party Committee and Secretary of CSR Commission for Inspection Discipline Liu Hualong inspected three Sichuan-based enterprises in tandem with independent directors Yang Yuzhong, Chen Yongkuan, Dai Deming, and Cai Dawei, and Independent Director Zhao Jibin participated in the inspection to CSR Chengdu. At the meantime, Secretary of the Board of Directors Shao Renqiang, Vice Chief Economist and Director of Board Chairman Office Wang Gongcheng, and Director of President Office He Shugao accompanied the inspection team.

      On August 10th, Zhao Xiagang and his inspection team visited CSR Chengdu, and leaders of CSR Chengdu firstly reported the Chengdu Company’s basic information, production & operation during January to July, and forecast of the whole-year operation to members of the board, as well as answered independent directors’ questions. That enabled all independent directors to have a basic knowledge to CSR Chengdu’s product structure, market status, and industry situation. And then members of the board successively inspected the locomotive, motor, and passenger train production sites regardless of the sweltering summer heat.

      In the wake of the inspection to CSR Chengdu, Zhao Xiaogang and his team came to Chengdu CSR Tunneling Equipments Co., Ltd. After inspecting the production site, the inspection team watched the animation demonstration VCR in respect of tunnel shield machine and tunnel boring machine TBM, as well as heard the company’s introduction on TBM’s production, technical development, and market expansion etc.

      In the morning on August 11th, the inspection team had further inspection to CSR Ziyang’s crankshaft processing & production line, engine assembling & commissioning line, foundry department’s new construction site, six-axle electric locomotive production line, and crankshaft hydraulic machine operation area. After that, the inspection team had an all-round knowledge to the production, technical development, and market expansion of CSR Ziyang’s principal operations like locomotive, engine, and crankshaft.

      Later, CSR Ziyang convened special report meeting, and General Manager of CSR Ziyang Xia Chunsheng and Chief Engineer Jin Biao respectively reported the company’s work in respect of marketing, technical transformation, internal management, and technical innovation etc.

      On August 11th, Zhao Xiaogang and his team inspected CSR Meishan, and General Manager of CSR Meishan Zhang Zuo made a report on the company’s production and operation to independent directors.

      After hearing Zhang’s report, the inspection team also inspected CSR Meishan’s production sites like steel casting workshop, machinery workshop, freight workshop, materials preparation workshop, brake machine workshop, and fastening parts workshop etc.
      schrieb am 18.08.10 13:57:42
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      CSR Meishan Post-doctoral Workstation Officially Starts up
      Source: CSR 2010-08-18
      On August 10th, the Startup Ceremony of CSR Meishan Post-doctoral Scientific Research Workstation was held in Meishan City of Sichuan Province.

      At the startup ceremony, Vice General Manager of CSR Meishan Meng Qingyuan granted experts of Invited Technical Experts Committee the letter of appointment, and Chief Engineer Xiao Yin signed scientific research work agreement with workstation doctors. The Technical Experts Committee heard the special opening report of the workstation’s first post-doctoral fellow Zhou Zhangyi, and present leaders and experts pointed out that the post-doctoral research content was closely associated with the new-generation technical development in the freight train industry, as well as centered on key technology research in respect of heavy-duty transportation. Therefore, leaders and experts approved the opening examination and encouraged Dr. Zhou Zhangyi to cherish the opportunity, focus on enterprises, and do well the theme research with scientific, prudent, and practice attitude, for the purpose of serving CSR’s development.

      CSR Meishan Post-doctoral Scientific Research Workstation, which was approved by Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security in December 2009, is Meishan City’s first enterprise that is granted the right of setting up the workstation. The kickoff and material running of the post-doctoral workstation will forcefully boost the development of CSR Meishan’s owned R&D team, build up better independent innovation platform for enterprises, introduce more excellent tiptop talents, and promote the enterprise’s development towards larger and stronger.
      schrieb am 18.08.10 13:58:47
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      “Made in CSR” Rubber Bearings in Aid of the Reconstruction of Maoxian County of Sichuan
      Source: CSR 2010-08-18
      Recently, CSR ZELRI’s subordinate Times New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully delivered 290 rubber bearings to Maoxian County of Sichuan Province, in addition to assigning professional technicians to offer site installation directions. That will strongly ensure Maoxian County Administrative Centralization Office Building’s engineering quality and schedule, as well as aid Maoxian County’s reconstruction.

      Maoxian County Administrative Centralization Office Building, in the structure of reinforced concrete frame frame-shear structure, has up to 9 floors, with total height hitting about 35m. Through the aseismatic calculation seismic fortification intensity: Degree 8, the building’s designed basic seismic acceleration is 0.2g, and its designed seismic grouping, Group I, so aseismatic measures will be adopted in light of Degree 8 aseismatic requirements. Normally, the rubber bearing can reduce the building’s horizontal acceleration by 50% to 60% when the earthquake takes place. That will efficiently mitigate the structural or non-structural seismic damage as well as greatly improve the safety of the building and its internal facilities and dwellers.

      The “Sichuan Maoxian County Government Office Building Rubber Bearing Project Contract” is Times New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.’s first contract in respect of the building’s seismic reduction/isolation since the company’s running, in which, the company will supply 225 bearings, with contractual value totaling 2.45 million yuan, symbolizing that the Times New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. has fulfilled the zero breakthrough in this project’s commercialized running.

      After the Wenchuan Earthquake, the public was aware of the importance of seismic resistance, reduction, and isolation. At the present day, construction engineering seismic resistance and isolation industry is right staying at the inception phase, and the state has successively promulgated several regulations on stimulating the construction engineering seismic isolation and reduction industry.
      schrieb am 23.08.10 08:21:10
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      “Made in CSR” Rubber Bearings in Aid of the Reconstruction of Maoxian County of Sichuan
      CSR 2010-08-23
      Recently, CSR ZELRI’s subordinate Times New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully delivered 290 rubber bearings to Maoxian County of Sichuan Province, in addition to assigning professional technicians to offer site installation directions. That will strongly ensure Maoxian County Administrative Centralization Office Building’s engineering quality and schedule, as well as aid Maoxian County’s reconstruction.
      Maoxian County Administrative Centralization Office Building, in the structure of reinforced concrete frame frame-shear structure, has up to 9 floors, with total height hitting about 35m. Through the aseismatic calculation seismic fortification intensity: Degree 8, the building’s designed basic seismic acceleration is 0.2g, and its designed seismic grouping, Group I, so aseismatic measures will be adopted in light of Degree 8 aseismatic requirements. Normally, the rubber bearing can reduce the building’s horizontal acceleration by 50% to 60% when the earthquake takes place. That will efficiently mitigate the structural or non-structural seismic damage as well as greatly improve the safety of the building and its internal facilities and dwellers.

      The “Sichuan Maoxian County Government Office Building Rubber Bearing Project Contract” is Times New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.’s first contract in respect of the building’s seismic reduction/isolation since the company’s running, in which, the company will supply 225 bearings, with contractual value totaling 2.45 million yuan, symbolizing that the Times New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. has fulfilled the zero breakthrough in this project’s commercialized running.

      After the Wenchuan Earthquake, the public was aware of the importance of seismic resistance, reduction, and isolation. At the present day, construction engineering seismic resistance and isolation industry is right staying at the inception phase, and the state has successively promulgated several regulations on stimulating the construction engineering seismic isolation and reduction industry.
      schrieb am 25.08.10 08:00:06
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      CSR Honored the Title “China Top 100 Excellent Companies”
      CSR 2010-08-25
      On August 13th, “2010 Fourth Summit of Contribution to China” was ceremoniously held in Beijing, and Vice Director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Shao Ning attended the meeting and made a keynote speech. Meanwhile, CSR was honored the title “Chinese Top 100 Quality Companies Quality Growth”, and Chairman of CSR Zhao Xiaogang received the prize and delivered a speech. How did CSR achieve continual and high-quality

      growth as a century-old state-owned enterprise? Chairman Zhao said in his speech: “first, CSR will locate its disadvantages as compared to world tiptop counterparts, in a bid to make improvement and overtake them. Secondly, in the event that CSR has become the world No. 1, it will continue maintaining the “Quality Growth” power, namely, it will compare the present with the past to unceasingly overtake itself and clinch the leading place. If achieving foresaid two points, CSR will maintain continual and high-quality growth.”

      The “2010 Fourth Summit of Contribution to China” was sponsored by the Talents press, and in this summit, necessary elements for Top 100 Quality Companies were epitomized, such as competitiveness for advantageous competition, integration for optimized structure, driving power for quality growth, innovation for prior development, and public trust for eminent responsibilities. Also, the summit, in tandem with enterprise appraisal institutions, business schools, and mainstream media, made a value judgment to Chinese enterprises’ performance in the wake of the global financial crisis. As a result, the summit sorted out 100 enterprises that once made remarkable contributions to China during the global financial crisis.
      schrieb am 25.08.10 08:00:42
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      CSR Joins the “State-Owned Enterprise Electric Vehicle Industry Alliance”
      CSR 2010-08-25
      On August 18th, the “State-Owned Enterprise Electric Vehicle Industry Alliance”, which was headed by the State Asset Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, was founded in Beijing, and its initial investment hit 1.3 billion yuan. As one of the sponsors, CSR is also the important member of the alliance’s Complete Vehicle and Electric Drive Professional Committee. Chairman of CSR Zhao Xiaogang attended the foundation ceremony, and he signed the articles of association of the “State-Owned Enterprise Electric Vehicle Industry Alliance” in tandem with leaders of other 15 state-owned enterprises.

      It is learned that the alliance consists of 16 sponsors in all and controls the council, secretariat, and three professional committees. Therein, the Complete Vehicle and Electric Drive Professional Committee comprises FAW Group, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Chang’an Automobile, Dongfang Electric, CSR; the Battery Professional Committee consists of China National Offshore Oil Corporation, General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals, Aviation Industry Corporation of China, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, AviChina Industry & Technology Company Limited; the Charge and Service Professional Committee includes the State Grid, China Potevio, China Southern Power Grid, China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, and China Poly Group Corporation.

      The alliance will unify the industry technology standards, jointly research and develop the electric vehicle’s new technology, new product, new plan, and new mode, jointly share the technological fruits, promote the electric vehicle’s popularization and market development in China, and comprehensively improve China electric vehicle industry’s overall technology and global competitiveness, according to Li Rongrong, director of the State Asset Supervision and Administration Commission.

      Source said that by now, the alliance had commenced its running, with two employees being respectively transferred from state-owned enterprises to work at the alliance’s secretariat. After being founded, the alliance will run in a market-oriented manner to urge and direct all member units to optimize their resources allocation in light of the requirements of the State-owned Enterprise Electric Vehicle Development Plan, in a bid to avoid repetitive construction and unify interfaces and standards of different links of the industry chain. Furthermore, generic technologies that are developed by the alliance will be shared amongst member units, while general personalized technologies will be independently developed by member units in line with the market-based principle.
      schrieb am 25.08.10 08:01:12
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology Titled as “Eminent Supplier of Beijing-Shanghai HSR”
      CSR 2010-08-25
      Recently, CSR ZELRI’s subordinate Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology was honored the title “2009 Eminent Supplier of Beijing-Shanghai HSR”, and it was also the only bridge bearing vendor awarded the honorary title. That will strongly strengthen CSR brand’s influence in the rail transit sector as well as promote the application of its bridge products.

      Since the Beijing-Shanghai HSR Construction Project was launched, Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology signed 9 bearing purchase contracts with the Beijing-Shanghai HSR Construction Corporation, with cumulative supply value approaching 300 million yuan. At the meantime, Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology’s Bridge Product Department overcame a series of hard nuts like emergent product delivery and enormous demands to ensure the Beijing-Shanghai HSR’s construction schedule, which received high recognition from the owner and construction unit.
      schrieb am 25.08.10 08:01:40
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      CSR Selected into “World Top 2000” by Forbes
      CSR 2010-08-25
      Recently, the Forbes magazine announced the updated roster of the “World Top 2000 Listed Companies”, and 201 Chinese firms were selected into the roster. Therein, 113 companies are located in China mainland, 49 companies located in Hong Kong, and 39 located in Taiwan. CSR ranked the 63rd place amongst companies of China mainland.

      The “World Top 2000” roster is not centered on single index like sales revenue but evaluated by the Forbes through comprehensively weighing diverse indexes in respect of the company scale, such as sales revenue, profitability, assets, and market value. Therefore, the “2010 World Top 2000” shows global commerce’s dynamic trend, and it relates to different kinds of companies of 62 countries. Therein, 515 American companies were selected into the roster, and 210 Japanese companies listed.

      As China’s largest rail transit equipment manufacturer, CSR boasts independent innovation, scale production, and standard service of such products as railway locomotives, passenger trains, freight trains, EMUs, urban rail metro, and relevant components. So far, 70% of high-speed EMUs in service in China originate from CSR. Moreover, the company is a key player in burgeoning industries like wind power equipments, electric vehicle, and new materials etc., and in the future, it will cultivate a product cluster featuring remarkable characteristics, reasonable layout, core technology possession, and international competitiveness.
      schrieb am 25.08.10 08:02:22
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      CSR Wins the Bid for Ningbo Metro No. 1 Line Shield Gate Project
      CSR 2010-08-25
      On August 19th, CSR won the bid for Ningbo Metro No. 1 Line Shield Gate Project Phase I, with bid-award value touching nearly 70 million yuan. That marks CSR’s new breakthrough in the metro shield gate industry.

      Six domestic and overseas firms participated in the bidding for the Ningbo Metro No. 1 Line Shield Gate Project Phase I all told, and CSR ZELRI’s subordinate CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd., as the project’s general contractor, joined hands with Switzerland-based KABA Company to take part in the bidding work.

      Metro shield gate is a high-tech product that integrates various subjects like construction, machinery, material, electronics, and information etc. In the event that the “shield gate” is installed at the metro platform, it will effectively mitigate the air loss at the platform resulting from the air convection, so as to ensure the train and passengers’ absolute safety, minimize the train running noise’s influence on the station, and provide comfy waiting environment. In a word, it has such functions as energy saving, safety, environmental protection, and landscaping etc. Normally, the metro shield gate system will reduce the air conditioning’s cooling load by above 35%, the environmental control room’s built-up area by 50%, and the air conditioning’s power consumption by 30%, thus it has remarkable energy-saving effect.

      CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd.’s success in winning the bid for Ningbo Metro No. 1 Line Shield Gate Project Phase I is regarded as the company’s another significant milestone in urban rail traffic sector, and it also lays a solid foundation for Ningbo Times Company to adjust the industry structure and to achieve fast-rate growth.
      schrieb am 27.08.10 07:47:00
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      CSR: Rail Tycoon Sets Foot in Electric Vehicle Sector
      On August 18th, the State-Owned Enterprise Electric Vehicle Industry Alliance, which was headed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, was founded in Beijing, and the state will invest 1.3 billion yuan as the start-up capital to develop the electric vehicle industry. As one of the sponsors, CSR, the rail transit equipment production tycoon in China, serves as a key player in the alliance’s Complete Vehicle and Electric Drive Professional Committee.

      As a rail transit equipment manufacturer, CSR has become the leader in the electric vehicle sector, and why it strongly develops the electric vehicle industry? What strong points it has in the sector?

      Chairman of CSR Zhao Xiaogang said: “the electric vehicle sector is a sunrise industry. With the advent of energy shortage and low-carbon economy times, the automobile industry is bound to transform from fuel age to electric age. That accordingly provides Chinese automobile industry with a hard-won opportunity to overtake international counterparts. Electric vehicle’s core technologies consist of motor drive system, complete vehicle control system, and battery application system. CSR gets the hang of these technologies because it has set foot in the electric rail transit equipment industry for a long time”.

      First-rate Enterprises Sell Standard

      “Level-I enterprises sell standard, Level-II enterprises sell technology, and Level-III enterprises sell product”, namely, the standard is the root for an industry. Since the beginning of the First Industrial Revolution, European and American countries always predominated in the formulation of new standards. Today, the new energy times is around the corner, which provides us with a hard-won opportunity to overtake them, and the newly established State-Owned Enterprise Electric Vehicle Industry Alliance aims to unify relevant standards in respect of the complete electric vehicle and infrastructure.

      Five state-owned enterprises in the alliance’s Complete Vehicle and Electric Drive Professional Committee have come to an agreement that they will build up the technical communication mechanism to intensify technical communication between member units, according to Zheng Changhong, president of CSR. The alliance will take the lead in disassembling generic technologies, coordinating project establishment, and launching joint research. As to motor, battery, integration, and installation means, the alliance will establish the uniform standard to achieve modularization and reduce the cost.

      In terms of standard formulation, CSR has its unique advantages: CSR is the responsible unit of IEC/TC9 industry standard in China, and it ever partook in the formulation of the international standard on behalf of China. After being approved, CSR has built up the National Traction Electric Equipment and System Standardization Technical Committee, which comprises several professional teams like “Traction Power Supply System”, “Locomotive Vehicle and Electric Drive System”, “Motor Appliance” and “Network and Control” and mainly assumes the formulation of national standard for China traction electric equipment and system industry.

      Traction Electric Drive and Control System is the core technology of the electric vehicle, and its relevant standards’ establishment will boost the formulation of the entire electric vehicle industry’s standard.

      Start from the Core Technology

      CSR’s development in the electric vehicle industry dates back to 2002 when the Ministry of Science and Technology listed the electric vehicle into “Key Technological Project of 863 Program” during the 10th Five-year Plan period. Meanwhile, CSR successfully won the bid for three projects, namely, “Fuel Battery Passenger Car-Motor and Its Control System”, “Multi-energy Power Assembly Control System”, and “Fuel Battery Sedan- DC/DC Converter”.

      By virtue of core technical competitiveness in AC traction electric drive and network control system etc., CSR, backed by dozens of projects in the “863 Program”, has cultivated eight major key technologies in the electric vehicle sector, such as complete vehicle design, electric vehicle electric system integration, parallel and series hybrid power system, motor-driven system for vehicle, vehicle-mounted energies like battery and super capacitor etc application and management system, automobile network control, electric vehicle’s in-vehicle and ground charger, and automobile auxiliary power supply. As a result, CSR has become China’s tiptop electric system technology integrator. At the present day, China has two bases for the commercialization of achievements of “863 Program” made during the 10th Five-year Plan period, one of which is located at CSR ZELRI, the core subsidiary of CSR.

      In 2009, CSR developed the above 40kW including 40kW permanent magnet motor and control system used in mainstream city buses, and it overcame such technical hard nuts as demagnetization of permanent magnet, difficult positioning of permanent magnet, and difficulty in flux weakening control etc., in addition to successfully commercializing its achievements, which marked that CSR got the hang of core technologies and applications of middle & large-power induction motor and permanent magnet motor in the electric vehicle drive system sector. By now, CSR has been granted 46 patents in respect of electric vehicle, including 14 invention patents, 22 practical and novel patents, and 10 appearance design patents. In addition, 27 patent applications are being reviewed.

      At the meantime, CSR established the 3200-plus square meters of multifunctional electric vehicle comprehensive laboratory, and that it was equipped with international first-rate product test & experiment resources like converter technology application laboratory, compound environment laboratory, control technology and computer control system development laboratory, and magnetic compatibility laboratory etc. Today, CSR has become China’s only enterprise that is equipped with test & experiment measures for key components and complete vehicle.

      Take the Lead in Commercialization

      As early as 2003, CSR marketed the first electric vehicle. In 2005, CSR ZELRI joined hands with Zhuzhou Bus Company to found the Electric Vehicle Operation Demonstration Company. That helped accumulate plenty of experience for the complete electric vehicle’s production and commercialized operation, and this cooperation was also called as “Zhuzhou Mode” by Wang Gang, the Minister of Science and Technology. In 2007, CSR cooperated with relevant resources to establish the Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., which was China’s largest electric vehicle firm.

      Control of leading core technologies is the first step, and commercialized operation is the core. During Beijing 2008, Chinese government advocated the application of new energy vehicles. Meanwhile, CSR provided Beijing Bus System with 400-plus trolley bus drive systems, as well as offered the Olympic Village 50 pure electric deluxe passenger cars’ electric drive systems and 240 battery chargers. CSR’s products ran safely and reliably during the Olympic period, which received high recognition from customers and exemplified CSR’s contribution to the “Green Olympics”.

      During the Shanghai World Expo, CSR again became the key electric vehicle components supplier for

      the Shanghai World Expo, and it provided Shanghai with 23 pure electric light vehicle electric drive systems, which were installed at 23 patrol floats, in a bid to show tourists performances everyday. Furthermore, CSR won Shanghai World Expo’s 50% pure electric system orders, 50% ground charger orders, and 100% super capacity electric system orders, and its comprehensive market shares in the World Expo’s pure electric drive passenger car sector exceeded 70%.

      On February 17th, 2009, China launched the Energy-saving and New-energy Vehicle “1000 Units in 10 Cities” Exemplary Promotion Project, and Changsha, Zhuzhou, and Xiangtan were selected into the first group of pilot cities. As the core enterprise in the “Changsha, Zhuzhou, and Xiangtan” Project, CSR participated in the promotion project in an all-round manner. By June this year, CSR delivered 577 electric vehicles in all, and it is estimated to deliver 853 units as at the end of this year.

      By now, the attendance rate of electric vehicles, which were delivered by CSR to the “Changsha, Zhuzhou, and Xiangtan” Project, rocketed to more than 98%, and the rate was equivalent to that of traditional gasoline or diesel oil-driven buses. All told, these electric vehicles’ running mileage has hit 1.50 million km, with single unit’s maximum running mileage surpassing 110,000 km. On the average, these electric vehicles’ oil-saving rate per 100km stayed above 20%, with cumulative oil-saving volume touching 720,000 liters. As to emission reduction, emission of CO2 decreased 11080t, emission of CO, 66t, and emission of NO, 28t, showing remarkable emission reduction effect.

      Today, green energy-saving electric buses have constituted an eye-catching landscape in Changsha, Zhuzhou, and Xiangtan cities.

      Technology’s Extension to Passenger Vehicles

      Source said that the Automobile and New-energy Automobile Plan 2011-2020, which was headed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, had been promulgated, and it would be finalized and submitted to the State Council for approval.

      It is learned that according to the plan draft, by 2020, the market size of China new energy automobile industry will rank the world No. 1, with the total number of new-energy automobiles touching 5 million units, and the output and sales volume of China’s energy-saving automobiles will also rank the world No. 1, with annual output and sales volume rocketing to 15 million units. To achieve the goal, the Central Finance will invest more than 100 billion yuan to support the development and promotion of the energy-saving and new-energy automobile’s core technologies.

      As the market forerunner, CSR has made advanced arrangement in the electric vehicle sector. In light of the company plan, CSR will fix eyes on burgeoning industries like electric vehicle to endeavor to cultivate another strategic “highland” aside from its rail transit equipment, so as to foster the product cluster featuring remarkable characteristics, reasonable layout, core technology possession, and international competitiveness, as well as to make the new-energy industry become the main source for CSR’s business growth.

      Chairman of CSR Zhao Xiaogang said: “in electric vehicle technologies and industry, CSR will develop from electric locomotive, to electric bus, and then to electric passenger vehicle. Presently, CSR’s electric locomotive is right staying at the industry maturing phase, its electric bus staying at the industry growing phase, and electric passenger vehicle staying at the industry introduction phase. Under the premise that electric vehicle’s development keeps in line with the world low-carbon economy’s trend, accords with the national strategy, and boasts extensive market space, CSR, by virtue of its strong points in technology and industry, will strongly develop such “Blue Sea”, in order to rear an all-new “Green Power Kingdom”.
      schrieb am 27.08.10 07:47:57
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      CSR Awarded “2010 Low-carbon China-Leading Brand” Prize
      On August 21st, the Low-carbon China Annual Innovation Forum & “Low-carbon China” Series Awarding Ceremony, which was sponsored by the, was held at the People’s Daily Press Complex Building, and CSR was awarded “Low-carbon China, Leading Brand” prize. Vice Chairman of CSR Tang Kelin attended the forum and received the prize on behalf of the CSR.

      In his acceptance speech, Tang Kelin said: “as China’s largest rail transit equipment manufacturer, CSR is committed to taking advantage of green production means to produce green products, in order to serve the green transportation. From the angle of either company attribute or product trait, CSR is bound to become the forceful promoter and practitioner for the low-carbon economy. To boost the green products’ growth and develop the world advanced low-carbon products, CSR, rooting in independent innovation, continuously expedite its technical progress and spread the lean production. It vows to provide the society with high-quality, energy-saving, and environmentally-friendly products.”
      schrieb am 31.08.10 15:22:59
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      South Locomotive puts wind turbine base into operations
      Sunday, 29 Aug 2010It is reported that China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock put its wind turbine production base in Zhuzhou, Hunan province into operations on August 24th.

      The company estimates that the base will generate sales of CNY 1.5 billion in 2010. Sales in 2015 are expected to exceed CNY 10 billion.

      Construction of the base started in July 2009. Investments totaled CNY 100 million. The base has installed capacity of 300 wind turbines per year with planned annual output value of CNY 2.5 billion.

      According to a company filing on August 10th first half revenue and net profit increased 51.2% to CNY 28.09 billion and 76.27%YoY to CNY 1.1 billion respectively.

      (Sourced from
      schrieb am 03.09.10 09:37:44
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Zhang Shuguang Inspects CSR Guangdong Jiangmen Urban Rail Repair Base
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 30, 2010 2010-08-03

      In the afternoon on July 28, Vice Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Railways MOR and Director of the Transport Bureau Zhang Shuguang, accompanied by President of CSR Zheng Changhong, General Manager of the Guangzhou Railway Group Guo Zhuxue, and Vice Director of Basic Department of Transport Bureau of MOR Liu Chaoying, inspected the CSR Urban Rail Repair Base in Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province in tandem with General Manager of CSR Sifang Wang Jun and General Manager of CSR Puzhen Lou Qiliang.

      Zhang Shuguang came to Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province in the wake of his participation in the MOR and Guangdong Province’s “Ministry-Province Cooperative Conference for Accelerating the Railway Development”. At the base site, after reporting the base construction’s strategic purpose and specific planning to Zhang Shuguang, Zheng Changhong noted that construction of the Jiangmen Urban Rail Repair Base was CSR’s market strategy layout for catering to contemporary urban rail transit’s development trend and enhancing the cooperation with Guangdong Province, and it would contribute to giving full swing to CSR’s strong points and building up the complete urban rail transit network system.

      After inspecting the base, Zhang Shuguang pointed out that MOR and Guangdong Province, through ministry-province cooperative means, accelerated Guangdong Province’s railway construction, in order to better exert rail transit’s advantages and make it serve Guangdong Province’s economic and social development. He said: “MOR supports CSR to partake in Guangdong Province’s rail transit construction, and it also supports CSR to build up the maintenance base for bolstering urban rail transit network’s high-efficiency running.” Zhang also required that CSR should further optimize Jiangmen Urban Rail Repair Base’s construction plan so as to give full swing to the base’s functions.

      During the inspection process in Jiangmen City, Zhang Shuguang also convened a symposium to discuss with leaders of Jiangmen Municipal Government and Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission.
      schrieb am 03.09.10 09:38:51
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Chairman Zhao Xiaogang Meets the Secretary-general (Executive Vice Minister) of Ministry of Transport Malaysia Long See Wool
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 30, 2010 2010-08-03

      CSR to intensity its cooperation with Malaysia in terms of rail transit development

      On July 23, prior to the urban rail vehicle signing ceremony between CSR and Malaysia, Chairman Zhao Xiaogang met the Secretary-general Executive Vice Minister of Ministry of Transport Malaysia Mr. Long See Wool, and both sides had further communication in regard to further cooperation.

      Chairman Zhao recounted China railway’s leap-forward development, in addition to briefly introducing CSR’s huge achievements over past years. Zhao said that at the present day, CSR’s high-speed EMUs made up more than 70% of China’s total EMUs in service, and he cordially invited Mr. Long See Wool to inspect CSR when available, so as to experience China’s HSR like Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR, Zhengzhou-Xi’an HSR, and Shanghai-Ningbo HSR, as well as to inspect up-to-date fruits resulting from China rail transit equipment’s development.

      Mr. Long See Wool expressed his gratitude to and pleasantly accepted Chairman Zhao’s warm invitation, and he said that with the advent of low-carbon economy, Malaysia had the strong will to develop the rail transit, and Malaysia and CSR would have immense cooperation space. Mr. Long See Wool also expected to further the cooperation with CSR in the future.

      After the signing ceremony, Chairman Zhao, accompanied by the President of Malaysia National Rail Corporation Dr.Aminuddin, inspected the rail transit line in Kuala Lumpur, and he also took the inter-city EMU.
      schrieb am 03.09.10 09:39:26
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      CSR Signs Locomotive Export Contract with Saudi Arabia-It’s China’s First Time to Deliver Main-line Locomotive to this Region
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 21, 2010 2010-08-03

      On July 20, the eye-catching Saudi Arabia Locomotive International Tendering Project was successfully signed at DAMMAN, the seat of SRO Headquarters. Secretary of CSR Qishuyan Party Committee and Vice General Manager Liu Daihua, on behalf of CSR, signed contract with Acting President of SRO Mr. Hammed. In the project, CSR will provide the SRO with 10 main-line locomotives. That is CSR’s another breakthrough in Saudi Arabia market since it signed SAR freight train contract with Saudi Arabia in 2008. It is also the first time for homegrown locomotive manufacturers to deliver the main-line locomotive products to this region.

      In light of the contract, the first two locomotives will be delivered to the user within 8 months since CSR receives the letter of credit, and the left 8 locomotives will be delivered within the next 13 months.

      As of May 2009, CSR actively participated in SRO’s locomotive tendering projects. In consideration of Saudi Arabia’s special climate like high temperature and strong sand storm, CSR, through in-depth survey & communication and elaborate design, provided the SRO with satisfying locomotive technologies and application solutions, which received recognition from SRO. After that, CSR Qishuyan earnestly analyzed the user’s actualities and made several bidding strategies. Thanks to its more than one year of endeavor, CSR stood out amid its domestic and overseas counterparts and eventually won the bid.

      At the signing ceremony, Acting President of SRO Mr. Hammed gave full recognition to CSR’s capacity and expressed his will of long-term cooperation, and he also hoped that both sides should further the partnership. Mr. Liu Daihua extended his gratitude to SRO’s high recognition to and full faith in CSR, and he noted that CSR would strictly abide by the contract to deliver the first-class products to SRO, in addition to offering quality services.
      schrieb am 03.09.10 09:40:11
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      CSR Puzhen’s First Batch of Summer Holiday Trains Successfully Delivered
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 30, 2010 2010-08-03

      At 4: 30 p.m. on July 27, with a train whistle, an all-new Type 25G passenger train was slowly pulling out of CSR Puzhen No. 3 Gate Ex-factory Vehicle Dedicated Line, and the locomotive of Nanjing Passenger Transportation Section of Shanghai Railway Administration, which was waiting at the Puzhen Station’s Main Line Track, also whistled to greet the Type 25G passenger train as old friend. That marks the first 20 units of Ministry of Railways’ 700 Summer Holiday Trains, which were manufactured by CSR Puzhen for Hangzhou Section of Shanghai Administration, have been put into service.

      To mitigate passenger transportation pressure of the railway in summer holiday, CSR Puzhen, in light of its production schedule, will deliver about 200 Summer Holiday Trains to different railway bureaus by the end of this month, which is also CSR Puzhen’s first fulfillment plan in its 700 Summer Holiday Trains Production Mission in the summer.

      It is learned that to ensure this batch of Summer Holiday Trains’ delivery period and product quality safety, cadres and employees of CSR Puzhen overcame harsh weathers like high temperature, hot summer, sweltering, rain, moisture, and flood and capitalized on lean management means and collaborative production to convert the technical requirements of Qinghai-Tibet train research & production into the production of the Summer Holiday Trains. CSR Puzhen underlined “Four Preventions”, gave priority to product quality safety, and stressed the resolution of inertial mass problems like knocking & bumping and scratch resistance, with the result that it launched lots of measures and methods like lean logistics distribution, lean dispatching, lean process control, lean technique & technology visual management, and lean quality safety weekly spot check system etc. Meanwhile, production units intensified management and examination, and monitored the product quality safety in an all-round manner. Also, the logistics department was dedicated to serving frontline workers: for instance, it supplied meal in a centralized way and prevented heatstroke and lowered temperature, so as to inspire all employees’ production passion. By now, CSR Puzhen has completed the production of 180 Summer Transportation Trains, with daily output hitting 8 vehicles. It has repaired 30 trains, fulfilling 100% of the scheduled mission. Moreover, it would deliver the Beijing-Badaling Line A2 on July 29, and in its factory, 310 vehicles have been put into production. By Dai Xuejun
      schrieb am 03.09.10 09:40:52
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      China’s First Offshore Permanent Magnetic Direct Drive 2.5MW Wind Generator Unit Rolls Off Production Line in Dafeng City of Jiangsu Province
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 28, 2010 2010-08-03

      Recently, China’s first 2.5MW power generator unit, which was produced by CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Co., Ltd. CSR Motor, successfully rolled off the production line in Dafeng City of Jiangsu Province.

      Permanent Magnetic Direct Drive Power Generator is of such strong points as reliable generator unit, simplified structure, and low running noise, thus it is touted as tiptop product in contemporary power generation sector. As early as February 2008, CSR Motor joined hands with the Goldwind Science & Technology to embark on the R & D of offshore wind power generation products. On the basis of existing mature 1.2MW and 1.5MW permanent magnetic synchronous wind generators, they only spent 2 months to complete the research and production of the 2.5MW offshore wind power generator that is characterized by low rotation speed, simple structure, few components, high reliability, and free from maintenance. After that, the power generator was delivered to the Goldwind Science & Technology for general assembly.

      CSR Motor is China’s technical leading enterprise in traction motor and transformer, core components of the rail transit equipment. In 2004, the company established strategic partnership with Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co., Ltd. to incorporate the Motor Research Laboratory of National Wind Power Generation Engineering Technical Research Center”, in which they successively developed and produced 750KW, 800KW, 1.2MW and 1.5MW power generators. By now, CSR Motor has become China’s largest MW-level power generator manufacturer, with annual output hitting 2000units.

      It was learned from the principal of CSR Motor that by the middle 10 days of this month, CSR Motor only spent 4 years to achieve four leap-forward growths in the MW-level power generator production, namely, its production capacity respectively hit 50 units, 380 units, 1500 units, and 2000 units. This year, CSR motor will deliver 60 units of power generators to the Goldwind Science & Technology, and it is predicted that the company will deliver 600 units the next year. At the present day, CSR Motor’s products have been applied in several wind farms like Tongliao of Inner Mongolia, Dabancheng of Xinjiang, and Dafeng of Jiangsu.

      China has abundant offshore wind energy resources, for instance, the wind energy resources within 10m water depth are about 100 million KW, that within 20m water depth, 300 million KW, and within 30m water depth, about 490 million KW. The value of quantity of offshore wind energy in China is 3 times that of onshore wind energy, thus China has potential prospect in the development of offshore wind energy resources. Needless to say, wind power generation is of zero pollution to environment, and one 2.5MW power generation unit can generate 21.90 million kW/H per year, which can meet 12166 households’ demands for electricity.
      schrieb am 03.09.10 09:41:44
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Zheng Changhonog Inspects Guangzhou Large-power Electric Locomotive Repair & Manufacture base
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 30, 2010 2010-08-03

      In the afternoon on July 29, President of CSR Zheng Changhong inspected the Guangzhou-based large-power electric locomotive repair & manufacture base. President Zheng firstly learned about the base construction, and then he convened a symposium to discuss with the construction unit at the base. Meanwhile, Vice Chief Engineer Zhu Longju, General Manager of CSR Sifang Wang Jun, General Manager of CSR Puzhen Lou Qiliang accompanied President Zheng in tandem with Zhang Dayong, director of Locomotive Office of Equipment Department, Transportation Bureau of the Ministry of Railways MOR.

      After learning about the site construction, President Zheng pointed out while hearing the report from relevant construction departments that the construction of Guangzhou large-power electric locomotive repair & manufacture base was of great significance to the construction of harmonious railway. He said: “CSR was designated as the base’s important convener, which fully exemplifies the MOR’s high faith in CSR, thus we should earnestly abide by the MOR’s work schedule and remove varied difficulties to elaborately organize the construction and ensure the work schedule, for the purpose of building up the first-class and high-quality repair & manufacture base. President Zheng also required that the Base Preparation Team, under the support of local government, must coordinate different parties to make sure that the base can be put into application ASAP, as well as to produce and deliver the Hexie large-power electric locomotive at the base by the end of 2011.

      At the work site, Zheng Changhong expressed his solicitude to builders and managers on the job, and he spoke highly of their “Seek for Greater Perfection and Assiduous” work style and extended his gratitude to them for their timely and high-quality construction regardless of harsh weather.
      schrieb am 03.09.10 09:42:55
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      CSR Signs Locomotive Order worth RMB 8.6 billion in Beijing
      Source: CSR Issued on: July 28, 2010 2010-08-03

      Recently, Chengdu Railway Administration of Ministry of Railways officially signed a large-power electric locomotive purchase contract worth nearly 8.6 billion yuan with CSR Zhuji in Beijing. In light of the contract, Chengdu Railway Administration will purchase 590 units of electric locomotives from CSR Zhuji, of which, 170 units will be assumed by CSR Ziyang. All locomotives will be delivered within 1 year since the contract signing.

      So far, CSR Zhuji has won the “Hexie” Type-1 series electric locomotive order for four consecutive times, with total contractual volume hitting 1710 units. Thanks to capacity reconstruction, CSR Zhuji’s capacity in electric locomotive production now hits 800units/year, and it has become the world largest electric locomotive manufacturer. In this order, the six-axle 7200kw large-power AC drive electric locomotive is currently the mainstream type in China railway transportation market. By virtue of more than 50 years of professional experiences in electric locomotive research and production, CSR Zhuji only spent half year to develop the six-axle 7200kw electric locomotive, with localization rate exceeding 92%, which created a new miracle in the world locomotive history. Such achievement was recognized by the Railway Minister Liu Zhijun as “Honor of Chinese Railway, and Honor of Chinese Nation”. In 2009 when the six-axle 7200kw electric locomotive rolled off the production line, it grabbed 50% shares in domestic railway market in that year.

      CEO and General Manager of CSR Zhuji said: “CSR’s Hexie Type-1 electric locomotives consists of three collections, eight-axle 9600kw, six-axle 9600kw, and six-axle 7200kw. Since being put into running, large-power electric locomotives of the three collections have completed more than 146 million km of safety running distance all told. As the mainstream transportation force of the Datong-Qinhuangdao Line with the world largest transportation capacity, Hexie Type-1 eight-axle 9600kw electric locomotives shoulder more than 55% of annual transportation capacity along the line, and they contributed much to the line’s 340-plus million tons of total transportation capacity. Particularly in 2008 Anti-freezing Disaster Relief, Hexie Type-1 eight-axle 9600kw electric locomotives transported above 5.25 million tons of thermal coal within 15 days, making huge contribution to the Anti-freezing Disaster Relief’s final success”.

      Through Hexie Type-1 locomotive’s three platforms, CSR Zhuji has fully controlled nine core technologies like vehicle body, bogie, and braking system and 10 supporting technologies like vehicle hook buffer mechanism and pantograph of the world’s most advanced large-power electric locomotive, so that it established integral design technology platform, manufacture technology platform, and product technology platform. By virtue of strong capacity resulting from these platforms, CSR Zhuji, as the rail transit equipment system solution provider focusing on customers’ demands, can customize products for the railway market, according to Xu Zongxiang.

      Xu Zongxiang added: “Thanks to four driving factors like the Ministry of Railways’ scientific industry policy, booming market demands, favorable product application, and improvement of the enterprise’s comprehensive strength, CSR Zhuji frequently won orders”.

      Xu noted that CSR Zhuji would unswervingly persist in the “Introduction, Digestion, Assimilation, and Re-innovation” strategy, and constantly promote commercialization of core technologies, industrialization of products, and concentration of industries, so as to make contribution to the railway industry’s leap-forward development.
      schrieb am 06.09.10 09:01:28
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      CSR’s Two Bogies Pass Hunan Province’s “Technological Achievements Appraisal”
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 3, 2010 2010-09-06
      Bogie, one of the nine major locomotive & rolling stock technologies, is the core component to ensure the locomotive vehicles’ running safety. The “ZMA100 Subway Vehicle Bogie” and “ZED120-Co Electric Locomotive Three-axle Bogie”, which were researched and manufactured by CSR Zhuji in tandem with Southwest Jiaotong University and TongJi University etc., passed the Hunan Provincial Department of Science & Technology’s “Provincial-level Technological Achievements Appraisal” for their eminent application achievements and numerous innovations in Zhuzhou on August 29th.

      ZMA100 Bogie is the core component that was specially researched by CSR for Shanghai No. 11 Line’s 100km/h Type-A subway vehicle, and it fills the blank in China Type-A Subway Vehicle Bogie Technology sector. It is worth pointing out that Type A subway vehicle is characterized by the fastest speed at home, and CSR has independent intellectual property for the bogie technology. By now, CSR has equipped more than 200 subway vehicles with ZMA100 Bogie, and these subway vehicles’ safe running mileage surpassed 2.10 million kilometers, according to Chen Xihong, chief expert of CSR Zhuji.

      As the electric locomotive three-axle bogie featuring the world fastest freight traction speed 120km/h, the largest single shaft power 1600kw and traction force, and the heaviest axle weight 25t, ZED120-Co Three-Axle Bogie fills the world large-power electric locomotive sector’s blank in bogie technology of this grade for its international advanced performance and technical indexes. So far, it has been successfully used in the HX Model I Six-Axle 9600kw Electric Locomotive with the world largest power, and 215 locomotives with the bogie in service have run safely for more than 17 million kilometers.

      While researching and producing the two bogies, CSR made lots of technical innovations. For instance, it made full use of all-new environmental protection technology to reduce the running noise by more than 6db.

      According to the Appraisal Experts Team, the two bogie projects’success and the independent innovation platform resulting from bogie R & D play an exemplary role for China locomotive vehicle industry and that boost the technical progress of the bogie sector.

      Chen Xihong said: “aside from the complete vehicle sector, CSR Zhuji, backed by its “Introduction, Assimilation, and Re-innovation” platform, has cultivated consummate independent innovation system in core bogie technology sector over past years, and so far, it has developed the production means that match European production means, as well as created model-based product platform. That ensured the safe running of locomotive vehicles of different types in China.
      schrieb am 07.09.10 08:30:22
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      2010 China Top 500 Enterprises Issued, China CSR Ranks the 131st Place
      CSR 2010-09-07
      On September 4th, China Association of Enterprises and China Enterprise Directors Association released 2010 China Top 500 Enterprises and China Top 500 Manufacturers rosters. In 2010 China Top 500 Enterprises, China CSR ranked the 131st place, 28 places advanced compared to that in 2009159th place. In China Top 500 Manufacturers, CSR ranked the 58th place, 21 places advanced compared to that in 2009 79th place. In accordance with China CSR’s sales revenue in 2010 and the distribution of 2010 China Top 500 Enterprises, China CSR is expected to rank into top 100 of 2011 China Top 500 Enterprises.
      schrieb am 07.09.10 08:30:56
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      CSR ZELRI Taps the Automobile Market by Damping Material
      CSR 2010-09-07
      Recently, CSR ZELRI’s subordinate Zhuzhou Times New Material won FAW JIEFANG Qingdao Auto Factory’s first damping material order for 400 heavy-duty trucks, symbolizing that CSR ZELRI’s damping material officially marches into the automobile market.

      While ensuring the R&D of application products in the railway market, Zhuzhou Times New Material leverages the “Vibration & Noise Control System” technology to develop the automobile market. By virtue of the test to vibration and noise of different automobile models like heavy-duty truck, electric bus, and deluxe bus, the company has accumulated plenty of efficient test data. Besides, the company, in light of the test results, researched and designed the integral vibration and noise reduction scheme, and then efficiently put in practice the technical scheme. That helped efficiently boost its damping material’s application in the automobile industry.

      After introducing the vibration and noise reduction scheme from the Zhuzhou Times New Material, FAW JIEFANG Qingdao Auto Factory, by comparing the construction and test data of the heavy-duty truck’s cab, discovered that noise in the cab decreased by 3-5.8dBA, with noise outside the cab descending by 4-7 dBA, and concluded that the scheme efficiently improved the heavy-duty truck’s comfort and mitigated noise pollution outside the vehicle.

      The “Automobile Vibration & Noise Control Project” gives full swing to Zhuzhou Times New Material’s strong points in integrating the systematic application with relevant technologies like vibration & noise measurement, damping material R & D, and acoustic structure design etc., and it basically cultivates the “Vibration & Noise Control System Service” mode tailored to users.
      schrieb am 08.09.10 17:33:33
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Um nicht nur News zu kopieren und hier zu setzen, könnte man mal über ein Kursziel bis Ende des Jahres spekulieren? Vielleicht gibt es Personen, die in dieser aktie auch Potential sehen! Vorschläge???
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 09.09.10 15:06:23
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.119.840 von ToBeMe am 08.09.10 17:33:33max 90ct. Stabile, auch wenn sehr volatil, wertentwicklung bisher auf 1 jahr ca 100% ist doch was was sich sehen lassen kann!
      schrieb am 09.09.10 21:35:22
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Sehe ich genauso! Über die 90cent wird es wohl nicht rausgehen! Aber auf lange Sicht glaube ich, dass CSR im gesamten asiatischen Raum gute Geschäfte machen wird und die europäische Konkurrenz verdrängen wird. Das plus das Potential im eigenen Land dürfte der Aktie auf längere Sicht noch einiges an Aufwind geben. Für mich die sicherste Anlage mit gutem Kurspotenital im Depot. Das einzige was den Kurs böse drücken könnte, wäre wenn es Unfälle bzw. Probleme mit ihren Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen gäbe.
      schrieb am 10.09.10 11:28:30
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      CSR (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) changes the Company’s English name
      [Date:09-10-2010] Source: Infocast News

      CSR (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) announced that the change of the Company's English name from "China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corporation Limited" to "CSR Corporation Limited" became effective on 4 August 2010.

      The Company's existing Chinese name remains unchanged.The Company's stock short name and stock code remain unchanged.
      schrieb am 13.09.10 08:10:51
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      China South Locomotive bags major order from Australia
      Saturday, 11 Sep 2010Capitalvue reported that China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock’s subsidiary CSR Ziyang received CNY 100 million in AC drive diesel locomotive orders from Australia. The locomotives are scheduled to be delivered in 2011.

      CSR Ziyang has currently exported a total of 300 diesel locomotives to 18 countries and regions throughout Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, South America and Latin America.

      (Sourced from

      Da geht noch einiges! ;)
      schrieb am 15.09.10 08:35:08
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      CSR (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) unit gets RMB3.4B sales contract
      [Date:09-15-2010] Source: Infocast News

      CSR Corporation (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) announced that CSR Qingdao Sifang Locomotive & Rolling Stock, a non wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, entered into a contract with Wuhan Railways Bureau in relation to the sale of multiple units (with speed of 200-250 km/h).

      The total contract value amounts to RMB3.4 billion. The delivery under the contract is expected to commence in October 2010, and is expected to complete by January 2011.

      The total contract value of the aforementioned contract accounts for 7.3% of the total revenue of the company in 2009 under the PRC accounting standards.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:30:11
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      100km/h Metro Vehicle Rolls off Production Line at CSR
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 8th, 2010 2010-09-15

      Recently, up to 100km/h metro vehicle for the Beijing Mass Transit Changping Line rolled off the production line at CSR, and this vehicle adopts the SDB-140 bogie that is newly researched by CSR Sifang, with maximum running speed hitting 100km/h. So far, the vehicle is identified as the metro vehicle with the maximum running speed in Beijing urban rail transit sector.

      According to technicians of CSR Sifang, the metro vehicle for the Changping Line is the perfect marriage of advanced technology and mature technique, and its body adopts international advanced “Light-weight Stainless Steel Body Technology”. Through optimized and innovative designs, the vehicle’s body weight is 5% lighter as compared to vehicle bodies of the same type, and so the vehicle is of energy-saving and environmentally-friendly performance. Moreover, the vehicle’s network control system and brake system are solely designed and manufactured by domestic manufacturers, and they feature independent intellectual property. To ensure passengers’ traffic safety, the vehicle is equipped with safety systems like camera system and fire alarm system etc., and its compartment is also equipped with emergency alarm device, in order to facilitate the communication between passengers and the driver and efficiently handle sudden accident. Needless to say, the vehicle’s outline design is concise and agile, with interior trim transparent and bright. The whole vehicle is decorated in pink color, and that brings you a sense of comfort and warmth.

      Source said that the Beijing Mass Transit Changping Line was a rail transit rapid PDL that extends from south to worth and links the Beijing downtown with Changping New Town, with the whole length of 31.7km. It is predicted that the Phase I of the Changping Line will be put into running at the end of this year.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:30:35
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Chinese Locomotive Firstly Marches into Australia
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 8th, 2010 2010-09-15
      On September 1st, CSR Ziyang officially signed an AC drive diesel locomotive purchase & sales contract worth more than 100 million yuan with its customer in Australia. It is the first time for Chinese diesel locomotive with AC Drive Technology of independent intellectual property to step outside of domestic market.

      AC Drive is viewed as the sign for contemporary locomotives, and it is receiving more and more welcome globally and guides contemporary locomotive industry’s development. Upon the Australian customer’s demands, CSR customized novel locomotives, which received high recognition from the user. That achieved another breakthrough for Chinese rail transit equipment industry’s “Walk Out” strategy.

      Source with intimate knowledge said that these novel locomotives of CSR would be delivered to the Australian customer in 2011, and their transport lines covered trunk and branch railroads in Australia from the west to the east, such as Melbourne - Adelaide – Perth Line, Melbourne-Sydney Line, and Sydney-Brisbane Line etc.

      In the face of the looming low-carbon economy era, global rail transit industry will step into the golden development period. CSR Ziyang, in light of CSR’s “Cultivation of the Leading Brand in World Rail Transit Equipment Industry” goal, expedited its overseas market expansion, and by now, it has exported nearly 300 diesel locomotives to 18 countries and regions like Central Asia, SE Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia, and become the most important locomotive export base in China.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:30:59
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      CSR Zhuji Locomotive Capacity Expansion Project Passes Provincial-level Environmental Protection Examination
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 8th, 2010 2010-09-15
      On September 5th, CSR Zhuji Locomotive Capacity Expansion Project passed the “Environmental Protection Three Simultaneities” examination sponsored by the Hunan Provincial Department of Environmental Protection. In the project, CSR Zhuji’s environmental protection facilities can innocuously dispose 97%-99% of locomotive sands, organic waste gas in painting, and dusts.

      It is learned that in 2007, the Ministry of Railways signed an LOI letter of intention with CSR Zhuji for purchase of 1200 electric locomotives, and then it signed an official contract with CSR Zhuji for purchase of 500 electric locomotives. After that, CSR Zhuji invested huge in electric locomotive capacity expansion and reconstruction for meeting the production demands.

      During the process of building the capacity expansion project, CSR Zhuji invested capitals of nearly 7.7 million yuan in total, and it always adhered to “Simultaneous Design, Simultaneous Construction, and Simultaneous Application of Environment Facilities and Capacity Expansion” principle. The project kicked off in January 2008, and in the first half of this year, it was completed and put into trial production.

      So far, the project has been put into production, and its locomotive painting workshop consists of 5 paint spraying rooms, 2 sand spraying rooms, and 2 sanding rooms, which are respectively equipped with paint mist cleaning and dust-removal facilities. As a result, annual emission reduction of benzene substances waste gas pollutants in the paint spraying room hits 17 tons, and that of dusts in sand spraying room and sanding room touches 40-plus tons. In a word, pollutants in locomotive painting workshop are discharged in light of standard, with disposal efficiency rocking to 100%.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:31:29
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      CSR Strains to Develop Strategic Burgeoning Industries
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 10th 2010 2010-09-15
      Amongst the seven major strategic burgeoning industries specified in the Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Burgeoning Industries, CSR will set foot in three industries, namely, high-end equipment manufacture, new energies, and new-energy automobile. “CSR made strategic layout in burgeoning industries at an earlier time, and it always fixed eyes on and tracked the state’s plan for strategic burgeoning industries. Now, the Decision has been promulgated, and it resembles an ignition device to spur CSR”,said Zhao Xiaogang, Chairman of CSR.

      At an early stage, CSR embarked on developing strategic burgeoning industries, which right exemplifies its preemptive strategy. As the largest and most important supplier in China transit sector, CSR has ranked the top amongst its international counterparts in terms of high-end equipment R & D and manufacture strength. Over past years, CSR, focusing on the market demands, invested nearly 20 billion yuan in extensive technical reconstruction, with the result that its products are tiptop in a worldwide scope, such as high-speed EMU, large-power locomotive, urban rail vehicle, and core railway components. To this day, CSR has the electric locomotive, high-speed EMU, and urban rail metro vehicle R & D and production bases with world leading technologies and larges scale. It is also equipped with the Asia’s largest railway wagon R & D and manufacture base, and China’s largest railway high-grade passenger car R & D and manufacture base. In new energies sector, CSR’s wind power equipments manufacture witnessed fast-rate development. Ever since 2006, CSR set foot in wind power sector, and it has transformed from production of wind turbine generator, converter and control system, and blade to manufacture of complete win d power equipments. So far, it has cultivated a complete industrial chain in the sector. In 2002, CSR begun to develop the electric car, and at that time, the Ministry of Science and Technology listed the electric car into the “Important Technological Projects of 863 Program” during the 10th five-year plan period. Meanwhile, CSR successfully won three projects, namely, “Fuel Battery Passenger Bus-Motor and its Control System”, “Multi-energies Power Assembly Control System”, and “Fuel Battery Sedan-DC/DC Inverter”. It is worth pointing out that one of China’s two “Electric Car National 863 Program Fruits Commercialization Bases” is located at CSR ZELRI. As early as 2003, CSR marketed its first electric car. In 2007, CSR joined hands with relevant parties to incorporate the Hunan CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd., which was considered as China’s largest electric car firm at that time.

      At the present day, CSR’s core technologies gradually exert their strong points in the burgeoning industries. By now, CSR is equipped with the State High-speed Train Engineering Laboratory, Converter Technology National Engineering Technical Research Center, 6 state-certified technical centers, 5 post-doctoral workstations, USA-based Industrial Electricity & Electronics R & D Center, and UK-based Large-power Semiconductor Research Center, and so it has integral independent innovation technology system. Thanks to the “Technical Introduction, Assimilation, and Re-innovation” sponsored by the Ministry of Railways, CSR achieved leap-forward growth in independent innovation capacity, and it speedily got the hang of 9 major key technologies in respect of rail transit products. Besides, it firstly founded the integral high-speed EMU and large-power locomotive technical platform in China, and that researched and produced a series of world-class products.

      Besides, CSR’s independently researched 380km/h New-generation High-speed EMU represents the world tiptop level, and its model was exhibited at the Railway Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo, which stirred tremendous social sensation. Compared to 350km/h EMU, the 380km/h New-generation High-speed EMU’s design standard was advanced largely, and now, it is experiencing the test along the Shanghai-Hangzhou PDL and will be put into batch production. At the present time, CSR’s 9600kw large-power electric locomotive serves as the mainstream vehicle for Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway Line, touted as the “Golden Coal Transportation Channel”. Furthermore, its 7200kw large-power electric locomotive received sufficient affirmation from leaders of the Ministry of Railways, and was appraised as “the Locomotive 20 Years ahead of International Counterparts”. By now, CSR ZELRI’s key components like converter control system have been gradually applied in such products as EMU, electric locomotive, and urban metro etc., and they successfully displaced imported products. Through M & A with UK Dynex, CSR ZELRI got the hang of large-power IGBT technology, in addition to successfully realizing localized assembly. That received high recognition and attention from leaders of the Central Government. Presently, under the support of the government, CSR is building an 8-inch production line, which will fill China’s blank in large-power semiconductor sector. Rough statistics show that 70% of EMUs of different grades in service are made by CSR. Amongst 15 domestic cities where the urban metro has been or will be put into service, 11 cities have introduced CSR’s products, and so CSR’s market shares in China exceeded 60% over past three years.

      Backed by core technologies in motor drive system, complete vehicle control system, and battery application system, CSR takes the lead in electric car commercialization sector. In 2008, for instance, CSR supplied 400-plus trolley bus drive systems for Beijing Olympic Games. In 2010, CSR supplied 70% of pure electric drive buses for Shanghai World Expo. Also, CSR partook in the “1000 Vehicles and 10 Cities” Exemplary Promotion Project in respect of the state’s energy-saving and new-energies car plan, and it delivered 800 electric buses for Changsha, Zhuzhou, and Xiangtang, with delivered volume ranking the top amongst domestic counterparts.

      As a matter of fact, CSR’s huge value in strategic burgeoning industries has been already mirrored in the capital market. As of this year, the stock market fluctuated dramatically, whereas the stock price of CSR maintained steady, and particularly in Hong Kong capital market, CSR’s stock price successively hit new highs. To this day, CSR’s market value rocketed to 64 billion yuan, making CSR overtake Bombardier, Alstom, Siemens, and GE Transport to rank the world No. 1. In the first half of 2010, CSR Group achieved sales revenue of 29.3 billion yuan, representing a year-on-year increase of 39%, and its total profits touched 1.76 billion yuan, up 62% on a year-on-year basis.

      As the market forerunner, CSR has listed the strategic burgeoning industries like electric car as its new strategic development priority, in an effort to cultivate another strategic fortress aside from the rail equipment. Chairman of CSR Zhao Xiaogang said: “As one of the 16 members in the State-Owned Enterprise Electric Vehicle Industry Alliance, CSR boasts core technologies and commercialization capacity in motor drive sector, and it has 46 electric car patents. Therefore, it has advantaged competitiveness in electric car sector. According to the Development Plan for the Automobile and New-energy Automobile Industry formulated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the state will place its new-energy automobile support focus on the pure electric car, in order to strongly support the independently researched electric auto fittings. That is a significant development opportunity for CSR. Today, CSR is negotiating with other large-scale carmakers for cooperative affairs, in hopes of cultivating China’s largest new energy bus commercialization base, as well as actively embarking on the R & D and commercialization of the passenger car’s motor drive. We believe that under the support of state policies, CSR, by virtue of its strong points in electric car, will strongly develop such a “Blue Sea” to cultivate an all-new “Green Power Kingdom”. New-energy car industry is bound to become the main source for CSR’s future business growth”.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:31:54
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      China’s new-generation indigenous high-end type A metro vehicle to serve Universiade Shenzhen
      Source: CSR September 13, 2010 2010-09-15

      On September 11, the first metro vehicle, tailored by CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. to Universiade Shenzhen 2011, was delivered at Tanglang Rolling Stock Depot, Shenzhen Metro Corporation. Huangrui from Shenzhen Metro took the key from Liu Ning, Party secretary of CSR Zhuji, as a generous gift to the 30th anniversary of the founding of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

      Reportedly, the passenger flow of Shenzhen metro is expected to be around 2 million during the Universiade. As a key project to guarantee the Universiade’s success, the construction of Subway Central Ring Line Line 5, which links Qianhaiwan and Huangbeiling with a full length of about 40 kilometers and 27 stations, was launched in Shenzhen in December 2007.

      In order to offer high-quality and high-reliability metro vehicles to the Universiade, on May 5, 2009, Shenzhen Metro struck a deal on 180 high-end Type A metro vehicles 30 trains with CSR Zhuji, a company with profound essence in European mass transit vehicle technology.

      In the mass transit vehicle industry, network control technology is just like brain for vehicles, traction & transmission system is just like heart as well as one of multinational companies’ core mass transit vehicle technologies for monopolizing the Chinese market. After CSR Zhuji developed China’s first indigenous high-end type A metro vehicle in September 2008, the National Development and Reform Commission advanced the strategic idea of advancing the indigenization of the core parts of mass transit vehicles.

      Guided by the idea, in the process of the project, CSR Zhuji joined hands with Shenzhen Metro to use network control systems and traction & transmission systems independently developed by Chinese enterprises in the eight completely marshaled metro vehicles to create “brains” and “hearts” for Chinese high-end type A metro vehicles for the first time and increase the localization rate from 70% for the previous Shenzhen Subway Line 1 to over 90%, thus accomplishing the industry upgrading of indigenization of core parts on the basis of vehicle indigenization industrialization.

      According to Liu Houlin, mass transit vehicle R & D manager of CSR Zhuji, the metro vehicles for the line has a designed speed of 80 km/h and a designed life of 30 years, and uses all-welded aluminum alloy drum bodies. During development, the company kept a close watch on the online operations of the vehicles for Shenzhen Subway Line 1 upon continued construction, and optimized over 40 design items on this basis.

      In energy conservation, low carbon and environmental protection, the metro vehicle model maximizes weight on the basis of safety and reliability, over-meeting the contract requirements by 9.6 tons. At the same time, regenerative braking is used to convert vehicle kinetic energy into electric energy and feed back to the catenary, thus saving electric energy by over 100,000 kilowatt-hours year on year.

      In ensuring safe transportation during the Universiade, apart from anti-collision design, each compartment door has an emergency opening device to help passengers escape in case of emergency. Besides, new ramp emergency evacuation doors are equipped on both ends to considerably reduce the evacuation time in an emergency.

      At the ceremony, Liu said that the company would give full play to the profound essence of European technology, lead the market by technology, firmly and continuously advance the indigenous innovation of China’s mass transit vehicle industry, and sum up and transplant the experience in and mechanism of serving the Shanghai World Expo, to provide quality vehicles and services for metro travel during the Universiade.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:32:18
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      CSR and GE’s Diesel Engine JV Founded
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 10th, 2010 2010-09-15
      On September 9th, the Changzhou CSR GE Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., which was jointly founded by CSR Qishuyan and GE China Co., Ltd., launched its foundation ceremony. That symbolizes the project officially settled in the Rail Transit Industrial Park of Changzhou Qishuyan Economic Development Zone.

      The diesel engine JV project takes a floor space of 100mu about 66,000 square meters, with estimated investment totaling about 650 million yuan. The JV project will be mainly engaged in the manufacture, assembly, test, sales, and after-sales repair of diesel locomotive’s diesel engine and relevant components. The project is planned to fall into two phases, and therein, the Phase I, with total investment of 204.6 million yuan and floor space of 30mu about 20,000square meters, will specialize in producing Evo16 diesel engine turbocharger and power unit. After being officially put into production, the JV Company can assemble and overhaul 250 EVO16 diesel engine power units and turbochargers per year, and it is estimated that the Phase I’s annual sales revenue will touch 500 million yuan. According to the plan, the Phase I will be officially put into production at the end of March 2011, and at that time, it will bring in nearly 100 job opportunities. It is estimated that the JV Company’s annual sales revenue will rocket to 1.5 billion yuan after its Phase II has been officially put into production.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:32:41
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      CSR Shenyang Urban Rail Base Completed and Put into Production
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 13th, 2010 2010-09-15
      On September 11th, the Shenyang Rail Transit Electric Equipment Manufacturing Base abbreviated as the Shenyang Base below, which was invested and built by CSR ZELRI’s subordinate Times Electric Co., Ltd., was completed and put into production. As the largest professional urban rail traction electric products manufacturing base in Northeast, the Shenyang Base will radiate the urban rail market in Northeast and even in the entire North China, so as to become the research and production base of CSR’s core urban rail products in North China.

      CSR supplied 120 sets of traction control systems and relevant equipments & services for Shenyang Metro No. 2 Line’s 20 vehicles, with contractual value hitting 183 million yuan. It is the first time for domestic metro to adopt homemade traction drive and network control system, and CSR becomes China’s first manufacturer that solely won the core metro electric equipment sales contract through public bidding. That marks the localization of metro vehicles in China steps into a new phase.

      It is learned that over past years, international multinational companies always monopolized the metro vehicle’s core components like metro vehicle traction drive system, network control system, and brake system. CSR ZELRI, as China’s only state-owned firm with independent intellectual property in urban rail traction drive system, successively developed such integrated electric systems as IGBT-based large power AC drive system and TCN-tailored in-vehicle network system on the basis of full knowledge to AC drive system’s core technologies and large components’ standardized & serial development. As a result, it cultivated the urban rail transit vehicle AC drive and network control system integration technology architecture with independent intellectual property.

      With planned floor space of 4000 square meters, the Shenyang Base, positioned as CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd.’s important base in Northeast for the production, service, and overhaul of urban rail products, is mainly engaged in operating urban rail vehicle drive electric systems like traction converter and auxiliary converter, and it is able to produce two “3-EMU plus 3-Trailer” traction systems per month, with annual productivity hitting 24 units. At the inception phase, the Shenyang Base aims to realize the overhaul to urban rail products and supporting components of large parts like urban rail vehicle’s cabinet, and it is predicted that the base will set foot in the research and production of railway locomotive vehicles and other urban rail products.

      As one of China’s most important industrial bases, Shenyang City is of complete industrial sectors, strong industrial foundation, powerful OEM capacity, and abundant human resources. Over past years, Shenyang City intensified its support to the rail transit equipment sector, and definitely put forward the metro equipment industry development strategy, namely, to rely on the metro project and adopt “exchange market for technology” means to achieve the “Rejuvenate the Industry by Project” goal. Foundation and production of the Shenyang Base will further enhance the friendship between CSR and Shenyang Municipal Government. CSR Times Electric, under the support of the CSR, resolutely implemented the northward strategy to make market layout in Shenyang and build the largest professional urban rail traction electric products manufacture base in Northeast. Centered on the Shenyang base, the company vows to radiate the urban rail market in Northeast and even in the entire North China, in a bid to cultivate the company’s research and manufacture base of core urban rail products in North China, by which, the company will establish two major professional urban rail vehicle electric system production bases respectively in Zhuzhou City the south and in Shenyang City the north.

      At the celebration ceremony, Vice President of CSR Fu Jianguo said: “the completion and production of Shenyang Base is a good beginning for the cooperation between CSR and Shenyang City, and it is also a milestone project for localization of rail transit equipments in China. Furthermore, the Shenyang base is of important significance to CSR’s strategic layout, Shenyang metro project’s construction, and the Northeast old industrial base’s rejuvenation”.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:33:47
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      CSR Shenyang Urban Rail Base Completed and Put into Production
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 13th, 2010 2010-09-15
      On September 11th, the Shenyang Rail Transit Electric Equipment Manufacturing Base abbreviated as the Shenyang Base below, which was invested and built by CSR ZELRI’s subordinate Times Electric Co., Ltd., was completed and put into production. As the largest professional urban rail traction electric products manufacturing base in Northeast, the Shenyang Base will radiate the urban rail market in Northeast and even in the entire North China, so as to become the research and production base of CSR’s core urban rail products in North China.

      CSR supplied 120 sets of traction control systems and relevant equipments & services for Shenyang Metro No. 2 Line’s 20 vehicles, with contractual value hitting 183 million yuan. It is the first time for domestic metro to adopt homemade traction drive and network control system, and CSR becomes China’s first manufacturer that solely won the core metro electric equipment sales contract through public bidding. That marks the localization of metro vehicles in China steps into a new phase.

      It is learned that over past years, international multinational companies always monopolized the metro vehicle’s core components like metro vehicle traction drive system, network control system, and brake system. CSR ZELRI, as China’s only state-owned firm with independent intellectual property in urban rail traction drive system, successively developed such integrated electric systems as IGBT-based large power AC drive system and TCN-tailored in-vehicle network system on the basis of full knowledge to AC drive system’s core technologies and large components’ standardized & serial development. As a result, it cultivated the urban rail transit vehicle AC drive and network control system integration technology architecture with independent intellectual property.

      With planned floor space of 4000 square meters, the Shenyang Base, positioned as CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd.’s important base in Northeast for the production, service, and overhaul of urban rail products, is mainly engaged in operating urban rail vehicle drive electric systems like traction converter and auxiliary converter, and it is able to produce two “3-EMU plus 3-Trailer” traction systems per month, with annual productivity hitting 24 units. At the inception phase, the Shenyang Base aims to realize the overhaul to urban rail products and supporting components of large parts like urban rail vehicle’s cabinet, and it is predicted that the base will set foot in the research and production of railway locomotive vehicles and other urban rail products.

      As one of China’s most important industrial bases, Shenyang City is of complete industrial sectors, strong industrial foundation, powerful OEM capacity, and abundant human resources. Over past years, Shenyang City intensified its support to the rail transit equipment sector, and definitely put forward the metro equipment industry development strategy, namely, to rely on the metro project and adopt “exchange market for technology” means to achieve the “Rejuvenate the Industry by Project” goal. Foundation and production of the Shenyang Base will further enhance the friendship between CSR and Shenyang Municipal Government. CSR Times Electric, under the support of the CSR, resolutely implemented the northward strategy to make market layout in Shenyang and build the largest professional urban rail traction electric products manufacture base in Northeast. Centered on the Shenyang base, the company vows to radiate the urban rail market in Northeast and even in the entire North China, in a bid to cultivate the company’s research and manufacture base of core urban rail products in North China, by which, the company will establish two major professional urban rail vehicle electric system production bases respectively in Zhuzhou City the south and in Shenyang City the north.

      At the celebration ceremony, Vice President of CSR Fu Jianguo said: “the completion and production of Shenyang Base is a good beginning for the cooperation between CSR and Shenyang City, and it is also a milestone project for localization of rail transit equipments in China. Furthermore, the Shenyang base is of important significance to CSR’s strategic layout, Shenyang metro project’s construction, and the Northeast old industrial base’s rejuvenation”.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:34:17
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      CSR Ranks into Top 50 of China Top 500 Enterprises
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 10th, 2010 2010-09-15
      Recently, the Fortune released the “Roster of China Top 500 Enterprises”, and CSR was firstly selected into the roster and ranked the 49th place. Amongst its mechanical equipment production counterparts in the roster, CSR ranked the second place.

      The “Roster of China Top 500 Enterprises” was formulated by the Fortune through comparing all Chinese listed companies at home and abroad, and it was regarded as the first comprehensive roster that makes comprehensive analysis on Chinese listed companies’ assets scale, profitability, growth potential, resources utilization, and financial indexes in a worldwide scope. When formulating the roster, the appraisal committee referred to the financial data that was released by more than 2500 Chinese listed companies in FY2009. After complex calculation, the appraisal committee mapped out the overall ranking in the long run. At the meantime, the appraisal committee formulated segmented rosters, in addition to sifting out the most excellent performers by region, industry, and profit growth.

      After ranking China Top 100 Enterprises for 9 consecutive years, the Fortune firstly extended the ranking roster’s scope to 500 enterprises. “We screened top 500 enterprises in operation scale from Chinese listed companies to constitute the first Roster of China Top 500 Enterprises because we do think those enterprises play pivotal roles in Chinese economy. That accords with our motto, namely, to mirror the social change by the ranking roster”, said the Fortune.

      In August 2008, CSR went public simultaneously in Shanghai and Hong Kong. As China’s largest rail transit equipment vendor, CSR has developed such high-tech products as high-speed EMU, large-power locomotive, urban rail metro vehicle, and electric car etc., and it carved out extensive development space under the premise of global low-carbon economy’s boom and China high-speed and heavy-haul railway’s speedy development.

      In 2009, CSR achieved sales revenue of 46.393 billion yuan, with net profits attributable to Parent Company hitting 1.678 billion yuan. Against the backdrop of global financial crisis, CSR still achieved 20-30% growth. In the first half of this year, CSR’s operating revenue and net profits attributable to Parent Company respectively increased 51.2% and 76.27% from the same period of last year, which fully exemplified CSR’s leading role in the mechanical equipment production industry.

      It is learned that in 2009, the operating revenue of China Top 500 Enterprises totaled 13.7 trillion yuan, making up 40.9% of China’s GDP. Amongst those enterprises in the roster, the minimum operating revenue must exceed 3.51 billion yuan.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:34:41
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Zhao Xiaogang Invited to Attend Summer Davos Forum 2010
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 14th 2010 2010-09-16
      On September 13th, the World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum 2010 was unveiled in Tianjin, and Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council of China attended and addressed the opening ceremony. Chairman of CSR Zhao Xiaogang was also invited to attend the opening ceremony. In the meantime, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of Tianjin Municipal Committee Zhang Gaoli, Mayor of Tianjin City Huang Xingguo, and Foreign Affairs Ministry of China Yang Jiechi received and gave a banquet for leaders of the state-owned enterprises including Chairman Zhao Xiaogang.

      In his address at the opening ceremony, Premier Wen gave full affirmation to Chinese HSR’s achievements, and he particularly spoke highly of the running of Bejing-Tianjin HSR and Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR.

      On the noon of September 13th, Tianjin Municipal Committee and Municipal Government received and gave a banquet for present representatives, and Foreign Affairs Ministry of China Yang Jiechi made a speech on behalf of attendees. Meanwhile, Zhao Xiaogang made a report in respect of CSR’s Tianjin-based project to Zhang Gaoli, who was satisfied with the construction of Tianjin CSR Industrial Park and said that Tianjin Government would continue supporting CSR’s development in Tianjin. Besides, Zhao Xiaogang reported CSR’s overseas expansion projects to Yang Jiechi, who stressed that Chinese Government would strongly support China HSR and CSR’s “Go Outside” strategy.

      During the interview with Vice Mayor of Tianjin City Wang Zhiping, leaders of Tianjin City like Wang Zhiping gave sufficient affirmation to CSR Industrial Park’s construction process, and they said that CSR was of state-owned enterprises’ values like high credit, prompt action, efficient and down-to-earth work attitude, and so the construction of the industrial park achieved remarkable effect. They noted that Tianjin Government would always support CSR’s growth in Tianjin, particularly bolster its market expansion and development of such projects as urban rail vehicle, power generation, and new-energy vehicle. Simultaneously, Tianjin Government will take potent measures to overcome hard nuts resulting from the construction of CSR Tianjin Industrial Park, in order to facilitate the CSR Tianjin Industrial Park to market products by the end of this year.

      Zhao Xiaogang extended his gratitude to Tianjin Municipal Committee and Municipal Government for their support to CSR’s development, and he said: “Recently, the State Council examined and approved the Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Burgeoning Industries, and made definite seven major strategic burgeoning industries at current phase. CSR’s urban rail vehicle, wind power generation, and new-energy automobile sectors in Tianjin all belong to the state’s strategic burgeoning industries. Due to this, CSR will pull out all the stops to speed up the construction of Tianjin Industrial Park, in order to build the park into an exemplary base for Tianjin City to fulfill the State Council’s requirements with respect to cultivation and development of the strategic burgeoning industries”. Chairman Zhao underlined that by the end of this year, CSR Tianjin Industrial Park was bound to market products to offer the optimum quality service products for Tianjin’s development and Tianjin citizens’ travel.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:35:14
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      CSR Hybrid Vehicle Serves Hunan Provincial Games
      Source: CSR Issued on: September 14th, 2010 2010-09-16
      On the night of September 12th, The 11th Hunan Provincial Games, with the most participants and largest scale in Hunan Province’s sports games history, was ceremoniously unveiled in Xiangtang City, and more than 100 hybrid buses supplied by CSR ZELRI drew much attention while parading through the street.

      Source said that CSR ZELRI’s 113 hybrid buses had been wholly launched to five bus trunk lines of Xiangtang City, namely, Line 1, Line 5, Line 6, Line 23, and Line 28, in order to extensively serve the 11th Hunan Provincial Games. For the sake of ensuring the company products’ high efficiency and trouble-free operation during the provincial games and provide the games with low-carbon, environmentally-friendly, and convenient services, CSR ZELRI checked and maintained all vehicles one month in advance, as well as assigned a competent after-sales service team to offer nanny-style services at each bus stop in response to customers’ requirements. That received high recognition from customers.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 09:41:35
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Ich muss meine Prognose wohl etwas nach unten korrigieren! Die Nachrichten sind zwar gut, aber bei der Vielzahl an Aktien, die auf dem Markt sind, und unter Berücksichtigung des durchschnittlichen Kursanstiegs wird man wohl nicht mit mehr als 80Cent gegen Ende dieses Jahres rechnen dürfen. Trotzdem nicht schlecht meiner Ansicht nach! ;)
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 16.09.10 15:38:05
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.159.763 von ToBeMe am 16.09.10 09:41:35Ja das sind die ingenieurstechnischen Schätzungen ;) +/-0,10 € :laugh::laugh::laugh:

      ne im Ernst, scheint mir mittlerweile auch realistischer zu sein!

      KZ: 0,80-0,85
      schrieb am 16.09.10 15:42:07
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.159.763 von ToBeMe am 16.09.10 09:41:35hey,

      ist die Aktie vom Handel ausgesetzt? Ich bekomme nichts....
      schrieb am 17.09.10 07:49:00
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Hab überall geschaut, wo man ne Info diesbezüglich kriegen könnte, aber nichts gefunden. Würde mich aber schon etwas wundern! Gibt meiner Ansicht nach keinen Anlass dafür! :confused:
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 17.09.10 08:49:42
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.165.842 von ToBeMe am 17.09.10 07:49:00seh ich auch so....aber kannst du handeln? ich bekomme Sie immer nioch nciht -.-
      schrieb am 18.09.10 13:23:17
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Habs ehrlich gesagt noch nicht probiert was zu bekommen! Werd am Mo mal ein kleines Paket ordern!
      schrieb am 22.09.10 12:58:55
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Also ich konnte ohne Probleme ordern! Weiß auch nicht was da los war!
      schrieb am 30.09.10 07:48:28
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Delivery Peak To Come for CSR’s High-power Electric Locomotive
      Source: CSR Issued on: Sep. 24, 2010 2010-09-29
      While a large number of newly built railways come into service in China, the manufacture and application of new equipment also see a peak. At CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd, the delivery peak is to come for the 590 units of HX model 6 axle 7,200KW AC transmission high-power locomotives. Currently, No. 281 high-power locomotive of 6-axle 7,200KW has been approved by the Zhuzhou Locomotive Acceptance Lab of the Ministry of Railway and was shipped to the Lanxi Locomotive Depot of Lanzhou Railway Bureau to take the towing task of cargo trains between Lanzhou west and Xingfeng County of Longhai railway. The delivery peak for 6-axle 7,200KW locomotive is expected to take place in this year and next year. These locomotives will become a leading force in China’s railway transportation.

      The railway equipment manufactures directly benefit from the railway investment plan by the government. It is known that the purchase contract of 590 units of high-power electric locomotive was signed between Chengdu Railway Bureau of the Ministry of Railway and CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. The large amount of railway equipment purchase order is stimulated by the rapid progress of China’s high speed railway. According the “11th five- year plan” and middle to long term railway plan’s adjustment, the total length of railway in operation will reach 120 thousand KM till 2020, and the amount of 6-axle 7,200KW locomotives in service then is expected to be around 8,000.

      The 6-axle 7,200KW high-power electric locomotive is the high end electric locomotive in the world and is solely developed by CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. It is an importance achievement under the guidance of “technology innovation after introduction and absorption” by the Ministry of Railway. And it signals our country’s railway equipment industry has made progress in several years for what have taken the developed countries 20 years. This model will become a leading force in the railway cargo transportation in the next few years.

      Owing to the lean practices it takes, CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd is capable of winning large quantity of purchase order, quickly responding to the requirements of the market and delivering punctually. Mr. Li Yang, General Manager of Locomotive department, said the lean product practices they take aim at improving production efficiency, yield and effectiveness, and making improvements endlessly. By minimizing unnecessary waste, removing meaningless processes and optimizing process planning, we take the full advantage of our production potential. Take the locomotive assembly process as an example, it took 18 days previously to complete the process, now it takes only 6 days. There is another example: there are more than 4,770 cables and 2,790 circuit nodes in the wiring process of central cable tray, it used to be done manually and took 15 employees 6 days to complete, now it takes only 6 employees 1.5 days. What’s more, the error rate for wiring now is close to zero.

      Li Xiaoliang, Vice General Manager of Locomotive department, told the journalist that they implement lean production practices in more than 560 processes in the manufacture of electric locomotive, including all employees wearing working certificate at work, standardized process operation, all employees involved equipment maintenance and management, all employees participating in quality management and implementing “timely” production and “Andon” practices in the assembly line. These practices are tools full of human wisdom, and each process describes in details every single step and key points of employees’ operations. Employees can see the instructions of standards and steps by simply look upwards so as to ensure zero inferior products.

      It is said that CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd has delivered about 1,000 units of HX model high-power electric locomotives in the past several years to Taiyuan Railway Bureau, Chengdu Railway Bureau, Wuhan Railway Bureau, Nanchang Railway Bureau, Guangzhou Railway Corporation and Lanzhou Railway Bureau and the accumulated safe operation mileage has exceeded 146 million KM.
      schrieb am 30.09.10 07:48:55
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Fan Blade of CSR Went Global
      Source: CSR Issued on: Sep. 21st, 2010 2010-09-29
      Sep. 12th, CSR Times New Materials Technology Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd, shipped its first lot of fan blades, two models for 1.5MW wind turbine, to Chile and White Russia via No. 1 dock of Luojing Port, Shanghai. This is the first time that its fan blande went global.

      It is said that totally 3 sets of fan blade were exported, 1 set for White Russia and the other 2 sets for Chile. Since it successfully installed its fan blades in a wind farm in Hebei, China in Mar, 2009, CSR Times New Materials Technology Co., Ltd has increased the record to about 20 wind farms nation wide. Its blades have sustained the tests of all kinds of complex and tough environments, and clients are satisfied with their performance from all aspects, including the power generation data and stability.
      schrieb am 30.09.10 07:49:20
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Inverters of CSR Made Debuts in Commercial Air Conditioner and Oilfield Market
      Source: CSR Issued on: Sep. 21st, 2010 2010-09-29
      Recently, CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd. Announced good news for its achievement in the research and development of inverters. CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd. Has accomplished the commissioning and delivery test for the 4 units of 400KW inverters used for commercial air conditioners. It Signals CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd has successfully expanded its product line from industrial market to civilian market, which is of great potential. Then, the inverter of model TSG2 researched by the same subsidiary officially started its service on Sep. 15 11:00AM along with the smooth startup of the drill stem of the No. Yue201-20X2 well operated by Chuan Qing Drilling Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of CNPC. These two models have entered the broad commercial air conditioner market and oilfield market respectively.

      The 400KW inverter for commercial air conditioner is primarily supplied to Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai, which is the largest specilized air conditioner manufacture in the world. And TGS2 is provided to Chuan Qing Drilling Co., Ltd, of CNPC.

      The research and development of both models is completed within merely 40 days. Though the delivery schedule was time pressed, the project teams ensured timely delivery by working overtime and meeting various challenges.

      It is known that CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd has acquired extensive experience in the application technology while the TGS2 came into service. More importantly, it ended the domination of ABB and Simens in the oilfild inverter market, signaling one firm step into the oilfied market of its general inverter. Besides, it is said that CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd and Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai have reached agreement on jointly developing the next generation of embeded air conditioner inverter and permanent magnet synchronous motor.
      schrieb am 30.09.10 07:49:54
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      “CSR Power” Shuttles Davos Forum Tianjin
      Source: CSR Issued On: Sep, 21st, 2010 2010-09-29
      World Economic Forum Summer Davos 2010 was held from Sep. 13th to 15th in Tianjin, China. The Chinese premier Wen Jiabao presented the opening ceremony and made a keynote speech. This year''s summit, under the theme "Driving Growth through Sustainability" implemented the idea of “green, eco-friendly, thrifty and environment-friendly” and took a series of measures for energy saving and emission reduction, such as “green transportation”.

      In the process of the forum, 30 motor-driven buses, empowered by the electrical system developed by CSR Times Electric Automobile Co., Ltd, took responsibilities of the transportation of participants from different countries. The electrical systems presented outstanding stability and extradinary performance, delivering the “zero malfunction” commitment by CSR Times Electric Automobile Co., Ltd. They also won highly remarks from guests all over the world for their environment-friendly characters, such as zero emission, low noise, low energy consumption, and comfortable riding experience. They’ve also drawn extensive attention of the green car industry. In the wake of Beijing Olympic Game and Shanghai Expo, the CSR Times Electric Automobile Co., Ltd again showed its splendid achievement in the research of green car technology. All the battery only electric buses in this event were manufactured by Zonda Group and adopted electrical system supplied by CSR Times Electric Automobile Co., Ltd. It is known that the electrical system is latest generation of electric transmission system solely developed by CSR Times Electric Automobile Co., Ltd, and was the first used in battery only buses in massive. Its reliability and advantages in fitting with the bus won highly praise from the vehicle manufacture.

      Presently, Zonda Group revealed its interest in purchasing more electrical systems to supply 20 more buses to Tianjin for the use of providing transportations for distinguished guests. These buses will become a city card of Tianjin for promoting a low carbon life style.
      schrieb am 30.09.10 07:50:26
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      CSR Joins Forces With Invensys Plc in Signaling Market
      Source: CSR Issued On: Sep. 21st 2010 2010-09-29
      On Sep. 15th, on behalf of the CSR, the CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co. Ltd. hereinafter referred to as CSR Zhuzhou inked a top-level agreement on global cooperation with the Invensys Railway group in Beijing. At the same time, the CSR Times Electric Automobile Co., Ltd. also signed contracts with the Invensys Railway Co., Ltd and the Invensys Railway Australia respectively all referred to as Invensys on technology license agreement and domestic top-level cooperation.

      According to the contracts, Invensys is to grant authority to CSR Times Electric Automobile Co., Ltd on the manufacturing and selling of signaling products like the computer interlocks, which is taking the lead among its like products in China’s mass transit signaling circle. Up till now, CSR has the capacity of providing total solutions for the mass transit signaling system, and the systems and services for wide-sold locomotive controlling and signaling equipment. Both companies should use their own advantages to provide the rapid developing mass transit market the most advanced signaling control system.

      At the primary stage, for the project designated by both companies after consultation and where the integration of locomotives and signals are involved, mutual assistance are expected from both sides with the Invensys offering the signaling system to the CSR, and the later providing total solutions for the locomotives and signaling systems. In such a way, they can improve their capacity in taking turnkey projects. The projects during the stage involve the following areas: the Middle East, India and Southeast Asia.

      The domestic top-level cooperation agreement specifically stipulates CSR as the general contractor and Invensys the subcontractor and they should bid for the signaling system in the mode of general contractor/subcontractor. In light of the actual situation, both parties may consider bid projects jointly when adequate.

      Presently, the domestic vendors specialized in mass transit signaling system generally choose to bid signaling system project by cooperating with foreign companies. After signing the agreement with Invensys Plc, CSR will be in an position to surmount fierce competition and expand into the mass transit signaling market.

      It is said that 89 urban rails will built in 22 cities in the next 6 years in China. The total mileage for the urban rails to be constructed is 2,500KM and the investment amount is up to RMB993.73 billion, which presents huge market requirements for mass transit signaling system.

      The Invensys Railway Group, a subsidiary of Invensys Plc, is a leader in the global train control and signaling market. It poses advantages of advanced technology. It has not only delivered the advanced CBTC signaling system in the subway of Madrid, Spain, but also participated in the signaling system project for subway in Beijing and Tianjin, China.
      schrieb am 12.10.10 08:48:50
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      CSR EMU’s Hourly Running Speed Ranks the World Highest
      Source: CSR Issued on: October 11th, 2010 2010-10-12

      In the morning on September 28th, CRH380A Commercial EMU research and produced by CSR achieved the maximum running speed 416.6 km/h in the world railway industry during the Shanghai-Hangzhou HSR’s trial running period.

      The 380km/h new-generation EMU is regarded as a representative product for China HSR industry to guide the world high-speed train technology’s development, and the EMU not only adopts the novel locomotive featuring perfect match of modern technology and Chinese culture, but also achieves substantial breakthroughs in research of key technologies and production of equipments like train assembly, body, bogie etc, which can be exemplified from 10 major system innovations, such as low-resistance streamline locomotive shape, excellent body vibration mode, high airtight strength and airtight body, large-load and high-safety bogie, advanced noise insulation and vibration reduction technology, strong-power green traction system, active control low airflow disturbance double-pantograph current collection technology, high-safety & low-abrasion compound brake, human-centric, diversified, and individualized service facilities, and control diagnosis & monitoring intelligence.

      The 380km/h new-generation high-speed EMU’s maximum running speed approaches the airplane’s low-speed cruising speed, and thus the high-speed train’s new locomotive shape design is faced with extremely complex pneumatic environment. New-generation high-speed EMU designers, during the process of designing the locomotive shape, should resolve the disturbance of ground airflow, body vibration when two trains encounter, and airflow change when the train passes through the tunnel. Due to this, high-speed train’s appearance design is more challenging as compared to airplane.

      On the basis of systematically researching different design elements and different line conditions, R & D personnel, through comparison and analysis, figured out 20 locomotive shape designs. After making comprehensive analysis on the technology, culture, and project feasibility, they basically sifted out 10 shape design schemes. Through simulative analysis on 3D flow field value and multi-object optimization, our R & D personnel determined five optional locomotive shapes through 17 items and 75 times of simulative calculations. After that, they made a 1:8 model according to optional schemes, and respectively implemented wind tunnel aerodynamic experiment 19 angles and 8 wind speeds and wind tunnel noise experiment three wind speeds and four kinds of formations. In light of selected schemes, R & D personnel fulfilled the sample vehicle’s trial production and completed 22 experiments, with the result that they finalized the new-generation high-speed train’s locomotive shape scheme. Experiment reveals that the new locomotive shape achieves the world leading level in such aspects as pneumatic resistance, pneumatic noise, last car’s life force and lateral force, and comprehensive pneumatic performance etc. It is noteworthy that the locomotive’s shape concept is derived from the “Long March” Rocket, implying that the new-generation high-speed EMU matches the airplane and it can “fly” swiftly.
      schrieb am 12.10.10 08:49:19
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      CSR Zhuji’s Three-level Response Mechanism to Ensure the Metro’s Normal Running During the Guangzhou Asian Games
      Source: CSR Issued on: October 9th, 2010 2010-10-12
      The distance between Wuhan and Guangzhou is 1000 miles, but passengers spend only one day to shuttle between both cities. During the golden week of National Day, Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR Guangzhou South Station was full of passengers, and those passengers getting off the high-speed train discovered in surprise that they needed not take the crowded bus to tour in Guangzhou downtown, and modernized metro vehicles furnished by CSR Zhuji were standing in front of them.

      “During the golden week of National Day, our metro vehicles have safely transported 12 million person-times of passengers. By October 7th, all new vehicles delivered by CSR Zhuji to Guangzhou Metro have run normally, and their running mileage totaled about 1.60 million kilometers. On the average, 1.5 million passengers take CSR Zhuji’s metro vehicles every day, and till now, there has not yet been significant malfunction. By taking vehicles of New Metro Line 2 and North Extension Line of Metro Line 3, passengers from other places can conveniently shuttle amongst Guangzhou South Station, Guangzhou Railway Station, Guangzhou East Station, and Guangzhou Baiyun Airport”, Service Representative of CSR Zhuji in South China Liu Zhenwei said while being interviewed after the golden week of National Day came to the end.

      It is learned that since September 25th when the 25 metro vehicles delivered by CSR Zhuji to Guangzhou New Metro Line 2 were put into normal running, the seamless connection between Guangzhou downtown and Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR was realized.

      The golden week of National Day has passed and the Guangzhou Asian Games is coming. It is learned that during the Guangzhou Asian Games, the daily passenger traffic of Guangzhou New Metro Line 2 and North Extension Line of Metro Line 3 will respectively hit 800,000 and 1 million person-times. At that time, 26 metro vehicles manufactured by CSR Zhuji will serve Guangzhou New Metro Line 2, 40 metro vehicles will serve Main Line of Guangzhou Metro Line 3, and 23 metro vehicles will serve North Extension Line of Guangzhou Metro Line 3.

      As we know, running of urban rail vehicles during the Asian Games features long period, high safety requirements, and uneven distribution of passenger traffic etc. While being interviewed, Liu Zhenwei said: during the Asian Games period, CSR Zhuji has established the “Four plus Two plus One” dedicated service organ as well as founded the Three-level Emergency Response Mechanism namely, specialized attendants’ riding-style, resident, and base-style services, in order to ensure the urban rail vehicles’ safe running during the Guangzhou Asian Games.
      schrieb am 12.10.10 08:49:43
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      CSR Basically Achieves its Goal during the Eleventh Five-year Plan
      Germany-based rail transit counseling firm SCI Verkehr recently issued the 2010 Global Railway Market Survey Report, showing that CSR has successfully ranked top three in world rail transit industry.

      According to SCI Verkehr, China rail transit equipment manufacturers like CSR witnessed rapid growth over past five years, with growth rate hitting 108%, whereas international rail transit tycoons like Bombardier, Alstom, and Siemens, etc, only saw growth rate of 17%. The 2010 Global Railway Market Survey Report reveals that by now, CSR’s sales revenue basically matches Alstom’s. Market insiders said that at the end of this year, CSR’s market size might surpass Alstom’s, and CSR’s ranking amongst its global counterparts would be advanced to the second place accordingly.

      With sizeable output of its competitive products such as high-speed EMU inclusive of CRH2 and CRH380A and large-power electric locomotives inclusive of HXD1, CSR achieved fast-rate growth in world rail transit equipment manufacturing market. In 2009, CSR’s contractual value at abroad hit USf 1.24 billion, up 60% from the corresponding period of last year, with export destinations covering 40-plus countries in five continents and key products being exported to developed countries and regions like EU, Singapore, and Australia etc. During January to July this year, CSR’s contractual value at abroad totaled USf 760 million, a large increase as compared to the corresponding period of 2009. At present, CSR brand’s influential power in the world rail transit industry is becoming more and more prominent.

      SCI Verkehr, an international authoritative counseling firm, is committed to offering strategic consultation services in railway and logistics sectors, and it boasts extensive international experts network, with line of business being extended to the whole world. Each year, SCI Verkehr publishes several special reports on the locomotive vehicle market, and it issues the market analysis report to the world with 15 languages once a week. SCI Verkehr’s analysis and appraisal to the locomotive vehicle production, sales, and operation market always receives high recognition and extensive attention from the world railway industry.
      schrieb am 09.11.10 10:27:39
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      14/10/2010 11:46
      [I-bank focus] Nomura upgrades CSR (01766) to "buy" & HK$9

      Nomura upgraded CSR Corporation (01766) to "buy"
      from "neutral", and raised its price target to HK$9 from HK$5.8.
      With an improving product mix, increasing localization rate and continuous cost down
      efforts, CSR's gross margin will be continuously strong in 3Q-4Q10, the house said.
      Better economies of scale and lower aftermarket service costs should also contribute to
      declining SG&A expenses, Nomura added. It thus revised up its gross margin estimate
      from 15.8%, 16% and 16.1% to 16.3%, 16.9% and 17% for FY10, FY11 and FY12. (KL)

      Sieht doch mal verdammt gut aus!
      schrieb am 09.11.10 10:28:32
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      CSR (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) 9-month net profit RMB1.81B, up 74%
      [Date:10-29-2010] Source: Infocast News

      CSR Corporation (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) had a net profit of RMB1.807 billion for the first nine months this year, up 73.75% compared to a year ago. EPS were RMB0.15.

      The company had a net profit of RMB702.662 million for the third quarter this year, up 69.93% compared to the same period last year.
      schrieb am 09.11.10 10:29:12
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      CSR (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) 9-month net profit RMB1.81B, up 74%
      [Date:10-29-2010] Source: Infocast News

      CSR Corporation (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) had a net profit of RMB1.807 billion for the first nine months this year, up 73.75% compared to a year ago. EPS were RMB0.15.

      The company had a net profit of RMB702.662 million for the third quarter this year, up 69.93% compared to the same period last year.
      schrieb am 09.11.10 10:29:27
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      [I-bank focus] BOCI raises CSR (01766) target to HK$9.21

      BOCI raised its target price for China South
      Locomotive (CSR, 01766) to HK$9.21 from HK$7.2, and maintained its "buy" call.
      It said the strong 3Q and 9-month results were mainly stemmed from the huge government
      railway investments that sparked demand for related equipment.
      BOCI sees robust growth for the company over the next two years, and maintained its
      2010-12 earnings estimates. (KL)
      schrieb am 09.11.10 10:30:25
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      [I-bank focus] Citi lifts CSR (01766) TP to HK$8.3, "hold"

      Citigroup lifted its target price for China South
      Locomotive (CSR, 01766) to HK$8.3 from HK$6.5, and retained its "hold" call.
      Despite the 9-month results account for 73% of Citi's 2010 forecast, the house thinks
      the results were solid and better than expected, given the expected increasing MU delivery
      in 4Q10.
      The house lifted its 2010/2011 earnings estimates by 12% and 7%, mainly due to upwards
      revision of higher MU, RTV and other product revenues and GPM from structural change and
      economies of scale. (KL)
      schrieb am 25.11.10 09:21:49
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      die Aktie läuft seit Wochen sehr gut, man sollte sie im Auge behalten. Nur meine Meinung.
      schrieb am 26.11.10 20:25:06
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      CSR Qishuyan sells first batch of Harmony axle box bodies to the US
      Source: CSR 2010-11-01 2010-11-08

      CSR Qishuyan Locomotive Co., Ltd. deepened the cooperation with GE and shored up the R & D and manufacturing platform through introduction, assimilation and innovation. The company boasts high-quality and high-yield Harmony axle box bodies, which meet the need for manufacturing Harmony N5 locomotives, and won an order from GE. The first batch of 100 Harmony axle box bodies has been sold to the US.

      Harmony axle box body is critical to the traveling mechanism of locomotives. Due to high requirements for surface quality, it is more complex than common castings in modeling, cleaning and machining. For this reason, after undertaking the fitting design and manufacture, the company established a project team, and wound up model design, calibration and trial manufacture in two months. Harmony N5 axle box body won an order from GE to further promote the exports of the company’s major parts.

      According to the overall plan of “introducing advanced technologies, conducting joint design and manufacture, and building Chinese brands” mapped out by the State Council, organized and coordinated by the Ministry of Railways, in October 2008, Qishuyan and GE joined hands to develop and manufacture China’s highest-power AC diesel locomotive. In recent years, through developing and manufacturing Harmony V locomotives, Qishuyan has spared no efforts to promote introduction, assimilation and innovation, and made great progress in the “three platforms”-locomotive design technology platform, manufacturing technology platform and product technology platform, laying a solid foundation for building a “world first-class” enterprise”.
      It is reported that the second-batch order will involve 2,000 Harmony axle box bodies.
      schrieb am 26.11.10 20:25:25
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Domestic fastest metro vehicles to serve Guangzhou Asian Games
      Source: CSR 2010-10-30 2010-11-08

      The domestic longest subway line Guangzhou Subway Line 3 with a full length of 67.25km, stretching from Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport to Guangzhou East Railway Station, will connect the two ends from today on. 258 China’s fastest metro vehicles, with a speed of 120km/h each, developed and manufactured by CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd., will shoulder the heavy transport task of the traffic artery during the Asian Games.

      “Thrilling Games, Harmonious Asia”. On the eve of the 16th Asian Games, the ceremony for full opening and trial operation of Subway Line 3 took place at the Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport on October 30.

      According to Guangzhou Metro Corporation GMC, based on an original length of 36.35km, Line 3 has extended 39.9km north from Guangzhou East Railway Station to Guangzhou the New Baiyun International Airport and all the extended part is underground.

      Following full opening and operation, Guangzhou Subway Line 3 will overtake Beijing Daxing Subway Line 50km as China’s longest subway line. On such a long line, 120km/h metro vehicles will save time by nearly one third compared with 80km/h ones.

      The latest network graph in 2010 released by Guangzhou shows that Line 3 also ranks with 28 stations among all the subway lines in Guangzhou. According to the source, Line 3 stretches from Panyu Plaza in the south to the terminal of the new airport in the north, runs past Panyu, Tianhe, Baiyun and Huadu districts, and covers the greater part of Guangzhou from south to north. Line 3 and New Line 2 will become the two major underground passages running through Guangzhou.

      During the Asian Games, GMC will input more than 1,200 metro vehicles, which are characterized by long operation period, high safety requirements and uneven passenger flow. The daily passenger flow is expected to top 4.5 million.

      As a major metro vehicle supplier and voluntary professional metro supporter of the Guangzhou Asian Games, CSR Zhuzhou will contribute 414 metro vehicles, accounting for more than one third of the total number. Can the input vehicles satisfy intensive transport during the Games?

      “They can fully bear such intensive transport!” Xu Zongxiang, executive director and general manager of CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd., said in an interview that all the metro vehicles delivered by the company were not only developed and manufactured in accordance with the world’s highest International Railway Industry Standard IRIS, but also withstood the test of early intensive operation with an uneventful record.

      Before the opening of Line 3, the 258 metro vehicles delivered by CSR Zhuzhou has run safely for more than 21,000,000km and transported more than 1.05 billion passengers. The 156 metro vehicles supplied to New Line 2 has also run safely for more than 1,200,000km and transported more than 100,000,000 passengers, fully showing the high reliability and quality of the metro vehicles manufactured by CSR Zhuzhou.

      Liu Zhenwei, South China customer representative of CSR Zhuzhou, said confidently, “Through the “four-two-one” service structure special service leading group, special service working group, special service execution group and site special service group, two-level technical support, one service representative for each project as well as the three-level response mechanism namely special service staff adding, stationing and basing services, the company will store up sufficient vehicle spares to ensure riding comfort and travel convenience during the Asian Games.
      schrieb am 26.11.10 20:25:43
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle Receives Praise for Its After-sales Service at the Shanghai World Expo
      Source: CSR Promotion Department 2010-11-10

      On November 1st, a medal plate with words “Making Active Contribution for Holding the Successful, Amazing, and Unforgettable China 2010 Shanghai World Expo”, which was awarded by the executive committee and organizing committee of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, was transported to the Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. In the meantime, Shanghai World Expo Bureau and NAVECO Ltd. etc also awarded the medal to the Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle subordinate to CSR ZELRI for its quality services during the Shanghai World Expo period.

      Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle sifted out 20-plus extraordinary employees to constitute the professional World Expo After-sales Service Guarantee Team to serve the Shanghai World Expo. Over past 184 days, the team made sure that the company’s 60 pure electric vehicle systems, 60 super capacity buses’ electric systems, 23 parade floats’ electric drive systems, and 252 electricity charger ran stably, which strongly ensured the normal order of the public transport in the World Expo Park. In particular, on October 16th when visitors in the park surpassed the number of 1 million, Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle’s electric after-sales service personnel, in face of the super large passenger flow’s unprecedented pressure to the Word Expo Park’s public transport, made an all-out attempt to ensure the company products’ high-efficiency and stable running in the World Expo Park.

      Thanks to the unceasing endeavor of the after-sales personnel, Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.’s electric products received warm welcome and high recognition from different parties including the executive committee of the Shanghai World Expo for their “Zero Complaint, Zero Default” performance.
      schrieb am 26.11.10 20:26:03
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Motor Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Dafeng Base Founded
      By Xia Weixiong 2010-11-10

      On November 7th, CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Co., Ltd.’s subordinate Jiangsu CSR Electric Motor Co., Ltd., which is specially engaged in producing offshore wind power generator, was officially founded in Dafeng High-tech Industrial Park, Yancheng City of Jiangsu Province at 10:18 o’clock in the morning, which symbolized that the cooperation between CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Co., Ltd. and Goldwind in seizing the opportunity of developing offshore and exported wind power sector and jointly building the world advanced large-scale comprehensive wind power industry base has entered the substantial phase. According to the principal of CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Co., Ltd., Jiangsu CSR Electric Motor Co., Ltd. will mainly assume the responsibility of producing 6MW wind power generators for the Goldwind.

      CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Co., Ltd. is China’s backbone enterprise specializing in producing rail transit equipment’s core parts i.e., AC traction motor and transformer, and it is also the backbone enterprise of “Zhuzhou City 5115 Project” of Hunan Top 100 Enterprises. So far, the company has been engaged in the research and production of rail traction motor and transformer for more than 40 years, and now, the company grabbed more than 70% shares in domestic market by its independently researched large-power AC drive electric locomotive’s traction motor and transformer, and high-speed EMU’s traction motor and transformer. Needless to say, the company’s independently researched traction motor with CRH380A high-speed EMU recently created the world’s highest running speed 416.6km/h.

      As early as 2004, the company cooperated with the Goldwind China’s largest wind power enterprise and the independent wind power equipment supplier with the largest market value in the world to set foot in the wind power industry. Thanks to years of endeavor, the company has become China’s largest specialized wind power generator vendor with annual MW wind power generator output of 2000 units.

      It is learned that the first 1.5MW offshore wind power generator, which was jointly researched and produced by CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Co., Ltd. and Goldwind, has been successfully put into running at the Baohai Sea Bay. As at August this year, the wind power generator had generated power of 6.55 million KWH. In April this year, principals of both sides again unveiled the plate for the foundation of “State-level” wind power generator research room geared to the research and production of offshore wind power generator in Zhuzhou.

      It is learned from the principal of CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Co., Ltd. that by October, the company has totally provided the Goldwind with 2000-plus permanent magnet direct drive wind power generators featuring eminent performance and stable quality, and so far, these wind power generators have successfully supplied the power to the grid in dozens of wind farms. In July this year, the company joined hands with the Goldwind to complete the research and production of China’s first 2.5MW offshore wind power generator. Today, both sides are cooperating with one another to develop and research the 6 MW wind power generator.

      In August this year, CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Co., Ltd. was approved to build the Jiangsu CSR Electric Motor Co., Ltd. specializing in producing the MW-level offshore wind power generator at Dafeng of Jiangsu Province, near to the Goldwind Offshore Wind Power Generator Dafeng Production Base. Source said that the project would take a floor space of 117 mu, with total investment hitting about 90 million yuan. In August next year, the Phase I Project will be completed, and it will meet MW-level offshore wind power generator’s annual capacity 500units/year.

      According to the company principal, the incorporation of Jiangsu CSR Electric Motor Co., Ltd. will help increase the company’s annual capacity in production of MW-level wind power generator to 2500 units. By virtue of this, CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor Co., Ltd. will maintain its advantageous role in domestic large-scale wind power equipment industry. That will accordingly help the company consolidate its strategic partnership with the Goldwind, win more market shares, seize the opportunity of developing offshore and exported wind power, and boost the realization of its “12th Five-year Plan” and its internationalized development.
      schrieb am 26.11.10 20:26:23
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      CSR new EV models show on EVS25

      From November 5 to 9, the 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Symposium and Exhibition EVS25 was held at Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center SCEC.

      Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle Co. Ltd., under CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd., made its brilliant presence on EVS25 with the strongest lineup of “five-element” series 6129 SHEV, 6127PHEV, 6102PHEV, 6120EV and 6750EV as well as 12 key parts. They represent the four EV technical solutions recently developed by CSR Times in the area of energy-conserving and new energy vehicles-parallel, serial, parallel and series, and hybrid models.

      The “press conference for release of new products of CSR Times” took place at SCEC on the morning of November 6. Leaders and experts such as Zeng Qingyan, scientific and technological consultant to the Hunan Provincial Government; Ouyang Minggao, head of the general team of major energy-conserving and new energy vehicle projects under the national “863” Program and professor of Tsinghua University; Duan Ruichun, vice chairman of the China Electrotechnical Society; Zhang Jinhua, deputy secretary-general of the Society of Automotive Engineers of China; Zeng Zijian, director of the team of major energy-conserving and new energy vehicle projects under the national “863” Program; members of the general expert team of major energy-conserving and new energy vehicle projects under the national “863” Program, Guo Shuying, chief expert of CSR Zhuzhou Institute; Shen Yuxiang, general manager of CSR Times; together with the media, attended the press conference, shared the outstanding performance of CSR Times’ “five-element” series, and experienced the charm of science and technology-“railway origin, original power”.

      On November 8, as member of the EVS25 International Steering Committee, Guo Shuying chaired an academic session and delivered a speech.

      World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Symposium and Exhibition EVS is the world’s largest, most influential and highest-level convention and exhibition in the area of electric and new energy vehicles, which was initiated by the World Electric Vehicle Association, and jointly sponsored by the Electric Vehicle Association of Asia Pacific, Electric Drive Transportation Association formerly Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas and European Association for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles in combination with organizations in the host countries. The event was held in Hong Kong and Beijing in 1990 and 1999 respectively. It is the third appearance of the event in China.
      schrieb am 26.11.10 20:36:16
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Der Verlauf der Aktie kann sich wirklich sehen lassen! Das Ding hier ist nach wie vor mein Geheimtipp. Bin zwar im Moent nicht investiert, weswegen ich mich hier etwas zurückgezogen habe. Hab schon Anfang November mit Gewinn verkauft, weil ich mir ehrlich gesagt einen so rasanten Anstieg nicht vorgestellen konnte. Hab die aktie bei ca.80cent bis Ende des Jahres gesehen, aber jetzt könnten die 90cent tatsächlich erreicht werden. Im Moment lässt sich schwer sagen, ob da nochmal ein großer Kurssturz kommt....kann da im Moment aus den News nicht viel rauslesen. Aber ich denke 75cent dürfte ein guter Punkt zum Wiedereinstig sein. Ich hätte meinem Motto treu bleiben sollen, dass das hier eben ein Langzeitinvest ist...den gleichen Fehler hab ich damals bei Encore Oil auch gemacht.
      schrieb am 03.12.10 12:02:25
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Was geht denn hier ab! Was mich bei den Chinesen ankotzt ist die miserable Transparenz. Plötzlich schießt der Kurs nach oben oder stürzt ab! :(
      schrieb am 03.12.10 13:11:15
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Chinesischer Zug stellt Geschwindigkeitsrekord auf
      03.12.2010, 10:35 Uhr | oca mit dapd

      Chinesischer Hochgeschwindigkeitszug bringt fast 500 km/h auf die Schiene (Foto: AP)

      Flugzeug-Feeling im Zug: Der chinesische Hochgeschwindigkeitszug CRH (China Railway High-speed) hat nach Angaben des Eisenbahnministeriums bei einer Testfahrt mit 486 Kilometern in der Stunde einen Geschwindigkeitsrekord aufgestellt. Wie die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua meldete, gilt der jetzt aufgestellte Rekord für nicht modifizierte konventionelle Züge. Auf Bildern des staatlichen Fernsehens war zu sehen, wie der schlanke weiße Zug durch eine ländliche Gegend mit Feldern fährt. Damit machen die Chinesen Deutschland (ICE), Japan (Malev) oder Frankreich (TGV) Konkurrenz. In unserer Foto-Show haben wir für Sie die schnellsten Züge zusammengestellt - klicken Sie sich rein!

      Die schnellsten Züge weltweit
      Über 400 km/h Spitze: China weiht neuen Superzug ein
      Made in China: Der weltweit schnellste Serienzug
      Bahnreisen: Die schnellsten Züge der Welt
      Velaro D: Das ist die neueste ICE-Generation
      Quiz: Wie gut kennen Sie die Deutsche Bahn
      schrieb am 16.12.10 07:54:47
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()

      Schätzungen 2011 e 2010 e 2009
      Umsatz 84,87 Mrd. 62,34 Mrd. 45,62 Mrd.
      EbitDa 6,98 Mrd. 4,71 Mrd. 3,07 Mrd.
      EBIT 5,48 Mrd. 3,74 Mrd. 2,22 Mrd.
      Gewinn je Aktie 0,3217 0,2274 0,1417
      KGV 25,056 35,4398 40,1451
      KCV 17,3066 23,7041 18,3548
      Dividende je Aktie 0,0878 0,0617 0,04
      Dividendenrendite 1,09% 0,77% 0,70%
      Cashflow je Aktie 0,4657 0,34 0,31
      Nettovermögen je Aktie 1,8855 1,6427 1,4637
      Nettoverschuldung * -5,14 Mrd. -4,03 Mrd. -5,91 Mrd.
      schrieb am 17.12.10 13:34:51
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      China South Locomotive Anteilsübernahme an britischer Invensys

      CSR.L 319,30 +2,30

      ISYS.L 348,10 +1,10

      Ingo Lorenz, Montag, 15. November 2010, um 7:38

      London / Hongkong 15.11.2010 ( ) Die China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corp (CSR (London: CSR.L - Nachrichten) ) beabsichtigt Anteile an der britischen Invensys (London: ISYS.L - Nachrichten) plc für 4,86 Mrd. GBP zu übernehmen, dass erfuhr der Daily Telegraph in einem Interview mit dem Chief Executive Ulf Henriksson. Er teilte mit, dass es sich dabei um eine kleine Beteiligung handle.

      CSR wird für die Anteilsübernahme an dem weltweit führenden Hersteller von Eisenbahn Signal- und Steuersystemen 6 GBP pro Aktie zahlen, ein Aufschlag von 88 Prozent zum letzten Schlusskurs.

      Die Aktie der CSR gibt im Nachmittagshandel um 1,24 Prozent auf 8,79 HKD nach. ´Beim Tochterunternehmen, der CSR Times Electric Co, geht es laicht um 0,2 Prozent auf 25,95 HKD nach unten.

      Schon etwas älter, aber auch sehr interessant!
      schrieb am 17.12.10 13:46:28
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Also wenn man alles was da so an News rüberkommt zusammennimmt und die Aussichten für 2011 berücksichtigt, dann ist die Aktie hier immer noch enorm unterbewertet. Eine Dividendenrendite von 1,09% für 2011 im Vergleich zu 2010 von 0,77% spricht Bände! Halte große Kursstürze für eher unwahrscheinlich, weswegen ich heute morgen wieder rein bin. Dürfte für nächstes Jahr echt rosig aussehen. Das einzig negative was ich mir vorstellen könnte, wären Probleme bei Ihrem Hochgeschwindigkeitszug. Wenn es da zu Unfällen oder Problemen kommen sollte, dürfte der Kurs fallen.
      schrieb am 29.12.10 12:50:54
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Auch schon etwas älter:

      14/12/2010 14:54
      [I-bank focus] BNP raises CSR (01766) target to HK$11.5

      BNP Paribas lifted its target price for China
      South Locomotive & Rolling Stock (CSR, 01766) to HK$11.5 from HK$7.38, and maintained its
      "buy" rating.
      It said CSR and its subsidiaries will be the biggest beneficiaries of the 12th five-year
      plan and China's push to export high-speed trains.
      BNP cited its channel checks suggesting the Ministry of Railway is likely to target an
      investment of RMB3t-4t on railways; development of heavy-duty cargo-dedicated rail lines
      by upgrading the existing lines; and expansion of the scope of high-speed railway to
      include inter-city railway rings around provincial capital cities with 200-250km/h speeds,
      which would expand the length of high-speed railways by at least three times. (KL)
      schrieb am 04.01.11 13:41:16
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()

      Seit dem 16.12.10 sind die News nicht meehr lesbar. Keine Ahnung was da los ist, aber die Newstitel hören sich sehr vielversprechend an! Die knüpfen Beziehungen in alle Welt: Sundan, Ungarn, Japan, Iran, Saudi Arabien, Burma, ...
      An meiner Vermutung, dass CSR irgendwann ne ernstzunehmende Konkurrenz für Firmen wie Siemens wird, ist nicht mehr soweit hergeholt wie noch vor einem Jahr. Diese Firma ist immer noch am Anfang!
      schrieb am 04.01.11 13:42:11
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Hier der Link zu den News:
      schrieb am 06.01.11 14:54:16
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      06.01.2011 04:01
      China South Locomotive denies merger rumour, shares down

      HONG KONG, Jan 6 (Reuters) - Hong Kong-listed shares in China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corp Ltd (CSR) fell 2.5 percent on Thursday after the company denied a rumour that it was in merger talks with the order dominant state-owned railway equipment maker.

      Beijing was considering merging CSR with China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corp Ltd (CNR) to lead a high-speed rail export drive, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday.

      'China South Locomotive is not in talks or in studies for the possible merger with China North Locomotive,' CSR said in a statement on its website. 'The recent news relating to the merger rumour is unrelated to the company and we regret the spread of the rumour.'

      Shanghai-listed shares of China South Locomotive were down 1.8 percent after surging about 10 percent in the past two days. China North Locomotive, which climbed a combined 14 percent on Tuesday and Wednesday, eased 2 percent.

      The merger of the two rail equipment manufacturers had became a hot topic amid the reorganisation of state-owned companies, with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission supporting the merger and the National Development and Reform Commission disagreeing, mainland media reported.

      (Reporting by Alison Leung; Editing by Chris Lewis)

      ((; +852 2843 6369; Reuters Messaging: Keywords: CSR/STOCK

      (If you have a query or comment on this story, send an email to


      Copyright Thomson Reuters 2011. All rights reserved.

      The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.

      © 2011 AFX News
      schrieb am 06.01.11 14:57:59
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      China South Locomotive denies merger rumor
      Updated: 2011-01-06 13:53

      HONG KONG - Hong Kong-listed shares in China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corp Ltd fell 2.5 percent on Thursday after the company denied a rumor that it was in merger talks with the order dominant State-owned railway equipment maker, Reuters reported.

      Beijing was considering merging CSR with China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corp Ltd to lead a high-speed rail export drive, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday.

      "China South Locomotive is not in talks or in studies for the possible merger with China North Locomotive," CSR said in a statement on its website. "The recent news relating to the merger rumor is unrelated to the company and we regret the spread of the rumor."

      Shanghai-listed shares of China South Locomotive were down 1.8 percent after surging about 10 percent in the past two days. China North Locomotive, which climbed a combined 14 percent on Tuesday and Wednesday, eased 2 percent.

      The merger of the two rail equipment manufacturers had became a hot topic amid the reorganization of State-owned companies, with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission supporting the merger and the National Development and Reform Commission disagreeing, local media reported.
      schrieb am 06.01.11 15:01:10
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      06.01.2011 12:12
      UPDATE 1-China South Locomotive denies merger talks

      HONG KONG, Jan 6 (Reuters) - China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corp has denied holding merger talks with the other main state-owned railway equipment maker, denting its Hong Kong shares.

      The Financial Times had reported on Wednesday that Beijing was considering merging CSR with China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corp Ltd (CNR) to lead a high-speed rail export drive.

      'CSR did not discuss and study integration with CNR,' the company said in a statement on Thursday. 'CSR regrets the spread of this information and hereby makes this clarification.'

      The Shanghai-listed shares of China South Locomotive ended down around 1 percent after surging about 10 percent in the past two days. But China North Locomotive, which climbed a combined 14 percent on Tuesday and Wednesday, erased early losses to finish the day up 0.5 percent.

      The possible merger of the two rail equipment manufacturers had became a hot topic as Beijing reorganises its state-owned companies. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission supports a merger, but the National Development and Reform Commission does not, mainland media have reported.

      CSR started exporting subway trains to Singapore on Thursday, marking the company's first subway train shipment to developed countries, it said in a separate statement.

      CSR Sifang Locomotive&Rolling Stock Co Ltd and Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industry Group together won the contract from Singapore's Land Transport Authority in 2009 to provide 22 trains, or 132 carriages, to the country.

      (Reporting by Alison Leung; Editing by Will Waterman)

      ((; +852 2843 6369; Reuters Messaging: Keywords: CHINASOUTHLOCOMOTIVE/

      (If you have a query or comment on this story, send an email to


      Copyright Thomson Reuters 2011. All rights reserved.

      The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.

      Die letzte News gefällt mir am besten! ;)
      schrieb am 06.01.11 19:35:08
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Be2Me danke für deinen Beitrag hier damals - erst da bin ich auf diese Aktie aufmerksam geworden, bin seit 0.72 dabei und heute das Jahreshoch - in allen Banken wird sie mit 5 Sternen bewertet - also die höchste Punktzahl - nicht mal die meißten Titel des Daxes schaffen dies - also ich denke , jetzt geht es rasant weiter - vielleicht nicht wie Primacom heute - aber immer und immer höher

      Man ich liebe diese Aktie und sie ist die größte in meinem Depot

      Grüße aus Einsiedeln
      schrieb am 10.01.11 15:43:12
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      07/01/2011 10:33
      [I-bank focus] Nomura cuts CSR Corp (01766) to "neutral"

      Nomura downgraded CSR Corporation (01766) from
      "buy" to "neutral" on rich valuation, but lifted its target price to HK$11.2 from HK$10.5.
      The research house believes the rally is being driven mainly by various positive news
      and find it difficult to further raise its price target purely on fundamental analysis.
      Nomura believes upside potential lies in operations, especially margins and continuous
      positive newsflow. But it reminds investors that risk emerges when the share price
      rallies ahead of fundamentals. (KL)

      Related Stocks: : 01766
      Back to Research Report

      Previous︰07/01/2011 11:00 [I-bank focus] Nomura upgrades Lijun (02005) to "neutral"
      Next︰07/01/2011 10:28 [I-bank focus] Nomura upgrades CSR (03898) to "buy" & HK$38
      schrieb am 10.01.11 15:44:19
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Ist auch meine Lieblingsaktie! Hat mir schon viel Freude bereitet und vor allem Geld! :)
      schrieb am 10.01.11 16:45:03
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Clarification Statement on Integration Rumor of CSR and CNR
      Resourced by :CSR issued on : 2011-01-05
      CSR did not discuss and study integration with CNR. Recently, some media published hearsay on integration of CSR and CNR. After verification, this message has nothing to do with CSR. CSR regrets the spread of this information and hereby make this clarification
      schrieb am 15.01.11 19:42:52
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      CSR ranks among most responsible enterprises again
      Source: CSR 2011-01-10 2011-01-12

      On January 9, the “Most Responsible Enterprises in 2010” were unveiled at the 6th China International Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility. As a result, CSR defended the title after winning it last year. Liu Hualong, executive director, deputy Party secretary and discipline inspection secretary of CSR, received the award and participated in the responsibility dialogue on behalf of CSR. Chief Engineer Zhang Xinning attended the forum on “Methods for and Limitations of Low-carbon Emissions Development” as a dialogue guest.

      According to the source, only 12 companies in the country ranked among the ““Most Responsible Enterprises in 2010”, including domestic and overseas enterprises such as CSR, China Development Bank, CNOOC, Lenovo and Volkswagen.
      CSR has become the best spokesperson for social responsibility performance due to its green means of production, great efforts in manufacturing green products and serving green transport, as well as well-known high-tech low-carbon products such as EMU. High-speed rail is affecting people’s life profoundly. In the dialogue, Liu generalized the responsibility comprehended by CSR in an impressive sentence: both China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock and Corporate Social Responsibility were abbreviated as CSR-responsibility always comes with CSR.

      The event was jointly steered by the National Development and Reform Commission NDRC, Ministry of Commerce MOC, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council SASAC, State Administration for Industry & Commerce SAIC, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine AQSIQ, State Administration of Work Safety SAWS, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council OCAO, All China Federation of Trade Unions ACFTU, Red Cross Society of China RCSC and China News Service CNS. The annual event coincides with the International Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility, has been held for six years in a row, and is the annual award for social responsibility in China.
      Li Wuwei, vice chairman of the CPPCC, was present. Over ten leaders in the area of corporate social responsibility delivered speeches, including Li Haifeng, director-general of OCAO; Jiang Zengwei, vice minister of commerce; Zhong Youping, deputy director-general of SAIC; Yang Yuanyuan, deputy director-general of SAWS; Zhang Mingqi, vice chairman of ACFTU; Ma Liqiang, chairman of the Board of Supervisors of SASAC.

      At the forum on “Methods for and Limitations of Low-carbon Emissions Development” in the afternoon, Zhang discussed the ideas and approaches for China’s low-carbon economy with government, academic and corporate representatives such as NDRC, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the British embassy in China, Renmin University of China, China Datang Corporation and the Travel Channel, making suggestions on sustainable economic, environmental and social development.
      schrieb am 19.01.11 18:13:04
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      19/01/2011 11:03
      [I-bank focus] CSR's (1766) orderbook remains solid - Nomura

      Nomura believes CSR Corporation's (01766) order
      book remains solid (order backlog as at end-2010 was close to RMB100bn) after its
      conference call with management, but the trend for FY11 needs further discovery.
      Meanwhile, the research house thinks the intercity high-speed railway should be the next
      growth driver for MUs, which will not peak until at least 2015.
      Management are reasonably optimistic on the latest developed CRH6, which they believe
      will gain market share in intercity railways, Nomura added.
      The house remains positive on railway equipment makers, but due to its rich valuation at
      23x FY11 P/E, it remains "neutral" on CSR with a price target at HK$11.2. (KL)
      schrieb am 19.01.11 18:16:10
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Der Kurs dürfte seine Seitwärtsbewegung noch ne Weile fortsetzen! Hab hier aber schon einige Überraschungen erlebt....der Trend der Aktie zeigt aber ungebrochen nach oben. Man muss nur mal den Chartverlauf hernehmen und mit dem Lineal ne Linie ziehen. ;) Ein kontinuierlicher Aufwärtstrend, der bei den Aussichten für CSR mit ziemlicher Wahrscheinlichkeit anhalten dürfte.
      schrieb am 28.01.11 07:55:22
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      40 CRH380A high-speed EMUs delivered for operation
      CSR 2011-01-28

      40 CRH380A new-generation high-speed EMUs, which broke the world record twice last year, have been delivered for operations on Shanghai-Hangzhou, Shanghai-Nanjing and Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railways, were praised extensively for their high speed, safety, reliability and energy efficiency, and became an important witness to the fast growth of China’s high-speed rail and an important sign that China has pioneered the trends of high-speed rail development in the world.

      Harmony CRH380A new-generation high-speed EMU is the world’s fastest and most advanced EMU developed by CSR Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd. in combination with domestic first-class research resources. Through repeated simulation calculations, bench tests and line tests, the technical indicators of the EMU such as speed, safety, comfort and energy efficiency have been up to leading world standards. In May 2010, CRH380A was displayed at the Shanghai World Expo, showcasing the latest progress in China’s high-speed rail to the world. On September 28, CRH380A created the highest speed of 416.6 km/h in the world on Shanghai-Hangzhou High-speed Railway. On December 3, CRH380A created a new world record of 486.1 km/h in the leading section of Shanghai-Hangzhou High-speed Railway. In December, at the World Congress on High Speed Rail & Modern Railways, CRH380A came under the spotlight as a new name card created by China.

      According to the source, CRH380A new-generation high-speed EMUs are scheduled to go into operation on Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway this June.
      schrieb am 28.01.11 07:56:42
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      CSR wins Henan’s first metro vehicle order
      CSR 2011-01-28
      On January 18, Henan’s first metro vehicle order was signed in Zhengzhou, opening up the new era of metro transport in the most populous province of China. As a result, CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. CSR Zhuji won the over RMB 900 million worth of purchase contract for metro vehicles for Phase 1 of Metro Line 1 in Zhengzhou.

      According to the source, Phase 1 will completely use Type B vehicles 19 meters in length and 2.8 meters in width, which are marshaled with four rail cars and two trailers and have a seating capacity of 1,460 passengers each. The first vehicle is scheduled to be delivered after June 2012 and go into operation in the first half of 2013.

      After full completion in 2013, as a trunk line stretching from east to west, Line 1 will connect six downtowns including Zhengzhou High & New Technology Industries Development Zone and Zhengdong New Area, join two railway hubs-Zhengzhou Railway Station and Zhengzhou High-speed Railway Station as well as provincial and municipal administrative centers, connect the Cemetery of Northern Expedition Martyrs and the site of Shangcheng, and join to over 100 bus lines and the several intercity lines leading to the central plains city cluster, to become a bond linking urban transport, regional transport and national transport.

      CSR Zhuji boasts advanced transit vehicle technologies originating from Europe, is China’s fastest-growing transit vehicle manufacturer, has built the world’s top platform for independent development of Type A and Type B transit vehicles in recent years, and have successively won orders of over 1,750 transit vehicles from domestic cities such as Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Wuhan. The transit vehicles developed by CSR Zhuji served as the major metro vehicles during the Shanghai World Expo, Guangzhou Asian Games and Universade 2011 Shenzhen, and withstood the acid operation tests of the Expo and the Games.

      During vehicle development and manufacture, the company will independently integrate the world’s advanced transit vehicle technologies, focus on reliability, energy efficiency and environmental protection, use light aluminum alloy all-welded bodies with a service life of 30 years, move equipment like brake resistors from inside vehicles to the ground, and replace traditional lighting systems with LED lighting. Through a series of measures such as weight reduction and energy saving, the six-in-one metro vehicle will be nearly 10 tons lighter than a stainless steel vehicle, thus saving nearly 100,000 kilowatt hours a year.

      Zhengzhou is the leading city of the central plains city cluster, a national regional central city and pilot trade reform city, as well as an integrated railway, road, air and information hub. By 2010, the total population of Zhengzhou had reached 8 million, the public transport system had been overburdened, and the verload rate of buses had been up to 100%.

      According to the source, with an hourly one-way peak transport capacity of 30,000 to 60,000 passengers, metro has become an energy-saving, low-pollution and punctual super-capacious public means of transport, as well as the major construction works to resolve the aggravated traffic congestion of Zhengzhou. According to the Plan of Zhengzhou for Urban Rapid Transit Network, the urban rail network consists of six lines with a total length of 202.53 kilometers, which involve 22 inter-rail transfer stations and form a radioactive rail transit structure of “three horizontals, two verticals and one ring”.

      Xu Zongxiang, executive director and general manager of CSR Zhuji, said that the company would carry out extensive international cooperation under the guidance of the construction concept of “fine metro, humanistic metro, high-tech metro, safe metro and eco-friendly metro” and according to Zhengzhou’s urban characteristics, and would offer all-round system solutions to Zhengzhou’s metro on the basis of the company’s existing advanced technologies of the metro vehicles serving the World Expo and the Asian Games.
      schrieb am 28.01.11 13:17:54
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()…

      28.01.2011 08:50
      General Electric und Chinas CSR Corp unmittelbar vor High- Speed Joint Venture
      EMFIS.COM - Fairfield / Peking 28.01.2011 ( Der Gründung eines gemeinsamen Joint Venture Unternehmens zwischen dem chinesischen Hersteller für Bahnausrüstung, der CSR Corporation Limited (CSR), und dem US- Mischkonzern General Electric Corporation (GE) scheint nichts mehr im Wege zu stehen.
      Wie die Securities Daily berichtete, haben beide Seiten einen Vorvertrag zum Aufbau eines 50 / 50 Joint Ventrue in den USA unterzeichnet.
      Das neue Unternehmen wird Züge für das Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystem (HSR) produzieren und High- Speed- Technologien weiterentwickeln.
      Die Kapitalausstattung soll bei etwa 100 Mio. US Dollar liegen. Mit der endgültigen Vertragsunterzeichnung wird es das erste Mal sein, dass China seine Hochgeschwindigkeitstechnologien exportiert. Bereits Anfang Dezember war dieses Vorhaben angekündigt worden. In der ersten Phase werden 250 hochqualifizierte Arbeitsplätze geschaffen, so der GE Vize Chairman John Rice.
      Das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen beabsichtigt, sich für den Bau amerikanischer Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnstrecken und Stadtbahnen zu bewerben. Dabei hat man die beiden Projekte in Florida und Kalifornien im Visier, um diese mit HSR Personenzügen zu beliefern. Perspektivisch sollen auch Personenzüge für mittlere Geschwindigkeit und Schienenfahrzeuge für städtische Gebiete produziert werden. Die jetzt beginnende Zusammenarbeit, basiert%2
      schrieb am 28.01.11 13:20:50
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      ......einem Memorandum of Understanding, welches bereits im November 2009 zwischen GE und Chinas Eisenbahnministerium unterzeichnet wurde. Der Besuch des chinesischen Staatschefs Wen Jiabao in den USA, hat das Verfahren nun beschleunigt. Für den Chef der CSR , Zhao Xiaogang, ist die Kombination der umfangreichen Erfahrung von CSR mit dem Fertigungs- und Supply Chain Management von GE die beste Voraussetzung, um in den USA ein neues Know-how zu schaffen.

      Fortsetzung vom vorherigen Artikel. Gab Probleme beim Kopieren!
      schrieb am 31.01.11 07:27:22
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      CSR (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) expects 2010 net profit to jump 50% YoY
      [Date:01-31-2011] Source: Infocast News

      CSR Corporation (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) issued a positive profit alert estimating that the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the company for the year 2010 will increase by more than 50% year on year. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the company in 2009 amounted to RMB1.678 billion.

      In 2010, results improved alongside with the fast development of high-speed railways in the PRC. Business sectors of the company maintained a good momentum of growth, operating revenue increased noticeably as compared with the previous year, costs were put under effective control and profitability continued to improve.
      :D :eek:
      schrieb am 09.02.11 18:51:58
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      trotz der guten Nachrichten, dümmpelt die Aktie vor sich hin, verstehe es zwar nicht, aber die Aktie ist einfach Geil und ich denke sie geht noch ab wie Schmitd´s Katze - verstehe bloss nicht, wieso hier nichts losgeht??? Mensch - jede andere Aktie mit diesen Nachrichten, würde abgehen, wie eine V2.....

      Wenn ich so die Hochs und Tiefs sehe, dann hätte ich die Aktie Traden sollen, aber!!!! Irgendwo war imer die Angst, genau im Moment des Verkaufs, gehts los - also heißt es wahrscheinlich aussitzen....

      mein Gott - die Chinesen sind schon ein sonderbares Völkchen - oder die wissen mehr?????????
      schrieb am 09.02.11 19:52:33
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Um ehrlich zu sein bin ich überrascht, dass die Aktie für ihre Verhältnisse zwischen November und Januar so enorm gestiegen ist, dem normalen Verlauf nach müßte sie bei ca. 90 Cent liegen. Durch den durchweg positiven Newsflow ist ein konstanter Anstieg nahezu garantiert. Da die Aktie seit langer Zeit einen gleichbleibenden Anstieg vorweist, kann man den Kurs in etwa vorherbestimmen (hat sich bisher immer bewährt), indem man einfach ein Lineal unter den 2Jahres-Chart legt und du weißt wo sie in ein paar Monaten sein wird. Vorausgesetzt natürlich es ändert sich nichts Fundamentales, wie beispielsweise durch einen Zusammenschluss oder Ähnliches. Bei dieser Aktie braucht man Geduld, aber auf lange Sicht wird man belohnt werden. Kaufen und nicht jeden Tag den Chart anschauen. Die jetztigen Kurse entsprechen dem Trend.
      schrieb am 14.02.11 15:49:08
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      CSR wins bid for Ningbo Subway Line 1 vehicles
      CSR 2011-02-12
      Changes in means of transport have become the memories of Ningbo, a modern city, also known as the starting point of the Marine Silk Road. After brewing the concept of “rail transit” for up to 17 years, on January 27, CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. from the Chinese cradle of electric rail traction and the city of Ningbo concluded a contract for 132 vehicles for Phase 1 of Subway Line 1, marking Ningbo’s entry into the era of subway.

      Located in the center of the Yangtze River Delta and Chinese coastal economic belt, Ningbo boasts the largest cargo handling capacity in China. With fast economic development, Ningbo urgently needs to establish a networked rail transit system compatible with its status as an international metropolis, to ease the pressure on ground transport, promote the combination of diverse business spaces and boost the local economy. Subway has become a major project for the urban development of Ningbo.

      According to Xu Zongxiang, general manager of CSR Zhuzhou, developer of Ningbo Subway Line 1, based on the internationalized positioning of Ningbo and the characteristics of Shanghai culture, through the clear vision and overall perspective of high-tech products and the integration of mature experience with forward-looking technologies, the company is committed to offering more customized and personalized rail transit solutions.

      With a designed speed of 80km/h, a maximum capacity of 2,062 passengers and an operating rate 19 times that of buses, Ningbo Subway Line 1 vehicles will lead domestic Type-B subways in several original technologies such as power and safety. Even if one fourth of the power does not work, a vehicle operating in full load can still sustain a round trip. The developer introduced the principle of air bag and designed energy absorption zones on both sides of vehicles. If a vehicle collides with a barrier at a speed of 15km/h, the vehicle and passengers will be safe and sound. The vehicles can run steadily against level-9 gales 24m/s on elevated lines.

      Eco-civilized coastal city Ningbo, an international business center as well as a tourist metropolis, hopes to introduce low-carbon and environment-friendly rail transit products to satisfy the need for green city development. CSR Zhuzhou customized energy-saving and environment-friendly system solutions by making bodies out of all-welded aluminum alloy to save 100,000 kilowatt hours of electricity every year compared with stainless steel bodies, and installed energy-saving and environment-friendly LED lighting systems in all compartments to save electricity by 50% compared with traditional lighting. The high-efficiency and energy-conserving variable frequency air-conditioners have functions of sterilization and intelligent thermal regulation. In exterior and interior design, the vehicles blend in international popular elements. The exterior is in streamlined design, and the dominant tone of the interior is inspired by Ningbo’s architectural and cultural colors-blue and silver. The combination of colored windows and silver ribbons makes vehicles soar on elevated lines as if they were flowing over the city.

      According to the source, Ning’s rail transit network will center on the main downtown, follow the concept of crossing three rivers-the Yao River, Yong River and Fenghua River, linking three blocks-Sanjiang, Zhenhai and Beilun, and stretching along three axes-the commercial axis, water axis and civil construction axis, and consist of six lines radiating Ningbo. With a full length of 44.18 kilometers, Subway Line 1, an east-west main line launched first, is expected to go into operation in 2014.

      Ningbo’s citizens are looking forward to the upcoming “era of subway”.

      According to the relevant person in charge, in the context of the financial crisis, developing the “subway economy” can promote the adjustment and optimization of Ningbo’s business structure and the healthier development of the local economy. On the one hand, the convenience created by subway will link Ningbo’s central business circles and promote the comprehensive prosperity of relevant service industries; on the other hand, the establishment of subway stations will derive supporting industries such as retail and leisure recreation. Local merchants said, “The momentum of business development is encouraging.”

      According to the plan, a run will be dispatched every two minutes to free citizens from worries of awaiting buses, taking crowded buses and traffic congestion. Such a favorable life will become a reality early in 2014.

      As a leading Chinese rail transit equipment manufacturer and China’s most experienced high-end subway vehicle developer, CSR Zhuzhou boasts European manufacturing processes and original technical means. In recent years, the company has established a platform for independent development of world high-end mass transit vehicles, and has been capable of developing different bodies such as aluminum alloy and stainless steel as well as different types of subway vehicles such as A, B and C. In the most vigorous Chinese cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Wuhan, the company has supplied over 1,750 subway vehicles and withstood the massive and acid tests of the World Expo and the Asian Games, thus winning extensive praise from owners in Shanghai and Guangzhou.
      schrieb am 14.02.11 15:49:55
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Long YongTu refutes high-speed rail plagiarism theory
      Observation Today (CCTV) 2011-02-12

      What stood out in world manufacturing in 2010? “Vuvuzelas” resounding through the World Cup? Geely acquiring Volvo? Magical Apple? Or high-speed rail creating a new world record? What are the hot spots of world manufacturing in 2010? With the transformation and upgrading of China’s manufacturing, what changes have taken place in the pattern of world manufacturing? What opportunities and challenges will China face? About these issues, Wang Xiaoya, a host of the Financial Channel of CCTV, had a discussion with guest commentators Long Yongtu, former secretary-general of Boao Forum for Asia and Zheng Xinli, executive vice chairman of China Center for International Economic Exchanges.

      World manufacturing flourished in 2010. GM revived, Apple products sold well, Chinese high-speed rail refreshed speed. What new changes are taking place in world manufacturing?

       Long: Chinese high-speed rail creating world speed record is of great symbolic significance, the birth of new GE marks major changes in the US industrial policies

      Former secretary general of Boao Forum for Asia and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      My greatest concern is Chinese high-speed rail creating a world speed record, because it is a breakthrough in China’s high-end manufacturing achieved through unremitting efforts. On the one hand, China’s manufacturing continues to develop labor-intensive manufacturing or traditional manufacturing to maintain economic growth and employment; on the other hand, China’s manufacturing has made great progress in industry chain improvement, leading to some major changes in the global industry chain. Therefore the new record is of great symbolic significance.

        My another concern is the birth of new GE, because it actually marks major changes in the US industrial policies. I want to quote President Obama as saying when he introduced an economic stimulus package: We must reduce the proportion of the US financial sector, develop various economies including low & medium-end manufacturing. The financial crisis urged the US to reintroduce the slogan of reviving manufacturing and take massive measures, so I am concerned with the birth of new GE.

        Zheng: Chinese high-speed rail leads the world, Chinese private enterprises are capable of using international technological resources to improve independent innovation capacity

       Executive vice chairman of China Center for International Economic Exchanges and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      My biggest concern is the development of Chinese high-speed rail technology, followed by Geely’s acquisition of Volvo. Chinese high-speed rail has opened up a road of digestion, introduction and system integration innovation. Compared with road, railway is a green means of transport, the energy consumed and land covered by unit freight volume and passenger transport volume is only one tenth of road transport. In such a densely populated country as China, developing high-speed railways is a good choice. As Chinese high-speed rail has led the world, we should satisfy the need for domestic construction, go out for high-speed railway construction and export homemade equipment. Also, it marks that Chinese private enterprises have been capable of using international technological resources to improve independent innovation capacity through acquisitions and mergers. Now, China boasts sufficient foreign reserves. In using foreign reserves to acquire foreign enterprises and international technological resources to improve independent innovation capacity, Geely has set a good example.

        He Huawu: Chinese high-speed rail refreshes world speed

      Chief engineer of the Ministry of Railways and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      We introduced 250km/h vehicles, but now operate 50km/h and 380km/h ones, and speed will be higher in the future, can you imagine we test such high-speed vehicles at low speed? Definitely not.

      Long: Independent innovation is integrated innovation and all products are made in the world

      Former secretary general of Boao Forum for Asia and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      Regarding the dispute over whether Chinese high-speed rail is plagiarism or transcendence, I think it is due to the widespread misunderstanding of the direction, characteristics and trends of world manufacturing, especially high-end manufacturing in the context of economic globalization. Because in the era of globalization, international division of labor has become increasingly refined. No products, especially high-end ones, can be finished by a single country. For example, thousands of parts of Boeing airplanes were not manufactured in the US but by over 70 countries. The US brought together the precision instruments manufactured in Switzerland and West Germany as well as the hatches manufactured in China by international comparative advantages to assembly Boeing airplanes. Boeing is actually made in the world rather than in the US, but we cannot say some core parts of Boeing were manufactured in West Germany or Switzerland, or criticize the US for plagiarizing the fruits of other countries because part of intellectual property rights of these core parts belong to the countries. It does not make any sense.

      Our independent innovation is a matter of integrated innovation. We pool the advantages of all technologies in the world and independently integrate them in China, making our high-speed rail homemade, but it actually involves global technical strength. The example of high-speed rail is common.

      Zheng: Now China has made some technological breakthroughs and formed independent intellectual properties and autonomous brands

      Executive vice chairman of China Center for International Economic Exchanges and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      High-speed rail is a fully independent intellectual property, which undoubtedly formed based on introduction and digestion. The reason for the doubts of some foreign media and industry insiders is probably that China was technologically backward in the past. They remain suspicious despite our technological breakthrough in high-speed rail. If we keep making such breakthroughs in the future, the doubts will fade, China will prove by actual deeds that we can achieve some major technological breakthroughs and form our independent intellectual properties and autonomous products. High-speed rail is just a proof. Similarly, iPad is a result of system integration. As far as I know, iPad has two key technologies, including touch screen whose patent is owned by Chinese, but Apple integrated the technology to form the product based on market needs, and sold it well in the market.

      Long: Chinese high-speed rail leads to subtle changes in the situation of global manufacturing

      Former secretary general of Boao Forum for Asia and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      On the one hand, we are proud of Chinese high-speed rail creating world speed record; on the other hand, we must be soberly aware that we are still far below advanced world standards in high-tech manufacturing. To this, we must be clear-headed. We cannot say we have been most advanced in manufacturing technology in the world because of a world-leading technology or product. China has gradually begun to develop high-end manufacturing without abandoning traditional manufacturing, so such a new pattern shows that the overall situation of manufacturing in developing countries and developed countries, China and US is witnessing a subtle change, which is worthy of our concern.

      Romano Prodi: China’s manufacturing has begun to transform

      Former Italian Prime Minister and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      China’s manufacturing is shifting rapidly from low-end standardized manufacture to high-tech professional manufacture. The process will take a few years, but has begun. In the meantime, China is transferring more low-value and low-quality products to the countries where labor cost is lower.

      What is the secret for winning the first case of Sino-US intellectual property right? How do we increase the strength in intellectual property right in face of challenges?

      Long: China’s manufacturing should keep going towards the era of independent innovation and autonomous brand.

      Former secretary general of Boao Forum for Asia and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      Apple products sell best in China. We can even say China has led the global market, including some high-tech products, This is a good side. On the other hand, though such best-sellers are manufactured in China, their brands, core parts and technologies are not in China, so how will China’s manufacturing keep going towards the era of independent innovation and autonomous brands? As for vuvuzela, that is a product of little technical content, but in such a grand occasion of the World Cup, it is fairly good to make people know that it is made in China.

      As China is still a developing country, we still need to massively develop labor-intensive products. Such a product as vuvuzela can not only help to resolve China’s employment problems, but also make such a grand sports event as the World Cup flourishing. It publicizes China’s manufacturing, and inspires us to think how Chinese products will progressively go to the high end in the future. Of course, China’s development stage and national condition determine that we must continue to manufacture some labor-intensive products.

      Zheng: We should not only develop technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive products, but also retain labor-intensive and resource-intensive ones.

      Executive vice chairman of China Center for International Economic Exchanges and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      In the international market, whoever owns the intellectual property right of a product will own the right of profit distribution. An iPad is priced at RMB 3,000 to 4,000, 60% to 70% of the profit is taken by the owner of the intellectual property right, 20% to 30% by the assembling company, and Chinese get a meager 10% only. This shows that if we do not upgrade from traditional labor-intensive and resource-intensive manufacturing to technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive manufacturing, it will be difficult for us to gain more benefits from economic development and export growth. Therefore, essentially, we should improve the capacity for independent innovation, intensify technical R & D and increase the technical content of products and the added value of export products.

       Besides, China is a large country with a strong momentum. In the long run, we should not only develop technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive products, but also retain labor-intensive and resource-intensive products. That is to say, we should not only develop high-speed rail technology, but also manufacture products like iPad and retain products like trumpet.

      Narry Woods: “China’s manufacturing” will create more competitive environments for other economies

      A professor of University of Oxford in international political economics and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      So far, “China’s manufacturing” has still meant that these commodities are designed abroad and invested in by foreigners, intellectual property rights are owned by foreign countries, and marketing and sales channels are abroad. However, we have seen changes-“China’s manufacturing” is gradually designed in China, meaning that intellectual property rights belong to China, products are distributed in China and brands are owned China, so “China’s manufacturing” will change and become more characteristic of China. This will undoubtedly create more competitive environments for other economies and propel other countries to work harder and more efficiently.

      Feng Jun: Chinese brands will boom in 2012

      Chairman of Aigo Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and a guest commentator of Observation Today

        We should motivate more people to join as Chinese brands rise, so 2012 will be an important turning point, 2011 is in the lead up to 2012, and Chinese brands will boom around the 2012 London Olympic Games.

      Liang Shaoxian: Chinese enterprises should have new positions and become core technology leaders

      Executive president of Guangdong Galanz Group Co., Ltd. and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      Satisfying climatic changes has the greatest impact on manufacturing. Propelled by carbon tariffs and financial derivatives, manufacturing will grow fast in the direction of environmental protection, energy saving and low carbon. In the new round of international division of labor, Chinese enterprises should have new positions and endeavor to be makers of game rules, leaders of core technologies as well as researchers, developers and manufacturers of major equipment. Only in this way will Chinese enterprises be promising.

      Zheng: We should give full play to the influence of the preferential policies for independent innovation and intensify R & D input

      Executive vice chairman of China Center for International Economic Exchanges and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      Now, the State has provided many preferential policies for independent innovation, but they remain unknown to many enterprises. For example, several years ago, the State released the outline for medium & long-term development plan and over 80 supporting departmental policies. In 2010, the National Committee of the CPPCC conducted an investigation, finding only 30% of Chinese enterprises enjoyed the favorable policy that 150% of corporate R & D input may be deducted before taxation. It is a pity that two thirds of enterprises did not know the policy or initiatively apply for the policy. We should give full play to these preferential policies to intensify R & D input.

      Long: China’s manufacturing should continue to explore the potential of the domestic market and go global boldly

      Former secretary general of Boao Forum for Asia and a guest commentator of Observation Today

      On the one hand, China’s manufacturing should continue to explore the potential of the domestic market, because China itself is a great market for manufacturing products. We should continue to open up the domestic market to enable China’s manufacturing to grow confidently in the domestic market whether in brand, technology or customer satisfaction; on the other hand, China’s manufacturing, especially medium & low-end manufacturing, should go global boldly, especially to countries like the US.
      schrieb am 14.02.11 15:50:25
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      CSR electric locomotives serve as main transport forces for 7th Asian Winter Games
      CSR 2011-02-12

      Just like flames, the orange Chinese electric locomotives soared past the boundless ice sheets of Kazakhstan at a speed of 200km/h, taking you to the Asian Winter Games. On the occasion of the opening of the 7th Asian Winter Games in Astana, capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on January 30, the new KZ4AC electric locomotives, independently developed by CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd., undertook the task of transport traction in a distance of over 1,250 kilometers between Astana and Almaty.

      From January 30 to February 6, the 7th Winter Asian Games will be held in Astana and Almaty, Kazakhstan. According to Muhtar, the locomotive service representative of CSR Zhuzhou in Kazakhstan, the company has supplied 27 KZ4A and KZ4AC electric locomotives, fielded capable service staff and dispatched 12 runs every day to provide convenient travel services to competitors and tourists from around Asia. During the Games, these locomotives will bear 90% of the volume of railway transport between the two host cities.

      According to the source, Kazakhstan owns 14,000 kilometers of railway, which contributes 60% of the passenger transport volume and 70% of the freight volume in the country. Since the beginning of this century, to advance railway modernization, the country has not only launched the upgrading of over 1,100 obsolete steam locomotives, internal combustion locomotives and DC electric locomotives, but also advanced railway electrification, making the country’s total length of electrified railway top 4,000 kilometers.

      In November 2001, Chinese electric locomotives made their debut in the former Soviet Union by outstanding cost performance-CSR Zhuzhou won the contract for three KZ4A AC electric motors from Kazakhstan. In September 2005, the company won the contract for an extra two locomotives. Hence, the purchase of the most advanced electric locomotives raised the curtain of the modernization of railway equipment modernization in Kazakhstan.

      Since going into operation between the new capital Astana and the former one Almaty, KZ4A electric locomotives have run over 6 million kilometers and undertaken over 30% of the country’s passenger transport volume. In 2005, the model appeared on the stamp in commemoration of the centennial of railway construction in Kazakhstan.

      In October 2008, due to high cost performance, CSR Zhuzhou won an order for 22 KZ4AC passenger locomotives with a designed speed of 200km/h in a railway bid in Kazakhstan.

      Kazakhstan is windy and dusty, hot in summer and frosty in winter, has a temperature range of 100 degrees Celsius, and is most severe in railway operation in the world. During the development of KZ4AC, CSR Zhuzhou took advantage of the world’s most sophisticated electric locomotive system integration technologies, integrated advanced technologies including China’s DK-1 air-electric braking system, Germany’s network control and traction transmission systems and Russia’s safety signal system to develop the model suiting the most severe operation conditions in the world.

      As the world’s only AC electric motor operating in an environment with a temperature range of 100 degrees Celsius, KZ4AC has not only improved Kazakhstan’s technical capacity for use of AC electric locomotives, but also boosted China’s strength in electric locomotive development.

      Zhou Qinghe, deputy general manager of CSR Zhuzhou and supervisor of the overseas locomotive sector, said as China’s only electric locomotive export enterprise, the company was committed to making a leap from “manufacture” to “service”, shifting from selling products to exporting technologies, industries and package solutions turnkey projects, and becoming a Chinese force contributing to development of global rail transit.
      schrieb am 14.02.11 15:51:04
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      CSR Beijing Electric Motor Sales Co., Ltd. founded in Beijing
      Source: CSR 2011-02-14

      CSR Beijing Electric Motor Sales Co., Ltd. founded in Beijing

      Source: CSR 2011-01-25

      Originating from a Chinese core high-speed rail power enterprise, devoting to the development of special industrial motors

      On January 15, the inaugural ceremony of CSR Beijing Electric Motor Sales Co., Ltd. was held at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. The company’s establishment is a strategic move of CSR Zhuzhou Electric Co., Ltd. to expand the special industrial motor sector with the aim of scaling up the sector to RMB 2 billion in the coming five years. Leaders of CSR headquarters and major customers of CSR were present for congratulations.

      CSR zhuzhou Electric Co., under CSR. Among the seven strategic emerging industries under the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, the company’s high-speed rail products, wind generators and special motors belong to the high-end equipment manufacturing industry, new energy industry and new energy vehicle industry respectively.

      Equipped with electric motors and transformers developed by the company, CRH380A high-speed EMUs first created a world record of 486.1km/h in railway operation, and have been exported to regions such as Europe, North America, Central Asia and West Asia. With proprietary railway technologies, the company has expanded the special industrial motor sector and achieved fast development. It has introduced special industrial motors to high-end power enterprises such as Guodian Beilun Power Plant and Guodian Bengbu Power Plant, and have made a leap in motor frame size from H355 to H1120 within a few years; deep-well oilfield motors created a world record of 12,000m in drilling depth.

      CSR Beijing Electric Motor Sales Co., Ltd.will extend operations from Beijing to cities like Wuhan, Tangshan and Shanghai, with its products covering fields such as electric vehicle motor, oilfield motor, high-pressure motor, mining motor and wind generator.

      CSR zhuzhou upholds the concept of “creating customer value”, aims at the high-end special industrial motor market, leads the market through technological innovation, and endeavors to be a rising star in Chinese special motor industry.
      schrieb am 22.02.11 10:53:40
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Also irgendwas stimmt hier nicht. So ein drastischer Absturz ohne Grund lässt nur auf ne Konsolidierung schließen. Kurs wird korrigiert um dann zu neuen Höhen aufzubrechen. Habe nicht gedacht, dass ich den Kurs nochmal bei 80 Cent sehe. Aber ok, wunderbare Nachkaufkurse. Die News rechtfertigen einen solchen Absturz auf jedenfall nicht. Bin überzeugt, dass man bis Mitte des Jahres ganz andere Kurse sieht!
      schrieb am 23.02.11 12:03:32
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Zhao meets with HSBC Global Bank Director
      CSR 2011-02-21
      On February 16, Zhao Xiaogang met with a delegation of three headed by HSBC Global Bank Director Russel Julius. Zheng Sheng, deputy director of the board office and He Enguang, deputy director of the strategic and development department were present.

      Zhao briefed the guests on the situation of the global rail transit equipment industry and the railway development of China, with an emphasis on the current and future development of CSR, especially the implementation of the globalized strategy.

      Julius appreciated the meeting and introduced the basic information of the bank.

      Also, the two sides had an in-depth discussion about the intensification of international business cooperation and development.
      schrieb am 23.02.11 12:04:14
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      Three projects of CSR ZELRI win science and technology award
      CSR 2011-02-21
      On February 14, good news came from Hunan Conference on Science and Technology Awards that the research and application of large-power AC-drive systems of electric locomotives of CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd. CSR ZELRI won Hunan’s first prize for progress in science and technology, and that the engineering of low-sensitivity composite buses and the research and application of the technical device for increasing the voltage of tractive power supply to heavy-haul railways won the third prize, marking that CSR ZELRI got off to a flying start in technological innovation in the New Year. Zhou Qiang, secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Xu Shousheng, governor of Hunan were present and presented awards to the prizewinning individuals and projects.

      Large-power AC-drive systems, the core technology of rail transit equipment, consist of large-power IGBT traction convertor system, onboard network control and trouble diagnosis system and auxiliary convertor system. The reliable and outstanding systems have been used extensively in hundreds of HXD1C locomotives, achieved sales of over RMB 4 billion, been up to advanced world standards in overall technical performance, made a great contribution to the technical upgrading of Chinese AC-drive electric locomotives and the autonomous development of the core technology of large-power electric locomotives, and promoted the sustainable development of China’s high-end electric drive science and technology. The project owns fully independent intellectual property right, and has won 10 patents for invention, 8 utility model patents and two software copyrights.

      Low-sensitivity composite bus is a multi-layer bus in composite structure as well as an indispensible connector in currency/frequency conversion, which owns 12 authorized patents. The developed and manufactured products have been used in various products such as the rail transit convertors and high-voltage frequency convertors of high-speed EMUs and large-power locomotives, marine power supplies, maglev ground power supplies, wind turbines, electric vehicles and military products. The project has created revenues of over RMB 200 million and foreign exchange earnings of nearly USD 10 million, thus accomplishing the engineering and industrialization of world advanced and autonomous low-sensitivity composite buses, and promoting the development of China’s current/frequency conversion technology.

      The research and application of the technical device for increasing the voltage of tractive power supply to heavy-haul railways has resolved the conflict between the continuous and fast increase in railway transport volume and deficiency in tractive power supply, increased the transport capacity of heavy-haul railways by 50% and reduced power consumption by 20%. The project has made a great contribution to the sustainable development of Chinese heavy-haul railways, effectively increased China’s level of current conversion and broadened the application fields of power and electronic technologies. With remarkable effects of energy conservation and consumption reduction, the device conforms to the relevant national policies. So far, the project has been used applied extensively in 13 railway bureaus around the country and fields such as metallurgy, mining and port, and has contributed sales of over RMB 200 million.

      CSR ZELRI kept to the principle of “technology orientation”, took the advantage of its core technology to open up a road of independent technological innovation, and made over 1,000 technological achievements and won 800 patents in the eleventh five-year period.

      According to the source, at the conference, 226 achievements won Hunan’s award for natural science, provincial award for technical invention and provincial award for progress in science and technology in 2010, and six developers won the 7th Hunan Guangzhao Science and Technology Award. In the eleventh five-year period, the province made over 4,900 various technological achievements and won 106 national awards for science and technology, ranking top five in the country, and the contribution of technological progress to economic growth was up to 51%.
      schrieb am 23.02.11 12:05:30
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Zhao meets with GE VC John Rice
      CSR 2011-02-23
      On February 18, CSR Chairman Zhao Xiaogang met with a delegation headed by GE Vice Chairman and Overseas CEO John Rice at the headquarters. The two sides expressed satisfaction with the progress and achievements in the early cooperation, had an in-depth discussion and sincere exchange on future cooperation, and reached a consensus on accelerating the development of the US high-speed rail market.
      GE China President and CEO Mark Norbom, Asian Transport President and CEO Tim Schweikert and CSR Vice President Zhang Jun were present.
      After the meeting, Zhao gave a dinner for the delegation.
      schrieb am 23.02.11 12:06:22
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      CCTV News covers CSR new achievements
      CSR 2011-02-23
      On February 17, the CCTV News feature on the eleventh five-year achievements of Hunan covered the improvement of CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. CSR Zhuji and CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd. CSR ZELRI in the capacity for independent innovation.

      During the Spring Festival, CSR Zhuji got orders for over 200 subway trains to increase the total order volume to over 1,200, which are scheduled to be delivered in two years. Due to light body, large capacity, environment friendliness, energy conservation and high intelligence, Type-A subway trains have become a top model in the world. In the past four years, over 1,400 such trains have been turned out by CSR Zhuji and exported to European countries like Turkey.

      Yang Ying, deputy chief engineer and chief expert of CSR Zhuji, said, “We have dominated all design, owned the capacity for system innovation and integration and pioneered the global tide.”

      Ding Rongjun, general manager of CSR ZELRI, said, “It took us four to five years to make a progress on which others spent four decades. Our current production system may be rated as the most advanced platform in the world.”

      schrieb am 23.02.11 12:06:55
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      CSR Sifang wins Outstanding Team Award
      CSR 2011-02-23
      According to the source from the National Work Conference on Science and Technology on February 18, due to the remarkable contribution in the “key technical research and equipment manufacture of Chinese high-speed trains”, CSR Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd. CSR Sifang won the Outstanding Team Award for Implementing the Eleventh Five-Year National Science and Technology Program from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.02.11 22:00:44
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.090.890 von ToBeMe am 23.02.11 12:06:55Warum auch immer, die Aktie fällt zur Zeit, wie ein Stein. Die Aktie liegt bei logarithmischer Skaleneinteilung jetzt ziemlich genau auf der Aufwärtstrendlinie.
      Kann man Charttechnisch nur hoffen, das sie nicht weiter fällt. Werde CSR die nächsten Tage mal genauer beobachten. Wenn sie nicht signifikant unter den Aufwärtstrend fällt oder eine miese Nachricht kommt kauf ich ja vielleicht ein par Stücke.
      schrieb am 28.02.11 19:40:36
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Hat es vielleicht mit der Absetzung des Eisenbahnministers zu tun!?
      schrieb am 01.03.11 12:01:58
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Das könnte natürlich sein. Bei den Kommunisten hängt ja alles etwas mehr zusammen! Aber die Aussichten für die Zukunft sind ja in der Regel glänzend! Hab zumindest nichts Gegenteiliges gelesen.
      schrieb am 03.03.11 09:34:08
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()

      CSR ranks among “Happiest Enterprises
      CSR 2011-03-03
      Recently, as a result of the investigation and evaluation of “Shandong’s Happiest Enterprises in Brilliant ‘Eleventh Five-Year’ Period” jointly launched by the organizing committee of the event and the provincial news media, CSR Corporation Limited CSR ranked among “Shandong’s Happiest Enterprises”, and Jiang Jing, chairman and Party secretary of CSR, among “Shandong’s Meritorious Entrepreneurs in Staff Benefit”.

      According to the source, 32 enterprises and individuals in Shandong were awarded in this event.
      schrieb am 03.03.11 09:34:59
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()

      Xinhua Hunan President Zou visits CSR Zhuji
      CSR 2011-03-03
      The vigorous development of CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. CSR Zhuji drew extensive media attention. On February 24, Zou Yun, president of Xinhua News Agency, Hunan Branch, headed to CSR Zhuji for an interview on the construction of new industrialization, new urbanization, agricultural modernization, informatization, resource conservation and environmental protection, as well as the transformation of the development mode. On the eve of the two national conferences, the agency will cover Hunan’s key work in a centralized manner. As one of Hunan’s ten iconic engineering enterprises and a leading enterprise in the 100-billion rail transit equipment industry cluster, CSR Zhuji has become a major focus of the agency.

      Zou successively investigated the urban rail department and locomotive department, inquiring into the basic information of the company’s two industrial sectors, and giving in-depth coverage of issues such as the company’s experience and enlightenment from promoting the local rail transit equipment industry cluster to accomplish the objective of RMB 100 billion, leading the domestic rail transit equipment industry and implementing the strategy of “going out” successfully, as well as the company’s development orientation in the twelfth five-year period.

      According to statistics, the agency released 23 pieces of direct news on the events of CSR Zhuji in 2010, which were successively reprinted by domestic and overseas mainstream media such as Nouvelles D’Europe, Lianhe Zaobao, Sina, Ifeng, People’s Daily and CCTV. Relevant news were translated into Russian and English and distributed to ITAR, TASS and AP by the agency to boost the company’s fame and popularity. In the meantime, relevant news caught the eyes of the high level as classified references.
      schrieb am 03.03.11 16:36:58
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      Also ich denke mal nicht, dass es nur alleine an den Kommunisten und dem Wechsel liegt
      Bei der Schweizer Postfinance ist das Rating vom November 2010 ( 5 Punkte ) auf 1 Punkt ( Ende Februar 2011 ) gesenkt wurden
      Hatte es erst gar nicht beobachtet - erst als es 3 Punkte waren im Januar ( und sogar Infineon höher lag mit 4 Punkten ) und nun nur noch 1 Punkt - also irgendwas stimmt hier nicht - all die guten News und trotzdem gabe es eine Erdrutsch - irgendwo ist in China was faul - ich glaube nicht mehr an die Story und werde bei der erstbesten Gelegenheit aussteigen - da sind ja die DAX Titel tausendmal interessanter und steiegen höher als dieser Langweiler und Nachkaufen??? Nein - ich lass man lieber die Finger weg von
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 04.03.11 15:21:28
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.141.725 von philipini am 03.03.11 16:36:58Ich muss zugeben, dass ich im Moment auch etwas verunsichert bin, aber ich glaube weiterhin an die Zukunft von CSR. Ich habe für die Rücksetzer hier zwar kein Verständnis, lass meine Aktien aber im Depot liegen. Bin mir sicher, dass es hier wieder nach oben geht. Außer die werfen ohne Ende Aktien auf den Markt (Anzahl Aktien Stk). Allerdings lässt die Performance wirklich zu wünschen übrig. Hab da einige Dinger im Depot, die haben in der gleichen Zeit ein Vielfaches gemacht. Und für einen konservativen Wert ist das Ding schon böse abgeschmiert.
      schrieb am 08.03.11 08:17:11
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()

      CSR (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) plans to issue RMB5B short-term debentures
      [Date:03-08-2011] Source: Infocast News

      CSR Corporation Limited (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) announced that it proposed to issue shore-term debentures with an amount not exceeding RMB5 billion. The issue of short-term debentures have been considered and approved by the board of directors and are subject to consideration and approval at a general meeting of CSR Corporation Limited.

      The proceeds will be used for the repayment of loan(s) and replenishment of working capital.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.03.11 08:18:28
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.162.128 von ToBeMe am 08.03.11 08:17:11Man hat also Geldprobleme!
      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:33:20
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      CSR Puzhen ranked among “national civilized machinery units from 2007 to 2010”
      CSR 2011-03-10
      Recently, China Machinery Industry Federation held a commendation conference in Jinan, at which CSR Nanjing Puzhen Co., Ltd. CSR Puzhen was ranked among the “national civilized machinery units from 2007 to 2010”. This was another national honor of the company after it won six great honors such as “national advanced units in ideological and political work” in 2010.

      From 2007 to 2010, in the practice of civilized unit building, the Party Committee of CSR Puzhen practically performed the duty and mission of spiritual civilization construction assigned at the Party’s Seventeenth Congress, focused on the company’s eleventh five-year strategic objectives and tasks, seized the historical opportunity of great development of rail transit, and kept innovating concepts, content, methods and mechanisms, to promote the coordinated development of the corporate material civilization, political civilization, spiritual civilization and ecological civilization. In the eleventh five-year period, the major economic indicators of the company improved for consecutive years, with an increase of 34% and 79.5% in the average annual sales revenues and average annual net profit respectively, showing a fast-growing momentum
      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:34:56
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Shenzhen metro rail engineering vehicle drops in Zhuji
      CSR 2011-03-10

      At 10 p.m. on March 4, the Locomotive Department of CSR Zhuji was ablaze with lights, where the staff was prepared for the drop of the Shenzhen metro rail engineering vehicle in an intense and orderly manner, track inspection, field preparation, bogie hoisting…everything progressed smoothly. In parallel, two large cranes hoisted the vehicle steadily up above the two bogies. With the collaborative efforts of all the staff, the vehicle dropped smoothly. Now, the vehicle has entered the commissioning stage before construction completion.

      According to the source, the vehicle achieved a breakthrough in energy use among domestic rail vehicles, and took the lead in powering rail vehicles with batteries. It absorbs the advanced concepts of electric locomotives and mass transit vehicles in overall design, and bases its overall structure on the electric locomotive platform and its bogie travel mechanism on the urban rail and subway platform.

      The Shenzhen metro rail engineering inspection set, consisting of an engineering vehicle and an inspection vehicle, is mainly used to inspect the status of pantographs and catenaries as well as vehicle outline and clearance. Then, it will serve the inspection of Shenzhen Subway Line 1, 2 and 5.
      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:35:32
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Sheng: high-speed rail will continue to grow
      CSR 2011-03-10
      Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 5 Reporter Liu Hua, Liu Quanlong When attending the deliberation of Ningxia delegation at the Fourth Session of the Eleventh National People’s Congress, Sheng Guangzu, Minister of Railways, said that the total debts of Chinese railway enterprises were around RMB 1.8 trillion and controllable.

      Sheng said that the current asset-liability ratio of railway enterprises was around 56%, which is low among industrial enterprises. “I think some debts are normal for railway enterprises in order to gain development, and I assure you that the ratio is safe.”

      When being asked whether the future development road of high-speed rail would change, Sheng, who just took office, said, “Our high-speed rail will continue to grow within the scope of the medium and long-term national plans for railway network adjustment.”

      As for whether high-speed rail fares will be lowered, Sheng said, “The fares were approved by the competent price authorities upon calculation by high-speed rail operation enterprises in accordance with the Price Law, and the current fares are just trial fares. The high fares of high-speed rail are due to high construction and operation costs.

      Sheng expressed his full confidence in the prospect of high-speed rail. “As long as high-speed rail is put into operation, I think the market will be bright in the future.”
      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:36:07
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      17 CSR process management standards ensure quality safety
      CSR 2011-03-10
      To accelerate the comprehensive implementation and fulfillment of the 17 process management standards of CSR, further improve the level of process management of all subsidiaries and ensure product quality and safety, the work seminar on 17 process management standards organized by CSR was held in Wuhan recently.

      The standards were promulgated in late 2007 and came into effect on January 1, 2008. At the seminar, the subsidiaries had in-depth discussions about the experience from and problems in the implementation and fulfillment of the standards, strengthened out item by item problems such as the weak operability of the standards and incompleteness of quality records involved in the standards, and offered specific opinions on revision and improvement.

      At the seminar, Chen Du, director of the Department of Science and Technology of CSR, summarized the early work of standard promulgation and implementation, and made an important speech on how to thoroughly implement the standards in the next period.
      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:36:28
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      CSR electric vehicles make debut in Taiwan
      CSR 2011-03-10
      Recently, Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. CSR TEV under CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd. CSR ZELRI signed a contract with Taipei Gaoneng Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. TGAI on the first batch of parallel hybrid systems, marking the formal entry of CSR electric vehicles into Taiwan.

      According to the source, to seek a high-caliber system plant in the Chinese mainland, TGAI surveyed domestic system plants including CSR TEV early a year ago. In view of the good demonstration effects and high cost performance of CSR TEV’s products, TGAI finally chose its systems.

      At the business talks, the two sides had an in-depth discussion about future business and technical cooperation in the area of electric vehicles, and signed a business contract for the first batch of parallel hybrid systems.

      Also, good news came from the trolley power system sector of CSR TEV that an urban trolley jointly developed by Zhengzhou Yutong and CSR TEV had been exported to Kazakhstan for trial operation.
      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:36:54
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      CSR industrial converters praised for outstanding oil drilling performance
      CSR 2011-03-10
      Recently, good news came from Korla, Xinjiang that CSR’s autonomous 400V/600KW converter has overcome the complex and severe work conditions in oil wells and worked continuously and normally with a drilling depth of 4,000 meters since going into operation on February 1, thus gaining unanimous recognition from the workers of the Hunan drilling team of Sinopec Southwest Petroleum Bureau.

      Another converter of the same model also went into operation in Tarim, Kucha, Korla, Xinjiang on schedule. So far, the converter has operated steadily and reliably and made encouraging progress in drilling.

      According to the source, in the eleventh five-year period, based on the rapid growth in the primary business-rail transit, CSR ZELRI kept to the strategy of concentric diversification and vigorously developed non-rail emerging industries to maximize the value of core technology. As a major non-rail area, industrial conversion has fired the first shoot in the battle in 2011, and will add glory to the magnificent twelfth five-year blueprint of CSR ZELRI.
      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:37:27
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Two technical plans of CSR Meishan qualified through MOR examination
      CSR 2011-03-10
      Recently, the improvement plan of K7 bogie and the design plan of bogies of 27t and 32.5t heavy-axle-load trucks of CSR Meishan Co., Ltd. CSR Meishan were qualified through the examination by the Ministry of Railways MOR.

      To follow the general trend of the heavy load of rail freight, CSR Meishan took active part in the formulation and demonstration of the plan for integrated tests of the technical conditions and line adaptability of heavy-axle-load trucks, and has become one of the formulators of the technical standards for bogies of heavy-axle-load trucks. At the same time, the company established the technical project team of heavy-axle-load trucks, conducted overall planning, intensified basic theoretical research, perfected the reliability design evaluation system, emphatically organized key technical breakthroughs in heavy-axle-load trucks, completed the development of new K7 bogie and bogies of heavy-axle-load trucks and the preparations for line tests, and created a new mode in product R & D.

      The qualified new K7 bogie and newly designed bogies of heavy-axle-load trucks use a number of new technologies, are designed according to the inertial faults of bogies of rail wagons, increase the application reliability of the bogies as well as the manufacturability and serviceability of sub frameworks, free sub frameworks from repair within their service lives and decomposition in depot repair, are of high practical value, and were fully recognized by the leaders and experts present. The expert group examined the product drawings and relevant technical documents, thinking the new-generation bogies of CSR Meishan, with advanced design concepts, rational structures and high reliability, are a development orientation of bogies of heavy-axle-load trucks in China. Upon deliberation, the company’s plans were qualified through examination by consensus.
      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:37:46
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      CSR, Yuchai combine
      CSR 2011-03-10
      Inaugural ceremony of CYSE held in Beijing

      On March 7, CSR, Yuchai and Nanjun made a joint investment to establish CSR Yuchai Sichuan Engine Co., Ltd. CYSE in a bid to build a western engine research, development and manufacturing base in Ziyang, Sichuan and shape a model of China’s machinery building industry in resource integration and market collaboration. The inaugural ceremony was held in Beijing.

      In April and October 2010, CSR and Yuchai successively signed the Framework Agreement on Strategic Cooperation and Letter of Intent on Joint Investment and Cooperation. The cooperation between the two enterprises will be conducive to the mutual complementing of the two sides, accelerating the common development of the two enterprises, boosting the upgrading of the core technologies of Sichuan’s enterprises and promoting Sichuan’s local economic development.

      Newly established CYSE, a manufacturer of medium and high-speed engines applicable to vehicles, locomotives, ships and land power generation, has a Phase 1 registered capital of RMB 300 million and a total investment of RMB 3 billion, will manufacture 200,000 high-speed engines and 700 medium-speed ones a year at full capacity, with an annual output value of RMB 10 billion and total taxes and profits of RMB 1 billion. In three to five years, Ziyang will be built into an internationally competitive and domestic first-class engine manufacturing base in the west.

      CSR, China’s largest rail transit equipment developer and manufacturer, enjoys prominent influence in world rail transit equipment manufacturing. In 2010, it ranked 2nd in sales in the global rail transit equipment industry. CSR Ziyang Co., Ltd., a primary subsidiary of CSR, was the subject of the investment cooperation. Yuchai, China’s largest engine developer and manufacturer, boasts an annual production capacity and sales volume of over 600,000 diesel engines and over 10,000 small and medium-sized construction machines, and is reputed as the “capital of Chinese green power”. Ziyang Nanjun Automobile Co., Ltd. is a major commercial vehicle manufacturer in China, the largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in Sichuan as well as a key large enterprise group cultivated by Sichuan.
      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:39:17
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      CSR equity incentive plan approved
      CSR 2011-03-18
      On March 7, upon receipt of the official reply to the equity incentive plan from China Securities Regulatory Commission, CSR held the 23rd session of the first board of directors and the 16th session of the first board of supervisors, as well as the meetings of relevant professional committees of the board such as the audit and risk management committee, salary committee and strategic committee, at which relevant proposals on equity incentive were deliberated on. Over 20 leaders were present, including nine directors like Chairman Zhao Xiaogang and Vice Chairman and President Zheng Changhong, the board secretary, all supervisors as well as persons in charge of relevant departments of the headquarters.

      Upon deliberation, the board adopted six proposals, including the Proposal on Corporate Stock Option Plan Draft, Proposal on Adjustment of Use Proportion of Funds Raised from H-share IPO and Proposal on Issuance of Short-term Corporate Bonds Worth No More Than Five Billion Yuan. In accordance with the regulations of the mainland and Hong Kong, CSR has announced the resolutions adopted and major issues deliberated on the meetings on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange.

      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:40:07
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      LLP united service station of Harmony electric locomotives established
      CSR 2011-03-18
      Recently, the united service station of Harmony electric locomotives in Luoyang Locomotive Depot LLP was established.

      Unlike before when machinery enterprises organized key parts enterprises for united operations of new locomotives, the station gave full play to the advantages of CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. CSR Zhuji in technology and management as well as the advantages of CSR Luoyang Co., Ltd. CSR Luoyang in location and human resources, and absorbed CSR Luoyang, the overhaul enterprise of Harmony electric locomotives. This is a joint move of CSR Zhuji and CSR Luoyang to thoroughly push forward CSR’s integration of manufacture with overhaul, is a beneficial practice of cross-organization talent training according to the spirit of the national talent work conference, and is aimed to fast advance the construction of talent building of CSR Luoyang under the leadership of superior enterprises.

      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:42:00
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      CSR shines in Abu Dhabi
      CSR 2011-03-18
      As China’s only rail vehicle manufacturer, CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. CSR Zhuji participated in Middle East Rail 2011 in Abu Dhabi, capital of the UAE. CSR attracted wide attention by its tremendous strength in the area of rail transit equipment and concept of offering all-round system solutions.

      In the eleventh five-year period, CSR established offices in countries and regions such as the US, Europe and Africa, and all subsidiaries established corresponding overseas marketing services based on local market conditions. In the twelfth five-year strategy, CSR mapped out a proposal that it would grow into a major growth pole with a share of over 10% in the global rail transit equipment market by the end of the twelfth five-year period.

      According to the source, Middle East Rail is the largest rail exhibition in the Middle East and North Africa. To improve the brand effect of CSR in the two regions, promote CSR’s main products, as well as new products and technologies like rail engineering vehicle, super electric vehicle, 100% low-floor vehicle and low & medium-speed maglev vehicle, CSR Zhuji participated in the exhibition as a premium sponsor.

      In the four-day exhibition, CSR came under the spotlight as one of the most attractive enterprises. Government departments and corporate staff from countries like the UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Oman, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Tanzania visited CSR’s booth in succession, requesting the brochures and product leaflets of CSR and its subsidiaries, learning about product performance and parameters, and inquiring about CSR’s organizations in the UAE. Also, they negotiated with CSR on technical cooperation and participation in rail bids in their countries.

      During the exhibition, CSR actively carried out business activities. On March 1, Xu Zongxiang, executive director and general manager of CSR Zhuji and Shi Shenglin, deputy general manager of the Overseas Department of CSR met with Ghanim bin Saad, president of Qatar Railways Company, introducing CSR’s major products and overseas strategy, and exchanging ideas on CSR’s involvement in rail construction in the Middle East. Ghanim extended warm welcome to CSR, expressing the willingness to cooperate with CSR’s subsidiaries in the future, and inviting CSR to the next edition of the exhibition in Doha, capital of Qatar, in 2012.

      At the manufacturer seminar on March 2, in the keynote speech on Urban Rail Transit Solution Providers , Xu elaborated, with pictures and texts, on CSR’s history, organizational structure, international cooperation, major products such as electric locomotive, international combustion locomotive, EMU, mass transit vehicle and bus, as well as new products and technologies such as rail engineering vehicle, and answered consultation from attendees.

      On March 2, Xu and Shi headed to Dubai for a call on Gao Yusheng, Chinese ambassador to the UAE, introduced CSR’s participation in international exchanges, and exchanged ideas on implementation of the strategy of “going out” and government support.

      Media such as International Railway Journal IRJ, Railway Gazettee and Terrapinn Pte LTd of The United Arab Emirates Television interviewed Xu about the products, R & D, marketing and development strategies of CSR and CSR Zhuji.

      Through the exhibition and business activities, CSR vigorously demonstrated its image as a world-class rail transit equipment enterprise, expanded its brand influence and cemented relations with target customers to lay a solid foundation for future cooperation.
      At the exhibition, rail transit giants such as Ansaldo, Bombardier, Faiveley and Vossloh also promoted their new products and technologies, and probed into the opportunities and challenges for railway enterprises in railway development in the Middle East and North Africa.

      schrieb am 18.03.11 07:44:48
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Bei den Chinesen herrscht immer heile Welt. Keinerlei Anmerkungen zur derzeitigen Situation. Wenn man rein nach deren Newsflow geht, müsste die aktie bereits bei ungeahnten Höhen stehen. Da kann sich jeder sein eigenes Urteil über deren Berichterstattung machen. Verblendung!
      schrieb am 25.03.11 08:35:43
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      CSR ZELRI achieves phased breakthrough in IGCT gate driver board
      CSR 2011-03-25
      Recently, the power assessment test voltage: 3,000V, current: 1,600A of the 7MVA phase module of the IGCT gate driver board of CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd. CSR ZELRI wound up, marking a phased breakthrough in the company’s IGCT device drive application technology, laying a solid foundation for future industrialized application.
      schrieb am 25.03.11 08:36:12
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      CSR Qishuyan joins hands with SWJTU in postgraduate training
      CSR 2011-03-25
      On March 11, CSR Qishuyan Co., Ltd. CSR Qishuyan worked out a major move to thrive the enterprise through talents. The program for masters of engineering in project management jointly presented by CSR Qishuyan and Southwest Jiaotong University SWJTU was launched. Liu Jie, executive director and general manager of CSR Qishuyan and Chen Zhifang, deputy Party secretary of CSR Qishuyan, Zhang Wengui, assistant to president of SWJTU and director of Changzhou Research Institute and other leaders and teachers of SWJTU, as well as all trainees and their leaders attended the launch ceremony. Li Peishun, deputy general manager of CSR Qishuyan, presided over the ceremony.
      From this day on, 35 managers from 23 grass-roots units of CSR Qishuyan will obtain master’s degrees of engineering in project management from SWJTU through three years’ study.

      The program is a major move of CSR Qishuyan to meet the need for rapid corporate development, boost the management standards and innovation capabilities of management talents and break the bottleneck of corporate management. It is of great significance to implementing the spirit of CSR’s talent work conference, fulfilling the “twelfth five-year” strategic human resource plan, optimizing the structures of the three teams, improving the knowledge level of business managers and building a team of 10,000 core talents.
      schrieb am 25.03.11 08:36:40
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      CSR staff wins “10th Zhantianyou Youth Award”
      CSR 2011-03-25
      Good news came recently from the Zhantianyou Development Foundation for Science and Technology that Yang Jun of CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd. CSR ZELRI and Peng Xinping of CSR Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. CSR Zhuji had won the “10th Zhantianyou Awards for Railway Science and Technology-Youth Award”. The Zhantianyou Awards for Railway Science and Technology Zhantianyou Awards were set up to commend outstanding scientific and technological contributors to the cause of railway science and technology, and have promoted the progress in railway science and technology and the growth of talents. Zhantianyou Awards include the Grand Award, Achievement Award, Contribution Award, Youth Award and Foundation Award. The awards are among the first group of awards approved by the National Office for Science & Technology Awards, and are influential in the field of railway science and technology.
      schrieb am 25.03.11 08:38:37
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      CSR ZELRI wins first prize for progress in science and technology
      CSR 2011-03-25
      On the afternoon of March 10, the Ningbo Municipal Committee and Municipal Government held the conference on accelerating industrial transformation and commending scientific and technological achievements. As a result, the “R & D and industrialization of high-reliability transducers for large-power Harmony locomotives” of Ningbo CSR Times Transducer Technology Co., Ltd. CSR Ningbo under CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd. CSR ZELRI won the “Ningbo’s first prize for progress in science and technology”.

      The high-reliability transducers, developed for high-power Harmony locomotives, involve 11 electric current transducers, 4 voltage transducers, 5 velocity transducers and 15 pressure transducers. With reliable performance, long service lives, as well as strong electromagnetic compatibility and vibration and impact resistance, the transducers have been up to advanced international standards.
      schrieb am 25.03.11 08:39:27
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      CSR Times honored as outstanding supplier (supporter) by GAC Bus
      CSR 2011-03-25
      Recently, news came from the Supplier Supporter Conference 2011 of Guangzhou Automobile Group Autobus Co., Ltd. GAC Bus that Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. CSR Times under CSR Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd. CSR ZELRI became an outstanding supplier supporter of GAC Bus. The honor, combined with the perfect performance of the 20 sets of electric drive systems in the Guangzhou Asian Games, has established good customer relations for the marketing of the electric systems of CSR Times.
      schrieb am 25.03.11 08:39:57
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      U60WK bulk cement tanker repair and modification passes ministerial certification
      CSR 2011-03-25
      On March 14, the Ministry of Railways MOR organized an expert panel for the quality certification of U60WK bulk cement tanker repaired and modified by Wuhan Division of CSR Yangtze Co., Ltd.

      The panel listened to the division’s technological report, quality inspection report and discharge test report on the repair and modification of U60WK bulk cement tanker as well as the supervision and verification report of the vehicle acceptance office of the MOR, examined the drawings, technical conditions, process conditions, test documents and quality records of the product, inspected the production site, technological process, technological equipment and testing devices of the major procedures, and conducted a field test of the repaired and modified sample.

      The panel thought that the quality and technological plan of repair and modification was rational, the repaired sample met the requirements of the MOR, the technological documents are complete and valid, the technological equipment and testing devices met the requirements for mass production and the product was qualified through test. Upon deliberation, the panel agreed that the product should pass the production quality certification and meet the requirements of mass repair and modification.
      schrieb am 25.03.11 08:40:20
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      CSR shield machine creates driving records in Henan
      CSR 2011-03-25
      Recently, the No. 1 shield machine manufactured by CSR ran through the right tunnel in the 01 section of Zhengzhou Subway Line 1. During the period, the daily and monthly driving speed of the machine soared to 31.5m and 603m respectively, creating new driving records of subway shield machines in Henan.

      With complex geological conditions, Zhengzhou is in a non-self-weight collapsible loess area. There are high-rise buildings, railway lines and main roads in the construction section of the subway tunnel. Aiming at these characteristics, CSR Chengdu Tunnel Equipment Co., Ltd. elaborately built two EPB shield machines with an excavation diameter of 6.17m, a total weight of about 450t and a length of about 75m, which integrate optical, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and sensory technologies. The No. 1 shield machine was delivered to China Railway 11th Bureau Group Co., Ltd. CR11G on September 15, 2010, and was put into the construction of the right tunnel in the 01 section of Zhengzhou Subway Line 1 on September 28. This March 6, the machine ran through the right one-way 2,044.5-meter tunnel, creating a daily and monthly driving record of 31.5m and 603m. This is a new driving record created by CSR shield machines in different geological conditions after the previous one in Sichuan last June.

      According to the project manager of CR11G, the No. 1 shield machine was in good conditions when arriving at the receiving station, with both horizontal and vertical errors under 1cm, up to the optimal standards of shield machines. He evaluated CSR shield machines as “most rational in design, most convenient in use and most normal in driving”.

      According to the source, CSR has delivered two subway shield machines to CR11G for the construction of the left and right tunnels with a total length of 7,215m in the 01 section of Zhengzhou Subway Line 1.
      schrieb am 25.03.11 08:40:45
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      CSR wins bid for vehicles for Chengdu Subway Line 2
      CSR 2011-03-25
      Recently, CSR signed a contract with Chengdu Subway Rail Transit Co., Ltd. for Phase Ⅱ vehicles for Chengdu Subway Line 2, with is worth about RMB 520 million.

      This is the third successful bid of the company after it won the bids for Chengdu Subway Line 1 and Phase Ⅰ of Chengdu Subway Line 2. So far, CSR has got orders for 59 metro trains 354 vehicles from Chengdu and become a major rail transit partner of southwest China. According to the source, the Line 1 order was delivered in May 2010 under the contract, and vehicles for Phase Ⅰ of Line 2 have been designed and developed and entered into the stage of mass production. Since going into operation on September 27, 2010, Line 1 vehicles have gained extensive praise from customers and Chengdu’s citizens for its novel and human-oriented design as well as advanced and mature operation quality.

      With a full length of 41.895km, Chengdu Subway Line 2 stretches from northwest Chengdu’s Pixian County to east Chengdu’s Longquanyi District via the central downtown. The length of Phase Ⅱ is about 19.5km. According to the technical staff of CSR, Phase Ⅱ vehicles will inherit the technical advantage of Line 1 vehicles, and will make improvements in the structural design of bodies and heads, vehicle modularization and light design.

      CSR is a major rail transit equipment manufacturing base in China. It not only operates the greatest number of EMUs and turns out the most complete range of equipment in China, but also has delivered metro vehicles to 14 subway lines in domestic and foreign cities like Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Tianjin, Shenyang and Singapore.
      schrieb am 30.03.11 07:24:47
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      CSR (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) 2010 net profit RMB2.5B, up 50.8%; div RMB0.04
      [Date:03-30-2011] Source: Infocast News

      CSR Corporation Limited (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) announced that for the year ended 31 December 2010, it recorded a net profit of RMB2.53 billion, up 50.8% over the corresponding period in 2009.

      EPS were RMB0.2138. A final dividend of RMB4 cents per share is declared.
      schrieb am 30.03.11 07:26:13
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      30/03/2011 11:32
      [I-bank focus] Nomura trims CSR (01766) target to HK$9.2

      Nomura trimmed its target price for CSR Corporation
      (01766) to HK$9.2 from HK$11.2 to reflect the clouded prospects for China's railways, and
      retained its "neutral" call.
      The house said its concern remains on visibility of its future orders and China's
      railway development plan. Since the personnel change at the Ministry of Railway (MoR) on
      13 February 2011, the new minister has been emphasizing safety and steady development of
      China's high-speed railways, rather than the speed and scale that were emphasized by the
      former minister.
      While the already started projects are not likely to be stopped and train procurement
      orders given are not likely to be cancelled, Nomura is still concerned on the volume and
      frequency of future orders. (KL)
      schrieb am 30.03.11 07:29:45
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      Bin hier auch vor Kurzem ausgestiegen. Die schöne Geschichte hat im Moment einen zu faden Beigeschmack! Sind zwar gute Einstiegskurse, aber erstmal sollte man positive Signale abwarten.
      schrieb am 11.04.11 17:12:05
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      War zur Hälfte auch zu 0,72 raus - und hatte mich hinterher geärgert - aber der Chart sieht nun aus, als wenn er ausbrechen will und 100% ich bin kein Experte von Chart Technik - die restlichen Stücke lass ich liegen bis in zig Jahren und hoffe es wird ein großer Gewinn - und die Chinies - sind undurchschaubar - hoffen wir mal.....

      Ich bin jetzt wieder Optimistisch
      schrieb am 29.04.11 07:53:09
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      31/03/2011 14:49
      [I-bank focus] Daiwa lifts CSR Corp (01766) target to HK$7.6

      Daiwa Research lifted its target price for CSR Corp
      (01766) to HK$7.6 from HK$7.32 on Renminbi appreciation, and retained its "hold" call.
      It said the 2010 the results were below the consensus forecasts even after excluding the
      asset writedown of Rmb132m. Daiwa believes the market had been overly optimistic about
      the company while ignoring the potential risks to earnings. (KL)
      schrieb am 29.04.11 07:53:30
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      31/03/2011 17:30
      [I-bank focus] UOBKH lifts CSR (01766) target to HK$9.67

      UOB Kay Hian raised its target price for CSR
      Corporation (01766) to HK$9.67 from HK$7.31, and retained its "buy" rating.
      It shares the view that the uncertainties triggered by personnel changes in the Ministry
      of Railway (MOR) will cap near-term upside for CSR and Times Electric.
      However, the house noted that construction of high-speed railway, metro lines and heavy
      duty freight rail remain the core parts of national transportation network development
      plan for 2011-15. Hence, it remains positive on the outlook for CSR. (KL)
      schrieb am 29.04.11 07:54:03
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      14/04/2011 14:30
      CSR Corp (01766) eyes 15% income share from overseas market

      CSR Corporation (01766) will aim at boosting the
      share of income from overseas markets from 3.66% last year to over 15% over the next five
      years, Chairman Zhao Xiaogang told reporters.
      At present, over 25 countries worldwide plan to construct high-speed railways as it is a
      relatively clean transport. Patent issues abroad do not have impact on the Group's
      operations, Zhao added. In the future, exports of locomotives will see rapid growth,
      especially Malaysia, Turkey and Brazil.
      The CSR Group currently has over Rmb100 billion worth of orders in hand, of which about
      Rmb70 billion are locomotive orders and Rmb13 billion overseas orders. Zhao also revealed
      that the first quarter orders recorded growth and detailed figures will be announced
      later. (HL)
      schrieb am 29.04.11 07:54:46
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      26/04/2011 10:40
      CSR Corp (01766) 1Q net soars 1.7x to Rmb946m

      CSR Corporation (01766) said its net profit
      attributable to shareholders surged 1.7 times year-on-year to Rmb946 million for the first
      quarter ended 31 March 2011.
      Basic and diluted earnings per share were Rmb0.08.
      Total operating revenue was Rmb20.12 billion, an increase of 61.6% from the same period
      of 2010. (HL)
      schrieb am 29.04.11 07:55:36
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      CSR (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) Q1 net profit RMB946M, up 166%
      [Date:04-26-2011] Source: Infocast News

      In accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the PRC, CSR Corporation Limited (SHA:601766, HKG:1766) had RMB945.519 million net profit attributable to shareholders for the first quarter ended 31 March 2011, up 165.69% over the same quarter last year. EPS were RMB0.08.
      schrieb am 29.04.11 07:56:10
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      26/04/2011 15:29
      [I-bank focus] DB tweaks up CSR Corp (01766) TP to HK$10.7

      Deutsche Bank tweaked up its target price for CSR
      Corp (01766) to HK$10.7 from HK$10.53, and maintained its "buy" call.
      CSR reported 1Q11 net profit up 166% yoy, to Rmb946m. The research house fine-tuned its
      2011-2012 earnings forecasts to reflect higher sales and gross margin fully offsetting
      higher SG&A expenses.
      It expects CSR's earnings to continue to grow, by 64% in 2011 and another 24% in 2012.
      schrieb am 11.08.11 17:47:04
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      Na denne - ich denke hier geht bald das Licht aus - die letzten Zuckungen eines Sterbenden?? na ich werd noch mal bisschen warten und wenn es zum Todesschuss kommt - ist es auch egal - aber traurig ist es schon bisschen ....

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