
    FASTENAL (FAST / WKN: 887891) - Befestigungstechnik - Die WÜRTH-Firma aus den USA - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 06.08.08 18:16:44 von
    neuester Beitrag 18.11.08 17:03:40 von
    Beiträge: 16
    ID: 1.143.373
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    Gesamt: 7.545
    Aktive User: 0

    ISIN: US3119001044 · WKN: 887891 · Symbol: FQA
    -0,80 %
    -0,51 USD
    Letzter Kurs 22:30:00 Nasdaq

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 06.08.08 18:16:44
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      ich wurde letzt auf ein Unternehmen der USA aufmerksam, das eine Ausnahmestellung von der Geschäftsentwicklung aufweist, wie kaum ein anderes Unternehmen:

      FASTENAL / Kürzel FAST, an der Nasdaq notiert.
      Der Langfristcharet eine Augenweide und Spiegelbild der hervorragenden Entwicklung des Unternehmens. Hohe rel. konstante Wachtumsraten in einem langweiligen Geschäft, dem Verkauf von Befestigungsmaterialien, Werkzeugen etc. für Bau, handwerk und Werkstätten. Also sozusagen die WÜRTH der USA. Ich komme aus der gegend diese dt. paradeunternehmen, das fast die gleichen Artikel anbietet als Fastenal und schon seit rd. 30 jahren zweistellig wächst. Das schein FAST genau so zu schaffen...

      Nichts zu sehen in der Geschäftsentwicklung von der Immobilienflaute, im Gegenteil, Wachstumsraten um rd. 20%.
      Großes Wachstumspotential, da noch rel. wenig verbreitet in den USA, in anderen Ländern ganz zu schweigen.

      Mich würde interessieren, ob jemand von Euch hier in WO die Firma kennt oder sogar investiert ist. Vielleicht kommt ja ein kleiner Austausch zu Stande...

      Gruss space

      Zudem hervorragende Finanzkennzahlen:

      Keine Schulden hohe Margen, sehr gute ROI.
      Die Bewertung ist ambitioniert, aber nicht zu hoch, wenn man das Wachstum anschaut, das KGV befindet sich aber am untern Ende der historischen Bandbreite.

      Hier die website mit den investor relations. Es kommen z.B. monatliche verkaufszahlen.

      Hier noch ein ausgführlicheres Profil der Firma:

      Fastenal Company began as a partnership in 1967, and was incorporated under the laws of Minnesota in 1968. The Company begins with a marketing strategy of supplying threaded fasteners to customers in small, medium-sized, and, in subsequent years, large cities. The Company opened its first store site in Winona, Minnesota, a city with a population of approximately 25,000. The Company operates a central UNIX/terminal-based computer system allowing automatic data exchange between the stores and the distribution centers. The use of client/server technology allows the Company's network of UNIX-based machines to serve networked personal computers and workstations. At the store level, the Company operates a proprietary point-of-sale system. This system operates on a Microsoft Windows operating system. The Company's original product offering was fasteners and other industrial and construction supplies, many of which are sold under the Fastenal(r) product name. This product line consists of two categories: threaded fasteners, such as bolts, nuts, screws, studs, and related washers; and miscellaneous supplies, such as paints, various pins and machinery keys, concrete anchors, batteries, sealants, metal framing systems, wire rope, strut, private-label stud anchors, rivets, and related accessories. Threaded fasteners are used in most manufactured products and building projects, and in the maintenance and repair of machines and structures. Many aspects of the threaded fastener market are common to all cities; variations from city to city that do exist typically relate to the types of businesses operating in a market or to the environmental conditions in a market. Therefore, the Company opens each store with a selection of base stocks of inventory and then allows the local store and district leaders to tailor the additional inventory to the local market demand as it develops. The Company sells industrial and construction supplies in a wholesale and retail fashion. The Company operated twelve distribution centers in North America as of December 31, 2005 from which the Company distributes products to its store sites. Store personnel generate a portion of the Company's sales through direct calls on customers. The Company conducts its business under various trademarks and service marks, including Fastenal(r) with various designs or tag lines, FAS-N-IT(r), FNL(r), Blackstone(tm), and FNL G9.

      Und zu Schluss der Lineal-Langfristchart. Was für ein Prachtsexemplar!
      schrieb am 07.08.08 17:08:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      sowas sieht man wirklich selten...
      gibt auch keine gründe warum es demnächst mit der firma bergab gehen sollte.
      für mich bei jedem rücksetzer ein kauf -wl
      schrieb am 07.08.08 17:22:12
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.672.800 von thoraxsnaz am 07.08.08 17:08:23hallo thoraxsnaz,
      es gibt also doch jemand bei WO, der die Firma kennt(?) bzw. interessiert ist...danke fürs Einschalten. Bei mir sind sie auch auf der WL, ganz weit oben...

      gibt auch keine gründe warum es demnächst mit der firma bergab gehen sollte.
      für mich bei jedem rücksetzer ein kauf -wl

      Tja, mit den Rücksetzern, sehr große gabs nicht, bei 30% unter Hoch war Schluss in den letzten jahren. Die rd. 50 Dollar scheinen ein hartnäckiger Widerstand zu sein. Werden die aber geknackt, dürfte es erst mal vorbei sein mit nem Rücksetzer, dann fliegt der Deckel weg und es geht in uncharted areas...

      Na schaue da mal noch ein bisschen zu, denke aber, dass ich auch nicht zu lange zögernm werde, spätesten bis Ende 2008 ist die in meinem Depot wegen der blöden AGS.

      Gruss space

      apropos Charts...der da ist noch besser: SYK / STRYKER, machen in künstl. Hüft- und Kniegelenke und medizinische Ausrüstung. Solche Charts bzw. Firmenentwicklungen findet man nur in den USA!…
      schrieb am 28.08.08 14:05:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Wir liegen auf ATH-Niveau, bin mal gespannt, ob es geknackt werden kann und der Deckel wegfliegt bzw. die Fasteners gelöst werden...
      Dann gehts ab in uncharted areas....

      Gruss space

      schrieb am 29.08.08 19:32:32
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Gestern klares ATH, scheint aber bisher heute nicht zu halten, ausser die Wallstreet bekommt noch nen Kick nach oben. Aber egal, der Anstieg gestern lief jedenfalls unter rel. großen Umsätzen ab.

      Gruss space

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,6200EUR +66,67 %
      Ad-hoc! Komplette Neubewertung angelaufen, 6.500% Wachstum mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 03.09.08 10:54:30
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      ganz interessanter bericht zur Short-Situation...

      Short Interest Report: Skepticism Builds on Fastenal (FAST)…
      schrieb am 04.09.08 15:07:08
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Hier die monatlichen Verkaufszahlen, sieht gut aus, Verkaüfe auf Jahresbasis pro Verkaufstag um 16% gesteigert:…

      Hier kann man alle news/Monatsnews einsehen:

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 10.09.08 07:39:28
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Nachbörslich ne Meldung zu FAST, dass die Aktie das Looser-Unternehmen Fannie Mae im S&P 500 ersetzt. Mir solls recht sein...

      Jedenfalls 3,5% fester nachbörslich. hat sich gar gestern schon angedeutet, da sich FAST sehr gut im Markt gehalten hat, was generell gilt in den letzten Monaten. ist so ein richtiger outperformer...und das mit dem langweiligen Geschäft...:laugh:

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 11.09.08 07:22:55
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hier noch mal was zur S&P500-Aufnahme von FAST.
      Eigentlich müsste man jetzt verkaufen, wenn man berücksichtigt, dass die Kursentwicklungen vieler Aktien nach der Aufnahme in einen großen Index eher lau sind, da sie vorher schon gepusht wurden...:laugh:

      Gruss space

      Fastenal jumps after being added to S&P 500 index
      Wednesday September 10, 5:42 pm ET
      Fastenal shares jump, then pare gains, after being added to the Standard & Poor's 500 index

      NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of industrial equipment maker Fastenal Co. rose, then pared some of it gains, Wednesday, after replacing Fannie Mae on the Standard & Poor's 500 index.

      Standard & Poor's said Tuesday it would remove Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from the S&P 500 after close of trading Wednesday, following a steep drop in the stock prices of the two mortgage giants.

      Standard & Poor's said Tuesday the capitalization of the companies fell well below the $5 billion required to list among the S&P 500.

      Freddie Mac was replaced by customer relations management company

      The federal government on Sunday took over the mortgage finance companies in one of the largest federal interventions in the financial sector in history.

      Shares of Fastenal rose 40 cents to close at $52.58. Earlier in the session, the stock touched as high as $54.04.
      schrieb am 02.10.08 19:30:12
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      nette und vorbildliche Meldung:

      Fastenal Company Releases Comments on September 2008 Trends

      WINONA, Minn., Oct 02, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- The Fastenal Company of Winona, MN (Nasdaq: FAST) released comments on September 2008 trends.

      We plan to release our third quarter earnings on Monday, October 13, 2008. We typically remain silent on information about the final month of the quarter until the earnings release; however, given the sharp drop in share price experienced by a number of industrial stocks on Wednesday, October 1st, and given the unexpected drop in the ISM index(1) as reported on Wednesday, October 1st we decided to release some commentary on trends for our shareholders.


      (1) Our sales growth from September 2007 to September 2008 was approximately 26.4%. There were 19 business days in September 2007 and 21 business days in September 2008. Adjusting for the two extra business days in 2008, our daily sales growth from September 2007 to September 2008 was approximately 14.3%. This daily sales growth was above our internal expectation for the month.

      (2) We have felt the impact of a weakened economic environment in North America over much of 2007 and 2008. Our trends in September 2008 remained consistent with trends earlier in the third quarter and earlier in the year.

      (3) We were surprised by the reported ISM index(1) of 43.5 for September versus the 50.0 and 49.9 reported after July and August, respectively. It is inconsistent with our results in September.

      As indicated above, it is not our practice to release piecemeal financial information at quarter end. However, given the sharp movement in our stock price, we felt a need to share some preliminary trend information with our long-term shareholder base.

      (1) ISM index -- index published by the Institute for Supply Management (


      Additional information regarding certain Fastenal Company statistics for the current quarter is available on the Fastenal Company World Wide Web site at The Company discloses sales and store information on a monthly basis. This information is posted at on the third business day following the end of the first two months of a quarter and is typically posted simultaneous with the earnings release following the third month of a quarter. A discussion of other risks and uncertainties is included in the Company's 2007 annual report on Form 10-K under the section captioned "Risk Factors" and the Company's 2007 annual report to shareholders under the section captioned "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations". FAST-S

      SOURCE The Fastenal Company
      schrieb am 10.10.08 07:51:09
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      bei FAST sieht es sooo schlimm noch gar nicht aus:

      schrieb am 10.10.08 07:54:19
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      und noch ne nette Meldung:

      Japan will Billionen Dollar bereit stellen

      Die japanische Regierung hat der internationalen Gemeinschaft seine Unterstützung im Kampf gegen die globale Finanzkrise zugesagt. "Die Folgen der Kreditkrise breiten sich in der ganzen Welt aus", sagte der japanische Finanzminister Shoichi Nakagawa am Freitag vor dem Treffen der G7-Ressortchefs in Washington.

      HB DÜSSELDORF. Außerdem sagte Nakagawa: "Um die Kettenreaktion einzudämmen ist Japan zu einer Führungsrolle bereit, um Ländern Finanzmittel zur Verfügung zu stellen." Er werde sich bei dem G7-Treffen für eine engere internationale Zusammenarbeit aussprechen, sagte Nakagawa. Die Hilfen sollten dann über den Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) verteilt werden.

      Die Zeitung "Nikkei" berichtete, Japan werde vorschlagen, mehrere Billionen Dollar an Währungsreserven in Asien und dem Nahen Osten für IWF-Notpakete bereitzustellen. Japan allein hält 995 Milliarden Dollar an ausländischen Devisen, in China sind es derzeit zwei Billionen Dollar - die weltgrößten Währungsreserven. In Washington kommen die G7-Finanzminister am Freitag zu ihrem turnusgemäßen Treffen vor der Jahrestagung von IWF und Weltbank zusammen. Von dem Treffen werden Entscheidungen zum weiteren Vorgehen im Kampf gegen die Finanzkrise erwartet.
      schrieb am 13.10.08 14:15:30
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      schöne Gewinne von FAST. Ob das aber heute für nen Kursanstieg reicht, weiss ich auch nicht...Schätzungen 2 cent höher, Umsatz eben.

      Gruss space

      Fastenal earnings per share up 19.5% in quarter
      By John Ittner
      Last update: 8:09 a.m. EDT Oct. 13, 2008
      NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- The Fastenal Co. said Monday that its third-quarter earnings were $73 million, or 49 cents a share, compared to $62 million, or 41 cents a share, in the same period a year ago. Sales rose to $625 million, compared to $534 million a year ago. Analysts polled by FactSet Research estimated, on average, earnings per share of 51 cents on sales of $625 million. Fastenal shares rose 2.8% Friday to $37.22.
      schrieb am 14.10.08 19:50:07
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Ahead of the Bell: Fastenal
      Tuesday October 14, 10:07 am ET
      Fastenal's ability to profit in economic downturn impresses Wall Street analyst

      NEW YORK (AP) -- The ability of Fastenal Co., which makes industrial fasteners, to not only earn a profit in the current economic downturn but actually improve profitability is turning heads on Wall Street.

      "We have been consistently impressed with management's ability to drive gross margin expansion in the current environment," Morgan Keegan analyst Brent D. Rakers wrote Tuesday in a client note.

      The analyst's comments come after the Winona, Minn.-based company said that for the quarter ended Sept. 20, earnings rose 17 percent to $72.9 million, or 49 cents per share, from $62.1 million, or 41 cents per share, a year ago. Excluding a $10 million legal settlement, earnings per share totaled 52 cents per share in the latest period, the company said Monday.

      Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters, who typically exclude one-time items, forecast earnings of 51 cents per share on revenue of $624.2 million.

      Fastenal's gross margin of 52.9 percent beat Rakers' estimate of 52.2 percent. Rakers credited the company's strength to its outside sales program and margin discipline at the store level.

      "Additionally, Fastenal continues to pursue more profitable business from their smaller customers, seek improved sourcing, and benefit from higher product availability (tied to their Indianapolis distribution center)," he wrote.

      Rakers raised his 2009 earnings-per-share estimate to $2.07 from $2 on "sustained gross margin out-performance (and) announced hiring controls," among other factors.

      He reiterated his "Market Perform" rating on the shares but has become "more positively biased following yesterday's strong

      operating results and in-place cost controls over the next several quarters."
      schrieb am 23.10.08 09:28:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      FAST-Wiedereinstieg heute. Nicht fast ein Einstieg sondern FAST definitiv! Gabs zum Schlusskurs NYC heute Morgen. Gestern zudem der erste Insiderkauf seit Langem.

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 18.11.08 17:03:40
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Fastenal Company Announces Cash Dividend

      WINONA, Minn., Nov 18, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --

      The Fastenal Company of Winona, MN (Nasdaq: FAST) reported its Board of Directors declared a special one-time dividend of $.27 per share be paid in cash on December 15, 2008 to shareholders of record at the close of business on December 5, 2008. The Company expects to resume its historical practice of paying a semi-annual cash dividend in the foreseeable future, provided that any future determination as to payment of dividends will depend upon the financial condition and results of operations of the Company and such other factors as are deemed relevant by the Board of Directors.

      Recent activity regarding dividends and stock repurchases are as follows:

      Total Total value of Per share
      dividend dividend repurchased price of
      Dividends paid paid per shares repurchased
      Year paid (000's) share (000's) shares

      2008 Three $117,474 $0.79 $25,955 $43.99
      2007 Two $66,216 $0.44 $87,312 $41.86
      2006 Two $60,548 $0.40 $17,294 $36.49
      2005 Two $46,935 $0.31 $18,739 $26.75
      2004 Two $30,350 $0.20 $- $-
      2003 Two $15,935 $0.105 $- $-
      2002 One $3,794 $0.025 $- $-
      2001 One $3,415 $0.0225 $- $-

      * Note: The 2008 dividend paid amounts include the impact from this
      Dividend announcement. The total dividend paid amount in
      2008 has been estimated using the number of shares
      outstanding on September 30, 2008. The 2008 shares
      repurchased information is as of September 30, 2008.

      All information reflects the 2-for-1 stock splits effected in the form of
      a stock dividend in each of 2002 and 2005.

      Fastenal sells different types of industrial and construction supplies in the following product categories: threaded fasteners and miscellaneous supplies; tools; metal cutting tool blades and abrasives; fluid transfer components and accessories for hydraulic and pneumatic power; material handling; storage and packaging products; janitorial, chemical and paint products; electrical supplies; welding supplies; safety supplies; and metals, alloys and materials.

      As of October 31, 2008, Fastenal operated 2,310 stores in the United States (all 50 states), Canada (all provinces), Puerto Rico (multiple), Mexico (14 states), Singapore (one location), Netherlands (one location), and China (one location) selling to the general public. The Company operates 14 distribution centers located in Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Georgia, Washington, California, Utah, North Carolina, Kansas, Ontario, Canada, Alberta, Canada; and Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

      Additional information regarding Fastenal Company is available on the Fastenal World Wide Web site at

      This press release contains statements that are not historical in nature and that are intended to be, and are hereby identified as, "forward looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including a statement regarding expectations as to payment of a comparable semi-annual cash dividend in the foreseeable future. Any future determination as to payment of dividends will depend upon the financial condition and results of operations of the Company and such other factors as are deemed relevant by the Board of Directors. For example, a change in business needs including working capital and funding for acquisitions, or a change in tax law relating to dividends, could cause the Company to decide not to pay a dividend in the future. A discussion of other risks and uncertainties is included in the Company's 2007 annual report on Form 10-K under the section captioned "Risk Factors" and the Company's 2007 annual and 2008 quarterly reports under the section captioned "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations". FAST-D

      SOURCE Fastenal

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      FASTENAL (FAST / WKN: 887891) - Befestigungstechnik - Die WÜRTH-Firma aus den USA