
    Materialsammlung - Solar-SI-Projekte in aller Welt... - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 09.04.08 13:28:31 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 09.04.08 13:28:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      ..hänge diesen Thread hier auf, da REC der SI-Weltmarktführer der PV-Unternehmen ist.

      Nachdem bis vor kurzem nur 5 Hersteller auf der Welt nennenswerte Mengen von Solar-SI produziert haben, ist es zu einer regelrechten Explosion von Neueinsteigern gekommen.

      Die aktuelle Projektanzhal dürfte deutlich über 200 liegen!

      Viele davon sind börsennotiert, wie z.B. DC-Chemical, M.Setek, Hoku, Solarvalue, Timminco, LDK, Trina,... aber sehr viele auch nicht.

      Um diesen Aspekt besser verfolgen zu können, möchte ich hier Material zu solchen Projekten sammeln, so daß man sich besser einlesen kann.

      Rege Teilnahme gewünscht und appreciated...
      schrieb am 09.04.08 13:29:42
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      China Yunnan Metallurgical Group // China

      LXE Solar Announced the Contract with Yunnan Metallurgical Group's KMYY For Delivery of Trichlorosilane Technology to Annually Produce 3,000 Metric Tons of Polysilicon
      LXE Solar Announced the Contract with Yunnan Metallurgical Group's (CYMG) KMYY For Delivery of Trichlorosilane (TCS) Technology to Annually Produce 3,000 Metric Tons of PolysiliconNEW YORKNY-LXE

      LXE, the market leader in Trichlorosilane (TCS) technologies for the solar industry, announced today that it had been contracted to provide the TCS process technology to Metallurgical Group's (CYMG) subsidiary KMYY for the annual production of 3,000 metric tons of Polysilicon.

      'The growth of LXE and the building of our brand reputation as the most reliable and highest quality technology provider of Trichlorosilane (TCS) is once again acknowledged with an agreement with the very respected CYMG,' said Dr. George Xiao, Chairman & CEO of LXE.
      'Distinct advantages in our offering are our speed in implementation into very complex environments and the level of proven operation experience in TCS technology.'

      'We selected LXE because they clearly have the finest science and most proven TCS solution to the foundational needs of the solar industry in the making of Polysilicon,' said Mr. Ruogu Kang, Vice General Manager of KMYY a subsidiary of CYMG. 'We were very impressed with the LXE team and their deep knowledge and experience at each of the critical production processes.'

      About LXE

      LXE, founded by Dr. George Xiao, is the market leader of Trichlorosilane (TCS) technology to the solar industry. LXE's clients include LDK (NYSE: LDK) and CYMG, and current production projects in active construction will manufacture 120,000 metric tons per year of Trichlorosilane to produce 19,500 metric tons of Polysilicon. LXE's TCS technical team is comprised of experts in process design, Polysilicon plant integration, TCS plant commissioning and foundational work. For information visit or contact LXE at Prospective partners, contact LXE at Media, contact Rick Keating at

      About CMYG

      China-based Yunnan Metallurgical Group (CYMG) is a leading, technologically-advanced, integrated base metals producer located in the Yunnan province of China. It has over 50 years in the natural resources industry and ranks within the top 5 non-ferrous metals and mining companies and the top 300 businesses in China. The company's annual refined production capacities total 400,000 tons of aluminum, 180,000 tons of zinc and 110,000 tons of lead. It has invested approximately US$0.6 billion in its operations over the past five years. YMG has a focused international growth objective that includes the proposed investment of more than US$1.5 billion in natural resources opportunities over the next five years.
      schrieb am 09.04.08 13:31:08
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      The Silicon Mine // Niederlande

      The Silicon Mine BV Chooses GT Solar Equipment
      in News Departments > Projects & Contracts
      by SI Staff on Monday 07 April 2008
      email the content item print the content item

      GT Solar Inc. has entered into a contract to supply The Silicon Mine BV (TSM) with polysilicon reactors and converters worth approximately $91 million. The equipment will be used by TSM in conjunction with its announced plans to launch the first solar-grade silicon plant in the Netherlands, expected to open in late 2009.

      The contract includes advanced GT Solar technology, such as its 48-rod chemical vapor deposition reactors and silicon tetrachloride hydrogenation conversion units, which are used to manufacture polysilicon.

      "This contract represents the first installation of GT Solar's polysilicon reactors in Europe," says Thomas Zarrella, GT Solar's CEO. "This is further confirmation of GT Solar's key role in providing technology to meet the global demand for solar energy."
      schrieb am 09.04.08 15:54:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      AE Polysilicon // USA // FBR-Technologie

      AE Polysilicon Corporation signs supply agreement to supply Motech Industries

      A duet of press releases from Motech and AE Polysilicon appeared at the Motech Solar (中文, English translation) website on December 29, 2006.

      Motech Industries Inc. (TPO:6244) announced a five year strategic supply agreement with AE Polysilicon Corporation for polysilicon delivery. As press releases go, there is interesting phraseology and new facts in both of them.

      Under the Strategic Supply Agreement, polysilicon delivery from AE to Motech is expected to begin as early as 2008, and the annual delivery quantity will be up to 2,400 metric tons. Under the terms of the Strategic Supply Agreement, AE receives certain upfront prepayments and purchase commitments, and Motech is granted certain equity investment and conversion rights, and certain rights to purchase polysilicon at pre-negotiated, formula-based prices rather than market prices.

      The Chinese version of the press release seems to indicate the latest PR is revealing the details of the original letter of intent and implies activities have been proceeding before the formal agreement was signed. But, it appears Motech is unsure AE Polysilicon can deliver or hedging their Taiwanese safe harbor statement bets:

      Because AE is a development stage company implementing new technology, there can be no assurance that AE will be able to fulfill its polysilicon delivery commitments, and, as with any new technology, unforeseen issues may arise.

      Per traditional Guanxi style Chinese business practices, besides Motech’s direct investments in AE Polysilicon, Motech has:

      authorized certain officers and directors of Motech to make parallel direct investments in AE with personal funds. Motech also notes that the CEO of its solar division, Dr. Simon Tsuo, is the brother of the founder of AE, Dr. York Tsuo; and that Simon Tsuo also owns shares in AE. While Motech believes that such arrangements serve to strengthen the strategic ties between Motech and AE, and indeed have facilitated the recent negotiations between Motech and AE, Motech has also implemented certain procedures to avoid potential conflicts. Those procedures include approval of all Motech-AE transactions by an independent Board member of Motech, which was obtained in this case.

      Instead of creating this conflict of interest dilemma, why didn’t Motech just take a larger stake in AE Polysilicon to the benefit of all Motech shareholders? I don’t think there will be a US stock market listing of Motech ADRs any time soon.

      New facts about AE Polysilicon are disclosed. AE mentions their fluidized bed reactor process requires trichlorosilane and uses fluidized bed deposition reactor technology proprietary to AE and patented technologies licensed from a third party. AE claims to have closed a first round of venture funding from private and strategic investors.

      AE has identified a “brown-field” site in the United States upon which to construct its first commercial production plant and has contracted engineering firms to commence design and engineering work. A package of economic incentives for the plant is currently awaiting regulatory approval.

      The brown field site appears to be located in Clinton, New Jersey, from the Chinese press release. New Jersey is an inspired choice for a new silicon production facility; the Garden State has the dubious distinction of leading the nation with the most Superfund Sites. Also, New Jersey has been keen on attracting renewable energy companies, investments, and jobs in support of New Jersey’s progressive Clean Energy Program™ (NJCEP,

      AE confirms plans for an initial Phase 1 capacity of 1,500 metric tons per year with operations beginning by the end of 2008. This seems to indicate Motech won’t be receiving any significant volumes of silicon feedstock in 2008. AE tips ambitious plans for global production capacity of 10,000 metric tons per year by 2012 year-end.
      schrieb am 09.04.08 17:20:20
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Meinolf, die Idee ist wirklich gut.
      Es stellt sich eben die Frage,
      ob es Sinn macht wirklich alle Projekte aufzulisten...
      das Ganze ist nahezu uferlos.

      Um was geht es Dir genau? Ein vielversprechendes
      Unternehmen zu finden, das evt. auch qualitätsmäßig den
      Sprung unter die Top5 bis Top20 schafft und dann auf dessen Aktien zu setzen oder wie möchtest Du vorgehen?

      Übrigens...Solarvalue würde ich gefühlsmäßig hier gleich
      herausnehmen. Das was da abgeliefert (Infos), bzw. nicht abgeliefert wird (mengen) spricht eigentlich für sich!

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,6950EUR +86,83 %
      Ad-hoc! Komplette Neubewertung angelaufen, 6.500% Wachstum mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 09.04.08 18:53:44
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.847.915 von ernestoxy am 09.04.08 17:20:20Solarvalue schon deswegen nicht, weil börsennotiert => da gibt es eigene Threads.

      Mir geht es wirklich um Hintergrundinformationen zur SI-Versorgung insgesamt, weil sich das auf die komplette Kette auswirkt:

      SI-Preise => börsennotierte SI-Hersteller: Wacker, MEMC, Hoku, Solarvalue, Nitol, Trina, REC, DCChemical, M.Setek, Timminco,...

      SI-Verfügbarkeit => Ausbaupläne der gesamten Branche (Wafer, Zelle, Downstream,...) UND auch auf die relative Wettbewerbsposition von Dünnschichtanbietern.

      Ganz zum Schluß kommt für mich die Identifikation von möglichen Investitionsobjekten (wenn man denn irgendwann an die Börse geht).

      Das es ein Sammelsurium geben wird, scheint mir leider unvermeidlich, aber erstens werde ich zumindest meine Postings ein bißchen klassifizieren (nach Land, Technologie,...) und vielleciht findet sich ja auch mal jemand, der ein bisschen aufbereitet.
      Ansonsten besteht auch noch die Möglichkeit, mehrere Threads einzurichten, so nach dem Motto: Siemens, FBR, exoten, m-SI, aber bis dahin müßte schon sehr viel Resonanz kommen....

      Wir werden sehen. ;)
      schrieb am 09.04.08 18:54:32
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.847.915 von ernestoxy am 09.04.08 17:20:20PS: in Solarvalue würde ich auch nicht investieren...
      schrieb am 09.04.08 20:06:46
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Asia Silicon // China // Siemens??

      Suntech Signs $1.5B Deal for Silicon
      The Chinese solar company secures a supply of the precious raw material from Asia Silicon, sending Suntech's stock up more than 16 percent.
      by: Rachel Barron
      Bullet Arrow October 25, 2007

      In one of the largest deals ever for solar-grade silicon, Chinese solar titan Suntech Power Holdings said Thursday it struck a deal with Asia Silicon to buy up to $1.5 billion worth during a seven-year period.

      Financial details are sparse and the company wouldn't say how much silicon it expects to get from the agreement, or how many solar cells it would be able to make as a result.

      Suntech (NYSE: STP) said only that Asia Silicon will start delivering the goods in the second half of 2008 and that the contract outlines silicon amounts to be delivered yearly, and sets prices to decrease each year.

      The deal will result in the lowest prices Suntech has negotiated for silicon so far, the company said.

      Suntech spokesperson Sanjay Hurry said the company will pay more than $40 per kilogram for the silicon it buys in the first half of the deal, and less than $40 per kilogram for the silicon it buys in the second half.

      If the average price of the deal turns out to be $40 per kilogram, that would mean Suntech has access to up to 37.5 million kilograms, or 37,500 metric tons, of silicon from this deal.

      In a statement, Suntech CEO Zhengrong Shi said the deal pushes the company closer to making solar power competitive with conventional electricity without incentives or government subsidies.

      Silicon inventories have been a defining factor in the solar industry as manufacturers deal with a worldwide silicon shortage.

      New entrants, including many Chinese solar companies, have struggled with high prices (see Could China Steal the Solar Throne?).

      Wall Street was happy with Suntech's silicon purchase, sending company shares soaring $7.73 to $54.67 per share.

      But as investors lick their lips, some analysts say they are concerned about the quality of silicon coming out of China (see New Details Surface as LDK's Stock Continues to Plunge and China Sunergy Snags Silicon).

      Jeff Osborne, a Thomas Weisel Partners analyst, is among the skeptics.

      At the Dow Jones Alternative Energy Innovations conference in Redwood City, Calif., earlier this week, Osborne shared a snippet of a conversation he had.

      "One company that will remain nameless said, 'Hey Jeff, making polysilicon is half art and half science, and no one in China has an artist.'"

      But Lazard Capital Markets Analyst Sanjay Shrestha disagrees. He thinks some Chinese silicon makers will be successful.

      "Polysilicon production is a difficult thing to do, but it's not rocket science either," he said.

      Suntech's latest silicon supplier, Asia Silicon, is building a silicon-production plant in Qinghai, China. The plant is expected to have the capacity to manufacture 2,000 metric tons of silicon by next summer and more than 6,000 tons by the end of 2010.

      Asia Silicon said its plant will use top-quality production equipment and processes to make high-purity silicon.
      schrieb am 09.04.08 20:45:26
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      JSSI! JV zwischen Degussa und Solarworld. Gehen am 08.08.08 in Produktion.

      Desweiteren: Scheuten SolarWorld Solizium GmbH

      und natürlich Hemlock!
      schrieb am 09.04.08 22:00:31
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      6N Silicon // USA // m-SI/Exot

      6N Silicon Secures up to $20 Million in Financing Led by Good Energies
      Monday March 31, 8:54 am ET

      MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, March 31 /PRNewswire/ -- 6N Silicon Inc., a supplier of true solar grade silicon for the photovoltaic industry, announced today that it has secured up to USD $20 million in second round financing. This investment round was led by Good Energies, a leading global investor in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry. Both major investors from the company's first round of private financing, Ventures West Management and Yaletown Venture Partners, also participated. The investment will be used by the company to move into commercial production.

      6N Silicon's goal is to be the lowest cost provider of solar grade silicon that does not require blending with high-purity silicon. 6N Silicon's primary differentiation is its unique process for upgrading standard metallurgical grade silicon into true solar grade silicon. With low capital equipment and production costs, the 6N process scales quickly and easily and features dramatically lower input energy requirements than conventional silicon purification processes.

      "We are very excited that Good Energies, a proven investor in solar photovoltaics, has chosen to support our company," said Paolo Maccario, Chief Executive Officer of 6N Silicon. "Good Energies conducted a considerable amount of due diligence on our company and our process. This investment, therefore, is a significant endorsement by one of the industry's most respected investors, and is an important step towards achieving our goal of becoming a leading supplier of solar grade silicon within the next three to five years. We also sincerely appreciate the ongoing commitment from our initial investors and we look forward to leveraging their collective support to achieve our near-term goals."

      The global market for solar grade silicon feedstock in 2006 was approximately $2.3 billion and is projected to grow to $10.4 billion by 2010. In constant short supply, polysilicon is the largest single cost component of most solar modules.

      "Through its extensive pilot production line activities, 6N Silicon has begun to deliver on the tremendous promise of its technology to produce true solar grade silicon at a lower cost and with lower environmental impact," said Richard Kauffman, CEO of Good Energies. "Good Energies has a long and successful track record of working with renewable energy and energy efficiency companies and helping them to meet their full growth potential. We look forward to working with 6N Silicon's management to help them achieve their goals and to establish new customer relationships by leveraging our solar industry expertise and our international network with solar PV manufacturers."

      About 6N Silicon

      6N Silicon has developed a disruptive process for the production of true solar grade silicon. The solar industry has grown at over 30% year-over-year for the past ten years, and the supply of purified silicon has become a critical competitive and growth-limiting issue. The 6N process offers substantial improvements in scale-up-speed, reduced capital cost and reduced operational costs. Headquartered in the Greater Toronto Area, 6N Silicon is in the heart of Canada's metal processing industry and is surrounded by Canada's extensive metal processing expertise. The company intends on becoming the leading global supplier of solar grade silicon to the solar industry. 6N Silicon is the recipient of the Deloitte & Touche Technology Green 15 Award as one of the top fifteen green technology companies in Canada. For more information, please visit the 6N Silicon web site at
      schrieb am 09.04.08 22:05:21
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.850.413 von lieberlong am 09.04.08 20:45:26na ja, hatten am 8.8.2007 Richtfest; Produktion für 2008 geplant...

      Hemlock ist natürlich richtig; allerdings als bisheriger Weltmarktführer eher weniger als Projektund mehr als Eckstein einzustufen...

      Die gehören DowCorning, Shin-Etso und Mitsubishi...

      Die (anderen) Legacy-producer sind:

      schrieb am 09.04.08 22:12:08
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      ScheutenSolarWorld // Deutschland // Siemens

      SolarWorld AG erweitert Solarsiliziumversorgung


      Ad-hoc-Meldung übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG.
      Für den Inhalt der Meldung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

      Joint Venture für Rohstoffgewinnung in Freiberg gegründet

      Die SolarWorld AG (ISIN: DE0005108401) hat mit der niederländischen
      Scheuten Solarholding B.V. das Joint Venture 'Scheuten SolarWorld Solizium
      GmbH' für die zukunftsorientierte Gewinnung von solarem Silizium gegründet,
      an welchem sich beide Unternehmen jeweils mit einem Anteil in Höhe von 50
      Prozent beteiligt haben. Das Joint Venture betreibt die Entwicklung und den
      Bau einer Produktionsanlage zur Herstellung von hochreinem Solarsilizium
      auf Basis metallurgischen Siliziums mit einer Kapazität von vorerst 1.000
      Tonnen jährlich. Damit schafft der führende Solartechnologiekonzern in
      Freiberg eine weitere Quelle für die Versorgung seiner solarindustriellen
      Fertigung mit Rohstoffen.


      Informationen und Erläuterungen des Emittenten zu dieser Mitteilung:

      Erste Solarsiliziumproduktion Sachsens

      Deutschlandweit wird damit erstmals eine Technologie zur Gewinnung von
      Solarsilizium unter Verwendung unlimitiert verfügbarem metallurgischen
      Siliziums industriell umgesetzt. 'Im Zuge unseres anhaltenden konzernweiten
      Wachstums erschließen wir uns mit dieser neuen Technologie eine zusätzliche
      Rohstoffquelle', sagt Dipl.-Ing. Frank H. Asbeck, Vorstandsvorsitzender der
      SolarWorld AG. 'Mit dem Aufbau der ersten industriellen Siliziumfertigung
      Sachsens vertiefen wir zugleich unsere Wertschöpfung in Freiberg.' Zur
      Umsetzung der neuen Rohstoffaktivitäten hat das Unternehmen am Standort
      Saxonia – in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zur bestehenden
      Siliziumrecycling-Fabrik und zum Logistikzentrum der SolarWorld-Gruppe –
      ein Grundstück mit einer Fläche von 20.000 Quadratmetern inklusive
      Verwaltungs- und Laborimmobilie gesichert. 'Für die Realisierung einer
      wirtschaftlichen Technologie zur Herstellung von Solarsilizium aus
      metallurgischem Silizium werden wir Synergien in Freiberg nutzen können',
      erläutert Prof. Dr. Peter Woditsch, der für den SolarWorld-Konzern die
      Geschäftsführung des Joint Ventures übernimmt. 'Unser Geschäftsbereich
      Solar Material ist seit Jahren erfolgreich in der Aufbereitung von
      Rohstoffen für die Waferproduktion tätig und wird das Joint Venture mit
      Technologie und Know-how unterstützen,' ergänzt Prof. Woditsch, der
      zugleich Vorstandsvorsitzender der SolarWorld-Tochter Deutsche Solar AG
      ist, die in Freiberg für sämtliche Rohstoffaktivitäten und die Produktion
      von kristallinen Wafern aus Solarsilizium verantwortlich ist.

      Rohstoffgewinnung im Konzern

      Die SolarWorld AG vergrößert mit dem neuen Joint Venture ihre
      technologischen Optionen zur Rohstoffgewinnung. Dabei geht es um die
      Veredelung von metallurgischem Silizium, das über einen Reinheitsgrad von
      rund 98 Prozent verfügt. Die Photovoltaikindustrie benötigt allerdings noch
      reineres Rohmaterial, weshalb das Rohsilizium weiter aufgewertet werden

      Außerdem unterhält die SolarWorld AG gemeinsam mit dem Chemiekonzern
      Degussa mit der Joint Solar Silicon ein weiteres Rohstoff-Joint-Venture.
      Das Unternehmen baut derzeit in Rheinfelden eine industrielle Produktion
      für die Gewinnung von Solarsilizium aus dem Ausgangsstoff Silan auf.
      Parallel zu den eigenen Rohstoffaktivitäten setzt der Konzern traditionell
      auch auf langfristige Partnerschaften mit verlässlichen externen

      Über die SolarWorld AG: Der Konzern der SolarWorld AG zählt weltweit zu den
      drei größten Unternehmen der Solarstromindustrie. Der Konzern ist
      ausschließlich im Kerngeschäft Solarenergie tätig und dabei auf allen
      Wertschöpfungsstufen der Solarwirtschaft aktiv: vom Rohstoff Silizium bis
      zur schlüsselfertigen Solarstromanlage. Das Unternehmen unterhält
      Produktionsstätten in Deutschland, Schweden und den USA. Auch in den
      Vereinigten Staaten ist die SolarWorld AG führender Produzent und Anbieter
      von Solarstromtechnologien. Vertriebsbüros arbeiten zudem in Spanien,
      Südafrika und Singapur und komplettieren die internationale Ausrichtung des
      Konzerns. Die beiden letztgenannten Dependancen sind unter anderem für den
      Absatz von ländlichen Solarstromlösungen verantwortlich, die einen
      wichtigen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der
      südlichen Hemisphäre leisten.
      Im sächsischen Freiberg arbeitet die modernste integrierte Solarfabrik der
      Welt, in der der SolarWorld-Konzern unter dem Einsatz von Silizium
      qualitativ hochwertige Solarwafer, Solarzellen und Solarstrommodule
      herstellt. Die SolarWorld AG bietet einen vielfältigen Produkt-Mix an: von
      Modulen für die netzgekoppelte und netzferne Solarstromerzeugung bis zu
      einer breiten Klasse kompletter Solarstromsysteme für die dezentrale und
      zentrale Stromproduktion. Nach dem Börsengang Ende 1999 hat sich die
      Gesellschaft innerhalb weniger Jahre zu einem integrierten solaren
      Technologiekonzern entwickelt und dabei ihre Mitarbeiterzahl auf über 1.300
      Menschen verstärkt. Die SolarWorld AG ist am Aktienmarkt unter anderem im
      Technologieindex TecDAX, im Dow Jones STOXX 600 und im internationalen
      MSCI-Index notiert.
      schrieb am 09.04.08 22:19:18
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.851.482 von meinolf67 am 09.04.08 22:05:21Laut neuester Aussage von SWV-CFO P. Koecke ist der JSSI-Start wie gesagt am 08.08.08! Wollen anfänglich 850t produzieren und zügig auf 1.000t hochfahren. Natürlich hauptsächlich um den Solarworld-Bedarf zu decken, aber auch später an andere verkaufen.

      Weitere Si-Infos findest Du hier: Thread: SOLARWORLD ++ vorab Q-Zahlen 5/11 + gab es einen Aktienrückkauf im 3-Q ? ++

      Musst allerdings viel blättern! :look:
      schrieb am 09.04.08 22:23:34
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.851.687 von lieberlong am 09.04.08 22:19:18Danke!
      schrieb am 09.04.08 22:24:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      RSI Silicon // USA // Exot

      Background of RSI
      RSI has developed a proprietary process to manufacture solar grade silicon with a purity of 99.9999+% (6N’s). The manufacturing processes have been commercially in use for over fifty years.

      Its founders recognized that the processing of solar grade energy was too expensive and dependent on the Siemens Process Methodology. RSI has rewritten the way to make solar grade silicon using proven processes from other industries. This new innovative methodology will assist many countries achieve their renewable energy goals by making Solar Energy a viable proposition for energy producers.

      Dr. Steve Amendola developed the technology to use readily available inexpensive raw materials and off-the-shelf equipment. Combined with current Market Conditions, it is now commercially viable to use this technology to build solar grade silicon and ultimately build a global company that help address Environmental Concerns.

      RSI’s Current Status
      Dr. Steve Amendola, along with his experienced team, has commenced building the first plant. It is envisaged that production at the 1,000 metric tonne per annum plant based in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, will commence Q2 2008.

      RSI anticipates completing a new plant in Alabama in 2009 that will have a production capacity of 24,000 metric tonnes per annum, adding a new 5,000 tonne furnace in 2010 and 2011.

      RSI is currently negotiating delivery contracts, subject to anticipated production schedules.

      RSI’s Aims
      RSI intends to be at the forefront in developing solar grade silicon technology as well as building a global company with strong ethics.
      schrieb am 09.04.08 22:31:51
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      SILPRO // Frankreich // Siemens


      High quality silicon for the photovoltaic industry

      Photovoltaic technology – that uses the sun to generate power – is key in the transition from traditional to clean energy production. Concerns about the security of energy supply and the desire to diminish the emissions of greenhouse gases have resulted in ever increasing demand for renewable energy. The market for photovoltaic technology is booming, with annual growth rates of over forty percent.


      The production of silicon is the first step in the photovoltaic industry’s value chain. Due to the market boom, in recent years the industry has experienced a shortage of silicon supply. Although silicon in itself is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust, the shortage is a result of a lack of sufficient production capacity to transform the raw material into highly purified silicon.

      The high quality polysilicon chunks produced by Silicium de Provence can be used in any casting and wafering process, leading to highest efficiency solar cells. With an initial annual output of more than 4000 metric tonnes silicon, the plant is expected to be completed in 2009 and fully operational in 2010. Later the output will be expanded to 8000 tonnes per year.

      Strong team
      Silicium de Provence was founded by Econcern, Photon Power Technologies and Norsun. The current shareholders of the company includes SOL Holding (a joint venture formed between Econcern and SOLON), Photon Power Industries (a wholly owned subsidiary of Photon Power Technologies) and Norsun.

      These partners are bringing together a large industry network and a wealth of expertise in sustainable energy markets.
      schrieb am 10.04.08 07:54:33
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Sunways AG steigt in Polysilizium-Herstellung ein

      Ad-hoc Meldung vom 27.11.2007

      Die Sunways AG wird von der Firma Schmid Silicon Technology, ein Unternehmen der Schmid-Gruppe, Freudenstadt, eine schlüsselfertige Anlage zur Produktion von Polysilizium erwerben und diese in eine eigene Gesellschaft einbringen. Die Produktionsanlage basiert auf dem Monosilan-Prozess, wird eine Jahresproduktionskapazität von 1.000 Tonnen besitzen und am Industriestandort Schwarze Pumpe im Freistaat Sachsen stehen.

      Sunways wird aus dieser Anlage voraussichtlich zum Jahresende 2009 erstes Silizium gewinnen. Ab 2010 sollen die vollen 1.000 Tonnen Jahreskapazität verfügbar sein. Dieses Siliziumvolumen reicht aus für die Produktion von Wafer für Solarzellen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 100 Megawatt. Die Kosten dieses Produktionsverfahrens werden sich voraussichtlich unter dem bislang bekannten Kostenniveau der Polysiliziumproduktion bewegen.

      Das für den Produktionsprozess notwendige Trichlorsilan wird durch einen in der Produktion dieses Eingangsstoffes erfahrenen Industriepartner bereitgestellt. Über die weiteren Einzelheiten des Vertrags wurde zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt Stillschweigen vereinbart. Der Erwerb dieser Produktionslinie ist Bestandteil der langfristigen und wirtschaftlich vorteilhaften Rohstoffversorgung der Sunways AG.

      Schmid, Hersteller von modularisierten Anlagen zur Solarzellen-Produktion, plant im Freistaat Sachsen am Industriestandort Schwarze Pumpe ein Technologiezentrum für die Entwicklung von Prozessen und Equipment zur Siliziumherstellung, basierend auf dem Monosilan-Prozess. Als Generalunternehmer für mehrere internationale Photovoltaik-Unternehmen realisiert Schmid dort mehrere modulare Silizium-Produktionen mit jeweils einer jährlichen Kapazität von etwa 1.000 Tonnen Silizium (Monosilan-Prozess), die von einer Betreibergesellschaft zentral mit den notwendigen Vorprodukten (TCS, Gase, Energie) versorgt werden.

      Über die Gebr. Schmid GmbH & Co.
      In den drei Geschäftsbereichen Solar/Photovoltaik, Leiterplatte und Flat Panel Display entwickelt und produziert die Gebr. Schmid GmbH & Co., Freudenstadt, weltweit an insgesamt 13 Standorten (davon drei in Deutschland) mit mehr als 1.300 Mitarbeitern eine breite Palette von Produktionsequipment und Sondermaschinen: von der Einzelanlage bis zur kompletten Turnkey-Fabrik. Seit 2001 liefert Schmid Produktionsequipment für die Photovoltaik im Bereich Wafer-Fertigung, Zellherstellung und Modulfabrikation. Das Unternehmen erzielte im Geschäftsjahr 2006 einen Umsatz in Höhe von 200 Millionen Euro; für das Jahr 2007 werden 300 Millionen Euro angestrebt.
      schrieb am 10.04.08 08:02:42
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      schrieb am 10.04.08 12:59:25
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Jinglong // China // Siemens

      von der Homepage:

      Jinglong industry and commerce group is an enterprise with new energy, high technology and international development, that mainly produce large diameter and low content oxygen and carbon monocrystalline silicon ingot and wafer, solar cell, module, also produce semiconductor equipment. It is national torch program solar silicon material industry base. With ten years development, now it covers 1000 aces, has 11 sub companies, 9 joint venture companies and 6500 employees. It has large-scale pullers 360 sets and wire saw machines 60 sets. The annual capacity is 2600 tons ingots and 80 million wafers, 175 MW solar cells. It is the largest monocrystalline silicon base in the world and the largest wafer manufacturer in China. It also is named the ‘Holy Base’ of the PV industry.
        Feb 7, 2007, JA solar company, stocked by Jinglong group, issued IPO at NASDAQ stock market in US. It is the first company that issues IPO in NASDAQ stock market. It means Jinglong get another success and step on a new stage that towards the international development.
        By the end of the 11th five years program, Jinglong will become a silicon electron industry city that cover2000 aces, with annual capacity 5000 tons ingots, solar cell 425 MW and revenue more than 30 billon.
      schrieb am 10.04.08 13:13:45
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Reliance // Indien // Siemens

      neben allem anderen: Wafer, Zelle,...

      New Delhi, April 3 Marking the largest-ever project under the new semiconductor policy, Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has approached the Government with plans to set up a semiconductor wafer fabrication plant and solar PV module unit, at a total outlay of over Rs 30,000 crore.

      With this, the Government has now received a cumulative investment commitment of almost Rs 63,000 crore from six companies, under the scheme to promote semiconductor fabs and other micro and nano technology units.

      Reliance Industries’ proposal for establishment of a semiconductor wafer fab with Assembly, Test, Mark and Packaging (ATMP) facility would involve an investment of Rs 18,521 crore spread over a period of 10 years. The company plans to locate the proposed facility – with a fab capacity of 70,000 wafers per month and ATMP capacity of 10 million packages per week – at either an SEZ in Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad, Mysore or Haryana. This first-of-its-kind fab in the private sector would focus on areas such as advanced logic, memories and embedded system on chips, sources said.

      Reliance also plans to manufacture polysilicon
      , solar-grade wafers and SPV modules with capacity of 1 Giga Watt, at an investment of Rs 11,631 crore over a 10-year period. While the solar project located at SEZ in Jamnagar (Gujarat) is expected to create over 11,000 jobs, the semiconductor wafer fab and ATMP units would employ another 4,000 people. RIL has sought a subsidy of Rs 3,394.5 crore for the semiconductor fab and Rs 2,326.2 crore for the solar project.

      Other companies that have applied to the Government under the scheme are Videocon Industries (Rs 8,000 crore investment), Moser Baer PV Technologies (Rs 6,000 crore), Titan Energy System (Rs 5,880 crore), KSK Energy Ventures (Rs 3,211 crore), and Signet Solar (Rs 9,672 crore). Proposals received are for manufacture of items such as Polysilicon, wafers, solar cells, solar photovoltaic modules (SPV) liquid crystal display (LCD), integrated circuits-advanced logic, memory and embedded system on chip, including ATMP facility for semiconductor devices.

      India has long been trying to woo global chip giants to set up manufacturing units (Intel decided to set up its manufacturing plants in China and Vietnam), and the new policy is aimed at placing the country in the league of hardware destinations such as Japan, Taiwan, China, Korea, and Singapore.

      “There has been a tremendous response among investors both in India and outside. Within a short span of seven months, seven proposals envisaging investments of Rs 62,915 crore have been received,” the Communications and IT Minister, Mr A. Raja, told reporters here.

      Under the special incentive package scheme, the Government would provide incentive of 20 per cent capital expenditure during the first 10 years for the units in SEZs and 25 per cent of the capital expenditure in non-SEZ units.
      schrieb am 11.04.08 12:07:02
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()



      Polysilicon quotes rocket high following sharp supply cut by MEMC

      Latest news
      Nuying Huang, Taipei; Esther Lam, DIGITIMES [Thursday 10 April 2008]

      Following MEMC Electronic Materials' sharp polysilicon supply cut to the spot market in the first quarter of 2008, corresponding quotes have shot to a new high at US$500-510 per kilogram recently, according to sources from solar wafer makers in Taiwan.

      The sources noted that the shrink in supply led to a batch of about 20 tons of polysilicon being settled at US$500-510 per kilogram during the past two weeks. As the batch of polysilicon was secured through agents, information about the buyers is still unknown, but some industry players in Taiwan suspect that the buyers are likely from China, given that the market is rapidly growing, and that many China-based vendors have a relatively heavy reliance on the spot market.

      Chin-Yao Tsai, general manager of E-ton Solar Tech, indicated that he had heard polysilicon was trading at a price tag above US$480-500, recently, but added in saying that he did not have further information say that whether the company had made any transactions at this price range. He added in saying that polysilicon spot pricing is expected to spur amid the upcoming suspension of solar tax incentives in Spain in September.

      The sources explained the rocketing polysilicon price to MEMC's supply status. Since MEMC sought to guarantee sufficient supplies to its contract customers, including Gintech Energy from Taiwan and Suntech Power from China, during the last quarter, material supply was trimmed to the spot market in return. The polysilicon maker had also previously mentioned that its output would be reduced by 20% on quarter in the first quarter, and that some production would be affected by adjustments to its production
      schrieb am 12.04.08 00:13:32
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.851.687 von lieberlong am 09.04.08 22:19:18@lieberlong hatte mir von Deinem Thread gepostet. Hier nur eine kleine Aufstellung, die aber auch schon längst wieder überholt ist ... ;)

      Die Chinesen sind wie nicht anders zu erwarten sehr gut über Solar Silizium informiert. Die Nachfrage wird ihrer Meinung nach bis 2012 höher als das Angebot sein, die Preise bleiben daher hoch und nicht alle neuen Siliziumhersteller am Markt können die erforderliche Quallität liefern.

      2008 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry :look:
      2008-1-16 共有 人次浏览文字显示:[ 大 中 小

      《2008 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry》was published by QY Research solar industry research center in Jan 2008,it was a deeply research report on China and Global solar grade polysilicon industry chain. In the report, the following information will be included:

      Global or China Polysilicon Manufacturing Process and related technology information;
      2004-2012 Global and China Polysilicon Manufacturers capacity production and expansions
      Market share by manufacturers by regions by technology (siemens etc);
      Global and China Building or Planning Polysilicon new projects and related infomrations about these new comers;
      2004-2012 global and China EG SG polysilicon supply demand and shortage
      Global and China EG/SG Polysilicon Cost Price Profit and margin
      USA EU Japan China etc regional polysilicon production and market share
      Siemens FBR Sliane Metallurgical Method etc Polysilicon manufacturing process and their produtions and market share
      12 items (such as revenue production technology shareholders etc) of each manufacturer
      Feasibility of all new projects in the world and China
      Polysilicon industry development trend(2008-2012) and related conclusions

      Polysilicon is hot in China and in the world, Xinguang Guiye in Feb 2007, M.SETEK DCC in Dec 2007 have started their polysilicon commercial production and HOKU Nitol etc in 2009 will be the success new comer in polysilicon industry, and these new comer will also bring comparative capacity, but the market demand growth is far more faster than polysilicon supply growth. So polysilicon shortage will continue in the coming years and can not remove till 2012. Average Selling Price and spot market price of polysilicon will continue at a high level. Though a lot of new project in this industry, not all of them can get a success output because of technology problems; Siemens Method is the best process of all the polysilicon manufacturing process(such as FBR Sliane Metallurgical Method etc);so, the production of Siemens Method will own more market share in the coming years. China is a new comer and a star in Polysilicon industry in the world, the Production of China will rank No.2 (only after US) in 2012. Though polysilicon manufacturing process is very difficult, more new comers will enter this industry because of high profit margin.

      〖 Contents 〗

      Chapter One Polysilicon Industry Overview 1
      1.1 Definition of Polysilicon 1
      1.2 Classification and Application 4
      1.3 Industry Chain Structure 7
      1.4 Difference between Multi-crystal and Single-crystal silicon 12

      Chapter Two Manufacture Technology and Processes of Polysilicon 17
      2.1 Polyslicon Manufacturing Technology Overview 17
      2.1.1 Classification and Application of Manufacturing Technology 17
      2.1.2 Manufacturing Technology by Manufacturer 21
      2.2 Polysilicon Manufacturing Process 30
      2.3 Single-crystalline & Multicrystalline Silicon Manufacturing Process 42
      2.4 Process of Wafer Manufacturing 54

      Chapter Three Polysilicon Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast 2008-2012 62
      3.1 Polysilicon Productions Overview 62
      3.1.1 Traditional 7 Giants Productions 62
      3.1.2 EU USA Japan Korea New Polysilicon Projects Productions 63
      3.1.3 China Polysiclion Projects Productions 64
      3.1.4 Global Polysilicon Productions 65
      3.1.5 Global Electronic Grade (EG) Polysilicon Productions 66
      3.1.6 Global Solar Grade (SG) Polysilicon Productions 67
      3.2 Polysilicon Demand Overview 69
      3.2.1 Solar Cell Productions Overview 69
      3.2.2 Global SG Polysilicon Demand Overview 75
      3.2.3 Global EG Polysilicon Demand Overview 75
      3.2.4 Supply and Demand of Global Polysilicon 76
      3.3 Cost Price and Margin 79

      Chapter Four Global TOP7 Polysilicon Manufactuers 80
      4.1 Hemlock(USA Michigan) 81
      4.2 Wacker Chemie(German Burghausen) 86
      4.3 REC(AsiMI+SGS)(Norway Oslo) 101
      4.3.1 REC(AsiMI)(USA Montana) 108
      4.3.2 REC(SGS)(USA Washington) 109
      4.4 MEMC ElectronicMaterials(USA) 110
      4.4.1 MEMC(USA Texas) 115
      4.4.2 MEMC(Italy Merano) 116
      4.5 Tokuyama(Japan Shunan) 117
      4.6 Mitsubishi Materials(Japan Tokyo) 126
      4.6.1 Mitsubishi Materials(Japan Yokkaichi) 129
      4.6.2 Mitsubishi Polucrystalline Materials(USA Alabama) 130
      4.7 OSAKA Titanium(Japan Hyogo)[Sumitomo Titanium] 132

      Chapter Five China Top3 Polysilicon Manufacturers 139
      5.1 Luoyang Zhonggui(Henan Luoyang City) 141
      5.2 Xinguang Guiye(Sichuan Leshan City) 147
      5.3 Emei Semiconductor Materials Plant(Sichuan Emeishan City) 158

      Chapter Six International Building or Planning Polysilicon Projects 163
      6.1 DC Chemical(Korea Gunsan) 167
      6.2 M.SETEK(Japan Soma) 173
      6.3 Hoku Materials(USA Idaho) 181
      6.4 Nitol Solar(Russia Irkutsk, Siberia) 189
      6.5 JFE(Consolidation of NKK and Kawasaki)(Japan) 193
      6.6 JSSI(German Rheinfelden) 195
      6.7 ELKEM(Norway Oslo) 197
      6.8 Crystal Systems(USA Massachusetts) 199
      6.9 Isofotón and Endesa(Spain Málaga) 201
      6.10 France Photon Power Technologies etc(France Saint Aubain) 202
      6.11 NS Solar Material(Japan Fukuoka) 206
      6.12 Горно–химический комбинат (ГХК)(Russia Zheleznogorsk) 207
      6.13 Sharp(Japan Toyama) 209
      6.14 German Solarvalue AG(Slovenia Ruse) 210
      6.15 Dow Corning(Brazil PV 1101 Plant) 213
      6.16 Prime Solar(Australia)[German Thalheim] 215
      6.17 Scheuten SolarWorld Solizium(German Saxony) 217
      6.18 Becancour Silicon(Canada Quebec) 220
      6.19 ARISE Technologies(Canada Waterloo) 222
      6.20 Other Polysilicon Projects(Russia Ukraine US etc) 223

      Chapter Seven China Building or Planning Polysilicon Projects 224
      7.1 LDK(Jiangxi Xinyu City) 227
      7.2 Asia Silicon(Qinghai Xining City) 230
      7.3 Tongwei and Juxing[Yongxiang Polysilicon](Sichuan Leshan City) 236
      7.4 Jiangsu Shunda(Jiangsu Yangzhou City) 240
      7.5 Shenzhou Silicon(Inner Mongolia Huhhot) 243
      7.6 Jiangsu Zhongneng(Jiangsu Xuzhou City) 246
      7.7 Shenzhen Nanbo(Hubei Yichang City) 248
      7.8 Ningxia Yangguang(Ningxia Shizuishan City) 251
      7.9 Chaolei Guiye(Sichuan Chengdu City) 253
      7.10 Aixin Silicon(Yunnan Qujin City) 258
      7.11 Shanxi Tianhong Silicon(Shanxi Xianyang City) 262
      7.12 Dalu Polysilicon Project(Inner Mongolia Huhhot) 263
      7.13 Zhongjing Huaye Solar Polysilicon(Inner Mongolia Baotou) 265
      7.14 Tangshan Silicon(Hebei Tangshan City) 266
      7.15 Xuntianyu S&T(henan Nanyang Fangcheng) 268
      7.16 Dawu Silicon Photovoltaic Industry Park(Hebei Xiaohuo Dawu) 271
      7.17 Jinhua Smelting(Liaoning Jinzhou Linghai) 276
      7.18 Jiangsu Daquan Group(Chongqing Wanzhou) 279
      7.19 Trina Solar(Jiangsu Lianyungang) 280
      7.20 Erdos(ErdosQipanjing) 281
      7.21 JACO Solar(Fujian Xiamen) 281
      7.22 other Projects 283
      7.22.1 Beijing Shunda Xinye Energy etc(Sichuan Meishan City) 284
      7.22.2 Green Energy(UK)Investment etc(Sichuan Meisha City) 284
      7.22.3 Shanghai Industry Investment Group(Heilongjiang Mudanjiang City) 284
      7.22.4 Other Planning Projects(Liaoning Inner Mongolia etc) 285


      Solarbranche erwartet schnelles Wachstum bei sinkenden Kosten :look:

      Erfolgreicher Abschluss der Photovoltaic Technology Show 2008 Europe: Über 4.300 Teilnehmer auf der weltweit bedeutendsten Messe für Photovoltaik-Produktionstechnik in München

      (lifepr) Berlin, 10.04.2008 - Die internationale Leitmesse für Photovoltaik-Produktionstechnik wächst genauso rasant wie die Solarbranche: 176 Unternehmen aus 21 Ländern präsentierten ihre neuen Maschinen und Produkte vom 2. bis 4. April auf der PHOTON Photovoltaic Technology Show Europe 2008 in München. Das entspricht einer Steigerung um 60 Prozent im Vergleich zur Messepremiere 2007. Die Schau in der Neuen Messe München wurde begleitet von vier Fachkonferenzen. Rund 3.500 Teilnehmer aus 45 Ländern informierten sich dort über die neusten Trends bei Solarsilizium, Produktionstechnologien, Investitionsmöglichkeiten und Solarglas. Die wichtigsten Konferenzergebnisse lauten:

      - Solarstrom wird in den ersten Märkten gegenwärtig konkurrenzfähig zu konventionell erzeugtem Strom.
      - Die Branche erwartet in den kommenden Jahren ein weiterhin starkes Wachstum bei schnell sinkenden Produktionskosten.
      - Ein Überangebot an Solarmodulen wird es vorerst nicht geben, sodass weiterhin die Hersteller die Preise bestimmen können.

      Alles dreht sich um Silizium: Der Rohstoff für rund 90 Prozent aller Solarmodule wird zwar in immer größeren Mengen produziert, doch die Nachfrage wächst noch schneller. So berichtete Michael Rogol, Analyst bei PHOTON Consulting, auf der 6th Solar Silicon Conference über Spotmarktpreise von bis zu 515 Dollar pro Kilogramm. Der Durchschnittspreis ab Hersteller ist seit 2004 von 32 auf rund 70 Dollar je Kilogramm gestiegen. Die Produktionskosten liegen indes bei durchschnittlich 36 Dollar je Kilogramm. Angesichts dessen ist leicht nachvollziehbar, dass die Zahl der Neueinsteiger in diesem Bereich explodiert: Gab es bei der ersten Solarsiliziumkonferenz 2004 weltweit nur sieben Hersteller von hochreinem Silizium, so dürften es dieses Jahr bereits 72 sein. Weitere 101 Unternehmen planen den Einstieg für 2009 oder später. Von den insgesamt 173 Unternehmen, die somit in diesem Bereich aktiv sind, haben 13 auf der Konferenz ihre Pläne vorgestellt: beachtliche 201.000 Tonnen Produktionskapazität könnten demnach allein bei diesen 13 Unternehmen in den nächsten Jahren in Betrieb gehen. Das entspricht dem Vierfachen der Weltproduktion 2007. Die Schätzungen für die nahe Zukunft gehen jedoch weit auseinander. Während Rogol die Siliziumproduktion für das Jahr 2010 bei 240.000 Tonnen sah, gaben sich die Vertreter etablierter Hersteller wie REC und Hemlock mit 120.000 bis 130.000 Tonnen deutlich zurückhaltender.

      Einig waren sich die Teilnehmer darin, dass die Nachfrage bis auf Weiteres das Angebot übertreffen wird. Denn die Kosten für Solarstrom befinden sich inzwischen an der Schwelle zur "Grid Parity" - der Konkurrenzfähigkeit zu Strom aus konventioneller Erzeugung, wie Jon André Lokke von der norwegischen REC Group in seinem Beitrag auf der Investorenkonferenz betonte. Im Jahr 2007 konnten große Anlagen von REC in sonnigen Ländern Solarstrom zu Kosten von 15 Eurocent produzieren, sagte Lokke. 2010 will REC bei 7 Cent liegen, 2012 bei 5 Cent je Kilowattstunde. Der nach Marktkapitalisierung weltgrößte Solarkonzern liegt damit in einer Größenordnung, die konventionellen Kraftwerksbetreibern einen gehörigen Schrecken einjagen könnte. Auch andere führende internationale Photovoltaikunternehmen wie First Solar, Suntech Power und Evergreen wollen die Produktionskosten für ihre Module in den nächsten Jahren um 40 bis 50 Prozent senken, teilten sie in München mit. Allerdings warnte Joonki Song von PHOTON Consulting, dass sich das in den letzten Jahren erreichte Tempo bei der Kostensenkung von jährlich 12 bis 15 Prozent auf 6 bis 11 Prozent abschwächen könnte, wenn sich aufgrund des schnellen Wachstum weitere Engpässe bei Produktionsequipment und Verbrauchsmaterialen wie beispielsweise eisenarmem Glas ergeben. PHOTON hat hierzu bereits eine "PV Glass Conference" initiiert, um die beim Silizium gemachten Fehler vermeiden zu helfen.

      PHOTON Photovoltaic Technology Show Europe 2009: 4. bis 6. März 2009 in München.
      PHOTON Photovoltaic Technology Show Asia 2009: 27. bis 29. Mai 2009 in Shenzhen (China).

      Weitere Infos zur Messe und den Kongressen: PHOTON ist die erste und mit 50.000 Exemplaren auflagenstärkste deutsche Fachzeitschrift zum Thema Solarstrom und erscheint seit 1996 im Solar Verlag (ähige Grafiken zum Solarmarkt:…
      schrieb am 12.04.08 12:21:17
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Zahl der Siliziumhersteller steigt rasant


      Produktionskosten für Solarstrom fallen in den kommenden Jahren

      Die Zahl der Hersteller von hochreinem Silizium wird in den kommenden Jahren deutlich ansteigen. Sind es in diesem Jahr rund 72 Produzenten, so planen 101 weitere Unternehmen bis 2009 oder später ihren Einstieg in die Siliziumproduktion.

      Dies ist eines der Ergebnisse der sechsten Solar Silicon Conference, die vergangene Woche im Rahmen der Photon Photovoltaic Technology Show 2008 Europe in München stattgefunden hat. Darüber, wie schnell die Siliziumproduktion durch die zusätzlichen Produktionskapazitäten in den kommenden Jahren ansteigen wird, geht die Meinung von Branchenexperten und Analysten jedoch auseinander. Die Produktionskosten für Solarstrom sollen in den kommenden Jahren jedoch deutlich sinken.

      Internationale Hersteller von Photovoltaikmodulen wie First Solar oder Suntech Power gehen davon aus, ihre Produktionskosten in den kommenden Jahren um 40 bis 50 Prozent senken zu können. Bei Photon Consulting gibt man jedoch zu bedenken, dass die jährliche Kostensenkung durch Engpässe bei Verbrauchsmaterialien oder Produktionsequipment gebremst werden könnte.

      In diesem Fall wäre ein Rückgang der Kostenreduktion von derzeit zwölf bis 15 Prozent auf sechs bis elf Prozent möglich. Die sinkenden Kosten könnten zugleich die Produktionskosten von Solarstrom in den kommenden Jahren deutlich verringern. "REC geht davon aus, im Jahr 2010 mit großen Anlagen in Ländern mit 1.800 Sonnenstunden im Jahr Solarstrom zu sieben Cent je Kilowattstunde zu produzieren. Im Vergleich dazu haben wir in Deutschland rund 1.000 Sonnenstunden, woran man sieht, wie günstig auch hierzulande Sonnenstrom produziert werden könnte", erläutert Bernd Schüßler, Sprecher von Photon Consulting, gegenüber pressetext. Durch die sinkenden Herstellungskosten könnte die Branche auch mit deutlich niedrigeren Vergütungssetzen leben.

      Trotz stark ansteigender Zahl von Siliziumherstellern und damit von Produktionskapazitäten weisen die Schätzungen von Branchenkennern über das Ausmaß der Siliziumproduktion in den kommenden Jahren deutliche Unterschiede auf. Während Photon-Consulting-Analyst Michael Rogol im Rahmen der diesjährigen Solar Silicion Conference eine Siliziumproduktion von 240.000 Tonnen im Jahr 2010 prognostizierte, sprachen Hersteller wie REC oder Hemlock von 120.000 bis 130.000 Tonnen. Durch die Angabe von knappen Produktionsmengen könnten bei langfristigen Verträgen die Preise hochgehalten werden, vermuten Brancheninsider.

      Die hohe Nachfrage nach dem Rohstoff wird auch in den kommenden Jahren nicht nachlassen, was zugleich die Spotmarktpreise in die Höhe treibt. Diese liegen laut Rogol bei bis zu 515 Dollar pro Kilogramm. Seit 2004 stiegen die Preise ab Hersteller dagegen von durchschnittlich 32 auf 70 Dollar je Kilo an, während die Produktionskosten je Kilo bei 36 Dollar liegen. "Der Spotmarktpreis ist oft nicht der ausschlaggebende Preis. Dieser wird nur von Unternehmen gezahlt, die verpasst haben, sich ihre Siliziumversorgung zu sichern. Viele europäische Photovoltaik-Unternehmen haben jedoch langfristige Verträge zu günstigeren Konditionen", sagt Schüßler.

      Der hohe Siliziumpreis könne ohnehin nicht als Argument angeführt werden, weshalb die Preise von Solaranlagen nicht stark gesenkt werden könnten. Denn die Siliziumhersteller seien ein Teil der Photovoltaikindustrie und einige Zellhersteller wären sogar direkt an Siliziumproduzenten beteiligt. Dadurch würden sich Gewinnmargen lediglich verlagern, jedoch in der Branche erhalten bleiben, so Schüßler.

      Victoria Schubert | Quelle: pressetext.deutschland
      Weitere Informationen:
      schrieb am 13.04.08 10:32:22
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      GT Solar sichert sich Vertrag über 200 Millionen USD mit DC Chemical, Südkorea

      Bisher größtes Geschäft für GT Solar

      MERRIMACK, New Hampshire, USA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GT Solar Incorporated, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Fertigungstechnik und schlüsselfertigen Produktionslösungen in der gesamten PV-Lieferkette, teilte heute mit, dass das Unternehmen einen Folgevertrag im Wert von knapp 200 Millionen USD über die Lieferung von Polysiliconreaktoren für DC Chemical Co., Ltd. (DCC), Südkorea, geschlossen hat. Die Ausrüstung wird von DCC für die Erweiterung seines Werkes in Gunsan, Südkorea verwendet. Das Geschäft ist die größte Einzelbestellung, die bisher bei GT Solar eingegangen ist.

      Der Vertrag bezieht sich auf GTs chemischen Aufdampfungs-Polysilikonreaktor. GTs jüngster Technologiereaktor integriert Konstruktionsverbesserungen, welche die Zuverlässigkeit steigern und die Polysilikonproduktion um mehr als 30 % gegenüber dem Vorgänger erhöhen.

      Thomas Zarrella, CEO von GT Solar, erklärte: „Dieser Vertrag ist ein großartiger Beleg für unsere Innovationen und unser Wissen um den größer werdenden Bedarf der Solarenergieindustrie. Dadurch, dass GT Solar dazu beitrug, die weltweite Polysilikon-Verknappung der vergangenen Jahre zu entschärfen, begünstigte das Unternehmen höhere Wachstumsraten der Branche und diversifizierte gleichzeitig die eigene Produktpalette.“

      GTs Vice President für Polysilikon, David Keck, sagte: „DCC ist einer der größten Neuzugänge auf dem Polysilikonmarkt und für unser Team hier bei GT Solar ein wichtiger Kunde. Wir sind sehr erfreut, dass wir weiterhin den Bedarf eines wichtigen Stammkunden wie DCC decken können. Wir freuen uns, die Zusammenarbeit künftig fortführen zu können.“

      Herr Shin, Vice Chairman bei DCC, merkte an: „Als Kunde von GT Solar drücken wir GT unsere Wertschätzung aus und freuen uns vor dem Hintergrund unseres Bestrebens, den wachsenden Bedarf der Solarenergieindustrie zu decken, auf eine Fortführung unserer Geschäftsbeziehungen.“

      Über GT Solar Incorporated

      GT Solar Incorporated ist eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft von GT Solar International, Inc., und ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Fertigungstechnik und schlüsselfertigen Produktionslösungen in der gesamten PV-Lieferkette. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Hauptsitz in Merrimack, New Hampshire (USA), und bietet unter anderem Ausrüstung zur Herstellung multikristalliner Solarwafer, -zellen, und -module an. Außerdem produziert GT Solar Polysilizium-Reaktoren, mit denen seine Kunden das Polysilizium herstellen können, aus dem Solarwafer gefertigt werden. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter

      Über DC Chemical

      DC Chemical Co., Ltd (KRX:10060) ist ein führender koreanischer Chemikalienhersteller mit einem konsolidierten Umsatz von über 3 Mrd. US-Dollar. Die Aktivitäten des Unternehmens erstrecken sich auf zahlreiche Sparten wie z. B. anorganische Chemikalien, Petro-, Kohlenwertstoff- und Feinchemikalien. Zu den wichtigsten Produkten von DC Chemical zählen unter anderem Carbon Black, wasserfreies Natriumkarbonat, Wasserstoffperoxid, Natriumcarbonat-Wasserstoffperoxid und Pech. Als weltweit aktives Unternehmen hat sich DC Chemical einen starken Wettbewerbsvorteil in verschiedenen Branchenbereichen erarbeitet. DC Chemical stellte im Dezember 2007 sein Polysilikon-Phase-1-Werk mit einer Kapazität von 5000 mt fertig und plant, die gewerbliche Produktion im März 2008 aufzunehmen.
      schrieb am 13.04.08 11:23:48
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      GT Solar sichert sich Vertrag über 200 Millionen USD mit DC Chemical, Südkorea

      Bisher größtes Geschäft für GT Solar

      MERRIMACK, New Hampshire, USA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GT Solar Incorporated, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Fertigungstechnik und schlüsselfertigen Produktionslösungen in der gesamten PV-Lieferkette, teilte heute mit, dass das Unternehmen einen Folgevertrag im Wert von knapp 200 Millionen USD über die Lieferung von Polysiliconreaktoren für DC Chemical Co., Ltd. (DCC), Südkorea, geschlossen hat. Die Ausrüstung wird von DCC für die Erweiterung seines Werkes in Gunsan, Südkorea verwendet. Das Geschäft ist die größte Einzelbestellung, die bisher bei GT Solar eingegangen ist.

      Der Vertrag bezieht sich auf GTs chemischen Aufdampfungs-Polysilikonreaktor. GTs jüngster Technologiereaktor integriert Konstruktionsverbesserungen, welche die Zuverlässigkeit steigern und die Polysilikonproduktion um mehr als 30 % gegenüber dem Vorgänger erhöhen.

      Thomas Zarrella, CEO von GT Solar, erklärte: „Dieser Vertrag ist ein großartiger Beleg für unsere Innovationen und unser Wissen um den größer werdenden Bedarf der Solarenergieindustrie. Dadurch, dass GT Solar dazu beitrug, die weltweite Polysilikon-Verknappung der vergangenen Jahre zu entschärfen, begünstigte das Unternehmen höhere Wachstumsraten der Branche und diversifizierte gleichzeitig die eigene Produktpalette.“

      GTs Vice President für Polysilikon, David Keck, sagte: „DCC ist einer der größten Neuzugänge auf dem Polysilikonmarkt und für unser Team hier bei GT Solar ein wichtiger Kunde. Wir sind sehr erfreut, dass wir weiterhin den Bedarf eines wichtigen Stammkunden wie DCC decken können. Wir freuen uns, die Zusammenarbeit künftig fortführen zu können.“

      Herr Shin, Vice Chairman bei DCC, merkte an: „Als Kunde von GT Solar drücken wir GT unsere Wertschätzung aus und freuen uns vor dem Hintergrund unseres Bestrebens, den wachsenden Bedarf der Solarenergieindustrie zu decken, auf eine Fortführung unserer Geschäftsbeziehungen.“

      Über GT Solar Incorporated

      GT Solar Incorporated ist eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft von GT Solar International, Inc., und ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Fertigungstechnik und schlüsselfertigen Produktionslösungen in der gesamten PV-Lieferkette. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Hauptsitz in Merrimack, New Hampshire (USA), und bietet unter anderem Ausrüstung zur Herstellung multikristalliner Solarwafer, -zellen, und -module an. Außerdem produziert GT Solar Polysilizium-Reaktoren, mit denen seine Kunden das Polysilizium herstellen können, aus dem Solarwafer gefertigt werden. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter

      Über DC Chemical

      DC Chemical Co., Ltd (KRX:10060) ist ein führender koreanischer Chemikalienhersteller mit einem konsolidierten Umsatz von über 3 Mrd. US-Dollar. Die Aktivitäten des Unternehmens erstrecken sich auf zahlreiche Sparten wie z. B. anorganische Chemikalien, Petro-, Kohlenwertstoff- und Feinchemikalien. Zu den wichtigsten Produkten von DC Chemical zählen unter anderem Carbon Black, wasserfreies Natriumkarbonat, Wasserstoffperoxid, Natriumcarbonat-Wasserstoffperoxid und Pech. Als weltweit aktives Unternehmen hat sich DC Chemical einen starken Wettbewerbsvorteil in verschiedenen Branchenbereichen erarbeitet. DC Chemical stellte im Dezember 2007 sein Polysilikon-Phase-1-Werk mit einer Kapazität von 5000 mt fertig und plant, die gewerbliche Produktion im März 2008 aufzunehmen.
      schrieb am 14.04.08 16:56:12
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      VERY interesting; vielleicht erste Vorboten der Normalisierung...?:

      14.04.2008 15:03
      Trina Solar gibt Milliardenplan für Siliconfabrik auf

      New York ( - Der in den USA gelistete chinesische Solarzellenhersteller Trina Solar Ltd. (News) stoppt die Entwicklung eines angekündigten Plans zur Errichtung einer Polysilicon-Poduktionsstätte mit veranschlagten Kosten von einer Milliarde Dollar. Das Unternehmen macht für den Schritt eine abnehmende Dynamik bei der Verwendung des Rohmaterials Polysilicon in Solarzellen verantwortlich. In diesem Zusammenhang wird ein langfristiger Lieferkontrakt mit GT Solar zur Auflösung gebracht.

      “Wir trafen diese strategische Entscheidung nach sorgfältiger Einschätzung unserer Rohmaterialbedürfnisse in Verbindung mit der voraussichtlichen kurz-und langfristigen Entwicklung des Polysilicon-Marktes”, so CEO Jifan Gao.

      Trina Solar legen vorbörslich um 2,8% auf 39,05 Dollar zu
      schrieb am 14.04.08 18:14:35
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Solar Silicon Conference: LDK Investor Group Reports
      by: Conor Shaw posted on: April 11, 2008 | about stocks: LDK

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      Hakan Telenius co-wrote this article.

      The Solar Silicon conference in Munich dealt with the supply and demand of solar silicon – a key issue for the near-term development of this industry. It also provided an update on the field of "Upgraded Metallurgical" silicon. The conference was a follow-up from a similar one held last January in China. This one was heavier on western/European companies; while the January meeting had a greater emphasis on the new Asian entrants.

      We hope you will find the information useful as a background to the area in which LDK Solar (LDK) is operating. The notes below are a summary of our impression of what was said, and is neither exhaustive nor comprehensive. For those interested, we do have a lot more information available in the form of slides, which may be posted on the private facebook group site if there is demand. You can find the conference agenda here.

      Michael Rogol provided the keynote opener at the conference. His group [Photon Consulting] is one of the firms tracking the rapidly growing field of companies operating in the area of silicon production. They look at costs, production levels, and make forecasts: many companies (including LDK) and some investors rank among the group’s clients. Rogol’s key points:

      * Very bullish on near term [next 3 years] prospects for Si producers

      * “Remarkably strong fundamentals for next several years”:
      o Volume growth
      + There are now 175 companies with a combined 400 kT production target by 2010; expanding to 700 kT by 2012.
      + Rogol’s more conservative estimate is that half, or 200 kT will be produced in 2010 (this equates to 24GW c-SI + 2 GW thinfilm).
      o Strong pricing remains [even through 2010-12]; the prediction is for spot to go from $350-$400/kg to $500/kg in 2012. Spot at $485/kg recently.
      + The KEY basis for this forecast is that they forecast a “very large demand for modules at $2-2.50/W; a price that mfrs can meet today without subsidies” [Photon’s demand curve stretches from 2GW to 15 GW/yr at this price].
      + Rogol sees the downside risks primarily in
      # higher interest rates [this is the most important factor];
      # lack of new government subsidies to drive installations; and
      # “even greater volumes”, ie, more poly Si available than forecast
      o Fast profit growth
      + Current reported cost to produce a kg of polySI for 21 companies is $28-$78; or $36/kg in weighted average. It is unclear who will be the costleader in 2010.
      + Photon forecasts producers operating margin going from 50% in 2007 to 60% in 2011-12
      + ..”though numerous downside risks exist” [for poly producers’ continued profits]. Risks include:
      o New entrants (175 companies being tracked]
      o Production cost escalation of $1-5/kg is expected, though this amount is insignificant due to contract terms and continued strong demand.
      o Upgraded Metallurgical Grade-Si players are entering the field with good data. Photon is tracking such 26 companies
      + Eg CSUN guiding 150 MW such production for 2009
      + Rogol: “will UMG be cost competititve with PCS modules? Plausible, but not on mass scale until after 2010”
      o Thin film: - Photon tracking 135 companies with equipment ordered for > 7 GW by 2010
      + FSLR is the only large player in the film. Rogol said that thin film will advance and may become a plausible contender to traditional polySi technology - but not on large scale until after 2010

      Industry Leading Poly Producers

      Following the opening speech, several of the largest poly producers provided their perspectives.


      * Compared to Photon, Hemlock is bearish on outlook for sector – though they are expanding nonetheless:
      o Their capacity is increasing by >28 kT from 2005 through 2011
      o Capacity will be 19 kT at end of 08; 36 kT before 2012 [further expansions being explored]
      * Most remarkable prediction: “there should be adequate supply of silicon for 80% growth in the solar industry in 2008”

      REC Silicon:

      * Also rapidly increasing production:
      o Increasing to 20 kT Poly production in 2010 [new Fluid Based Reactor plant ramping up to 10 kT over two years].
      * Believe that 125-160 kT global prod in 2012 is realistic
      * Pricing pressure from coming oversupply will initially hit downstream [panel manufacturers etc]
      * Despite growth in Poly production, there is no immediate oversupply, because
      o Prepaid take or pay contracts for Si producers
      o Non existent poly inventories need to be replenished
      o Underutilized downstream capacity
      * Future cost / margin pressure will favour Upgraded Metallurgical Grade [UMG] Si technology [inexpensive], and FBR technology [relatively inexpensive; this is where REC is expanding]
      * Customers want increasing purity of poly [to enhance conversion efficiency]: this will favour Siemens technology and FBR technology, rather than UMG.

      Most Recent New Entrants

      There were also invited speakers from the two most recent entrants into polyproduction, though not much information was actually given.

      DCC Chemical:

      * Construction of DCC’s first phase went from 2Q-06 – 4Q/07: 18 months. Traditional Siemens process and designed for 11 nine purity.
      * The capacity of this first phase is 5 kT/yr and they invested $400 million
      * DCC has just shipped its first production – it took them 3 months to get the plant going; achieving >9 nine purity according to SPWR and others.
      * On rampup, they said that “we will not produce 5 kT this year” but otherwise no info on expected time or costs.
      * DCC is currently underway constructing Phase II; giving a further capacity of 10 kT/yr. They are predicting a slightly shorter construction time; at a cost of $700 million. They are also predicting one quarter from finish to initial production.
      * Beyond Phase II, they are currently considering a further 10 kT/yr additonal expansion to start at end of 2008.


      * This company is traditionally quiet and its presentation was even more devoid of new information:
      o “we have no issues in construction and rampup to date”
      o “we were fortunate in getting equipment ordered in time” [before the real rush started: equipment delays are reportedly a major issue for emerging polyproducers]
      * MSetec expects its capacity to reach 4 kT/yr in 2008

      Companies Developing UMG (Upgraded Metallurgical Grade) Silicon:

      Data from the following companies were surprisingly strong, leading some to reassess UMG producers as a potential future threat to traditional poly manufacturers.

      Dow Corning:

      * Dow Corning is putting increasing effort in UMG research to balance their exposure to the field (Dow Corning is also the majority owner of Hemlock, which offers traditional polySi)
      * Comparing UMG to Poly:
      o Significantly lower capital cost
      o Much faster rampup time in production
      o Lower energy consumption; lower cost overall
      * Progress and Plans:
      * PV 1101 MG Si: first generation UMG Si line.
      o Complementary to high purity virgin poly
      o Can be blended with virgin poly (at 10%)
      o Next generation of UMG Si underway:
      * PV 1201 and PV 1301 coming in next years:
      o Higher purity allows for less blending (>25% and >80%, respectively]
      * Dow Corning estimates that their total production capacity (for all three generations) will be around 10 kT/yr around 2010

      Elkem Solar:

      * This company presented strong data on their UMG research:
      * Pilot production underway with initial data suggesting no blending necessary (their UMG Si can be used as a standalone instead of virgin poly).
      * Productions plant construction is to be completed with a startup in late 2008; Rampup occurring during 2009
      * 5000 kT capacity; $3 Bn NOK invested.
      * 100% of Plant 1 capacity sold until 2012 to Q-Cells and another company
      * 50% of Plant 1 capacity sold 2012-18 to Q-Cells
      * Elkem is targeting an ultimate cost of around $20/kg
      * Q-Cells has option to buy 5000 T from Plant 2 in 20111-18


      * They currently have a for 3.6 kT/yr capacity plant which has cost $24 million in capital expenses.
      * All of 2008 production is sold out.
      * Rapid rampup projected
      o Additional $65m investment will increase capacity to 14 kT/yr by end of Q2/09
      o Production expected in 2009: 12.5 kT; 14.4 kT in 2010 and 2011 [presumably these numbers will increase if orders pick up].
      * 90 tonnes of UMG shipped to customers to date. Timminco’s product requires blending with virgin poly.
      * Timminco have 5 customers under fixed price contract; another 19 companies are currently testing their product.

      Globe Specialty Metals:

      * LSE-listed specialty metals company with revenues of $350 mill in 2007
      * Globe supplies 12% of Si globally; and have 25% of the western market..
      * To put the total silicon market in perspective:
      o Chemical industry uses 580 kT annually
      o Aluminum industry uses 740 kT annually
      o The solar industry uses 50 kT annually [at much higher purity].
      o In terms of growth, the Chemical and Aluminum side are growing at 6 % CAGR; whereas the PV industry is expected to grow at 48% from 2005 to 2012
      * Providing silicon, Globe is therefore upstream in solar value chain: they make Metallurgical Grade silicon, which is the starting point for both poly Si and UMG Si.
      * Globe is now integrating downstream, by recently acquiring SolSil; a company that will be making UMG Si.
      * SolSil:
      o Have been developing technology and making UMG Si since 2006
      o Founded by Globe managers; raised capital externally, now incorporating into Globe after taking away some risks
      o SolSil is currently supplying “toptier PV manufacturers”, but their capacity is low, at 360 T/yr
      o Uses internally developed proprietary prcesses; to date $25m spent on R&D
      o “Best in Class” UMG Si producer according to tests of their and competitors products, in terms of purity.
      o The UMG Si can currently can be used by some clients without blending in virgin poly Si, but not by others.

      LDK presented in the session for upcoming Poly Si producers. Mr. Nick Sarno reviewed photos and progress from the construction of their major 15 kT polySi plant:

      * Initial team together, and growing
      * The production and TCS will be a closed loop system: the company stressed that environmental issues are taken very seriously
      * They also provided Master Project Schedule:
      o Reactor Line 1 building is to be completed by end of April
      o Engineering, Utilities and infrastructure completion expected by end of December 2008
      o Line 1 of the poly manufacturing [with a 5 kT capacity], including the TCS portion, is to be mechanically completed by the end of 2008
      o Line 2 follows by mid-June, 2009
      o Line 3 is to be ready by the end of July -09
      * Equipment ordered and deliveries are expected throughout the year. No delays reported as of yet, though such have been experienced by others in the industry.
      * Planning focus is currently on operational readiness plan: getting ready for production; hiring, etc.
      * In Q&A, Mr. Sarno said his biggest concerns were the possibility of equipment delays, and the risk of cost overruns.

      Panel Discussion

      At the end of the day, a number of questions were put by the moderator, Ms. Anne Kreutzmann from Photon Magazine, to a group of large companies.

      “Predictions for 2010?”


      * 190 kT of poly will be produced
      * “we have underestimated actual production for each of the past 5 yrs in a row: it is quite likely that we are underestimating by another 20%”
      * Rogol pointed out that everyone on panel has increased their estimates this year compared to last.
      * When asked what can scuttle the market, Mr. Sogol said that an oversupply situation will only occur if or when the German market saturates. “This will not happen soon” [by 2010].

      Homan (Hemlock):

      * Mr. Homan believes the market prices WILL be tested and that there is a potential for oversupply. He predicted 120-130 kT produced in 2010.
      * He reiterated that they believe there is enough poly Si at present to allow for a 80% growth in solar output this year.
      * “the question is, if there is surplus: who will get it or use it? What type of Si is available [UMG or virgin?] Who controls it?”

      Bye [REC]:

      * Predicted 100-110 kT produced in 2010
      * Any oversupply will affect downstream players first. Watch for inventory buildup. Poly Si contracts already priced for 2010 for most producers.

      How do established poly Si producers look at UMG Si?


      * Not worried; he thinks that UMG is complementary, not replacement [a notion also provided by the Hemlock parent, Dow Corning]
      * Mr. Homan also implied that the cost of ownership (or cost per kWh) is equivalent or higher with UMG, especially if virgin price coming down. This is because of UMG Si’s currently lower conversion efficiencies and lower stability/shorter life.

      Predictions on price changes for 2010?


      * Poly price will not move until oversupply happens; and it will take some time until oversupply on the downstream side reach the polyproducers.
      * Predicted that demand will remain high until at least Germany saturates. Price will therefore remain high.


      * Disagrees with Rogol on the pricing outlook.
      * Hemlock is preparing for coming price reductions by investing so that costs can be lowered to 50% of today. Mr. Homan also argued that costs, in fact, must be lowered to ensure that the solar industry will continue to grow.


      * 50% cost cutting project underway [2005-10]

      Will prepayments be refunded if oversupply happens, pushing margins downstream?

      What happens if panel prices fall: will Si prices be lowered?


      * No details, but indicated that they are working on it; want to work with customers
      * “Misinformation exists…” [implying that their contracts allow for help if prices fall.] “we and our customers are comfortable with situation”

      Rogol Summing Up

      * VERY convinced that high production will be achieved. Mr Rogol pointed out the obvious: just the 13 companies presenting on this conference have 200kT prod for 2010: another 160 companies exist.
      * There is much better knowledge about how to make Si this year than last; people are delivering. “‘secret sauce’ of making poly is becoming closer to a recipe”.
      * MG Si [ie, the starting material for both UMG Si and Poly Si]: tighter supply coming. This will increase the cost of MG Si.
      * UMG Si is becoming a plausible challenger to poly SI, but he was not sure at present what would be the real impact on virgin poly makers.

      Our comments

      * Most presenters believe the pricing will remain high for several years, because of continued strong demand and existing longterm contracts.
      o This may well be correct, but we need to keep in mind that it is in the industry’s interest to keep the message out that supplies are tight and prices must be high.
      * The contrarian view also exists:
      o Hemlock is saying that there is sufficient poly being produced in 2008 to enable the solar industry to grow by 80%; a higher rate than we have had so far.
      o It is a fact that already in 2007, it was established that the actual poly output must have been higher than what was officially provided – there may be more poly on the market than what is let on.
      o (That said, Hemlock’s prediction could equally well be an attempt at reducing the interest of additional new players entering the market, and thus becoming competitors.)
      * Established polySi producers will likely continue to have some very good years. What are they going to do with all the cash? It is quite possible that we will see continued downstream integrations, especially in a coming industry shakeout when weaker cell and module manufacturers will become available.
      * The key argument and basis for bullish models is the assumption that demand for solar panels is highly elastic if and when the prices come down - with an enormous spike in demand in the region of $2-2.50/W.
      o This sudden spike is the only way that all the new supply of poly, wafers, modules etc, will have a chance of being absorbed – there is too much new production coming underway.
      o At the conference, there was unfortunately no discussion or information provided as to how certain this elasticity is.
      o We believe there is a good chance that the road will be considerably bumpier, given the complex nature of price movements, of demand, and the inefficiency of the value chain (there is virtually no company that can actually produce the whole chain at the required prices). Size, market share, integration and low-cost production will be very important to surviving the coming shakeout.
      * The big surprise this year was the strong data presented by some UMG-Si producers. This could be a very viable threat to traditional polySi manufacturers (and perhaps to thinfilm companies too), since this material can readily work its way into the traditional polySi products.
      * For LDK, the conference data reinforce need to get inhouse polySi production up and running as fast as possible. In addition, as larger companies (and some of LDK’s customers) increasingly get into upstream activities including wafer manufacturing, LDK may be forced to integrate further to stay competitive, within the confines of their existing client relationships and agreements.
      schrieb am 14.04.08 18:19:39
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Silicon Still a Hot Topic at Photon
      News from the Photovoltaic Technology Show in Munich, Germany, is silicon heavy as analysts scour the announcements to assess when the multi-year silicon shortage will end.
      by: Rachel Barron
      Bullet Arrow April 04, 2008
      Source: PHOTON Expo

      Solar insiders are heading home Friday after Photon’s Photovoltaic Technology Show in Munich, Germany, came to a close.

      As was the case last year, solar-grade silicon remained was a big topic of discussion at the show this year. The A bevy of Wall Street analysts and solar executives debated forecasts about the amount that would be produced and needed tried to figure out when the years-long shortage would end.

      While some analysts, such as Frost & Sullivan, have predicted that the silicon shortage could be over as early as this year, others think have said it will take longer because asof a number of the delayed silicon plants expected to come online have been delayed.

      One example is the Renewable Energy Corporation, which in February announced that the expected cost of its polysilicon plant had shot up nearly 20 percent from the $660 million previously expected (see Polysilicon Plant Costs On the Rise).

      “Silicon raw- material manufacturing is complex and expensive to start up, and can be subject to delays,” said Paula Mints, principal solar analyst for Navigant Consulting. “I still expect silicon supply to ease, though not until 2009.”

      Here’s some of the silicon news that came out of the European conference this week:

      • Chinese solar-wafer manufacturer LDK Solar on Friday announced it had signed a deal to buy 1,450 tons of polysilicon from 2008 to 2011. The company didn’t disclose its supplier, but the deal is good news for LDK, which in March said it had secured 80 percent of the silicon it needs for 2008 (see LDK Defends Its Inventory Accounting). However, Chief Financial Officer Jack Lai said in a presentation Thursday that LDK might need to raise $200 millionup to $300 million to build its silicon plants and to expand its wafer production (see LDK Seeks Big-Time Capital).

      • Chinese solar-cell and -panel maker Suntech Power Holdings said it has more than 750 megawatts of silicon shored up for the next year, according to a research note by Jeff Osborne, an analyst with Thomas Weisel Partners. Osborne, who viewed saw the announcement as positive for Suntech, estimateds that Suntechthe company will needs 848 megawatts of silicon for 2009. Previously, Suntech had only discussed its silicon coverage for 2008. In October, Suntech the firm announced it had made one of the largest deals ever for solar-grade silicon: an agreement when it agreed to buy up to $1.5 billion worth from Asia Silicon during a seven-year period (see Suntech Signs $1.5B Deal for Silicon).

      • Silicon maker and wafer supplier MEMC Electronic Materials (NYSE:WFR) lowered its first-quarter revenue outlook Thursday. Among the culprits blamed were production issues, which led to lower silicon output, according to a research note by Piper Jaffray analyst Jesse Pichel. MEMC now expects first-quarter revenue to reach $500 million instead of $560 million, with a gross margin of about 52 percent, instead of 54.2 percent. MEMC also confirmed the loss of some technical talent, but has "identified the problem," according to Pichel. But filling such positions might not be easy in the cleantech industry. In February, famed venture capitalist Vinod Khosla claimed the United States simply doesn’t have enough energy scientists to go around (see Next Cleantech Hub: India?).

      • Lazard Capital Markets analyst Sanjay Shrestha wrote that a number of silicon manufacturers are expanding production. As it previously announced last year, Hemlock Semiconductor Corp. is growing its production to reach 36,000 metric tons by 2011, with some of the expansion coming online in 2010. Meanwhile, Wacher-Chemie expects to reach 21,000 metric tons in 2010 and REC Solar said it expects to grow production to about 7,000 tons this year, from about 5,850 metric tons last year. Shrestha went on to say the cost of silicon production for new entrants will likely result in a "floor for silicon prices," provided that solar industry electricity prices are competitive with conventional electricity.
      schrieb am 14.04.08 20:28:54
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert.
      schrieb am 15.04.08 13:09:51
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      15.04.2008 12:10

      Fluor Contracts for World's Largest Polysilicon Plant

      Fluor Corporation (News) (NYSE: FLR) announced today that it was awarded a contract for engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) services by LDK Solar Co., Ltd., (NYSE: LDK) for the world's largest new polysilicon facility in Xinyu City, Jiangxi, People's Republic of China. Fluor originally booked the front-end engineering and design (FEED) work for this project in the third quarter of 2007. Fluor booked the remainder of the $1 billion project in the first quarter of 2008.

      Fluor's scope of work includes full EPCM services using a design-build approach, which also includes the trichlorosilane plant, chemical vapor deposition reactors, converters, and associated utilities, offsites and infrastructure. The new facility will be located adjacent to LDK Solar's existing solar wafer manufacturing facilities at its Xinyu City headquarters.

      “Fluor and LDK Solar are dedicated to bringing this fast-track project online to meet the increasing worldwide demand for polysilicon-based renewable energy sources,“ said David Seaton, president of Fluor's Energy &Chemicals Group. “With the increasing importance of the China market for Fluor's energy&chemicals clients, we expect this world-class, state-of-the-art polysilicon facility to set the stage to meet this growing demand.“

      Fluor's Greenville, S.C.; Manila, Philippines, and Shanghai operations are performing FEED, detailed design and procurement, with the construction management team located in Xinyu City.

      Fluor is currently working on numerous polysilicon projects around the world and is the leader in providing engineering, procurement and construction services in this growing industry.

      “We are pleased that Fluor will work with us to achieve high-quality construction management standards during this significant endeavor. Our partnership with a leading EPCM service provider reiterates our commitment to remaining on schedule and within budget in completing this polysilicon plant,“ said Xiaofeng Peng, chairman and chief executive officer, LDK Solar.

      When the project is completed, it is expected to produce up to 15,000 metric tons per year of polysilicon and 90,000 metric tons per year of trichlorosilane. To date, the entire worldwide production of polysilicon is about 100,000 metric tons per year.

      Construction at the site began in August 2007, with the mechanical completion of the first manufacturing line expected to be December 31, 2008. All three lines are scheduled to be completed by July 2009. The number of construction craft labor is expected to peak to as many as 8,000 workers.

      The design and construction of the polysilicon plant will incorporate world-class recognized environmentally-friendly standards including the implementation of state-of-the-art western recycling technology.

      LDK Solar Co., Ltd., is a leading manufacturer of multicrystalline solar wafers, which is the principal material used to produce solar cells. LDK Solar sells multicrystalline wafers globally to manufacturers of photovoltaic products, including solar cells and solar modules. In addition, the company provides wafer-processing services to monocrystalline and multicrystalline solar cell and module manufacturers.

      Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) provides services on a global basis in the fields of engineering, procurement, construction, operations, maintenance and project management. Headquartered in Irving, Texas, Fluor is a FORTUNE 500 company with revenues of $16.7 billion in 2007. For more information, visit

      schrieb am 15.04.08 13:21:15
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      schrieb am 21.04.08 12:36:52
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      schrieb am 21.04.08 16:34:54
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      April 17, 2008

      Mississauga, ON, Canada: 6N Silicon Secures up to $20 Million in Financing Led by Good Energies

      6N Silicon Inc., a supplier of true solar grade silicon for the photovoltaic industry, has secured up to USD $20 million in second round financing. This investment round was led by Good Energies, a leading global investor in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry. Both major investors from the company’s first round of private financing, Ventures West Management and Yaletown Venture Partners, also participated. The investment will be used by the company to move into commercial production.

      6N Silicon’s goal is to be the lowest cost provider of solar grade silicon that does not require blending with high-purity silicon. 6N Silicon’s primary differentiation is its unique process for upgrading standard metallurgical grade silicon into true solar grade silicon. With low capital equipment and production costs, the 6N process scales quickly and easily and features dramatically lower input energy requirements than conventional silicon purification processes.

      “We are very excited that Good Energies, a proven investor in solar photovoltaics, has chosen to support our company,” said Paolo Maccario, Chief Executive Officer of 6N Silicon. “Good Energies conducted a considerable amount of due diligence on our company and our process. This investment, therefore, is a significant endorsement by one of the industry’s most respected investors, and is an important step towards achieving our goal of becoming a leading supplier of solar grade silicon within the next three to five years. We also sincerely appreciate the ongoing commitment from our initial investors and we look forward to leveraging their collective support to achieve our near-term goals.”

      The global market for solar grade silicon feedstock in 2006 was approximately $2.3 billion and is projected to grow to $10.4 billion by 2010. In constant short supply, polysilicon is the largest single cost component of most solar modules.

      “Through its extensive pilot production line activities, 6N Silicon has begun to deliver on the tremendous promise of its technology to produce true solar grade silicon at a lower cost and with lower environmental impact” said Richard Kauffman, CEO of Good Energies. “Good Energies has a long and successful track record of working with renewable energy and energy efficiency companies and helping them to meet their full growth potential. We look forward to working with 6N Silicon’s management to help them achieve their goals and to establish new customer relationships by leveraging our solar industry expertise and our international network with solar PV manufacturers.”
      schrieb am 21.04.08 17:19:09
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      GCL Silicon // China // Siemens??

      JA Solar Signs Long-Term Wafer Supply Agreement With GCL Silicon Technology
      Monday April 21, 8:15 am ET

      HEBEI, China, April 21, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (``JA Solar'', ``the Company'') (NasdaqGM:JASO - News) announced today that it has signed a new long-term silicon wafer supply agreement with Jiangsu Zhongneng Polysilicon Technology Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of GCL Silicon Technology Holdings Ltd. (``GCL Silicon Technology'').

      Under the agreement, GCL Silicon Technology will supply a total of approximately 6,000 MW of silicon wafers to JA Solar from April 2008 to December 2015 at predetermined prices. Delivery of wafers has commenced in the current month.

      ``We are pleased to forge this strategic relationship with GCL Silicon Technology and look forward to becoming one of its primary business partners,'' said Samuel Yang, JA Solar's Chief Executive Officer. ``GCL Silicon Technology has a proven capability in high volume polysilicon manufacturing, and has already started to make contributions to our business. This agreement is an important part of our growth strategy, as we further strengthen and diversify our supply position to support JA Solar's rapid growth and increased customer demand.''

      ``JA Solar has been an important customer and we are looking forward to further developing the relationship between the two companies,'' said Hunter Jiang, President of GCL Silicon Technology. ``GCL Silicon Technology is expanding its production capacity to meet the growing demands from customers.''

      About JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd.

      Based in Hebei, China, JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. is an emerging and fast-growing manufacturer of high-performance solar cells. The Company sells its products to solar module manufacturers who assemble and integrate its solar cells into modules and systems that convert sunlight into electricity. For more information, please visit

      About GCL Silicon Technology

      GCL Silicon Technology Holdings Limited, through its subsidiary Jiangsu Zhongneng Polysilicon Technology Development Co., Ltd., sells polysilicon and wafers to the solar industry. The company operates a polysilicon production facility in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province in China.
      schrieb am 21.04.08 18:35:10
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.934.264 von meinolf67 am 21.04.08 17:19:09Hi Meinolf,

      diese GCL scheint ja für einige Nachrichten zu sorgen.

      Zuerst Solarfun im Januar mit negativen Nachrichten:

      Solarfun also announced a reduction in expectations for polysilicon supply from Jiangsu

      PV Technology Development Co., Ltd., or Zhongneng, to its 52% subsidiary,

      Jiangsu Yangguang Solar Technology Co. Ltd. , or Yangguang Solar.

      Yangguang Solar is a producer of monocrystalline ingots that was originally wholly controlled

      by Zhongneng. On June 6, 2007, Yangguang Solar was acquired by Nanjing Linyang Electric

      Investment Co., Ltd. and Lianyungang Suyuan Group Co., Ltd. A 52% interest in Yangguang

      Solar was subsequently transferred to the Company by Nanjing Linyang Electric Investment. In

      the June 6, 2007 share transfer agreement, Zhongneng agreed that it would deliver polysilicon to

      Yangguang Solar in the amount of 50 tons in 2007, 700 tons in 2008 and 1,200 tons in 2009.

      However, the actual delivered quantity was 27 tons in 2007, and based upon this decreased

      delivery volume in 2007, it is expected that the amounts to be delivered in 2008 and 2009 may

      be significantly less.
      Yangguang Solar is currently receiving polysilicon from Zhongneng based

      on purchase orders negotiated on a month-to-month basis. In light of this unfavorable situation,

      Nanjing Linyang Electric Investment, which is controlled by the Company's Chairman, Yonghua

      Lu, and continues to own an 18% interest in Yangguang Solar, intends to negotiate for the

      originally committed polysilicon supply amount pursuant to the agreement. Moreover,

      Yangguang Solar has been aggressively pursuing polysilicon from other sources, including

      purchasing from the spot market.

      Dann kommt im April Trina mit einer positiven Meldung:

      CHANGZHOU, China, April 2, 2008 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Trina Solar Limited (NYSE: TSL; ''Trina Solar'' or the ''Company''), a leading integrated manufacturer of solar photovoltaic products from the production of ingots, wafers and cells to the assembly of PV modules, founded in 1997, today announced that the Company has signed a long-term polysilicon supply agreement with a subsidiary of GCL Silicon Technology Holdings Ltd. (collectively, ''GCL Silicon Technology'').

      Under this agreement, GCL Silicon Technology will supply Trina Solar with virgin polysilicon sufficient to produce approximately 2,600 MW of solar modules in aggregate over eight years. Delivery of polysilicon at predetermined prices will start in April of 2008.

      ''This agreement represents a key component of our strategy to secure sufficient feedstock to support our sales growth. Combined with our other long-term agreements, planned in-house polysilicon production, and integrated manufacturing cost efficiencies, we believe we are in a strong position to expand our margins in the long term as the cost of solar energy approaches grid parity," said Jifan Gao, Trina Solar's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "This eight-year agreement will provide Trina Solar with a large quantity of polysilicon at favorable terms with delivery scheduled to commence this month."

      "We are pleased to become a polysilicon supplier to Trina Solar and look forward to developing a close relationship with them," said Hunter Jiang, President of GCL Silicon Technology. "GCL Silicon Technology intends to expand its polysilicon production capacity to meet the growing demands of customers like Trina Solar.''

      This long-term polysilicon supply agreement will enhance the Company's raw material supplies and increase its cost structure visibility to strengthen its position as a leading global PV manufacturer. After signing this agreement and together with other polysilicon supply agreements, the Company has now secured approximately 95% of its estimated silicon feedstock requirements for 2008, an equivalent of approximately 195 MW based on a production target of 200 to 210 MW of module output.

      About Trina Solar Limited

      Trina Solar Limited (NYSE: TSL - News), through its wholly-owned subsidiary Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co. Ltd, is a well recognized manufacturer of high quality modules and has a long history as a solar PV pioneer since it was founded in 1997 as a system installation company. Trina Solar is currently one of the few PV manufacturers that has developed a vertically integrated business model from the production of monocrystalline and multicrystalline ingots, wafers and cells to the assembly of high quality modules. This integrated value chain helps to ensure that high quality products can be delivered to its end customers around the globe, including a number of European countries, such as Germany, Spain and Italy. Trina Solar's solar modules provide reliable and environmentally-friendly electric power for residential, commercial, industrial and other applications worldwide. For further information, please visit Trina Solar's website at .

      About GCL Silicon Technology

      GCL Silicon Technology Holdings Limited, through its subsidiary Jiangsu Zhongneng Polysilicon Technology Development Co., Ltd., sells polysilicon and wafers to the solar industry. The company operates a polysilicon production facility in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province in China.

      Und jetzt JA auch wieder positiv.

      Was ist da los?

      GCL hat übrigens eine (gräßliche) Website. Die letzte "News" ist vom Juni 2007 oder so - die Meldungen sind inhaltlich vollkommen hohl. Muss aber nichts heißen - vielleicht mauern die auch nur absichtlich.
      schrieb am 22.04.08 07:31:29
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Solarsilizium-Hersteller 6N Silicon sichert sich Finanzierung in Höhe von bis zu 20 Millionen US-Dollar

      Die 6N Silicon Inc. (Mississauga, Ontario, USA), Hersteller von Solar-Silizium für die Photovoltaik-Industrie, kündigte am 31.03.2008 an, das Unternehmen habe sich bis zu 20 Millionen US-Dollar in einer zweiten Finanzierungsrunde gesichert. Die Finanzierungsrunde wurde geführt durch Good Energies, einem führenden weltweiten Investor in erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz. Beide Großinvestoren aus der ersten Finanzierungsrunde, Ventures West Management und Yaletown Venture Partners, hätten sich erneut beteiligt, berichtet Good Energies in einer Pressemitteilung. 6N Silicon will die Investition dazu nutzen, in die kommerzielle Produktion von Solar-Silizium einzusteigen. "Ziel von 6N Silicon ist, derjenige Lieferant zu werden, der Solarsilizium, das nicht mit hochreinem Silizium gemischt werden muss, zum niedrigsten Preis anbietet", heißt es in der Pressemitteilung. 6N Silicon’s Alleinstellungsmerkmal sei ihr Verfahren zur Umwandlung von metallurgischem Silizium in hochreines Solar-Silizium, betont Good Energies.

      Markt für Solar-Silizium soll sich bis 2010 vervierfachen

      Das 6N-Verfahren soll mit vergleichsweise geringer Kapitalausstattung und niedrigen Kosten in breitem Umfang genutzt werden und den Energiebedarf für die Produktion gegenüber der herkömmlichen Siliziumaufbereitung deutlich senken. "Wir sind hoch erfreut, dass Good Energies als erfahrener Investor in die Photovoltaik unser Unternehmen unterstützt", sagte Paolo Maccario, Vorstand von 6N Silicon. Good Energies habe schon eine beträchtliche Zahl von Beteiligungsprüfungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Unternehmen und dem Produktionsprozess durchgeführt, betonte Maccario. Die Finanzierung durch einen der wichtigsten Investoren zeige, dass 6N Silicon auf dem richtigen Weg sei, innerhalb der kommenden fünf Jahre zu einem der bedeutendsten Lieferanten von Solar-Silizium zu werden. Laut Good Energies betrug das Marktvolumen für Solar-Silizium im Jahr 2006 rund 2,3 Milliarden US-Dollar und soll nach Prognosen bis 2010 auf 10,4 Milliarden Dollar steigen. Die Versorgung mit Solar-Silizium sei eine der Schlüsselkomponenten bei der Herstellung der meisten Photovoltaik-Module, betont Good Energies.

      "Die Aktivität beim Bau einer Pilot-Produktionslinie, eröffnet der 6N Silizium-Technologie enorme Möglichkeiten zur umweltfreundlicheren Herstellung von Solarsilizium zu geringeren Kosten", sagte Richard Kauffman, CEO von Good Energies. Good Energies blicke auf eine lange Reihe von erfolgreichen Vorhaben im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien zurück und habe diese unterstützt, um deren volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. "Wir freuen uns darauf, mit dem Management von 6N Silicon zusammenzuarbeiten und das Unternehmen zu unterstützen, damit es sein Ziel erreicht und neue Kundenbeziehungen aufbauen kann, indem es auf unsere Erfahrung in der Solarindustrie sowie auf unsere Netzwerke mit Photovoltaikherstellern aufbaut", so Kauffman weiter.

      22.04.2008 Quelle: Good Energies © Heindl Server GmbH
      schrieb am 24.04.08 04:39:31
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Silicio Solar // Spanien // Siemens ???

      BP Solar baut Solarzellen-Fabrik
      PUERTOLLANO/MADRID, 21. April 2008 - Mitte dieses Jahres wird der britische Konzern BP Solar in Spanien mit dem Bau einer Modulfabrik mit 300 Megawatt Produktionskapazität beginnen. Standort für die Solarzellen-Fertigung ist Puertollano in Kastilien-La Mancha. Dies berichtet die Fachzeitschrift Photon.

      SolarzellenBis 2010 soll das Werk vollständig in Betrieb sein, sagte BP Solar España SAU gegenüber Photon am Rande der Madrider Messe Genera im Februar, nachdem das Unternehmen den Bau der Fabrik bereits im Dezember angekündigt hatte.

      Es wird das zweite Modulwerk von BP Solar in Spanien neben jenem in San Sebastian de los Reyes sein und voraussichtlich rund hundert Millionen Euro kosten; 500 bis 600 neue Arbeitsplätze sollen entstehen – dies entspricht einer Verdopplung der Angestellten von BP Solar España.

      Die Zellen als Basis der Modulproduktion sollen aus dem bisherigen Werk in Spanien in Tres Cantos bei Madrid stammen sowie aus verschiedenen anderen Werken des Konzerns, ehe die ebenfalls gerade im Bau befindliche Erweiterung der Zellenfabrik abgeschlossen ist. Zur Zeit beträgt die Kapazität in Tres Cantos 55 Megawatt; bis 2010 soll sie auf 300 Megawatt klettern. Dünne Wafer und eine "vertraglich garantierte Zufuhr an metallurgischem Silizium" sollen die ehrgeizigen Ziele erreichen helfen, hatte BP Solar in einer Presseerklärung mitgeteilt.

      Woher genau das Silizium für die Expansion stammt, war von BP nicht zu erfahren. Ein Blick über die künftige Werksgrenze in Puertollano lässt allerdings Rückschlüsse über potenzielle Mitstreiter zu: Silicio Solar SAU, ein spanischer Wafer-Hersteller der ukrainischen Muttergesellschaft Pillar SC, plant derzeit die Verdoppelung der Produktion von 300 auf 600 Megawatt, das passende Nachbargrundstück in Puertollano ist bereits zugesagt. Und Verena Batschkus, in Spanien Finanzchefin des Unternehmens, bestätigt gegenüber Photon "sehr intensive Kontakte" zum neuen Nachbarn BP, "auch im Hinblick auf die geplante Modulfabrik".

      SolarzellenIn Puertollano, der selbsternannten "Stadt der Energie", herrscht derweil eine optimistische Stimmung: Das Vorhaben von BP Solar schafft Arbeitsplätze – und die ehemals graue Minenstadt mausert sich allmählich zum spanischen "Solar Valley". So will die börsennotierte Firma Solaria Energía y Medio Ambiente SA in Puertollano im Juli eine Zellfabrik mit einer Anfangskapazität von 25 Megawatt in Betrieb nehmen, und das Forschungszentrum Instituto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de Concentración (Isfoc) und die Firma Solfocus Inc. machen Puertollano zur Referenz in der spanischen Konzentratorbranche.

      Einen kleinen Wermutstropfen hat das Großprojekt mit BP Solar in Puertollano dennoch hinterlassen. Denn auch Mitsubishi Electric Corp. hatte im vergangenen Jahr konkretes Interesse an einer Modulfabrik mit über 1.000 Arbeitsplätzen angemeldet. Wie im Stadtplenum bekannt wurde, zog sich das Unternehmen aber zurück, weil es der einzige Modulhersteller vor Ort sein wollte.

      Artikelsammlung "Solarenergie in Spanien
      schrieb am 25.04.08 09:16:08
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      PRESSE/Hemlock plant neues Siliziumwerk in Asien oder Europa

      Handelszeitung 21.01.2008

      LONDON (AWP International) - Der weltgrösste Siliziumhersteller Hemlock Semiconductor will einem Pressebericht zufolge in Asien oder Europa einen neuen Produktionsstandort eröffnen. Das US-Unternehmen lote Expansionspotenzial aus, weil die Nachfrage nach hochreinem Silizium boome, berichtet die <<Financial Times? (FT, Montagausgabe). Silizium wird in Solarzellen verwendet. Bislang besitzt Hemlock Semiconductor keinerlei Produktionsanlagen ausserhalb der USA.

      Für das bestehende Werk in Michigan habe das Unternehmen einen mehr als 1,5 Milliarden US-Dollar teuren Ausbau angekündigt, berichtet die <<FT>> weiter. 2008 will Hemlock an diesem Standort rund 10.000 Tonnen Silizium produzieren. Bis 2012 soll das Produktionsvolumen auf jährlich 36.000 Tonnen ausgeweitet werden. Laut der Zeitung habe Hemlock-Chef Rick Doornbos gesagt, das Unternehmen sei bestrebt, seine Führungsrolle als Hersteller von hochwertigem Silizium zu verteidigen.

      Welche Länder für ein neues Werk infrage kommen, wollte Hemlock nicht preisgeben. Schätzungen zufolge werde der Konzern für das Projekt mindestens 500 Millionen Dollar ausgeben. Eine Entscheidung werde in den nächsten Monaten erwartet. Der Konzern mit Sitz im US-Bundesstaat Michigan wird vom amerikanischen Spezialchemiekonzern Dow Corning kontrolliert. Shin-Etsu und Mitsubishi Materials aus Japan halten Minderheitsanteile.

      Der deutsche Wacker-Konzern , Hemlocks schärfster Konkurrent und der zweitgrösste Siliziumhersteller der Welt, investiert 400 Millionen Euro, um seine Produktion bis 2010 auf jährlich rund 20.000 Tonnen auszuweiten. 2007 stellte das Unternehmen rund 10.000 Tonnen hochreines Silizium her./ne/wiz
      schrieb am 27.04.08 22:32:42
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      SILFAB // Italien // Siemens??

      SILFAB to supply Trina Solar with polysilicon

      Filed from Houston 4/24/2008 8:49:17 PM GMT


      CHINA: Trina Solar, a Chinese manufacturer of solar voltaic products, has signed a long-term polysilicon supply agreement with Italian company SILFAB. Under the agreement, SILFAB will supply Trina Solar with enough virgin polysilicon to produce around 225 MW of solar modules in aggregate over six years. Delivery of the polysilicon at predetermined prices is set to begin in 2010.

      Trina Solar Chairman and CEO Jifan Gao said the agreement would allow Trina Solar to expand and become a leading global photvoltaic manufacturer.
      schrieb am 30.04.08 17:25:13
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      M.Setek // Japan // Siemens

      die produzieren!

      M.Setek Co., Ltd (Japan) confirms Poly Silicon Production in Soma, Japan
      blank blank
      blank Tokyo, Japan Dec. 14, 2007 Head Office - M.Setek Co., Ltd, a Japan based manufacturer of poly crystalline silicon, mono crystalline silicon ingot and wafers, today announced that it has confirmed its production of Poly Silicon at its Soma Japan factory. M.Setek has been working on set up of its 3,000mt poly silicon manufacturing facility over the past 18 months. Today we are proud to say we have achieved success in being able to manufacturer poly silicon. This was not an easy task and took many good contractors and employees. With our confirmation of production of our hydrochlorination facility on December 1st, 2007 we can now generate the key material, trichlorosilane, needed to manufacturer poly silicon. We will achieve full production of 16 poly silicon reactors by December end, said Ritsuo Matsumiya, President of M.Setek.

      M.Setek is a privately held poly silicon manufacturer that produces mono crystalline ingots and wafers for the Solar market. M.Setek is the world’s leader in recycling silicon scrap material for the solar sector. Beginning in 2008, we plan to be at full production and serving our patient Customers with industry needed silicon products. The employees of M.Setek have worked very hard for this moment. This is a proud day for all of Japan to show continued growth in high technology. We are pleased to serve the Solar sector where we can help create a Green Environment. We will continue to review plans with our key partners for Phase II of our project, said Ritsuo Matsumiya.

      M.Setek is a registered trademark of M.Setek Co., Ltd.

      SOURCE M.Setek Co., Ltd.
      schrieb am 02.05.08 14:10:22
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      SILFAB // Italien // Siemens

      Silfab Selects CDI For Solar-Grade Polysilicon Plant Engineering Services

      Silfab SPA has selected the CDI Engineering Solutions business unit of CDI Corp. to provide technology integration and engineering services for its solar-grade polysilicon manufacturing project, to be built in Borgofranco d'Ivrea, Italy.

      CDI says the scope of work involves technology integration services for the entire polysilicon project. As the technology integrator, CDI will provide coordination, evaluation and technical oversight of the basic engineering technology packages produced for the trichlorosilane (TCS) plant, the vent gas treatment system, and the polysilicon plant production area (including the chemical vapor deposition reactors and converters).

      CDI will also provide the balance-of-plant basic engineering services for the associated utilities, offsites and infrastructure for the entire project.

      Silfab's first phase of manufacturing is expected to produce 2,500 tons of solar-grade polysilicon annually starting in 2009, with plans to double the production capacity to 5,000 tons in 2010. The product produced will be used to manufacture approximately 600 MW of solar capacity.
      schrieb am 05.05.08 13:36:47
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Polysilicon shortages will spur thin film CAGR of 70 percent through 2010, says iSuppli

      Polysilicon shortages are not only limiting the potential growth of the PV industry but are continuing to impact manufacturing costs, according to Dr. Henning Wicht, Senior Director and Principal Analyst, MEMS and PV for iSuppli. Costs are rising rather than falling, forcing PV manufacturers to establish their own polysilicon production as well as seek cost saving elsewhere.

      “Polysilicon shortages are driving prices up,” noted Wicht. “For companies attempting to expand their PV fabs to meet rising demand, it’s becoming very difficult to secure low-priced silicon.”

      Wicht noted that PV companies must pay polysilicon suppliers between 10 and 20 percent of their total contract costs up front to secure availability of the key raw material. This has made cost reduction mandatory for the PV industry.

      The alternative of course is not to be dependent on silicon for solar cell production. Wicht pointed out that the growth in thin-film technologies is expected to outgrow the sector. He expects thin-film technologies to rise to 20 percent of the total PV market in 2010, up from 5 percent in 2007. Thin-film PV will grow by a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 70 percent from 2007 to 2010.

      In its preliminary forecast, global revenue for PV cells is projected to increase to as much as $22.1 billion in 2012, up from $9.6 billion in 2007. By 2020, about 50,000 megawatts worth of PV systems (MWp) will be installed annually, up by a factor of nearly 20 from 2,538MWp in 2007.

      With these projected levels of growth, PV manufacturers dependent on polysilicon are being forced to become more vertically integrated. Cost reductions must also be implemented across the entire PV system supply chain, including polysilicon, wafers, cells, modules and finished systems, noted Wicht.
      schrieb am 09.05.08 12:24:04
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Ich finde einfach keine deutsche WKN, für GSM, wer kann helfen?
      schrieb am 09.05.08 12:24:54
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Globe Specialty Metals (GSM) // m-SI // UK

      So consolidating, integrating and streamlining a silicon business makes sense in terms of economy of scale and adaptability to changes in demand; especially when you are dealing with a product with such a baffling array of applications.

      Back in 2006, Globe Speciality Metals was plain old "International Metal Enterprises, Inc", which had about US$187 million in the bank and styled itself as a "blank check company". As you may have gathered from the use of "Inc" and "check", International Metal Enterprises (IME) was based in the US of A, so it would not be immediately obvious that the company was listed on London's AIM market. IME was formed to write cheques (in the form of cash, stock or debt) "to effect a business combination in the mining and metals industry". In other words, the company was formed to get down to some mergers and acquisitions in the mining and metals sector. So which part of the metals and mining business was in IME's sights? Well it turned out to be "silicon", so get ready for some lists - lists on the uses of silicon and a list of Globe's acquisitions!

      Given that IME was to focus on the mining and metals industry, I wondered, "Is silicon a metal?" As silicon is made out of feldspar or quartz, which comes out of the ground, it is clearly "mined" …but is it a metal? Well, according to the Mineral Information Institute, silicon is semi-metallic or "metalloid", because it has several metallic characteristics. It alloys with a variety of metals, including iron, aluminium, copper, nickel, manganese and ferrochromium, and it also conducts electricity half-heartedly – which makes it a semiconductor. Common-all-garden silicon is known in the metals and chemicals industries as "silicon metal", and the ultra pure form is known as "semiconductor-grade silicon." In the USA, silicon metal accounts for 53% of silicon consumption with ultra pure silicon accounting for the remaining 47%.

      Ultra-pure silicon wafers are used in the manufacture of transistors, solar cells, integrated circuits, microprocessors, semiconductor detectors and LCDs. Silicon metal is used to improve the quality and strength of steel. It is used in tool steels, in the manufacture of stainless steels, carbon steels, high-strength-low-alloy steels, and electrical steels. Silicon metal is also used to improve the weld-ability and cast-ability of aluminium – particularly in the automotive industry. Silicon metal (Si) is also used in the production of silanes (SiH4), silicones ([methyl, ethyl, or phenyl + 2SiO]n), and fumed silica (SiO2).

      Silanes are used in the manufacture of polymers and composites, lubricants, anti-foaming agents, water-repellent compounds, silicone resins, titanium implant coatings, graffiti protection coatings for masonry, to initiate combustion in ram jets …and to make magic (un-wettable) sand!

      Silicone applications include moisture-proofing, hydraulic fluids, production casts for resins, structural foams, rubber, low temperature alloys, fire-stops in buildings, sealant for gaps and joints in buildings, aquarium joints, lubricants for brakes, brass taps and valves, bicycle chains and door hinges, insulation for spark plug leads, potting (or casing) electronic components, automotive gaskets, environmentally friendly dry cleaning solvent (liquid silicon), hair conditioner additive (to lessen frizz), bandages and dressings, menstrual cups, behind-the-ear hearing-aid moulds, breast implants, boilable sex toys and juggling balls.

      Fumed silica is used in heat insulation, as fillers for rubbers and plastics, coatings, adhesives, refractory cements, sealants, polymers, cosmetics, synthetic rubbers, abrasives, pharmaceuticals, inks, grouts and oil-well conditioners.


      In October 2006, IME acquired Globe Metallurgical, Inc through a reverse takeover, changed its name to Globe Specialty Metals and became, at a stroke, one of the world's most efficient and largest producers of high-purity silicon metal and a leading producer of high-grade, silicon-based alloys. For the six months to the end of June 2006, Globe Metallurgical's revenues were US$114 million; the latter part of that period had been weak but this was followed by a profit of $1.4 million in September. The net consideration for the acquisition of this company was US$187 million including US$47.5 million in shares. Globe Specialty Metals gained five furnaces in Ohio, and five in West Virginia, two in Niagara Falls (currently idle) and two in Alabama, where they also acquired an operating quartzite mine. The company also gained a couple of hundred North American customers for silicon metal, specialty alloys and ferroalloys. Ferroalloys are alloys of iron with a high proportion of another element - silicon in this case – and lumps of ferroalloy are used as a raw material in the production of steel alloys. Globe's North American customers operate a wide range of businesses including silicone compounds, aluminium, ductile iron, automotive parts, steel, photovoltaic solar cells and electronic semiconductors.

      In November 2006, Globe acquired Stein Ferroaleaciones paying US$35.2 million in cash. Stein is based in Buenos Aires, operating an alloy smelting plant in Mendoza, Argentina, with finishing plants in both Argentina and Poland. The company's revenue for the year ending 30 June 2006, was about US$37.5 million with $US5.8 million estimated earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, with net assets of $US16.6 million. Stein's products are used mainly in the manufacture of steel, ductile iron, machine parts, auto parts and pipes. At the time of the acquisition, Stein was shipping its products to about 90 customers in 50 countries - including 30 customers in North America and another 30 in Europe. By acquiring Stein, Globe broadened its product mix to include calcium silicon and cored wire – used during the production of steel and iron. As part of the Stein group, Globe also acquired a majority stake in two Argentine hydroelectric power companies which are under long-term contract to supply electricity to Stein's plants at favourable terms.

      In Feb 2007, Globe acquired Camargo Corrêa Metais, one of Brazil's largest producers of silicon metal and silica fume. Its manufacturing plant, located near the Tucuruí hydroelectric dam, has four furnaces. In 2006, CCM produced 42,000 tonnes of silicon metal, exporting 90% of this to Europe. CCM's estimated earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization for the year ended 31 December 2006, were approximately US$4.73 million and Globe acquired the company for US$40.8 million. Globe Metais is the only Brazilian silicon producer to market its silica fume, rather than release it into the environment. Silica Fume, or micro-silica, is a by-product of making silicon that is commonly discharged into the environment – however, it can be trapped and sold. Globe Metales, Argentina, supplies its silica fume directly to concrete producers. Globe's US plants also routinely sell their silica to Norchem – a 51% owned subsidiary focused on the silica fume market (the stake in Norchem was acquired at the time of the initial US acquisitions). The Camargo Corrêa Metais acquisition also included quartzite mines and 45,000 hectares of forestry in Brazil.

      In February 2008, Globe subsidiary, West Virginia Alloys, signed an agreement with Recycled Energy who will invest US$45 to $55 million in plant which will utilise hot exhaust gases to generate up to 44 megawatts of electricity, thus offsetting about a third of West Virginia Alloys' electricity consumption, starting in 2010. Also in February 2008, Globe acquired 81% ownership of Solsil with 628,657 new Globe shares. Solsil is a producer of high purity silicon, manufactured using a proprietary metallurgical process, and a supplier of silicon to several world-class manufacturers of photovoltaic cells, ingots and wafers. Interestingly, Alan Kestenbaum - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Globe - is also a director of Solsil and is under contract to put twenty five percent of his working time into Solsil.

      Globe now boasts that its customers include Hemlock Semiconductor – headquartered in Michigan and 63% owned by Dow Corning Corporation; Wacker Chemie AG – headquartered in Munich; and Renewable Energy Corporation - headquartered in Norway. We can all comprehend that the demand for both silicon and industrial metals is growing alongside the demand for industrial and consumer products in Brazil, Russia, India and China. So consolidating, integrating and streamlining a silicon business makes sense in terms of economy of scale and adaptability to changes in demand; especially when you are dealing with a product with such a baffling array of applications. Did I mention that silicon dioxide (E551) is used as an anti-caking agent in food, to remove protein and yeast in beer and wine, and as anti-foaming agent?

      You have probably noticed that Globe takes its energy costs seriously – not surprising when you read that the Norwegian Institute of Technology's SINTEF research group predicts that the ongoing rapid growth in solar cell usage will outstrip all other uses of silicon by 2020. I expect you recall that Solsil, now 81% owned by Globe, uses a proprietary process to manufacture silicon which it supplies to several world-class manufacturers of photovoltaic, or solar, cells. Clearly Globe Speciality Metals is one for your watch list if you believe that the recent price spikes of oil, coal and uranium are a foretaste of things to come. Like I say - "2020 vision"!
      schrieb am 09.05.08 12:26:07
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      GSM // m-SI // UK

      LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Globe Specialty Metals Inc. said its subsidiaries, Solsil Inc. and Globe Metallurgical Inc., have signed an agreement with BP Solar International Inc. for the sale of solar grade silicon from Solsil to BP Solar on a take or pay basis.

      The company said BP Solar and Solsil will also deploy certain existing BP Solar silicon technology at Solsil's facility and will jointly develop new technology to enhance Solsil's proprietary upgraded solar silicon metallurgical process.

      Solsil expects to expand its capacity by building a new facility where this technology will be deployed, and Solsil and BP Solar will both contribute towards the costs of the technology development. ans/jlc
      schrieb am 09.05.08 12:26:30
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      RNS Number:5407T Globe Specialty Metals, Inc 01 May 2008

      The following announcement replaces announcement number 4952T released at 07.00 on Thursday 1st May. This is due to an error in the second paragraph which has now been corrected.

      Globe Specialty Metals, Inc.

      Solar grade silicon supply agreement with BP Solar International

      1st May 2008

      Globe Specialty Metals, Inc. (AIM: GLBM.L) is pleased to announce that its subsidiaries, Solsil, Inc. ('Solsil") and Globe Metallurgical, Inc. have entered into an agreement with BP Solar International Inc. (" BP Solar ") The agreement provides for the sale from Solsil to BP Solar of certain amounts of solar grade silicon on a take or pay basis which can be doubled at BP Solar's option. Additionally BP Solar and Solsil will deploy certain existing BP Solar silicon technology at Solsil's facility and will jointly develop new technology to enhance Solsil's proprietary upgraded solar silicon metallurgical process. Solsil expects to expand its capacity by building a new facility where this technology will be deployed. Under the terms of the agreement, Solsil and BP Solar will both contribute towards the costs of the technology development. Solsil expects to begin shipping under the contract before the end of 2008 with contracted volumes increasing annually through 2011. The term of the contract can be extended through 2014 at the option of BP Solar, also in increasing volumes.

      "We are excited about our new contract with BP Solar," said Alan Kestenbaum, Chairman and CEO of Globe Specialty Metals, Inc. "We have the opportunity to supply to and collaborate with an industry leader for further accelerating development of our existing metallurgical process technology for the cost effective production of solar grade silicon. The contract is consistent with our goal of continuous quality and process improvement to benefit our customers."

      BP Solar, part of BP Solar Alternative Energy, is a global company with over 2300 employees. BP Solar designs, manufactures and markets products which use the sun's energy to generate electricity for a wide range of applications in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. With over 30 years of experience and installations in more than 160 countries, BP Solar is one of the world's leading solar companies having 228MW annual manufacturing capacity in 2007, plus another 700MW capacity under construction. BP Solar has solar cell and module manufacturing plants in Sydney, Australia; Bangalore, India; Madrid, Spain; and Frederick, MD, USA; and module manufacturing in Xi'an, China. In Frederick it also has casting and wafering facilities.

      Globe Specialty Metals, Inc. is a leading global producer of various grades of Silicon metal and Silicon metal alloys with production and mining facilities in the United States in Ohio, West Virginia, Alabama as well as in Brazil and Argentina. Globe employs over 1,800 people worldwide. Globe's corporate offices are located in New York, New York USA.
      schrieb am 15.05.08 17:23:04
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Jupiter Corp. // China // Siemens?

      NEW YORK, May 15 (Reuters) - Trina Solar Ltd (TSL.N: Quote, Profile, Research), a photovoltaic solar products maker, said on Thursday it signed a contract to buy polysilicon from Jupiter Corp Ltd to enable it to produce 650 megawatts of solar modules over six years.

      Jupiter, an affiliate of privately held Qingdao DTK, will begin delivery in the third quarter of 2008 of the polysilicon, which turns sunlight into electricity inside solar cells.

      Last month, Trina scrapped plans to build a $1 billion polysilicon production plant, saying it would buy supplies of the key raw material on the market. (Reporting by Matt Daily, editing by Gerald E. McCormick)
      schrieb am 21.05.08 10:36:19
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Silfab // Italien // Siemens

      May 14, 2008

      Padova, Italy: SILFAB SpA Selects CDI Corporation for Polysilicon Plant Engineering Contract

      SILFAB SpA has chosen CDI Corporation to provide technology integration, basic engineering and detailed engineering services for its solar grade polysilicon manufacturing project to be built in Borgofranco d'Ivrea, Italy.

      Silfab's first phase of manufacturing is expected to produce 2500 tons of solar grade polysilicon annually starting in 2009, with plans to double the production capacity to 5000 tons in 2010. The product produced will be used to manufacture approximately 600 megawatts (MW) of solar capacity. CDI's scope of work involves technology integration services for the entire polysilicon project.

      As the technology integrator, CDI will provide coordination, evaluation, and technical oversight of the basic engineering technology packages produced for the trichlorosilane (TCS) plant, the vent gas treatment system and the polysilicon plant production area including the chemical vapor deposition reactors and converters. CDI will also provide the balance of plant basic engineering services for the associated utilities, offsites and infrastructure for the entire project.

      Silfab S.p.A was founded in Piemonte, Italy by Franco Traverso, an expert in the renewable energy business with over 25 years experience in the photovoltaic sector. Silfab's partners are leading companies who are strongly interested in the production of solar grade polysilicon. Silfab's goal with this project is the production of high quality solar grade polysilicon for the photovoltaic market.

      "Choosing a capable and experienced engineering company to coordinate and integrate the individual technology packages is most important in the success of our project," said Franco Traverso, Silfab Chairman and Managing Director. "We chose CDI based on its success and experience in similar projects and familiarity with designing a polysilicon plant with sustainability, high reliability, high yield, and low waste output. This project will allow the photovoltaic industry to obtain very high quality wafers for the production of high-efficiency, low-cost cells. These are core principles of this most important project."

      CDI has been involved in the design of polysilicon projects utilizing similar processes for over a decade with many of its clients' plants in operation today. As a leader in implementing TCS technology, CDI is providing technology integration, basic engineering, Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) and Engineering Procurement Construction Management (EPCM) services for polysilicon producing clients through a global project development organization dedicated to the polysilicon market and headquartered in Houston, Texas.

      "CDI is honored to be selected to provide engineering leadership on this important project," said Keith Landry, Vice President of Global Project Development for CDI Engineering Solutions. "As the world demand for clean solar energy continues to increase, CDI Engineering Solutions is prepared to meet the demands of the polysilicon market."
      schrieb am 21.05.08 10:37:38
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Silfab // Italien // Siemens

      May 16, 2008

      Padova, Italy: Silfab Signs Wafer Contract with Hyundai Heavy

      Silfab S.p.A., an Italian manufacturer of 9N- solar-grade polysilicon and wafers has signed a six-year 'take or pay' contract to supply multi-crystalline wafers to Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.(HHI). Under the terms and conditions of this Contract, Silfab will provide wafers over six-year commencing in Q4, 2009 through 2015.

      SILFAB Spa is a newly established company which aims to entry into the high-quality polysilicon production industry and to become a major player in this market segment by producing solar-grade polysilicon and wafers in Italy: 2,500 tons/year ("1st Phase"), 5,000 tons/year ("2nd Phase).

      Franco Traverso, Chairman and CEO of Silfab, stated: "Silfab is pleased of partnering with HHI that will be one of leading companies in photovoltaic business and produce the solar power generation systems having a high performance in accordance with the grid-parity goals."

      Kwon-Tae Kim, Executive Vice President of HHI, commented: "I am confident that this new contract enables us increase of the efficiency of our products through high quality wafers from Silfab, and confirms our commitment to offers turnkey solutions for high performance photovoltaic systems".
      schrieb am 30.05.08 21:43:52
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Oversupply of Silicon to Be Worse Than Expected
      A solar industry forecast by the Prometheus Institute shows the solar industry increasing its silicon production but absorbing the material will take longer than originally predicted.
      by: Rachel Barron
      Bullet Arrow May 29, 2008
      At Greentech Media's PV Annual 2008, Travis Bradford, president of the Prometheus Institute, said the solar industry’s supply of silicon will be 83 percent higher than its demand in 2010, cutting average panel prices 42.8 percent from 2007.
      Alex Lewin

      Worldwide production capacity for silicon and thin film panels will jump from 3.14 gigawatts in 2007 to 12.36 gigawatts in 2010, Travis Bradford, president of the Prometheus Institute, said at a Greentech Media conference this week.

      According to his forecast, thin-film solar will make up 25 percent to 30 percent of solar production capacity in 2010.

      While production capacity goes up, Bradford said the prices of solar-power systems would drop.

      Prices for traditional silicon-based solar panels will fall from $3.66 per watt in 2007 to $2.14 per watt in 2010, he forecasted, while the average price of thin-film panels is expected to drop from $2.96 per watt in 2007 to $1.81 per watt in 2010.

      Part of the reason for the anticipated drop is that Bradford expects the amount of silicon for the solar industry to quadruple from 30,070 tons in 2007 to 125,302 tons in 2012.

      Combined with his projections about the availability of thin-film panels, that equals enough material to produce 12.36 gigawatts of panels in 2010, up from 3.14 gigawatts in 2007.

      Bradford now expects that 10 percent to 20 percent more silicon will be available than what he forecast last year.

      Yet according to his calculations, "demand hasn't really changed at all," he said.

      Bradford expects the demand to grow from 2.94 gigawatts of panels in 2007 to 6.76 gigawatts in 2010, leaving an excess of 5.6 gigawatts worth of silicon and thin film.

      As a result, Bradford said the overall supply problem will be worse than expected.

      So far, supplies of silicon have still been “relatively scarce,” he said, but contract prices have begun to level out. The institute estimates that prices were about $60 per kilogram in 2007, compared to $55 per kilogram in 2006 and $45 per kilogram in 2004, and projects that substantial new supplies will reach the market by the second half of this year.

      Some analysts expect that there will be an oversupply of panels once the silicon shortage ends. Bradford said his latest forecast shows there will be more excess silicon capacity to absorb, and it will take longer to do it.

      The market dynamic will also shift, he said, from a seller’s market to a buyer-driven market. The inability to tolerate the switch, which is also expected to come with a lowering of panel prices and shrinking margins, will result in a market shakeout, according to some analysts (see Solar Sector Heading for a Shakeout, Silicon Still a Hot Topic at Photon and Solar Margins About to Shrink).

      Thin-film solar companies that use little or no silicon are expected to suffer less hardship during the shakeout (see Thin-Film to Survive Solar Shakeout).

      On Wednesday, the Masdar Initiative, a United Arab Emirates state-owned company that invests in future energy sources, announced that it will invest over $2 billion in thin-film technology.

      Initial investments include $600 million for the development of two manufacturing facilities (see Abu Dhabi’s Masdar to Get Into Solar With Help From Applied Materials).
      schrieb am 02.06.08 10:29:37
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Schmid // ??? // Deutschland

      Schmid Silicon Technology: Polysilicon Update

      Posted: 29 May 2008 10:47 AM CDT
      Silicon strategy covers the gamut of quartz and metallurgical silicon to polysilicon.

      There has been a dearth of news regarding Schmid Silicon Technology (SST) since the Sunways AG enters polysilicon production business announcement and my Schmid Silicon Technology: From East Germany with Polysilicon post.

      At PHOTON’s 6th Solar Silicon Conference on April 1, 2008, part of the Photovoltaic Technology Show 2008 Europe, Gebr. Schmid GmbH + Co. (Deutsch) representatives, Frank Tinnefeld and Jochem Hahn, presented “From sand to module – a fully vertical integrated approach for the PV Industry.�

      Schmid has observed the Euro price of silicon metal has increased almost fifty percent since 2005. As a result, Schmid has formed a joint venture in Kazakhstan, Schmid Silicon Kazakhstan, to mine quartz (SiO2), not sand, and to build and operate a metallurgical silicon (mg-Si) production facility. In the first phase, Schmid plans (“investments will be explored�) to invest about USD $150 Million to construct a facility with 30,000 metric tons per year of mg-Si production capacity:

      * 10,000 metric tons per year of mg-Si will be processed by Schmid Silicon Technology into 6,000 metric tons per year of Polysilicon
      * 20,000 metric tons per year of mg-Si will be sold on the world market

      Having secured land and mining rights at a location northeast of Taraz, Kazakhstan, construction of the mg-Si facility will start in July 2008, and silicon metal production is slated to start in the second half of 2009.

      Schmid believes they have developed a new way to produce polysilicon using the UMOSI process:

      single step catalytic disproportion of chlor silane mixture to monosilane and pyrolysis of monosilane:
      4 HSiCl3 = 3 SiCl4 + SiH4; SiH4 = Si + 2 H2
      Optimized total process structure in respect to:
      Hydrochlorination, Hydration, Disproportion and Pyrolysis

      SST claims the UMOSI process produces polysilicon with a cumulative cost structure 28% cheaper than the Siemens process. SST has partnered with Spectrum for “Monosilan Technology and Process Know-How� forming a joint venture called (I presume) Schmid Silicon Ukraine (SSU). And yet another joint venture, Schmid Silicon Engineering (SSE) has been formed with an unnamed EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) firm for engineering and chemical plant construction.

      SST plans to construct pilot production, TCS (Trichlorosilane, HSiCl3), and 6,000 metric ton (6 x 1000 metric tons) production facilities at the Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Park (Industriepark) located between Spremberg and Spreewitz, Germany. Per the SST schedule, the first 2,000 metric ton production facility will begin construction in the third quarter of 2008 and be commissioned in the fourth quarter of 2009.

      SST is still looking for additional investors in the 6,000 metric ton polysilicon fab (Silicon Fab “Schwarze Pumpe�) project in 1,000 metric ton modular clusters. SST touts silicon independence, scalability, cost savings at 6,000 metric ton scale, a 3 to 5 year return on investment (ROI), and “highly innovative technology and equipment with high potential for future development� as key investment drivers.

      To date, Sunways AG (FRA:SWW) has been the only investor named in the SST project. In the Sunways investor Presentation Feb. 2008 on slide 19, Sunways notes Schmid is responsible for the “construction, installation and utilities operation of a turnkey plant for the production of 1,000 tons solar silicon as of 2010�. This arrangement appears to be a corollary to the Foundry/Fabless joint venture business models that evolved in the semiconductor industry. Will Schmid Silicon Technology operate these turnkey polysilicon plants for their customers or expect them to take the keys and drive as with Schmid’s turnkey production equipment solutions for solar wafers, cells, and modules? I believe many solar companies will find a “Fabless� polysilicon business model with guaranteed capacity at industry competitive costs attractive.

      And in 1366 Technologies Wins Solar Startup Competition, Ucilia Wang at Greentech Media reports that GreenVolts CEO Bob Cart "announced it is bidding for a 26-megawatt project that would ramp up to a capacity of 1,000 megawatts per year by 2015." I wonder if this was the mysterious project mentioned in my post, GreenVolts at BIG Solar?
      schrieb am 04.06.08 02:50:34
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Hemlock // USA // Siemens

      Hemlock Semiconductor starts production at new polysilicon facility
      03 June 2008 | Materials: News

      Hemlock SemiconductorHemlock Semiconductor, the joint venture of Dow Corning, Shin-Etsu Handotai and Mitsubishi Materials, has said that it has started polysilicon production at its $1.5 billion expansion project in Hemlock, Michigan, USA. Hemlock reiterated that the expansion would add approximately 9,000 metric tons of polysilicon annually, bringing the company's annual capacity to approximately 19,000 metric tons by the end of 2008 and making it the largest single polysilicon facility in the world.

      "Delivering polysilicon from our new facility as quickly as possible was essential to meet our customers' expectations," said Hemlock Semiconductor President and CEO Rick Doornbos. "These customers have put a lot of faith in us and the additional quantities of silicon feedstock will enable them to advance solar technology throughout the globe."

      Hemlock has additional plans for expansion that will see the Hemlock site reach 36,000 tons by the end of 2011.
      schrieb am 04.06.08 23:00:41
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Estelux // Italien // Siemens

      04.06.2008 17:19
      SOLON erwirbt strategischen Anteil an italienischem Start-up Estelux
      Berlin ( AG) - Der Solartechnikkonzern SOLON AG (ISIN DE0007471195 (News/Aktienkurs)/ WKN 747119) meldete am Mittwoch, dass er einen Anteil von 19,5 Prozent an dem italienischen Start-up-Unternehmen Estelux s.r.l. erwirbt.

      Wie der Hersteller von Solarmodulen und Photovoltaiksystemen für den Bau solarer Großkraftwerke mitteilte, plant Estelux den Aufbau einer Produktion von Solarsilizium nach dem so genannten Siemens-Verfahren. Dazu soll im norditalienischen Ferrara eine Produktionsstätte mit einer jährlichen Produktionskapazität von 4.000 Tonnen aufgebaut werden. Der Start der Produktion ist für Ende 2010 geplant. Die Gesamtinvestitionssumme wird ca. 360 Mio. Euro betragen, hieß es.

      Die strategische Beteiligung diene dazu, in einem unverändert nachfragegetriebenen Marktumfeld die Rohstoffbasis von SOLON weiter zu verbreitern und dem Unternehmen langfristig Zugang zu zusätzlichen Mengen an Solarsilizium bzw. Solarzellen zu sichern.
      schrieb am 05.06.08 12:07:16
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Liansheng Miao // China, Baoding // FBR ??????

      ...könnte auch eine Ente sein:

      YGE building 18,000 MT FBR plant 5-Jun-08 01:06 am
      Saw this on couple Chinese-based forums, but cannot find it anywhere, anybody seen this? This dated from last week...I believe the poly plant LDK is building is at 16,000 MT capacity. This one by YGE should become the largest by chinese solar company(from what i gather, maybe wrong)

      YGE Chairman Joins Poly Club
      Piper Jaffray Equity Research (PJE) Date: 2008-05-22 17:11:17


      * We have confirmed that YGE Chairman Mr. Miao is building an18,000MT FBR plant in Baoding,China, where YGE is headquartered. We believe that project financing for the plant is in progress through Merrill Lynchandthese news have been on the Chinese press and Debtwire. We have spoken with management on this matter and have confirmed that this poly project is in progress.

      * We note that a difference between YGE's and LDK's poly plant plans is that YGE chairman is putting his own money at risk, and not shareholders'.

      * Maintain Buy

      * We have learnedthat the plant broke ground last month and will use FBR technology with help from former MEMC Pasadena engineers who have retired and started a new company called Virasa, a company that consults technology for poly plants.We have not validated the technology competence of Virasa, but have been aware of other Virasa projects over past month. Also, we note that the FBR technology appears harder to start, but easier to ramp to full capacity thanks to higher capacity reactors at 2000MT.

      *This poly plant is expected to come on line modestly in 09 with significant ramp exiting 2010. 100% of the output is expected to go to YGE and planned capacity will go up to 1.4GW.YGE shareholders can benefit from this arrangement without financing dilution risk for massive poly plant capex requirements. Downside to shareholders would be if any capacity/ramp/ production at this plant is delayed and YGE does not have adequate poly4 f- from other vendors.

      *Currently, YGE has secured 80%+ of its '08 polysilicon requirement and ~30%
      of its '09 requirement.Also, we believe the company is in the process of a
      negotiating additional contracts for its '09 poly supply and we expect to hear related announcements in 2H08. In addition, if this poly plant starts production per plans, it will only further strengthen supply and should be a positive for YGE.
      schrieb am 05.06.08 12:09:59
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.243.839 von meinolf67 am 05.06.08 12:07:16kommt wohl von Alibaba (kann jemand Chinesisch?):

      New Roman ">转自新能源论坛wangxi98的帖子

      YGEChairman Joins Poly Club
      Piper Jaffray Equity Research (PJE) Date: 2008-05-22 17:11:17 8 i# A+ r2 }% V* A


      * We have confirmed that YGE Chairman Mr. Miao is building an18,000MT FBR plant in Baoding,China, where YGE is headquartered. We believe that project financing for the plant is in progress through Merrill Lynchandthese news have been on the Chinese press and Debtwire. We have spoken with management on this matter and have confirmed that this poly project is in progress.

      * We note that a difference between YGE's and LDK's poly plant plans is that YGE chairman is putting his own money at risk, and not shareholders'.

      * Maintain Buy

      * We have learnedthat the plant broke ground last month and will use FBR technology with help from former MEMC Pasadena engineers who have retired and started a new company called Virasa, a company that consults technology for poly plants.We have not validated the technology competence of Virasa, but have been aware of other Virasa projects over past month. Also, we note that the FBR technology appears harder to start, but easier to ramp to full capacity thanks to higher capacity reactors at 2000MT.

      *This poly plant is expected to come on line modestly in 09 with significant ramp exiting 2010. 100% of the output is expected to go to YGE and planned capacity will go up to 1.4GW.YGE shareholders can benefit from this arrangement without financing dilution risk for massive poly plant capex requirements. Downside to shareholders would be if any capacity/ramp/ production at this plant is delayed and YGE does not have adequate poly4 f- from other vendors.

      *Currently, YGE has secured 80%+ of its '08 polysilicon requirement and ~30%
      of its '09 requirement.Also, we believe the company is in the process of a
      negotiating additional contracts for its '09 poly supply and we expect to hear related announcements in 2H08. In addition, if this poly plant starts production per plans, it will only further strengthen supply and should be a positive for YGE.
      其他的消息说苗正在计划,Piper Jaffray这里确说已经动工了
      浏览全文(0) | 发表评论 |
      schrieb am 05.06.08 17:06:41
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Universal Semiconductor // Taiwan // Siemens ??

      wieder was ausgegraben:

      April 7, 2008
      Neo Solar Power (NSP) Announced Material Board Resolution
      Resolved Participation of Poly-Silicon Investment

      New Solar Power (NSP, 3576 TT) today announced material Board resolutions. The Board of Director

      1. Approved the investment in the Poly-Silicon (Poly-Si) manufacturer, Universal Semiconductor
      Corporation (USC), for the amount no greater than US$20 million. As the tight supply and rising
      costs of Poly-Si continues hinder the demand growth of solar industry, NSP aims to secure stable
      Poly-Si supply to meet robust production expansion and further capitalize synergies from vertical
      integration. Led by USI Group(台聚), a prominent Taiwan petrochemical group, USC assembles
      gifted talents from the globe with an average of 15-years of experiences. Phase 1 capacity
      installation is targeted at 3,000 metric tons. Accommodating to scale advancement and new
      capacity ramp-up, NSP has signed various mid-to-long term wafer procurement contracts and has
      successfully secured wafer requirement for 2008 and 2009 production. While settling wafer supply,
      NSP also strives to reach mid-to-long term sales contracts. Leveraging secured supply and sales
      partnerships, NSP is expected to deliver sustainable profit growth. Through constant product
      quality advancement and cost reduction, NSP is expected to achieve superior profit performance to
      maximize shareholders’ value.
      schrieb am 14.06.08 12:54:18
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Estelux // Siemens // Italien

      Start-up plans polysilicon plant in Italy
      11 June 2008 | Materials: News

      FerreraAn Italian start-up, Estelux, has given a contract to Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., to oversee the construction of it first polysilicon production facility to be built on an existing petrochemical site in Ferrara, Italy. SOLON Group was said to be an owner of shares in Estelux. The plant is expected to cost approximately €360 million and produce 4,000 tins of polysilion per year with full capacity expected to be reached in 2010.

      Estelux's Chief Executive Officer Domenico Sartore noted, "Estelux is a pioneer in the photovoltaic and sustainability industry and we are glad to have Jacobs as a partner in this investment because we share the same vision and approach of developing innovative solutions."

      The polysilicon plant will use the ‘Siemens process’ and have two production buildings employing a closed loop process.
      schrieb am 16.06.08 08:54:17
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Estelux // Siemens // Italien

      June 10, 2008

      Pasadena, CA, USA: Jacobs Receives Contract for New Polysilicon Plant

      Jacobs Engineering Group has received a contract from Estelux to provide engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM) services for a new polysilicon manufacturing facility at the existing petrochemical site in Ferrara, Italy. Estelux is an Italian start-up company with a mission to provide first-class polysilicon, strategic to the entire photovoltaic supply chain. SOLON Group, one of the largest European solar module and photovoltaic systems manufacturers, owns shares in Estelux.

      Jacobs will execute the work from its Milan, Italy, office with support from specialist offices in Greenville, South Carolina, USA; and Mumbai, India. Jacobs Milan office previously completed the preliminary design of the plant.

      The new plant will consist of two production buildings, where the polysilicon production process starts with trichlorosilane decomposition to form silicon rods, with a special closed process system; and a finishing building, with laboratories and control rooms, where the rods are crushed, transformed, and packed in contamination controlled environment.

      The facility will have top-class off-gas treatment plants; a high voltage electrical substation (with transformation and distribution stations for medium and low voltage); a wastewater treatment plant; distillation and fractionation columns; associated utilities; and other infrastructures.

      The original and traditional production process called "Siemens process" has been optimized by Estelux Team to achieve a top-class product quality. The plant will reach its full operating capacity in 2010, with a polysilicon production of 4,000 tons per year. The total investment will amount to approx. EUR 360 million.

      The facility will be built on an area inside the Ferrara petrochemical site. Environmental impacts will be minimized during the demolition and enabling works prior to construction. Design and construction will maximize energy saving through solar panel utilities usage and recycling technologies, as well as sustainable water and rail transportation solutions and logistics issues. The plant's proximity to the raw material for production limits hazardous materials handling to directly controlled adjacent areas inside the petrochemical site.

      Estelux's Chief Executive Officer Domenico Sartore noted, "Estelux is a pioneer in the photovoltaic and sustainability industry and we are glad to have Jacobs as a partner in this investment because we share the same vision and approach of developing innovative solutions."

      In making the announcement, Jacobs Group Vice President Robert Matha said, "We are proud to be selected by Estelux for this strategic project. Jacobs is committed to deliver the highest value of service to help them establish a strong market-leader position and satisfy the growing demand for polysilicon-based renewable energy sources."

      Jacobs, with over 55,000 employees and revenues exceeding $9.0 billion, provides technical, professional, and construction services globally.
      schrieb am 19.06.08 11:34:47
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Prime Solar // Deutschland-Australien // Siemens

      Prime Solar starts design of 5,000MT polysilicon plant in Leipzig, Germany
      16 June 2008 | Materials: News

      Prime SolarPolysilicon and multicrystalline wafer manufacturing start-up, Prime Solar, headquartered in Perth, Australia has selected CDI Corp to undertake detailed engineering design work for the construction of a polysilicon manufacturing facility near Leipzig, Germany. The contract was signed with CDI Engineering Solutions, a division of CDI Corp.

      "We are pleased in the confidence Prime Solar demonstrated in our polysilicon plant design capabilities," said Robert Giorgio, President of CDI Engineering Solutions. "CDI Engineering Solutions has successfully designed trichlorosilane and polysilicon plants around the world and we look forward to applying our engineering skills towards development of a plant that will help meet the growing demand for solar energy."

      The initial plan is for a polysilicon plant with a capacity of 5,000 metric tons per year that will feed Prime Solar’s second business unit producing 600MW of multicrystalline wafers, from the second quarter of 2010.

      Phase II is planned to boost polysilicon supply to 10,000 metric tons per annum in 2011-2012.

      "We value CDI's global depth of experience and design expertise in the polysilicon arena," said Dr. Dilawar Singh, Chairman and CEO of Prime Solar. "We look forward to utilizing their skills to help us create a new facility that will provide us with an ongoing reliable inventory of feedstock."
      schrieb am 19.06.08 13:44:32
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      NanoGram is developing a breakthrough crystalline silicon-based solar module manufacturing process that dramatically reduces module cost to the level of thin film photovoltaics while delivering high efficiency. The process leverages NanoGram\\\'s proprietary laser reactive deposition (LRD(tm)) technique, which drives down PV module costs by reducing silicon consumption to less than 25 percent compared to typical wafer-based approaches. Significant cost reductions generated using this approach are expected to bring module costs well below $1.00/Wp when high volume manufacturing production levels are reached in 2012.
      schrieb am 26.06.08 12:07:44
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Norsun // Saudi-Arabien // Siemens

      NorSun forms JV with Saudi partners to build polysilicon complex in Jubail industrial city, Saudi Arabia

      NorSun AS has signed a joint venture agreement with the Saudi Arabian companies Swicorp-Joussour (Swicorp) and Chemical Development Company (CDC) an entity having the Olayan Group and the Shoabi Group as major shareholders. The purpose of the agreement is to establish a joint venture company with the aim to build and operate a polysilicon complex in the industrial city of Jubail in Saudi Arabia.

      The production capacity of polysilicon at the initial plant will be the equivalent of 500 MW per year. Commercial production is planned to commence in 2010. The site will allow for subsequent expansions up to an annual production capacity equivalent to 2000 MW.

      In conjunction with the joint venture agreement, NorSun has signed a 10 year off-take agreement for 50% of the output of the initial plant capacity. NorSun and SunPower Corporation have also signed a put/call agreement for half of NorSun’s initial shareholding in the new company. NorSun will initially own 50% of the shareholding in the company, while Swicorp and CDC will hold 25% each.

      About Swiscorp and CDC
      Swicorp is a private equity firm based in the Middle East. CDC is a private stock company owned by four major private groups in Saudi Arabia; Olayan, Shoaibi, Al-Mojel and Salman Al-Jishi. CDC is headquartered in Khobar, the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia, and is mandated to invest in petrochemical and energy intensive industries.
      schrieb am 01.07.08 12:17:22
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      DC Chemical // Korea // Siemens

      DC Chemical to expand polysilicon production by 11,500MT
      30 June 2008 | Materials: News

      DC Chemical’s Board of Directors has approved plans to expand the company’s polysilicon manufacturing facilities. The move will see the expansion of the existing No. 1 and No. 2 facilities at an estimated cost of 260 billion South Korean won (just under US$250 million), and the construction of a new 10,000MT plant at its Gunsan site at an estimated cost of 880 billion won (approximately US$840 million).

      With this expansion, DC Chemical would move up the ranks to become the world’s second largest polysilicon producer, with an annual polysilicon output of 26,500MT per annum by 2010. The company has also said that it is currently discussing further long-term arrangements for the capacity of the No. 3 plant.

      Construction on the new 10,000MT site (No. 3) will begin in July 2008, with an expected completion date of December 2009. The expansion of plant No. 1 will bring the site’s capacity from 5,000MT to 6,500MT per annum, while the company has said that additional funds are required for the construction of plant No. 2, the establishment of which was announced in December 2007.

      The cost of these developments will bring the company’s total investment in the polysilicon business to 2.25 trillion won (approximately $2.2 billion), comprising an initial investment of 1.11 trillion won and today’s announcement of a further investment of 1.14 trillion won.

      Financing for the projects will be provided via a combination of long-term supply agreements and internal funds.

      By Síle Mc Mahon
      schrieb am 03.07.08 11:27:20
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Solar Energy LLC // Russland // Siemens

      Solar Energy, LLC Selects CDI Engineering Solutions for Polysilicon Plant Engineering Contract

      PHILADELPHIA, June 25, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- CDI Corp. (NYSE: CDI) announced today that its CDI Engineering Solutions business unit has been selected by Solar Energy, LLC of Dankov, Russia, a subsidiary of Industrial Investors Group, to provide technology integration and basic engineering services for a 1200 MT polysilicon production facility to be located near the south-central Russian city of Lipetsk.

      CDI's scope of work involves integration services and technical oversight of the basic engineering packages produced for the trichlorosilane (TCS) plant, the vent gas treatment system and the polysilicon plant production area. This will include the chemical vapor deposition reactors and converters for the manufacture of polysilicon. CDI will also provide Balance of Plant Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) services for the waste treatment system, offsite facilities, utilities and infrastructure for the entire production facility.

      "Selecting CDI to provide the overall integration of the technologies will be key for the success of our project," said CEO of Solar Energy, Eugene Vaag. "Their experience in TCS design and overall polysilicon facilities made our choice very clear."

      CDI Engineering Solutions has been involved in the design of polysilicon projects utilizing similar processes for over a decade with many of its clients' plants in operation today. As a leader in implementing TCS technology, CDI is providing technology integration, basic engineering, Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) and Engineering Procurement Construction Management (EPCM) services for polysilicon producing clients through a Global Project Development organization dedicated to the polysilicon market and headquartered in Houston, Texas.

      Keith Landry, Vice President of Global Project Development for CDI Engineering Solutions said, "We are pleased to be selected for this important project for Solar Energy. Our teams are dedicated to providing a highly valuable and efficient design for the new TCS and polysilicon production plant."

      About CDI

      Headquartered in Philadelphia, CDI Corp. (NYSE: CDI) is a leading provider of engineering and information technology outsourcing solutions and professional staffing. Its operating units include CDI Engineering Solutions, CDI IT Solutions, CDI AndersElite Limited and Management Recruiters International, Inc. Visit CDI at

      About Industrial Investors Group and Solar Energy LLC

      Industrial Investors Group is a leading Russian independent investment company in Russia. Since 2000, Industrial Investors has been actively investing in the Russian economy, focusing on sectors with strong growth potential. Solar Energy LLC is a subsidiary of the Industrial Investors Group. For more information, go to

      Solar Energy LLC is a vertically integrated solar business that includes all key elements of the solar value chain; from production of high-grade polysilicon components to fully integrated photovoltaic systems; achieving this solely based on its own manufacturing, marketing and distribution assets. Solar Energy's mission is to be a global leader in the solar energy marketplace.
      schrieb am 03.07.08 11:28:39
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Solar Energy LLC // Russland // Siemens

      The «Solar Energy» company is first industrial scale alternative energy project in Russia.

      The project goal is foundation of a vertically-integrated business that involves production of efficient and high-grade PolySi-based components with making them further on into PV systems as well as implementation of marketing and distribution.

      The «Solar Energy» strategy includes:

      -&Become the lowest-cost producer in the global markets, using Russia’s competitive advantages.

      - Tap into global unfulfilled demand.

      - Build, own and manage facilities integrated into upstream, midstream and downstream.

      - Involve a top-class Western partner to ensure international scale.

      The «Solar Energy» holding includes two production lines in Russia:

      - PolySi production unit in OAO Silan’s premises near Lipetsk (south-central Russia) with annual capacity of 1,000 tons to start production in Q1, 2009. Approx. 100 t. of annual production of PolySi will be allocated for the Ryazan plant. The remainder will be sold in the global (mainly West-European) markets.

      - Cells production unit in the plant in Ryazan (east-central Russia) with annual capacity of 10,08 MW to start operation in Q2, 2008. In the first 18 months the feedstock (PolySi) for the production of cells will be purchased from a third party.
      schrieb am 04.07.08 21:44:18
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      KCC / Korea

      Das soll wohl recht fett werden...

      SEOUL, July 3 (Reuters) - KCC (002380.KS: Quote, Profile, Research), South Korean construction materials maker, will spend 3.9 trillion won ($3.8 billion) building a polysilicon plant in the country and in other related investment.

      The company said in a filing to the Korea Exchange on Thursday that it had signed a preliminary contract to build the plant in Chungcheong Province, south of Seoul.

      The spending plan includes an initial 320 billion won investment it announced in February to have a polysilicon manufacturing facility, making its foray into the business.

      Polysilicon is used for the manufacturing of solar cells and semiconductors.

      Late last year, KCC said it raised $1 billion through the issue of zero-coupon exchangeable notes.

      Shares in KCC fell 2.8 percent to close at 412,000 won before the disclosure, underperforming the wider market which was down 1 percent. ($1=1037.5 Won)

      (Reporting by Kim Yeon-hee; Editing by Editing by Tomasz Janowski)
      schrieb am 04.07.08 21:59:35
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.442.511 von SLGramann am 04.07.08 21:44:18jau;

      vermute, das ist das "koreanische Konglomerat", von dem in den Filings eines Zellherstellers -glaube es war Suntech- gesprochen wird...
      schrieb am 07.07.08 08:10:11
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Hemlock // USA

      July 1, 2008

      Lansing, MI, USA: Legislature Passes Plan to Allow for Hemlock Semiconductor Expansion

      State Representatives Jeff Mayes (D-Bay City) and Andy Coulouris (D-Saginaw) yesterday voted to give final approval to a plan that clears the way for nearly $1 billion to be invested in the expansion of the Hemlock Semiconductor in Saginaw County, creating thousands of jobs for local workers and positioning Michigan to become a leader in renewable energy production. The plan now heads to Governor Jennifer M. Granholm to be signed into law.

      "Michigan can be a leader in the renewable energy industry, rather than sitting back and watching other states attract these rapidly growing businesses," said Mayes, vice chair of the House Energy and Technology Committee. "We're already seeing remarkable growth in the alternative energy sector, which translates into good-paying jobs for Michigan workers. The key is drawing even more businesses to settle and expand here, which is exactly what this plan will do."

      Hemlock Semiconductor, based in Hemlock, is a leader in the production of polycrystalline silicon, which is used to produce solar panels and computer chips. Dow Corning, the parent company of Hemlock Semiconductor, is currently seeking a location to invest about $1 billion to expand Hemlock Semiconductor's facilities. The plan that passed the House today will provide tax credits to Hemlock for more than a decade – potentially until 2023.

      It is part of the House's groundbreaking comprehensive energy plan that aims to bring Michigan into the next century of energy production. This new $1 billion investment is in addition to a $1 billion investment announced in May 2007, and a $500 million expansion investment announced in November 2005, both of which are being spent on the facility in Hemlock.

      "This plan sends a clear message to renewable energy companies looking for a great place to expand that Michigan is the place to be," Coulouris said. "Hemlock Semiconductor and other alternative energy leaders are an important part of a prosperous future for Michigan. This plan will help diversify Michigan's economy, create jobs for our workers and get our state headed in the right direction."
      schrieb am 07.07.08 08:11:47
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Solar Pvt. Ltd.// Indien // ??

      Himachal Pradesh set to get first solar grade silicon plant
      State Bureau
      Posted online: Chandigarh, Jun 25 IST

      Thursday , June 26, 2008 at 2220 hrs Himachal Pradesh, is all set to house country's first solar grade silicon manufacturing plant. A proposal has been submitted to the state government by Indo-Norwegian Solar Pvt Ltd, a joint venture company, which intends to invest between Rs 1,200 -1,500 crore for setting up a Solar Grade Silicon manufacturing facility.

      Sources in the industry department informed, that the company will submit the final proposal soon and is scouting for land.

      “We have suggested the company, to establish the project in Una, as the land requirement is upto 80 acres. The total manufacturing capacity of the plant is likely to be around 5,400 tonnes of silicon per annum. Power requirement is expected to go upto 30 MW,”said an official.

      Based on a unique Norwegian patented technology, Solar Grade Silicon, the core material for making solar cells, would be manufactured at the plant. This technology would reduce cost of production, consume less power during the production process, and cost of the plant is much lower than the conventional Siemens technology based process, said company officials.

      The company will set up the plant in the first phase, to produce 600 tonnes of silicon per annum. On completion the plant would produce 5,400 tonnes per annum, major portion of which would be for the export market. A facility for cutting the Silicon ingots into wafers, suitable for making solar cells would also be set up.

      Once the facility becomes fully operational, the company expects to touch a revenue target of $1 billion in a year. The plant is expected to generate employment for about 500 persons.
      schrieb am 11.07.08 19:39:37
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Schmid // Silan // Deutschland

      Linde and Schmid to collaborate on silane production at new Dresden plant
      11 July 2008 | Materials: News

      LindeIn an attempt to meet the increasing demand for high-purity silane gas in the PV industry, the Linde Group and Schmid Silicon Pilot Production have decided to collaborate on silane production via the joint ownership of a new facility in Dresden, Germany. The silane produced at this facility will contribute towards the current capacity for Linde’s customers and will be based on the new Schmid Monosilane Technology process.

      The plant, which is currently under construction in Schwarze Pumpe near Dresden, will be owned and operated by Schmid for a capacity of up to 540 tonnes per year, while Linde will then take over ownership and operation for production of an initial capacity of 300 tonnes.

      “Demand for high purity silane gas for electronics industry applications is growing rapidly, especially for the new Thin Film Photovoltaic (PV) market,” said Graham Hodgson, Director of Linde’s Silane Program. “As the leading global gas supplier to this PV market, Linde has embarked on an ambitious program of investments to ensure that the needs of our customers are fully met. We believe Schmid fully understands PV customer needs, and this collaboration will significantly ease the supply of silane.”
      schrieb am 14.07.08 11:08:53
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      ShanXi Lu An Mining // Siemens // China // Centrotherm

      14.07.2008 09:30
      centrotherm photovoltaics gewinnt strategischen Großauftrag
      • Erster geschäftsbereichsübergreifender Auftrag bestätigt Vision

      • Silizium: Anlagen und Engineering-Dienstleistungen

      • Solarzelle: Schlüsselfertige Produktionslinien à 30 MW

      • Aktueller Auftragsbestand steigt auf 874,2 Mio. Euro.

      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ots.CorporateNews übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Blaubeuren (euro adhoc) - 14. Juli 2008 - Die centrotherm photovoltaics AG hat von der Shanxi Lu´an Mining Corporation, Ltd., Houbu, Shanxi, China, einen strategischen Großauftrag erhalten, der nahezu die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette von der Polysiliziumproduktion bis zur Solarzellenfertigung umfasst. Neben zwei schlüsselfertigen 30-Megawatt-Produktionslinien ("Turnkey"-Linien) zur Herstellung von Solarzellen liefert die Gesellschaft eine größere Anzahl von Reaktoren und Konvertern und bietet Engineering-Dienstleistungen für die Polysiliziumproduktion an. Die von centrotherm photovoltaics gelieferten Anlagen werden die Produktion von rund 2.500 Tonnen Polysilizium ermöglichen. Über das Auftragsvolumen wurde Stillschweigen vereinbart.

      Die Auslieferung der Anlagen und Produktionslinien soll Mitte 2009 starten. Somit wird der Auftrag in 2009 und 2010 umsatz- und ergebniswirksam. Mit dem aktuellen Auftrag steigt der Auftragsbestand auf 874,2 Mio. Euro.

      "Dieser Auftrag hat für uns große strategische Bedeutung", sagt Hans Autenrieth, Vorstand der centrotherm photovoltaics AG. (News/Aktienkurs) "Es ist uns nicht nur gelungen, unsere schlüsselfertigen Produktionslinien als erster Anbieter in China erfolgreich zu platzieren. Wir haben auch einen wichtigen Meilenstein auf unserem Weg hin zur vollintegrierten Fabrik erreicht: Von der Siliziumproduktion bis hin zur Solarzelle können wir schon heute unseren Kunden Technologie und Equipment bieten. Dass dies mehr als nur eine Zukunftsvision ist, zeigt das uns entgegengebrachte Vertrauen unseres neuen chinesichen Kunden Shanxi Lu´an. Auch zukünftig sehen wir hier eine hohe Dynamik."

      China ist einer der weltweit größten Märkte für die Herstellung von Solarzellen und Solarmodulen. Die derzeit mehr als 50 etablierten Hersteller in China zeigen einen weiter wachsenden Bedarf an Polysilizium und schlüsselfertigen Angeboten im Bereich Solarzelle. In Branchenkreisen wird mit einer installierten Zellkapazität von 4 Gigawatt bis Ende 2009 gerechnet.
      schrieb am 23.07.08 19:45:00
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      es fällt auf, daß seit ein paar wochen keine neuen Projekte mehr gemeldet werden...

      deflection point?
      schrieb am 24.07.08 13:05:12
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      GCL Silicon Technology // Siemens // China

      Chinese solar power company files for US IPO
      By Anette Jönsson | 22 July 2008

      GCL Silicon is aiming to raise at least $750 million to fund an aggressive capacity ramp-up over the next few years.

      GCL Silicon Technology Holdings has decided to brave the still jittery market for initial public offerings and go ahead with its plans for a US listing. Yesterday the Chinese solar power company filed for an IPO of up to $862.5 million.

      GCL Silicon has started investor education in the US and, while it has yet to set a definitive timetable, sources say it could kick-off formal marketing and bookbuilding at the end of this week with the aim of pricing the deal in the first week of August. The stock will trade on the New York Stock Exchange.

      Sources familiar with the deal earlier said that the company needs to raise about $750 million towards its planned capital expenditure, which exactly matches the filed-for issue size when adding in a 15% greenshoe. Given the capex needs, the base offer is expected to be all new shares, but some of the pre-IPO shareholders, which include Deutsche Bank, Trustbridge Partners, Milestone China Opportunities Fund, Investec Bank and CDH Venture Partners, may sell some of their shares through the greenshoe. Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley are joint bookrunners for the offering.

      Solar power companies listed in the US have been highly volatile this year. Share prices have been underpinned by high oil prices, but at the same time investors have remained sceptical as to whether the companies will be able to deliver on their plans amid a continuing – albeit decreasing – shortage of polysilicon (a raw material crucial for the production of solar cells) that is causing bottlenecks in the upstream part of the value chain. The market reaction towards companies that have posted strong earnings has been highly favourable though, with double-digit percentage gains not unusual in the wake of such “proof” of their continuous growth. As the availability of silicon improves and a lot of new capacity comes on board this year and next, the sector is, however, expected to become increasingly competitive.

      Even so, sources say GCL Silicon is in a good position to capture a piece of the action, as its main business is to supply highly coveted polysilicon, which it makes at a production facility in China’s Jiangsu province. It also intends to move further down the supply chain by starting to manufacture wafers in the third quarter of 2009. Wafers are the next step in the value chain before the actual production of solar cells and panels.

      GCL Silicon has a short track record, having begun operations in July 2006 and having produced its first batch of polysilicon as recently as September 2007. However, it is already the largest supplier of this raw material in China and among the top three or four players in the world together with companies like US-based REC, Germany-based Wacker Group and Korean newcomer DC Chemical. By March 2010, GCL Silicon plans to have a production capacity of 13,500 tonnes of polysilicon, and by 2011 it should reach 24,000 tonnes, up from 1,500 tonnes in March this year. It isn’t yet utilising this capacity in full though, with a production of 302 tonnes in the three months to March and 359 tonnes in the three months to June.

      In also plans to build a wafer production facility with 1.9GW of capacity that should be completed by the end of 2010. It has recently begun selling wafers that are produced through tolling agreements with third-party manufacturers. The company will continue to rely on these suppliers until it has sufficient in-house wafer capacity to go it on its own. It currently supplies wafers through long-term contracts to players like JA Solar and Solarcell, and has long-term supply agreements for polysilicon with Trina Solar and Solarfun Power Holdings.

      Among the key investment arguments, sources say, are: the high quality of GCL Silicon’s product; the fact that it is such a large deal; and a compelling valuation – although the latter won’t be finalised until after the company receives feedback from the investor education process. It will likely also be only the fourth IPO in the US by an Asian company this year after education play ATA; solar wafer manufacturer Renesola, which was already listed in London but completed a US listing and public offer in late January; and China Distance Education Holdings (CDEL), a provider of online test preparation courses, which is currently in the market with an IPO of up to $96 million that is scheduled to price next week.

      GCL Silicon posted a loss of $2.9 million in 2007 on revenues of $40.8 million, but turned around in the three months to March when it reached a net profit of $34.7 million on revenues of $81.5 million.
      schrieb am 25.07.08 16:41:15
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Polysilicon players eye Inner Mongolia as a potential production center

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      Staff reporter, Taipei; Esther Lam, DIGITIMES [Friday 25 July 2008]

      Thanks to relatively low electricity costs, Huhehaote, Inner Mongolia, is being regarded as a city that may be ideal for polysilicon and solar wafer production, as evidenced by the number of photovoltaic (PV) industry players locating their production in the region.

      Huhehaote is naturally ideal for PV industry in terms of rich natural resources reserves, said PV industry players from Taiwan. Thanks to the rich coal and carbon reserves, per watt power costs in the region are about 30-50% cheaper than that seen in Taiwan, said solar industry players from Taiwan. Argon gas, which is one of the key chemical gases for use in solar ingot production, is also priced about one third cheaper there, the players said.

      Since polysilicon production is a power-intensive industry with electricity costs accounting for 30% of total costs (for those that adopt the traditional Siemens production method), most leading polysilicon makers such as Hemlock Semiconductor, Wacker, MEMC Materials, Tokuyama tend to rely on water, electric-gas or renewable energy instead of coal/carbon for electricity generation, the industry players commented.

      Electricity costs account for a high proportion of of solar ingot production costs, the industry players noted. Amid a recent electricity cost adjustment in Taiwan, leading solar wafer makers including Green Energy Technology and Sino-American Silicon Products (SAS) are said to be implementing a price adjustment of about 5-10% to account for the change in energy costs, the players observed.

      With Taiwan companies growing more optimistic about policies governing their cross-strait investments, Huhehaote's role in the PV industry has drawn their attention, especially amid a speculated collaboration between Green Energy and the China-based Shenzhou Silicon Industry for the production of polysilicon and solar ingots that would be located in Huhehaote.
      schrieb am 31.07.08 11:35:59
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Silfab // Siemens // Italien

      Pan Asia Solar beteiligt sich an Silfab
      29.07.2008: Silfab SpA gab bekannt, dass Pan Asia Solar sich an ihrem
      Gesellschaftskapital beteiligen wird. Beide Unternehmen haben dafür die Firma
      GridCo Srl gegründet. Silfab will 2009 die Produktion von Solarsilizium mit einer
      järlicher Kapazität von 3.000 Tonnen starten. Ab 2010 soll sich die Kapazität auf 5.000
      Tonnen erhöhen. ...
      Quelle: Silfab SpA, Übersetzung: PHOTON
      schrieb am 31.07.08 13:29:50
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      PeakSunSilicon // BromoSilan??? // USA, Oregon


      Boosted by new state incentives and betting on the future, Oregon’s solar industry is soaring.

      By Ben Jacklet

      John Schumacher developed a revolutionary idea to lower the cost of solar power during the last oil crisis 33 years ago. Answering a call from the U.S. government for solar innovations, he invented a closed-loop, low-energy system to produce high-quality polysilicon for solar cells. He was certain his process would improve efficiency throughout the solar industry, but he never got to find out. Support from the government faded as oil prices returned to earth, and investors didn’t fill the gap. Schumacher reluctantly dropped his plans and proceeded with a successful career that saw him earn over 40 patents and create hundreds of high-paying R&D jobs through the various technology companies he created in California.

      Three decades later, Schumacher is getting another chance to make his solar system a reality — in Oregon. His company, Peak Sun Silicon, has broken ground on a polysilicon manufacturing plant in Millersburg, north of Albany, with ambitious plans to raise $718 million and create 500 jobs by the end of 2011, generating raw materials for a solar manufacturing industry that is growing robustly both globally and in Oregon. State officials predict that by this time next year Oregon will reach $1.4 billion in committed capital for solar manufacturing. And that figure doesn’t include the earnings of a growing legion of system installers, distributors, marketers, electricians, researchers, financial consultants, lawyers and architects who plan to be soaking up rays and revenues as the push to solar intensifies.

      Oregon is betting big on all forms of renewable energy, but none has drawn more investment and business interest than the burgeoning solar industry. At the world’s largest solar trade show in Munich, Germany, in April there was one U.S. state with its own booth: Oregon. Solar entrepreneurs enticed by lucrative incentives, most notably the German powerhouse SolarWorld, are pouring into the Oregon market, and more are being recruited, making the state’s goal of a “self-reinforcing cluster” in the solar industry seem less like wishful thinking and more like concrete reality. Residential solar installations are up 35%, commercial projects are on track to quadruple from 2007 to 2008, and the market looks even sunnier to the south, where California has launched a $3.35 billion solar initiative that will further boost demand for solar equipment that is more and more likely to be made in Oregon.

      The timing is serendipitous. The weak dollar is boosting exports and sending oil prices to all-time highs. New concerns and laws regarding climate change are strengthening a market that is firmly established in Europe and growing everywhere else. Venture capital investments in solar energy topped $1 billion in the U.S. last year, and two of the hottest stocks on Wall Street have been First Solar in Phoenix and Sun Power in San Jose. With a strong Silicon Forest workforce familiar with the basic technology used in solar manufacturing and some of the most generous subsidies offered by any state, Oregon has positioned itself to capitalize mightily on what New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman recently labeled “the next great global industry — clean power.”

      But for all of the investor exuberance regarding solar, the fact remains that solar energy is not even close to eclipsing wind power, much less coal, hydro and even nuclear energy. For solar to compete without exorbitant subsidies, costs must come down. That is the goal of the solar companies expanding in Oregon, and the industry as a whole.

      Joseph Reinhart, executive director of the Oregon Solar Energy Industry Association, says solar’s future is rooted not in idealism but in “continued and sustained profitability.” A veteran of the semiconductor industry, Reinhart doesn’t see any reason why mass production and innovation can’t bring down costs quickly. “Just think about the $800 laptop you can buy today,” he says. “Less than 10 years ago it was $2,500, and you can’t even compare the functionality. I see the same thing happening with solar."

      For the past 30 years Oregon’s solar sector has been dominated by early adopters with plenty of ideas and innovation but limited access to capital. That has changed dramatically. According to the Portland-based research firm Clean Edge, capital investment in renewable energy companies in the United States has ballooned from $599 million in 2000 to $2.7 billion in 2007. VC investment in solar topped $1 billion in the nation in more than 700 financing rounds last year, according to the Prometheus Institute, a sustainable technology research firm based in Cambridge, Mass. Global powerhouses such as General Electric, Google and Applied Materials also are wagering aggressively on the future of solar as a hedge against rising energy prices and concerns about the true costs of pollution and climate change.

      Oregon saw the light in the legislative session of 2007, approving sizable subsidies to companies willing to invest in solar. The biggest incentive is an aggressive business energy tax credit or BETC (pronounced “Betsy”) that was expanded by the state Legislature in January to cover an enticing 50% of a company’s investments up to $40 million. This super-sized incentive has had an immediate impact, enabling companies to leverage significant capital to set up, expand and drive up production in Oregon. Four companies — SolarWorld, Peak Sun Silicon, Solaicx and PV Powered — have received state approval for a combined $46 million in tax credits from this one subsidy alone.

      A little more than a year ago, PV Powered was a small startup in Bend with 25 employees building inverters to change the direct current generated by solar systems to alternating current compatible with the grid. Now, with the help of $7 million in BETCs and nearly $30 million in venture capital, the company has grown to more than 60 jobs at a new 100,000-square-foot facility and plans to keep growing in Bend and begin exporting.
      Solaicx vice president Jeff Jones at the company’s new manufacturing plant in north Portland. “It’s fun to be back in an industry that’s in a growth mode,” says Jones, who recently left the semiconductor business.

      Gregg Patterson, a former Hewlett Packard vice president and general manager, took over as CEO and chairman of PV Powered in March 2007. His eyes grow wide as he describes market potential. “The worst forecast I’ve seen calls for a 30% annual growth rate for solar,” he says. “And the inverter will be a critical component of every installation.”

      Solar experts have long decried the inverter as a weak link in the photovoltaic chain, causing 80% of a system’s downtime. Like all inverter manufacturers, PV Powered has struggled with reliability. But a recent collaboration with Boeing has helped the company tighten quality control standards; its inverters come with a 10-year warranty.

      The more efficient a system becomes, the better it will compete. That is one of many lessons Jeff Jones learned from the boom years of the semiconductor industry. Jones was one of the original hires when Siltronic moved to Portland in the late 1970s, and in his 28-year career there he trained 450 people to manufacture semiconductors. Now he’s doing the same thing with silicon wafers for solar cells.

      Jones left Siltronic during a recent downturn and is now vice president of manufacturing at the new Solaicx manufacturing plant in North Portland, where the sign on the entrance states the company’s mission clearly: “Making Solar Electricity Cost Effective.” Jones compares the solar market to the market for semiconductors in the early ’80s. “It seems like every time you turn around someone has figured out something they were never able to figure out before.”

      Solaicx designed and built the machines at the center of its new Portland factory. The company developed its high-volume process over five years of research in California backed by $58.4 million from investors and expanded to Portland in 2007 after considering Austin, Phoenix and Vancouver, Wash. Among the many government incentives that enticed Solaicx to Portland was a BETC worth approximately $9 million.

      Solaicx CEO Bob Ford says government support played a role in the decision to set up in Portland, but the region’s reliable, low-cost power was also a factor, as was the available workforce. “There were five crystal-growing operations already here and some of them were closing down,” he says. “That means you have an immediately available pool of workers who understand the process.”

      The company has hired more than 50 people and is accepting applications for crystal growers and wire saw operators. Ford predicts the number of jobs will double by the end of the year as the company works out the kinks in its new process and gears up to meet demand. “The solar industry is a locomotive that has already left the station,” he proclaims, “and it is accelerating.”
      Dynalectric Oregon workers Dustin Henry and Jarred Coy install solar panels at the Portland Habilitation Center as part of an 870-kilowatt rooftop system.

      Solaicx and PV Powered are growing quickly and may one day raise further capital by going public. But for now their combined market share is minuscule compared to that of SolarWorld, the vertically integrated German giant that is building the nation’s largest solar factory plant in Hillsboro.

      SolarWorld vice president Bob Beisner says his company considered the option of building in Asia to save on labor costs and rejected it. “We made a decision to manufacture in the U.S. because we feel the U.S. will become one of the biggest marketplaces for solar in the world over the next five to 10 years. For us to be here makes perfect sense. It will help us to diversify our risks, and the euro exchange rate makes it very favorable to be manufacturing in the U.S. We were also dissuaded by intellectual property rights laws in China.”

      Beisner says SolarWorld chose Oregon over states such as California, Washington and Colorado because the Silicon Forest “gives us an automatic base of people, vendors and suppliers that already understand silicon. We can go out and get crystal, we can go out and get graphite, we can go out and get the people to maintain our equipment because our equipment is very similar to what is used in the semiconductor industry.”

      Local and state subsidies also played a role, including an enterprise zone property tax abatement, $500,000 for workforce training from the state’s Strategic Reserve Fund and a whopping $20 million BETC. SolarWorld plans to create 1,000 jobs by 2010 and may expand beyond that depending on the market.

      SolarWorld’s stock peaked last November but has returned to earth as solar panel prices have gone up instead of down. The mass production that was supposed to bring down costs in the industry has created a global shortage of silicon, and prices for that crucial material have risen from $25 to $400 per kilogram, making it even more of a challenge to bring down prices.

      But the silicon shortage is expected to be short-lived, as new companies such as Peak Sun Silicon rush to meet demand. Peak Sun CEO John Schumacher has launched the first of three planned phases for the Millersburg plant, backed by undisclosed private capital and a healthy package of subsidies including a seven-year property tax abatement and a $10 million BETC.

      Schumacher has a strong record of turning ideas into profits for the J.C. Schumacher Company and other enterprises, but he has yet to prove that his manufacturing system can reliably produce large volumes of cost-competitive, high-grade polysilicon. Assuming he succeeds, he will have no shortage of customers, including SolarWorld and Solaicx, which will need a steady supply of polysilicon for their processes. Schumacher predicts other solar companies will move to Oregon because of the availability of silicon, not to mention the strong support from state officials.

      Christopher Dymond, the solar program manager for the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE), says landing SolarWorld and Peak Sun makes it easier to convince businesses that Oregon is serious about solar. “When I talk with other companies, they ask ‘Well, what do you have there already?’ It’s a question that comes early in the conversation.”

      Tim McCabe, newly appointed director of the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department, says the state is recruiting 11 solar manufacturing companies from the Munich trade show, five of which have already visited Oregon. “We’re trying to capitalize on this because it won’t last forever,” he says. “More states are offering incentives and the competition will get tougher.”

      Oregon recently lost out in the battle to recruit Schott Solar, which plans to invest $500 million and create 1,500 jobs in Albuquerque, N.M. as a result of an aggressive package of incentives from New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson. Other states have outbid Oregon to attract an estimated $4 billion in investments from Schuco International, Evergreen Solar, Optisolar and REC, according to an ODOE report.

      Large manufacturers aren’t the only Oregon businesses investing in subsidized solar. Kettle Foods, Pacific Botanicals, PepsiCo, Gerding Edlen and Sokol Blosser Winery are just a few of the companies that have installed solar systems on their rooftops with support from the Energy Trust of Oregon.

      Kacia Brockman, the trust’s senior solar program manager, says incentives can make solar installations attractive, with a return of up to 8% over the life of the investment. “It’s not a huge moneymaker, but it is a sound investment,” she says. “And it’s very low risk, because the systems are guaranteed to produce power for 20 years.”

      The more systems that are installed, the more demand there is for workers with solar expertise. In 2003 the trust had 12 “trade allies” to collaborate on solar installations. That number has grown to more than 100, according to Brockman. The trust also has helped train more than 750 union electricians to assist with solar installations.

      There is also more work than ever for renewable energy specialists from law firms such as Stoel Rives and Ater Wynne, research firms such as Clean Edge, developers such as Commercial Solar Ventures, plus the growing legion of distributors and marketers moving into Oregon. The nation’s first renewable energy undergraduate degree at the Oregon Institute of Technology should bring more expertise into the industry, as will training programs through Portland Community College and research efforts at the University of Oregon and Oregon State University. New products ranging from solar-powered skylights and scooters to the City of Portland’s goofy solar-powered garbage cans are just the beginning. The next big thing will probably be building materials with solar cells incorporated into them.

      According to University of Oregon physics professor Frank Vignola, two thirds of Oregon receives more solar radiation than does Florida, and even soggy Astoria gets more sunlight than Germany, which leads the world in solar installations. The state’s recently enacted environmental goals — to achieve 25% of power from renewable sources by 2025, limit carbon emissions below Kyoto Protocol levels and put 1.5% of costs for new public buildings toward solar — virtually guarantee that all new energy investments will be in clean power. But the same low energy costs that have enticed large solar manufacturers to move to Oregon also make it impossible for solar to compete with local power rates. As one developer admitted at a recent energy forum, “The main thing the incentives do is to keep a company’s CPA from laughing at you.”

      Nonetheless, solar installations are heating up as businesses, governments and nonprofits strive to highlight their green credentials. Last month workers began installing panels for a 870-kilowatt system on the rooftop of the Portland Habilitation Center near the PDX airport. The project’s developers billed it the largest solar installation in Oregon, but it won’t be for long. Larger plans are in the works from Multnomah County to Arlington to Medford. Portland General Electric, which boasts more customers willing to pay a premium for renewable power than any other utility in the nation, is seeking up to 218 megawatts of additional renewable power sources, and the utility has set the project threshold low to encourage solar proposals.

      PGE and the Energy Trust of Oregon are also working with ProLogis, the largest owner of warehouses in the world, to convert 17 Portland-area roofs into the equivalent of a 3.4-megawatt solar power plant. “So far we’ve done about 750 rooftops in Oregon,” says Peter West, the trust’s director of renewable energy. “Just think about all the roofs in Oregon. We’ve barely touched the possibilities.”

      That’s a common theme throughout the industry. For all of the renewed excitement about solar energy, it holds less than one-tenth of 1% of the world’s energy market. The possibilities for growth and innovation seem endless, but it remains to be seen whether the industry will succeed where it failed during the previous oil crisis in lowering costs to compete without subsidies. Eventually, it will come down to results. Until then, Oregon’s new crop of solar innovators will be humming along to meet demand, scrambling to prove that the state’s incentives have been money well spent.

      Schumacher is confident that the red-hot market for solar is no passing phase this time, and the main reason behind that is money. “Nobody ever made any money in this business before now,” he says. “Now the timing is right,” says Schumacher. “There is money to be made. People are willing to invest and take risks because they see there is no other way out. We have to get rid of our oil dependence. There’s no other way. It’s got to be done.”
      schrieb am 04.08.08 15:09:28
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      6N Silicon // umg-SI // Canada

      July 28, 2008

      Toronto, ON, Canada: Ontario Invests $8 Million in 6N Silicon

      Ontario is creating new jobs in green industries by supporting an innovator in solar power energy. The province is investing nearly $8 million in 6N Silicon to help create sustainable jobs for skilled workers. This investment supports 6N's $50-million expansion. The company is opening a new manufacturing plant in Vaughan and creating 84 new jobs.

      The expansion will help cement 6N's reputation as a leader in the emerging green economy. Many of its employees are former auto workers who have transferred their skills from one sector to another successfully. The company has also drawn international interest for using a revolutionary manufacturing process that turns low-grade silicon into the form needed to produce solar cells. This method is cheaper, quicker and more energy-efficient than others. It is also helping 6N meet growing global demand for renewable power.

      The government's investment comes from the Next Generation of Jobs Fund, which supports Ontario-based companies looking to invest in clean cars, fuels, technologies and products. The fund is part of a broader plan to retool workers and stimulate the province's changing economy.

      “We're proud to support a leading-edge process that creates jobs in Ontario and provides a clean technology solution to the world,” said Premier Dalton McGuinty.

      “Ontario's highly skilled workforce and our government's support for innovation have positioned this province to lead in the global knowledge-based economy,” said Sandra Pupatello, Minister of Economic Development and Trade.

      “We've chosen Ontario because of the skilled workforce, competitive business environment and the tremendous support we've received to help us commercialize our technology. The speed 6N needed to serve our customer's needs was certainly matched by the province,” said Paolo Maccario, CEO of 6N Silicon Inc.
      schrieb am 04.08.08 15:13:11
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.643.072 von meinolf67 am 04.08.08 15:09:28

      Good Energies hat dort investiert...
      schrieb am 12.08.08 07:06:31
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Zahlen sind da

      Press releases
      REC ASA - Second quarter and first six months 2008
      Oslo, August 12, 2008: Renewable Energy Corporation ASA (REC) reported revenues of NOK 2,121 million in the second quarter 2008, an increase of 27 percent from the NOK 1,673 million reported in the second quarter of 2007. Revenues for the first half of 2007 were NOK 3,892 million compared with the NOK 3,288 million reported for the first half of 2007, representing an increase of 18 percent.

      Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to NOK 889 million in the second quarter 2008, compared with NOK 812 million in the second quarter 2007. The EBITDA margin of 42 percent in the second quarter 2008 compares with 49 percent in the same quarter last year. First half over first half, the EBITDA decreased slightly from NOK 1,681 million in 2007 to NOK 1,631 million in 2008.

      Mainly due to higher production and revenues, operating profit (EBIT) increased by six percent to NOK 716 million in the second quarter 2008, compared with NOK 679 million in the same quarter last year. The EBIT margin of 34 percent was a down from 41 percent in the second quarter last year. For the first half of 2008, EBIT declined nine percent to NOK 1,295 million compared with NOK 1,416 million for the same period of 2007.

      Profit before tax was NOK 708 million in the second quarter 2008, compared with NOK 671 million in the second quarter 2007. For the first two quarters of 2008 profit before tax was NOK 1,036 million in 2008 and NOK 1,305 million in 2007.

      Profit after tax was NOK 496 million in the second quarter 2008, compared to NOK 466 million in the same period last. EPS for the quarter was NOK 1.00, compared to NOK 0.94 in the second quarter last year and NOK 0.43 in the first quarter 2008.

      For the first six months, profit after tax amounted to NOK 706 million, compared with NOK 893 million in the first half of 2007. EPS declined to NOK 1.43, from NOK 1.81 in the first half 2007.

      Please see the attachments on or

      Morning program:
      REC will release its second quarter results for 2008 on Tuesday August 12, 2008 just after 07:00 AM CET.

      On the release day, President and CEO Erik Thorsen of REC ASA will give a presentation and other members of the management team will also be present. The presentation will take place at 08:00 hrs Norwegian time/CET at the conference centre Oslo Konserthus, Munkedamsveien 14, 0250 Oslo (

      The presentation, held in English, will be broadcasted live over the Internet, and can be accessed from:

      It will also be possible to listen to the presentation through a conference call. Please use one of the following numbers (conference ID, 4991654):

      Norway free call: 800 196 40
      UK free call: 0800 028 1299
      USA free call: 1888 935 4575
      International dial in: +44 (0)20 7806 1968

      Afternoon program:
      REC will further host an analyst conference call with possibilities for questions and answers later the same day at 15:00 CET. Please make sure to dial inn at least 5 minutes ahead of time to finalize your registration:

      Norway free call: 800 80 119
      International dial in: +47 23 00 04 00

      Immediately after the call, a replay of the conference call will be made available. To access, please dial +47 67 89 40 91 and use the following procedure:
      1. Type account number 1524 followed by # (pound-sign) and press 1
      2. Continue by typing the conference number: 524 followed by # (pound-sign) and press 1 to play

      For more information, please contact;
      Jon Andre Løkke, SVP & Investor Relation Officer, +47 907 44 949

      About REC
      REC is uniquely positioned as one of the most integrated company in the solar energy industry. REC Silicon and REC Wafer are the world's largest producers of polysilicon and wafers for solar applications. REC Solar produces solar cells and solar modules and engage in project development activities in selected segments of the PV market. REC Group had revenues in 2007 of NOK 6,642 million and an operating profit of NOK 2,588 million. Please also see

      Q2 2008 results
      Q2 2008 results
      schrieb am 20.08.08 17:04:54
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Inductotherm Group Enters Solar Market With Polysilicon Technologies
      in News Departments > FYI
      by SI Staff on Monday 18 August 2008
      email the content item print the content item

      Inductotherm Group has entered the solar energy market with technologies designed for the induction melting of silicon, fluidized bed processes, directional solidification and single crystal growing.

      "With the ever-increasing interest in solar panels, polysilicon needs to be produced on a much larger scale in order for solar electricity to achieve grid parity," says Gary Doyon, vice president of Inductotherm. "Inductotherm's large induction furnaces and patented heating technologies will be a giant leap in the direction of an economically viable renewable energy."

      As a multi-technology, global organization, Inductotherm Group serves the thermal processing industry by manufacturing and marketing a diverse range of products and services.

      SOURCE: Inductotherm Group
      schrieb am 21.08.08 09:58:21
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      schrieb am 26.08.08 10:49:17
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      REC ASA - Quebec für künftige Siliziumerweiterungen gewählt

      ( 26.08.2008 08:01:05)
      ASA (REC) ist erfreut, mitteilen zu können, dass Bécancour in der kanadischen Provinz Quebec als Standort für die nächste Expansionsphase von Silizium-Materialien gewählt wurde. Die Entwicklung des Standortes wird stufenweise erfolgen und möglicherweise vier Produktionseinheiten, die hinsichtlich ihrer Grösse mit der zur Zeit in Fertigstellung befindlichen Werksanlage von Moses Lake in Washington (USA) vergleichbar sind, umfassen. REC hat heute beschlossen, die nächste
      Produktionserweiterung seiner Siliziummaterialien in Bécancour in Kanada durchzuführen und hat gleichzeitig mit Hydro Quebec und der Société du Parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour Vereinbarungen unterzeichnet. In den Vereinbarungen werden die Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen sowie sonstige geschäftliche Bedingungen dargestellt. "Die Entwicklung dieses Standorts wird uns in die Lage versetzen, die Expansion unseres Siliziumgeschäfts in einer kostengünstigen Weise fortzusetzen und somit das weitere nachgelagerte Wachstum von REC sowie unser ehrgeiziges langfristiges Kostenziel zu unterstützen", sagte Erik Thorsen, President & CEO von REC. Die Entscheidung über Bécancour wurde nach einem umfassenden, 17-monatigen Verfahren getroffen. Dieses Verfahren beinhaltete die Überprüfung von über 100 möglichen Standorten in 16 Ländern, von denen 40 unter gebührender Sorgfalt ausgeschlossen und zum Schluss mit einigen wenigen Standorten Verhandlungen durchgeführt wurden. Da die Produktion von Polysilizium relativ energieintensiv ist, war der Zugang zu einer stabilen Elektrizitätsversorgung auf der Grundlage einer langfristigen und prognostizierbaren Preiskalkulation ein wichtiger Grund für die Wahl von Bécancour. Darüber hinaus hat sich REC bei der Herstellung von Solarzellen und Sonnenkollektoren auf eine Begrenzung der Umweltbelastungen verpflichtet und bevorzugt daher eine Stromversorgung, die auf erneuerbaren (kohlefreien) Energiequellen basiert. Als Teil der Vereinbarung mit der Regierung von Quebec erhält REC einen langfristigen Energievertrag zu einem wettbewerbsfähigen Gewerbetarif mit Hydro Quebec. Der Energievertrag mit einer Laufzeit von 20 Jahren bietet REC langfristig eine Versorgung mit sauberer und erneuerbarer Energie zu vorhersehbaren Kosten. Hinzu kommen weitere Vorteile, die von der Société du Parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour (SPIB) für das zur Weltklasse gehörende Industrie- und Hafengelände geboten werden. Die Vereinbarung geht ausserdem davon aus, dass sich die bei der SPIB vorgenommenen Gesamtinvestitionen auf über 1,2 Mrd. US-Dollar belaufen werden und die Zahl der Beschäftigten mehr als 300 Mitarbeiter betragen wird. REC beabsichtigt, zukünftige Produktionskapazitäten durch einen wirksamen Einsatz seiner neuesten Technologien, u.a. durch weiterentwickelte Versionen des kostengünstigen, firmeneigenen polykristallinen Siliziumablagerungsverfahrens durch Fliessbettreaktoren, aufzubauen. Die Vorplanungen für die neue Anlage werden innerhalb der nächsten sechs Monate abgeschlossen sein. Im Anschluss daran wird über die endgültige Grösse der Investition entschieden. Die derzeitigen Pläne fordern, dass der Standort in mehreren Phasen mit einem Gesamtpotenzial von vier Produktionseinheiten, die hinsichtlich ihrer Grösse mit der zur Zeit in Moses Lake, Washington (USA) in Fertigstellung befindlichen Werksanlage vergleichbar sind, entwickelt wird. Die Gesamtkapazität wird mit den Kundenvereinbarungen in Einklang gebracht sowie an die Bedingungen des Marktes angepasst. Der Beginn der Bauarbeiten ist für 2010 vorgesehen, wobei die Produktionskapazität der Phase I voraussichtlich im Jahr 2012 zur Verfügung steht. "Wir sind erfreut, Bécancour als bevorzugten Standort für die zukünftige Expansion von Siliziummaterialien zu wählen. Wir freuen uns auf eine lange und produktive Beziehung zwischen REC und den Leuten aus Quebec. Die Regierung von Quebec - namentlich Investissement Québec - hat während des Auswahl- und Verhandlungsprozesses für diesen Standort ihre einladende und aufmunternde Art bewiesen. Wir sehen ausserdem in den Arbeitskräften und den komplementären Industriezweigen der Region ein grosses Potenzial", sagte Goran Bye, EVP von Silicon. Der Premierminister von Quebec, Jean Charest, und REC werden im Zusammenhang mit dieser Entscheidung im Anschluss an die Bekanntmachung "Quebec chosen for future silicon expansions" (Quebec für künftige Siliziumerweiterungen gewählt) eine gemeinsame Pressekonferenz geben. Die Pressekonferenz wird teils in französischer und teils in englischer Sprache abgehalten. Die Veranstaltung findet um 20.00 Uhr norwegischer Zeit/MEZ in der Société du Parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour, 1000, boul. Arthur-Sicard, Salle 101, Bécancour, Quebec, Kanada, statt. Sie können an dieser Pressekonferenz als Zuhörer teilnehmen und sich ausserdem durch einen Konferenzanruf in einer Frage- und Antwortsession beteiligen. Benutzen Sie bitte eine der nachstehenden Rufnummern (Konferenz-ID, 7996421) und achten Sie bitte darauf, sich für eine rechtzeitige Beendigung Ihrer Anmeldung mindestens 5 Minuten vorher einzuwählen: USA und Kanada (gebührenfreie Rufnummer): +1-866-753-3210 Internationale Einwahlnummer: +1-514-392-3209 Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an: Erik Thorsen, President & CEO, +47-907-56-685 Jon Andre Lokke, SVP & IRO, +47-907-44-949 Informationen zu REC REC hat als eines der am stärksten integrierten Unternehmen der Solarbranche eine einzigartige Stellung. REC Silicon und REC Wafer sind die weltweit grössten Hersteller von polykristallinem Silizium und Wafern für Solaranwendungen. REC Solar produziert Solarzellen und Solarmodule und ist auf ausgesuchten Teilen des Photovoltaik-Marktes durch Projektentwicklungsarbeit präsent. Die REC Gruppe erzielte im Jahr 2007 Einnahmen in Höhe von 6.642 Mio. NOK (norwegische Kronen) und erwirtschaftete einen operativen Gewinn von 2.588 Mio. NOK. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Website: Rückfragehinweis: Erik Thorsen, President & CEO, +47-907-56-685 oder Jon Andre Lokke, SVP & IRO, +47-907-44-949, beide von Renewable Energy Corporation ASA *** OTS-ORIGINALTEXT PRESSEAUSSENDUNG UNTER AUSSCHLIESSLICHER INHALTLICHER VERANTWORTUNG DES AUSSENDERS - WWW.OTS.AT *** OTS0002 2008-08-26/03:08
      schrieb am 01.09.08 09:27:38
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Silfab // Siemens // Italien

      August 29, 2008

      Padova, Italy: Silfab S.p.A Receives €30 Million Capital Investment

      Silfab S.p.A., an emerging producer of solar-grade polysilicon, announced this week that Sino-American Silicon Product Inc (SAS) Board has approved an investment in Silfab an amount of €30 million equity. SAS is a Taiwanese manufacturer of polysilicon wafers for use in both photovoltaic and semiconductor industries.

      According to Franco Traverso, Silfab Chairman and CEO, Silfab will use the funds from the investment to build its initial polysilicon manufacturing plant, located in Borgofranco d'Ivrea (Turin), in Italy's Piedmont region. Production of up to 5,000 metric tons per year of ultra-high quality 9N grade polysilicon is scheduled to begin Q4 2009, making Silfab one of the largest manufacturers of high-purity polysilicon destined for use in the fast-growing PV industry. In addition to the investment, SAS has agreed to a long term purchase contract of 500 metric tons per year of ultra-pure polysilicon for six years, starting in 2010.

      "We are pleased that an experienced photovoltaic and semiconductor player such as SAS has chosen to partner with Silfab." said Traverso. "SAS has a strong history of supplying these industries and recognizes the considerable value of the high purity nature of our product."

      Traverso, a pioneer in the photovoltaic sector with more than 25 years experience, announced in August that he and a strategic partner, Pan Asia Solar, had invested the initial €54 million in Silfab, which in addition to the €30 million invested by SAS, brings the total equity capital raised to date of €84 million.

      "With this investment, we have met our initial capital-raising goals, and are squarely on track to meet our original project schedule." said Traverso. "Silfab is building strategic relationships with partners who truly understand the PV industry, and who will support our growth in very meaningful ways."

      Doris Hsu, President of SAS, commented that "Finding reliable, high-quality producers of polysilicon has been a significant challenge for many fast-growing companies in the solar industry, and we believe that this will continue to be true in the future. Our investment in Silfab provides SAS with a fast-growing partner capable of providing a high-purity solution to meet this challenge."

      "We look forward to working with Silfab to support their growth and identifying more ways our companies can collaborate." Hsu added.
      schrieb am 02.09.08 19:19:31
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.448.104 von meinolf67 am 07.07.08 08:11:47Solar Pvt. Ltd. // Indien // ELKEM o.ä. ??

      dieses Thema kam schonmal im Juni, aber offenbar habe ich damals nicht besonders gründlich gelesen:

      Indo-Norwegian Solar Plan Rs 1500 Cr Silicon Plant In Himachal


      Jun 2008
      Ravinder MakhaikRavinder Makhaik
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      Published in: Business, General, News

      Shimla: Indo-Norwegian Solar Pvt. Ltd, a joint venture company, intends to invest Rs 1500 crores for setting up a Solar Grade Silicon manufacturing facility in Himachal.

      Erik Tonseth, a director of the company, disclosed to the media that the government’s response was positive to the proposal for setting up the environmentally friendly project in the hill state.

      Based on a unique Norwegian patented technology, Solar Grade Silicon, the core material for making solar cells, would be manufactured at the plant. This technology would reduce cost of production, consume less power during the production process and cost of the plant is much lower than the conventional Siemens technology based process, said Tonseth.

      It would be a first of its kind plant in India that would meet the increasing need of making photo-electric cells needed for harnessing solar energy.

      About 80 acres of land is needed to set up the plant, a proposal for which has been made to the government. The Rs 1500 crore investment is planed to be spread out in 4 phases over a 3 year period.

      In the first phase, which will take 15 to 18 months, the company will set up a pilot plant that would produce 600 tons of silicon per annum. On completion the plant would produce 5400 tons per annum, major portion of which would be for the export market. A facility for cutting the Silicon ingots into wafers, suitable for making solar cells would also be set up, said GS Chopra, a director of the company.

      The equity for the project is proposed to be share on a 50:50 basis by the Indian and Norwegian partners. On achieving full production capacity, the new technology company expects to touch a revenue target of $ 1 billion in a year.

      In an environment of rising oil costs and depleting fossil fuels, there is tremendous demand for harnessing renewable solar energy and the industry is growing by as much as 40 percent each year, said Nirmal Gaur, who also is a director in the joint venture company.

      The plant is expected to generate employment for about 500 persons. The company would also set up a research and development centre to develop newer solar power technologies.

      Other than Himachal, the company is also looking at Haryana, Punjab, Uttrakhand and Meghalaya for setting up the plant. However, the company appears to be zeroing in on Una district in Himachal for locating the plant.
      schrieb am 02.09.08 19:32:19
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()

      ELKEM ist es nicht, sondern ein Stubergh-Verfahren mit Erik Tonseth als Chef und wichtigem Aktionär (der war früher Chef von Kvaerner):

      Norwegian Silicon Refinery // Norwegen (/Indien?) // Stubergh


      Das Unternehmen

      Die Norwegian Silicon Refinery AS
      wird als norwegische Aktiengesell-
      schaft im Bereich der Siliziumgewin-
      nung tätig werden. Das Unterneh-
      men will bis 2012 eine Raffinerie in
      Norwegen mit einer Gesamtkapazität
      von 5.400 t für die Produktion höher-
      wertigerem Siliziums für die Solarin-
      dustrie errichten. Im ersten Schritt
      wird eine Anfangsproduktion von
      600 t./p.a. aufgebaut. In der zweiten
      und dritten Phase 2010 und 2011
      sind Kapazitätserweiterungen von
      jeweils 2.400 t/p.a. geplant.

      Die Norwegian Silicon Refinery AS
      wird einen neuartigen, patentierten
      Prozess zur Gewinnung des Silizi-
      ums einsetzen. Dieser Prozess,
      nachfolgend Stubergh-Verfahren
      genannt, soll einen Kostenvorteil von
      30 % gegenüber den marktüblichen
      Verfahren aufweisen.


      Insgesamt setzt sich das Managementteam aus sehr erfahrenen und in verwandten Geschäftsberei-
      chen tätigen Personen zusammen. Alle haben ausreichend Führungsverantwortung für teilweise meh-
      rere tausend bzw. zehntausende Arbeitnehmer gehabt, bzw. haben sie immer noch inne. Zudem wur-
      de kenntlich gemacht, dass diese Personengruppe schon in der Vergangenheit sehr erfolgreich am
      Markt tätig war, bzw. noch tätig ist. Allerdings bestimmen viele Unsicherheiten die zukünftigen Pla-
      nungen. Die angedachten Kandidaten für die Positionen des CFO´s und des COO´s sind namentlich
      noch nicht bekannt, da eine Ankündigung eines möglichen Wechsels sich negativ auf deren aktuelle
      Stellung auswirken würde. Mit H. Tonseth als CEO und Initiator und Dr. Stubergh als Chief Scientist
      und Urheber des kostengünstigeren Verfahrens der Siliziumgewinnung sind diese beiden Personen
      signifikant für den Geschäftserfolg des Unternehmens. Ein Ausfall könnte nur schwer kompensiert
      schrieb am 02.09.08 19:33:58
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.951.361 von meinolf67 am 02.09.08 19:32:19Juridisk selskapsnavn Norwegian Silicon Refinery AS
      Org nr 979 414 315
      Gateadresse Festeveien 10, 1525 Moss
      Aksjekapital 746 000
      Lønn daglig leder 4 000
      Antall ansatte 0
      Markedsnavn Norwegian Silicon Refinery AS
      Selskapsform Aksjeselskap
      Etableringsdato 30.10.1997
      Registreringsdato 27.11.1997
      Stiftelsesdato 30.10.1997
      Registrert i følgende registre Foretaksregisteret
      Firmastatus Inaktivt (Dato: 31.01.2008)
      Revisor BDT VIKEN REVISJON AS (980 995 151)
      Morselskap Himaki AS (978 664 369)

      Navn Org nr/Fødselsår Eierandel Land
      Himaki AS 978 664 369 54,20%
      Tønseth Erik 24,10%
      Stubergh Silicon Research AS 977 557 550 10,60%

      Himaki Invest AS 990 321 159 8,20%
      Andre 2,90%
      schrieb am 02.09.08 19:40:10
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.951.361 von meinolf67 am 02.09.08 19:32:19Das war der Stand in Norwegen 2005:


      • Elkem AS is developing alternative processes for manufacturing of solar grade silicon for
      PV cells.

      • Norwegian Silicon Refinery AS (NSR) is a new company working with the
      commercialization of a new production method for solar grade silicon production. The
      inventor received in 2004 a prestigious Norwegian prize on behalf of NSR for its
      innovative process for producing solar grade silicon . Several years of research is the
      basis for this new solid state/liquid process which differs from the more complicated and
      commonly used gas state process. The NSR-process has many similarities to the
      electrolysis process for producing aluminum; however, the NSR-process might be more
      profitable as the product has a much higher prize than aluminum.

      • Renewable Energy Corporation AS (REC) covers the whole value chain of solar
      photovoltaic systems - from the manufacturing of solar grade polysilicon feedstock to the
      marketing of photovoltaic systems to the consumer. REC has over the last years had an
      annual growth in revenues of 50-60 per cent. The sales revenue in 2004 was NOK 1.4
      billion, more than double than that of 2003. The plant’s capacities are sold out for 2005
      and, to a large degree, for subsequent years. REC ( is the parent company
      of the following companies

      o ScanWafer AS has become a significant producer and supplier of multicrystalline
      silicon wafers for the word solar cell industry. Established in 1994 the company
      started to produce in 1997in Glomfjord and since then has been continuously
      increasing its production. With a production volume of 162 MW at the end of 2004
      ScanWafer held more than 17% of the global market for solar wafers. Expected run
      rate at end of 2005 is 240 MW.
      o The new Herøya plant produced its first wafers in April 2003. ScanWafer has 277
      permanent employees.
      o ScanCell AS is a manufacturer of quality polycrystalline silicon solar cells from
      wafers produced by ScanWafer. In January 2003 normal production of 125 x 125 mm
      solar cells was started at the Narvik plant.
      o ScanModule AS is producing solar modules in Sweden.
      o Silicon Technology AS is 100% owned by REC and was established in 2001 to work
      on technology and business development in the feedstock area. Silicon Technology is
      producing granular polysilicon feedstock through a joint venture with ASiMI in the
      USA. The production of polysilicon started at the beginning of 2004.
      schrieb am 02.09.08 19:45:58
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.951.361 von meinolf67 am 02.09.08 19:32:19Stubergh-Verfahren


      Silangas mit Evonik/Degussa als Lieferanten?
      schrieb am 02.09.08 19:59:23
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.951.547 von lieberlong am 02.09.08 19:45:58
      schrieb am 02.09.08 20:02:03
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.951.774 von meinolf67 am 02.09.08 19:59:23Sondern?
      schrieb am 02.09.08 20:07:51
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.951.547 von lieberlong am 02.09.08 19:45:58Posting #85: "...basis for this new solid state/liquid process"

      Silan ist ein Gas.

      und detaillierter:…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 02.09.08 20:17:13
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.951.899 von meinolf67 am 02.09.08 20:07:51Aha, hatte ich noch nicht gelesen. Dafür letztens irgendwo etwas mit Evonik und Silangas-Lieferungen nach Norwegen.
      schrieb am 03.09.08 07:43:29
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Silfab // Italien // Siemens

      Sino-American Silicon Invests In Silfab

      In addition to the investment, SAS has agreed to a long term purchase contract of 500 metric tons per year of ultra-pure polysilicon for six years, starting in 2010.
      by Staff Writers
      Padova, Italy (SPX) Sep 02, 2008
      Silfab announced this week that SAS' Board has approved to invest in Silfab an amount of 30 million euros equity, Sino-American Silicon Product, a Taiwanese manufacturer of polysilicon wafers for use in both photovoltaic and semiconductor industries.

      According to Franco Traverso, Silfab Chairman and CEO, Silfab will use the funds from the investment to build its initial polysilicon manufacturing plant, located in Borgofranco d'Ivrea (Turin), in Italy's Piedmont region.

      Production of up to 5,000 metric tons per year of ultra-high quality 9N grade polysilicon is scheduled to begin Q4 2009, making Silfab one of the largest manufacturers of high-purity polysilicon destined for use in the fast-growing PV industry.

      In addition to the investment, SAS has agreed to a long term purchase contract of 500 metric tons per year of ultra-pure polysilicon for six years, starting in 2010.

      "We are pleased that an experienced photovoltaic and semiconductor player such as SAS has chosen to partner with Silfab." said Traverso. "SAS has a strong history of supplying these industries and recognizes the considerable value of the high purity nature of our product."

      Traverso, a pioneer in the photovoltaic sector with more than 25 years experience, announced in August that he and a strategic partner, Pan Asia Solar, had invested the initial 54 million euros in Silfab, which in addition to the 30 million euros invested by SAS, brings the total equity capital raised to date of 84 million euros.

      "With this investment, we have met our initial capital-raising goals, and are squarely on track to meet our original project schedule." said Traverso.

      "Silfab is building strategic relationships with partners who truly understand the PV industry, and who will support our growth in very meaningful ways."

      Doris Hsu, President of SAS, commented that "Finding reliable, high-quality producers of polysilicon has been a significant challenge for many fast-growing companies in the solar industry, and we believe that this will continue to be true in the future. Our investment in Silfab provides SAS with a fast-growing partner capable of providing a high-purity solution to meet this challenge."

      "We look forward to working with Silfab to support their growth and identifying more ways our companies can collaborate." Hsu added.
      schrieb am 03.09.08 22:17:31
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Solar Silicon claims acquired
      Trading Symbol CIMI-CNQ

      VANCOUVER, Sept. 3 /CNW/ - Canadian International Minerals Inc (CIMI) is
      pleased to announce to acquisition of a 100% interest in the Solar claim group
      located approximately 2 km north east of the town of Golden, British Columbia.
      The Solar claims are 888.426 hectares in area and cover 5-6 km of favourable
      Mt. Wilson Formation which consists of fine grained white quartzites up to 500
      meters wide. The Mt Wilson quartzites host two operating silica mines
      including the Moberly Mine, owned by Heemskirk Consolidated an Australian
      listed mining house. The Solar claims directly adjoin Moberly mine property
      and are on strike geologically to the south east. The Moberly mine which has
      been in continuous production since 1980, and has recently completed an
      expansion and upgrading of production and processing. The privately owned Hunt
      silica mine is located approximately 12 km to the south of the Solar claims.
      Both mines have shipped metallurgical grade silica to a ferrosilicon refinery
      in Washington State during the 1980-90`s.
      Silica exploration in the Golden area is relatively simple as the
      formations are continuous and in strata that are easily recognizable. The
      topography of the claim group is moderate for the region and is accessible by
      existing roads.
      Very little traditional exploration has been conducted since the 1970's
      in the Golden area, which was then spurred by an increase in price and demand
      for silicon metal by the fledgling personal computer industry.
      The Geological Survey of Canada last mapped the Golden area with focus on
      the Moberly silica camp which included the Solar claims in 1980. (GSC Map

      The Mt. Wilson Formation is recognized for hosting world class quartzite
      deposits of greater than 99.5% silicon dioxide (SiO2). This material is known
      as High Purity Quartz (HPQ) is presently in short supply world wide, as most
      known sources face depletion or shut downs because of environmental issues.
      This shortage is occurring as new smelting technologies to replace old systems
      especially in Europe to meet carbon emission regulations are being planned.
      The majority of the worlds "quartz to silicon" smelting capacity is dated,
      being very greenhouse gas intensive as well as producing an insufficiently
      pure material that needs expensive refining to meet quality demands by the
      solar and electronic industries.
      CIMI is earning a 100% interest in the Solar claims by paying,
      $45,000 and 375,000 common shares on signing
      250,000 common share in six months
      250,000 common shares in 12 months

      The vendor retains no other royalties or interests.
      The town of Golden is a regional transportation center that is on the
      Trans Canada Highway and the CP Rail mainline. Excellent infrastructure
      required for a bulk tonnage mining operation exists in the immediate area of
      the claims.
      The Qualified Person responsible for this news release under the terms of
      National Instrument 43-101 is Thomas Hasek, P.Geo.
      Canadian International Minerals Inc. is a junior resource company listed
      on the CNQ, Canada`s newest stock exchange under the symbol CIMI.

      The CNQ has not approved or disapproved the contents of this news
      schrieb am 04.09.08 14:42:08
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Anhui Tiansheng Silicon // Siemens? // China

      04 Sep 2008 / Solar / Manufacture & Scale-up / China
      China’s Anhui Tiansheng Silicon Material has started construction of its 1,000-tonne polysilicon facility in Wujiang, Chaohu City in Anhui Province....
      schrieb am 04.09.08 15:31:30
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.979.595 von meinolf67 am 04.09.08 14:42:0804 Sep 2008
      China / Solar
      Construction of Chinese polysilicon plant begins

      China’s Anhui Tiansheng Silicon Material has started construction of its 1,000-tonne polysilicon facility in Wujiang, Chaohu City in Anhui Province.

      The plant, costing CNY 800m (USD 116.8m), is the first phase of a 3,000-tonne polysilicon plant. Phase one is scheduled to be commissioned by August 2009. The entire plant will cost CNY 2.8bn (USD 408.8m), including CNY 1.2bn (USD 175.2m) from internal funds and a bank loan of CNY 1.6bn (USD 233.6m). It will bring about an annual revenue about CNY 800m (USD 116.8m) when fully commissioned, which is expected in October 2011.

      =>sie gehen $117/kg aus...
      schrieb am 09.10.08 21:18:47
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Global and China Solar Polysilicon Industry Chain Report, 2008

      € 2 240,00 :eek:…
      schrieb am 13.10.08 11:51:24
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Weltkarte der Silizium- und Waferhersteller: Solarsilizium – das schwarze Gold…
      schrieb am 13.10.08 12:36:23
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.502.631 von lieberlong am 09.10.08 21:18:47und hats sich jemand diese Studie geleistet? :laugh:

      Die Photon Studie kostet ja auch nicht grad wenig!
      schrieb am 15.10.08 13:35:11
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      schrieb am 15.10.08 18:56:08
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.546.930 von Maverick22 am 13.10.08 12:36:23Ein Fazit?

      15.10.2008 14:40

      "Silizium bleibt teuer"

      Werden neue Herstellungsverfahren wie die direkte Reinigung von metallurgischem Silizium den Engpass bei Solarsilizium beseitigen? Anne Kreutzmann vom Fachmagazin Photon zu den Aussichten.
      schrieb am 17.10.08 18:15:29
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Silicon Pilot Production GmbH // mod.Siemens // Deutschland


      Startschuss in Silicon-Spree-Valley

      Es soll die Initialzündung für weitere Investitionen der Solarbranche an der Landesgrenze zwischen Sachsen und Brandenburg sein: Im Spreetaler Industriegebiet Schwarze Pumpe ist gestern der Grundstein für die Silicon Pilot Production GmbH (SPP) gelegt worden. Nach Angaben des geschäftsführenden Gesellschafters Christian Schmid sollen rund 49 Millionen Euro in die Pilotanlage zur Herstellung von Monosilan und Polysilizium – Ausgangsstoffen für die Herstellung von Solarzellen – investiert werden. In der Pilotanlage sollen etwa 90 Arbeitsplätze entstehen.

      Auf die Baumaschinen auf dem 12 000 Quadratmeter großen Grundstück wartet eine Menge Arbeit. Schwere Bagger und Radlader müssen sich ihren Weg durch abgerissene Industriebauten bahnen, Platz für Neues schaffen. "Wir bauen hier eine Art große Waschmaschine", veranschaulicht Jochem Hahn, was genau auf Spreetaler Grund wachsen soll. Hahn ist Geschäftsleiter der Schmid Silicon Technology GmbH mit Sitz im baden-württembergischen Freudenstadt, die die Pilotanlage in der Lausitz baut. In bis zu 50 Meter hohen Anlagen soll Rohsilizium so gründlich gereinigt werden, dass es sich für die Weiterverarbeitung in der Fotovoltaik eignet.

      Das Verfahren sei weltweit einmalig und SPP damit Technologieführer in einem Bereich, der weiteres Wachstum in der Solarbranche ermögliche, ist Investor Christian Schmid überzeugt. Was der Pilotanlage Vorsprung am Markt sichern soll, ist eine spezielle Technologie, bei der die Produktionskosten für Monosilan rund 28 Prozent unter denen herkömmlicher Prozesse lägen.
      schrieb am 17.10.08 18:19:15
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.604.903 von meinolf67 am 17.10.08 18:15:29geht noch weiter:

      Die Materialausnutzung würde gesteigert und der Energieverbrauch reduziert, erklärt der SPP-Geschäftsführer. Die Technologie sei in einer Tochterfirma in der Ukraine entwickelt worden. Im Spreetaler Industriegebiet soll sie nun weiter verbessert und getestet werden.

      Rund 540 Tonnen Monosilan sollen pro Jahr in Spreetal hergestellt werden. Bis zu 300 Tonnen davon gingen direkt an die Linde AG, so der Geschäftsführer. Mit dem Industriegase-Konzern sei bereits im April dieses Jahres ein langfristiger Liefervertrag abgeschlossen worden. Aus dem restlichen Monosilan will SPP Polysilizium gewinnen und auf dem Fotovoltaikmarkt anbieten. Schon im Juni kommenden Jahres könnte die Produktion in der ersten Ausbaustufe der Pilotlinie starten, die zweite gehe Ende Dezember 2009 in Betrieb, kündigt Schmid an.

      Fördermittel vom FreistaatFür SPP nimmt der Schwabe aus Freudenstadt reichlich Geld in die Hand. Insgesamt fließen rund 49 Millionen Euro in das Projekt, darunter auch Fördermittel des Freistaates Sachsen. "Die Investition ist trotz der Finanzkrise sinnvoll", ist sich der Unternehmer sicher und froh, dass er die Finanzierung für das Projekt "schon vor dem Fiasko gesichert" hat. Mit der Grundsteinlegung wollte Christian Schmid gestern auch ein Zeichen für weitere Investoren setzen und ihnen Sicherheit vermitteln. Die Pilotanlage soll eine Art Magnetwirkung auf andere Unternehmen der Solarbranche entfalten. Die Schmid Silicon Technology GmbH – als Generalunternehmer für die Errichtung der SPP – will dabei auch als Dienstleister für weitere Investoren zur Verfügung stehen.

      Ein Solarriese, der bereits Interesse angemeldet hat, ist die Sunways AG aus Konstanz. Das Unternehmen wolle von der Schmid Silicon Technology GmbH eine schlüsselfertige Anlage zur Produktion von Polysilizium erwerben, die im Spreetaler Industriegebiet stehen soll, gab der Konzern bereits Ende vergangenen Jahres bekannt. Die zuständige Pressesprecherin war gestern nicht erreichbar. Der früheren Mitteilung zufolge will Sunways aus dieser Anlage voraussichtlich Ende kommenden Jahres erstes Silizium gewinnen. Ab 2010 sollen die vollen 1000 Tonnen Jahreskapazität verfügbar sein, hieß es weiter. Dieses Siliziumvolumen reiche für die Produktion von Wafern genannten Siliziumscheiben für Solarzellen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 100 Megawatt.

      Sachsens Wirtschaftsminister Thomas Jurk (SPD) hofft, dass der Pilotanlage weitere Investoren folgen und erklärte zur Grundsteinlegung: "Das ist ein gutes Zeichen für den Standort und die Menschen hier. Der Grundstein könnte das Fundament für ein ganzes Siliziumcluster in der Lausitz werden." Reichlich Platz für neue Ansiedlungen ist im Industriegebiet vorhanden: Rund 20 Hektar stehen zur Verfügung. Die Gemeinde Spreetal sorgt gerade dafür, dass sie genutzt werden können. Etwa 47 Millionen Euro würden in den Ausbau der Infrastruktur wie neue Straßen, Brauchwasserleitungen und Abwasserentsorgung fließen, erklärt Spreetals Bürgermeister Manfred Heine (parteilos).

      Energie-Problem gelöstEines der größten Probleme – die Energieversorgung – ist inzwischen gelöst. Das sei allerdings alles andere als einfach gewesen, sind sich die Beteiligten einig. Obwohl sich in Schwarze Pumpe das Vattenfall-Kraftwerk befindet, hätten zu Beginn der Planungen keine freien Kapazitäten an Elektroenergie zur Verfügung gestanden, berichtet Schmid.

      Es habe nicht am Willen Vattenfalls gemangelt, die notwendige Energie bereitzustellen, sondern an den technischen Möglichkeiten und gesetzlichen Auflagen, um ein Industrieunternehmen aus dem Großkraftwerk direkt versorgen zu können und zu dürfen. Künftig sollen nun neue 110-Kilovolt-Leitungen von envia Netz, einer 100-prozentigen Tochter der envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG, die Produktionsanlage versorgen – und auch ausreichend Energie für weitere Unternehmen liefern.

      Bürgermeister Manfred Heine ist optimistisch: "Das hier soll nur der erste Grundstein sein. Ich warte auf weitere." Jochem Hahn taufte Spreetal gestern vorsorglich schon einmal in "Silicon-Spree-Valley" um.
      schrieb am 17.10.08 18:49:08
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Wacker Chemie errichtet neue Produktionsanlage für Polysilicium in Nünchritz

      München ( AG) - Die Wacker Chemie AG (ISIN DE000WCH8881/ WKN WCH888) kündigte am Freitag an, dass sie am Standort Nünchritz (Sachsen) eine neue Produktionsanlage für Polysilicium mit einer Nennkapazität von 10.000 Jahrestonnen errichten will.

      Einen entsprechenden Beschluss hat der Aufsichtsrat des im MDAX notierten Chemiekonzerns in seiner heutigen Sitzung gefasst. Aus der jetzt beschlossenen, so genannten "Ausbaustufe 9" sollen im ersten Quartal 2011 erste Polysiliciummengen verfügbar sein. Die volle Kapazität der neuen Anlage wird den Angaben zufolge voraussichtlich Ende 2011 erreicht. Der Konzern hat für diese Ausbaumaßnahme Investitionen von rund 760 Mio. Euro vorgesehen.

      Darüber hinaus hat das Unternehmen beschlossen, die Nennkapazität der bereits im Bau befindlichen Ausbaustufe 8 am Standort Burghausen von 7.000 Jahrestonnen auf 10.000 Jahrestonnen zu erhöhen. Wacker Chemie investiert hierfür rund 100 Mio. Euro. Zusammen mit den laufenden Ausbaumaßnahmen steigert Wacker Chemie damit seine Jahreskapazität bis Ende 2011 auf insgesamt 35.500 Tonnen Polysilicium.

      Mit dieser Erweiterung trägt Wacker Chemie dem weltweit steigenden Bedarf an polykristallinem Reinstsilicium Rechnung, den das Unternehmen erwartet. Der Konzern ist gegenwärtig der zweitgrößte Hersteller von Polysilicium weltweit und will seine Marktposition in diesem Bereich weiter festigen und ausbauen. Wacker Chemie rechnet beim Polysiliciumbedarf der Solarindustrie in den kommenden Jahren auch künftig mit zweistelligen jährlichen Wachstumsraten. Auch der Polysiliciumbedarf der Elektronikindustrie wird nach Einschätzung von Wacker Chemie weiter steigen.
      schrieb am 22.10.08 13:18:03
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Letztes update von GCL vom 2.10.:


      The following summary is qualified in its entirety by the more detailed information and financial statements and notes thereto appearing elsewhere in this prospectus. In addition to this summary, we urge you to read the entire prospectus carefully, especially the risks of investing in our ADSs discussed under “Risk Factors” before deciding whether to buy our ADSs.


      We supply polysilicon and wafers to companies operating in the solar industry. Polysilicon is the primary raw material for wafers used in the solar and electronics industries. We manufacture polysilicon at our production complex in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China and intend to establish a second polysilicon production complex in Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, China. We also intend to commence wafer manufacturing in Xuzhou in the third quarter of 2009. Our business was founded in March 2006 and we intend to ramp up our production capacity to 24,000 metric tonnes, or MT, per year by December 2010. We currently plan to build 2.7 gigawatts, or GW, of wafer production capacity by the end of 2011. We commenced construction of our first polysilicon production facility, our Xuzhou Phase I production facility, which produces solar grade polysilicon, in July 2006 and produced our first batch of polysilicon in September 2007. In the six months ended June 30, 2008, we produced 661 MT of polysilicon. For the months of July and August 2008, we produced 175 MT and 185 MT of polysilicon, respectively. We began selling wafers produced for us through tolling arrangements with third party manufacturers in the second quarter of 2008 and expect wafer sales to contribute a significant majority of our revenues after 2009.

      We ramped up our Xuzhou Phase I production facility to its designed annual capacity of 1,500 MT in March 2008. We commenced commercial production of our Xuzhou Phase II production facility in July 2008 and expect it to achieve its fully ramped up capacity by December 2008. In December 2007, we commenced preparation for construction of our Xuzhou Phase III production facilities, which are expected to have an aggregate annual production capacity of 10,500 MT. We have already commenced equipment installation and expect our Xuzhou Phase III production facilities to commence commercial production in December 2008. We intend to fully ramp up our Xuzhou Phase III production facilities by February 2010. We have begun planning for our Xilinhot production facilities and expect to begin construction activities in October 2008. We expect to commence commercial production at our Xilinhot production facilities in December 2009 and to fully ramp it to its designed annual capacity of 10,500 MT by December 2010. We have implemented proven technologies in our polysilicon production facilities. We utilize a modified Siemens process to produce polysilicon and, starting from Xuzhou Phase II onwards, our production facilities are designed to produce both solar and electronic grade polysilicon.

      We use industrial trichlorosilane, or TCS, to produce polysilicon. TCS is one of the main and most costly production inputs, and to date, we have relied on third party suppliers for most of our TCS requirements. To reduce our reliance on TCS from third party suppliers, we are increasingly incorporating TCS production into our production process. We integrated the hydrochlorination process for our Xuzhou Phase I production facility in February 2008 and in our Xuzhou Phase II production facility in September 2008. For the six months ended June 30, 2008 and the months ended July and August 2008, approximately 7%, 23% and 36% of the TCS we consumed was produced in-house, respectively. Our Taixing joint venture has constructed a TCS production facility with an initial annual capacity of 20,000 MT in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, China, which commenced commercial production in September 2008. We have already successfully used the TCS produced by our Taixing joint venture in our polysilicon production process. We intend to increase the Taixing joint venture annual TCS production capacity to up to 60,000 MT by 2010. Upon ramp up of this facility, we expect to substantially reduce our reliance on third parties for our TCS requirements.
      schrieb am 23.10.08 10:41:44
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      6N Silicon // umg-SI // USA

      October 21, 2008, Vaughan, Ontario, - 6N Silicon Inc. is pleased to announce its new Head Office and production facilities in Vaughan, Ontario. Shipments of solar grade polysilicon have commenced from the new 2,000 Tonne/year manufacturing facility, satisfying initial scheduled deliveries for 6N's volume customer contracts.

      Primary funding for the new production operation was provided by the company's $20 million B Financing Round that closed in March of this year. Additional support was provided by the Government of Ontario's Next Generation of Jobs Fund. Production commenced within six months of the financing, and within four months of securing this pre-existing facility. The last few years have seen large-scale shortages of purified silicon in the solar industry. With this initial production plant, 6N has confirmed its ability to add capacity quickly and at low capital cost. Further production expansions are planned.

      The use of standard, pre-existing light-industrial facilities distinguishes the 6N operations from traditional and other alternative purification processes. These new operations demonstrate the compact footprint and low input energy requirements of the 6N process. Development and refinement of the 6N process has been conducted through the company's three-year EOS Project, supported by the Government of Canada's Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and Ontario's Innovation Development Fund (IDF). The EOS Project is ongoing and remains housed at 6N's original Mississauga facility.

      Paolo Maccario, 6N Silicon CEO, said, "We are proud to have achieved this important milestone. On time and on budget, we have again demonstrated the core advantages of the 6N business and strength of our team. This is an exciting day for us and a promising time for the solar industry."

      6N Founder and CTO, Scott Nichol added, "It is very gratifying to see our vision of an affordable and easily scalable process realized and to see our hard development work pay off with the launch of this full scale production operation. Now that this facility has reached stable production, we can't wait to add yet more capacity and refine the process even further."
      schrieb am 04.11.08 07:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Shunda // Siemens // China

      Sunda started polysilicon trial production
      2008 October 20th Jiangsu Sunda started trial polysilicon production of their phase one 1,500 metric ton polysilicon project. It is said that the produced polysilicon reached 99.9999999% purity.

      And Sunda is preparing for the mass production now.
      schrieb am 13.11.08 14:46:35
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Siliken // Spanien // Siemens

      The renewable energy company will start production in the first quarter of
      2009, and it is starting to negotiate supply contracts with customers
      Siliken starts up the first silicon purification
      plant in Spain

      The renewable energy company, Siliken, through its subsidiary Siliken Chemicals, has finalised
      the construction of the first production plant of electronic-grade silicon in Spain. It is currently
      undergoing trials in order to start production during the first quarter of 2009.

      This plant, which is located on a parcel of 23,000 m², converts metallurgical-grade silicon into
      electronic-grade silicon through a purification process using a fluidised bed reactor. Located in
      Casas Ibáñez (Albacete), the silicon purification plant will start with a production capacity of
      500 tonnes, although new production lines are already being installed to double that capacity to
      1000 tonnes during 2009.

      Furthermore, Siliken plans on expanding its production capacity to 2400 tonnes in 2010 at the
      same location. Simultaneously, the company is looking at possible locations for additional
      production capacity increases, given that the company will expand its capacity to 4200 tonnes
      in 2011, 6000 tonnes in 2012 and 9200 tonnes in 2013.

      Negotiation of supply contracts
      Siliken, which started its business activity in 2001 as a manufacturer of photovoltaic modules, is
      thus meeting its objective to integrate itself in the upper end of the sector’s value chain, which
      will allow it to remain competitive through cost reductions and efficiency improvements. In this
      regard, the company is ready to immediately start negotiations with customers for silicon supply
      2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
      schrieb am 14.11.08 08:08:00
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.938.370 von meinolf67 am 13.11.08 14:46:35Sorry, aber scheint nicht Siemens, sondern FBR zu sein.
      schrieb am 27.11.08 19:08:14
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Sun Materials // Taiwan // "flousilicate"

      Sun Materials starts construction on Taiwan's first solar-grade poly-Si plant

      Latest news
      Nuying Huang, Taipei; Adam Hwang, DIGITIMES [Thursday 27 November 2008]

      Taiwan-based Sun Materials Technology on November 26 held a groundbreaking ceremony for constructing the country's first solar-grade polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) plant at the Letzer Industrial Park in northeastern Taiwan.

      Sun Materials uses self-developed eco-friendly process to produce poly-Si from sodium fluosilicate, a waste from producing fertilizer, the company indicated.

      Sun Materials has one existing poly-Si production line temporary installed at a factory of its affiliated company—an equipment maker—with an annual capacity of 500 tons which can be used to turn out 50MWp (megawatt-peak) solar cells, the company indicated.

      The production line at the affliate is yet to be in volume poduction, but Sun Materials said it will deliver poly-Si to Sino-American Silicon Products, a Taiwan-based maker of silicon wafers, for trial production in January 2009.

      The first production line of 3,500 tons in annual capacity at the new Letzer plant will be completed in mid-2009 and production will kick off in the third quarter of that year, Sun Materials noted. The total annual production capacity will thus reach 4,000 tons by the end of 2009, Sun materials said. Sun Materials will set up five more production lines at the plant, aiming at a total annual capacity of 20,000 tons by 2015, with the volume approximately enough to meet the total demand for poly-Si by Taiwan-based solar cell makers, Sun Materials said.

      The silicon purity of its poly-Si is 7N (99.99999%) currently, and will be upgraded to 9N in 2009, Sun Materials indicated. In addition, Sun Materials sets a goal of gradually reducing the production cost of its poly-Si to attain a selling price of US$20-25/kg, a level to make solar cells competitive with conventionally generated power in cost, the company pointed out.
      schrieb am 12.12.08 11:09:56
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Jaco // m-Si // China

      Company Profile

      JACO Metal Limited,established in September,1999, is one of the leading Chinese silicon metal exporter which specialized in research, development, ,manufacturing and sales of silicon metal. Our overseas market mainly covers Japan & Korea, Southeast Asia, India and Middle East, Oceania, Europe, North & South America. Our annual export volume ranks in front of the Chinese silicon industry and the entire operation is running under ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 system. In order to accelerate melting into international market and integrate the domestic resource, JACO invested to found her own producing plants including JACO Metal (Sichuan Xichang) Limited and JACO Metal (Fujian Longyan) Limited, with an annual output amounts to more than ten thousand metric tones. After 8 years of strategic development, JACO has expanded herself from a unitary trading entity to a large Integrated Enterprise Group which is a combination of industry and trade and owns strong research force. At present, JACO set up another specialized company in Xinglin District, Xiamen City to concentrate efforts on providing the stable, reliable high-purity silicon for the customers at home and abroad.

      JACO’s Mission is “lower the cost for users of silicon industry”. She takes the “innovative & harmonious” culture which represents the spirit of Innovation, Team-work, Win-Win, and Harmony. JACO is an employee-helping and leader-cultivating enterprise, to become a responsible and respectable enterprise that innovating in administration and technology, pursuing unsurpassed quality and building up a harmonious community. Our goal is to become the main supplier of global chemical grade silicon metal powder and high-purity silicon!
      schrieb am 12.12.08 11:14:40
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Schätze, der Threa ist auf sicht nicht mehr ganz so interessant, da inzwischen ja das Überangebotsszenario gespielt wird.

      Es gibt auch nicht mehr viele neue Player, die auf die Bühne treten.

      Mir scheint allerdings, daß der umg-Si Space immer größer wird. War vergangene Woche auf den PHOTON-Konferenzen in SFO, wo z.B. 6N silicon präsentiert hat, die sehr seriös wirkten.

      Sehe akutell mindestens folgende Namen:

      6N Silicon

      Ebenfalls interessant ist, daß sich spezialisierte Player entwickeln, die "nur" umg-Si Zellen machen wollen:

      schrieb am 12.12.08 11:16:51
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.194.099 von meinolf67 am 12.12.08 11:09:56JACO erhält 10-Millionen-Investition
      10.12.2008: JACO SOLARSI LIMITED (“JACO”), chinesischer Hersteller von
      aufbereitetem metallurgischem Silizium (UMG), gibt bekannt, dass eine
      hundertprozentige Tochter des HSBC Asian Ventures Fund 3 Limited ("HAV3") 10
      Millionen US-Dollar investiert hat, mit denen Jaco seine Wettbewerbsposition im Markt
      für UMG-Silizium stärken kann. Mit dem Geld wird Jaco seine Kapazitäten erweitern
      und technologische Verbesserungen einführen. ...
      Quelle: Jaco Solarsi Ltd., Übersetzung: PHOTON
      schrieb am 15.12.08 13:11:57
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Estelux(Solon) // Siemens // Italien

      15.12.2008 11:26
      DGAP-News: SOLON SE (deutsch)

      SOLON SE: SOLON konsolidiert Beteiligung an italienischem Start-up Estelux

      SOLON SE (News/Aktienkurs) / Sonstiges


      Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------

      Berlin, 15. Dezember 2008 - Die Berliner SOLON SE hat ihre im Juni 2008 erworbene strategische Beteiligung von 19,5 Prozent an dem italienischen Start-up-Unternehmen Estelux s.r.l. auf 100 Prozent aufgestockt. Die Anteile werden von der italienischen SOLON-Tochter SOLON S.p.A. gehalten.

      Die im Jahr 2007 gegründete Estelux plant die Errichtung eines Werkes zur Herstellung von Solarsilizium im norditalienischen Ferrara. Die Produktionsstätte soll im ersten Ausbauschritt eine Jahreskapazität von 4000 Tonnen haben; Start der Produktion ist für Ende 2010 vorgesehen. Das Gelände ist für den Baubeginn vorbereitet, die Detailplanung steht kurz vor dem Abschluss. Die Gesamtinvestitionssumme wird ca. 400 Millionen Euro betragen. Für das erste Quartal 2009 wird die Erteilung der Baugenehmigung erwartet. Danach erfolgt die Ansprache weiterer Investoren.

      Dieses Engagement dient dazu, die Rohstoffbasis von SOLON zu verbreitern und dem Unternehmen langfristig Zugang zu zusätzlichen Mengen an Solarsilizium bzw. Solarzellen zu sichern.

      Zur SOLON SE: Die SOLON SE ist einer der größten europäischen Solarmodulproduzenten und ein führender Anbieter von Photovoltaiksystemen für solare Großkraftwerke. Die SOLON-Gruppe ist mit Tochterunternehmen in Deutschland, Österreich, Italien, der Schweiz und den USA vertreten und beschäftigt weltweit über 850 Mitarbeiter. Das Kerngeschäft von SOLON ist die Herstellung von Solarmodulen unterschiedlicher Leistungsklassen und von Photovoltaik-Komplettsystemen für den Bau von Solarkraftwerken sowie die Errichtung schlüsselfertiger Solarkraftwerke weltweit.
      schrieb am 15.12.08 19:27:58
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Hemlock // Siemens // USA

      neuer Standort!

      Dow Corning, Hemlock To Invest Up To $3 Billion In Polysilicon Growth12-15-08 12:41 PM EST | E-mail Article | Print Article

      NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Despite the recession, Dow Corning Corp. and Hemlock Semiconductor LLC plan to invest up to $3 billion in new polysilicon manufacturing in Michigan and Tennessee to serve customers in the solar industry.
      Separately, Dow Corning will begin producing monosilane gas that is used to make thin-film solar panels and liquid crystal displays in a facility adjacent to the polysilicon factory in Hemlock, Mich.

      (This story also appeared in Clean Technology Insight, a daily newsletter and information service published by Dow Jones & Co.)

      The companies will invest $1.2 billion to add 10,000 metric tons of annual production to their polysilicon factory in Hemlock, which currently has 19,000 tons of capacity. They will also start building a new polysilicon factory in Clarksville, Tenn., which will have up to 13,000 tons in capacity for an investment of as much as $1 billion. That factory could be expanded to up to 21, 000 tons of annual production.

      Construction on all projects will start immediately, the companies said.

      "When the global markets are down, we view that as actually the time for the strongest companies to step forward," said Rick Doornbos, president and chief executive officer of Hemlock, in an interview.

      The move is also significant as the solar industry is entering what many observers expect to be an oversupply of polysilicon, with many new Chinese manufacturers adding capacity even as demand for solar panels is suffering because of the economic downturn. Polysilicon, which has been scarce and registered very high prices, has lost about 40% of its price over the past month or so. Hemlock and Dow, however, are pursuing a wide expansion in polysilicon production.

      "We believe that long term trends in the solar industry continue to be very attractive," said Doornbos.

      The companies committed to make the $2.2 billion "initial investment" in the additional polysilicon production, Doornbos said. Further investment will depend on market conditions and could reach a total of $3 billion.

      Hemlock is a privately held company, in which Dow Corning holds a 63% stake, with the remaining 24.5% in the hands of Shin-Etsu Handotai Co. and 12.25% belonging to Mitsubishi Materials Corp. (5711.TO). The companies declined to specify how much of the financing will come from Dow Corning, which itself is jointly owned by Dow Chemical Co. (DOW) and Corning Inc. (GLW). The companies are already in the middle of a $1 billion expansion in polysilicon production that was announced in May.

      "Hemlock and its customers will be sharing the financing costs," said Gary Homan, vice president of sales and marketing for Hemlock, in an interview. He declined to go into detail, but it is common in the solar business for buyers of polysilicon to make prepayments, which the manufacturer uses toward production expansion. "Outside capital will be involved, but much of the costs will be shared. The majority will be handled this way," Homan said.

      The additional capacity in Michigan will come online by the end of 2010 or in early 2011, Doornbos said. It will require 800 workers for construction and about 300 to run the plant permanently. The Tennessee plant, although it will be started concurrently, will take longer to develop, as it is on a green site. Production there will be ready in early 2012, according to Doornbos. The companies expect that 1,000 construction workers will build the plant, which will later employ up to 800.

      The company is projecting that by helping its customers to procure polysilicon in bulk and at cheaper prices, the industry will be able to move to a point where solar energy costs as much as fossil-fueled power, what the industry refers to as "grid parity." At that point the market demand could explode once again and manufacturing take off. Hemlock executives said that the expansion plans are driven by customer demand and interest in placing additional orders.

      "We are confident that over the next several years major solar manufacturers will in fact have reached parity relative to fossil-based power. We are preparing for what we believe is a very rapidly expanding solar industry once grid parity is achieved," said Homan. He added that his assessment comes from having seen the cost projections of Hemlock's main customers.

      The Tennessee location for the new plant reflects the companies' view that solar manufacturing in the U.S. will take off.

      "With the current environment in the U.S., with the green movement that's underway, there will be a significant increase in sales [for Hemlock] into the U.S. market," Homan said. "And not only Hemlock. Our major customers that are based overseas are evaluating moving to manufacture in the U.S." Today Hemlock's primary markets are in Europe and Asia. The company declined to break out how much it ships where.

      The companies evaluated more than a dozen sites globally for two years, according to the executives. "We ended up choosing the location in Tennessee for a variety of reasons," said Doornbos, "including access to very attractive energy costs, the overall business climate, access to a quality labor pool and financial incentives that were offered" by the local government. Electricity costs are especially important for the companies as polysilicon production consumes a lot of power.

      Equipment for Hemlock is made by outside manufacturers to its own specifications. Doornbos declined to say who will provide the additional reactors and other machines necessary for the expansion.

      Dow Corning's move into silane production comes as the thin-film industry is growing rapidly. Currently Oslo-based Renewable Energy Corp. is the main producer of silane gas. That company noted recently that demand has driven prices of silane up. "This is new for Dow Corning, as we don't currently provide those materials on the merchant market," said Jarrod Erpelding, Dow Corning spokesman, in an e-mail.

      Dow Corning provides many other materials to the solar market, including metallurgical-grade silicon, coatings and encapsulants for solar cells, and sealants for solar module frames.

      -By Yuliya Chernova, Dow Jones Newsletters;
      schrieb am 20.12.08 14:29:49
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      MCC+Baogang // Siemens // China

      Metallurgical Group, Baogang to tap polysilicon market
      By Jiang Wei (
      Updated: 2008-12-15 13:13
      Comments(1) PrintMail

      China Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC), the country's leading mining and smelting operator, and Baotou Iron and Steel Group (Baogang) plan to invest 8 billion yuan ($1.17 billion) in a polysilicon-manufacturing project, taking advantage of the consolidation of their respective industries.

      The two sides signed an agreement last Thursday but details of the project are still being worked out, China Business News reported. The project, if completed, will produce 5,000 tons of polysilicon a year.

      The price of polysilicon, a major material used in producing solar panels, has dipped to 1,000 yuan per ton from 5,000 yuan per ton earlier this year while capability increased in the country, a development that experts say indicates an imminent industry consolidation.

      Yang Yu'an, an industry expert, was quoted by Chinese Business Journal as saying that MCC has been involved in the sector for years but that Baogang will take the initiative for strategic planning.
      schrieb am 12.01.09 21:51:10
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      CSG Holding // Siemens // China

      CSG Holding begins official production in 1,500-ton polysilicon project PDF Print E-mail

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 12 January 2009 at 05:17

      Chinese conglomerate CSG Holding officially began producing high-purity polysilicon products in the first phase of its Yichang, Hubei province project on January 9, reports Xinhua News Agency.

      The first phase targets annual production capacity of 1,500 tons, began construction in June 2007 and began producing qualified high-purity polysilicon products on December 30, 2008, said the report.

      The entire three-phase project will receive total investment of roughly RMB 6 billion, said the report.

      Last update: 12 January 2009 at 05:17
      schrieb am 13.01.09 12:26:52
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Asia Silicon // Siemens // China

      Monday, January 5, 2009
      Asia Silicon Started to Produce Polysilicon
      2008 December 31st Asia Silicon (Qinghai) Company released their first furnace polysilicon.

      The total polysilicon production capacity for the project is 6,000 metric tons, and the first phase project capacity is 1,000 metric tons.
      schrieb am 27.01.09 22:53:44
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Bukit Sembawang // Siemens // China

      Singapore's Bukit Sembawang to invest $1B in polysilicon plant

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 23 January 2009 at 04:21

      Singapore-based investment holding company Bukit Sembawang Estates agreed to invest $1 billion in a polysilicon manufacturing plant in Tianjin in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed with the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city on Thursday, reports citing a Tianjin Eco-city source.

      The project's first phase is expected to reach annual capacity of 5,000 tons, begin production in the second half of 2010 and cover 15 hectares. The project will cover another 10 hectares in its second phase and increase its annual capacity by 2,500 tons after 2012, said the report.

      The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city, expected to be a sustainable development model for other Chinese cities, held a groundbreaking ceremony in September 2008 and is expected to be complete in ten to fifteen years.
      schrieb am 04.02.09 15:20:55
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      KMA // Siemens(?) // Korea

      ...und Woongjin ist auch Waferpartner von Sunpower

      KMA and Hyundai Heavy agree to US$600 million polysilicon deal
      02 February 2009 | By Patricia Johnson | News > Materials

      Korea Advanced Materials (KMA), a joint venture between Hyundai Heavy and South Korean paint maker KCC Corp., has closed a US$600 million deal to supply polysilicon to Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. from 2010 to 2015.

      Hyundai Heavy, a large ship builder, also has a previous deal to purchase US$508 million of polysilicon from 2001 to 2015 from Woongjin Polysilicon, a subsidiary of Woongjin Holdings Co.

      Hyundai Heavy has been vertically integrating its solar business and expects to finish construction of a solar cell manufacturing plant in 2010. In 2005 the company commissioned a solar module assembly line from Spire to produce 150,000 solar modules per year. It also has an ongoing wafer supply contract with LDK solar.

      Hyundai Heavy announced last spring its expectations of solar cell and module sales to reach approximately US$960 million by 2010.
      schrieb am 17.02.09 14:33:27
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Asia Silicon // Siemens-TCS // China

      --Asia Silicon Successfully Initiates Production of High Purity Polysilicon
      SAN FRANCISCO and WUXI, China, Feb 17, 2009 /PRNewswire-Asia via COMTEX/ -- Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (NYSE: STP), one of the world's leading manufacturers of photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules, today announced that it has recently acquired a minority stake in Asia Silicon Co., Ltd. from an existing shareholder for a total consideration of approximately $8.1 million.

      ''We are very pleased to cement our relationship with Asia Silicon,'' said Dr. Zhengrong Shi, Suntech's Chairman and CEO. ''Asia Silicon has all the makings of a world class polysilicon producer due to the utilization of the most advanced production equipment, their expert technical team and industry leading cost structure. By combining Asia Silicon's low-cost polysilicon with Suntech's high conversion efficiency technology, we believe that we will be able to achieve grid parity in many parts of the world within the next two or three years.''

      Suntech previously entered into an agreement to purchase high purity polysilicon from Asia Silicon with a total value of up to $1.5 billion over a seven-year period. The price of the silicon decreases to below $40 per kilogram during the term of the contract.

      Dr. Tihu Wang, Asia Silicon's CEO said, ''We are very excited to have successfully initiated high purity polysilicon production and now welcome the strengthening of our partnership with Suntech. The rapid construction and startup of our close-loop facility is testament to the dedication and expertise of our team of scientists, engineers and operations professionals. Building on our industry leading cost structure and world-class technology, we will continue to grow our polysilicon business with the continuing support of the local government, the Chinese financial community and Suntech, and we are well positioned to become a leading player in the polysilicon industry.''

      Asia Silicon is in the ramp up stage of a state-of-the-art polysilicon plant in Qinghai, China. Asia Silicon initiated production of high purity polysilicon at the end of 2008 and targets to reach 2,000 metric tons of annual production capacity by mid-2009. Tests on the initial products show excellent quality that can meet both solar and electronic grade requirements. The polysilicon plant utilizes the well-proven trichlorosilane-based advanced Siemens production process with comprehensive recycling system and employs equipment and engineering services from industry leading vendors. Up to 80% of the electricity used at the facility will be supplied from renewable energy hydropower sources with a pricing structure that is among the lowest industrial electricity rates in China.
      schrieb am 17.02.09 14:39:01
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Mal eine Zwischenauswertung:

      in Volumen-Produktion sind/müßten sein
      -DC Chemical
      -GCL Technology I+II

      im ramp-up befindlich
      -GCL Technology III
      -Asia Silicon
      -Siliken (FBR!)
      -PV Crystalox

      Ergänzungen und Korrekturen willkommen
      schrieb am 18.02.09 12:16:48
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Wuhan Dongli // Siemens? // China

      Wuhan Dongli to build 1,500-tonne polysilicon plant
      18 Feb 2009 / Solar / Manufacture & Scale-up / China
      Chinese real estate developer Wuhan Dongli has signed an agreement to build a 1,500-tonne polysilicon plant in Wuhan, Hubei Province.
      schrieb am 19.02.09 09:03:59
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.194.171 von meinolf67 am 12.12.08 11:16:51Hi meinolf

      Kennst diese Seite: Sie gibt Auskunft über neue Hersteller und ihre Kapazitäten. Die Seite hat auch andre interessante Fakten.
      schrieb am 19.02.09 09:21:32
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.608.426 von Jacob666 am 19.02.09 09:03:59Kannte ich noch nicht; vielen Dank!
      schrieb am 26.02.09 08:14:54
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      26.02.2009 08:05
      WACKER plant neue Produktions-Anlage für Polysilicium in den USA

      • Grundstück im U.S.-Bundesstaat Tennessee erworben
      • Mittelfristig Aufbau eines neueen integrierten Produktionsstandortes beabsichtigt
      • Konzernchef Rudolf Staudigl: „Wollen erwartetes Nachfragewachstum mit zusätzlichen Kapazitäten ausserhalb der Eurozone begleiten“

      ots.CorporateNews übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich.


      München/Cleveland (TN, USA) (euro adhoc) - 26. Februar 2009 - Die Wacker Chemie AG (News/Aktienkurs) will mittelfristig in den USA einen neuen Standort für die Herstellung von polykristallinem Reinstsilicium errichten und hat hierzu ein Grundstück im U.S.-Bundesstaat Tennessee erworben. Dies gab der Münchner Chemiekonzern heute bekannt. Das im Bradley County gelegene Land hat eine Größe von etwa 220 Hektar und bietet damit ausreichend Platz für einen neuen, siliciumbasierten Verbundstandort. Der Kaufpreis für das Grundstück beträgt knapp 20 Mio. US-Dollar. Mittelfristig beabsichtigt WACKER, in den Aufbau des neuen Standortes rund 1 Mrd. US-Dollar zu investieren und dadurch etwa 500 neue Arbeitsplätze schaffen. Die Grundstücksgröße, eine gesicherte Energieversorgung, die Verfügbarkeit von Chlor direkt vor Ort sowie die sehr gute Verkehrsanbindung sind wichtige Faktoren für die Attraktivität dieses Standortes.

      "Wir erwarten, dass der Polysiliciumbedarf der Solar- und Halbleiterindustrie auch in den kommenden Jahren weiter zunehmen wird", erläuterte Rudolf Staudigl, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Wacker Chemie AG. "Der Erwerb dieses Grundstücks ist für uns eine wichtige Voraussetzung, um im Einklang mit der Markt- und Nachfrageentwicklung zügig weitere Produktionskapazitäten außerhalb der Eurozone aufbauen zu können."

      Ausschlaggebend für die Standortwahl waren laut Staudigl nicht nur die guten infrastrukturellen Voraussetzungen, sondern auch die hervorragende Unterstützung durch die lokalen Behörden und Geschäftspartner. Das mit dem Grundstückserwerb verbundene Förderpaket umfasst unter anderem die Bereitstellung der notwendigen Verkehrsanbindungen sowie die gesicherte Versorgung mit Wasser und Elektrizität. Beides sind wesentliche Voraussetzungen für die Produktion von hochreinem Polysilicium. Darüber hinaus sind in Tennessee die Strompreise besonders günstig. Sie sind nur etwa halb so hoch wie an vergleichbaren Standorten in Deutschland. "Unsere Ansprechpartner auf allen Ebenen, sowohl im Staat Tennessee als auch in Bradley County, waren außerordentlich kooperativ und haben unser Vorhaben nach Kräften unterstützt", lobte der Konzernchef.

      "Diese Ankündigung stärkt die Reputation von Tennessee als Innovationszentrum für die Entwicklung und Produktion umweltfreundlicher Technologien zur Energieerzeugung", sagte der Gouverneur des Staates Tennessee Phil Bredesen. "Ich weiß es sehr zu schätzen, dass WACKER hier investieren will und dass das Unternehmen von der Produktivität der Menschen in Tennessee überzeugt ist. Ich freue mich darüber, dass WACKER unseren Staat als Standort ausgewählt hat, um seine Position im Wachstumsmarkt Solarenergie weiter auszubauen."

      WACKER ist derzeit der weltweit zweitgrößte Hersteller von polykristallinem Reinstsilicium. Schon seit mehr als 50 Jahren produziert der Konzern Polysilicium für die Halbleiterindustrie. Aufgrund der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Solarsilicium hat der Geschäftsbereich WACKER POLYSILICON seine Produktion Schritt für Schritt ausgebaut und beliefert seit dem Jahr 2000 verstärkt auch die Photovoltaikindustrie.

      Diese Presseinformation enthält in die Zukunft gerichtete Aussagen, die auf Annahmen und Schätzungen der Unternehmensleitung von WACKER beruhen. Obwohl wir annehmen, dass die Erwartungen dieser vorausschauenden Aussagen realistisch sind, können wir nicht dafür garantieren, dass die Erwartungen sich auch als richtig erweisen. Die Annahmen können Risiken und Unsicherheiten bergen, die dazu führen können, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich von den vorausschauenden Aussagen abweichen. Zu den Faktoren, die solche Abweichungen verursachen können, gehören u.a.: Veränderungen im wirtschaftlichen und geschäftlichen Umfeld, Wechselkurs- und Zinsschwankungen, Einführung von Konkurrenzprodukten, mangelnde Akzeptanz neuer Produkte oder Dienstleistungen und Änderungen der Geschäftsstrategie. Eine Aktualisierung der vorausschauenden Aussagen durch WACKER ist weder geplant noch übernimmt WACKER die Verpflichtung dafür.

      Die Inhalte dieser Presseinformation sprechen Frauen und Männer gleichermaßen an. Zur besseren Lesbarkeit wird nur die männliche Sprachform (z.B. Kunde, Mitarbeiter) verwendet.

      Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      schrieb am 26.02.09 08:58:01
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.655.366 von lieberlong am 26.02.09 08:14:54Süß; ich glaube, die Hemlock-Erweiterung ist auch in Tennessee.
      schrieb am 26.02.09 14:13:03
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.655.628 von meinolf67 am 26.02.09 08:58:01The factory, which is expected to create 500 jobs, is the third $1 billion manufacturing project announced for the state in the past eight months. Volkswagen announced a new facility near Chattanooga, and Michigan-based Hemlock Semiconductor Corp. - a Dow Corning subsidiary - has planned a $1B plant to produce hyperpure polycrystalline silicon near Clarksville.…

      210 Meilen voneinander entfernt,+Ten…
      schrieb am 31.03.09 23:04:56
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Propower starts building 1,000-tonne polysilicon plant in China
      31 Mar 2009 / Solar / Manufacture & Scale-up / China
      Chinese solar-grade silicon manufacturer Propower Renewable has started construction of a 1,000-tonne polysilicon plant in Shangyu, Zhejiang Province.
      schrieb am 02.04.09 14:00:37
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      China's Koshuha, PPP partner on $1.2B polysilicon project

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 31 March 2009 at 11:09

      Fushun Koshuha Foundry Co. Ltd signed with U.S. company PPP and a Japanese firm on a high-purity polysilicon project on March 25, reports Liaoning Daily of China.

      The project is expected to receive total investment of $1.2 billion and start construction in April. Scheduled for completion in October 2011, the project is expected to reach annual production capacity of 10,000 tons to reach revenue of RMB 13.7 billion.

      Last update: 31 March 2009 at 11:09
      schrieb am 03.04.09 11:06:57
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Flurry of new Chinese silicon production
      April 1, 2009

      In the face of dwindling worldwide demand, industry insider skepticism and polysilicon vendor bankruptcies, China is embarking on a new wave of production.

      A number of new polysilicon projects are being initiated in China, defying industry expectations.

      Liaoning, China-based Fushun Koshuha Foundry Co. Ltd. has just signed with U.S. company PPP and a Japanese firm on a high-purity polysilicon project last week, reports Liaoning Daily.

      The project is expected to receive total investment of $1.2 billion and start construction in April. Scheduled for completion in October 2011, the project is expected to reach annual production capacity of 10,000 tons to reach revenue of RMB 13.7 billion.

      Jiangsu province also announced plans at a Renewable Energy Industry Conference on last week to subsidize 260MW of solar electricity and support an annual polysilicon production capacity of 30,000 tons by 2011, the official site of meeting participant GCL Silicon Technology Holdings said on Monday.

      Jiangsu has designated Xuzhou, Yangzhou and Lianyungang as bases for the province's polysilicon industry, according to the site. GCL Silicon has a polysilicon base in Xuzhou.

      Sichuan, China-based Tongwei Co Ltd. may break ground as soon as the first half of 2009 on the second phase of a polysilicon project with production capacity of 3,000 tons and total investment of more than RMB 2 billion, reports Reuters.

      Depending on overseas markets, the company says it may then begin construction on a third phase with annual capacity of 6,000 tons, bringing the project's total capacity to 10,000 tons per year before late 2010. The project's first, 1,000-ton phase officially began production
      in September 2008, when Tongwei subsidiary Yongxiang began manufacturing polysilicon on its 800-ton test line. The three phases are expected to receive
      total investment of RMB 5 billion.

      And Zhejiang, China-based Zhejiang ProPower Silicon began construction on a solar grade polysilicon project in Shangyu, Zhejiang province last week, reports The project's first RMB 130 million-invested phase plans to start production in September 2009 and reach capacity of 1,000 tons in December, said the report.

      Total capacity is expected to hit 5,000 tons in 2010, the report said. The project is to use a chemicophysical process to produce polysilicon feedstock, developed in-house, which the company claims requires only two-thirds of the cost and five-sixths of the investment of conventional processes.

      Companies have exited the polysilicon business in recent months, citing oversupply concerns (see Trina Solar drops plans for polysilicon plant). Some analysts predict the worst polysilicon inventories are still to come (see China solar market in late 2009 spells glut).
      schrieb am 07.04.09 20:54:41
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      DGAP-Adhoc: Silicium de Provence S.A. (SilPro), eine indirekte Beteiligung der SOLON SE, geht in ein gerichtliches Vergleichsverfahren

      Dienstag 7. April 2009, 19:54 Uhr

      SOLON SE / Joint Venture


      Veröffentlichung einer Ad-hoc-Mitteilung nach § 15 WpHG, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG (Xetra: 549416 - Nachrichten) . Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

      Für das Unternehmen Silicium de Provence S.A. (SilPro), an dem die SOLON SE über das Joint-Venture SOL Holding AG eine indirekte Beteiligung hält, hat heute das zuständige französische Handelsgericht ein gerichtliches Vergleichsverfahren (redressement judiciaire) nach französischem Recht angeordnet. Das Verfahren ist vergleichbar mit dem Chapter 11 in den USA. SilPro erhält somit einen Zeitraum von zwei Monaten, um mit verschiedenen potentiellen Kreditgebern eine zukunftsfähige Lösung zu finden. Die Maßnahme ist nötig geworden, da die weitere Finanzierung für das im Jahr 2006 gegründete Unternehmen aufgrund der aktuellen Finanzkrise nicht sichergestellt werden konnte. SilPro, mit Sitz in Saint Auban, Frankreich, sollte solares Polysilizium herstellen. Produktionsstart der noch im Bau befindlichen Anlagen war für 2011 geplant.

      SOLON SE ist über die 48-prozentige Beteiligung an der SOL Holding AG, welche wiederum 70 Prozent an SilPro hält, betroffen. Zweiter Anteilseigner an der SOL Holding ist mit 52 Prozent die niederländische Gruppe Econcern. Weitere Anteilseigner an SilPro sind mit 30 Prozent die Photon Power Industries (PPI) und über die PPI die EDF Energies Nouvelles, die über eine indirekte Beteiligung von 12,8 Prozent verfügt. Für die SOLON SE bedeutet dieses Verfahren eine mögliche Wertberichtigung im Beteiligungsergebnis von 40 Mio. EUR.…
      schrieb am 30.05.09 14:16:51
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Top Green Energy begins construction of poly-silicon plant

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 08 May 2009 at 13:49

      Top Green Energy Technologies (TGE), a Taiwan-based maker of crystalline silicon solar cells, on May 8 held a ground-breaking ceremony for its solar-grade polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) plant in Changhua, central Taiwan, with trial production slated for the second quarter of 2010, reported Digitimes.

      TGE will adopt improved Siemens process to produce poly-Si and will initially install a CVD (chemical vapor deposition) reactor production line with an annual capacity of 1,500 metric tons supplied by US-based GT Solar, the company said.

      TGE will then set up additional lines gradually to expand total annual capacity to 12,000 metric tons of poly-Si eventually, the company indicated.
      schrieb am 15.06.09 18:21:37
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Aus dem Amtsblatt des LRA Altötting:

      Vorhaben der Fa. Wacker Chemie AG, Werk Burghausen:
      Änderung der Anlage zur Herstellung von polykristallinem Reinstsilicium (CT 2 Polysiliciumanlage) durch das Vorhaben (071) – Errichtung Adsorption VIII, LP 2615

      Bekanntmachung nach § 3a UVPG

      Die Fa. Wacker Chemie AG, Werk Burghausen, beabsichtigt die Anlage zur Herstellung von polykristallinem Reinstsilicium (Polysiliciumanlage) durch das Vorhaben (071) – Errichtung Adsorption VIII, LP 2615 zu ändern. Weiterhin soll die bisher
      genehmigte Kapazität durch Optimierungsmaßnamen in den bestehenden
      Prozessen auf 30.000 t/a gesteigert werden.
      schrieb am 15.06.09 18:24:09
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Evonik investiert in Zukunftsmärkte Solarenergie und Elektronik

      Essen, Deutschland, 14.05.2009

      * Bau einer Verbundanlage für Monosilan und AEROSIL® in Japan geplant
      * Investitionen von rund 125 Millionen Euro (20 Milliarden Yen)
      * Anlage soll in 2011 in Betrieb gehen
      * Evonik-Vorstandschef Dr. Klaus Engel: "Mit dieser Investition bauen wir unsere führende Position im Fotovoltaikmarkt aus und erweitern unsere strategischen Perspektiven."

      Evonik Industries AG investiert trotz der Weltwirtschaftskrise erheblich in den Zukunftsmarkt Solarenergie und Elektronik: Gemeinsam mit dem japanischen Partner Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation (TNSC) will Evonik ein zukunftsweisendes Projekt mit einem Gesamtvolumen in Höhe von rund 125 Millionen Euro (20 Milliarden Yen) verwirklichen. Kernstück ist der Bau einer neuen Verbundanlage für Monosilan und AEROSIL® im japanischen Yokkaichi, rund 400 Kilometer südlich von Tokio. Ein entsprechender Vertrag wurde heute unterzeichnet. Damit macht Evonik mit seinen Solarsilizium-Aktivitäten erstmals den Schritt in den attraktiven asiatischen Markt. Baubeginn der Anlage soll Ende 2009 sein; die Inbetriebnahme ist für 2011 geplant. Mit TNSC hat Evonik einen langfristigen Liefervertrag für Monosilan unterzeichnet. TNSC ist einer der bedeutendsten globalen Distributoren für industrielle und Spezialgase, der seit vielen Jahren Großkunden der Elektronikindustrie in Asien beliefert.

      "Mit der geplanten neuen Anlage bauen wir unsere führende Technologie- und Marktposition im Zukunftsmarkt Solarenergie aus. Evonik ist im Fotovoltaikmarkt ein Innovationsführer. Wir haben den größten und diversifiziertesten Verbund für Siliziumchemie. Deshalb können wir attraktive Chancen in der wachstumsstarken Fotovoltaik- und erstmals auch in der Elektronik-Industrie nutzen", so Dr. Klaus Engel, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Evonik Industries AG in Yokkaichi. Der Konzern erweitert damit die strategischen Perspektiven eines bedeutsamen Teils seiner Chemie-Aktivitäten: Eine von Evonik entwickelte Technologie ermöglicht erstmals den Einstieg in die Produktion von Monosilan mit Elektronik-Qualität für die Anwendung in der Dünnschicht-Fotovoltaik, bei Flachbildschirmen und Halbleitern. Evonik stellt bereits unter anderem in einem Joint Venture in Rheinfelden polykristallines Solarsilizium für Wafer-basierte Solarzellen mit höchsten Wirkungsgraden her. "Mit der neuen Verbundanlage in Japan ist der Konzern dann bei allen wesentlichen siliziumbasierten Fotovoltaik- Technologien präsent", sagte Dr. Engel.

      Silane sind entscheidende Komponenten für die Erschließung der Sonnenenergie durch Solarzellen. Bereits jetzt ist Evonik weltweiter Marktführer für Chlorsilane und ein bedeutender Hersteller von Monosilan. Ein Ende des Solarbooms ist nicht absehbar. Prognosen gehen davon aus, dass der Weltmarkt für Monosilane bis 2020 jährlich um durchschnittlich 20 Prozent wächst.

      Das bei der Monosilan-Herstellung in Yokkaichi anfallende Siliziumtetrachlorid wird zu AEROSIL® verarbeitet und separat vermarktet - zum Beispiel für Anwendungen in Kunstoffen, Farben und Lacken sowie Kleb- und Dichtstoffen. Evonik rechnet damit, dass der globale Markt auch für dieses Produkt mittelfristig weiter wächst. Engel zeigte sich überzeugt: "In wirtschaftlich düsteren Zeiten schlagen wir im Land der aufgehenden Sonne mit unserem Projekt ein neues Erfolgskapitel auf."

      Evonik ist in Yokkaichi bereits seit rund 40 Jahren mit einer AEROSIL®- Produktion aktiv. Der Vorstandsvorsitzende von Evonik dankte der Präfektur Mie, zu der Yokkaichi gehört, für das intensive Engagement und die Unterstützung im Zuge der Projekt-Vorbereitungen für die neue Verbundanlage: "Die Provinz hat eng mit dem Bundesland Nordrhein- Westfalen zusammengearbeitet, um Beziehungen zwischen Unternehmen in Japan und NRW aufzubauen und zu verbessern. Wir haben uns für Yokkaichi nicht nur wegen unserer bereits über Jahrzehnte hinweg guten Erfahrungen und Erfolge an diesem Standort entschieden – sondern auch wegen der mit großem Enthusiasmus vorangetriebenen Bemühungen der Provinz.
      schrieb am 24.06.09 23:46:41
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Sphere Renewable Energy’s Buckeye Silicon unit to build solar polysilicon plant in Ohio
      24 June 2009 | By Tom Cheyney | News > Fab and Facilities

      During a ceremony held Monday to sign a memorandum of understanding, officials of California-based Sphere Renewable Energy Corp. (SREC) said the company will develop a wholly owned solar materials manufacturing subsidiary, Buckeye Silicon (BeSi), in Toledo, OH. The venture's initial polycrystalline-silicon production module will be located at the University of Toledo’s Center for Renewable Energy.

      The poly made by BeSi will be sold predominantly to PV producers in North America and Europe, according to SREC, which recently has entered into a joint venture with strategic East Asian investors to begin using its proprietary process to mass-produce crystalline silicon for the solar market.

      SREC said its approach involves a light industrial, modular process which requires much less space and energy than a traditional polycrystalline-silicon production facility and that its development is more efficient. The commonly used approach has involved massive chemical infrastructure facilitation, similar to an oil refinery, with many of the related concerns that refineries experience. The company claims that its process does not have the environmental problems that other polycrystalline silicon manufacturer’s experience.

      The financial terms of the deal, the timelines for the construction and production ramp, technical details of the manufacturing process, and the projected manufacturing capacity of the new facility were not disclosed.
      schrieb am 26.06.09 18:13:22
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.463.077 von R-BgO am 24.06.09 23:46:41Solar Supplier Chooses Toledo For First North American Facility

      Polycrystalline silicon is the key component and essential raw material used to produce 90 percent of the photovoltaic (PV) solar cells currently being manufactured.

      by Staff Writers
      Toledo OH (SPX) Jun 26, 2009
      The Toledo and Northwest Ohio area's involvement in solar energy production took another major step forward with the announcement of plans to develop North America's most advanced polycrystalline silicon (c-Si) production facility in Toledo.

      Officials of California-based Sphere Renewable Energy Corp. (SREC) said the company will develop a wholly-owned subsidiary, Buckeye Silicon (BeSi), in Toledo. The initial production module will be located at The University of Toledo's renowned Center for Renewable Energy.

      "Toledo is an outstanding community, one with the human resources that readily can be applied to our manufacturing business," said Harrison Choi, BeSi's President and CEO.

      Polycrystalline silicon is the key component and essential raw material used to produce 90 percent of the photovoltaic (PV) solar cells currently being manufactured.

      Product produced by BeSi will be sold predominantly to PV producers in North America and Europe. SREC recently has entered into a joint venture with strategic, East Asian investors to begin using SREC's proprietary process to mass produce c-Si for the PV market.

      Solar cell manufacturers in the Toledo market currently use a process that does not require c-Si to produce PV solar cells. With the addition of BeSi's manufacturing base, the Toledo area will be capable of boosting its photovoltaic manufacturing portfolio, spanning the entire PV value chain.

      A ceremony in conjunction with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was held at UT's Center for Renewable Energy. Signatories included BeSi, UT, the City of Toledo and the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority.

      With an eye toward the future of both his company and the area's role in solar energy, President Choi said: "Over the next several years, we look forward to working with each of the MOU parties to create many net-new skilled jobs for Toledoans.

      Our plan is to grow to become a dominate, global polysilicon supplier as well as to further improve the NW Ohio platform so other solar-focused companies will base their businesses here."

      Michael J. Stolarczyk, President and CEO of the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority, endorsed BeSi's move to Toledo. "The Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority strongly supports the further development of the solar industry in Northwest Ohio, and we are committed to working with BeSi on the development of its financing," Stolarczyk said.

      Sphere Renewable Energy Corp's approach involves a light industrial, modular process which requires much less space and energy than a traditional polycrystalline silicon production facility. Also, SREC's development is more efficient. The approach up until now has involved massive chemical infrastructure facilitation, similar to an oil refinery, with many of the related concerns that refineries experience.

      SREC's process does not have the environmental problems other polycrystalline silicon manufacturer's experience.
      schrieb am 28.07.09 10:21:15
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      China-based SAAE to add PV investment of 1.8 billion yuan

      Staff reporter, Taipei; Adam Hwang, DIGITIMES [Tuesday 28 July 2009]

      China-based Shanghai Aerospace Automobile Electromechanical (SAAE) has obtained official approval to raise additional capital of 1.837 billion yuan (US$269 million), specifically for adding non-operating investment in its photovoltaic (PV) business, according to Chinese-language media reports.

      One billion yuan will go to a solar-grade polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) maker in which SAAE holds a 60.34% stake and the remaining 837 million yuan will go to its wholly owned subsidiary that makes poly-Si solar cells, the reports said.

      Located in Inner Mongolia, the poly-Si maker is running trial production at its plant with annual capacity of 1,500 metric tons, and aims at turning out 400 metric tons in 2009, the reports said. The maker is planning to set up an additional annual capacity of 3,000 metric tons, the reports indicated.

      The poly-Si solar cell maker, Shanghai Shenzhou New Energy Development, will soon establish an annual production capacity of 150MWp (megawatt-peak), the reports noted.
      schrieb am 29.07.09 07:54:11
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Polysilicon Co to Build 1,000MT Plant

      Posted on Jun 24, 2009 | 19:06

      Chinese polysilicon producer U.S. New Energy Technology Company will establish a 1,000-metric-ton (MT) per annum polysilicon production line this year in Xiangshui county, Jiangsu province, reports The company will expand the project to seven lines with an annual output of 7,000MT within three years for a total investment of RMB 5 billion and hopes to become an integrated polysilicon, ingot, wafer, solar cell and solar module producer within six years, said the report.
      schrieb am 29.07.09 18:21:02
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      29.07.2009 18:04
      ReneSola Opens Manufacturing Facility in Sichuan

      ReneSola Celebrates Official Grand Opening of 3,000 MT Polysilicon
      Manufacturing Facility in Sichuan Province

      JIASHAN, China, July 29 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- ReneSola Ltd ("ReneSola" or the
      "Company") (NYSE: SOL) (AIM: SOLA), a leading global manufacturer of solar
      wafers, today held a ceremony to celebrate the official grand opening of its
      3,000 metric tonne ("MT") polysilicon manufacturing facility and the successful
      output of the first batch of polysilicon from Phase 1 of the plant in Meishan
      city, Sichuan province, China. Among those attending the ceremony were
      executives from the Company including CEO Mr. Xianshou Li and CFO Mr. Charles
      Bai, local and provincial government officials from Sichuan, Zhejiang and
      Jiangsu provinces, regions in which ReneSola maintains operations,
      representatives from local and domestic national banks, as well as management
      from over 50 local and solar related companies.

      (Logo: )

      "The opening of our Sichuan polysilicon manufacturing plant and successful
      production of our first batch of quality polysilicon on July 23rd are great
      milestones for ReneSola," commented Mr. Xianshou Li, ReneSola's chief executive
      officer. "These accomplishments mark the evolution of ReneSola from one of the
      world's largest solar wafer manufacturers into a leading, low-cost, fully
      integrated global solar company. We are grateful for the support we have
      received from our local and national partners, clients and employees throughout
      the construction and testing processes, and we are proud of our management team
      for once again demonstrating its strong execution capabilities. We look forward
      to receiving a smooth supply of low-cost polysilicon from our new plant, which
      will significantly enhance our position as one of the leading low-cost solar
      companies globally."

      As previously announced, the Company successfully commenced trial production on
      the first batch of polysilicon from Phase 1 of its two-phase, 3,000 MT
      annualized capacity polysilicon manufacturing plant in mid-July. Phase 2 is
      expected to reach mechanical completion in September 2009. ReneSola's Sichuan
      polysilicon manufacturing facility utilizes a close-loop Advanced Siemens
      Process for polysilicon production.
      schrieb am 31.07.09 15:56:40
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Taiwan // 4000 MT // 2012

      Formosa Chemicals & Fibre to set up poly-si factory in Taiwan
      31 July 2009 | By Emma Hughes | News > Fab and Facilities

      Taiwan-based Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corp., a petrochemical production company, has announced that it will invest $1.03 billion to set up a solar-grade poly-Si factory in central Taiwan, according to a Chinese-language Economic Daily News (EDN) report.

      The factory will eventually have an annual capacity of 8,000 metric tons. First phase establishment of 4,000 metric tons is expected to be to be completed in 2012..

      Formosa Chemicals & Fiber was established in 1965 to meet the rising demand in fiber and plastic products in Taiwan. Since then, the company, primarily engaged in petrochemical production, has expanded into an industry giant, dealing with specialty chemicals, plastics, textiles, nylon, engineering, and construction of industrial parks throughout the country. Formosa also generates electricity and provides water treatment services.
      schrieb am 12.08.09 12:05:41
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Japan/Malaysia / 6.000 Tonnen / 2013

      August 11, 2009

      Kuching, Malaysia: Tokuyama to Construct 6,000 Ton Polysilicon Facility

      Tokuyama Corporation has decided to build a new factory in Sarawak, Malaysia, to manufacture polycrystalline silicon for solar cells. The new factory will be constructed at the Samalaju Industrial Park. Construction of the new factory is scheduled to commence early in 2011, and the start of operations is scheduled for spring 2013.

      The factory will be the Siemens method-based facilities with an annual production capacity of 6,000 tons. Tokuyama plans to produce polycrystalline silicon for solar cells at the time of the start of operations.

      The factory construction costs will be approximately ¥65 billion.

      This decision has no effect on the Company’s performance for this fiscal year (the fiscal year ending March 31, 2010).

      In preparation for this, Tokuyama Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. will be newly established in Sarawak in August of this year as a company to manufacture and sell polycrystalline silicon. Employees for the new company are to number about 300 people at the time of the start-up of operations, about 280 of whom will be hired locally.

      To date, Tokuyama has manufactured and sold polycrystalline silicon mainly for semiconductors, and the Tokuyama Factory (Shunan City, Yamaguchi) has been the Company’s only manufacturing base. In terms of the dispersion of risk as well, the Company decided to move forward with the selection of a site for a second manufacturing base. The Samalaju Industrial Park was chosen as the candidate site for the second manufacturing base in November of last year.

      The manufacture of polycrystalline silicon is electricity intensive and requires industrial water, quality workers, and other resources. Such resources are available at the Samalaju Industrial Park. In addition, this industrial park was selected because of the advantages it offers, including preferential tax treatment and support for acquisition of permits and licenses provided by the federal and state government.

      After selecting the site, Tokuyama drafted the basic design of the factory and at the same time considered various factors, including future trends in supply and demand for polycrystalline silicon. As a result of this process, Tokuyama has decided to move forward as described here.

      Tokuyama has designated polycrystalline silicon business as a strategically growing business in its Centennial Vision and is actively strengthening to expand related operations. By mass-producing polycrystalline silicon at the two manufacturing bases of the Tokuyama Factory and the Malaysia facility, Tokuyama will maintain its presence in the industry by focusing on getting new customers in addition to retaining existing ones.


      Und ich dachte schon, die Japaner hätten keine Lust, in dem Markt wirklich dabei zu sein. Na ja, so ist man ganz in der Nähe von Q-Cells.
      schrieb am 21.08.09 10:52:12
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      SunSi Energies Forms Trichlorosilane Production Joint Venture
      in News Departments > FYI
      by SI Staff on Thursday 20 August 2009
      email the content item print the content item Follow SolarIndustry On Twitter

      SunSi Energies Inc. says its wholly owned subsidiary, SunSi Energies Hong Kong Ltd., has signed a definitive joint venture agreement to form a trichlorosilane (TCS) production joint venture in Zibo, China.

      The new company, to be called Zibo Boayun Chemical Company Ltd., will produce TCS, a chemical used in the production of polysilicon, an essential raw material used during the production of solar cells for photovoltaic panels.

      As previously released, SunSi Energies Hong Kong Ltd. will own 90% of a new company specifically formed to own the assets, expertise and technology of an existing TCS production facility with a current production capacity of 25,000 metric tons per year.

      SOURCE: SunSi Energies Inc.
      schrieb am 21.08.09 16:51:55
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Jiangsu Sunshine Subsidiary Ramps Up Poly Production

      Posted on Aug 21, 2009 | 18:08

      Ningxia Sunshine Silicon Co. Ltd., a holding subsidiary of textile manufacturer Jiangsu Sunshine Co. Ltd (600220.SH), has begun small-scale production and testing of individual machines in its 1,500-ton polysilicon production line, reports The line is scheduled to begin production after the company tests all machines simultaneously in late August, said the report.

      The first phase of a 4,500-ton polysilicon project, the 1,500-ton line is invested with RMB 1.5 billion and is expected to reach sales of roughly RMB 2 billion after it begins production, said the report. Ningxia Sunshine Silicon plans to begin work in 2009 on the project's second phase, a 3,000-ton line with estimated annual sales of RMB 6 billion, said the report.
      schrieb am 26.08.09 18:26:52
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Credit Suisse Analyse auf REC

      Reduziert Kursziel von 43 zu 40 kr.

      Sie meinen dass die Solar Produktion in Europa fallen wird. Grund ist die Konkurrenz aus Asien. Ebenfalls glauben sie auf fallende Polysilizium Preise.

      Credit Suisse behaupten dass REC vielleicht die Zell Produktion in Narvik und die Modul Produktion in Schweden schließen will wenn das Singapore Werk in 2010 hochgefahren ist.

      Aber sie glauben dennoch das REC strukturell stärker als ihre Europäischen Konkurrenten ist. Grund sind ihre niedrige Unkosten auf Polysilizium und ihre langjährige Wafer Kontrakte

      Credit Suisse neutral auf REC

      Montags hst Matthew Yates von Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch das Kursziel von 40 auf 34 Kronen gesenkt

      Bei Börsende war der Kurs von REC heute 41,46 Kr.
      schrieb am 09.11.09 05:01:36
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Update: DunAn Poly Project to Reach 6,000 Tons

      Posted on Nov 06, 2009 | 18:11

      Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environmental Equipment (002011.SZ) has agreed to invest RMB 4.2 billion in a 6,000-metric-ton polysilicon project in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, in a contract signed with the municipal government, reports The project's first 3,000MT phase will break ground on November 11 and be completed within 24 months, said the report.

      DunAn announced the previous day that it would invest RMB 1.88 billion in a polysilicon project with first phase capacity of 3,000MT.
      schrieb am 23.11.09 08:04:42
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      MANAMA, Nov 17 (Reuters) - Bahrain-based First Energy Bank plans to build a $1 billion polysilicon plant in Saudi Arabia with a local partner to cater to rising regional investments in solar power, the company said on Tuesday.

      Polysilicon is used in the production of solar panels. The Gulf Arab region is trying to capture more of its solar and wind energy, thereby reducing its consumption of oil.

      Kuwait plans to start a tender competition next year for a solar energy plant that it hopes will one day provide 5 percent of its energy needs, and Saudi Arabia plans to build a two-megawatt solar power plant at its King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

      Vahan Zanoyan, chief executive of First Energy, an Islamic investment bank, said the project would cost about $1 billion, and be financed through a 40 percent equity stake and 60 percent debt.

      Zanoyan said a portion of the debt would be provided by the Saudi government and the bank was in advanced talks with commercial banks to raise the remainder.

      Zanoyan also said the project has signed an off-take agreement with U.S.-based Vinmar International covering most of the plant's production capacity of 7,500 tons per year. Production is scheduled to start in 2013.

      First Energy is partnering in the project with Saudi industrial group Project Management and Development Co, and said at a later point the project could invest in the production of solar wafers and modules. First Energy focuses on investing in and arranging finance for energy projects in the Middle East. Its shareholders include the Libyan Investment Authority and the Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority.
      schrieb am 24.11.09 21:34:27
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Bin ab heute auch in Rec dabei.
      Lebe und arbeite in Norwegen und hier sind die Leute sehr optimistisch gegenüber der Rec Aktie.. Nach Statoil (Ölaktie)
      ist es das grösste Unternehmen überhaupt in Norwegen.
      Der Staat würde in einem Ernstfall diesem Unternehmen finanziell zu Hilfe kommen, denn viel hat Norwegen an Industrie nicht zu bieten keine Autoproduktion (ausser den Buddy), Keine Lebensmittelketten usw. international nur Fisch,Stahl und Energie die auch bald dem Ende naht.
      Darum sind Unternehmen wie Rec die Zukunft Trend ist erneuerbare Energie und da will diesmal Norwegen Weltspitze werden um jeden Preis
      denn Geld hat Norwegen mehr als genug nur wo investieren das ist immer die Frage.

      So sehen es die Norwegen.

      Euer Eddy vor Ort.;)
      schrieb am 27.11.09 10:18:54
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.448.745 von eddy77 am 24.11.09 21:34:27Hallo Eddy,

      REC hat momenatan eine Mengen Probleme,
      Details findest Du in der aktuellen "Photon International".

      Ich denke, der Ramp-up in Singapur wird entscheidend
      sein für den weiteren Verlauf.
      Falls es da zu erheblichen Verzögerungen kommt,
      so darf man gespannt sein.
      Inwieweit hat der norwegische Staat in der
      Vergangenheit Firmen gestützt, bzw. subventioniert?

      schrieb am 05.12.09 16:38:30
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      1.2GW, €1.6 billion polysilicon, solar cell/module plant planned for Russia with Schmid technology
      03 December 2009 | By Mark Osborne | News > Fab and Facilities

      *A fully integrated 1.2GW solar plant is to be built in the Omsk region in Western Siberia, Russia at an estimated cost of €1.6 billion (approx US$2.4 billion), which will include a 10,000MT monosilane/polysilicon plant as well as c-Si solar cell and module production plants. Russian company Silarus, a 100% subsidiary of Titan, a major chemicals company, will own and operate the new business. Lead project and technology partners for the project are Gebrüder Schmid and Schmid Silicon Technology (SST). EPC Engineering Consulting will also collaborate on the project.

      SST is currently building a proof of concept monosilane/polysilicon pilot plant near Dresden, Germany. The company will transfer the technology and know-how to silicon metal producer Silarus, according to Frank Tinnefeld, Director of Sales and New Business sectors at Schmid Group, in an interview with PV-Tech.

      Tinnefeld also noted that the formal contracts would be signed in the first quarter of 2010 and the plant built in phases. The project is now at the drawing board phase. An agreement on the project was signed last month at the German-Russian raw materials forum held in Moscow.

      Tinnefeld told PV-Tech that the Russian firms had been planning the facilities for a long time. Schmid only recently became involved in the negotiations due to its new business strategy and the company's ability to provide the required technology and know-how for such a project of this scale and complexity.

      The project could start next year and looks like taking several years for completion of the first phases, which include the 10,000MT monosilane/polysilicon plant.

      Silarus is expected to sell its solar modules into both the domestic and international markets.
      schrieb am 30.12.09 19:40:35
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Sinosico: 1,000MT In 1Yr of Ops at Poly Plant

      Posted on Dec 23, 2009 | 17:12

      China Silicon Corporation (Sinosico) had produced 1,016.7 metric tons (MT) of polysilicon, of which 50% is electrical grade silicon, by November 30, a year after the company started trial operations at its 2,000MT-per-annum polysilicon production line, reported December 22. The project began producing polysilicon in Luoyang, Henan province on November 18, 2008.
      schrieb am 30.12.09 19:41:07
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.649.076 von R-BgO am 30.12.09 19:40:35China Silicon Begins Production In 2,000-Ton Polysilicon Project

      Posted on Dec 04, 2008 | 16:12

      China Silicon Corporation began producing polysilicon in a project with annual capacity of 2,000 tons in Luoyang, Henan province on November 18. The project began construction in early 2007. China Silicon has reached annual production capacity of 3,000 tons.
      schrieb am 04.01.10 06:19:48
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      China official says 2009 poly-Si production short of domestic demand, reports paper

      Lisa Tsai, Taipei; Adam Hwang, DIGITIMES [Monday 4 January 2010]

      Producers of poly-Si in China turned out an estimated 15,000 metric tons in total in 2009, 40-50% lower than estimated domestic demand of 25,000-30,000MT, according to a Chinese-language Hong Kong Business Times report which cited deputy director-general Shi Li-shan for the New Energy Department under the National Energy Administration as indicating.

      While a total annual poly-Si capacity of 80,000MT is planned to be established in China, only 55% (44,000MT) has been, or will be, set up, and only 25.8% has come into use, the report pointed out. As of the end of September 2009, there were fewer than 20 poly-Si producers with a total annual capacity of about 19,700MT in China, the report indicated.
      schrieb am 13.01.10 12:33:43
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      US$ 1 Bln Polysilicon Plant Set for Construction

      Published 11 January 2010

      The First Energy Bank of Bahrain plans to build a polysilicon plant in Saudi Arabia to serve an increasing demand for solar energy generation in the Middle East.

      The Bank said it's teaming up with Project Management and Development Co. in Saudi Arabia to build the factory, which would cost about $1 billion, reported Reuters news agency. The factory will have an annual capacity of 7,500 tons; production is set to begin in 2013.

      The Islamic bank plans to finance the project with 40 percent equity and 60 percent debt. Part of that debt would come from the Saudi government.

      The developers already have signed an off-take agreement with Vinmar International in the United States, a petrochemical seller in Houston.

      Countries in the Middle East are eager to invest in solar and other renewable energy manufacturing and generation. They see such investments as necessary to lessen their dependence on oil consumption and production.

      Abu Dhabi, part of the United Arab Emirates, has invested in solar panel manufacturing and installations. Kuwait plans to solicit bids next year for a solar power plant. Saudia Arabia wants to build a 2-megawatt solar farm at its King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

      Source: GulfSol 2010
      schrieb am 17.01.10 12:40:26
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Silicon Maker Daqo Files for $80m U.S. IPO

      Posted on Jan 13, 2010 | 14:01

      Daqo New Energy Group said that it expects to take in proceeds of roughly $78.2 million through the issue of 6.5 million new American depositary shares in an initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "DQ," according to a January 12 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The shares are expected to price between $12.50 and $14.50 each, the company said.

      Daqo New Energy plans to use approximately $65 million of the net proceeds to expand its polysilicon manufacturing facilities and the remainder for working capital, the filing said.

      A subsidiary of Jiangsu-based Daqo Group, Daqo New Energy had an installed annual production capacity of 3,300 metric tons as of September 30, 2009, and plans to increase its installed annual production capacity to 9,300MT by March 2012.
      schrieb am 18.01.10 09:08:02
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      January 13, 2010

      Johannesburg, South Africa: South African Government Studies Prospects for Polysilicon Plant

      The South African Government, through the Department of Trade and Industry has issued a Request for Proposal to investigate the viability of a polysilicon plant in South Africa.

      The purpose of solicitation is to provide the background requirements for a study to investigate the viability of establishing the polysilicon plant. The study should be done to scoping level of confidence, on all the technical, marketing, financial and strategic aspects needed to facilitate the establishment of a polysilicon plant, at an appropriate site, in South Africa.

      For South Africa, the Government says, the solar photovoltaic market in particular has been facing a significant challenge due to shortages and allocations of polysilicon over the last few years. The shortage of feedstock between 2004 and 2007, reached a critical point, which in turn affected the production of solar panels and consequently, the industry growth. With demand from the semiconductor and solar energy industries expected to grow by between 5% and 9%, demand for solar-grade polysilicon is expected to reach over 40% of the total demand in 2009-2010, says the South African Government.

      The White Paper on renewable energy (Nov 2003) by the Department of Minerals and Energy, has set a target that 4% of South Africa's power demand should be provided by renewable energy sources, of which solar power is expected to play a key role. In order to fulfill this mandate, the establishment of a vibrant local photovoltaic manufacturing and related industries will be needed to ensure a competitive solar industry. Access to sufficient quantities of solar grade polysilicon feedstock is a key component in the manufacturing of solar panels.

      It is within this framework, and together with its mandate to facilitate industrial development in South Africa, that the IDC wants to initiate the Study. Subject to the outcomes and recommendations of the Study, the IDC will engage with appropriate role players/partners to facilitate the implementation of the Project.

      Proposals should be submitted in duplicate all bound in a sealed envelope endorsed "TENDER T30/1009/09 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO INVESTIGATE THE VIABILITY OF ESTABLISHING A POLYSILICON PLANT IN SOUTH AFRICA ("the study")".

      The sealed envelope must be placed in the tender box at the Main Reception area of the IDC Building, 19 Fredman Drive Sandton by no later than 12h00 noon on January 22, 2010.
      schrieb am 06.02.10 10:33:53
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Sinosico: 1,000MT In 1Yr of Ops at Poly Plant

      Posted on Dec 23, 2009 | 17:12

      China Silicon Corporation (Sinosico) had produced 1,016.7 metric tons (MT) of polysilicon, of which 50% is electrical grade silicon, by November 30, a year after the company started trial operations at its 2,000MT-per-annum polysilicon production line, reported December 22. The project began producing polysilicon in Luoyang, Henan province on November 18, 2008.
      schrieb am 09.02.10 19:18:14
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Ledian Tianwei JV Begins Trial Poly Production

      Posted on Feb 09, 2010 | 18:02

      A polysilicon project operated by Leshan Ledian Tianwei Silicon Science and Technology, a joint venture between Hebei-based power transformer and solar cell manufacturer Baoding Tianwei Baobian Electric Co. Ltd. (600550.SH) and Leshan Electric Power (600644.SH), began trial production on February 8, reports. The plant is expected to exceed output of 1,000 metric tons (MT) of polysilicon in 2010 and reach its targeted annual capacity of 3,000MT next year, the report said.

      Leshan Ledian Tianwei Silicon Science and Technology began production in one of the project's furnaces on September 23.
      schrieb am 04.03.10 19:32:26
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      SolarWorld secures ultra-low-cost polysilicon with JV in Qatar
      01 March 2010 | By Mark Osborne | News > Fab and Facilities, Materials

      Mr Rashid Al Naimi, Vice President of Adminstration, Qatar Foundation and Mr Frank, H. Asbeck, CEO, SolarWorldAGIn an effort to secure ultra-low-cost polysilicon for future consumption and cost competiveness, SolarWorld has partnered in a new joint venture polysilicon enterprise, Qatar Solar Technologies (QST), to be based in the Emirate of Qatar. Located close to chemical facilities in the Ras Laffan Industrial City in the northeast of Qatar, the new 3,600MT facility will be built by Centrotherm Photovoltaics and subsidiary SiTec at a cost of over €500 million. Production is planned to start in the third quarter of 2012 with full capacity reached in 2013.

      SolarWorld has taken a stake of 29% in the newly founded QST, while the Qatar Foundation will have a 70% ownership. The foundation was formed in 1995 by His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of Qatar. The Qatar Development Bank will have a 1% share in the JV.

      Tapping into the fact that Qatar is one of the world's largest suppliers of natural gas, the facility will use gas-powered electricity generators as well as an exhaust recuperation plant for poly production, which will also lower energy consumption. As a result, the facility could be one of the lowest-cost producers of polysilicon compared to similar sized facilities.

      Photo caption: Left to right. Mr Rashid Al Naimi, VP of adminstration, Qatar Foundation and Frank Asbeck, CEO, SolarWorld AG.

      Frank H. Asbeck, Chairman and CEO of SolarWorld AG.

      “With the conversion of natural gas via electricity into solar-grade silicon the reach of the gas virtually increases by a factor of more than 25 for as long as our solar power modules can generate clean energy from the sun,” noted Frank H. Asbeck, Chairman and CEO of SolarWorld AG.
      schrieb am 05.03.10 19:22:45
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.062.682 von R-BgO am 04.03.10 19:32:26Da reden zwei Blinde von Farben.:cry:
      Weder die Araber noch Solar-World haben irgendeine Ahnung davon, wie man so eine Anlage richtig betreibt.:laugh:
      Reine Geldverschwendung. Der einzige Gewinner heisst hier Centrotherm SiTec, die den Jungs eine Anlage verkaufen, die vermutlich mit den Large Scale Anlagen der etablierten Anbieter weder vom Volumen, noch von den Reaktorausbeuten und damit den Kosten richtig mithalten kann.
      FA wäre besser beraten gewesen, wenn er die 150 Mio den Hemlocks dieser Weld gegeben hätte und sich so ein Stück an deren Anlagen zu sichern...:mad:
      schrieb am 19.03.10 10:10:00
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Iosil Building Solar Silicon Plant
      in News Departments > FYI
      by SI Staff on Thursday 18 March 2010

      Iosil Energy Corp., a producer of solar-grade polysilicon for the photovoltaic industry, has secured $13.5 million in equity financing in an oversubscribed round. New investors BankInvest New Energy Solutions, SiC Processing, Bekaert, Epic Ventures and Gideon Hixon joined existing investors EnerTech Capital, Cycad Group, Espirito Santo Ventures, Milcom Technologies, Applied Ventures, Phoenix Fire and Merrimaker.

      The initial tranche allows the company to specify and engineer its pilot plant facility in one of several locations under consideration. The full investment will be used by the company to build out a pilot manufacturing plant and prepare for commercial introduction.

      Iosil says it has demonstrated its ability to produce high-purity polysilicon from the waste material created by wafer sawing operations. The company's technology can also be used to produce polysilicon from metallurgical-grade silicon.

      SOURCE: Iosil Energy Corp.
      schrieb am 05.04.10 16:27:26
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      April 2, 2010

      Leshan, China: Ledian Tianwei Silicon Technology Starts Up Polysilicon Plant

      Ledian Tianwei Silicon Technology Co. Ltd. has successfully started up its 3000 MTY polysilicon production plant in Leshan, Sichuan Province, China, and is now producing high-purity polysilicon that will be used to produce cells and modules for the solar industry and wafers for the electronic industry. Ledian Tianwei Silicon Technology Company contracted with Poly Plant Project, Inc. (PPP), purchasing PPP's process technology and equipment package.

      This package integrated state-of-the-art Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactors to produce high-purity polysilicon, Thermal Converters to recycle and convert silicon-tetrachloride to trichlorosilane, pressure vessel power supply systems, ancillary equipment and operator and safety training at Ledian's polysilicon production plant.

      "Poly Plant Project's 36-L Reactor is the market leader in terms of polysilicon output, production capacity and efficiency for 36 rod (18 pair) CVD Reactors," said Dr. Jesse Chen, President of PPP. "PPP's engineers have developed our unique 36-L CVD Reactors to achieve a minimum annual production capacity of 200 Metric Tons per Year (MTY) of high-purity polysilicon. Our Model 36-L and our new, high-capacity Model 54-R 54 rod reactors are the most advanced, high-yield polysilicon deposition Reactors available. PPP's 36 and 54 rod Reactors are unparalleled in their efficient production of polysilicon consuming the least amount of electricity per kilogram of polysilicon produced."

      Poly Plant Project, Inc. was able to accelerate its equipment delivery, enabling the Ledian plant to be completed five months ahead of schedule. The equipment was commissioned in August 2009 and the plant started in production in September. All CVD Reactors are operating and the company is now producing high-purity solar grade and electronic grade polysilicon at a rate of 1500 Metric Tons per Year which is nearly 50% of the plant's 3000 MTY nameplate capacity.

      Ledian Tianwei Silicon Technology Company is using PPP's STC-to-TCS Thermal Converters, Converter power supplies, graphite elements, and ancillary equipment. The STC-to-TCS Thermal Converters are critical pieces of equipment that enable the plant to recycle recovered waste gases that are produced during the polysilicon deposition/production process. The Ledian plant is operating PPP's Thermal Converters at a highly efficient rate converting more than 20% of the silicon-tetrachloride to trichlorosilane with each pass.

      "PPP's CVD Reactors, Thermal Converters and power supplies are designed for safe and efficient operation while minimizing the consumption of electricity enabling plant owners to enjoy the lowest possible operating costs thereby reducing the cost of each kilo of poly produced," said Terry T. Kunimune, Chairman and CEO of Poly Plant Project, Inc. "Ours is a very versatile pressure vessel design enabling it to be used as either a high-output CVD Reactor or a highly-efficient Thermal Converter. Using PPP's proprietary graphite chucks, electrodes, direct temperature control and on-site operator and safety training, enables our customers to enjoy the shortest learning curve as they go from commissioning to first production run to continuous, safe and stable operation. We are not surprised at how quickly the Ledian plant has gone into polysilicon production as their highly qualified, professional team was enabled by PPP's complete package of equipment, technology and training. We look forward to their continued success as they ramp up production and ultimately exceed their plant's nameplate capacity."
      schrieb am 08.04.10 18:19:41
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      First Taiwan-based poly-Si maker to start volume production in May

      Nuying Huang, Taipei; Adam Hwang, DIGITIMES [Wednesday 7 April 2010]

      Taiwan Polysilicon Corporation (TPC) is expected to become the first Taiwan-based poly-Si maker to kick off volume production, according to industry sources. With an initial capacity of 8,000 metric tons, it is conducting trial runs and will kick off volume production in late May 2010.

      TPC has begun negotiating orders with potential clients in Taiwan and overseas markets, the sources indicated, adding the company uses the Siemens process to produce poly-Si for semiconductor-grade and solar-grade silicon wafers.
      schrieb am 03.08.10 18:38:58
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      MBM to build first solar-grade polysilicon plant in the UAE
      02 August 2010 | By Emma Hughes | News > Fab and Facilities

      MBM Solar Holding is to construct a solar-grade polysilicon plant in the UAE. The facility will have a total capacity of 2,500 tons per annum and is expected to start production in early 2012. The project is being sponsored by MBM Holdings and will be developed jointly with ERC Private Limited Singapore.

      This US$400M, 250,000m2 project will be the first upstream plant of its kind to be built in the UAE and the first facility in the Middle East to produce polysilicon. MBM is also currently in negotiations with local authorities for land and power for this project.

      MBM Holdings will give out a mandate to an investment bank to seek the residual parts of equity and debt for this project. The feasibility study has been conducted and the project engineering partners have been identified.

      Sheikh Mohammed bin Maktoum Bin Juma Al Maktoum, chairman of MBM said, "ERC Singapore is our equity and technology partner given their worldwide networks, technical-commercial expertise, existing management team and their ability to plan and execute a project in record time."

      Kassym Abzhanov, director of ERC said, "The project will be the bank's first major strategic initiative in renewable sector and will benefit from the world class infrastructure available in the UAE in terms of facilities and personnel. We are proud to work with MBM Holdings who have a track record in Dubai and a strong reputation for excellence. MBM has an excellent partnership approach and the right people to execute the strategy. This project will be lucrative for sovereign and private investors in MENA."

      The project is in line with the declaration of Green Dubai 2008 by His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vice-president and prime minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai.
      schrieb am 09.08.10 12:38:26
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      TPSI successfully produces poly-Si in volume

      Nuying Huang, Taipei; Willie Teng, DIGITIMES [Monday 9 August 2010]

      Taiwan-based Taiwan Polysilicon (TPSI) has announced it has successfully produced poly-Si in volume, with a planned annual capacity of 8,000MT (metric ton) initially and an ultimate target of up to 28,000MT .

      Currently, Taiwan's solar wafer and cell makers rely completely on imports for poly-Si supply. Taiwan imported 20,000MT in 2009 and 30,000MT is expected for 2010.
      schrieb am 13.10.10 18:30:35
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()

      Siliken commences solar-grade silicon production

      (October 13, 2010) -- Siliken Chemicals, a subsidiary of Spanish renewable energy company Siliken, has commenced continuous production of purified solar-grade silicon at its pilot plant facilities in Casas Ibañez (Albacete-Spain), producing the first quantities of the material.

      Siliken commences solar-grade silicon productionThe startup of this final stage of the production process, using in-house fluidized bed reactor technology (FBR), has been possible thanks to an intensive and complex research process involving several internationally renowned technological groups that have collaborated with the company. Over the coming months, work will continue to ensure that the plant is in optimum condition for production with the aim of it being fully operational for the first quarter of 2011, a year in which the company expects to fulfill its objective for industrial scale production, according to the Siliken business plan.

      Purified solar grade silicon, obtained from metallurgical silicon, is the basic raw material used in the production of solar cells used to manufacture photovoltaic modules. Demand for this product has experienced significant growth over recent years due to the boom in the sector and any shortage may create price tensions on the market, which will inevitably be passed on to all parties in the industry, the company asserts. However, it will be difficult to pass the full increase in costs on to customers due to the current pressure to reduce costs within the sector.

      For Siliken, the startup of its purified silicon production subsidiary is a decisive move in its bid to reduce solar panel production costs and maintain its competitiveness.

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      High quality and efficiency are not the only factors for competitiveness, said Siliken chairman Carlos Navarro, noting that, in the current climate, manufacturing costs are a decisive factor for maintaining competitiveness. He called the in-company silicon production a fundamental strategic milestone. “This, together with increases to our production capacity abroad and a decisive commitment to automation, will enable us to continue to increase our international presence and market share over the coming years, to have control over the costs of the industrial process and to improve our margins whilst ensuring we maintain our quality and commitment to customers.”

      The company, whose major shareholder is the Serratosa-Luján family of Valencia, Spain, has also reported a turnover of €156.8 million for the first half of this year, with both direct solar panel sales and the construction of photovoltaic plant’s reaching a total of 75 MW of power. This figure represents a 267% increase on the €42 million figure reported for the same period last year. Siliken expects to end the year with more than 140 MW sold (10% of which will be sold in Spain) and a turnover in excess of €300 million.

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