
    Polypore - Energiespeicherung - Batterietechnik - 500 Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 2)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 09.06.11 16:50:51
      Beitrag Nr. 501 ()
      Nun, heute geben die Shortseller aber von Anfang an mächtig Gas. Da will ich hoffen, daß
      es bis zum Ende der Sitzung Hände gibt, die diese Gelegenheit gern zum Kauf wahrnehmen.

      schrieb am 13.06.11 22:24:41
      Beitrag Nr. 502 ()
      Polypore International, Inc. to Present at the William Blair and Company's 31st Annual Growth Stock Conference
      Written by TradersHuddle Staff
      Monday, 13 June 2011 16:07

      CHARLOTTE, N.C., June 13, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE:PPO) announced today it will make a presentation to the investment community at 11:20 am CT on Thursday, June 16, 2011, at the William Blair and Company's 31st Annual Growth Stock Conference in Chicago.

      A link to the webcast and a copy of the Company's presentation will be accessible through the Company's website at in the Investor Relations section under Events & Presentations.
      schrieb am 25.06.11 13:34:43
      Beitrag Nr. 503 ()
      Wir hatten gestern den vierthöchsten Umsatz der letzten 12 Monate und fast das dreifache
      des durchschnittlichen Tagesumsatzes. Sollten die Börsen sich innerhalb des nächsten Monats
      nicht weiter rückläufig entwickeln, werden wir sicher an den Höchststand des Frühjahrs
      schrieb am 05.07.11 17:52:00
      Beitrag Nr. 504 ()
      Neues Verlaufs ATH bei PPO.
      Und die Story geht weiter.

      05. Juli 2011, 06:29 Uhr
      Revolution der Stadt-Knirpse

      Von Jürgen Pander

      Gegen sie wirken Polo, Corsa oder Mini wie fette Kaleschen: Eine ganze Armada pfiffiger Kleinstwagen schickt sich an, die Metropolen zu erobern. Bis 2013 werden rund 20 völlig neue Modelle der sogenannten Microcar-Klasse in Europa auf den Markt kommen - die meisten mit Elektroantrieb.

      Die Städte werden immer größer, die Autos darin jedoch immer kleiner. Weil es an Platz mangelt, sowohl zum Fahren, als auch zum Parken. Weil die Luftbelastung durch Abgase immer ärger wird. Und weil viele Metropolen bereits sehr große Pkw mit empfindlichen Einfahrzöllen belegen - oder gleich komplett aus den Innenstädten aussperren. All das spricht für kleinere, praktischere, umweltfreundlichere Autos. "Die Entwicklung der Megacitys, die sich verändernden Mobilitätstrends und das wachsende Interesse an abgasarmen, spritsparenden Autos lässt viele Fahrzeughersteller ganz neue Microcars für Europa entwickeln", sagt Vishwas Shanka, Analyst beim Marktforschungsunternehmen Frost & Sullivan.

      In der Studie "Strategic Analysis of the European Microcars Market" sprechen die Marktforscher von einer "neuen Ära" der Mikromobilität, die in den nächsten Jahren eine erhebliche Breitenwirkung entfalten werde. Es geht um Autos, die ungefähr das Format eines Smart Fortwo haben - also zwischen 2,50 und 3,50 Meter lang sind, die zwei bis vier Sitzplätze bieten, eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit zwischen 75 und 150 km/h, deren Antriebe zwischen 20 und 55 PS leisten und die, je nach Ausstattung und Positionierung, etwa 7000 bis 15.000 Euro kosten werden.

      Bislang, so die Studie von Frost & Sullivan, werden in diesem Segment europaweit etwa 12.000 Fahrzeuge pro Jahr verkauft. Bis 2017 jedoch könnten es pro Jahr rund 230.000 Microcars sein. Das enorme Wachstumspotential ruft nach Einschätzung der Marktforscher zunehmend die etablierten Autohersteller auf den Plan: "Sieben der zehn weltweit größten Autokonzerne planen ein Microcar für den europäischen Markt bis spätestens 2013", heißt es. Größte Microcar-Märkte des alten Kontinents sollen Deutschland und Großbritannien werden - hierzulande haben die Anlaysten vor allem die Städte Berlin, Hamburg, Köln und München sowie die dazugehörigen Ballungsräume als Microcar-Hochburgen ausgemacht.

      Kleine Autos plus elektrischer Antrieb sind eine clevere Kombination

      Der Trend zum Kleinstwagen trifft auf jenen zum Elektroantrieb - und beide Erscheinungen lassen sich ideal miteinander verknüpfen. Denn je kleiner und leichter ein Fahrzeug, desto sinnvoller und effizienter lässt es sich mit einem Elektroantrieb kombinieren - zumal die Zweisitzer in erster Linie für den Kurzstreckenverkehr in der Stadt gedacht sind. Kein Wunder also, dass die Studie vorhersagt, etwa 85 Prozent der neu auf den Markt kommenden Autozwerge seien als reine Elektrofahrzeuge konzipiert.

      Für die Hersteller sind die neuen Miniautos aus mehreren Gründen attraktiv. Erstens helfen die sparsamen und im Falle eines Elektroantriebs sogar emissionsfreien Mobile, die CO2-Bilanz aufzuhübschen. Zweitens können in den Fahrzeugen technische Komponenten aus bereits vorhandenen Kleinwagen verwendet werden, was die Entwicklungskosten deutlich reduziert. Und drittens interessieren sich für diese Art von Minimalautos auch kaufkräftige Kunden - darunter vermutlich zahlreiche so genannte LoHaS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability, etwa: umweltbewusste Verbraucher) - die durchaus üppig ausgestattete Fahrzeuge kaufen; mit anderen Worten: Es lässt sich mit den Microcars ordentlich Geld verdienen.

      Sehr kleine Autos mit sehr üppiger Ausstattung

      Der Einsatz in urbanen Ballungsräumen hat laut Frost & Sullivan-Analyst Shanka diverse Auswirkungen auf die Ausstattung der Microcars. So seien Spracherkennungssysteme, Start-Stopp-Automatik, Einparkhilfen, Bordcomputer, schlüssellose Zugangssysteme, Panoramadächer, Internet-Zugangsmöglichkeiten und intelligente Navigationssysteme wichtige Details dieser Fahrzeuge. Und all diese Extras dürften den Preis des Autos und vor allem die Gewinnmarge für den Hersteller hübsch nach oben treiben.

      VW wird bereits Ende August das neue Einstiegsmodell Up vorstellen, BMW plant bis spätestens 2013 die Premiere des sogenannten Megacity-Vehicles, von Opel heißt es, auch dort werde ein Kleinstwagen entwickelt und Mercedes-Benz und Renault werden in ihrer neuen Kooperation Autokonzepte wie den Smart oder das Renault E-Mobil Twizy sicher weiter ausbauen, ebenso Toyota das Modell iQ, dass demnächst mit Elektroantrieb auf den Markt kommen soll. Darüber hinaus deuten Studien von den vergangenen großen Automessen wie Kia Pop, Peugeot BB1, Tata Pixel oder Citroën Lacoste an, in welche Richtung die anderen großen Hersteller planen. Kleine, neue Autowelt.



      schrieb am 06.07.11 22:36:19
      Beitrag Nr. 505 ()
      Celgard Announces Grand Opening of Concord Facility

      Concord - Celgard, LLC, a major supplier of microporous separators used in the lithium-ion battery industry, has announced a Grand Opening ceremony for their Concord, NC-based expansion building in the International Business Park. Slated for July 25th, the event will herald an increase of its prosperous growth in the electric drive vehicle (EDV) market, according to company officials. Celgard’s updated presence in the International Business Park is expected to create more than 200 new jobs. The additional jobs are expected to be created by a combination of both the expansion in Charlotte and the new facility in Concord. A majority of jobs will be in Concord, but not all.

      The expanded facility, encompassing more than 150,000 square-feet and 20 acres, was announced when company leaders held a ground breaking ceremony on September 2nd, 2010. Present that day were N.C. Congressman Larry Kissell, N.C. Commerce Secretary Keith Crisco, Dale Carroll, Deputy Secretary of the N.C. Department of Commerce, U.S. DOE Supervisor of Vehicle Technology Programs, Edwin Owens, Concord Mayor Scott Padgett, Cabarrus County Commissioner Grace Mynatt, Celgard President Mitch Pulwer and Polypore International President Robert Toth. Polypore International is Celgard's parent company. Celgard’s Charlotte headquarters was also experiencing an expansion, at that same time, as well.

      This Grand Opening represents a year of hard work and planning, as Celgard increases its presence within the Charlotte area. Worldwide, the company employs over 700 people, with about 500 located in North Carolina. The company is represented with sales, technical service and worldwide business support facilities in Korea, Japan, China and France. In early April of last year, President Barack Obama toured the Charlotte facility and delivered remarks in a town-hall meeting setting. Topics discussed ranged from job creation and growth to energy policies and healthcare.

      “We are excited about our expansion efforts and the folks we've hired in the past year or so for the Concord and Charlotte facilities,” stated Celgard President, Mitch Pulwer. “Celgard and Polypore are truly global, but we feel right at home in the Charlotte-Concord corridor. Celgard looks forward to serving the electric drive vehicle (EDV) market from both of these facilities,” he added.

      Posted on Wednesday, July 06, 2011

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,7300EUR +96,24 %
      Ad-hoc! Komplette Neubewertung angelaufen, 6.500% Wachstum mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 07.07.11 08:06:19
      Beitrag Nr. 506 ()
      polypore schönen rücksetzer 60$ zum weiteren aufstocken genutzt jetzt 72$

      das läuft und läuft und läuft..............................................

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 07.07.11 09:43:43
      Beitrag Nr. 507 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.753.446 von rosen123 am 07.07.11 08:06:19und


      sollte die Story immer noch am Anbeginn der Tage stehen.

      Da gibt es nur 2 Sorgen, die mich umtreiben:

      1. ein erneuter Crash der Weltbörsen

      2. die Übernahme von PPO durch einen Konkurrenten, wie z. B. DuPont, und die schön Story wird damit verwässert.

      Denn sollte die E-Mobilität weiter so fortschreiten, befinden wir uns erst zu Urknall-
      zeiten. Und es geht über Telefone, Laptops, Fahrräder, Motorräder, Autos, evtl. Lkw`s
      bis hin zu Großspeicherlösungen wie für PV-Anlagen und Windräder.

      Sollte das so zutreffen, ist dieses hier eine der größten Börsenstorys des 21. Jh.

      Habe auch schon öfter zu DuPont gegoogled, aber keine Aussage zu deren Membranen gefunden, mit denen sie ja ab 1. Quartal auf den Markt gehen und in Konkurrenz zu PPO
      treten wollten. Angeblich sollten diese ca. 10% effektiver sein.

      07. Juli 2011, 08:58 Uhr
      Konzept-Studie E-Scooter
      BMW steht unter Strom

      Aus München berichtet Jochen Vorfelder

      BMW hängt die Konkurrenz ab: Im Herbst werden zwei Roller-Modelle mit neuem Verbrennungsmotor vorgestellt. Doch schon jetzt rollt auf der Teststrecke bereits der nächste Evolutionsschritt - die Elektro-Version. Der große E-Scooter soll in zwei Jahren die 100-Kilometer-Distanz knacken.

      Sie war eine der Überraschungen der Motorradmesse EICMA im vergangenen November: die Ankündigung von BMW, einen Großroller mit eigenem Zweizylinder-Motor zu bauen. Über eine elektrisch angetriebene Version des "Concept C" wurde damals nur leise gemunkelt - und jetzt geht alles ganz schnell. Auf ihren Innovations-Tagen 2011 haben die Münchener Motorradbauer den E-Scooter nicht nur angekündigt, sondern bereits fahrbereit gezeigt.

      Zu langsam, zu schwer, eine zu geringe Reichweite: "Das kommt für uns nicht in Frage," sagt Christian Ebner, der Projektleiter. Ebner hat vor dem Wechsel in die Stromer-Etage für das Formel-1-Team des Konzerns gearbeitet und formuliert für einen BMW E-Scooter andere Ziele: "Wenn wir in zwei oder drei Jahren auf den Markt kommen, werden wir vom Gewicht her nicht weit über den Verbrennern liegen und auch in der Geschwindigkeit mit einem 600 Kubik-Roller mithalten können. Und wir werden für zwei Passagiere Reichweiten über Hundert Kilometer haben."

      Ebner ist davon überzeugt, dass die Reichweit der entscheidende Faktor bei der Akzeptanz von Elektrofahrzeugen ist. "Das ist ein psychologisches Phänomen. Tatsächlich brauchen die meisten Umland-Pendler keine 100 Kilometer Reichweite, aber man möchte sie in der Hinterhand wissen."

      Hightech aus der Auto-Abteilung

      Für den E-Scooter hat sich BMW vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung fördern und einiges einfallen lassen. Resultat: Ein Großroller dieser Machart wurde bisher nicht auf die Straße gebracht - die Konzept-Studie hat keinen konventionellen Hauptrahmen; das Batteriegehäuse aus Aluminium ist das tragende Element. Mit ihm verbunden sind der Lenkkopfträger sowie der Heckrahmen und die Einarmschwinge mit liegend montiertem Federbein.

      Auf einen Nabenmotor mit Direktantrieb kann BMW bei den hohen Anforderungen nicht zurückgreifen. Statt dessen wurde die E-Maschine direkt hinter dem Batteriegehäuse montiert. Der Schub kommt auf der Straße über ein komplexes System an - über einen Zahnriemen wird eine Riemenscheibe mit Ritzel angetrieben, von dort aus gelangt die Kraft via Rollenkette zum Hinterrad. Wird der Roller gebremst, können bis zu 20 Prozent der kinetischen Energie gespeichert werden. Im Fahrbetrieb werden Motor und Steuerungselektronik flüssig gekühlt; die Batteriespeicher sind luftgekühlt und können an einer normalen Steckdose in drei Stunden voll aufgeladen werden.

      "Wir haben natürlich einen gewaltigen Vorteil bei der Entwicklung", sagt Projektleiter Ebner. "Wir können auf die geballten Ressourcen und die Erfahrung unserer Kollegen vom Project I mit dem BMW Megacity Vehicle zurückgreifen. Auch dort geht es ja darum, nicht etwa ein konventionelles Fahrzeug auf Batterieantrieb umzumünzen, sondern eine komplett neue Architektur zu entwickeln."

      Innovation geht in München besser

      Ohne die genauen Daten und Bauteile zu kennen - wenn BMW seiner Ankündigung Taten und eingehaltene Lieferzeiten folgen lässt, haben die Münchener einen weiteren Beweis dafür geliefert, dass Innovation im Motorradbau zur Zeit fast ausschließlich in Europa statt findet.

      Beispiel Honda: Der Weltmarktführer Honda hat vor wenigen Wochen in Barcelona seinen EV-neo vorgestellt, dem ersten "umweltfreundlichen Elektroroller für die Stadt", mit dem sich der Konzern auf dem europäischen Markt präsentiert.

      Das war irritierend: ein kleiner Einsitzer mit umgerechnet 3,8 PS, mit dem der Fahrer Spitzengeschwindigkeiten von 45 Km/h erreicht und eine theoretische Reichweite von knapp 40 Kilometern hat. Das kann jeder chinesische Baumarkt-Roller billiger und jedes Pedelec besser.

      Davor muss man in München keine Angst haben. "Ich bin den E-Scooter gefahren," erzählt Hendrik von Kuenheim, Chef der BMW-Motorradsparte, nach der Vorstellung in München am fortgeschritten Abend. "Der geht jetzt schon gut und locker über 120 Km/h. Und warten Sie mal ab, was wir in den nächsten zwei Jahren noch rausholen aus der Plattform." Bleibt zu hoffen, dass der Roller auch bezahlbar sein wird. Denn nicht nur die Reichweite ist entscheidend für den Erfolg, sondern auch der Preis.



      schrieb am 08.07.11 08:31:17
      Beitrag Nr. 508 (),2828,773004,…

      Schwierige Suche nach sauberer Sause

      Von Arne Gottschalck

      Fahrspaß aus der Steckdose: Bewegt das Thema neue Mobilität auch die Börsen?
      Für Politiker ist Mobilität, vor allem saubere Mobilität, ein prägendes Thema des Jahrzehnts. Lässt sich das auch an der Börse nutzen? Anleger sollten bei der Suche nach neuen, innovativen Überfliegern auf jeden Fall behutsam vorgehen - und auch alteingesessene Unternehmen nicht vergessen.

      Der Flugzeugbauer Airbus kann zufrieden sein. Der neue Airbus 320 Neo, der dank spritsparender Triebwerke 15 Prozent weniger Kerosin verbrennen soll, scheint zum Verkaufsschlager zu avancieren. Die indische Fluggesellschaft Indigo hat jüngst 150 dieser Jets bestellt. Genau das ist es, was viele Investoren suchen - technologische Entwicklungssprünge, die die Absatzzahlen eines Unternehmens in neue Höhen hebeln können.

      Kein Wunder also, wenn die Analysten des Bankhauses Lampe die Einführung des Neo-Programms bereits im Januar lobten. Dabei sei der Flieger "längst nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange", sagt Thomas Bayreuther, Fondsmanager des Fonds Absolute Future Mobility. "Mit Wasserstoff betankt, das wäre es." Außerdem gäbe es andere Unternehmen, die auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Mobilität als erste profitieren würden.

      Solche, die zum Beispiel Batterien herstellen oder auch deren Zulieferer. "Ohne sie wird das Thema E-mobility nicht zu machen sein. Nehmen Sie Polypore, das ist ein Zulieferer von den Membranen, die zwischen positivem und negativem Teil der Batterie sitzen. Das macht kaum einer, womit das Unternehmen in einem Oligopol aktiv ist", sagt Bayreuther. Stellt man in Rechnung, dass die Regierung in Sachen E-Mobilität aufs Tempo drückt - sollte man schon jetzt in solche Unternehmen investieren und gelassen auf den künftigen Boom warten?

      Warnung vor Überschwang

      Genau darin könnte auch die Gefahr liegen. "In diesem Bereich ist es leicht, Geschichten zu kaufen", warnt Gerd Häcker, der das Portfoliomanagement bei der Vermögensverwaltung Huber, Reuss & Kollegen verantwortet. "Aber genau das ist ein Fehler." Eine "Story" bedeute noch keine regelmäßigen Gewinne: "Warten Sie lieber ab. Ein solides Geschäft, das zählt".

      Huber lobt Unternehmen wie Siemens . Das Unternehmen sei "auf allen Märkten aktiv, die Mobilität ausmachen." Denn Mobilität ist mehr als nur Autos. Mobilität umfasst den öffentlichen Nahverkehr, umfasst Lieferfahrzeuge. Sie beinhaltet Flugzeugbauer wie Airbus und Firmen, die Lokomotiven bauen, Baukonzerne, die für Infrastruktur sorgen, Flughafenbetreiber wie Fraport .

      Und auch Energieversorger. Denn was nützt die scheinbar saubere Energie aus dem Akku, wenn diese aus einem Kohlekraftwerk stammt. Alles Themen, die sich mit alteingesessenen Unternehmen an der Börse umsetzen lassen, wie das Beispiel Energie zeigt.

      "Wenn zum Beispiel der Energieversorger Statkraft an die Börse ginge, das wäre toll", sagt Häcker. "So bleiben Unternehmen wie die Verbund AG. Die erzeugen 90 Prozent ihrer Energie aus Wasserkraft. Sie haben die Kraftwerke, den Zugang zu den Seen - und damit sind diese besetzt".

      Neben solchen Faktoren müssen aber auch die Bewertungen des Unternehmens an der Börse stimmen. Und die stimmen nur dann, wenn es auch in Zukunft Geld verdienen kann. Genau das ist nicht einfach vorherzusagen.

      2. Teil: Keine automatische Geldmaschine

      Zwar stellt zum Beispiel eine Umstellung des innerstädtischen Busverkehrs auf Elektrizität eine große Chance für die Unternehmen dar. "Nicht der Individualverkehr ist der große Hebel" sagt Bayreuther. "Eher die großen Flotten. Lieferwagen zum Beispiel. Oder der Öffentliche Nahverkehr, Busse zum Beispiel. Flottenbetreiber wie zum Beispiel UPS oder die Gemeinden rechnen ja mit spitzem Bleistift."

      Doch können die Unternehmen damit automatisch auch Geld verdienen? Häcker zweifelt.

      "'Die Kommunen haben kein Geld", so Häcker. Zumindest nicht in Europa, wo die Folgen der Finanzkrise die Kassen leerten. Seine Mahnung: "Es ist meistens ein Fehler, sofort auf eine Geschichte aufzuspringen, das habe ich in 30 Jahren immer wieder gesehen. Warten Sie lieber - die Unternehmen müssen ja auch Geld verdienen."

      Die Unternehmen selbst haben inzwischen begriffen, wie wichtig das Thema ist - oder zumindest dessen Signalwirkung. Siemens hat eine eigene Mobilitätsdivision geschaffen. Schäffler bündelt seine Aktivitäten zum Thema Elektromobilität seit kurzem in einer eigenen Abteilung, dem Systemhaus eMobilität.

      Und BASF verkündet, einen dreistelligen Millionenbetrag in "Forschung, Entwicklung und Produktionsausbau von Batteriematerialen" stecken zu wollen. Investoren müssen dennoch genau hinsehen.

      Geely änderte bereits den Kurs

      Denn schnell kann es geschehen, dass ein Unternehmen den Kurs ändert und damit auch die Kompassnadel E-mobility aus den Augen verliert. "Das chinesische Unternehmen Geely war ein ganz großer Spieler auf diesem Markt", so Bayreuther. "Aber seit es Volvo gekauft hat, nicht mehr".

      Kein Wunder, wenn Häcker versucht, das Thema soweit wie möglich zu fassen. "Die Saft-Groupe in Frankreich zum Beispiel beliefert auch die Hersteller von Schienenfahrzeugen mit Batterien." Ein internationales Geschäft und daher auf eventuelle Konjunkturverlangsamungen in hiesigen Breiten vorbereitet.

      Das sehen auch andere Finanzexperten ähnlich: "In Emerging Markets sehen wir eine große Divergenz in Sachen Transportinfrastruktur", sagt Patrick Pastollnigg, Fondsmanager des Raiffeisen-Infrastruktur-Aktien: "Während Länder mit hoher Sparquote und Investitionsaufkommen wie China bereits in den letzten Jahren enorme Anstrengungen zum Aufbau einer modernen Transportinfrastruktur unternommen haben, zum Beispiel Highways, Schnellzugverbindungen oder Flughäfen, hinken andere Länder mit traditionell geringeren Investitionsquoten hinterher, zum Beispiel Lateinamerika".

      Für Häcker ist die Schlussfolgerung aus dieser Analyse offensichtlich. "Strabag ist in meinen Augen zu sehr auf Europa konzentriert. Bauer AG gefällt mir da besser, das ist ein grundsolider Mischkonzern, der in 70 Ländern aktiv ist. Das federt konjunkturelle Probleme in bestimmten Regionen besser ab."

      Genau das richtige also für eine konjunkturelle Abkühlung - und trotzdem beim Trendthema dabei. Nun muss das Thema nur noch nachhaltig anspringen.
      schrieb am 13.07.11 22:35:05
      Beitrag Nr. 509 ()
      Nun, das sollten doch good news für PPO sein. Schaun wir morgen mal, sofort das Umfeld nicht zu negativ ist.

      Apple könnte 30 Millionen iPads verkaufen
      Uhrzeit: 21:34

      New York (Bö – Apple wird die Zahlen zum dritten Geschäftsquartal am 19. Juli veröffentlichen. Der Konzern hat eine Umsatzprognose von 23 Milliarden US-Dollar sowie eine Bruttomarge von 38 Prozent in Aussicht gestellt. Der Gewinn je Aktie soll 5,03 US-Dollar erreichen.

      Nach Einschätzung der Analysten der Société Générale könnte der Computer-Gigant Apple auf Jahresssicht bis zu 30 Millionen iPads verkaufen. Im Vorquartal hat es Komponentenengpässe gegeben, die jetzt behoben sind. Daher halte man die Prognosen von Apple für zu konservativ und schätze den Umsatz auf 24,86 Milliarden US-Dollar und den Gewinn je Aktie auf 5,63 US-Dollar. Das Kursziel sehe man auf Sicht von einem Jahr bei 450,00 US-Dollar. Das Rating für die Aktie laute auf "Kaufen".
      schrieb am 20.07.11 10:31:31
      Beitrag Nr. 510 ()
      Tolle Zahlen für Apple. Vielleicht hilft das ja PPO wieder über 70 US-$, wenn der Markt stabil bleibt.

      Rekordgewinn dank iPhone und iPad
      erstellt 20.07.11, 07:55h, aktualisiert 20.07.11, 07:58h

      Cupertino/dpa. Apple ist und bleibt ein Phänomen: Der iPhone- und iPad-Hersteller hat es abermals geschafft, seine Verkaufsrekorde zu brechen. Die Aktie geht durch die Decke. Die einzige wirkliche Sorge gilt der Gesundheit von Firmenchef Steve Jobs.

      Die Kunden reißen Apple seine Geräte weiter aus den Händen. Im dritten Geschäftsquartal von April bis Juni wurde Apple mehr als 20,3 Millionen iPhone-Handys los, fast 9,3 Millionen iPad-Tabletcomputer und annähernd 4,0 Millionen Mac-Rechner. Manche Produkte verkauften sich dreimal so gut wie im Vorjahreszeitraum.

      «Wir sind begeistert darüber, dass wir das beste Quartal aller Zeiten abliefern konnten», sagte Konzernchef Steve Jobs am Dienstag im kalifornischen Cupertino. Apple übertraf dabei die Erwartungen der Analysten bei weitem. Die Aktie schoss in einer ersten Reaktion nachbörslich um 7 Prozent nach oben und durchbrach dabei erstmals die 400-Dollar-Marke. Apple festigte damit seine Stellung als wertvollstes Technologieunternehmen der Welt mit einem Gesamtwert von annähernd 370 Milliarden Dollar.

      Der Umsatz verbesserte sich angesichts der blendenden Verkäufe um 82 Prozent auf 28,6 Milliarden Dollar. Der Gewinn stieg gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum um 125 Prozent auf 7,3 Milliarden Dollar (5,2 Mrd Euro). Soviel hat Apple noch nie verdient. Einziger Wermutstropfen waren die iPod-Musikspieler, deren Absatz weiter fiel auf zuletzt 7,5 Millionen Stück. Viele Apple-Fans hören ihre Songs inzwischen lieber über das iPhone.

      Apple ist derzeit so erfolgreich unterwegs wie kaum ein zweites Unternehmen. Zuletzt wirbelte der kalifornische Elektronikkonzern mit dem iPad den gesamten Markt durcheinander, nachdem ihm dies schon zuvor mit dem iPhone und dem iPod gelungen war. Nächstes Großprojekt ist iCloud - bei diesem Dienst liegen etwa Musikstücke zentral auf großen Internet-Rechnern und können vom Nutzer von überall aus abgerufen werden.

      Die einzige wirkliche Sorge gilt derzeit der Gesundheit von Apple-Chef Jobs. Jobs nimmt seit Januar eine krankheitsbedingte Auszeit. Es ist unklar, was ihm fehlt. Nach einem Bericht des «Wall Street Journal» vom Dienstag haben sich einzelne Apple-Verwaltungsräte mit Personalvermittlern getroffen, um auszuloten, welcher Manager in Jobs' Fußstapfen treten könnte. In mindestens einem Fall sei auch der Chef eines namhaften anderen Technologiekonzerns angesprochen worden.

      Jobs selbst schrieb in einer E-Mail an das Blatt: «Ich glaube, das ist Quatsch.» Die Zeitung berief sich auf eingeweihte Personen. Demnach handelte es sich bei dem Vorstoß der Verwaltungsräte wahrscheinlich um Alleingänge. Die Gespräche hätten allerdings mehr dem allgemeinen Ziel gedient, die Möglichkeiten von Apple abzustecken, als konkret einen neuen Chef zu finden.

      Der 56-jährige Jobs kämpft seit Jahren mit schweren Krankheiten. 2004 hatte er wegen Krebs behandelt werden müssen; 2009 bekam er eine neue Leber. Bei öffentlichen Auftritten wirkte er zuletzt dünn. Jobs' wird im Tagesgeschäft derzeit von seinem langjährigen Weggefährten Tim Cook vertreten, der auch als aussichtsreichster Nachfolger für den Fall der Fälle gilt.
      schrieb am 23.07.11 12:14:56
      Beitrag Nr. 511 ()
      Bei den Verkäufen müßte ich alle in meinem Depot befindlichen PPO-Anteile auch sofort verkaufen.

      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 24.07.11 13:36:19
      Beitrag Nr. 512 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.834.282 von Karlll am 23.07.11 12:14:56Ja. Das sehe ich auch so. War mir ebenfalls aufgefallen die letzten Wochen.

      Aber welche Gründe könnten die zahlreichen Verkäufe haben ? Bzw. sollte man das ernst nehmen und wirklich als Hinweis zum verkaufen sehen ? Kenne mich da zu wenig aus. Was meinst Du dazu ?
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 24.07.11 18:43:42
      Beitrag Nr. 513 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.836.306 von Moffit am 24.07.11 13:36:19@ Moffit,

      Die Liste der Verkäufe ist lang und wenn man bedenkt, daß allein die Ankündigung vom 7. Dez. 2010 den
      Verkauf von 4 Mio. Stück beinhaltet hat und dann am 17. März noch einmal 4,5 Mio Stück neue Käufer
      suchen, dann hat der Titel das doch prima weggesteckt.

      Zudem hätten fast alle Insider durchaus höhere Verkaufserlöse erzielen können, wenn sie noch ein wenig
      gewartet hätten.

      Und dann sprechen ja die ständigen Kapazitätserweiterungen eine eindeutige Sprache. Man erwartet weiter-
      hin steigendes Wachstum in dem originären Geschäftsbereich.

      Ich werde also kein einziges Stück verkaufen. Nicht einsichtig für uns sind ja die Beweggründe für die
      getätigten Verkäufe. Da kann es ja auch vertragliche Vereinbarungen geben, durch die diese Verkäufe
      initiiert sind.

      Denkbar ist auch, daß Aktien verkauft und Optionen gekauft werden, um zusätzlich an steigenden Kursen
      zu partizipieren.

      Schönes WE
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 24.07.11 18:50:09
      Beitrag Nr. 514 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.836.896 von Karlll am 24.07.11 18:43:42
      schrieb am 24.07.11 18:53:10
      Beitrag Nr. 515 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.836.896 von Karlll am 24.07.11 18:43:42Im 1. Quartal gab es repektable 55 Cent und für das 2. Quartal liegt der Konsens bei 56 Cent.

      Für das 3. Quartal sind 49 Cent und das 4. Quartal 61 Cent veranschlagt.

      Nun, am 1. August erfahren wir mehr, bei hoffentlich auch schönerem Wetter.

      July 12, 2011, 4:09 p.m. EDT
      Polypore Sets Second Quarter 2011 Earnings Release and Conference Call Dates

      CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jul 12, 2011 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- Polypore International, Inc. /quotes/zigman/349888/quotes/nls/ppo PPO +0.23% will release its second quarter 2011 financial results after U.S. markets close on Monday, August 1, 2011.

      Robert Toth, President and CEO, and Lynn Amos, Chief Financial Officer, will host a conference call to review and discuss those results beginning at 9:00 am Eastern time on Tuesday, August 2, 2011. The dial-in number for the conference call is (719) 325-4919. Enter code 1261864. A replay of the conference call will be available through Tuesday, August 9, 2011 via telephone at (719) 457-0820. Enter code 1261864.

      The call will be webcast live and archived for 30 days in the Investor Relations section of the company's web site at .

      About Polypore International, Inc.

      Polypore International, Inc. is a global high technology filtration company specializing in microporous membranes. Polypore's flat sheet and hollow fiber membranes are used in specialized applications that require the removal or separation of various materials from liquids, primarily in the ultrafiltration and microfiltration markets. Based in Charlotte, NC, Polypore International, Inc. is a market leader with manufacturing facilities or sales offices in ten countries serving six continents. See .

      This news release was distributed by GlobeNewswire,

      SOURCE: Polypore International, Inc.
      schrieb am 25.07.11 20:51:57
      Beitrag Nr. 516 ()
      Source: Polypore International, Inc.
      Polypore Announces Additional Expansion of Lithium-Ion Battery Separator Capacity for Electric Drive Vehicles

      CHARLOTTE, N.C., July 25, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE:PPO) today announced that it has approved additional capital expenditures of approximately $105 million to expand its lithium-ion battery separator capacity for Electric Drive Vehicles ("EDVs"). This expansion is expected to be at the Company's facility in Concord, North Carolina pending final approval in early August of proposed local incentives by the City of Concord and Cabarrus County.

      This latest expansion, which is the fifth phase of EDV-targeted expansion announced since August 2009, is expected to begin ramping up in late 2013 and be fully operational in 2014.

      Robert B. Toth, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, said: "We are experiencing an accelerating demand curve associated with the growth of Electric Drive Vehicles, and the size and scale of our investments are in response to that acceleration. We have been working closely with key customers to evaluate this, as well as the growth rate in consumer electronics applications, and the related impact on our capacity. This latest investment is consistent with our commitment to make the necessary investments to capitalize on this growing demand."

      For more information about Polypore International, Inc. visit

      For more information about the Company's lithium-ion battery separator business, visit
      schrieb am 25.07.11 20:55:36
      Beitrag Nr. 517 ()
      Celgard adding 250 jobs in Concord

      Monday, July 25, 2011 12:00 AM | Printer friendly version Printer friendly version | E-mail to a friend
      Gov. Bev Perdue and officials from Charlotte-based Celgard LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Polypore International Inc. (NYSE: PPO), today announced plans to expand production capacity in Concord and hire an additional 250 employees.

      The project was made possible in part by state grants from the Job Development Investment Grant and One North Carolina Grant programs. To meet the targets established in these performance-based grants, the company plans to create 250 jobs and invest a total of $105 million in Cabarrus County over the next two years.

      “Celgard is an innovative North Carolina company that is helping us realize the promise of a greener economy,” Perdue said. “We are able to create these ‘green collar’ jobs, and other skilled jobs across the state, because we have invested in education and built an educated, skilled workforce.”

      The company is a global leader in the development and production of specialty membranes used predominantly in the lithium battery industry. The expansion is designed to increase production capacity to supply lithium battery manufacturers focused on the Electric Drive Vehicle industry. The company currently employs approximately 600 people in North Carolina.

      While salaries will vary by job function, the overall average wage for the 250 new jobs will be $37,912 not including benefits. That is higher than the Cabarrus annual average of $32,448.

      “We are excited about our plans for an additional expansion of our Concord facility,” said Celgard President Mitch Pulwer. “Celgard and our parent company, Polypore, are truly global, but we feel right at home in the Charlotte-Concord corridor. We are thankful for the support we have received from Gov. Perdue, the North Carolina congressional delegation, and county and local governments that will enable us to continue our investments in production capacity and create jobs here in North Carolina as we prepare to meet the increasing demand of the Electric Drive Vehicle market.”

      The state’s Economic Investment Committee today voted to award a Job Development Investment Grant to Celgard. JDIGs are awarded only to new and expanding businesses and industrial projects whose benefits exceed the costs to the state and which would not be undertaken in North Carolina without the grant.

      Under the terms of the JDIG, the company is eligible to receive a grant equal to 65 percent of the state personal income withholding taxes derived from the creation of new jobs for each of the 11 years in which the company meets annual performance targets. If Celgard meets the targets called for under the agreement and sustains them for 11 years, the JDIG could yield up to $2.3 million in maximum benefits for the company.

      The company also has been awarded $500,000 from the One North Carolina Fund, which assists the state in industry recruitment and expansion by providing financial assistance through local governments to attract business projects deemed by the governor to be vital to a healthy and growing state economy. One North Carolina Fund grants require a local match, and this grant is contingent upon approval of local incentives.

      In addition, up to $766,000 could be added to the state’s Industrial Development Fund for infrastructure improvements in economically distressed counties. When a JDIG is awarded in the state’s most economically prosperous counties such as Cabarrus, 25 percent of the grant is allocated to the Industrial Development Fund to encourage economic development in less prosperous areas.

      Other partners that assisted with this announcement include: The N.C. Department of Commerce, N.C. Community Colleges, Cabarrus County, City of Concord, and Cabarrus Economic Development.

      For more information about Celgard, visit For information about job opportunities, visit

      schrieb am 27.07.11 12:16:57
      Beitrag Nr. 518 ()
      27.07.2011 12:05
      BörseGo · Mehr Nachrichten von BörseGo · Archiv
      HSBC erhöht Kursziel für von $181 auf $195.

      HSBC erhöht Kursziel für von $181 auf $195.
      (© BörseGo AG 2011 - Autor: Thomas Gansneder, Redakteur)

      © 2011 BörseGo
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.07.11 22:44:09
      Beitrag Nr. 519 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.851.341 von Karlll am 27.07.11 12:16:57Ups !!!
      Sorry, das ist im falschen Thread gelandet.

      Nachfolgendes ist aber richtig.

      US: Polypore to expand lithium-ion separator capacity
      Thursday, July 28, 2011,

      Polypore International, Inc., has announced that it has approved additional capital expenditure of about US$105m to expand its Celgard lithium-ion battery separator capacity for EVs. The expansion is expected to be at the company's facility in Concord, North Carolina pending final approval in early August of proposed local incentives by the municipal authorities concerned.

      This latest expansion, which is the fifth phase of EV-targeted expansion Polypore has announced since August 2009, is expected to begin ramping up in late 2013 and be fully operational in 2014.

      Robert B. Toth, Chairman, president and chief executive Officer, said: "We are experiencing an accelerating demand curve associated with the growth of electric drive vehicles, and the size and scale of our investments are in response to that acceleration."

      Published on Thursday, July 28, 2011
      schrieb am 02.08.11 02:43:06
      Beitrag Nr. 520 ()
      Gut aber offensichtlich nicht gut genug mit 13% über Konsens.

      Nachbörslich geht es bei 21.000 Stück mit 1,5% nach unten.

      Polypore Q2 Profit Rises - Quick Facts
      8/1/2011 5:07 PM ET

      (RTTNews) - Polypore International Inc. (PPO: News ) reported net income of $29.5 million or $0.63 per share for the second quarter, compared to $15.9 million or $0.34 per share in the prior year quarter.

      Adjusted net income grew to $29.7 million or $0.63 per share from $15.2 million or $0.33 per share in the year-ago quarter.

      Sales increased to $196.4 million from $150.1 million in the previous year quarter. Excluding the effect of foreign currency translation, sales grew 25%.

      Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected the company to report earnings of $0.56 per share on revenue of $187.15 million for the quarter. Analysts' estimates typically exclude special items.

      Click here to receive FREE breaking news email alerts for Polypore International Inc. and others in your portfolio

      by RTT Staff Writer
      schrieb am 03.08.11 15:35:56
      Beitrag Nr. 521 ()
      Polypore Dropped: What You Need to Know
      Rich Smith (TMF Ditty)
      August 2, 2011

      Although we don't believe in timing the market or panicking over market movements, we do like to keep an eye on big changes -- just in case they're material to our investing thesis.

      What: Polypore's (NYSE: PPO ) profit popped 85% in comparison with last year, but even that wasn't enough to save the company's stock from a selloff Tuesday. Polypore shares closed down 10% on the day.

      So what: Both revenues and profits ($0.63 per share, adjusted) exceeded Wall Street's estimates for the fiscal second quarter. Problem was, Polypore warned that next quarter might not be quite so fabulous as the company invests $105 million to expand production of membranes used to manufacture lithium-ion batteries.

      Now what: You wouldn't think that was such bad news as to cause a 10% selloff, though. What Polypore actually said yesterday was that investments to expand capacity might "constrain" its "ability to exceed our recent performance" (emphasis added.) What that sounds like to me is that Polypore is promising no more than $0.63 per share in Q3 -- but all Wall Street is looking for is $0.49 per share.

      Then again, with the stock fetching nearly 40 times earnings already, and having nearly tripled in price over the past year, maybe investors were just looking for an excuse to cash out their profits.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.08.11 22:56:13
      Beitrag Nr. 522 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.885.727 von Karlll am 03.08.11 15:35:56Wie fast immer bei PPO. Es stehen genügend Investoren an der Seitenlinie um nach einem starken
      Rücksetzer einzusteigen.

      Polypore's (NYSE: PPO ) profit popped 85% in comparison with last year, but even that wasn't enough to save the company's stock from a selloff Tuesday. Polypore shares closed down 10% on the day.

      Gestern 10% runter und heute 13,36% nach oben!!!


      schrieb am 04.08.11 11:43:38
      Beitrag Nr. 523 ()

      Is Polypore International the Perfect Stock?…

      Dan Caplinger
      August 3, 2011

      Every investor would love to stumble upon the perfect stock. But will you ever really find a stock that provides everything you could possibly want?

      One thing's for sure: You'll never discover truly great investments unless you actively look for them. Let's discuss the ideal qualities of a perfect stock and then decide whether Polypore International (NYSE: PPO ) fits the bill.

      The quest for perfection

      Stocks that look great based on one factor may prove horrible elsewhere, making due diligence a crucial part of your investing research. The best stocks excel in many different areas, including these important factors:

      * Growth. Expanding businesses show healthy revenue growth. While past growth is no guarantee that revenue will keep rising, it's certainly a better sign than a stagnant top line.
      * Margins. Higher sales mean nothing if a company can't produce profits from them. Strong margins ensure that company can turn revenue into profit.
      * Balance sheet. At debt-laden companies, banks and bondholders compete with shareholders for management's attention. Companies with strong balance sheets don't have to worry about the distraction of debt.
      * Money-making opportunities. Return on equity helps measure how well a company is finding opportunities to turn its resources into profitable business endeavors.
      * Valuation. You can't afford to pay too much for even the best companies. By using normalized figures, you can see how a stock's simple earnings multiple fits into a longer-term context.
      * Dividends. For tangible proof of profits, a check to shareholders every three months can't be beat. Companies with solid dividends and strong commitments to increasing payouts treat shareholders well.

      With those factors in mind, let's take a closer look at Polypore International.


      What We Want to See


      Pass or Fail?
      Growth 5-Year Annual Revenue Growth > 15% 9.5% Fail
      1-Year Revenue Growth > 12% 20.2% Pass
      Margins Gross Margin > 35% 41.9% Pass
      Net Margin > 15% 12.1% Fail
      Balance Sheet Debt to Equity < 50% 157.7% Fail
      Current Ratio > 1.3 3.20 Pass
      Opportunities Return on Equity > 15% 21.7% Pass
      Valuation Normalized P/E < 20 35.07 Fail
      Dividends Current Yield > 2% 0.0% Fail
      5-Year Dividend Growth > 10% 0.0% Fail

      Total Score 4 out of 10

      Source: Capital IQ, a division of Standard & Poor's. Total score = number of passes.

      Polypore isn't seeing positive market sentiment filtering through to its 4-point score. But the company has seen its stock soar on the back of the trend toward electric vehicles.

      Polypore makes high-tech membranes that are used for two primary purposes. First, the company's energy-storage segment makes membranes that are essential parts of lithium batteries, which you'll find in everything from laptops to hybrid cars. Meanwhile, Polypore's separations-media segment has health-care applications, helping to oxygenate blood and make hemodialysis easier. Nxstage Medical (Nasdaq: NXTM ) is one of the company's customers on the medical-equipment side of the business.

      Of these, the battery business is more in vogue. With EnerSys (NYSE: ENS ) and Exide Technologies (Nasdaq: XIDE ) among its customers, Polypore has seen huge demand quarter after quarter. Earlier this year, CEO Robert Toth said that the company would bring new capacity online and described its position in the industry as being "at the front end of long-term secular trends."

      Compared with competitor Pall (NYSE: PLL ) , Polypore sports faster growth and better returns on equity, but also much higher debt levels. Moreover, at a premium valuation, Polypore doesn't have much room for error, as shares sold off after its latest earnings report earlier last week -- despite beating estimates and projecting reasonable growth for the quarter ahead.

      Polypore isn't absolutely perfect, but its long-term shareholders have to be pleased with its performance. If the company can keep taking advantage of the electric-battery trend, then Polypore could well deliver perfection before it's through.

      Keep searching
      No stock is a sure thing, but some stocks are a lot closer to perfect than others. By looking for the perfect stock, you'll go a long way toward improving your investing prowess and learning how to separate out the best investments from the rest.
      schrieb am 15.08.11 09:34:11
      Beitrag Nr. 524 ()
      gab ja wieder schöne nachkauf kurse, wann sehen wir die 100$?

      sie werden kommen.

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 15.08.11 13:40:14
      Beitrag Nr. 525 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.950.981 von rosen123 am 15.08.11 09:34:11@ Rosen,

      nun, das liegt wohl weniger an PPO, als vielmehr daran, was der globale Aktienmarkt zuläßt.

      Auf 100 müßte PPO noch 61% vom derzeitigen Kurs zulegen. Wenn ich für das nächste Jahr einmal
      70 Cent im 1., 80 Cent im 2.,90 Cent im 3. und 100 Cent im 4. Quartal zugrundelege, natürlich nur ganz
      grob geschätzt
      und vorausgesetzt, das 3. und 4. Quartal dieses Jahres rechtfertigen das, können wir
      sicher bis 31.3.12 die 100 US-$ sehen.

      PPO hätte dann bei Earnings von 3,40 für 2012 bei 100 US-$ ein KGV von 29,4. Ich denke, das ist keines-
      wegs zuviel für diesen hoffnungsvollen Wert.

      schrieb am 15.08.11 16:26:34
      Beitrag Nr. 526 ()
      so oder so ist das leben!

      bin mal bei 19 eingestiegen, gebe momentan kein stück aus der hand,

      in deutschland unbedingt limitiert kaufen.

      schrieb am 18.08.11 12:34:44
      Beitrag Nr. 527 ()

      What's in Store for Polypore?…
      Neha Chamaria
      August 17, 2011

      Filtration company Polypore International (NYSE: PPO ) surprised the Street with an astounding 91% jump in its second-quarter EPS, with strong end product demand driving the top line. However, in spite of the robust numbers, its shares took a beating, plummeting 10% as the company laid out its expansion plans.

      The numbers
      Revenues for the quarter jumped 31% from the year-ago period to $196.4 million, with the larg Energy Storage segment's sales climbing by 38%. The primary driving factor has been the growing demand for consumer electronics and electric-drive vehicles (EDVs). Polypore makes membranes for lithium batteries used in these products.

      The Separations segment, which makes membranes catering to the health-care sector, saw sales climb by 14% from the year-ago quarter. Peer Valence Technology (Nasdaq: VLNC ) also reported a more than twofold jump in its fiscal 2012 first-quarter revenues, as demand for medical products increased overall.

      Strong revenue growth helped Polypore's operating margin improve from 21.6% to 27% year-on-year. As a result, the company's net income surged from $15.9 million last year to $29.5 million.

      From a balance-sheet perspective, Polypore's total debt-to-equity ratio stands at 158% in the latest quarter. Although that might seem high, the ratio has improved over the past few quarters and it down from 230% in the second quarter last year. Though the primary factor has been the public offering of additional stock, the company's long-term debt has also come down from $758 million to $713 million year-on-year.

      Along with debt reduction, Polypore's interest coverage ratio has improved from 2.9 to 6.3 year-on-year, which suggests an improving capability to service debt obligations.

      Polypore is not a dividend-paying company. It has, however, been spending on expansions. The company has a capital expenditure of $200 million planned for fiscal 2011.

      Polypore's strength lies in the wide range of items its products find use in -- tablets, smartphones, EDVs and more. The growth for those products translates into higher demand for what Polypore makes. The company is also strengthening its footing in the lucrative emerging markets.

      Because of additional capacity investments, the Charlotte-based company expects extra costs in the forthcoming quarters, and its ability to exceed its current performance is limited until the additional capacity becomes functional.

      In the meantime, sales for battery makers have been picking up recently. Companies like Exide Technologies (Nasdaq: XIDE ) and Enersys (NYSE: ENS ) use Polypore's products for their batteries. Exide's fiscal 2012 first-quarter sales grew 16%, while Enersys' sales in its fourth quarter rose by 22%. Higher battery sales mean more business for Polypore.

      Most automakers also appear optimistic about EDVs, prompting Polypore to expand its capacity for lithium-battery separators for the vehicles, spending around $105 million. This is its fifth EDV-targeted expansion plan since mid-2009.

      The Foolish bottom line
      The wait for additional capacity to become available, as well as the money spent on it, might sound like a dampener. But given the company's line of business, it may be a good idea to keep watching the stock for the long run.
      schrieb am 20.08.11 14:31:49
      Beitrag Nr. 528 ()…

      Selling Polypore International? Here's What You Need to Know First
      Jeremy Phillips - August 19, 2011

      Should you sell Polypore International (NYSE: PPO) today?

      The decision to sell a stock you've researched and followed for months or years is never easy. If you fall in love with your stock holdings, you risk becoming vulnerable to confirmation bias -- listening only to information that supports your theories, and rejecting any contradictions.

      In 2004, longtime Fool Bill Mann called confirmation bias one of the most dangerous components of investing. This warning has helped my own personal investing throughout the Great Recession and the recent volatility throughout early August. In this series, I want to help you identify potential sell signs on popular stocks within our 4-million-strong community.

      Today I'm laser-focused on Polypore International, ready to evaluate its price, valuation, margins, and liquidity. Let's get started!

      Don't sell on price
      Over the past 12 months, Polypore International has risen 126.1% versus an S&P 500 return of 9.1%. Investors in Polypore International have every reason to be proud of their returns, but is it time to take some off the top? Not necessarily. Short-term outperformance alone is not a sell sign. The market may be just beginning to realize the true, intrinsic value of Polypore International. For historical context, let's compare Polypore International's recent price to its 52-week and five-year highs. I've also included a few other businesses in the same or related industries:

      Swipe left/right to view wide tables
      Company Recent Price 52-Week High 5-Year High
      Polypore International $62.17 $74.21 $74.21
      CLARCOR (NYSE: CLC) $43.07 $48.77 $48.80
      Pall (NYSE: PLL) $48.19 $59.50 $59.50
      Franklin Electric (Nasdaq: FELE) $42.95 $51.18 $57.40
      Source: Capital IQ, a division of Standard & Poor's.

      As you can see, Polypore International is down from its 52-week high. If you bought near the peak, now's the time to think back to why you bought it in the first place. If your reasons still hold true, you shouldn't sell based on this information alone.

      Potential sell signs
      First, let's look at the gross margins trend, which represents the amount of profit a company makes for each $1 in sales, after deducting all costs directly related to that sale. A deteriorating gross margin over time can indicate that competition has forced the company to lower prices, that it can't control costs, or that its whole industry's facing tough times. Here is Polypore International's gross margin over the past five years:

      Source: Capital IQ, a division of Standard & Poor's.

      Polypore International is having no trouble maintaining its gross margin, which tends to dictate a company's overall profitability. This is solid news; however, Polypore International investors need to keep an eye on this over the coming quarters. If margins begin to dip, you'll want to know why.

      Next, let's explore what other investors think about Polypore International. We love the contrarian view here at, but we don't mind cheating off our neighbors every once in a while. For this, we'll examine two metrics: Motley Fool CAPS ratings and short interest. The former tells us how's 180,000-strong community of individual analysts rate the stock. The latter shows what proportion of investors are betting that the stock will fall. I'm including other peer companies once again for context.

      Swipe left/right to view wide tables
      Company CAPS Rating (out of 5) Short Interest (% of Float)
      Polypore International **** 2.5
      CLARCOR ** 3.2
      Pall *** 1.0
      Franklin Electric ***** 4.3
      Source: Capital IQ, a division of Standard & Poor's.

      The Fool community is rather bullish on Polypore International. We typically like to see our stocks rated at four or five stars. Anything below that is a less-than-bullish indicator. I highly recommend you visit Polypore International's stock pitch page to see the verbatim reasons behind the ratings.

      Here, short interest is at a mere 2.5%. This typically indicates few large institutional investors are betting against the stock.

      Now, let's study Polypore International's debt situation, with a little help from the debt-to-equity ratio. This metric tells us how much debt the company's taken on, relative to its overall capital structure.

      Source: Capital IQ, a division of Standard & Poor's.

      Polypore International has done a good job of reducing its debt over the past five years. When we take into account increasing total equity over the same time period, this has caused debt-to-equity to decrease, as seen in the above chart. Based on the trend alone, that's a good sign. I consider a debt-to-equity ratio below 50% to be healthy, though it varies by industry.  Polypore International is currently above this level, at 157.7%.

      The last metric I like to look at is the current ratio, which lets investors judge a company's short-term liquidity. If Polypore International had to convert its current assets to cash in one year, how many times over could the company cover its current liabilities? As of the last filing, Polypore International has a current ratio of 3.21. This is a healthy sign. I like to see companies with current ratios equal to or greater than 1.5.

      Finally, it's highly beneficial to determine whether Polypore International belongs in your portfolio -- and to know how many similar businesses already occupy your stable of investments. If you haven't already, be sure to put your tickers into's free portfolio tracker, My Watchlist. You can get started right away by clicking here to add Polypore International.

      The final recap

      Polypore International has failed none of the quick tests that would make it a sell. This is great, but does it mean you should hold your Polypore International shares? Not necessarily. Just keep your eye on these trends over the coming quarters.
      schrieb am 20.08.11 15:27:29
      Beitrag Nr. 529 ()
      Nachbörslich am Freitag noch mal 2,76% höher auf 53,89 $
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.08.11 20:46:58
      Beitrag Nr. 530 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.980.185 von Moffit am 20.08.11 15:27:29@ Moffit,

      habs wohl gesehen, daß nachbörslich noch 22.200 Stück umgegangen sind und davon eine Einzelposition
      zu 53,67 $.

      Aber wie schon vorher mitgeteilt, wir brauchen eine beruhigte Großwetterlage, sonst wird es nichts mit
      steigenden Kursen.

      Schönes WE wünscht
      schrieb am 18.09.11 14:24:56
      Beitrag Nr. 531 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 18.09.11 17:39:05
      Beitrag Nr. 532 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.102.431 von Moffit am 18.09.11 14:24:56@ Moffit,

      die Seite baut leider nicht auf, vielleicht kannst Du ja den Text kopieren und
      hier einstellen.

      Ich denke, die letzten Tage auf der IAA werden sicher auch einige Besucher gefragt haben, wer denn
      die Batteriekomponenten fertigt und daher war PPO doch recht gefragt.
      Ob sich die Gewinne verteidigen lassen, ist bei diesem volatilen Markt schlecht zu prognostizieren.

      schrieb am 18.09.11 21:35:39
      Beitrag Nr. 533 ()

      Also bei mir funktioniert der LINK einwandfrei....komisch...

      Hier der Text:

      Will First-Stage Base Spark New Gains For Polypore International?

      By MATTHEW GALGANI, Investor's Business Daily
      Posted 09/15/2011 12:33 PM ET

      Today we'll look at North Carolina-based Polypore International (PPO).

      It makes membranes used in filtration and separation processes in the energy storage and health care markets.

      •Polypore is a leader within its industry group, with the best Composite and EPS Ratings among its peers.
      •It posted an EPS increase of 91% for Q2, marking 2 consecutive quarters of accelerating earnings growth.
      •Its 3 year EPS growth rate is 27%, coming in just above the 25% minimum you look for.
      •Sales growth has accelerated in each of the last 2 quarters, going from 12% to 28% to the most recent 31% gain.
      •Polypore carries a high debt-to-equity ratio of 189%.
      •There's no set number to look for regarding a company's debt to equity ratio, but in general, the lower the debt the better.
      •While some of the other leaders in Polypore's group have very low amounts of debt, others also have high debt-to-equity ratios, ranging from 44% to 161%.

      Chart Analysis
      •After going public in June 2007, the stock made a nice move until getting hammered in the 2008 financial crisis.
      •But when a new bull market began in March 2009, Polypore also bounced back and made a huge run from a low of around $2 to a high of $74.
      •From May to July, the stock formed a flawed cup-shaped base (Point 1).
      •A cup pattern should have a rounded bottom, but Polypore's base had a sharp V shape.
      •The stock broke out in early July, but that breakout quickly failed, and the stock dropped all the way down to its 40-week moving average line (Point 2).
      •That pullback reset Polypore's base count because the low in the current consolidation (Point 3) undercut the low in the prior base (Point 4).
      •So the current pattern counts as base #1.
      •On Wednesday, Polypore recaptured its 10-week line (Point 5).
      •It's too early to tell what type of base the stock will end up forming, but watch to see if heavy volume kicks in to show accumulation by big investors as the stock builds the right side of its base.

      Stock Checkup
      •The company's 99 Composite Rating is #1 among the 47 stocks in its Chemicals - Specialty industry group.
      •Its group currently ranks #44 among the 197 industry groups IBD tracks.
      •Its EPS Rating of 998 ranks #1 within the group.
      •Its RS Rating of 976 comes in at #4.
      •Its SMR Rating of A, which tracks sales growth, profit margins and return on equity, is #5 among its peers.
      •It has an Accumulation/Distribution Rating of B, indicating moderate buying by institutional investors over the last 13 weeks.
      schrieb am 03.11.11 06:55:04
      Beitrag Nr. 534 ()
      Nun, erreicht den Hof mit Müh und Not.
      Nachbörslich geht es 4,82% runter.
      Bleibt abzuwarten, wie der Markt heute die Ergebnisse bewertet.
      Sollte PPO scharf korrigieren, werden hoffentlich starke Hände da sein,
      die gerne ein paar Stück nehmen.

      KGV für 2012 liegt für diesen Wachstumswert bei 17, ich denke, daß ist nicht

      03.11.2011 | 00:12
      Polypore Int'l Q3 Profit Rises

      WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Polypore International Inc. (PPO) announced that its third-quarter net income was $23.6 million or $0.50 per share, up from $12.4 million or $0.27 per share in the prior-year period.

      Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted earnings per share were $25.4 million and $0.54 per diluted share, compared with $13.2 million and $0.28 per share in the prior-year period.

      Sales were $190.1 million, an increase of $38.4 million, or 25%, compared with the prior-year period. Excluding the effect of foreign currency translation, sales increased 21%.

      Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected the company to report earnings of $0.53 per share on revenues of $193.24 million. Analysts' estimates typically exclude special items.

      Robert Toth, President and Chief Executive Officer, said, 'As always, we will work to optimize near-term results, especially as we incur costs associated with our capacity investments. However, our primary focus is on driving growth in 2012 and substantial growth in 2013 and beyond. The long-term secular trends in our businesses remain very positive, and we are committed to making the investments that position us to capitalize on growing demand.'

      Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX

      © 2011 AFX News
      schrieb am 03.11.11 13:06:31
      Beitrag Nr. 535 ()

      Umsatz ganz leicht unter den Prognosen und Ergebnis leicht darüber ...

      Mir pers. ist das Ergebnis grundsätzlich wichtiger. Sehen aber wohl einige anders ...
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 03.11.11 14:06:39
      Beitrag Nr. 536 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.296.208 von Moffit am 03.11.11 13:06:31@Moffit

      Es wird bestimmt wieder stattfinden wie so oft. Anfangs tanzen viele zum
      Ausgang und zum Ende sammeln andere ein.

      Egal, wie auch immer. Die Zahlen sind m. E. nach wie vor excellent. Man
      hatte bei Bekanntgabe der 2.Q.-Zahlen auch darauf hingewiesen, daß die
      Investitionskosten in neue Kapazitäten kurzfristig belasten.

      Ich bin Langzeitinvestor und so soll es bleiben.…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.11.11 17:40:50
      Beitrag Nr. 537 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.296.645 von Karlll am 03.11.11 14:06:39Na, also, am besten kein Stück aus der Hand geben. Wenn die Shortseller dann
      mal draufhauen, muß man das eben aushalten.
      schrieb am 03.11.11 19:55:47
      Beitrag Nr. 538 ()
      Polypore International shares rise after 3Q profit
      Polypore International shares up after filtration company's 3Q profit rises 90 percent
      On Thursday November 3, 2011, 1:56 pm

      CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- Shares of Polypore International Inc., which makes filtration equipment, rose sharply on Thursday after the company reported that third-quarter profit jumped 90 percent, overshadowing revenue that fell below expectations.

      THE SPARK: After the market closed Wednesday, the company reported that it earned $23.6 million, or 50 cents per share, in the third quarter, up from $12.4 million, or 27 cents per share, a year earlier.

      Excluding special items, the company said it would have earned 54 cents per share. Analysts expected 53 cents per share, according to FactSet.

      Revenue climbed 25 percent, to $190.1 million, but fell short of analysts' forecast of $193.7 million.

      THE BIG PICTURE: Polypore makes membranes for filtration systems used in medicine and industry. The company reported strong demand for its lithium-separator business that serves the consumer electronics industry. It said it was adding capacity as fast as it could. But the lead-acid business results were less than some analysts expected.

      THE ANALYSIS: Brian Drab, an analyst for William Blair & Co., said the lead-acid weakness was probably temporary because of a disruption to battery production in China. He called it a solid quarter with few surprises, and continued to rate the stock "Outperform."

      Wedbush analyst Craig Irwin, however, said gross profit margins were slimmer than he expected and below those of the second quarter. He was reviewing his estimates of future earnings.

      SHARE ACTION: The shares rose $4.46, or 8.5 percent, to $56.99 in afternoon trading after hitting $58 earlier in the day. They have ranged from $29.55 to $74.21 in the past
      schrieb am 04.11.11 10:06:16
      Beitrag Nr. 539 ()
      Auch im CC finden sich nur beste Aussagen. Habe ihn mal in voller
      Länge mit den entscheidenden Passagen gefettet hier eingestellt.

      Polypore International Management Discusses Q3 2011 Results - Earnings Call Transcript
      November 3, 2011

      Robert B. Toth - Chairman of The Board, Chief Executive officer, President and Member of Executive Committee

      Lynn K. Amos - Chief Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer, Secretary and Treasurer

      Unknown Executive -


      Brian Drab - William Blair & Company L.L.C., Research Division

      Craig E. Irwin - Wedbush Securities Inc., Research Division

      Avinash Kant - D.A. Davidson & Co., Research Division

      Michael Lew - Needham & Company, LLC, Research Division

      Francesco Citro

      Carter W. Driscoll - Capstone Investments, Research Division

      Jeffrey J. Zekauskas - JP Morgan Chase & Co, Research Division

      Dilip Warrier - Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., Research Division

      Richard C. Eastman - Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated, Research Division

      Polypore International (PPO) Q3 2011 Earnings Call November 3, 2011 9:00 AM ET


      Good day, everyone, and welcome to the Polypore International Inc. Third Quarter 2011 Conference Call. Today's call is being recorded. At this time, I'm going to turn the call over to Kathy Brosco [ph]. Please go ahead.

      Unknown Executive

      Thank you, Jim, and hello, everyone, and welcome to our conference call to discuss our third quarter financial results.

      And as always, the results we discuss today are in our earnings announcement that was released yesterday afternoon and furnished on Form 8-K with the SEC. And a copy of the release is also available on our website at in the Investor Relations section. In conjunction with the release, we also issued supplemental financial information, which we filed as an 8-K and also posted on our Investor Relations website.

      Adjusted EBITDA, adjusted operating income, adjusted net income and adjusted earnings per share are non-GAAP financial measures discussed in this call. We refer you to the reconciliation of these non-GAAP measures to the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP financial measure included in the earnings release.

      Before we begin today, please remember these important considerations. This conference call and webcast might contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of federal securities laws. We intend these forward-looking statements to be covered by the Safe Harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

      These forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions made by management about Polypore and the industry and environment in which we operate. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and may differ materially from actual events or results because they involve estimates, assumptions and uncertainties. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made, which is Thursday, November 3, 2011.

      Polypore undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. You're also directed to consider the risks, uncertainties and other factors discussed in the documents filed by us with the SEC, including those matters summarized under the captions Item 1-A, Risk Factors in our most recent 10-K filing with the SEC and Risk Factors in Amendment #2 to the Form S4 filed on May 13, 2011.

      Today, I'm joined by Bob Toth, President and Chief Executive Officer; Lynn Amos, Chief Financial Officer; and Rob Whitsett, Vice President of Finance. And at this point, I'll turn the call over to Lynn to start us off with the financial results.

      Lynn K. Amos

      Thanks, Kathy. As we reported yesterday, third quarter sales were $190.1 million, a 25% increase from the prior-year period. Adjusted EPS for the quarter was up 93% to $0.54 per diluted share. Our cash earnings, that is earnings net of the large noncash amortization expense, were $0.06 higher at $0.60 per share. Regarding other key financial measures for the quarter, adjusted operating income was $46.4 million, up 56% compared to the prior-year period. Adjusted EBITDA, which is a key financial measure in our credit agreement, was up 40% to $59.5 million. In the trailing 12 months, it was approximately $242 million. Interest expense was $3.6 million lower than the prior-year period, which reflects the refinancing and reduction of debt we achieved in the fourth quarter of 2010. CapEx was approximately $40 million in the quarter, and based on capital projects announced to date, the estimated CapEx for the full year 2011 is approximately $175 million, which is less than we projected last quarter solely due to the timing of expenditures. I would note that all of our projects remain on or ahead of schedule.

      Let me be clear about something. On August 23, 2011, stock options were granted under our 2007 plan, resulting in an increase of noncash stock comp expense, which is included in SG&A. Going forward, we would expect noncash stock compensation expense to increase from what was historically below $1 million per quarter to be approximately $4.7 million for the full fourth quarter 2011.

      I'd also like to highlight a slight change we made in the calculation of our non-GAAP measures in order for them to be consistent with how adjusted EBITDA is calculated as the bond in our credit agreement. We believe that calculating the non-GAAP measures consistently provides transparency on the impact of these adjustments and on the operating results and makes them comparable and easier to understand. The most significant impact of the change is to exclude noncash stock-based compensation expense from our adjusted numbers. For the quarter, primarily because of the recent stock option grant, the change increased adjusted operating income by $2.5 million, adjusted net income by $1.7 million and adjusted EPS by $0.04 per share.

      Now moving on to the segment results for the quarter, beginning with Energy Storage. In the lead-acid separator business, the sales increase reflects strong performance in the Americas and Europe and the favorable effect of foreign exchange. Additionally, I'd like to comment on a couple of items in the lead-acid business in Asia. First, regarding China. Many of you have probably heard about the governmental mandate, and we commented on that last quarter. The mandate requires lead-acid battery producers to demonstrate the proper handling of lead, and in some cases, moves production outside of metropolitan areas. This is a short-term disruption, and in the long term, it is a positive and will lead to consolidation, which favors the larger battery producers we tend to serve. Second, regarding Thailand. There's been a lot of speculation about the impact of flooding. I'd like to be clear. This situation has not affected our facility or production to date, and obviously, if there was a material impact, we would have announced it. While we can't predict the weather, we believe potential issues, if any, would be mainly logistical and short term and minor in nature. And keep in mind, we have 8 lead-acid separator facilities around the world.

      Continuing now with our summary of Energy Storage. On the lithium separator business, sales in the quarter reflect strong and growing demand in Electric Drive Vehicles, growth in consumer electronics and the benefit of new capacity, which I'll come back to in a moment. Segment operating income for the quarter increased to 26% of sales compared with 21% in the prior-year period, primarily as a result of operating leverage on higher sales volume.

      In Separations Media, sales were up with solid demand in hemodialysis and blood oxygenation. Operating income was 18% of sales compared with 17% in the prior-year period. Recall that the typical seasonality impact we experienced in the third quarter shows up primarily in this segment due to lower production levels associated with the European holidays. We also experienced higher expenses in the quarter related to energy costs and our capacity investment in the healthcare business.

      In summary, for the quarter, or any quarter, for that matter, there can always be some variability. That being said, for Q3, sales were up 25%. Adjusted EPS was up 93%. We're continuing to generate cash, and we're making the largest investments in our history to drive substantial growth, and these investments are being funded with cash from operations. To recap those investments, in the lithium separator business, demand continues to accelerate. We are doing all we can to ramp up our new capacity as quickly as possible for our core customers. While we don't disclose specifics, those of you who have been following us know that our EDV growth has been rapid and has become a material and growing component of our lithium battery sales. As you know, we have several expansions targeted at Electric Drive Vehicles. The first expansion at our Charlotte facility was at full capacity by the end of the second quarter, and we experienced the benefit of that capacity for the full third quarter. The second expansion in Charlotte will begin ramping up by the end of this year.

      We're on schedule with our Concord facility, which has capacity coming online in 3 phases: the first phase will begin ramping up over the course of 2012; the second, later in 2012 and into 2013; and the third phase will ramp up in 2013 and be fully operational in 2014.

      For consumer electronics demand in Asia, the expansion of our Korean facility, albeit more modest in size, and our EDV-related expansions is complete, and the initial orders are occurring.

      In our lead-acid separator business, our capacity expansion in China, which is a majority-controlled joint venture with a customer, is scheduled to come online in mid-2012. And the additional equipment we're adding to our Thailand facility will also increase capacity later in 2012.

      In Separations Media, in healthcare, our new capacity for PUREMA hemodialysis membranes began to come online late in the third quarter. Recall that expansion in healthcare typically take longer to ramp up than others due to a more stable growth rate and lengthy qualification periods for healthcare applications.

      As a final point on these expansions, similar to prior expansions, keep in mind that we will have some incremental startup costs, things like utilities and employee hiring and training in advance of the capacity ramping up and the benefit of sales.
      At this point, I'll turn it over to Bob for closing remarks.

      Robert B. Toth

      Thank you, Lynn. We're pleased to report another strong quarter. We understand the importance of every quarter, and we're always focused on optimizing near-term performance while not compromising the large and long-term growth potential of our businesses. Be reminded that any quarter can have short-term variability, whether that be order patterns, seasonality or even a minor disruption like we saw in China. Having said that, any variables we experienced do not change our focus or effort, and we're focused on executing the $350-plus million of growth investments we have underway to drive growth in 2012 and substantial growth in 2013. We're fortunate to participate in a tremendous value space with positive long-term secular trends that drive growing and sustainable demand.

      In the lithium separator business, we, as consumers, want to be more mobile, which means we'll continue to demand greater functionality and mobility in electronic devices. And we're at the beginning of the Electric Drive Vehicle opportunity, where the electrification of vehicles is being driven by broad and impactful global issues, including the need to reduce CO2 emissions throughout all regions of the world with a sharp emphasis in Europe, as well as the need to enhance mileage performance, which, of course, reduces fuel consumption and decreases the dependence on foreign oil.

      In the lead-acid separator business, the market remains strong, and Asia remains the primary driver of growth, with the large and growing replacement market there, continued growth in OEM sales, greater application diversity and breadth and the ongoing conversion to higher-performance batteries which are enabled with our separators.

      In healthcare, growth is being driven by worldwide population growth and Asian population, as well as the standard living improvement, which is resulting in increased access to healthcare treatments in developing economies.

      And in filtration, we continue to see growing global demand for purity, whether that be ultrapure water for microelectronics or pharmaceutical applications, cleaning wastewater or purification of raw materials and feedstocks to drive production efficiencies. Purity enhances the quality of life in the environment and reduces production costs.

      In summary, we serve exciting growth markets fueled by strong demand. We're on track with the strategic investments we're making to drive growth in 2012 and substantial growth in 2013 and beyond. And in the lithium separator business, where demand continues to accelerate, we're focused on increasing capacity as rapidly as possible. Make no mistake. We're at the front end of some remarkably impactful and attractive long-term secular trends that cut across our businesses. We're absolutely committed to making and executing on the investments that position us to capitalize on these trends, with the goal of growing our company, growing our company's value and rewarding long-term investors.
      Jim, at this point in time, I'd like to open up the call for questions.
      schrieb am 04.11.11 11:03:43
      Beitrag Nr. 540 ()
      Polypore to Present at the Robert W. Baird 2011 Industrial Conference

      CHARLOTTE, N.C., Nov. 3, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE:PPO) announced today it will make a presentation to the investment community at 9:30 am CT on Wednesday, November 9, 2011, at the Robert W. Baird 2011 Industrial Conference in Chicago, Illinois.

      A link to the webcast and a copy of the Company's presentation will be accessible through the Company's website at in the Investor Relations section under Events & Presentations.

      The webcast can also be found at A replay will be archived and available after the conference for 90 days.

      About Polypore International, Inc.

      Polypore International, Inc. is a global high technology filtration company specializing in microporous membranes. Polypore's flat sheet and hollow fiber membranes are used in specialized applications that require the removal or separation of various materials from liquids, primarily in the ultrafiltration and microfiltration markets. Based in Charlotte, NC, Polypore International, Inc. is a market leader with manufacturing facilities or sales offices in ten countries serving six continents. See

      CONTACT: Investor Contact

      Polypore Investor Relations

      schrieb am 28.11.11 16:22:00
      Beitrag Nr. 541 ()
      Needham & Company Maintains a 'Strong Buy' on Polypore Intl (PPO); The Best is Yet To Come
      November 28, 2011 7:53 AM EST

      Needham & Company maintains a 'Strong Buy' on Polypore International (NYSE: PPO) price target raised from $75 to $79.

      Needham analyst says, "Management is executing to plan as the capacity additions are on track to come online over the next 18 months. In our view, the 'best is yet to come' for Polypore as demand for its products is strong. In addition, we expect accelerated uptake of materials for electric vehicle (EV) applications as more vehicles are rolled out into the market place."

      "PPO is adding additional capacity as demand for its high performance membrane products exceeds supply. We believe this additional supply will be absorbed and are adjusting our near-term financial estimates to reflect this. For 2012, our new sales estimate is for revenue growth of 21% to $931.7 million (from $906.2 million) with operating EPS of $2.83 (from $2.56). Our preliminary 2013 forecast is for revenues of $1,101.1 million and operating EPS of $3.66."

      For an analyst ratings summary and ratings history on Polypore International click here. For more ratings news on Polypore International click here.
      schrieb am 30.11.11 16:42:52
      Beitrag Nr. 542 ()
      Mein lieber Freund, bei PPO laden die Shorties aber gewaltig ab.
      Gestern bereits 6,6% abwärts und heute, obwohl alle 3 Indices mit
      je 3,5% im Plus geht es weiter mit 0,5% aktuell abwärts.

      Und das ganze bereits nach 1 Std. Handel mit dem halben Tagesdurch-

      Vielleicht gibt es ja noch ein paar Kandidaten, die zu diesen Kursen
      zum Einstieg geneigt sind, also abwarten und hoffen, daß PPO heute
      noch ins Plus dreht.

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 01.12.11 19:11:40
      Beitrag Nr. 543 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.420.348 von Karlll am 30.11.11 16:42:52Hallo Karlll,
      bin vor längerer Zeit deiner Empfehlung gefolgt und bei polypore eingestiegen. Und ich habe nicht einen Cent Investition gereut, denn die Kursentwicklung im letzten Jahr ist sehr beeindruckend. Ich denke auch, dass das noch längst nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange ist.

      Was mir übrigens auffällt ist, dass in USA fast jeden Tag nach der Eröffnung der Kurs richtig abschmiert um sich dann gegen Ende wieder kräftig zu erholen. Hast Du eine Erklärung dafür? Ich habe übrigens aus diesem Grunde immer Nachkäufe nach so etwa zwei Handelsstunden in USA geordert und war meistens verblüfft, dass ich an dem Tag zu einem relativ günstigen Kurs gekauft hatte.

      Ansonsten toller Chart, sehr beeindruckend.

      Gruß subprimer
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 02.12.11 19:13:17
      Beitrag Nr. 544 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.427.126 von subprimer am 01.12.11 19:11:40Hallo, primer,

      nun, für Leerverkäufer haben wir das ideale Umfeld. PPO kommt mit einem recht
      hohe KGV daher, und solche Titel sucht man sich momentan aus, um bei der
      unsicheren Marktlage draufzuprügeln.

      Aber es gibt m. E. auch viele, die erst recht spät auf diesen Titel aufmerk-
      sam geworden sind, und die steigen dann wohl ein, wenn der Kurs doch recht
      ordentlich zurückgekommen ist.

      Ist halt meine Einschätzung.

      schrieb am 17.12.11 13:17:41
      Beitrag Nr. 545 ()
      December 16, 2011Buy, Sell, or Hold Polypore?
      Dan Newman
      December 16, 2011

      What's thicker than water or blood? For Polypore International (NYSE: PPO ) , battery acid. Polypore makes a variety of high-tech filters related to blood and water filtration, as well as battery membranes. And the stock returned almost 7% this year compared to -4% for the S&P 500. But will Polypore continue to reap the rewards of supplying specialized sieves? Let's look at why you might want to buy, sell, or hold Polypore today.

      Market leader in resilient and growth industries. Polypore reigns at or near the top of its markets, which include membranes for lithium and lead-acid batteries, blood filtration used in dialysis and other procedures, and water filtration for industrial production. Lithium batteries are used in everything from phones to laptops to electric cars -- and that market is expected to increase demand at least 10% per year through 2015. Polypore's medical market is expected to increase at least 6% per year, and its water filtration, used to purify water for everything from food processing to making flat-panel displays, is expected to grow 8% annually.

      The battery separator market provides Polypore's largest share of revenue, last quarter making up 77%. This helps Polypore insulate itself from economic slowdowns, because, as CEO Robert Toth described:

      I can decide I'm not going to buy a mobile phone or a laptop for a quarter, but consumers in the space in which we participate don't ever say, 'You know what? The economy is weak. I am never buying a laptop. I will never buy a smartphone.' Or they'll trade down. And that doesn't matter to us.

      To Polypore, a battery sold is a battery sold, no matter whether it is in the newest iPhone or the oldest TracFone.

      Efficient trends. Polypore's third-quarter revenue rose 25.3% year over year while gross, operating, and net margins also all increased over that time. Increasing revenues and margins is a sign of growing efficiency and well-managed production. This gives investors confidence in Polypore intelligently running new production facilities that are coming online in the U.S., Korea, China, and Thailand.

      Polypore uses a global purchasing strategy to achieve pricing leverage on its suppliers, including Celanese's (NYSE: CE ) Ticona, Total's (NYSE: TOT ) petrochemical branch, and PPG Industries (NYSE: PPG ) . Although Polypore purchases a majority of each raw material from one primary supplier, these suppliers lack pricing power and the company can relatively easily switch from one supplier to another.

      Debt and competition. Polypore's balance sheet is strengthening because it continues to pay off debt, with total debt to equity improving from 228% to 153% in just the past year. However, this remains a hefty amount of debt. Compared to its larger competitors, like Fresenius Medical Care (NYSE: FMS ) and Pall (NYSE: PLL ) , Polypore has much more debt to equity:


      Sales (LTM)

      Debt/Equity (LTM)
      Fresenius Medical Care $12,640 83%
      Pall $2,841 42%
      Polypore $742 153%

      Source: S&P Capital IQ. Sales in millions. LTM = last 12 months.

      Goodwill. Goodwill makes up nearly one-third of Polypore's assets, currently sitting at $469 million after writing off $131 million in 2009 related to the lead-acid battery division. Goodwill is the difference between the amount paid for an acquisition and the value of the acquired assets, so it is possible that shareholders' equity can be inflated if a company overpays for acquisitions. However, because of the recent writedown, the overall falling ratio of goodwill to assets, and Polypore carrying this goodwill at least since going public in 2007, I trust the goodwill is relatively fairly valued.

      Price. Polypore is priced at a premium with a P/E ratio of 21.2 compared to the industry average of 15.7. While it may be more expensive than the industry average, Polypore's nimble size and focus on the growth markets makes it attractive when compared to its peers.

      My call
      Our Rule Breakers newsletter service recommended Polypore this past October, and I'm following its lead with a bullish CAPScall. The market potential is massive no matter who is a competitor, it is expanding production, management is paying down debt, and I have faith in consistent future growth.
      schrieb am 09.01.12 18:09:17
      Beitrag Nr. 546 ()
      One Reason the Street Should Love Polypore International's Earnings…
      schrieb am 12.01.12 12:24:37
      Beitrag Nr. 547 ()
      hallo karli!

      heute wieder einstieg in polypor 500st

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 13.01.12 00:02:28
      Beitrag Nr. 548 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.583.956 von rosen123 am 12.01.12 12:24:37Moin, rosen,

      nun, aus Sicht von heute konntest Du ja wohl keinen besseren Einstiegszeit-
      punkt erwischen.

      Wollen wir mal hoffen, daß die Zahlen des 4. Quartals auch die Kurse und
      die positive Aussicht rechtfertigen.

      schrieb am 13.01.12 22:55:57
      Beitrag Nr. 549 ()
      Polypore survives battery scare
      Shares of the company have fallen amid concerns about the Chevy Volt. But those worries were overblown.
      By Jim J. Jubak on Fri, Jan 13, 2012 3:03 PM

      Shares of Polypore got hammered by the scare about the danger of fire in the batteries of General Motors’ (GM -1.54%) Chevrolet Volt.

      That’s totally understandable. Ion exchange membranes for lithium batteries used in portable electronics and electric-drive vehicles made up about 24% of the company’s sales over the last four quarters. (Separators for traditional lead batteries make up about 50% of sales.)

      And separators for electric cars are by far the biggest opportunity ahead of Polypore International. The company estimates that an increase in the electric car share of the global vehicles market to 5% from less than 3% today would double the demand for ion exchange membranes for lithium batteries.

      Anything that threatens to slow that growth rate is therefore a big deal for Polypore International. And the news at the end of November that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration had launched an investigation into battery fires in the Chevrolet Volt certainly qualified as big news. Shares of Polypore International, which hadn’t exactly been tearing up the track anyway, fell from $51.95 on Nov. 28 to a low of $43.18 on Jan. 4.

      But in recent days the shares have rallied back to $52.51 Friday afternoon, and in the process have moved back above their 50-day moving average. Next resistance is at $52.85 (the 200-day moving average) and then $55 (the gap in late November.)

      So what’s happened to turn the shares around? A growing appreciation of just how big a deal the Chevy Volt fires weren’t. And how little they seem to have changed sales trends for electric vehicles.

      That’s largely because the "problem" was so removed from the likely experience of a Volt driver. The fires came three weeks after a side impact test at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration when the batteries in a car that had been in the test, and then in storage for three weeks, caught fire. An investigation revealed that the batteries hadn‘t been drained and that coolant had leaked and caused a short-circuit and fire three weeks after the test crash.

      Modifications to prevent even this kind of problem are extremely simple. GM will install extra supports, weighing about two to three pounds, in already purchased and new Volts that will direct the force of a side impact crash away from the battery, and a new tamper-resistant bracket will prevent overfilling the battery with coolant.

      That’s it. The big piece of that from Polypore International’s point of view is that there’s no need to redesign the batteries or to develop new battery technology. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has crash tested a Volt with the modifications and found no intrusion into the battery after the crash. The agency is also monitoring the crash-tested Volt while it sits in post-crash storage. Two weeks after the initial test, the agency reported no problems.

      The test results come at a critical time for Polypore. Anticipating growth that would bring market penetration for electric vehicles to 6% of the auto market by 2015, the company had invested $341 million in expanding its lithium separator production capacity in the United States and in Korea. With the latest results from GM and the U.S. government, Polypore doesn’t face the worry that these new production lines will sit idle.

      Removing some of the uncertainty from the electric-vehicle story also removes an overhang from Polypore’s other growth stories. The membrane technology company sees 7% to 10% annual growth in membranes for pharmaceuticals and biotechnology and 20% to 25% growth in membranes for desalination pre-filtration, for example.

      Polypore is due to report fourth quarter earnings on Feb. 22. Wall Street analysts are expecting 53 cents a share for growth of 26% from the fourth quarter of 2010. That would bring growth to 65% for 2011.

      But analysts are expecting a huge drop in growth to just 20.3% in 2012. I think that’s wrong -- and a reflection of pessimism left over from the Volt story and fears that Asian economies, which buy a lot of traditional lead batteries, will slow abruptly in 2012.

      But even if the analysts were right, the recent pounding of the share prices puts the forward price to earnings ratio on Polypore at even that 20.3% growth at a low 18.9. That’s more than reasonable for 20% growth and cheap if Polypore winds up beating those low estimates.
      schrieb am 14.01.12 11:00:51
      Beitrag Nr. 550 ()
      Nun, ich denke 7.700 verkaufte Stück in Amiland sind kein so schlechter
      Wert. Hier in Europa liegen 6.500 Bestellungen für den Ampera vor, und
      man möchte den Volt ja auch hier in Europa absetzen.

      Die Modelle müssen halt erst mal von einigen Bürgern gefahren werden und
      dann von Otto-Motor-Automobilisten begutachtet und so recht wahrgenommen
      werden als wahrhaftige E-Mobile, von denen die bisher nur gehört haben.

      Schade nur, daß es hier keine Subvention gibt und man der alten Technik noch
      die Abwrackprämie hinterhergeworfen wir.

      Eigentlich müßte es m. E. so sein, daß die Firmen, die keine E-Autos absetzen, die Abwrackprämie zurückzahlen müßten an den Käufer eines E-Autos.
      Damit wären die Automobilhersteller gewiß nicht überfordert, denn alle
      schwimmen im Geld.

      Und wenn man auf diese Art und Weise noch das E-Mobil eines Wettbewerbers
      fördern müßte, wäre auch der Zwang da, sich selber am Markt zu etablieren
      und nicht nur schöne Prototypen auf den Messen zu präsentieren.

      Verkauf des Elektroauto Volt hinter den Erwartungen

      Das Elektroauto Volt von Chevrolet wurde am Anfang bejubelt, dann gab es nach einem Brandt schlechte Presse und scheint es hierfür die Quittung zu geben.

      Denn das Elektrofahrzeug wurde im Jahr 2011 nur 7.671 mal verkauft, der US-Mutterkonzern General Motors (GM) hatte mit einem Absatz von 10.000 Fahrzeugen gerechnet. Vor einem Jahr (Januar 2011) war die Markteinführung, im ersten Monat wurden nur 326 Einheiten verkauft. Das Verfehlen des Absatzziels wird wahrscheinlich daran liegen, das nach einem Crashtest ein Elektroauto Chevrolet Volt drei Wochen nach dem Versuch in Brandt geraten ist. Dieser Umstand konnte wiederholt werden, jedoch wurden die Lithiumionen-Batterieeinheiten nicht wie vom Hersteller entladen.

      Inzwischen wurde die Karosserie des Volt und des Schwestermodells Ampera verstärkt und auch das Kühlsystem wurde verbessert. Die bereits verkauften Chevrolet Volt sollen technisch entsprechend nachgerüstet werden.

      Der Einstiegspreis des Elektrofahrzeug beläuft sich auf ca. 40.000 US-Dollar.

      Im Gegensatz zu den USA erhält man in den USA je nach Bundesstaat eine Kaufprämie von bis zu 7.500 US-Dollar, auch sind in manchen Staaten umfassende Steuergutschrift und weitere staatliche Zuschüsse verfügbar.

      In Deutschland kann man den Chevrolet Volt und den Opel Ampera kaufen, derzeit soll es in Deutschland auch nur eine KFZ-Steuerbefreiung von bis zu 10 Jahren erhalten.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.01.12 11:04:07
      Beitrag Nr. 551 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.594.237 von Karlll am 14.01.12 11:00:51Sorry, Ende des 3. Absatzes mußte es natürlich "hat" statt "wir"

      schrieb am 30.01.12 17:48:17
      Beitrag Nr. 552 ()
      Kaum bläst mal wieder einer zum Verkauf, springen sie wie die Lemminge

      Axiom Securities Analysts Begin Coverage on Polypore (PPO)
      Posted by LUSA Staff on Jan 30th, 2012 // No Comments

      Polypore logoEquities research analysts at Axiom Securities assumed coverage on shares of Polypore (NYSE: PPO) in a research note issued to investors on Monday. They set a “sell” rating on the stock.

      Separately, analysts at Robert W. Baird cut their price target on shares of Polypore from $62.00 to $60.00 in a research note to investors on Thursday, January 12nd. They now have a “neutral” rating on the stock. Analysts at BB&T (NYSE: BBT) upgraded shares of Polypore from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research note to investors on Monday, December 5th. They now have a $70.00 price target on the stock. Also, analysts at Needham & Company reiterated a “buy” rating on shares of Polypore in a research note to investors on Monday, November 28th.

      Polypore International, Inc. (Polypore International) develops, manufactures and markets specialized microporous membranes used in separation and filtration processes. The Company’s products and technologies are used in two primary segments: energy storage and separations media. During the fiscal year ended January 2, 2010 (fiscal 2010), the energy storage segment accounted for approximately 71% of its net sales. Primary applications for its membranes in this segment are lithium batteries and lead-acid batteries. Lithium batteries are the power source in a variety of electronics applications ranging from notebook computers and mobile phones to cordless power tools, and are emerging in applications, such as electric drive vehicle (EDV) and electricity grid storage. Lead-acid batteries are used in transportation and industrial applications. In December 2009, it acquired remaining 40% interest in a lead-acid battery membrane separator production facility in Tianjin.

      Shares of Polypore traded down 6.67% during mid-day trading on Monday, hitting $52.62. Polypore has a 52 week low of $42.43 and a 52 week high of $74.21. The stock’s 50-day moving average is $48.31 and its 200-day moving average is $55.79. The company has a market cap of $2.443 billion and a P/E ratio of 27.11.
      6 Antworten
      schrieb am 31.01.12 17:39:41
      Beitrag Nr. 553 ()
      Mann, mann, mann,

      das Teil kostet nun wirklich Nerven. Aktuell über 9 % im Minus. Die
      Shorties ziehen wirklich wieder alle Register, denn Infos, die den
      Rückgang rechtfertigen sehe ich auf weiter Flur nicht.

      Wird Zeit, das endlich die Zahlen erscheinen, wenn die dann schlecht
      sind, kann ich mit einem Rückgang gut leben, aber dieses Schaukelspiel
      ist ja fürchterlich nervig.

      schrieb am 31.01.12 19:09:19
      Beitrag Nr. 554 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.669.526 von Karlll am 30.01.12 17:48:17Aktuell über 9 % im Minus.

      ... eben haben wir bereits minus 16 % gekratzt.

      Bei der Menge die da umgeht, hat das m. E. nichts mit dem üblichen
      Shortselling zu tun.

      Aber eine Info, die das Ganze erklärt finde ich auf weiter Flur nicht.

      5 Antworten
      schrieb am 31.01.12 19:49:26
      Beitrag Nr. 555 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.675.955 von Karlll am 31.01.12 19:09:19Also, mein Depot löst sich in Wohlgefallen auf.

      Minus 26% - und keine Info - nirgends - nichts - überhaupt nichts -
      gar nichts.

      Sonst wird jeder Scheiß kommentiert.

      Da kann doch nur ein Problem in Sachen Produkthaftung o. ä. bestehen.
      Wahrscheinlich explodieren die Akkus in Apples i-phones oder i-pads
      oder noch gräuseligere Dinge.

      Aber es gibt keine Info bis jetzt.

      Na, da sollte ich heute abend einen großen Schluck aus der Pulle
      nehmen, damit ich in den Schlaf komme.

      Auf die Info, die hier zugrundeliegt, da bin ich wahrhaftiglich

      Gute Nacht allerseits
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 31.01.12 19:56:57
      Beitrag Nr. 556 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.676.213 von Karlll am 31.01.12 19:49:26... und hier nun die Info.

      LG Chem möchte auch etwas vom Kuchen abhaben und in der 2. Jahreshälfte

      Polypore International (PPO) Collapses on Rival Plant

      More News related to Trader Talk
      January 31, 2012 1:42 PM EST

      Shares of Polypore International (NYSE: PPO) are under extremely heavy pressure Tuesday after the company's competitor LG Chem said it will have a separator plant up and running by the 2nd-half of the year.

      The stock last traded at $40.90, down 24.7 percent.

      We are also hearing a mid-day downgrade is adding to the downside.
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 31.01.12 20:31:24
      Beitrag Nr. 557 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.676.263 von Karlll am 31.01.12 19:56:57Schon kommt der erste um die Ecke mit einem KZ von 26 US-$.

      Bei den Produktionskapazitäten, die man aufbaut, bzw. aufgebaut hat,
      kann es jetzt tatsächlich knüppeldick kommen, wenn der Kapitaldienst
      für diese neuen Anlagen zu leisten ist, und die Margen wie Schnee
      in der Sonne schmelzen.

      Polypore (PPO) Shares Downgraded to “Neutral” by DA Davidson Analysts

      Posted by LUSA Staff on Jan 31st, 2012

      Polypore logoPolypore (NYSE: PPO) was downgraded by investment analysts at DA Davidson from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating in a note issued to investors on Tuesday.

      Separately, analysts at Axiom Securities initiated coverage on shares of Polypore in a research note to investors on Monday. They set a “sell” rating and a $26.00 price target on the stock. Analysts at Robert W. Baird cut their price target on shares of Polypore from $62.00 to $60.00 in a research note to investors on Thursday, January 12nd. They now have a “neutral” rating on the stock. Also, analysts at BB&T (NYSE: BBT) upgraded shares of Polypore from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research note to investors on Monday, December 5th. They now have a $70.00 price target on the stock.

      Polypore International, Inc. (Polypore International) develops, manufactures and markets specialized microporous membranes used in separation and filtration processes. The Company’s products and technologies are used in two primary segments: energy storage and separations media. During the fiscal year ended January 2, 2010 (fiscal 2010), the energy storage segment accounted for approximately 71% of its net sales. Primary applications for its membranes in this segment are lithium batteries and lead-acid batteries. Lithium batteries are the power source in a variety of electronics applications ranging from notebook computers and mobile phones to cordless power tools, and are emerging in applications, such as electric drive vehicle (EDV) and electricity grid storage. Lead-acid batteries are used in transportation and industrial applications. In December 2009, it acquired remaining 40% interest in a lead-acid battery membrane separator production facility in Tianjin.

      Polypore traded down 24.00% on Tuesday, hitting $41.30. Polypore has a 52-week low of $42.43 and a 52-week high of $74.21. The stock has a 50-day moving average of $48.49 and a 200-day moving average of $55.51. The company has a market cap of $1.918 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 26.13.

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 31.01.12 21:04:55
      Beitrag Nr. 558 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.676.485 von Karlll am 31.01.12 20:31:24Polypore (PPO) Won't Comment on 'Industry News'
      January 31, 2012 2:48 PM EST

      Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE: PPO) issued the following statement from Robert B. Toth, President and Chief Executive Officer:

      "Typically, the company does not comment on industry news. Polypore has no new news to report. We remain confident in the premises used to justify the lithium battery separator capacity expansions associated with accelerating industry demand for electric drive vehicles."
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 31.01.12 23:12:14
      Beitrag Nr. 559 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.676.696 von Karlll am 31.01.12 21:04:55Polypore International (NYSE:PPO): JP Morgan recommends staying on the sidelines on Polypore until there is further clarity of the LG Chem integration of their battery separator to their regular business.

      Na ja, was sollen sie sonst auch sagen.

      schrieb am 01.02.12 01:02:23
      Beitrag Nr. 560 ()
      Polypore Drops Most Since 2008 as LG Chem Plans Separator Plant
      By Christopher Martin - Jan 31, 2012

      Polypore International Inc. (PPO), the maker of a key component in electric-car batteries, fell the most in more than three years after a customer announced plans to produce in-house the separators it currently purchases.

      The shares decreased 30 percent to $38.08 at the close in New York. That’s the biggest drop since October 2008.

      Avinash Kant, an analyst at DA Davidson & Co. in Bend, Oregon, today reduced his rating on Polypore to “neutral” from “buy” on concern that LG Chem Ltd. (051910) would begin production this year on the product used to separate chemicals within batteries.

      LG Chem’s move may cut into Polypore’s sales to producers of lithium-ion batteries for General Motors Co.’s Chevy Volt and other electric cars, Kant said.

      Robert Toth, chief executive officer of Charlotte, North Carolina-based Polypore, remains “confident in the premises used to justify battery-separator expansions associated with accelerating industry demand for electric drive vehicles,” he said today in a statement.

      To contact the reporter on this story: Christopher Martin in New York at
      schrieb am 01.02.12 11:15:03
      Beitrag Nr. 561 ()
      hi karli, was für ein absturz gestern,war nicht mehr investiert.

      trotzden gute aktie, kann auch kaufgelegenheit sein zu 38.70$,

      ist jetzt am unteren ende des absteigenden trendkanals.(-28.78%)

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 01.02.12 11:22:47
      Beitrag Nr. 562 ()
      lg wird frühestens 2013 in produktion gehen, wir werden sehen.

      das ist weiterhin ein steigender markt. denn auch ppo hat seine

      kapazitäten weiter ausgebaut. einbruch nicht gerechtfertigt!

      schrieb am 01.02.12 14:08:11
      Beitrag Nr. 563 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.679.285 von rosen123 am 01.02.12 11:15:03Moin, rosen,

      da hast Du ja den Knopf zur rechten Zeit gedrückt und kannst dem
      Treiben gelassen zusehen. - Glückwunsch -

      Nun, spannend bleibt es allemal.

      schrieb am 01.02.12 14:12:08
      Beitrag Nr. 564 ()
      Polypore Drops Most Since 2008 as LG Chem Plans Separator Plant
      By Christopher Martin - Jan 31, 2012 10:39 PM GMT+0100

      Polypore International Inc. (PPO), the maker of a key component in electric-car batteries, fell the most in more than three years after a customer announced plans to produce in-house the separators it currently purchases.

      The shares decreased 30 percent to $38.08 at the close in New York. That’s the biggest drop since October 2008.

      Avinash Kant, an analyst at DA Davidson & Co. in Bend, Oregon, today reduced his rating on Polypore to “neutral” from “buy” on concern that LG Chem Ltd. (051910) would begin production this year on the product used to separate chemicals within batteries.

      LG Chem’s move may cut into Polypore’s sales to producers of lithium-ion batteries for General Motors Co.’s Chevy Volt and other electric cars, Kant said.

      Robert Toth, chief executive officer of Charlotte, North Carolina-based Polypore, remains “confident in the premises used to justify battery-separator expansions associated with accelerating industry demand for electric drive vehicles,” he said today in a statement.

      To contact the reporter on this story: Christopher Martin in New York
      schrieb am 01.02.12 14:46:46
      Beitrag Nr. 565 ()
      hi. karli ist ja prima das du schon so lange hier die stange hälst!

      werde heute in usa wieder kaufen.

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 01.02.12 15:07:40
      Beitrag Nr. 566 ()
      kauf heute ppo im pre market schon + 9,77% auf 41.50 super


      schrieb am 01.02.12 15:13:33
      Beitrag Nr. 567 ()
      stiefel nicolaus (analyst usa) sagt strong buy mit ziel 72, er

      wiederholte seine kaufempfehlung für ppo.

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 01.02.12 15:52:44
      Beitrag Nr. 568 ()
      Vorsicht, vorsicht. Kann mir vorstellen dass die Shorties nochmal massiv drücken und sich die Verunsicherung zu Nutze machen.
      schrieb am 01.02.12 16:03:43
      Beitrag Nr. 569 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.681.070 von rosen123 am 01.02.12 15:13:33Moin, rosen,

      die Sache spielt Dir ja voll in den Lauf.

      Polypore International Inc.(NYSE:PPO): Wedbush views yesterday’s sell-off in Polypore shares as overdone following LG Chem’s announcement that it intends to vertically integrate with Li-Ion separator manufacturing. The firm estimates LG Chem accounts for, at most, 15%-20% of Polypore’s lithium separator revenue and reiterates an Outperform rating on the stock, despite lowering its price target for shares to $58 from $72.
      schrieb am 01.02.12 16:17:35
      Beitrag Nr. 570 ()
      noch ist lg nicht in produktion, wie das so ist, dauert die erstellung neuer produktionsanlagen meist länger als gedacht.

      und wird das neue produkt gleichwertig sein, alles offene fragen.

      hab mal vor einem jahr ppo für 18€ gekauft und heute fast 28€.

      usa kurs jetzt 42.80$ gekauft bei 40.80$ schaun mer mal!

      schrieb am 01.02.12 16:18:50
      Beitrag Nr. 571 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.680.919 von rosen123 am 01.02.12 14:46:46... und stell Dir vor, ich würde auch noch verkaufen, dann stünde
      der Kurs noch niedriger und Dein Gewinn wäre beim Wiedereinstieg noch

      Du müßtest Dir einen Geldspeicher zulegen wie Dagobert, und das würde
      Dir nur unnötige Ausgaben bescheren. Da will ich man dabei bleiben.

      Aber: LG Chem ist halt nicht irgendwer, und da ist es schon verständlich,
      das Sie an der vertikalen Wertschöpfungskette gern partizipieren

      schrieb am 01.02.12 16:54:57
      Beitrag Nr. 572 ()
      Für diejenigen, die es interessiert gibt es hier aus aktuellem Anlaß noch
      einmal die Produktpalette von PPO sowie Lieferanten und Wettbewerber:

      Polypore International, Inc., a technology filtration company, develops, manufactures, and markets microporous membranes used in separation and filtration processes. The company has a global presence in the major geographic markets of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.


      The company’s products and technologies are used in two primary segments, Energy Storage and Separations Media.


      In the energy storage segment, the company’s membrane separators are a critical performance component in lithium and lead-acid batteries, performing the core function of regulating ion exchange and thus allowing the charge and discharge process to occur between a battery's positive and negative electrodes.

      Electronics applications: The company develops, manufactures, and markets a line of patented polypropylene and polyethylene monolayer and multilayer membrane separators for lithium batteries that are used in various applications, such as portable electronic devices, cordless power tools and outdoor power equipment, electric drive vehicles (EDV's), and electricity grid storage systems.

      Transportation and industrial applications: The company develops, manufactures, and markets a line of polymer-based membrane separators for lead-acid batteries. It supplies to various lead-acid battery manufacturers, including East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc., EnerSys, Exide Technologies, Camel, and Trojan Battery Company.


      In the separations media segment, the company’s filtration membranes and modules are used in healthcare and filtration and specialty applications. These membranes perform the critical function of removing sub-micron particulates from fluids and introducing or removing gases (gasification/degasification) with in liquids. Both healthcare and specialty filtration applications require membranes with precisely controlled pore size, structure, distribution and uniformity.

      Healthcare Applications: The company develops, manufactures, and markets a line of patented polyethersulfone membranes for the hemodialysis market. Hemodialysis is the artificial process that performs the function of a kidney for patients with permanent kidney failure, a condition known as End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). The membranes consist of various fibers that resemble hollow straws slightly larger than a human hair. These fibers have nanopores in their walls at a density of millions of pores per square inch. The company is marketing PUREMA's performance advantages, such as by co-branding its customers' dialyzers with the PUREMA logo.

      The company develops, manufactures, and markets polypropylene and polymethylpentene membranes for the blood oxygenation market. As a component of heart-lung machines, blood oxygenators temporarily replace the functions of the lungs during on-pump open-heart surgery. It develops, manufactures, and markets polypropylene and polyethersulfone membranes for the plasmapheresis market. It supplies extracorporeal therapeutic plasmapheresis membranes.

      Industrial and specialty filtration applications: The company produces a range of membranes and membrane-based elements for microfiltration and ultrafiltration, as well as gasification/degasification of liquids, covering a range of applications in the filtration market. It serves various filtration end markets, including water treatment, food and beverage processing and pharmaceutical, semiconductor, and flat panel display manufacturing. Its industrial and specialty filtration products consist of following:

      MicroPES and DuraPES are sulfonated polyethersulfone flat sheet microfiltration membranes for end users who desire minimal absorption of their product. These membranes are primarily used in specialty filtration applications, such as ultrapure water, cold sterile filtration of beverages, ultrapure chemicals for the electronics industry, and pharmaceutical processing.

      Accurel is a polypropylene membrane, available in flat sheet, hollow fiber, and tubular configurations, which can be used in a range of pH conditions. This membrane is an economical choice for various applications compared to certain higher priced products, and is primarily used for specialty filtration applications, including ultrapure chemicals for the electronics industry, vent and process air cleaning, industrial wastewater treatment, and pharmaceutical processing.

      Liqui-Flux Membrane Modules, based on its hollow fiber, polypropylene microfiltration and patented polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes, are used for water and beverage filtration, process water treatment, and prefiltration for reverse osmosis.

      Liqui-Cel Membrane Contactors incorporate hydrophobic hollow fiber membranes into patented module designs used for liquid gasification/degasification in various industries, including beverage, pharmaceutical, semiconductor and flat panel display manufacturing and power generation.

      SuperPhobic Membrane Contactors are a special type of membrane contactor which can treat liquids that otherwise penetrate the membrane pores of conventional Liqui-Cel Membrane Contactors. Typical applications involve the elimination of microbubbles in liquids which, upon occurrence, negatively impact customer production processes, quality and yield. Its applications also include solvent/ink deaeration for ink jet printers, paper coating processes and semiconductor manufacturing.

      MicroModule and MiniModule membrane contactors are small in-line degassing devices used to eliminate microbubbles in water, inks and other liquids. Typical applications include degassing water and other solutions used in laboratory, biotechnology and analytical testing equipment. Additionally, they are used for point of use ink degassing for ink jet printers.


      The company’s major supplier of polyethylene resins is Ticona LLC and its major suppliers of polypropylene resins are Total Petrochemicals USA, Inc., Performance Polymers, Inc., and Bamberger Polymers, Inc. The company’s major suppliers of silica are PPG Industries, Inc. and Evonik Degussa GmbH, while its major suppliers of oil are Calumet Lubricants, Shell Chemical LP, and Shell Company of Thailand (subsidiaries of Royal Dutch/Shell).


      Within its energy storage segment, the company faces competition from Entek International LLC (Entek) in North America and Europe and Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd. in Japan. It also competes with Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation, Toray Tonen Specialty Separator Godo Kaisha (a joint venture of TonenGeneral Sekiyu and Toray Industries), Ube Industries Limited, and SK Energy (a subsidiary of SK Group).

      Within its separations media segment, the company competes primarily with Asahi Kasei Kuraray Medical Co., Ltd., Fresenius Medical Care, Gambro AB, and Toyobo Co. Ltd. for membranes used in dialysis. In addition, it competes primarily with Terumo Medical Corp. in the blood oxygenation market and Asahi Kasei Kuraray Medical Co., Ltd. and Fresenius Medical Care in the plasmapheresis market. The company’s industrial and specialty filtration business competes across multiple markets and applications. Principal competitors include Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc., Koch Membrane Systems (a division of Koch Industries), Norit B.V., Millipore Corporation, and Pall Corporation.

      schrieb am 01.02.12 19:27:04
      Beitrag Nr. 573 ()
      The Next Great Alternative Energy Short Is...
      Eric Rosenbaum
      01/30/12 - 10:59 AM EST

      NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- What does an analyst who was synonymous with the big solar stock short do for an encore? The answer is to find a way to short excessive excitement about the electric car market.

      On Monday, Axiom Capital analyst Gordon Johnson, who had a long-time, very vocal and very profitable short on First Solar(FSLR), launched coverage of battery maker Polypore(PPO) at a sell. Polypore makes separators that are critical in regulating the flow of ions in batteries, including the lithium ion batteries now being developed for the electric car market.
      There will be blood among suppliers of battery technology to the electric car market: analyst.

      Shares of Polypore, which have risen 21% this year -- and up from a 52-week low -- were down 6% on Monday morning to $53.

      Johnson initiated his sell rating on Polypore with a $26 price target, implying 54% downside from its opening price on Monday.

      In the solar stock sector, the short argument relied on two ideas. First, that the sector was headed for massive oversupply and the market expectations for growth of sales were driving up multiples of stocks to excessive levels. Second, and when it came to First Solar specifically, the fact that key executives left the firm over a period of a few years and many insiders were selling shares suggested to First Solar shorts including hedge fund manager Jim Chanos that all was not right at the solar company.

      Johnson's Polypore short relies on assumptions related to both of those solar short debate points. The analyst thinks that the electric car market growth assumptions on which Polypore's multiple is based exaggerates the opportunity relative to coming supply. The analyst also points to insider selling by Polypore executives.

      Since January 2011, Johnson said he has noticed "a troubling trend among the executives at PPO."
      # CEO Robert B. Toth has sold 403,000 of his total 450,000 shares (i.e., 89%) for a profit of $24.5 million
      # CFO Lyn Amos has sold 52,000 of her total 64,000 shares (i.e., 81%) for a profit of $3.3 million
      # VP Pierre Hauswald has sold 84,000 of his total 84,000 shares (i.e., 100%) for a profit of $5 million
      # VP Mitchell Pulwer has sold 70,000 of his total 70,000 shares (i.e., 100%) for a profit of $3.8 million
      # VP Phillip Bryson has sold 46,600 of his total 54,000 shares (i.e., 86%) for a profit of $3.1 million

      "Stated differently, in aggregate, PPO's top 5 executives have 'exited' 91% of their vested stock holdings since January 2011; forewarned is forearmed," Johnson wrote in his note.

      On the issue of market hype getting ahead of market fundamentals -- which was the downfall of solar stocks in 2011 -- Johnson writes that "the 'hype' surrounding electric-vehicle sales has contributed to an unsustainable increase in separator capacity relative to the market size." The dynamic is misunderstood by investors, and that creates a market dislocation/shorting opportunity, the analyst argues.

      Since 2010, lithium ion batteries used in electric vehicles (21.3% of 2010 sales) has been by far the fastest-growing business segment for Polypore. The 2010 sales figure refers to electronic market sales, not electric cars specifically, but Johson believes that in the future the electric car market has to be a bigger part of that growing segment for the company to justify its current multiple -- 21x the Wall Street 2012 EPS estimate of $2.71.

      "With a widely anticipated explosion in Li-Ion electric vehicle sales by the lion's share of market pundits, and the fact that Li-Ion batteries used in electric vehicles require 300-400x more separator material than laptops, consensus expectations are for ebullient growth of Li-Ion separator sales driven largely by the penetration of Li-Ion vehicles as a percentage of aggregated vehicle sales. Yet, while we acknowledge that the initial capacity ramp by electric vehicle battery manufacturers resulted in a shortage of separator material 2009-2010, thus driving prices higher, we believe investors are grossly underestimating the enormous amount of separator capacity being added relative to the total addressable market (TAM) size," Johnson argued.

      Axiom Capital estimates that separator capacity being added is sufficient to support 2.3 million in annual electric vehicle sales, 12x and 6x greater than the amount of electric vehicles that will actually be sold in 2012 and 2013, respectively.

      "Over the course of the next 12 months as additional separator capacity comes online, we expect deteriorating order volume from battery companies for material, thus driving Li-Ion separator pricing lower. We believe PPO's margins peaked in 2011, and see severe risk to the company's operating margins in 2H12/2013 as pricing pressures mount," Axiom said.

      Polypore has been the only stock to play in the emerging lithium ion battery space. While President Obama called out high-tech batteries as an alternative energy sector where the U.S. will not cede its manufacturing prowess, the fate of lithium ion battery stocks has been grim.

      Polypore sells into the traditional lead acid battery space and into the lithium ion market for all electronics, but it's the electric car market outlook that Johnson focuses on in saying that investors are missing the carnage to come -- his report is titled "There Will Be Blood."

      A123 Systems(AONE) shares have declined 90% since its IPO three years ago. It remains beholden to the ramp from electric car maker Fisker. A123 Systems has burned through a mountain of cash and continues to lose money on every battery it sells. While negative gross margins are typical of high-risk emerging industries, the cash issues at A123 Systems have made it a terrible investment.

      Recently, when Fisker announced a delay in its ramp, Wunderlich Securities analyst Theodore O'Neill described it as a positive for A123 because it meant the battery company wouldn't have to spend as much cash in the short-term, a sign of just how tight the cash situation is.

      A123 peer, Ener1(HEV), last year embarked on a shift in strategy as its business fortunes flailed, with its CEO saying the electric car market would take years to be profitable and it would instead focus on energy storage opportunities in the utility space. The Ener1 CEO was later ousted and the company now trades as a pink sheet.

      Sales of GM's Volt have recently stalled. In 2011, the Chevrolet Volt sold 7,621 units, moderately short of the 10,000 goal. For 2012, Chevrolet's goal is to sell 45,000 Volts in the U.S., and 15,000 internationally.

      Medis reports are now suggesting that U.S. sales of the Volt have stalled at a relatively low level near 1,000 units per month, and dealers are being asked to take more Volts than they believe they will be able to sell in early 2012.

      At Fisker, the reining in of expectations has been a constant: Fisker has cut its build plan for the Karma to 10,000 units in 2012, down from 20,000 at the beginning of 2011, from 15,000 in November, and from 12,000 in late 2011.

      Calling the "best" short in alternative energy is a matter of timing. For example, Johnson's call on solar supply exceeding demand was too early in 2010, but by 2011, it played out and reaped rewards for shorts that held their conviction through the last solar boom of 2010. Stifel analysts recently took on the issue of oversupply in a report on the lithium ion battery market.

      In noting the investment in the battery space, Stifel asked, "Will these investments create an oversupply situation that will inevitably create pricing and margin pressure across the EV supply chain? Over the near-to-medium term (2012-2013), we feel this is unlikely; however, given the 35mn kWh of announced longer-term expansions, we do see a possible oversupply situation in the 2015 time frame depending on the slope of the inevitable increase in penetration rates of 'xEVs'. We also want to emphasize that unlike battery capacity investments, which tend to be large, lumpy and years ahead of demand, lithium ion separator capacity ramp timing is matched to underlying vehicle production ramp timing, which should ease concerns of a looming oversupply of separator capacity."

      -- Written by Eric Rosenbaum from New Yor
      schrieb am 02.02.12 16:09:43
      Beitrag Nr. 574 ()
      heute 4,20% plus in usa auf jetzt 42.99 dollar, ist wieder

      schöner einstieg!

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 02.02.12 17:15:26
      Beitrag Nr. 575 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.688.327 von rosen123 am 02.02.12 16:09:43Ja, Rosen

      bis dato geht es einen guten Gang.

      Selbst wenn hier ein Kunde zu einem Wettbewerber wird, so sieht man doch
      momentan allenthalben, daß nicht nur ein Automobilhersteller, sondern fast
      alle auf das EV setzen.

      Der Nischenstatus, wo man mal Studien auf Messen vorstellte, die dann wieder
      in der Versenkung verschwanden, ist vorbei.

      Heute können bereits fast alle A-Hersteller sagen, wann ihr erstes EV
      ausgeliefert wird.

      schrieb am 03.02.12 15:37:00
      Beitrag Nr. 576 ()
      hi karli usa heute eröffnung 44.83 + 2.17%

      das wird schon wieder!
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.02.12 17:32:55
      Beitrag Nr. 577 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.695.479 von rosen123 am 03.02.12 15:37:00Festhalten, rosen, es geht gen Norden, und hier die Info.

      Von dem Moment an war die Stufe gezündet.

      Feb. 3, 2012, 11:13 a.m. EST
      Polypore to Host Investor Call on the Lithium Battery Separator Industry

      CHARLOTTE, N.C., Feb 3, 2012 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- Polypore International, Inc. /quotes/zigman/349888/quotes/nls/ppo PPO +8.27% will host an investor call that will focus on facts in the lithium battery separator industry.

      Robert Toth, President and CEO, and Lynn Amos, Chief Financial Officer, will host the call beginning at 12:00 pm Eastern time on Friday, February 3, 2012. Dr. John Zhang, a world recognized expert in battery separator technology and the Chief Technical Officer of the Celgard Lithium Separator Business, will also join the call. The dial-in number for the conference call is (719) 457-2697. Enter code 2424183. A replay of the conference call will be available through February 17, 2012 via telephone at (719) 457-0820. Enter code 2424183.

      A link to the webcast and a copy of the Company's presentation will be accessible through the Company's website at in the Investor Relations section under Events & Presentations.

      The webcast can also be found at . A replay will be archived and available after the conference call for 90 days.

      About Polypore International, Inc.

      Polypore International, Inc. is a global high technology filtration company specializing in microporous membranes. Polypore's flat sheet and hollow fiber membranes are used in specialized applications that require the removal or separation of various materials from liquids, primarily in the ultrafiltration and microfiltration markets. Based in Charlotte, NC, Polypore International, Inc. is a market leader with manufacturing facilities or sales offices in ten countries serving six continents. See .

      This news release was distributed by GlobeNewswire,

      SOURCE: Polypore International, Inc.

      CONTACT: Investor Contact:
      Polypore Investor Relations

      schrieb am 03.02.12 17:34:00
      Beitrag Nr. 578 ()
      na wie ich sagte heute in usa fast 10% war guter einstieg!

      schrieb am 03.02.12 17:41:38
      Beitrag Nr. 579 ()
      hi karli heute 500 millionen volumen bis jetzt in usa, hab nicht verstanden was meint der bericht siehe oben, danke

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 03.02.12 18:00:29
      Beitrag Nr. 580 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.696.625 von rosen123 am 03.02.12 17:41:38Hallo rosen,

      geh doch mal auf die Hompage von PPO, anschließend in den Investorenbereich.
      Klick dort die Info über den Investor Call von heute an und klick auf der sich
      dann öffnenden Seite auf den blau hinterlegten Link, laß dich mit E-Mail usw.
      listen, schick diese Info ab und du kannst anschl. auf eine PDF-Datei
      von 19 Seiten klicken.

      Bin gerade dabei sie mir reinzuziehen.

      Habe gesehen, daß Du Dich stark bei FB engagierst, ich bleibe hier bei
      meinen Leisten und reflektiere nicht auf FB. Denke das wird belohnt. Willst
      Du versuchen dort einzusteigen?

      schrieb am 03.02.12 18:06:53
      Beitrag Nr. 581 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.696.625 von rosen123 am 03.02.12 17:41:38Na, rosen,

      da war dann der Wunsch der Vater des Gedankens, aber wenn Du 50 Mio in US-$
      meintest, dann kommt das bei ca. 3,2 Mio gehandelten Stücken schon recht

      schrieb am 03.02.12 20:00:48
      Beitrag Nr. 582 ()
      sorry hab mich verguckt, wollte dir auch eine freude machen, und

      da war sicher der wunsch vater des gedankens.

      trotz alledem läufts gut! absoluter zukunftsmarkt.

      schrieb am 04.02.12 07:57:42
      Beitrag Nr. 583 ()

      aktie ist sehr volatil geworden, hat letztendlich wieder tieferes

      tief und tieferes hoch gemacht, nach starkem rücksetzer aber

      weiteres aufwärtspotenzial.

      bei überwinden des letzten hochs bei ca 58 dollar sehen wir neue

      höchstkurse. heutiger stand 46.30 + 6.72% nächstes ziel 54 dollar.

      schrieb am 04.02.12 14:51:34
      Beitrag Nr. 584 ()
      04. Februar 2012, 11:57 Uhr
      Überraschung nach der Testfahrt

      Von Jürgen Pander

      Zu geringe Reichweite, zu wenig Ladesäulen, zu teuer - Vorbehalte gegen Elektroautos gibt es viele. Eine neue Studie zeigt: Die meisten verflüchtigen sich, sobald kritische Testpersonen selbst hinter dem Steuer gesessen haben.

      Die aktuellen Zahlen des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamts zur Elektromobilität in Deutschland sind ernüchternd. Am 1. Januar waren hierzulande 4541 Elektroautos zugelassen, dazu kamen 47.642 Pkw mit Hybridantrieb. Ein klägliches Resultat wenn man sich vor Augen hält, dass die Bundesregierung Deutschland zum "Leitmarkt für Elektromobilität" machen möchte und bis 2020 eine Million Elektrofahrzeuge zwischen Flensburg und Füssen unterwegs sein sollen.

      Problematisch daran ist nicht so sehr das ambitionierte Ziel. Sondern: "Die bisherigen Programme und Maßnamen zu Förderung der Elektromobilität laufen ins Leere", sagt Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, Professor für Automobilwirtschaft an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Das jedenfalls sei das Ergebnis einer Praxisstudie seines Instituts, an der in den vergangenen Monaten 226 repräsentativ ausgewählte Testpersonen teilgenommen haben.

      Die Vorgehensweise war simpel: Am Anfang stand eine Befragung: Wie finden die Probanden Elektroautos? Und würden sie sich eins kaufen? Die Reaktionen waren erwartbar skeptisch - kaum jemand äußerte die klare Absicht, sich einen E-Flitzer zuzulegen. Danach dann erhielten die Teilnehmer die Gelegenheit, drei unterschiedliche Elektro-, Range-Extender- oder Hybridmodelle (darunter Smart E, Nissan Leaf, Opel Ampera, Toyota Prius Plug-In-Hybrid) ausgiebig zu fahren. Unter anderem auf der Autobahn. Auch der Ladevorgang war Bestandteil des Praxisversuchs. Zum Abschluss wurde die Befragung zu den Kaufabsichten wiederholt.

      Und siehe da: Insgesamt 38 Prozent der Testpersonen bekundeten nach dem Kennenlernen der elektrisch angetriebenen Autos eine Kaufabsicht für ein solches Fahrzeug. Abgefragt wurden unter anderem auch, wie groß die Reichweite eines strombetriebenen Pkw sein müsse und welcher Aufpreis gegenüber einem konventionell angetriebenen Auto maximal akzeptiert werde. Auch dabei zeigte sich, dass die Kaufinteressenten durchaus bereit wären, Aufschläge von mehreren tausend Euro zu bezahlen. Allerdings zeigte sich ebenso deutlich, dass die aktuellen Preise des Elektrokleinwagens Mitsubishi i-MiEV (34.990 Euro) oder des Opel Ampera (48.200 Euro) deutlich über dem von den Teilnehmern als annehmbar beurteilten Niveau liegen.

      Mit Elektroautos ist es wie mit dem iPhone

      Im Resümee der Studie schreibt Dudenhöffer, dass offenbar die Reichweite "nicht das entscheidende Thema" bei Elektroautos sei. Auch die noch mangelhafte Ladeinfrastruktur sei kein ausschlaggebendes Kriterium für die zögerliche Verbreitung von Elektroautos. "Die Nachfrage schafft sich ihre Ladeinfrastruktur", sagt Dudenhöffer. Der entscheidende Punkt, eine Nachfrage überhaupt anzukurbeln, sei vielmehr das Produkt selbst.

      Dudenhöffer verdeutlicht das mit einem Vergleich: Hätte man 2006 Mobiltelefonnutzer gefragt, ob sie sich vorstellen könnten, ein Handy für mehr als 500 Euro zu kaufen, wäre die Antwort klar gewesen. Nie im Leben. Handys wurden damals zu Preisen ab 50 Euro verkauft. Im Jahr 2007 jedoch stellte Apple das iPhone vor, und über Nacht waren die Ergebnisse der Standard-Marktforschung Makulatur; bis Ende 2011 hat Apple mehr als 146 Millionen iPhone-Geräte verkauft. Immer wieder werde, so Dudenhöffer, die Nachfrage bei Technologiesprungprodukten falsch eingeschätzt.

      Der Schlüssel zur Elektromobilität sei die Neugierde der Autofahrer, weshalb es Möglichkeiten geben müsse, Autofahrer unverbindlich und unkompliziert mit der neuen Technik vertraut zu machen. Dudenhöffers Fazit: "Bei den Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Elektromobilität sollte daher E-Car-Sharing im Mittelpunkt stehen." Denn da könnten die Kunden von Morgen ihre Vorbehalte gegen Elektrofahrzeuge abbauen - ohne sich ein eigenes kaufen zu müssen.
      schrieb am 04.02.12 17:09:09
      Beitrag Nr. 585 ()
      Polypore offers more details
      The company sheds more light on its business and strategy after shares got pummeled this week.

      Shares of Polypore International (PPO +6.72%) fell 30% on Jan. 31 as panic selling arose from the combination of a short recommendation from Axiom Capital and news that Polypore customer LG Chem would start making its own battery separator membranes -- instead of buying them from Polypore, the market assumed.

      More than 26 million shares traded hands that day, way above the daily average of 960,000 shares.

      Since then, the stock has rebounded to $46.69 a share from the Jan. 31 close at $38.08. That's still way below the $56.38 close on Jan. 27. (The stock is a member of my Jubak's Picks portfolio.)

      So what did Polypore have to say in an investor call Friday? (Here are instructions on how to listen to the replay.)

      The call began with a discussion of the market for separator membranes in lithium batteries, moved to a technical discussion of the differences between wet and dry separators, and then finished with a few details about what it sells to LG Chem and what that Korean company is actually planning to manufacture.

      I found it a reasonably good refutation of the math that put the Axiom short recommendation and the LG Chem news together to get panic selling. I'm keeping my one-year target price at $70 a share by January 2013. (Here’s my original post from Feb. 1.)

      Polypore noted that their fastest growing business is separators for lithium batteries -- no surprise there. The company's traditional lead acid battery business is growing at faster than GDP growth rates in key Asian markets as incomes rise and more people buy cars, but growth in that business is working off a much higher revenue base.

      According to the company, the lithium separator market should grow 8% to 20% a year -- without any contribution from membranes for batteries in electric vehicles -- hybrids, plug-ins and pure electric vehicles. If -- and here's the crux of the speculative element in the stock and the company’s presentation that got short-sellers' attention -- electric vehicles got to be 5% of the car market, then that would double the size of the market for lithium battery separator membranes. Polypore said that it is selling into vehicle programs for 25 vehicles today and will be in 50 vehicles by the end of 2012 and in 100 by 2015.

      All that was just a re-iteration of the company's standard presentation at investment conferences. (You can find those presentations on the company's website.)

      But the next two segments of the call added significant detail.

      Separator technology for lithium batteries comes in two flavors, wet and dry. In smaller lithium batteries the choice comes down to battery manufacturer’s preference. But in larger batteries -- in electric vehicle batteries -- dry separator technologies have a significant edge.

      Dry technologies produce membranes with significantly less shrinkage over time. In a large-format battery membrane, shrinkage can expose the electrodes and cause internal shocks. Dry technologies also produce membranes with significantly higher resistance to oxidation and therefore longer lifespans. The OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) that Polypore sells to are looking for batteries that last for longer than eight years and that have the least chance of internal shocks (especially after the delayed fire in test Chevy Volt that occurred two weeks or so after the vehicle went through a crash-impact test.)

      Polypore itself is constrained by concern for customer confidentiality in talking about plans at LG Chem. But the company did feel it could pass along comments from industry analysts outside of the two companies that it had talked to recently. According to the analysts, LG Chem is focusing on wet technologies and is looking to supply half of its internal needs by 2015 with no plans, again according to these analysts, to sell to outside customers. LG Chem does buy dry technology separator membranes from Polypore right now.

      And that's what we know today that we didn't know yesterday. More to come, I'm sure, and I'm also certain that the battle between longs and shorts on Polypore isn’t over.

      schrieb am 05.02.12 14:55:05
      Beitrag Nr. 586 ()
      Definitiv - das EV-Zeitalter hat angesprochen

      Fahrbericht: BMW 1er ActiveE
      Die Elektronauten kommen
      Freitag, 03.02.2012, 15:50

      BMW Tatsächlich wird dieser 1er von einem elektrischen Heckmotor angetrieben
      BMW legt eine Kleinserie des 1er Coupé mit vollelektrischem Antrieb auf. Bei ersten Ausfahrten fiel vor allem die große Haube auf.
      Ist es unbändige Kraft? Wer diesen weißen BMW 1er im Rückspiegel auftauchen sieht, notiert vermutlich sofort die mittig aufgewölbte Fronthaube, die dem bulligen Coupé eine aggressivere Note verleiht. Darunter jedoch etwa ein neues Triebwerk aus dem Sortiment der M GmbH zu wähnen, wäre ein Irrtum. Tatsächlich wird dieser 1er von einem elektrischen Heckmotor angetrieben. Unter der eindrucksvollen Haube türmt sich ein Lithium-Ionen-Akku-Modul – je ein weiteres findet sich im Mitteltunnel und unter der Rückbank.

      Die insgesamt rund 450 Kilogramm schweren Akkumulatoren speisen einen 125 kW/170 PS starken Elektromotor, der direkt an der Hinterachse montiert ist und seine Kraft per Eingang-Getriebe auf die Straße bringt. Das Fahrzeuggewicht liegt bei 1,8 Tonnen. Damit besitzt dieser 1er das schlechteste Leistungsgewicht aller 1er Coupés. Die Fahrleistungen können sich dennoch sehen lassen: Mit 250 Nm Drehmoment ist den Hinterreifen zwar nur ein sehr verhaltenes Quietschen zu entlocken, dann stürmt der Münchner aber in rund 9 Sekunden bis auf 100 km/h und legt auch anschließend noch mit kaum vermindertem Nachdruck an Geschwindigkeit zu, bis er bei 145 km/h – unser Testfahrzeug lief sogar über 150 km/h – sanft in den Abregler läuft.

      Subjektiv fühlt sich der Fahrer im 1er ActiveE – so lautet die sperrige Modellbezeichnung – über den zu Verfügung stehenden Geschwindigkeitsbereich hinweg sehr gut motorisiert. Der Antrieb macht sich nur durch ein leises Singen bemerkbar, und das verleiht dem Fahrerlebnis eine gewisse Leichtigkeit. Jedenfalls dann, wenn es geradeaus geht. Sobald der Fahrer kurvige Landstraßen ansteuert, bringt sich unweigerlich das hohe Gewicht dieses Elektroautos zur Erinnerung: Bei Belegung aller vier Sitzplätze wird locker die Zwei-Tonnen-Marke überschritten. Querdynamische Agilität ist nicht die starke Seite dieses Elektroautos; immerhin bleibt es auch bei hohen Kurvengeschwindigkeiten unerschütterlich in der Spur.

      Die Betätigung des Fahrpedals ist übrigens neu zu erlernen: Wer gedankenlos den Fuß vom „Gas“ nimmt, erlebt eine Verzögerung, die es in sich hat. Die heftige Bremswirkung ist Absicht: So lässt sich Energie zurückgewinnen – BMW spricht von Effizienzsteigerungen um bis zu 20 Prozent. Erst kurz vor dem Stillstand geht der 1er in automatiktypisches Kriechen über. Wer lieber sanft dahinrollen möchte, anstatt die Motorbremse zu nutzen, muss Halbgas geben. Dann klinkt sich der E-Motor aus, und es geht beschaulich im Freilauf voran. Heute nennt man das „Segeln“. Übrigens gibt es auch noch eine konventionelle Bremsanlage, wenn die Verzögerungswirkung des E-Antriebs nicht ausreicht. Der Übergang fühlt sich schwammig an, aber eigentlich braucht man die normale Bremse nur für die letzten paar Meter vor der Ampel. Und dann gibt es noch den „Eco-Pro“-Schalter: Wird er betätigt, agiert die Klimaanlage sanfter, die Gaspedalkennlinie ist weniger aggressiv, und der Fahrer wird mit Ratschlägen versorgt, um den Energiekonsum weiter abzusenken.

      Er tut gut daran, sie zu beherzigen, denn selbst bei schonender Fahrweise sind höchstens 160 Kilometer Reichweite drin. Das reicht nur dann aus, wenn man seinen Aktionsradius auf ein urbanes Umfeld beschränkt. Dann genügt auch der zerklüftete Kofferraum, der nur 200 Liter fasst; die Taschen, mit denen sich dieses Potential ausnutzen ließe, müssten allerdings noch erfunden werden. Ansonsten ist das Interieur fast identisch mit jenem der profaneren 1er-Modelle. Die bei den Designern zwischenzeitlich aus der Mode geratene Farbe Blau reüssiert in Form von Ziernähten, die Dekorleiste strahlt in Weiß, und der iDrive-Bildschirm erteilt auf Knopfdruck detailliert Auskunft über die Energieströme, die durch den Antrieb dieses 1er zucken. Ansonsten ist die Ausstattung komplett: sie umfasst unter anderem Xenon-Licht, Ledersitze, eine Klimaautomatik und ein Navigationssystem. Variationen sind hier nicht möglich, und in Abwandlung eines Diktums von Henry Ford bekommt man den 1er ActiveE „in jeder Farbe, vorausgesetzt sie ist weiß“.
      Noch verfügt das elektrische Fahren über den Reiz des besonderen: Als „Elektronauten“ und „Advokaten der Nachhaltigkeit“ umschmeichelt BMW die Kunden, die man – vorwiegend in den USA – mit günstigen, erheblich quersubventionierten Leasingkonditionen locken will. „Durch die verschneite Stadt gleiten, sie weder mit Lärm noch mit Emissionen in ihrem Schlaf stören“, romantisiert BMW auf der deutschen Webseite. Wer so ein Auto fahren möchte, ist gehalten, sich an die Vertriebskanäle der Herstellers zu wenden, um auf die Liste der Auserwählten zu kommen. Das war bei seinem Vorläufer, dem Mini E, genauso; der kommende, vollelektrische BMW i3 wird dereinst ganz normal beim Händler zu erwerben sein. Die Elektronauten kommen: Man hört sie nicht, aber man erkennt sie an der großen Haube.
      Die Elektronauten kommen - weiter lesen auf FOCUS Online:…
      schrieb am 07.02.12 11:27:56
      Beitrag Nr. 587 ()
      analyst nadeem moulvi, quelle seeking alpha schreibt:

      nach dem die aktie einen rückgang von fast 43% hinnehmen mußte , wird sie über kurz oder lang in einem ähnlich steilen zuwachs alles wieder wettmachen. die aktie hat einen unglaublichen wert, meiner einschätzung nach und sollte vom aktuellen niveau gut 40% zulegen.

      die aktie fiel vo 58 $ auf 38$ nach dem axiom capital managment ein verkaufsrating gab.
      axiom wies daraufhin das lg chem, ein ppo kunde, pläne hat ein seperator werk inbetrieb zu nehmen.
      analysten erwarten ein e/share von 2.33$ in 2011 und für 2012 soll der gewinn pro aktie auf 2.92$ steigen. so wird die aktie ein 12 monatskursziel von 67$ erhalten.

      hört sich jedenfalls gut an karli!

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 07.02.12 14:32:15
      Beitrag Nr. 588 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.711.099 von rosen123 am 07.02.12 11:27:56Ja,rosen,

      leg Dir ruhig noch ein paar Stücke mehr in den Sparstrumpf. Habe ja extra
      noch einmal 2 Artikel gepostet. Die EV`s werden definitiv kommen. Es wird
      sich nicht mehr um Vorzeigeobjekte auf Messen handeln, die dann wieder
      in der Versenkung verschwinden.

      Da EV-Zeitalter hat endgültig angefangen und befindet sich trotzdem gemessen
      am Universum noch in Zeiten des "Urknalls".

      Wir können ja mal schauen, wer wen outperformed. FB die PPO, oder umgekehrt.
      Hier kann jeder willige jederzeit einsteigen. Bei FB möchten fast alle und
      werden doch leer ausgehen. Nur m. E..

      schrieb am 07.02.12 16:46:26
      Beitrag Nr. 589 ()
      hi karli
      die ev s brauchen sicher noch etwas geduld, aber auch die kurzfristige musik hört sich gut an!

      warte erstmal auf die 54$, nachkaufen würde ich erst bei 39$ wieder.

      schrieb am 07.02.12 16:47:46
      Beitrag Nr. 590 ()
      denke noch hat ppo ne monopolstellung!

      schrieb am 15.02.12 12:48:57
      Beitrag Nr. 591 ()
      hi, karli

      kauf heute a123 systems ziel 15$ auf sicht von 2 jahren. führend in lithium-ionen-batterien, nach ausbruch.zu 2.10$ in usa.

      seeking alpha: a123 systems ist ein klarer kauf und bietet ein upside potenzial von 700% über die nächsten 3 jahre.

      wenn man elektro autos baut kommt man an 123 nicht vorbei.

      nachmachen verboten.

      schrieb am 15.02.12 13:05:28
      Beitrag Nr. 592 ()

      massig insider käufe auf sec form 4 ankündigung nur mitarbeiter und
      ceo. insgesamt 1 343 000 optionen (call) von 8 personen vom 8.2.12.

      grüße rosen
      schrieb am 22.02.12 01:22:06
      Beitrag Nr. 593 ()
      nichts gehört von dir-karli, ppo ist auf dem weg, absolut preiswert, als noch monopolist für technische membranen, im speziellem für lithium accus,potenziall durch elektromobilität,
      mobilem internet,leistungsfähige accus, die wachstumsbranche über-

      konnte nicht schlafen, denke die sonne, im besonderen die sonnenstürme, die sonne ist in der zeit ihres aktivsten levels das 2012 ihr maximum erreicht, der gesamte zyklus wiederholt sich alle 11 jahre.

      jedenfalls den börsen, bekommt es nicht schlecht.

      mag sich jeder seinen eigenen gedanken machen.

      so das wars!

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 22.02.12 17:19:38
      Beitrag Nr. 594 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.786.063 von rosen123 am 22.02.12 01:22:06Nun, rosen,

      was soll ich sagen. Heute abend nach US-Schluß werder wir mehr erfahren, und
      morgen nach dem CC sehen wir, wie die Investoren die Zukunft sehen.

      Fakt ist nun mal, das PPO wie ich schon vorher geschrieben hatte sicher auch
      einen hohen Kapitaldienst wird leisten müssen, aufgrund der Standort- und

      Sollten sie dann noch aufgrund neuer Wettbewerber geringere Margen realisieren
      können, wird der Markt das sicher mit Abschlägen versehen, aber momentan ist
      PPO tatsächlich preiswert, wenn nicht das vorgeschriebenen Szenario die Zukunft bestimmen wird.

      schrieb am 22.02.12 22:19:40
      Beitrag Nr. 595 ()
      Na, das war ja wohl ziemlicher Murks. Nachbörslich geht es 12 % abwärts.

      Feb. 22, 2012, 4:01 p.m. EST
      Polypore Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2011 Results

      2011 Highlights: , Feb 22, 2012 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- Sales increase 24% to $763.1 million -- Adjusted EBITDA increases 36% to $250.8 million -- Adjusted EPS increases 71% to $2.34

      Fourth Quarter Highlights:

      -- Sales increase 13% to $191.0 million
      -- Adjusted EBITDA increases 16% to $62.1 million
      -- Adjusted EPS increases 35% to $0.58

      CHARLOTTE, N.C., Feb. 22, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Polypore International, Inc. /quotes/zigman/349888/quotes/nls/ppo PPO -10.87% today reported its financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2011.

      For the fourth quarter:

      -- Sales were $191.0 million, an increase of 13% compared with $169.5
      million in the prior-year period. There was no significant effect of
      foreign currency translation in the quarter.
      -- Segment Operating Income was $48.5 million, an increase of 17% compared
      with $41.5 million in the prior-year period. A table showing the
      reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to income before income taxes
      is included in this release.
      -- Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS were $27.6 million and $0.58 per
      diluted share, increases of 39% and 35%, respectively, compared with
      $19.9 million and $0.43 per diluted share in the prior-year period. Net
      income was $26.4 million and $0.56 per diluted share, compared with
      $17.7 million and $0.38 per diluted share in the prior-year period. A
      table showing the reconciliation of Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS
      to U.S. GAAP amounts is included in this release.

      Robert B. Toth, President and Chief Executive Officer, said: "We experienced another year of solid growth and our substantial capacity investments will continue to ramp up throughout 2012 and into 2013. Given the strong long-term outlook in our businesses, we continue to fund the most significant growth investments in our company's history."

      For the year ended December 31, 2011:

      -- Sales were $763.1 million, an increase of 24% compared with $616.6
      million in 2010. Excluding the effect of foreign currency translation,
      sales increased 22%.
      -- Segment Operating Income was $199.4 million, an increase of 46% compared
      with $136.6 million in the prior year. A table showing the
      reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to income before income taxes
      is included in this release.
      -- Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS were $110.3 million and $2.34 per
      diluted share, increases of 76% and 71%, respectively, compared with
      $62.7 million and $1.37 per diluted share in the prior year. Net income
      was $105.2 million and $2.23 per diluted share, compared with $63.6
      million and $1.39 per diluted share in the prior year. A table showing
      the reconciliation of Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS to U.S. GAAP
      amounts is included in this release.

      Adjusted EBITDA

      Adjusted EBITDA was $62.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2011, an increase of 16% compared with $53.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2010. For the year, Adjusted EBITDA was $250.8 million, an increase of 36% compared with $184.9 million in the prior year. Adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization ("Adjusted EBITDA"), as defined in Polypore's senior secured credit agreement, is reconciled to net income in the attached table.

      Energy Storage Business

      Transportation and Industrial Segment

      -- Sales of lead-acid battery separators were $90.5 million in the quarter,
      comparable to third quarter and to the prior-year period. Late in the
      quarter, we began to see improvement in the previously disclosed
      disruption of lead-acid battery production in China due to the
      government mandate requiring battery makers to demonstrate the proper
      handling of lead. For the year, sales were $371.9 million, an increase
      of 18%. Excluding the effect of foreign currency translation, sales
      increased 16% due to strength across all geographic regions.
      -- Segment Operating Income was $22.5 million and 25% of sales in the
      quarter, compared with $23.9 million and 27% of sales for the prior-year
      period. For the year, Segment Operating Income was $96.1 million and 26%
      of sales, compared with $79.1 million and 25% of sales for the prior
      year, driven by operating leverage from higher sales offset somewhat by
      the costs associated with our capacity investments in Asia. A table
      showing the reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to consolidated
      results is included in this release.

      Electronics and Electric Drive Vehicles ("EDVs") Segment

      -- Sales of lithium battery separators in the quarter were $52.0 million,
      an increase of 53% over the prior-year period. For the year, sales were
      $201.0 million, also an increase of 53%. The increase reflects strong
      demand in EDVs offset by some modest weakness in consumer electronics in
      the fourth quarter.
      -- For 2011, the split of sales between consumer electronics and EDVs was
      roughly 60% and 40%, respectively. In the fourth quarter, EDV sales
      exceeded consumer electronics sales for the first time in the company's
      -- Segment Operating Income in the quarter was $22.4 million and 43% of
      sales, compared with $15.4 million and 45% of sales for the prior-year
      period. For the year, Segment Operating Income was $91.1 million and 45%
      of sales, compared with $51.4 million and 39% of sales for the prior
      year. Operating leverage resulting from higher sales was offset
      somewhat by the costs associated with our growth investments, more of
      which were incurred as expected later in the year as we approached the
      ramp up of new capacity. A table showing the reconciliation of Segment
      Operating Income to consolidated results is included in this release.

      Separations Media Segment

      Sales for the quarter were $48.5 million, up 5% compared with the prior-year period. For the year, sales were $190.2 million, an increase of 11% compared with the prior year. Excluding the effect of foreign currency translation, sales increased 7% for the year.

      -- Fourth quarter sales of healthcare products were $32.0 million, an
      increase of 7%. For the year, sales were $120.4 million, an increase of
      12%. The increase was driven by solid demand in hemodialysis and blood
      oxygenation applications and, for the full year, the effect of foreign
      currency translation.
      -- Fourth quarter sales of filtration and specialty products were $16.5
      million, an increase of 3%. For the year, sales were $69.8 million, an
      increase of 10%, due to growth across all key application areas and the
      effect of foreign currency translation.
      -- Segment Operating Income in the quarter was $13.6 million and 28% of
      sales, compared with $13.6 million and 30% of sales in the prior-year
      period. For the year, Segment Operating Income was $54.7 million and 29%
      of sales, compared with $50.7 million and 30% of sales for the prior
      year. The modest decline in Segment Operating Income margins is due to
      the incremental costs associated with new capacity for PUREMA
      hemodialysis membranes added in the back half of 2011. A table showing
      the reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to consolidated results
      is included in this release.


      Toth added: "The global trends remain positive in all of our businesses and the long-term demand drivers remain intact. We began to experience some headwinds in the fourth quarter, which will impact near-term results. We would expect first quarter results to be below fourth quarter 2011 sequentially, yet we anticipate full year growth and we remain focused on building our business for the long term."

      Conference Call

      Polypore International, Inc. will hold a conference call to discuss the Company's fourth quarter financial results and business outlook on Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 9:00 AM Eastern time. The number to call for this interactive teleconference is (719) 325-4784. Enter code 8264791. A replay of the conference call will be available through March 2, 2012, via telephone at (719) 457-0820. Enter code 8264791. The call will also be webcast live and archived for 30 days in the Investor Relations section of the Company's website at .

      In addition, the Company filed a Current Report on Form 8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission with Supplemental Financial Information that is located on the Company's website.

      Non-GAAP Supplemental Information

      Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS (earnings per share) are non-GAAP financial measures presented in this press release as supplemental disclosures to net income and reported results. Adjusted EBITDA is defined in our credit agreement and represents earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization and certain non-operating items, business restructuring costs and other non-cash or non-recurring charges.

      We define Adjusted Net Income as income from continuing operations excluding certain items. We define Adjusted EPS as Adjusted Net Income divided by the number of diluted shares of common stock outstanding. Beginning in the third quarter of 2011, the adjustments used in calculating Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS were modified to be fully consistent with the adjustments used in calculating Adjusted EBITDA, as defined in our credit agreement. We believe that applying consistent adjustments across non-GAAP measures provides transparency on the impact of these adjustments on operating results and makes these non-GAAP measures comparable and easier to understand. Amounts previously reported for these non-GAAP measures have been conformed to the current year presentation and the impact on prior periods is not significant.

      For more information regarding the computation of Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS, the reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to net income, Adjusted Net Income to net income and Adjusted EPS to earnings per share, please see the attached financial tables.

      We present these non-GAAP financial measures because we believe that they are useful indicators of our operating performance and facilitate the comparison of results between periods. Adjusted EBITDA is a measure used in our credit agreement to determine the availability of borrowings under our revolving credit facility. We also use Adjusted EBITDA to review and assess our operating performance in connection with employee incentive programs and the preparation of our annual budget and financial projections. Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS exclude amounts we do not consider part of our ongoing operating results when assessing performance and are calculated consistent with the calculation of Adjusted EBITDA.

      Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS are not measurements of financial performance under GAAP and such financial measures should not be considered as an alternative to net income, cash flows from operating activities or other measures of performance determined in accordance with GAAP. In addition, our calculation of these non-GAAP financial measures may not be comparable to the calculation of similarly titled measures reported by other companies.
      schrieb am 23.02.12 10:15:30
      Beitrag Nr. 596 ()
      Weak Ou23.02.2012 | 03:41
      Polypore Shares Slide On Q4 Results,tlook

      WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Shares of Polypore International Inc. (PPO) slipped almost 14 percent in extended trading Wednesday after the battery technology company reported earnings and revenue for the fourth quarter below analysts' estimates.

      The Charlotte, North Carolina-based company also said it expects first-quarter results to be below the fourth quarter sequentially, as some headwinds experienced during the fourth quarter will impact near-term results. However, analysts expected a sequential increase in earnings and revenue for the first quarter.

      Polypore's profit for the fourth quarter rose 49 percent on strong sales of its lithium battery separators.

      Sales of lead-acid battery separators in the quarter were comparable with the year-ago period, while lithium battery separator sales grew 53 percent.

      Sales at the company's separations media segment increased 5 percent in the quarter, reflecting a 7 percent sales in healthcare products and a 3 percent increase in sales of filtration and specialty products.

      Looking ahead, Robert Toth, President and Chief Executive Officer of Polypore International said, 'We began to experience some headwinds in the fourth quarter, which will impact near-term results. We would expect first quarter results to be below fourth quarter 2011 sequentially, yet we anticipate full year growth and we remain focused on building our business for the long term.'

      On average, analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expect the company to earn $0.66 per share for the first quarter on revenues of $205.17 million. Analysts estimates typically exclude special items.

      The company's fourth-quarter net income was $26.4 million or $0.56 per share, up from $17.7 million or $0.38 per share in the prior-year period.

      Adjusted net income for the quarter rose to $27.6 million or $0.58 per share from $19.9 million or $0.43 per share in the comparable quarter last year. Analysts expected the company to report earnings of $0.60 per share. Analysts' estimates typically exclude special items.

      Net sales for the quarter rose 13 percent to $191.0 million from $169.5 million in the prior-year period, but missed analysts' consensus estimate of $196.34 million.

      PPO closed Wednesday's trading at $43.52, up $0.33 or 0.76 percent on a volume of 3.05 million shares. However, in after-hours trading, the stock declined $6.07 or 13.95 percent to $37.45.

      Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX

      © 2012 AFX News
      schrieb am 27.02.12 10:09:21
      Beitrag Nr. 597 ()
      ppo: das unternehmen räumte ein das der wettbererb immens sei. aber für neue wettbewerber ist es sehr schwierig neue kunden zu gewinnen.
      so ist durch lange produktzyklen, der schwenk auf ein neues angebotenes produkt äußerst schwierig. die branche wird vo 3 playern dominiert, und jeder hat sich speziallisiert.

      ppo entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet spezialisierte membranen in der trenntechnik und filtration. energiespeicherung und trennung:
      das energiespeicher-segment trägt zu 72% zu den erlösen bei.

      laut dem institut für informationstechnik wird das lithium-batterie geschäft bis 2015 um mindestens 10% wachsen. blei -säure-batterien werden im transport und industreisektor verwendet, auch hier wird es extreme steigerungs raten geben..

      ppo sagte das seine produkte in 25 fahrzeugen eingesetzt werden, und sich die zahl auf 50 bis ende 2012 erhöhen, und bis 2015 auf hundert erhöhen wird.

      ppo membranen werden für die hämodialyse, blutoxygenerierung, mikrofiltration, ultrafiltration und vergasung/entgasung eingesetzt.

      der dyalise-markt wird jährlich um 6% wachsen. die mikrofiltration wird um 8% jährlich wachsen. insgesamt könnte ppo dann in den nächsten jahren um 13% wachsen.

      der gewinn in 2012 soll auf 2.92$ steigen, so sehen wir ein 12 monatsziel für ppo von 67$, ein atraktives investment.

      meine antwort für das sell-rating, von axiom-capital, für ppo ist nur danke!

      (nadeem moulvi vom 6.2.12)

      schrieb am 28.02.12 06:28:49
      Beitrag Nr. 598 ()
      Feb. 27, 2012, 3:43 p.m. EST
      For Polypore, weakness is priced in

      By Andy Hicks

      After all the panic the past month over Polypore's (NYSE:PPO) competitive concerns, sell-side analysts finally got it right - for the wrong reason. Polypore sells lead-acid and lithium-ion battery separators, and several sell-side analysts had downgraded the stock on competitive concerns before their Q4 earnings release. The motivation for their downgrades came mostly from LG Chem's (KRX:KR:A051910) recent announcement that they planned to build in-house production of lithium-ion battery separators.

      Instead, Polypore's Q4 earnings were mostly hit by a) production schedule changes at two of their original equipment manufacturers (OEM) that manufacture electronic-drive vehicles (EDV) out of China, and b) warm winters in the U.S. and Europe have delayed the lead-acid battery replacement cycle. These are very short-term events, which is why I am a buyer on weakness.

      To deconstruct a company's earning miss, I always ask myself one thing: Were these extraneous events or did management contribute to them? Let's look at what went wrong, why, and for how long:

      1) Two of their OEMs delayed production of their new EDV models for extraneous reasons: a) additional safety testing that has now been completed, and b) because of all-time highs in the yen, one of their Japanese OEMs has shifted production plans to China, which has created a short-term production delay. This hit Polypore's lithium-ion battery separator business in Q4.

      Resolution : Management stated that these EDV production issues out of China were improving in Q1, and they will be largely behind the company by Q2 (April 1, a month away). Management credibility has taken a hit as they learn to deal with fickle business practices in Asia, but they expect their lithium battery separator to be designed into 50 EDVs by end of 2012, up from 25 currently, and 100 EDVs by 2015 as hybrids become increasingly popular. With oil currently trading above $100/barrel, EDV production should proceed at an expedited pace. Polypore's stock should begin to reflect that through P/E multiple expansion.

      2) Warmer winter weather in the U.S. and Europe has stalled the car/truck battery (lead acid) replacement cycle, since cold weather is bad for batteries:

      A simple Internet search on provides the following: "Extreme cold weather conditions can affect the average automobile battery's life and performance. Automobile batteries produce electrons through chemical reactions. During cold weather, the battery's chemical reactions take place more slowly, thus producing fewer electrons with which to power the engine. In addition, the engine's oil thickens during cold weather, causing the engine to require up to three times as much power to turn over."

      Resolution : This represents another extraneous event, but management stated that it will spill over into Q1 and the lead-acid separator business could dip to $80m in the quarter. This business is currently capacity constrained at $90-$95m/quarter, so the order push-out really is just a shift in the demand timeline with limited supply (qualified supply) in future quarters. The warmer weather may have temporarily prolonged the life of many older batteries, but perhaps that buys a driver another three, maybe six months of battery life. This bodes well for future pricing in the lead-acid battery segment, and as Polypore adds capacity in lead acid in Asia throughout 2012, they will be able to fulfill that pent-up demand.

      3) In conjunction with the lithium battery separator business for EDVs, the lithium-battery separator business for consumer electronics was a little weaker in Q4.

      Resolution : Consumer electronics weakness has persisted into Q1, mostly in power tools and tablets, but management stated that demand is still relatively strong and they are still capacity constrained. This tells me it is more of an extraneous factor of OEMs running lean inventories that contributed to the Q4/Q1 weakness, not necessarily demand.

      Management expects a $10m sequential sales drop for lithium separators in Q1 (EDVs and consumer electronics), but they still expect y/y growth in FY12 as additional capacity comes on-line in Charlotte and Concord, N.C. They have actually turned away a lot of consumer electronics biz due to capacity issues, and feel they can add customers at any time to absorb the additional capacity.

      4) Two healthcare customers have shifted production schedules from Q1 to Q3 for their new medical devices/machines.

      Resolution : While this did not hit Q4 numbers, this is another extraneous timing issue out of management's control in Q1. This also further validates the argument that Polypore will have a big Q3 as production for the new EDV's and medical devices/machines ramp. Consumer electronics production is also seasonally strong in Q3 as companies build for the holiday season. And, given the common knowledge of industry supply shortages for lithium-battery separators, ordering at some OEMs may get moved up a quarter in anticipation of shortages. This could bode well for Q2.

      5) Gross margins were lower in Q4.

      Resolution : Q4 margins were lower mostly due to the cost of their capacity expansion. This hiccup can probably be attributed to management's poor guidance, but it wasn't as important of a factor in the earnings miss. Lithium separators have higher margins than lead-acid battery separators, so mix may have also been a factor. These issues will reverse as the additional lithium capacity ramps in 2012 and operating leverage drives an increase in margins in the second-half of 2012.

      If the margin decline had been a function of massive degradation in lithium separator ASP's (average selling prices), I would be a seller as competitive concerns would be validated. But, as management has stated, lithium separator ASPs were $2.54 in 2001 and have only decreased a few percentage points per year over the past seven years as additional capacity (wet process technology) has come on-line. This is normal in any scale business.

      So Polypore's Q4 earnings miss was a function of production delays, order push-outs, and inventory reductions in their consumer electronics business. None of these major mishaps are a result of management actions and, more importantly, they set up for sequential growth in Q2 and a big rebound in revenues, margins, and earnings in the second half of 2012.

      Valuation :

      Polypore uses both wet- and dry-process technology for their lithium-ion battery separators. The wet process is widely used with several qualified suppliers out there, but Polypore has the only qualified dry process out there. Concerns over LG Chem's plans to produce half of their wet-process lithium-battery separators in-house for their consumer electronics business by 2015 are largely overdone. LG Chem sources its wet-process lithium separators from another Korean battery maker, who is now suing them over their plans to in-source. But they source the dry-process lithium separators solely from Polypore for use in their EDV batteries.

      LG Chem has not officially stated they are working on a dry process separator, despite rumors they have. The dry-process separator is the most difficult to replicate, and many other companies over the years have attempted to replicate the dry process, unsuccessfully. This is why the intellectual property on Polypore's dry-process technology alone should be a big driver of its premium valuation.

      Granted, whenever competition concerns lurk over a stock, the earnings multiple will contract, regardless of earnings growth potential. But investors now have to weigh competitive concerns against the constant takeover chatter in Polypore's stock in assigning a fair earnings multiple (P/E). For example, Dupont (NYSE:DD) is rumored to be a potential suitor.

      This reminds me of another stock: Fusion-IO (NYSE:FIO) . Fusion-IO has gone through the same violent swings of competitive concerns and earnings fluctuations vs. takeover chatter. Its earning's multiple has contracted, however, it has bounced substantially off its lows on takeover rumors and earnings acceleration.

      I expect Polypore to do the same as investors begin to price in the upward business momentum to occur throughout 2012. With the current earnings multiple sitting on its 52-week lows (18x 2012 earnings estimates), the bad news is clearly priced into this stock, especially with oil prices currently above $100/barrel. It seems poised to reward investors for the remainder of the year.

      Disclosure: Andy Hicks currently owns Polypore stock.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 02.03.12 22:27:54
      Beitrag Nr. 599 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.815.772 von Karlll am 28.02.12 06:28:49Also, wenn ich mir die letzte Handelsstunde anschaue, dann ist aber
      mal gar nichts "ingepriced".

      Try Jim Cramer's Action Alerts PLUS
      Return to Article
      GM Volt Sales: Yellow Light for Electric Car Growth Stories

      Eric Rosenbaum
      03/01/12 - 04:31 PM EST

      NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- The latest sales figures from the electric car market suggest that the outlook remains mixed for companies whose success hinges on broader adoption of models like the Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf.

      The Volt isn't a make-or-break issue for GM(GM) -- in fact, GM's overall auto sales surprised to the upside in February.

      For lithium ion battery companies, such as A123 Systems(AONE) -- hoping to cash in on future GM electric car models -- and related battery technology, such as lithium ion separator company Polypore(PPO), broader adoption of electric cars is the core growth narrative.
      Volt sales rebound, but consumer demand for electric cars still seems tepid.

      In February, GM sold 1,023 Chevy Volts and Nissan sold 478 Leafs in North America, compared with sales of 603 Volts and 676 Leafs in January. Year over year, the numbers for both electric cars look good, up from 281 Volts and 67 Leafs in February 2011. The pickup month over month in Volt sales from 603 in January to 1,203 also suggests that the Volt is rebounding from the battery fire issue with which 2012 began.

      Volt sales are still well below the December 2011 record level, though, and Nissan Leaf sales continue to trend down in the North America, on a decline for over six months, and February being the worst sales month for the Leaf since last April.

      Polypore has become a battleground stock linked to the bullish and bearish divide on electric car adoption versus hype. A123 has recently been focusing on sales of lithium ion batteries to the energy storage market as part of making the case that it's not beholden to consumer demand for electric cars.

      Stifel Nicolaus said on Thursday that if production and demand do not come into better balance, companies reliant on increased adoption of electric cars like Polypore may be pressured by investors.

      Cumulative sales of the Volt have been 1,626 vehicles this year, implying total sales of 9,756 Volts in 2012, a 27% year-over-year increase. If this sales data is to representative of 2012 demand, it would be a disappointment from GM, LG Chem [which makes the Volt battery] and Polypore, Stifel wrote.

      "Momentum needs to continue to build moving forward to drive meaningful production increases y/y for the Chevy Volt," Stifel wrote.

      3,876 Volts were produced in February, which if annualized would imply total Volt production in 2012 of 42,636 vehicles. This is significant growth compared with 2011, but still below GM's production target of 60,000 vehicles in 2012.

      "Either monthly production will need to continue to ramp in 2012 or this production target will not be met," Stifel wrote. In addition, there is the risk of another reduction in production schedules later in 2012 if sales do not begin to catch up with production.

      For Polypore specifically, Stifel says that the February ramp in Volt production could be a sign that the pressures that led to its disappointing guidance for the first quarter won't be persistent, especially as it generates sales from a more diverse set of customers.

      Gordon Johnson, analyst at Axiom Capital, who initiated coverage of Polypore at sell earlier this year, took a more negative view of the Volt sales/production imbalance, writing that even amid rebounding sales the Volt story is defined by excess inventory: "With sales significantly underperforming production (GM overproduced demand in Feb. 2012 by 129%), and excess inventory already in the channel, at some point this year GM will have to lower its production targets for Chevy Volts."

      "We believe that an acute revision lower to GM's production schedule lies ahead (again, this dynamic is what ultimately caused PPO to guide C1Q12 materially lower vs. Consensus as the battery maker that sells into Volt cars [i.e., LG Chem] is being forced to lower its production ests. which PPO has built capacity to meet," Johnson explained in a research note.

      A123 Systems, which has a tentative deal with GM for a future electric car model, announced a deal on Thursday with India's Tata for electric bus batteries. A123 shares were up close to 6% on Thursday, though this comes after a very volatile period of trading for the sentiment-driven stock. A123 shares were down by 80% in 2011, have rallied this year by 18%, but in the last week came under heavy selling pressure again, down double-digits before Thursday's Tata deal.

      The Tata deal is a good headline for a company that remains tied most closely to one of the laggards in the electric car space, Fisker. The Tata deal represents a revenue stream distinct from the Fisker story and in an important market, India. It's a small revenue stream, though, and in an area of electric transportation where A123 has already been an early leader. It's not a game-changer for A123, which remains much more closely linked to Fisker's fortunes.

      A123 Systems has yet to announce a date to report its fourth-quarter results, and its recent earnings have been highlighted by missed targets related to Fisker delays. One more up day on Thursday for A123 shares could be quickly erased by one more negative guidance revision.

      Fisker announced this week that it has hired former Chrysler president Tom LaSorda as its CEO, in a management shakeup that saw company founder Henrik Fisker give up the CEO title. The move was a sign of how severe the issues are at Fisker and with its $100,000 Karma model for which A123 is providing the battery.

      The Department of Energy recently denied a loan to continue the build out of a Fisker plant in Delaware, and the Karma has consistently missed early production targets. LaSorda has been brought in to help find financing avenues after the DOE spurned the company. However, it's worth noting that embattled Fisker has brought in an auto official who knows a thing or two about bankruptcy.

      -- Written by Eric Rosenbaum from New York.
      schrieb am 06.03.12 14:19:01
      Beitrag Nr. 600 ()
      Gestern schon wieder minus 10% - und gibt es heute dann wieder die

      Junge, Junge, hier braucht es wirklich starke Nerven.

      Needham & Company Reiterates a 'Strong Buy' on Polypore Int'l (PPO); Leader in a Market That Is Forecasted to Reach $61 Billion in Five Years

      Needham & Company reiterates a 'Strong Buy' on Polypore International (NYSE: PPO) price target of $62.00.

      Analyst, Michael Lew, said, "The forecast provided by specialty materials supplier Teijin Limited highlights the strong growth potential in the lithium ion (li-ion) battery industry for electric vehicles (EVs). In our view, Polypore is a key well-positioned supplier in a market that is projected to experience “hypergrowth” to reach ¥5 trillion (~$61B) in 2016. Despite a slight pause in production from two large automakers, we view the current PPO share price as a very compelling entry point for investors to partake in an emerging new market opportunity."

      (Needham maintains FY12 EPS of $2.47 and FY13 of $3.42)
      schrieb am 16.03.12 16:57:31
      Beitrag Nr. 601 ()
      Das sieht mal schwer nach Kursen aus, die wir zuletzt in 2010 gesehen haben.

      Die Zahlen des 1. Quartals sind von PPO auch als wenig erquicklich genannt
      worden und damit ist die Aktie derzeit ein leichtes Opfer.

      Mal schaun, wo die Talfahrt endet.

      schrieb am 04.04.12 15:45:58
      Beitrag Nr. 602 ()
      Wieso wurde nun die Handbremse gelöst und gleichzeitig Vollgas gegeben?

      Aktuell + 6 %. Sollen sämtliche Ostereier der Welt demnächst mit Akkus ausgestattet
      werden, gibt es jetzt doch keinen Markteintritt von LG Chem, oder steigen beim Volt
      sprunghaft die Orderzahlen?
      Habe bis jetzt noch keine Infos, die den Anstieg erklären.
      schrieb am 04.04.12 17:36:24
      Beitrag Nr. 603 ()
      Hier nun die Info:

      Polypore International Inc. (NYSE:PPO): William Blair believes news last night from Talking Points Memo that GM will resume production of the Chevy Volt on week early could bring some relief for Polypore. The firm thinks Polypore supplies the separator material used in the Volt’s battery and that negative sentiment related to the Volt has been weighing on the electric]drive]vehicle industry. William Blair keeps an Outperform rating on Polypore shares.
      schrieb am 05.04.12 13:38:16
      Beitrag Nr. 604 ()
      3M investiert in innovative Batterietechnologie

      04.04.12 | Redakteur: Sariana Kunze

      Das Multi-Technologieunternehmen 3M investiert in die Entwicklung und Produktion von Batterietechnologie für Elektrofahrzeuge.

      Mit neuartigen Anodenwerkstoffen auf Silizium-Basis in Kombination mit hochenergetischen Batteriekathoden lässt sich die Leistungsfähigkeit von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien um über 40 Prozent steigern. Für die Anwendung befindet sich 3M zur Zeit in Gesprächen mit führenden deutschen Batterie- und Automobilherstellern.

      Die innovativen Zellwerkstoffe setzen völlig neue Maßstäbe in Bezug auf die Energiedichte und Kosten von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien für Hybridfahrzeuge. 3M forscht bereits seit Jahren intensiv an der Weiterentwicklung dieser Technologie und kombiniert zu diesem Zweck unterschiedliche Technologieplattformen - darunter Nanotechnologie, Präzisionsbeschichtungen und Fluormaterialien.
      4,6 Mio. US-Dollar wurden in 3M investiert

      „Mit unseren innovativen Zellwerkstoffen leisten wir einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Elektromobilität“, sagt Heike Nietgen, bei 3M in Neuss verantwortlich für „Communication & Electronic Material Market“. Gefördert wurde die 3M Forschung auf diesem Gebiet von einem großen Investitionsprogramms in den USA. Insgesamt 175 Mio. US-Dollar hatte die US-Regierung in insgesamt 40 Projekte investiert, die auf den Bau von sparsameren und umweltschonenderen Fahrzeugen abzielen. 4,6 Mio. US-Dollar flossen an 3M.

      3M leistete schon in den 1990er Jahren Pionierarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Werkstoffe für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien für die unterschiedlichsten Anwendungen. Lithium-Ionen Akkus sind mittlerweile die gängige Energielösung für Notebooks und elektronische Mobilgeräte und spielen eine zentrale Rolle im wachsenden Markt einer neuen Generation von Hybrid-Fahrzeugen.

      schrieb am 03.05.12 09:12:40
      Beitrag Nr. 605 ()
      Tja, das waren dann wohl die erwartet schlechten Zahlen.

      Leider stimmt auch der Ausblick nicht unbedingt hoffnungsfroh.

      Nachbörslich ging es 5,5% abwärts. Mal schaun, ob sich das in der heutigen
      Sitzung auch so bestätigt.

      Polypore International Inc. Earnings: Revenue Slips, Net Income Declines
      By Derek Hoffman

      May 02 2012

      Polypore International Inc. (NYSE:PPO) reported its results for the first quarter. Polypore International is a global technology filtration company that develops, manufactures, and markets specialized microporous membranes used in separation and filtration processes.

      Investing Insights: What’s the Future of Microsoft’s Stock?

      Polypore International Earnings Cheat Sheet for the First Quarter

      Results: Net income for Polypore International Inc. fell to $18.8 million (40 cents per share) vs. $25.7 million (55 cents per share) a year earlier. This is a decline of 26.8% from the year-earlier quarter.

      Revenue: Fell 6.4% to $173.7 million from the year-earlier quarter.

      Actual vs. Wall St. Expectations: Polypore International Inc. reported adjusted net income of 47 cents per share. By that measure, the company beat the mean estimate of 37 cents per share. Analysts were expecting revenue of $173.4 million.

      Quoting Management: “Results in the quarter were consistent with the outlook we discussed in February. We expect second quarter results in the lithium separator business to be similar to first quarter, turning stronger as we move into the second half of the year. Additionally, in the second quarter, we expect sequential improvement in our other businesses,” said Robert B. Toth, President and Chief Executive Officer. “While we are not satisfied with current results, the long-term trends in all of our businesses remain positive and we are confident in the investments we have made to drive growth.”

      Key Stats:

      Last quarter’s profit decrease ends a four-quarter streak of profit increases. In the fourth quarter of the last fiscal year, net income rose 49.3% from the year earlier, while the figure increased 90.8% in the third quarter of the last fiscal year, 85.1% in the second quarter of the last fiscal year and 46.3% in the first quarter of the last fiscal year.

      A year-over-year revenue decrease last quarter snaps a streak of four consecutive quarters of revenue increases. The best quarter in that span was the second quarter of the last fiscal year, which saw revenue rise 30.8%.

      The company has beaten estiamtes for two quarters in a row. In the fourth quarter of the last fiscal year, it topped expectations with net income of 54 cents versus a mean estimate of net income of 52 cents per share.

      Looking Forward: Analysts appear increasingly negative about the company’s results for the next quarter. The average estimate for the second quarter has moved down from 66 cents a share to 52 cents over the last ninety days. At $2.21 per share, the average estimate for the fiscal year has fallen from $2.66 ninety days ago.
      schrieb am 31.05.12 08:51:24
      Beitrag Nr. 606 ()
      Na ja, damit es eine signifikante Aussagekraft hat, wären 10.000 Stck.
      schon die Mindestmenge gewesen.

      Snatch This Bargain Even Cheaper Than Director Roberts Did

      There’s an old saying on Wall Street about insider buying: there are many possible reasons to sell a stock, but only one reason to buy. Back on May 8, Polypore International Inc’s Director, David A. Roberts, invested $37,390.00 into 1,000 shares of PPO, for a cost per share of $37.39. Bargain hunters tend to pay particular attention to insider buys like this one, because presumably the only reason an insider would take their hard-earned cash and use it to buy stock of their company in the open market, is that they expect to make money.

      In trading on Tuesday, bargain hunters could buy shares of Polypore International Inc (NYSE: PPO) and achieve a cost basis even cheaper than Roberts, with shares changing hands as low as $37.15 per share. Polypore International Inc shares are currently trading up about 3.2% on the day. The chart below shows the one year performance of PPO shares, versus its 200 day moving average:

      Polypore International Inc Chart

      Looking at the chart above, PPO’s low point in its 52 week range is $33.80 per share, with $74.21 as the 52 week high point — that compares with a last trade of $38.05. By comparison, below is a table showing the prices at which insider buying was recorded over the last six months:
      Purchased Insider Title Shares Price/Share Value
      05/08/2012 David A. Roberts Director 1,000 $37.39 $37,390.00
      schrieb am 05.06.12 21:00:26
      Beitrag Nr. 607 ()
      Jun 05, 2012
      California tough for GM, but Chevrolet Volts are hot

      Sales of the Chevrolet Volt are heating up in California thanks to solo access to the carpool lanes.

      Low national demand for the Chevrolet Volt prompted General Motors to stop building them for five weeks in April and May, but sales are heating up in California -- thanks to a $1,500 state tax rebate in the high-tax state, solo access to coveted carpool lanes on the crowded freeways and gas prices there still north of $4.

      GM says Volt owners have saved 2.1 million gallons of gas.

      California Chevy dealers are scrambling to get the extended-range electric cars, even as GM still plans another shutdown for three weeks this summer at the Detroit-Hamtramck plant that builds the Volt.

      "I've had more people talk to me in the last couple months about the Volt than I have in the last year," said Bill Cumming, general manager of Ron Baker Chevrolet in National City, Calif., a San Diego suburb. "Currently, I have none in stock."

      Nationwide, Volt sales remain mediocre at best -- just 1,680 in May. But the car is gaining momentum in California, where hybrid and electric car owners can drive alone in the carpool lanes. Through the first quarter, California accounted for nearly 23% of all Volt registrations, according to R.L. Polk.

      To put that in perspective, that amounted to 837 Volts in the quarter -- only about 100 more than Chevy has sold in the U.S. every day this year of the similar Chevy Cruze conventional compact cars.

      Top 10 states for Volt registrations -- while the percentages look large, the total Volts sold remains tiny and GM still plans production cutbacks..

      While the Volt numbers are still small, the halo effect for GM is large. California has been a tough market for GM, so any boost in sales and image there is good news.

      But it's more difficult for GM to supply Volts to California than for other states. The cars must have a special low-emissions package that tweaks the gas engine to near zero in order for owners to get the state perks. And the package cannot be added after production.

      (All buyers nationwide of the about $39,000-to-start Volt -- including in California -- may qualify for the $7,500 federal subsidy on electric cars.)

      Considering that GM's market share in California was only 9.3% during the first quarter vs. 17.4% nationwide, Chevy can't pass on any opportunity to sell a car there.

      "It is crucial that the Volt performs well there. Volt's success there says that Volt is, indeed, an environmentally advanced and friendly vehicle," says Polk analyst Thomas Libby. "GM and the other domestics have for years struggled in California; the success of the Volt in California will help GM in its efforts to be viewed as a competitive manufacturer."

      Despite the state and federal tax incentives and other perks, the car remains expensive for most consumers. But California has a high concentration of wealthy car buyers more immune to sticker shock.

      And one dealer says it's carpool lane access that's the biggest purchase driver for most California buyers, says a Chevy dealer:

      The carpool lane incentive has been in effect since February. The state has 1,400 miles of carpool lanes that are so coveted that some drivers resort to inflatable dolls and mannequins to appear to have enough passengers to use the lanes. GM says the Volt is selling particularly strongly in the congested San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego markets.

      Mike Luner, executive manager of Del Grande Dealer Group's Capitol Chevrolet in San Jose, estimated that carpool lanes were the "primary deciding factor" for nine in 10 Volt buyers.

      "Time is the most valuable commodity to these people," Luner said. "Our idea is that we want to take the opportunity to capture them with the Volt but for them to consider the other products that Chevrolet has in the future."

      "There is a shortage of Volts for us," said Darryl Holter, CEO of Downtown L.A. Auto Group, whose Felix Chevrolet dealership had sold 29 Volts this year as of May 29. "We'll look to other dealers to see if they have any."

      GM spokeswoman Michelle Malcho said GM was "really just starting" to meet demand for the Volt in California within the last several weeks.

      "We sold everything we had out there basically," she said.

      Some California dealers are so desperate for Volts that they're offering to buy more from dealers in other states.

      "They had that shutdown for five weeks, which gave us no inventory," said Steve Krueger, inventory and fleet manager for Courtesy Chevrolet in San Diego. "We were buying them from out-of-state and selling those."

      Shaun Del Grande, president of Del Grande Dealer Group in the Bay Area, said Volt supply at Capitol Chevrolet has improved in recent weeks. He said the carpool lane ruling has been a "tremendous" boon to sales.

      "We're seeing new customers at Chevrolet that we've never seen before," he said.
      schrieb am 01.08.12 05:46:23
      Beitrag Nr. 608 ()
      Tja, 20% unter den Erwartungen und fast 13% Minus nachbörslich, da
      sieht es für heute nachmittag weniger gut aus.

      01.08.2012 | 04:47
      Polypore Shares Plunge 13% As Q2 Profit Misses View

      WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Shares of Polypore International, Inc. (PPO) plunged nearly 13 percent in extended trading on Tuesday after the battery technology company reported a profit for the second quarter that declined from last year, reflecting higher costs and a revenue decline, and missed analysts' expectations. Meanwhile, quarterly revenues topped Street estimates.

      The company also said it expects earnings and revenues for the second half of fiscal 2012 to improve from the first half.

      Sales of lead-acid battery separators in the quarter declined 5 percent, while lithium battery separator sales decreased 7 percent from the year-ago quarter. Sales at the company's separations media segment decreased 5 percent in the quarter.

      'Consistent with the outlook we described earlier in the year, we experienced sequential improvement in revenue across all of our businesses in the second quarter. We also strengthened our capital structure and further enhanced our strong liquidity position by refinancing our credit agreement,' President and CEO Robert Toth said in a statement.

      The Charlotte, North Carolina-based company reported net income of $20.5 million or $0.43 per share for the second quarter, lower than $29.5 million or $0.63 per share in the prior-year quarter.

      Excluding items, adjusted net income for the quarter declined to $23.9 million or $0.51 per share from $29.4 million or $0.63 per share in the year-ago quarter.

      On average, 10 analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected the company to report earnings of $0.54 per share for the quarter. Analysts' estimates typically exclude special items.

      Net sales for the quarter decreased to $185.8 million from $196.4 million in the same quarter last year, but topped analysts' consensus estimate of $185.63 million by a whisker. Excluding foreign currency translation, sales decreased 1 percent.

      'We have four core businesses well-positioned for sustainable growth, as well as the step-change growth opportunity in EDV. With the majority of our capital investments completed, the Company has substantial cash generation and earnings growth potential going forward,' Toth added.

      Looking ahead, the company anticipate its typical seasonality in the third quarter, but expects sales and earnings to improve in the second half of 2012 compared to the first half.

      PPO closed Tuesday's regular trading session at $37.16, up $0.27 or 0.73% on a volume of 1.48 million shares. However, the stock plunged $4.69 or 12.62% in after-hours trading.

      Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX

      © 2012 AFX News
      schrieb am 28.08.12 16:30:06
      Beitrag Nr. 609 ()
      Hm - hätte schon gern gewußt, warum man PPO heute dermaßen nach
      unten prügelt, aber ich finde keine Info und so erschließt es sich
      mir auch noch nicht.

      - Gibts ne Gewinnwarnung?
      - Gibts neues von LG Chem.?
      - Andere Wettbewerber am Start?
      - EV-Verkaufzahlen noch schlechter als gedacht?

      usw. usf.

      Na hoffentlich gibts bald Infos.

      schrieb am 28.08.12 19:49:18
      Beitrag Nr. 610 ()
      Aha,daher weht der Wind

      The end of the Volt?
      It's hard not to feel sorry for GM (NYSE: GM). After re-emerging from bankruptcy, it has repeatedly stumbled in its bid to take back industry leadership. Even the company's hallmark efforts to be a leading-edge player in the electric car industry appear to be a bust, as GM just announced that it is halting production of the Chevy Volt for a month to give dealers more time to clear out inventory. Considering where this car is in its product life cycle, sales woes are a likely harbinger of long-term market failure for the Volt.

      The Volt's possible premature demise is bad news for Polypore Int'l, whose shares are sliding almost 10% this morning after establishing a new 52-week low. Polypore provides the membranes that allow electrons to flow across the Volt's battery leads.

      Polypore is also involved in other industries such as health care and water filtration. Analysts regard the company's membrane technology as leading-edge, and over the long-haul, Polypore is well-positioned in several growth verticals. Still, 2012 is shaping up to be a lost year. Few near-term catalysts exist and you're best off waiting to see shares really capitulate in any broader market pullback.

      schrieb am 30.10.12 23:21:03
      Beitrag Nr. 611 ()
      Man schlägt mit den Zahlen des 3. Quartals so auf wie in der reduzierten
      Vorschau avisiert. Ebenso, was die Aussicht auf das 4. Quartal betrifft.

      Polypore Intl Earnings: Margins Shrink as Revenue and Net Income Fall
      By Derek Hoffman
      October 30, 2012

      Polypore International Inc. (NYSE:PPO) reported its results for the third quarter. Polypore International is a global technology filtration company that develops, manufactures, and markets specialized microporous membranes used in separation and filtration processes.

      Earnings season is back and more important than ever. Get our newest CHEAT SHEET stock picks now

      Polypore International Inc. Earnings Cheat Sheet

      Results: Net income for Polypore International Inc. fell to $14.2 million (30 cents per share) vs. $23.6 million (50 cents per share) a year earlier. This is a decline of 39.8% from the year-earlier quarter.

      Revenue: Fell 6.6% to $177.6 million from the year-earlier quarter.

      Actual vs. Wall St. Expectations: Polypore International Inc. reported adjusted net income of 37 cents per share. By that measure, the company beat the mean estimate of 33 cents per share. It beat the average revenue estimate of $173.4 million.

      Quoting Management: “Performance in the third quarter was consistent with the updated outlook we provided in September,” said Robert B. Toth, President and Chief Executive Officer. “While 2012 continues to be a challenging year, particularly due to the sales rates of certain high-content electric drive vehicles and an ongoing weak economic environment, long-term growth trends remain positive. Given our recent investments, we are well positioned to capitalize on that growth as it occurs and-with the majority of our cash spend for these investments now behind us-we are transitioning into a period of substantial cash generation going forward in 2013.”

      Key Stats:

      The company has now seen net income fall in each of the last three quarters. In the second quarter, net income fell 30.6% from the year earlier, while the figure fell 26.9% in the first quarter.

      Revenue has fallen for the last three quarters in a row. In the second quarter, revenue declined 5.4% to $185.8 million while the figure fell 6.4% in the first quarter from the year earlier.

      The company topped expectations last quarter after falling short of forecasts in the second quarter with net income of 45 cents versus a mean estimate of net income of 47 cents per share.

      Looking Forward: Analysts appear increasingly negative about the company’s results for the next quarter. The average estimate for the fourth quarter has moved down from 68 cents a share to 51 cents over the last ninety days. For the fiscal year, the average estimate has moved down from $2.13 a share to $1.70 over the last ninety days.
      schrieb am 18.12.12 05:35:47
      Beitrag Nr. 612 ()
      Needham & Company Lowers Polypore to Buy (PPO)
      Posted by James Brewer on Dec 17th, 2012

      Polypore logo Needham & Company cut shares of Polypore (NYSE: PPO) from a strong-buy rating to a buy rating in a research report sent to investors on Monday morning. The firm currently has $50.00 price target on the stock, up from their previous price target of $44.00.

      Several other analysts have also recently commented on the stock. Analysts at Capstone reiterated a buy rating on shares of Polypore in a research note to investors on Tuesday, December 4th. They now have a $49.00 price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at Topeka Capital reiterated a buy rating on shares of Polypore in a research note to investors on Monday, December 3rd. Finally, analysts at Wedbush cut their price target on shares of Polypore from $41.00 to $39.00 in a research note to investors on Tuesday, September 25th. They now have an outperform rating on the stock.

      Polypore traded up 6.81% on Monday, hitting $43.75. Polypore has a 52-week low of $30.39 and a 52-week high of $57.66. The company has a market cap of $2.037 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 24.24.

      Polypore last posted its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, October 30th. The company reported $0.37 EPS for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of $0.34 by $0.03. Polypore’s revenue was down 6.6% compared to the same quarter last year. Analysts expect that Polypore will post $1.87 EPS for the current fiscal year.

      Polypore International, Inc. is a global high technology filtration company that develops, manufactures and markets specialized microporous membranes used in sefiltration processes.
      schrieb am 18.09.13 17:07:38
      Beitrag Nr. 613 ()
      Polypore International Plunges, Watch This Support Level
      Presented by Nick Santiago September 18, 2013 10:29AM

      Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE:PPO) is a leading high-technology filtration company that develops, manufactures and markets specialized microporous membranes. The Company's products and technologies are used in two primary businesses: energy storage and separations media. Today, a note issued by William Blair says that vehicle electrification is behind forecasts.

      This morning, this news is sending PPO stock lower by $3.47 to $41.31 a share. Traders and investors should watch for very good daily chart support around the $38.25 level. This is a level where the stock broke out in June 2013. Often, stocks will retest prior pivots and be supported around these old levels by the institutional traders.

      Join us as we trade this stock and more live in our Intra Day Stock Chat. Step inside the room, get involved in the action for 7 free days, click here.

      Nicholas Santiago
      schrieb am 19.09.13 15:41:50
      Beitrag Nr. 614 ()
      Polypore Down 6% on Rumor It May Lose Big Auto Business (PPO)
      Jim Probasco, Benzinga Staff Writer
      September 18, 2013 12:54 PM

      A rumor is developing that technology filtration company, Polypore International Inc. (NYSE: PPO) has lost business because Asian competitors are severely undercutting PPO’s price.

      Polypore provides lithium ion (Li-Ion) battery separators to LG Chem for use in General Motors’ (NYSE: GM) Chevy Volt and to Nissan Motor Co. (OTC: NSANY).

      Initial reports indicate that Polypore’s price for Li-Ion separator material is $1.60 per square meter. The overall price goes up to $2.60 per square meter after adding two layers of ceramic coating. According to the rumor, a Japanese competitor is offering the material for substantially less than Polypore.

      The ceramic coating is important because it makes up for performance issues normally found with Li-Ion separators and makes overall Li-Ion separator quality less important than price, according to an unnamed source at LG Chem.

      A source at Axiom Capital told Benzinga that Nissan recently moved to the use of ceramic coating on Li-Ion separators in response to heat-related battery problems with the Nissan LEAF. The Charlotte Business Journal quoted William Blair analyst, Brian Drab, in August as saying Polypore would probably continue to provide separators for Nissan.

      Axiom, however, reported that after checking with Japanese company, Asahi Kasei, there was a suggestion that the company had won Nissan’s business away from Polypore due to its ability to undercut Polypore’s price.

      Related: Toyota to Roll Out Competitively Priced Hydrogen Powered Car by 2015

      In addition, another rumor said LG had qualified a Chinese separator supplier, a sign that eventually Li-Ion separator business would end up in the hands of the Chinese since they are capable of making the lowest cost commodity components parts in the world.

      All this is potential bad news for Polypore. Axiom pointed out that the last time the company lost LG business, the stock dropped more than 20 percent in one day. This was in January 2012 when LG Chem announced it planned to have its own separator plant up and running in the second half of the year. At the time, Axiom started coverage on Polypore with a “Sell” rating.

      Meanwhile, Forbes reported that shares of Polypore International Inc. fell below its 200-day moving average of $41.23, going as low as $40.90 per share in trading Wednesday morning.

      At the time of this writing, Jim Probasco had no position in any mentioned securities.
      schrieb am 28.12.13 11:56:54
      Beitrag Nr. 615 ()
      27.12.2013 | 22:35
      AFX News · Mehr Nachrichten von AFX News
      Polypore In Settlement Agreement With Sumitomo Chemical

      WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Polypore International Inc. (PPO) and Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. on Friday entered into a Settlement and License Agreement which ends all outstanding worldwide litigation between the two companies related to Polypore's intellectual property rights on battery separator coating.

      Under the License Agreement, Sumitomo Chemical has licensed Polypore's intellectual property related to coating separators for lithium-ion batteries. The financial terms of the Agreement include an up-front payment to Polypore as well as recurring royalties.

      'This agreement confirms the integrity of our intellectual property around ceramic coating of separators for lithium-ion batteries. In addition to the financial consideration of the licensing arrangement, we are pleased that this agreement establishes the opportunity for Polypore and Sumitomo to work together to address growing market needs, which we expect to benefit both companies,' said Robert Toth, Chief Executive Officer of Polypore.

      Polypore International is a high technology filtration company specializing in microporous membranes.

      Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX

      © 2013 AFX News
      schrieb am 07.11.14 11:39:34
      Beitrag Nr. 616 ()
      Na, so etwas haben wir bei PPO lange nicht gesehen.

      Zeigt aber, daß kleine Veränderungen von der Erwartungen hier erratische
      Kursbewegungen erzeugen.

      Polypore International Hits New 52-Week High After Strong Earnings (PPO)Posted by Ethan Ryder on Nov 6th, 2014

      Polypore International logoPolypore International (NYSE:PPO)’s share price hit a new 52-week high during mid-day trading on Thursday following a better than expected earnings announcement, American Banking News reports. The stock traded as high as $53.66 and last traded at $53.28, with a volume of 2,030,788 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at $42.94.

      The company reported $0.33 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.31 by $0.02. The company had revenue of $165.50 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $165.80 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.18 earnings per share. The company’s revenue for the quarter was up 8.9% on a year-over-year basis.

      PPO has been the subject of a number of recent research reports. Analysts at Topeka Capital Markets raised their price target on shares of Polypore International from $51.00 to $56.50 in a research note on Thursday. They now have a “buy” rating on the stock. Separately, analysts at MLV & Co
      initiated coverage on shares of Polypore International in a research note on Friday, October 17th. They set a “buy” rating on the stock. Finally, analysts at Zacks upgraded shares of Polypore International from an “underperform” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note on Tuesday, October 7th. They now have a $40.10 price target on the stock. Seven investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and six have given a buy rating to the stock. The stock currently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and a consensus target price of $45.45.

      The stock’s 50-day moving average is $40.07 and its 200-day moving average is $42.54. The company has a market cap of $2.368 billion and a P/E ratio of 32.46.

      Polypore International, Inc is a global high-technology filtration company that develops, manufactures and markets specialized microporous membranes used in separation and filtration processes.
      schrieb am 20.11.15 11:39:00
      Beitrag Nr. 617 ()
      inzwischen von Asahi Kasei und 3M zerlegt und übernommen...
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.11.15 11:48:37
      Beitrag Nr. 618 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.137.580 von R-BgO am 20.11.15 11:39:00Thread: Asahi Kasei
      • 2

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