
    NEVADA COPPER NEUAUFNAHME Watchlist - 500 Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 5)

    eröffnet am 29.03.07 12:49:52 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 06.02.10 15:02:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2.001 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.894.773 von Muesli2k am 05.02.10 22:30:52Danke für deine technische Einschätzung. Den Dow im Plus habe ich heute erleichtert gesehen. Das war eine Steilkurve gestern.
      schrieb am 08.02.10 06:24:05
      Beitrag Nr. 2.002 ()
      Guten Morgen Leute,

      der momentane Kursverlauf ist kein Grund zur Panik. Es war doch abzusehen, dass hier auch eine Korrektur einsetzen würde, wie auf dem Rest des Marktes.
      Man könnte solch eine Korrektur auch als Kaufgelegenheit sehen.
      Der folgende Text stammt nicht von mir, sondern von einer Zeitschrift, die sich ausschließlich mit Rohstoffen aller Art genauer befasst.

      Kupfer, Zink oder Zinn. Industriemetalle profitieren vor allem von einer wachsenden Weltwirtschaft und der zunehmenden Nachfrage aus Schwellenländern. Da die Produktion in der Vergangenheit vernachlässigt wurde, ist das Angebot knapp.

      Ich sehe den Kurs diesen Monat wieder auf 2,10€.

      schrieb am 08.02.10 11:53:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2.003 ()
      schrieb am 08.02.10 13:15:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2.004 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.900.433 von Jandar am 08.02.10 06:24:05...Man könnte solch eine Korrektur auch als Kaufgelegenheit sehen....

      Das sehe ich auch so; allerdings vermute ich,dass die Korrektur noch länger andauert.

      Der aktuelle Kurs ist schon wieder unterhalb meines Verkaufkurses (obwohl ich bei etwas mehr Standfestigkeit deutlich mehr als nur die 30% Gewinn hätte machen können; hätte, wäre, könnte....naja ;) ).

      Mein nächster Einstand bei NCU wird aber frühestens bei 1,40 erfolgen.

      (Nicht gleich schimpfen - ist einfach meine Erwartung auf Grund der Wirtschaftsentwicklung)

      Tschüss zusammen

      schrieb am 08.02.10 19:38:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.005 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.902.369 von Igelin am 08.02.10 13:15:21Naja, 1,40 wäre schön, denke aber nicht das wir so weit fallen werden ;)

      Der CEO jedenfalls hat die günstigen Kurse letzten Freitag ebenfalls zum nachkaufen genutzt:…

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Widerstand gebrochen und neues Jahreshoch! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 09.02.10 20:30:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2.006 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.905.589 von Muesli2k am 08.02.10 19:38:10Kupferpreis steigt, NCU performt gut und wir sind wieder in den Bollingern. Wenn das Momentum wieder zurückkommt, könnten wir den nächsten Upmove erleben. Und wenn dann MACD noch triggern würde...


      Danke für den Hinweis des Insiderkaufes CEO. Das ist in wackligen Phasen SEHR wichtig! War ja auch ein Signal an die Anleger.
      schrieb am 09.02.10 22:02:52
      Beitrag Nr. 2.007 ()
      Das GAP nach oben ist zu, der Kurs wieder bei 3,05 CAD :D

      herrlich.. Der Macd braucht noch noch etwa 1-2 tage um das kaufsignal zu generieren und der RSI läuft ins positive Terrain, wenn es soweit ist, kann es wieder richtung 3,60 spritzen :lick:
      schrieb am 10.02.10 12:18:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.008 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.914.495 von Muesli2k am 09.02.10 22:02:52Tja, so wie es aussieht, kann ich mich wohl vorerst vom Beobachten dieses Wertes verabschieden.
      Erstens kommt es anders und zweitens als man denkt!

      Allen Investierten meine guten Wünsche weiterhin.

      Falls es doch noch unter 1,50 gehen sollte - weckt mich bitte!

      :O :cool:
      schrieb am 10.02.10 12:47:27
      Beitrag Nr. 2.009 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.905.589 von Muesli2k am 08.02.10 19:38:10Warum wäre 1.40 schön? Wenn du hier noch kräftig investiert bist dann wäre wohl so ein Absturz nicht schön. Es hängt alles von Kupfer ab, wie ich schon immer gesagt habe hier. Wenn Kupfer weiter abstürzt so wie die letzten paar Tage (bevor jetzt die Erholung einsetzte) dann gehts hier auch weiter runter. Das ist eigentlich ganz simpel.

      Wenn sich Kupfer hier halten kann in dieser Gegend, wovon ich in nächster Zeit nicht ausgehe, dann wird sich NCU auch halten bzw. weitersteigen sogar eventuell.

      Das ist im Moment die Situation.
      schrieb am 10.02.10 20:10:16
      Beitrag Nr. 2.010 ()
      Das war Ironie ;)

      aber dann hätte ich nochmal 50k zugekauft :D
      schrieb am 10.02.10 20:41:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.011 ()
      @Igelin, Hackertom: Worauf gründet eure Skepsis dem Kupferpreis gegenüber?
      schrieb am 11.02.10 20:14:36
      Beitrag Nr. 2.012 ()
      Kupfer legt schon mal vor, NCU denke ich dauert noch etwas, das Kaufsignal ist noch in der mache, denke Montag spät Dienstag könnte es ne satte rally geben wenn wir die 3,10 - 3,15 knacken..

      schrieb am 11.02.10 20:36:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.013 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.929.323 von Muesli2k am 11.02.10 20:14:36:cry:

      Und ich bin nicht da...

      muss in Urlaub...
      schrieb am 14.02.10 02:21:13
      Beitrag Nr. 2.014 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.921.481 von powertecc am 10.02.10 20:41:39@Powertecc

      Die Fakten sprechen im Moment klar gegen Kupfer.

      1. China. Wie du wahrscheinlich mitbekommen hast wird China in nächster Zeit die Gurte enger schnallen. Das heißt die müssen ordentlich auf die Bremse treten weil deren Economy am überhitzen ist. Wenn China Liquidität abzieht werden das die Commodities als erstes spüren, bzw. die haben das schon gespürt. Kupfer ging von 3.40 auf 2.80 in 3 Tagen oder so nachdem China vor 2 Wochen das erste Mal verlautbart hat dass die tightening vorhaben. Am Freitag haben sie das 2. Mal die Kreditvergabe für Banken eingedämmt.

      Der Grund ist simpel. Dass Kupfer von 1.25 auf 3.40 stieg ist zu mindestens 80% Chinas Verdienst. Die haben alles aufgekauft was auf den Markt kam. Die Nachfrage ist aber nicht da für so viel Zeug und scheinbar wird das alles irgendwo gelagert für die Zukunft. Also der Überschuss.

      2. Die Aktienmärkte. Wir hatten ne Wahnsinnsrally seit März 09 und natürlich nimmt so eine Rally auch die Commodities mit nach oben. Du mußt aber mal schauen wie sehr Kupfer mittlerweile mit den Aktienmärkten korreliert. Sehr hoch. Ich glaube es geht an den Märkten noch um einiges weiter nach unten. S&P mindestens 1020-1030. Kupfer würde da mit runtergehen natürlich. die makroökonomischen Daten und das Umfeld ist einfach grottenschlecht mit all den Problemen. Kein Grund dass die Märkte jetzt nach oben gehen die nächsten Monate.

      3. Wirtschaft. Die weltweite Wirtschaft ist noch immer sehr zaghaft und die Kupfer Lagerbeständig waren grad vor 2 Wochen noch auf mehreren Jahreshochs, überall auf der Welt.

      Ich hoffe natürlich ich liege falsch weil ich immer noch sehr viele NCU Aktien halte. Auch wenn Kupfer nach unten geht von hier muß NCU nicht unbedingt mitgehen. Klar ohne News wirds dann schwierig aber da könnte allerhand kommen in nächster Zeit.
      schrieb am 14.02.10 14:10:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.015 ()
      Habe gestern von Consors die Mitteilung bekommen, dass meine Position in Nevada Copper nicht mehr beliehen werden kann (gilt ebenfalls für Zecotek). In der Vergangenheit kam das 2 Mal bei Aktien vor, bei denen danach Ermittlungen wegen Betrugs bekannt wurden.
      Hat jemand dazu eine Meinung?
      schrieb am 14.02.10 23:17:22
      Beitrag Nr. 2.016 ()
      Ist bei mir schon seit Januar 2009 so, das CC damals die Beleihung auf die meisten meiner Canadischen Explorer nicht nur NCU gestrichen hat, das liegt an CC selbst und hat mit dem Wert ansich weniger zu tun. Das NCU keine Luftnummer ist, weis jeder der hier investiert ist. Zu Zekothek kann ich nichts sagen, ich weis nur das der Bullvestor beide Werte auf der Liste hat, was aber nichts über den wert selbst aussagt.
      schrieb am 15.02.10 06:41:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2.017 ()
      Es gibt keinen Grund zur Sorge! NCU ist real!

      Nicht umsonst sind schon weit über 55% der Aktien im Besitz der Eigentümer.
      Nicht umsonst hat sich Capstone Mining schon weit über 10% der Anteile gesichert.

      So und jetzt kommt es:
      Es sind gerade mal noch ca. 30% freihandelbare Aktien von ca. 45Mil. gesamt auf dem Markt.Wenn die Machbarkeitsstudie auf dem Tisch liegt, dann werden sich einige um die 30% reißen und was das für den Kurs bedeutet, muss ich wohl nicht erklären.

      Ausdauer wird immer belohnt!!!!

      Das spiegelt lediglich meine Meinung wieder und soll nicht als Kaufempfehlung gelten.

      schrieb am 15.02.10 11:44:22
      Beitrag Nr. 2.018 ()
      Was denkt ihr wie weit wird NC noch steigen.
      schrieb am 15.02.10 18:27:06
      Beitrag Nr. 2.019 ()
      Dieses jahr könnte die 4 CAD ein Ziel sein, sollten aber wie Jandar erwähnt hat, die restlichen 30% der Anteile noch aufgekauft werden, zwecks Ausbau der Beteiligungen oder evtl. Übernahme, so sind auch 6-8 CAD denkbar. Vorausgesetzt die Machbarkeitsstudie untermauert das ganze positiv :)
      schrieb am 16.02.10 16:43:13
      Beitrag Nr. 2.020 ()
      schrieb am 16.02.10 18:01:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.021 ()
      "The five holes presented below are the latest results from a 25,000 meter drill program that is part of a Pre-Feasibility Study currently underway and scheduled for completion by the beginning of the third quarter."
      schrieb am 02.03.10 22:45:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2.022 ()
      Wie das Leben so spielt!

      Das Erdbeben in Chile hat ja nochmals einen richtigen Kursschub gebracht. Vielleicht die Möglichkeit, jetzt zu verbilligen, wenn der Kurs wieder nachgeben sollte.

      Zumindest eine Überlegung Wert!

      schrieb am 03.03.10 05:56:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.023 ()
      ich denke eher, dass folgende Nachricht dahintersteckt.

      Die Rohstoffbranche meldet sich mit milliardenschweren Akquisitionen zurück. Ein für Anleger gewinnbringender Trend, der auch in den kommenden Monaten anhalten wird -

      Das hört man gerne.....

      schrieb am 03.03.10 13:33:54
      Beitrag Nr. 2.024 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.045.849 von Igelin am 02.03.10 22:45:49Verbilligen, verbilligen....

      Ich will nicht verbilligen!

      Das Ding soll hin, wo es hin gehört! Megaup!

      Mann, sei froh, dass NCU steigt.
      schrieb am 03.03.10 13:57:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.025 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.049.263 von powertecc am 03.03.10 13:33:54Hi powertecc,

      1. nicht Mann - FRAU! ;);)

      2. nachdem NCU schon so hervorragend gelaufen ist, kann man ruhig mal an Teilverkäufe denken. Entweder hat man dann eine gesicherte Gewinnmitnahme oder, wenn meine Vermutung zutrifft und der Kurs konsolidiert, man kann billiger wieder zukaufen.

      Nicht dass ich hiermit etwas völlig Neues erfunden hätte, aber hin und wieder sollte man sich das schon in Erinnerung rufen, oder?

      Wegen Gewinnmitnahmen ist noch keiner verarmt!
      schrieb am 03.03.10 19:31:41
      Beitrag Nr. 2.026 ()
      3,50 +3.55% (CAD) \\:D/

      March 03, 2010
      Nevada Copper Intersects 4.18% Copper Over 29.7 Meters (97.5 Ft)
      March 3, 2010 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper")
      is pleased to announce further drill results from the East Deposits which remains open in several directions. The current drilling continues to demonstrate continuity of mineralization and expand the copper resource at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The five drill holes presented below are the latest results from a 25,000 meter drill program. Currently five drills rigs including four core rigs are operating at the Pumpkin Hollow Property.

      Drill holes NC10-01 and NC10-05 were drilled in the northern part of the East Deposit to delineate high grade copper mineralization encountered in the 2008 and recent 2009 drilling. Drill hole NC10-01 was collared 30 meters north of previously reported NC08-49 where two mineralized zones were intersected, 38.1 meters (125.0ft) averaging 3.24% copper along with 7.3 meters (24.0ft) averaging 1.69% copper. Drill hole NC10-01 also intersected two zones, 29.7 meters (97.5 ft) averaging 4.18% copper and a lower zone of 13.7 meters (45.0ft) averaging 2.82% copper. Drill hole NC10-05 has extended the high grade mineralization 60 meters to the west from previously announced NC09-05, which intersected 24.9 meters (114.5 ft) averaging 3.20% copper. Drill hole NC10-05 intersected 16.5 meters (54.0 ft) averaging 3.38% copper.

      "Infill drilling in the East Deposit continues to intersect significant zones that confirm the continuity of high grade mineralization. Several follow up holes, including NC10-05, have also been successful in expanding the high grade zones. These results will have a positive impact on an already robust economic profile," commented Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO of Nevada Copper.

      A plan map and cross sections for the deposit will be made available at Drill results announced here represent true thicknesses and are summarized below:

      EAST DEPOSIT -- Assays greater than 1% Cu
      Drill Hole #

      Drill hole NC09-12 was drilled as a step-out hole 60 meters west of drill hole NC09-02. Drill hole NC09-12 was a follow up to drill hole NC09-02 which intersected 31.1 meters (102 ft) averaging 2.45% copper. While the mineralization narrowed to 11.5 meters (38 ft) averaging 2.13% copper in drill hole NC09-12, the hole intersected several zones of high grade mineralization shallower in the hole, 6.7 meters (22.0 ft) averaging 1.08% copper and 12.5 meters (41.0ft), averaging 2.40% copper.

      Both Drill holes NC09-11and NC10-02 were drilled to confirm and delineate mineralization in several thin or lower grade areas in the central portion of the East Deposit. Drill holes NC09-11 and NC10-02 confirmed the mineralization in those areas.

      About Nevada Copper
      Nevada Copper is an emerging copper company, responsibly developing its advanced stage Pumpkin Hollow copper-gold-silver-iron property into Nevada's next copper mine. Concurrent with a resource delineation drilling program, metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrological, and environmental baseline data are being collected and processed for inclusion in a Pre-Feasibility Study currently in progress and scheduled for completion by the third quarter.

      To date over 530 drill holes containing in excess of 223,000 meters of drilling have been incorporated into the resource database.

      In December 2009, Nevada Copper updated its National Instrument 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") for its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow IOGC Property in Nevada which incorporated a High Grade Case. This is an update to the PEA results published on March 17, 2008 both of which are available on Nevada Copper's website.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio
      President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on the Company and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review the Company's annual filings that are available at

      For further information call:
      Eugene Toffolo, Corporate Communications
      Phone: 604-683-8266
      Tollfree: 1-877-687-5755
      Email: [email][/email]

      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      Phone: 604-699-0023
      schrieb am 03.03.10 19:59:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2.027 ()
      Ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll.
      Ich freu mich einfach wie verrückt!:)

      schrieb am 03.03.10 22:27:34
      Beitrag Nr. 2.028 ()
      Die Chart technischen Indikatoren haben erst die Tage ins positive gedreht (wie vorher beschrieben) im Moment sieht es so aus, das wir mind. die All Time Highs bei 3,75 und darüber anlaufen bevor es annähernd zu einer Konsolidierung kommen wird, könnte mir das antesten der 4CAD auch sehr gut vorstellen.

      Die Umsätze heute waren jedenfalls bombastisch, in der Spitze >100.000 um die 3,52-3,55 da sind große Adressen am kaufen :D

      Kupfer zieht ebenso kräftig an:

      Nenn mir einen Grund, warum NCU nun fallen sollte !??…
      schrieb am 03.03.10 22:30:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.029 ()
      schrieb am 23.03.10 23:14:51
      Beitrag Nr. 2.030 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      habe heute diese Aktie entdeckt, die jm letzten jahr ja wirklich gut gelaufen ist. Der Boden scheint ja auch reichlich Rostoffe zu bergen und die Aussicht, dass ab 2013 die Produktion läuft ist doch verlockend.
      Was denkt ihr? Lohnt sich noch ein Einstieg vor Ende der pre-feasibility-study? Oder sollte ich für einen Einstieg noch warten?

      Gruß Fex
      schrieb am 23.03.10 23:19:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.031 ()
      Neue Bohrergebnisse von Heute

      March 23, 2010
      Nevada Copper Continues to Intersect High Grade Copper in East Deposit Step Out Hole…
      schrieb am 24.03.10 21:43:36
      Beitrag Nr. 2.032 ()
      Also alle die wir hier halten, rechnen die nächsten Jahre mit weitaus höheren Kursen, von daher denken wir natürlich das es noch einiges nach oben geht. Wann du einsteigst ist dir überlassen, ich würde schwache tage nutzen, von denen gibt es nicht viele. Aber so wie heute, es geht ein paar % runter und ab 3 - 3,10 cad denke ich kann man beherzt zugreifen, dazu kommt, das wir derzeit bedingt durch die Märkte und den Kupferpreis etwas konsolidieren, bzw. seitwärts laufen, meiner Meinung nach gute Einkaufsgelegenheit, bevor es wieder eine Etage hoch geht..
      schrieb am 31.03.10 23:21:35
      Beitrag Nr. 2.033 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.046.347 von Jandar am 03.03.10 05:56:00Kaufsignal im MACD :cool:

      wird Zeit aus der Seitwärtsbewegung nach oben auszubrechen, und dem stetig steigenden Kupferpreis zu folgen :)

      schrieb am 09.04.10 17:11:09
      Beitrag Nr. 2.034 ()
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 9, 2010) -

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce that it has entered into an engagement letter
      with a syndicate of underwriters led by Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd. and including Scotia Capital Inc.
      (collectively the "Underwriters"). Pursuant to the terms of the engagement letter, the Underwriters have agreed to
      purchase, on a bought-deal private placement basis, 6,750,000 common shares of Nevada Copper (the "Common Shares") at a
      price of $3.05 (the "Issue Price") per Common Share for aggregate gross proceeds to Nevada Copper of $20,587,500
      "Offering"). In addition, Nevada Copper will grant the Underwriters an option to purchase up to an additional 1,012,500
      Common Shares (for additional gross proceeds of $3,088,125), exercisable at the Issue Price at any time in whole or in
      part up to 48 hours prior to the Closing Date. If this option is exercised in full, the aggregate gross proceeds to
      Nevada Copper will be $23,675,625.

      Capstone Mining Corp. has a pre-emptive right to subscribe under the Offering to maintain its current pro-rata equity
      interest in Nevada Copper.

      The net proceeds from the Offering will be used to fund continued development of the Pumpkin Hollow Property and for
      general working capital purposes.
      It is expected that the closing of the Offering will occur on or about April 27, 2010 (the "Closing Date") and is
      subject to certain conditions including receipt of all applicable regulatory approvals including the approval of the
      Toronto Stock Exchange.

      This press release is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy the securities, nor shall there be any
      sale of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to
      qualification or registration under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. The securities being offered have not
      been, nor will they be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and such securities may
      not be offered or sold within the United States absent an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements.

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper is an emerging copper company, responsibly developing its advanced stage Pumpkin Hollow
      copper-gold-silver-iron property into Nevada's next copper mine. Concurrent with a resource delineation drilling
      program, metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrological, and environmental baseline data are being collected and processed
      for inclusion in a Pre-Feasibility Study currently in progress.

      To date over 530 drill holes containing in excess of 223,000 meters of drilling have been incorporated into the resource
      database. In December 2009, Nevada Copper updated its National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral
      Projects ("NI 43-101") Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") for its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow IOGC Property in Nevada
      which incorporated a High Grade Case. This is an update to the PEA results published on March 17, 2008.

      The updated PEA evaluates an integrated underground and open pit mining operation with a standard milling and floatation
      plant that will produce high grade copper concentrates. Highlights from the PEA high grade case at copper prices from
      $2.00 to $3.00 per lb. copper are as follows:

      - Net Present Value $211 Million to $784 Million with an 8%
      discount rate;

      - Internal Rate of Return 25.3% to 60.4%;

      - Operating Cost $1.06/lb total, net of by-product credits;

      - Capital Cost Estimate $192 Million including contingencies and
      working capital;

      - Project payback from
      start of construction 1.9 to 3.6 years

      The designed mining operation would have a 7,500 ton per day concentrator throughput. Metallurgical recoveries are
      estimated at 89% for copper, 70% for gold and 68% for silver.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, a Qualified Person as
      defined in NI 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All
      assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are
      delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and
      Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and
      check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      Nevada Copper has approximately 45.3 million shares issued and outstanding. For additional information about Nevada
      Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this
      release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future
      financings are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such
      forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance
      and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that
      could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful
      exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration,
      unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky
      business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.

      Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on the
      Company and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review the Company's annual filings that are
      available at
      schrieb am 26.04.10 07:26:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2.035 ()
      News vom 23.04.10
      April 23, 2010
      Nevada Copper Drills Over 650 Feet Of Greater Than 0.70% Copper In Three Separate Intervals Including 126.5 Feet Of 1.38% Copper


      April 23, 2010 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce further drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The drill results continue to demonstrate continuity of mineralization and upgrading of the copper resource. Drill results reported here represent results from Nevada Copper's recently completed 2009-2010 drilling program which totaled over 27,000 meters of resource drilling. To date, results from 32 of 48 holes drilled have been received and reported with further drill results pending. As a result of the very positive drilling results to date, Nevada Copper has expanded its current drilling program. Currently, three drill rigs are operating at the Pumpkin Hollow Property as part of this expanded program.

      Drill hole NC10-13 was drilled as an infill hole in the open pit South Deposit where previous holes were either shallow or low grade. Drill hole NC10-13 was collared 37 meters (121ft) southeast of L-59 where three mineralized zones were intersected, 78.9 meters (259ft) averaging 0.61% copper, 85.3 meters (280ft) averaging 0.33% copper and 27.7 meters (91ft) averaging 0.42% copper. Drill hole NC10-13 also intersected three mineralized zones and copper grades were significantly higher. The zones are 73.6 meters (241.5 ft) averaging 0.72% copper, 87.3 meters (286.5ft) averaging 0.70% copper and a deeper high grade zone of 38.5 meters (126.5 ft) averaging 1.38% copper. Drill Hole NC10-12 was drilled along the down dip extension where the mineralization is narrowing.

      Ausführlicher Bericht auf der Homepage von Nevada Copper

      Erfolgreiche Woche wünscht
      schrieb am 04.05.10 08:43:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.036 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.398.640 von Augen_Stern am 26.04.10 07:26:59Bei solchen Bohrergebnissen, wo z.T. micht mal mehr 0,5% erreicht werden, ist der Abverkauf von 3,55 CAD im März auf gerade mal 2,68 CAD Schlußkurs gestern nicht verwunderlich. Und das auch noch mit "Umsatz". Da hilft auch kein hoher Kupferpreis, denn der gilt ja nur für vorhandenes Kupfer, und nicht für das, was man gerne als Bohergebnis gehabt hätte.........
      schrieb am 07.05.10 17:30:34
      Beitrag Nr. 2.037 ()
      May 06, 2010
      Nevada Copper Step Out Drilling Expands the Open Pittable North Deposit: Intersecting 190 Feet of 0.76% Copper and 132.5 Feet of 0.75% Copper


      May 6, 2010 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce further drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The drill results continue to demonstrate continuity of mineralization and upgrading of the copper resource. Drill results reported here represent results from Nevada Copper's current drill program which has recently been increased to 36,000 meters of resource drilling. To date, results from 37 of 63 holes that will be drilled in the program have been reported with further drill results pending. Currently, three drill rigs are operating at the Pumpkin Hollow Property as part of this expanded drilling program.

      NC10-29 was drilled as a step out hole to follow up open mineralization in the northeastern portion of the open pittable North Deposit. NC10-29 was collared 43 meters (140 ft) northeast of NC07-03 where several mineralized zones were intersected, 46.9 meters (154 ft) averaging 0.50% copper, 29.5 meters (97 ft) averaging 0.65% copper and 27.7 meters (91ft) averaging 0.42% copper. Drill hole NC10-29 also intersected several mineralized zones and copper grades were significantly higher. The zones are 57.9 meters (190 ft) averaging 0.76% copper and 40.4 meters (132.5 ft) averaging 0.75% copper. The mineralization remains open to the northeast.

      Mr. Gregory French, Senior Project Manager of Nevada Copper commented, "It is very encouraging that the recent step out drilling in the North Deposit intersected mineralization that is higher grade and thicker than the adjacent holes. Expanding the open mineralization in this area of the deposit will have a positive impact on future pit designs. Follow up drilling is planned."

      NC10-20, 21, and 23 were drilled to convert resource classifications and confirm continuity of mineralization. NC10-25 was drilled along the southern edge of the North Deposit and has defined the boundary of mineralization in that area.

      A plan map with the respective drill locations in the North Deposit is available at

      Mehr auf der Homepage von Nevada Copper.

      Schönes Wochenende
      schrieb am 14.05.10 13:02:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.038 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.482.637 von Augen_Stern am 07.05.10 17:30:34Hallo NCU Fans, wo seid ihr alle ?

      Lt. News vom 6.5.10 ist Joseph Kircher,COO, ausgeschieden. Am 11.5.10 hat dieser auch schon 123.400 Aktien im Schnit zu 1,90 $ verkauft.
      Wie seht ihr die Zukunft für NCU nach diesen Ergebissen? Nevada hat seit dem Jahreshoch immerhin ca. 30% verloren.
      Es sollte wieder aufwärts gehen, wenn Joseph Kircher alle Aktien verkauft hat.
      Meldet euch mal zu Wort.

      Viel Glück
      schrieb am 14.05.10 16:58:46
      Beitrag Nr. 2.039 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.520.358 von Augen_Stern am 14.05.10 13:02:47Hallo Augen_Stern!

      Freue mich hier etwas von dir zu lesen.
      Wird ja in manchen Foren VIEL geschrieben, die sich eine
      Performance erhoffen, wie sie hier in NCU stattgefunden hat!

      Ich glaube, daß hier momentan verschiedene Faktoren eine Rolle

      Solange der Kurs gallopierte sind die Leute natürlich aufgesprungen. Dann wurde klar wie in einem klassischen Bogen
      (siehe Kanada-chart) der Gaul allmählich müde wurde.
      Gewinnmitnahmen - schließlich sicher auch einige stop-los...
      und die Frage: Wann geht es wieder aufwärts?

      Letzte Bohrresultate waren auch nicht hip.
      Wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe wurde mit den letzten Bohrungen versucht das Ende der Mineralisation zu finden.
      Ein Zufall, das solche Bohrungen jetzt gemacht wurden?

      Oder- wenns schon runtergeht, dann richtig!
      Oben rauß, unten wieder rein!
      Kann mir NICHT vorstellen, daß sich insider nicht darüber Gedanken machen wie man zwischendurch noch nen Dollar extra machen kann!

      Und dann:
      Das Gold steigt zur Zeit - also steigen die heißen Jockeys
      auf andere Pferde!

      zum Schluß: Wann kehren die Investoren zurück?

      Ich hoffe wir sind jetzt soweit.


      Vielleicht hat der Zug noch eine kleine Verspätung?
      Aber dann sollte es los gehn!

      schnuff x
      schrieb am 25.05.10 14:00:55
      Beitrag Nr. 2.040 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.522.304 von schnuffix am 14.05.10 16:58:46Hallo schnuffix,

      bist Du in Nevada investiert?Ich schon sehr lange. Habe immer bei Rücksetzern nachgekauft. Aber diesmal gings ganz schön heftig bergab....und ich habe nicht verkauft. Leider muß ich sagen.
      Ändert aber nichts an der Tatsache, dass Nevada ein gutes Investment ist und bald wieder steigen wird...und ich hab noch mal nachgekauft.

      News vom 18.05.10 Homepage Nevada copper:

      May 18, 2010
      Nevada Copper Discovers Two New Zones Intersecting 275 Feet of 0.98% Copper and 155 Feet of 0.82% Copper


      May 18, 2010 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is very pleased to announce further drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. Drill results reported here represent results from Nevada Copper's current drilling program which has recently been increased from 25,000 meters (82,000 ft) to 36,000 meters (118,000 ft) of resource drilling. To date, results from 42 of 63 holes that will be drilled in the expanded program have been reported with further drill results pending. Currently, three drill rigs are operating at the Pumpkin Hollow Property as part of this expanded drilling program

      NC10-31 was drilled as a step out hole to follow up open mineralization in the southeastern portion of the open pittable North Deposit. NC10-31 confirmed the continuity of mineralization with the adjacent holes and discovered two new deeper zones. The four mineralized zones in hole NC10-31 total over 178 meters (585 ft) of greater than 0.80% copper. The two new deeper zones discovered intersected in hole NC10-31 are 83.8 meters (275 ft) averaging 0.98% copper and 47.2 meters (155 ft) averaging 0.82% copper. Mineralization remains open and follow up drilling is currently being planned.

      Mr. Gregory French, Senior Project Manager of Nevada Copper commented, "The historic drilling located near NC10-31 intersected sporadic copper mineralization while ending in mineralization. While NC10-31 was drilled to test for deeper mineralization, the robust nature and discovery of this mineralization is extremely positive. The success of this hole and recent hole NC10-29 confirm that we have yet to define the limits of mineralization in the North Deposit." Mr. French commented further, "We are extremely pleased with the current drilling program which continues to produce very positive results."

      NC10-27 also drilled in the North Deposit confirmed the continuity of shallow mineralization along the northern edge of the deposit. The grades and thicknesses were similar to the adjacent holes.

      Plan maps with the respective drill locations in the South and North Deposit are available at

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.3% Cu...mehr auf der Homepage von NCU.
      schrieb am 25.05.10 16:27:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2.041 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.578.823 von Augen_Stern am 25.05.10 14:00:55Hallo Augen_Stern!
      Ja, bin ich. Und ich hätte auch verkaufen sollen.
      Bin hier steuerfrei investiert und dachte mir 30% Rücksetzer
      wäre noch ok. Jetzt mag ich nicht mehr verkaufen.
      Ja ganz schön heftig heute.
      Mal sehn wie es heute abend aussieht.
      Gruß, Schnuffix
      schrieb am 27.05.10 09:21:06
      Beitrag Nr. 2.042 ()
      Liebe Freunde!

      Sollte man jetzt in Kupfer investieren?

      Für alle Interessenten sehr interessant:Das Stockhouse Boardin Kanada.

      Beiträge für NCU :…

      Einen schönen Tag noch!

      schrieb am 27.05.10 14:14:50
      Beitrag Nr. 2.043 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.590.455 von schnuffix am 27.05.10 09:21:06Hi schnuffix,

      danke für den Link. Hab mich grad mal eingelesen. Da gibt`s doch tatsächlich einen User, redmetal, der angeblich jeden Tag 10.000 Aktien kauft.
      Interessant sind auch die Meinungen über Mr.J. Kircher,der schon ca. 120.000 Aktien veräußert hat.
      Wer jetzt noch Geld flüssig hat und einsteigt, der macht nichts falsch.Die Aktie ist im Moment wirklich billig!
      Ich kann erst am Montag nachlegen;)...da wird etwas Geld für mich frei.
      Viel Glück uns allen

      schrieb am 27.05.10 14:47:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.044 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.592.893 von Augen_Stern am 27.05.10 14:14:50Gepostet am 27.05.10 um 1.00 AM von redmetal:




      schrieb am 27.05.10 19:55:57
      Beitrag Nr. 2.045 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.593.154 von Augen_Stern am 27.05.10 14:47:25Ich hab auch zugekauft, zwar keine 10.000 am Tag :eek:

      aber dennoch eine ordentliche Portion. Hätte auch nicht gedacht das NCU noch einmal so billig wird, wo der letzte investor erst 3,05 CAD bezahlt hat.

      Weis eigtl. eine wieso der CEO Kircher ausgeschieden ist, das wurde in einer der letzten Adhocs nur so beiläufig erwähnt??
      schrieb am 27.05.10 20:54:14
      Beitrag Nr. 2.046 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.595.596 von Muesli2k am 27.05.10 19:55:57Es heißt, J. Kircher ist "gegangen worden"...der Grund ist nicht bekannt. Vielleicht sollte ich mal anfragen? Doch ich beweifle, dass der wahre Grund genannt wird.
      By the way: bist Du /ihr ;)auch drüben im sharewise anzutreffen ?
      schrieb am 27.05.10 21:22:41
      Beitrag Nr. 2.047 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.596.006 von Augen_Stern am 27.05.10 20:54:14Ja Sharewhise hab ich seid geraumer Zeit einen Zugang, aber oft bin ich da nicht drin :)
      schrieb am 28.05.10 16:36:41
      Beitrag Nr. 2.048 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.596.184 von Muesli2k am 27.05.10 21:22:41Sharewise find ich gut!!. Immer wenn ich mal Zeit habe,schau ich drüben vorbei.Und da hab ich auch Dich/euch entdeckt;).

      Gestern gab`s übrigens News:

      May 27, 2010
      Nevada Copper Increases Drilling Program


      May 27, 2010 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") announces that as a result of successful drilling to date the program has been increased to 45,000 meters (148,000 ft) from the initial outlined program of 25,000 meters (82,000 ft.). To date, results from 42 of an estimated 83 drill holes that will be drilled have been reported. Currently, three drill rigs are operating at the Pumpkin Hollow Property as part of this expanded drilling program. As a result of the expanded drilling program the Pre-Feasibility which is currently in progress is now scheduled for completion by October 2010.

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio, President & CEO of Nevada Copper commented, "In view of the successful nature of the drilling results to date, we have extended our targeted date for the completion of Pre-Feasibility from the third quarter to October which will allow us to incorporate the drill results from the expanded drilling program."

      Further to Nevada Copper's press release dated May 18, 2010, a Cross Section of step out hole NC 10-31, which includes four mineralized zones totaling over 178 meters (585 ft) of greater than 0.80% copper in which two new deeper zones were discovered of 83.8 meters (275 ft) averaging 0.98% copper and 47.2 meters (155 ft) averaging 0.82% copper, is now available at

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 53.1 million shares outstanding with Cdn.$27 million in cash and is well funded to completion of Definitive Feasibility Study scheduled for release in early 2011.

      Nevada Copper is an emerging copper company, responsibly developing its advanced stage Pumpkin Hollow copper-gold-silver-iron property into Nevada's next copper mine. Concurrent with a resource delineation drilling program, metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrological, and environmental baseline data are being collected and processed for inclusion in a Pre-Feasibility Study currently in progress. For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio
      President & CEO
      schrieb am 04.06.10 08:14:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.049 ()
      das waren aufregende Wochen, würde ich sagen.
      Das der Kurs so einbrach (bis 1,45€), kann mich nicht beunruhigen. Ich sag euch auch warum.
      Es war eigentlich klar, das nach der Ausgabe von neuen Aktien an einen Investor (ca.7Mio. Aktien)der Kurs um bis zu 15% nach unten korregiert werden musste.
      Vorteil:NCU ist bis einschließlich 2011 finanziert.
      Desweiteren kamen noch der nervöse Aktienmarkt allgemein hinzu, was an NCU auch nicht spurlos vorbei gehen konnte.
      Man hätte diese Korrektur als Kaufgelegenheit sehen müssen. Ich für meinen Teil habe diese Gelegenheit genütz und das nicht zu knapp.

      Das einige Bohrungen vom Resultat etwas niedrig ausgefallen sind, ist in meinen Augen völlig normal. Jedes Vorkommen hat nun mal ein Ende und die Bohrungen dienen unter anderem auch dazu, dieses Ende heraus zu finden. Auf der anderen Seite jedoch, wurde eine unverhoffte Erweiterung der Resourcen gefunden. Wie man sieht, ist alles im grünen Bereich.

      Mit NCU kann gar nichts schief laufen, jedoch muss man sich im klaren sein, das der Kurs erst so richtig in Schwung kommt, wenn die Machbarkeitsstudie auf dem Tisch liegt. Ich wage mich nun ganz weit aus dem Fenster, wenn ich den Kurs mittelfristig bei 5€ sehe.

      Das alles ist meine persöhnliche Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf-oder Verkaufsempfehlung.

      schrieb am 16.06.10 15:23:53
      Beitrag Nr. 2.050 ()
      Mineralization Remains Open at Nevada Copper's North Deposit: Intersecting 90.5 Feet of 1.37% Copper and 135.0 Feet of 0.88% Cop

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 06/16/10 -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") announces further drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The drill results continue to demonstrate continuity of mineralization and upgrading of the copper resource. Drill results reported here represent results from Nevada Copper's current drill program which has recently been increased to 45,000 meters (148,000 ft) of resource drilling. To date, results from 50 of an estimated 83 drill holes to be drilled have been reported. Currently, three drill rigs continue to operate at the Pumpkin Hollow Property as part of the expanded drilling program.

      NC10-38 was drilled to confirm deeper north-dipping mineralization (northern limb) in the open pittable North Deposit. While recent results from NC10-31 demonstrated the continuity of the deeper mineralization it also confirmed that the mineralization continues to be open down dip. NC10-38 intersected over 420 feet of mineralization, including 27.6 meters (90.5 ft), 13.8 meters true thickness averaging 1.37% copper and 41.1 meters (135.0 ft), 20.6 meters true thickness averaging 0.88% copper.

      NC10-39, drilled as a step out, followed up shallow mineralization open along the northeastern edge of the North Deposit. With the mineralization intersected in NC10-39 and previous holes NC07-03 and NC10-29, additional holes are planned. Expanding the open mineralization in this area of the Deposit should have a positive impact on future pit designs.

      Mr. Gregory French, Senior Project Manager of Nevada Copper commented, "The current drilling continues to show that the limits of mineralization in the North Deposit have not been defined. Results from NC10-38 show that mineralization is open down dip along the northern limb, open to the northeast as shown by the recent results from NC10-29 and 39, and open to the southwest were NC10-31 intersected two new deeper zones 83.8 meters (275.0 ft) averaging 0.98% copper and 47.2 meters (155.0 ft) averaging 0.82% copper. Follow up drilling is currently in progress."

      The four holes reported for the South Deposit drilling were focused on upgrading resource classifications and confirming continuity of mineralization. The holes intersected multiple zones of mineralization with NC10-34 intersecting the two largest, 47.9 meters (157.0 ft), 36.7 meters true thickness averaging 0.52% copper and 56.4 meters (185.0 ft), 43.2 meters true thickness averaging 0.73% copper.

      Plan maps with the recent drill locations for the North and South Deposits will be made available at

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.3% Cu

      Drill Hole From Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      # (m) To (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC10-30 297.2 313.0 15.8 52.0 7.9 0.36 0.032 1.9 0.003
      369.4 433.7 64.3 211.0 32.2 0.48 0.020 0.5 0.002
      NC10-32 137.2 153.9 16.7 55.0 8.4 0.47 0.005 1.1 0.027
      185.6 222.5 36.9 121.0 18.5 0.40 0.025 1.1 0.006
      295.7 301.8 6.1 20.0 3.1 0.57 0.012 1.6 0.022
      352.0 362.7 10.7 35.0 5.4 0.51 0.061 2.2 0.008
      376.4 385.5 9.1 30.0 4.6 0.53 0.042 1.9 0.006
      NC10-38 257.5 265.3 7.8 25.5 3.9 1.03 0.020 3.7 0.002
      285.1 306.0 20.9 68.5 10.5 0.52 0.021 2.6 0.002
      324.6 329.2 4.6 15.0 2.3 0.88 0.075 3.8 0.008
      386.2 413.8 27.6 90.5 13.8 1.37 0.138 4.9 0.010
      449.0 190.1 41.1 135.0 20.6 0.88 0.072 2.7 0.007
      502.3 522.1 19.8 65.0 9.9 0.45 0.099 2.7 0.005
      544.1 551.7 7.6 25.0 3.8 0.92 0.048 3.6 0.004
      NC10-39 115.8 131.0 15.2 50.0 10.7 0.65 0.078 2.9 0.008
      153.9 173.7 19.8 65.0 14.0 0.52 0.044 3.5 0.005
      198.1 214.9 16.8 55.0 11.9 0.44 0.059 2.5 0.011
      224.0 230.1 6.1 20.0 4.3 0.43 0.052 2.1 0.003

      SOUTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.3% Cu

      Drill Hole From Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      # (m) To (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC10-33 105.4 115.7 10.3 33.7 7.9 1.60 0.225 1.2 19.7
      NC10-34 146.3 152.4 6.1 20.0 4.7 0.34 0.065 0.7 15.8
      160.9 208.8 47.9 157.0 36.7 0.52 0.183 3.5 14.5
      268.2 321.6 56.4 185.0 43.2 0.73 0.163 3.3 31.7
      376.4 402.3 25.9 85.0 19.8 0.31 0.034 1.4 34.1
      425.2 431.3 6.1 20.0 4.7 1.08 0.086 2.6 41.2
      440.4 470.9 30.5 100.0 23.4 0.43 0.037 1.0 40.0
      NC10-35 181.9 218.5 36.6 120.0 28.0 0.46 0.109 1.0 25.2
      232.6 241.7 9.1 30.0 7.0 0.34 0.049 0.8 30.8
      260.0 266.9 6.9 22.5 5.3 0.43 0.075 0.9 32.4
      338.3 345.9 7.6 25.0 5.8 0.41 0.068 1.8 9.3
      NC10-36 141.6 152.4 10.8 35.5 8.3 0.85 0.163 1.6 46.4
      193.5 204.2 10.7 35.0 8.2 0.48 0.080 2.6 45.1
      216.4 232.6 16.2 53.0 12.4 1.70 0.277 10.9 42.0
      269.7 285.9 16.2 53.0 12.4 0.84 0.161 6.6 25.5
      321.6 341.4 19.8 65.0 15.2 0.34 0.140 2.7 33.3
      387.1 393.0 5.9 19.5 4.5 0.69 0.115 1.6 29.5

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 53.1 million shares outstanding with Cdn. $27 million in cash and is well funded to completion of Definitive Feasibility Study scheduled for release in early 2011.

      Nevada Copper is an emerging copper company, responsibly developing its advanced stage Pumpkin Hollow copper-gold-silver-iron property into Nevada's next copper mine. Concurrent with a resource delineation drilling program, metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrological, and environmental baseline data are being collected and processed for inclusion in a Pre-Feasibility Study currently in progress.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Eugene Toffolo

      Corporate Communications

      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-687-5755

      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Giulio T. Bonifacio

      President & CEO

      schrieb am 08.07.10 15:41:50
      Beitrag Nr. 2.051 ()
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 07/08/10 -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") announces further drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. Drill results reported here represent results from Nevada Copper's current drill program which has recently been increased to 45,000 meters (148,000 ft). To date, results from 56 of an estimated 83 drill holes to be drilled have been reported.
      The E2 Deposit contains an upper and lower mineralized zone. NC10-47 was drilled as an infill hole to determine if the zones connect. The results are very positive with NC10-47 demonstrating that the high grade mineralization is continuous between the upper and lower zones. NC10-47 intersected 44.2 meters (145.0 ft), 22.1 meters true thickness averaging 2.37% copper, 0.683 g/t gold, and 11.7 g/t silver.
      Three holes were drilled in the South Deposit. NC10-45 focused on upgrading resource classifications and confirming continuity of mineralization. NC10-45 intersected multiple zones of mineralization with the largest intersecting, 56.4 meters (185.0 ft), 43.2 meters true thickness averaging 1.14% copper. NC10-40 and NC10-43 targeted the mineralization along the edge of the deposit.
      Drill holes NC10-42 and NC10-44 were drilled to determine the continuity in the East Deposit where the higher grade mineralization narrows. Both holes confirmed the thickness and continuity of these zones with the nearby adjacent holes.

      Cross sections and plan maps will be made available on

      E2 DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 1% Cu

      Drill From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC10-47 486.2 530.4 44.2 145.0 22.1 2.37 0.683 11.7 25.0
      554.7 565.4 10.7 35.0 5.4 1.08 0.244 1.6 14.8

      EAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 1% Cu

      Drill Hole # From To Length Length Copper Gold Silver Iron
      (m) (m) (m) (ft) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC10-42 448.1 451.4 3.3 11.0 1.34 0.111 2.3 12.9
      466.5 483.1 16.6 54.5 2.94 0.530 6.5 35.7
      534.9 538.9 4.0 13.0 1.05 0.139 5.8 19.4
      NC10-44 481.3 487.7 6.4 21.0 3.08 0.466 8.4 19.3

      SOUTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.3% Cu

      Drill Hole # From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver
      (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) Iron
      NC10-40 259.1 278.9 19.8 65.0 15.2 0.45 0.050 0.8 8.3
      NC10-43 177.0 195.1 18.0 59.0 13.8 0.46 0.102 3.6 17.9
      207.4 216.5 9.1 30.0 7.0 0.49 0.093 3.9 3.0
      NC10-45 264.0 270.5 6.5 21.5 5.0 2.01 0.224 4.0 14.2
      283.4 339.8 56.4 185.0 43.2 1.14 0.191 3.9 25.3
      379.7 387.1 7.4 24.3 5.7 0.71 0.067 1.9 15.1
      469.4 474.3 4.9 16.0 3.8 0.41 0.132 2.7 19.1
      495.3 502.9 7.6 25.0 5.8 0.52 0.102 3.4 19.7

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 53.1 million shares outstanding with Cdn. $25 million in cash and is well funded to completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study scheduled for release in early 2011.

      Nevada Copper is an emerging copper company, responsibly developing its advanced stage Pumpkin Hollow copper-gold-silver-iron property into Nevada's next copper mine. Concurrent with a resource delineation drilling program, metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrological, and environmental baseline data are being collected and processed for inclusion in a Pre-Feasibility Study currently in progress.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Eugene Toffolo

      Corporate Communications

      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Giulio T. Bonifacio

      President & CEO

      schrieb am 15.07.10 20:36:53
      Beitrag Nr. 2.052 ()
      Verdächtige Umsätze heute, 800.000 Aktien aus dem Ask :eek:
      schrieb am 04.08.10 17:02:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2.053 ()
      schrieb am 10.08.10 10:21:43
      Beitrag Nr. 2.054 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      es geht wieder nach oben, aber das war ja auch klar.

      Habe NCU angeschrieben mit der Bitte, einen genaueren Termin für die Machbarkeitsstudie zu nennen und zwar öffentlich auf ihrer Homepage.
      Wenn dieser Termin mal genauer genannt wird, dann geht das Teil richtig.

      schrieb am 11.08.10 21:15:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.055 ()
      647.700 Stücke zu 2,65 CAD heute aus dem ASK, vielleicht weis da schon einer mehr ;)
      schrieb am 02.09.10 08:33:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.056 ()
      NCU geht wieder echt gut.
      Grund könnte unter anderem sein, dass ->soviel ich weiß<- das neue Geschäftsjahr im November 2010 anfängt und da ist die Machbarkeitsstudie angesagt.
      Wenn das so ist, dann werden wir hier demnächst diese Nachricht von NCU lesen können;)und dann geht hier echt die Post ab.

      Dies spieglet meine persöhnliche Meinung wieder und ist nicht als Kauf-oder Verkaufsempfehlung zu betrachten.

      schrieb am 07.09.10 00:26:28
      Beitrag Nr. 2.057 ()
      Ganz grosser Grund warum NCU wieder so abgeht ist der Preis von Kupfer im Moment.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.09.10 17:49:50
      Beitrag Nr. 2.058 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.108.079 von Hackertom1 am 07.09.10 00:26:28da hast Du ohne Zweifel recht.
      Der Kupferpreis ist auf einem Niveau, wo es außer Frage ist, ob sich die NCU-Mine lohnt.
      Der mögliche Gewinn ist mit dem Kupferpreis enorm. Man kann eine kleine Auflistung auf der Homepage von NCU nachlesen.
      Das beweißt einmal mehr, das NCU eine wahre Goldgrube ist und da braucht man keine große Worte umd das zu erkennen.

      schrieb am 08.09.10 14:37:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2.059 ()
      Nevada Copper Intersects Over 1,258 Feet of 0.58% Copper in Four Separate Zones Including 95 Feet of 1.51% Copper
      Datum : 08/09/2010 @ 13h30
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 3.11 0.0 (0.00%) @ 13h39

      Nevada Copper Intersects Over 1,258 Feet of 0.58% Copper in Four Separate Zones Including 95 Feet of 1.51% Copper
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Wednesday 8 September 2010

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") announces positive drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The following drilling results are from the open pittable North Deposit. To date, results from 68 of an estimated 83 drill holes to be drilled have been reported.
      NC10-62 was drilled to follow up the recently discovered mineralization in NC10-31 and NC10-52 located in the southwestern portion of the open pittable North Deposit. NC10-62 intersected 1,258.5 feet (383.6 meters) of 0.58% copper in four separate zones. The largest of the zones intersected 751.5 feet (229.1 meters) averaging 0.59% copper. This zone included a higher grade interval of 95 feet (28.9 meters) averaging 1.51% copper. The mineralization remains open and follow up drilling is currently in progress.

      Drilling along the northern edge of the North Deposit also continues to produce positive results. Holes NC10-59 and NC10-60 have expanded the mineralization and confirmed continuity. NC10-59 intersected 110 feet (33.5 meters) 21.5 meters true thickness averaging 1.96% copper. The mineralization remains open in the north central and northeastern portions of the North Deposit. NC10-51 drilled as a step-out has defined the western edge of the deposit.

      "We are extremely pleased with the success of the drilling program in the North Deposit. The expansion of mineralization will have a positive impact on both the resource and project economics. Follow up drilling has commenced in order to determine the extent of this recently discovered mineralization which remains open," commented Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager of Nevada Copper.

      Plan maps with recent drill locations and a cross section are available at:

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.3% Cu
      From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      Drill Hole# (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC10-51 344.4 349.0 4.6 15.0 4.4 0.36 0.154 1.2 0.008
      481.6 486.2 4.6 15.0 4.4 1.24 0.087 4.5 0.016
      510.5 518.1 7.6 25.0 7.3 0.44 0.013 1.4 0.017
      528.8 537.9 9.1 30.0 8.8 0.75 0.133 3.0 0.017
      NC10-59 131.1 135.6 4.5 15.0 2.9 0.97 0.026 5.0 0.001
      157.0 190.5 33.5 110.0 21.5 1.96 0.160 1.9 0.005
      202.7 207.3 4.6 15.0 3.0 1.36 0.024 2.8 0.001
      225.6 233.2 7.6 25.0 4.9 1.38 0.032 1.1 0.002
      NC10-60 67.0 73.1 6.1 20.0 3.9 1.02 0.015 2.2 0.002
      111.0 117.2 6.2 20.5 4.0 0.40 0.076 1.8 less
      153.9 168.4 14.5 47.5 9.3 0.59 0.053 3.5 0.028
      297.9 301.4 3.5 11.5 2.3 0.95 0.181 3.8 0.012
      NC10-62 139.6 195.1 55.5 182.0 55.5 0.59 0.061 2.3 0.012
      210.3 439.4 229.1 751.5 229.1 0.59 0.069 2.4 0.011
      (inc) 225.6 254.5 28.9 95.0 28.9 1.51 0.135 3.7 0.012
      474.0 542.5 68.5 225.0 68.5 0.55 0.041 1.3 0.008
      566.9 597.4 30.5 100.0 30.5 0.53 0.053 1.1 0.005

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 54 million shares outstanding and is well funded to completion of the current drilling program, Pre-Feasibility and the Definitive Feasibility Study scheduled for release in 2011.

      Nevada Copper is an emerging copper company, responsibly developing its advanced stage Pumpkin Hollow copper-gold-silver-iron property into Nevada's next copper mine. Concurrent with a resource delineation drilling program, metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrological, and environmental baseline data are being collected and processed for inclusion in a Pre-Feasibility Study which is currently in progress and scheduled for completion in the fourth quarter.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Eugene Toffolo

      Corporate Communications

      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266
      schrieb am 18.09.10 19:15:36
      Beitrag Nr. 2.060 ()
      So macht das Spaß...

      ich könnte mich nur in den Allerwertesten beißen, dass ich weiland nicht mehr NCU gekauft habe. Für mich sind sie wesentlich mehr als ein Tenbagger bislang.
      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.09.10 09:43:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.061 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.173.704 von powertecc am 18.09.10 19:15:36Sieh an sieh an,

      wer ist dieser Herr Vladimir Iorich und wieso kauft er 388.100 Aktien unserer geliebten Nevada Copper :D :eek: :laugh: :D :eek:…

      Sep 09/10 Sep 08/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 284,000 $3.090
      Sep 09/10 Sep 02/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 4,100 $3.120
      Sep 09/10 Aug 31/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 100,000 $2.900
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.09.10 10:39:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.062 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.174.278 von Muesli2k am 19.09.10 09:43:48nun ist es raus!

      Die Machbarkeitsstudie ist bereits in der Mache und wird im 4 Quartal veröffentlich.

      Wer jetzt nicht bereits genügend Aktien von NCU hat, der wird sich dann nach der Veröffentlichung mehr als nur in den Hintern beisen. Das Ding wird dannach erst richtig starten.

      Das alles spieglet lediglich meine Meinung wieder und ist keine Kauf-oder Verkaufsempfehlung.

      schrieb am 24.09.10 08:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2.063 ()
      Herr Vladimir kauft kräftig ein.

      Ist da etwas im Anmarsch???

      Sep 22/10,Sep 21/10 Iorich,Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 122,300 $3.300
      Sep 22/10,Sep 13/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 180,700 $3.090

      schrieb am 24.09.10 16:20:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.064 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.174.278 von Muesli2k am 19.09.10 09:43:48Interessante Frage. Habe mal Google bemüht. Ob das DIESER Vladimir Iorich ist ??
      Gehört zu den reichsten Menschen der Welt... na ja, jedenfalls 2005 noch :)

      Ich nehme an, der Vermerk "Indirect Ownership" bedeutet, dass er im Auftrag handelt, oder? Aber in wessen Auftrag?
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.09.10 17:01:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.065 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.206.442 von Rumo2006 am 24.09.10 16:20:07Das scheint des Rätsels Lösung zu sein. Hr. Iorich ist offensichtlich indirekter Eigentümer der Pala Investments Holding, die vor Kurzem bei NCU eingestiegen sind:…

      Offensichtlich sammelt man noch fleißig weiter :cool:
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.09.10 17:31:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2.066 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.206.835 von Rumo2006 am 24.09.10 17:01:23Von dem Einstieg durch Pala wusste ich bisher auch noch nichts :eek:

      Das ist ja krass, und dann gleich 5 Millionen Shares, das sind mal eben 10% wobei an Freefloat sowieso nicht mehr viel da sein dürfte nachdem Capstone ja alleine schon 20% am markt gekauft haben dürfte.

      Freitag gingen zu Höchstkursen von 3,55 50K und 3,60 145k Shares aus dem Ask, das hier weiter gesammelt wird ist Glasklar, aber nachdem wir nun am Jahreshoch stehen, frag ich mich, wo wird es noch hingehen.. 4Cad 5Cad? Welchen preis zahlen die Investoren wenn es zu einer Übernahme kommt wirklich 6Cad 7Cad??

      Es bleibt super spannend, und ich werd mit sicherheit keine einzigste Aktie hergeben, aus meinem Mittelklasse Wagen kann ruhig noch ein Sportwagen werden :eek: :D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.09.10 17:32:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.067 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.212.702 von Muesli2k am 26.09.10 17:31:17@Rumo, übrigends Danke für die tolle Recherche, wissen wir endlich wer der unbekannte ist :)
      schrieb am 28.09.10 23:42:13
      Beitrag Nr. 2.068 ()
      schrieb am 01.10.10 12:38:54
      Beitrag Nr. 2.069 ()
      Gerade gesehen. Gestern gabs neue Bohrergebnisse.…
      schrieb am 01.10.10 15:15:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.070 ()
      Eben sind 13.500 Shares aus dem Ask in Frankfurt gekauft worden, zwar der einzigste Umsatz heute, aber immerhin sind das auch 36.450€ :eek:

      Das Bid in Can. steht vorbörslich auf 4,00CAD, da kommt doch was!?? :eek:
      schrieb am 07.10.10 15:58:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.071 ()
      Volumen 3.068.400 Shares :eek: :eek: :eek:
      schrieb am 07.10.10 17:31:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2.072 ()
      Hallo Nevada Copper Fans, hier geht bald die Post ab. Das heutige Volumen
      ist unglaublich:). Bin schon so lang dabei,aber so ein Volumen hab ich noch nicht gesehen.

      Außerdem nachfolgend ein Update.


      October 05, 2010
      Nevada Copper Drilling Update


      View News Release in PDF Format

      October 5, 2010 -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to provide a plan map and cross section for the drill holes announced September 30, 2010.

      As previously announced, the three holes completed in the North deposit focused on expanding the recently discovered mineralization. NC10-70 and NC10-71 were successful in intersecting several of the lower zones. NC10-69 however was terminated short due to drill conditions. Continuity was confirmed in the upper zone where NC10-70 intersected 315 feet (96.0 meters) 310 feet (94.5 meters) true thickness averaging 0.98% copper. Several deeper zones were also encountered, the largest intersected 141.5 feet (43.1 meters) 139.3 feet (42.5 meters) true thickness averaging 0.48% copper.

      NC10-71 was drilled 90 east of NC10-70. The upper zone in NC10-71 intersected 215.5 feet (65.7 meters) 212.2 feet (64.7 meters) true thickness averaging 1.47% copper. Included within that interval is a higher grade zone of 46.0 feet (14.0 meters) 45.3 feet (13.8 meters) true thickness averaging 3.24 % copper. Like NC10-70 several lower mineralized zones were intersected including 145.0 feet (44.2 meters) 142.7 feet (43.5 meters) true thickness averaging 0.51% copper. The mineralization remains open and follow up drilling is currently in progress.

      The plan map and cross section can be found at

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 54 million shares outstanding and is well funded to completion of the current drilling program, Pre-Feasibility and the Definitive Feasibility Study scheduled for release in 2011.

      Nevada Copper is an emerging copper company, responsibly developing its advanced stage Pumpkin Hollow copper-gold-silver-iron property into Nevada's next copper mine. Concurrent with a resource delineation drilling program, metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrological, and environmental baseline data are being collected and processed for inclusion in a Pre-Feasibility Study which is currently in progress and scheduled for completion by December, 2010.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio
      President & CEO
      schrieb am 08.10.10 11:33:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.073 ()
      Jetzt ist klar, woher das Volumen kommt.:

      Oct 07/10 Oct 07/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 3,060,000 $3.750

      Wenn jetzt nicht bald der "Deckel" wegfliegt...dann weiß ich auch nicht mehr.
      Auf schätzt ein user, dass NCU auf 10 $ bis Jahresende steigt.

      Ich bin schon ganz aufgeregt....verdient hätten wir es allemal!
      Wie immer, keine Empfehlung zum Kauf/Verkauf.

      schrieb am 08.10.10 16:02:13
      Beitrag Nr. 2.074 ()
      Pala Invests In Nevada Copper
      Oct. 8, 2010 (Market News Publishing) --

      Pala Investments Holdings Limited ("PIHL") announced that it has acquired 3,751,100 common shares of Nevada Copper Corp. ("NCU"), representing approximately 6.95% of the 53,997,000 issued and outstanding common shares of NCU, as known by PIHL. The common shares were acquired through the facilities of the Toronto Stock Exchange over the period from August 31, 2010 to October 7, 2010.

      After giving effect to the acquisitions referred to above, PIHL owns and controls, directly and indirectly, a total of 9,150,150 common shares representing approximately 16.95% of the issued and outstanding shares of NCU, as known by PIHL.

      The average consideration for each common share of NCU acquired was CDN$3.63 per common share. PIHL has acquired the common shares for investment purposes and may increase or decrease the investment in the common shares depending upon future market conditions.

      PIHL's address is 12 Castle Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE2 3RT.
      About Pala

      Pala Investments Holdings Limited is a US$1.0 billion multi-strategy investment company focused on mining and natural resource companies in both developed and emerging markets. Pala Investments' exclusive investment advisor, Pala Investments AG, has extensive experience within the mining and natural resource sectors. Pala Investments seeks to assist companies in which it has long-term shareholdings by providing strategic advice and innovative financing solutions. For more information, visit

      Certain statements in the press release are forward-looking statements and are prospective in nature, including statements with respect to Pala's future intentions regarding the securities of NCU that it owns. Forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts, but rather on current expectations and projections about future events, and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "may", "should", "will", "could", "intend", "estimate", "plan", "anticipate", "expect", "believe" or "continue", or the negative thereof or similar variations. Such statements are qualified in their entirety by the inherent risks and uncertainties surrounding future expectations. Such forward-looking statements should therefore be construed in light of such factors, and Pala is not under any obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      TSX closing price for NCU

      Date: 2010/10/07

      Closing Price: 3.670
      schrieb am 12.10.10 11:19:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2.075 ()
      Mein persönliches Ziel lag immer bei 4 CAD, aber ich werd einen Teufel tun und auch nur eine Aktie hergeben :D

      Aufgrund der Umstände wird gehalten bis zum bitteren Ende (Übernahme) Und mein Kursziel passe ich af 6-8 CAD an :)
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.10.10 13:24:40
      Beitrag Nr. 2.076 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.303.842 von Muesli2k am 12.10.10 11:19:45ich gebe euch schriftlich, dass 6-8 CAD nicht reichen wird, wenn die Machbarkeitsstudie auf dem Tisch liegt.
      Die Großinvestoren -immerhin bislang 3 bekannt- z.b.: Herr Vladimir, PIHL-Q, etc. wissen bestimmt mehr über NCU als Du und Ich zusammen. Keiner von diesen Investoren würde so viel Geld investieren, wenn die Ausssicht nicht viel versprechend wärend.
      Desweiteren halten die Eigner von NCU ca. 50% der Aktien und das ist ein weiteres sehr gutes Zeichen.

      Ich perönlich, bin seit 2007 investiert und habe Dezember 2008 noch richtig nachgelegt. Eigentlich habe ich schon einen satten Gewinn und könnte verkaufen, aber ich mach das nicht, weil ich mir sehr sicher bin, dass NCU noch viel weiter steigen wird.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.10.10 19:31:44
      Beitrag Nr. 2.077 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.304.842 von Jandar am 12.10.10 13:24:40Ich bin auch seit 2007 investiert und habe im Juni letzten Jahres tüchtig nachgelegt.Sogar vor ein paar Tagen hab ich mir noch etliche Stücke gegönnt.Jetzt bin ich mit einem ziemlich hohen Betrag in NCU investiert...zumindest für meine Verhältnisse.
      So wie es aussieht, sind wir endgültig aus der Seitwärtsbewegung ausgebrochen und es geht auf zu neuen Höhen.Ich will ja nichts verschreien...aber 8-10 $ bis Jahresende könnten schon drin sein.

      Uns allen viel Glück ;)!
      schrieb am 14.10.10 06:56:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.078 ()
      10/13/2010 1:01:30 PM - Market Wire

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Oct 13, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is very pleased to announce the appointment of Robert T. McKnight, P. Eng., MBA, as Executive Vice President. Mr. McKnight is a Professional Engineer and MBA with over 30 years of experience in the resource business and has a wealth of knowledge in project finance, mergers and acquisitions, feasibility studies and valuations. Mr. McKnight has held senior positions with Brascan Resources, Wright Engineers, Cassiar Mining, Getty Resources, TOTAL S.A., Endeavour Financial, Pincock Allen & Holt Ltd., AMEC, Yukon Zinc and, most recently, Selwyn Resources.

      Mr. McKnight's experience includes: feasibility studies; financial evaluations of mining, oil and gas and coal projects; technical and financial due diligence; project finance, valuations, fairness opinions and mergers and acquisitions. He has extensive international experience including assignments in North and South America, Asia and Africa. He is a graduate of the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University with degrees in Geological Engineering and Business Administration.

      Mr. McKnight will assume responsibility for coordinating our efforts as we advance Pumpkin Hollow through the feasibility process while further developing strategies to maximize the value of the Pumpkin Hollow project.

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO, commented: "We are very pleased that Mr. McKnight is joining Nevada Copper and further view his decision as yet another strong endorsement of our Pumpkin Hollow project. Through his involvement with a number of industry leaders in senior roles, Mr. McKnight has developed tremendous expertise over the years and we look forward to his immediate contributions as we move the Pumpkin Hollow project through feasibility, permitting and development."

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      schrieb am 14.10.10 07:12:19
      Beitrag Nr. 2.079 ()
      Oct 07/10 Oct 07/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 -Acquisition in the public market 3.060.000 $3.750

      Da braucht man nichts dazu sagen..(..)

      Es werden immer weniger frei verkäufliche Aktien auf dem Markt.
      Das wird im entscheidenden Moment der Treibstoff für einen hohen Kurs sein.

      schrieb am 14.10.10 17:19:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.080 ()
      TSX: NCU

      October 14, 2010 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") The Board of Directors of Nevada Copper is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Barton to its Board of Directors. The appointment follows the additional investment in Nevada Copper by Pala Investments Holdings Limited (“Pala”), as announced on October 7, 2010. As a result of its increased investment, Pala became Nevada Copper’s largest shareholder, holding approximately 17% of Nevada Copper’s currently outstanding shares. :eek::eek:

      Mr. Barton is currently Vice President of Pala Investments AG, the exclusive advisor to Pala Investments Holdings Limited. While at Pala Investments AG, he has been involved in many of Pala’s largest transactions including Pala’s investments in Anatolia Minerals Development Corporation, Neo Material Technologies Limited and Avoca Resources Limited. Previously, Mr. Barton was Vice President at Hatch Corporate Finance, a company specializing in providing corporate finance advisory services to the metals and mining industry. He currently serves on the boards of Dumas Contracting Ltd., Norcast Wear Solutions Limited, New Birmingham Inc. and Titanium Resources Group Ltd.

      Mr. Barton is a qualified chartered accountant and a member of the Securities and Investment Institute.

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO, commented: “On behalf of Nevada Copper’s Board of Directors, we welcome Mr. Barton to the Board. We view the addition of Mr. Barton to the Board and the additional investment by Pala as a positive endorsement of our Pumpkin Hollow copper development project. We believe, with Pala as a strategic financial partner, Pumpkin Hollow now has increased support to advance quickly to the development phase.”

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed “forward-looking statements”. All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper’s annual filings that are available at

      For further information call:
      Eugene Toffolo, Corporate Communications
      Phone: 604-683-8266
      Toll free: 1-877-648-8266
      Email: [email][/email]

      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      Phone: 604-699-0023
      schrieb am 15.10.10 15:07:22
      Beitrag Nr. 2.081 ()

      Michael Barton, Director

      Mr. Barton is currently Vice President of Pala Investments AG, the exclusive advisor to Pala Investments Holdings Limited. While at Pala Investments AG, he has been involved in many of Pala's largest transactions, including Pala's investments in Anatolia Minerals Development Corporation, Avoca Resources Limited, Dumas Contracting Limited and Norcast Wear Solutions. Previously, Mr. Barton was Vice President at Hatch Corporate Finance, a company specializing in providing corporate finance advisory services to the metals and mining industry. He currently serves on the boards of Titanium Resources Group Ltd. (AIM:TXR), Dumas Contracting Ltd., Norcast Wear Solutions Limited and New Birmingham Inc. Mr. Barton is a qualified chartered accountant and a member of the Securities and Investment Institute.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.10.10 10:23:05
      Beitrag Nr. 2.082 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.329.918 von Muesli2k am 15.10.10 15:07:22Hi Muesli2k uns alle NCU Fans,

      kann mir jemand sagen, was die Transaktionen bedeuten ? Danke.


      Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU) As of October 15th, 2010
      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
      Oct 15/10 Oct 07/10 Matysek, Paul Frank Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -150,000 $3.750
      Oct 15/10 Oct 07/10 Matysek, Paul Frank Direct Ownership Common Shares 11 - Acquisition carried out privately 150,000
      Oct 15/10 Oct 07/10 Giuffre, Joseph Paul Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -125,000
      Oct 15/10 Oct 07/10 Giuffre, Joseph Paul Direct Ownership Common Shares 11 - Acquisition carried out privately 125,000
      Oct 15/10 Nov 03/06 Giuffre, Joseph Paul Direct Ownership Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
      Oct 15/10 Oct 07/10 Wilson, Foster Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -125,000 $3.750
      Oct 15/10 Oct 07/10 Kirwin, Brian Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -600,000 $3.750
      Oct 15/10 Oct 07/10 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -1,500,000 $3.750
      Oct 15/10 Oct 07/10 Tanaka, Catherine Anne Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -72,000 $3.750
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.10.10 18:47:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2.083 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.334.398 von Augen_Stern am 16.10.10 10:23:0510 - Disposition in the public market

      Diese Aktien wurden am Markt verkauft, das gegenteil dazu ist:

      10 - Acquisition in the public market


      11 - Acquisition carried out privately

      müsste ein verkauf an einen privaten investor bedeuten, welche nicht über den freien markt verkauft wurden...

      Die vielen Transaktionen sehen mir danach aus, das man dem neuen CEO (pala) aktien zur verfügung gestellt hat auf der 3,75 Cad, wie hätte der auch sonst zu diesem Kurs 3.000.000 Shares kaufen können ;)
      schrieb am 19.10.10 22:06:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2.084 ()
      Nevada Copper Corp.: Permit Approval
      Nevada Copper Corp NCU
      10/19/2010 1:10:41 PM
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Oct 19, 2010 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper") - Nevada Copper announces that the Lyon County Board of Commissioners approved its application for a Special Use Permit to conduct Advanced Exploration on its Pumpkin Hollow Project. Advanced Exploration entails construction of an 18-foot by 18-foot decline tunnel to access high grade underground deposits in the East and E-2 zones of the property. Nevada Copper has worked over the last few years with both Lyon County and the City of Yerington to inform them of the company's activities at the Pumpkin Hollow Project. Both the Planning Commission and the Board unanimously approved the applications. The City previously entered into a water service agreement to provide water to the project.
      "Not only have both the County and City been extremely cooperative in working with us as we proceed toward development," said Greg French, Vice President and Project Manager at Pumpkin Hollow, "but we also expect that positive relationship to carry forward into the future phases of the project. We believe a collaborative relationship with the City and County will be extremely helpful as we move forward to development stages of the project."
      Advanced Exploration will allow Nevada Copper to conduct more cost effective drilling from underground drill stations and to better understand the geological, geotechnical, geochemical, hydrological and metallurgical characteristics of the resource zones. It will also help to accelerate development of mining once project construction begins.
      Presently, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection is in the final stages of technical review for the decline. Nevada Copper expects to receive those permits by the first quarter of 2011.
      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at
      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 22.10.10 07:24:50
      Beitrag Nr. 2.085 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.353.595 von Augen_Stern am 19.10.10 22:06:31Guten Morgen NCU Fans, die Käufe gehen weiter;)

      Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)

      As of October 21st, 2010
      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
      Oct 21/10 Oct 13/10 Matysek, Paul Frank Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $3.740
      Oct 21/10 Oct 13/10 French, Gregory Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $3.740
      Oct 21/10 Oct 13/10 Wilson, Foster Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $3.740
      Oct 21/10 Oct 13/10 Kirwin, Brian Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $3.740
      Oct 21/10 Oct 13/10 Chan, Joachim Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 35,000 $3.740
      Oct 21/10 Oct 19/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 750,000 $3.400
      schrieb am 26.10.10 15:27:22
      Beitrag Nr. 2.086 ()

      Nevada Copper Intersects 305 Feet of 1.02% Copper in the Open Pittable North Deposit
      Datum : 26/10/2010 @ 14h00
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 3.75 0.0 (0.00%) @ 14h17

      Nevada Copper Intersects 305 Feet of 1.02% Copper in the Open Pittable North Deposit
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Tuesday 26 October 2010

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") announces positive drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The following drilling results are from the open pittable North Deposit. Nevada Copper currently has two drill rigs following up on mineralization recently discovered in the North Deposit.
      NC10-72 and NC10-73 were drilled in the open pittable North Deposit to test the extent of the recently discovered mineralization along the southwestern edge of the deposit. NC10-72 intersected two upper zones of mineralization which correlate well with the adjacent holes. This hole intersected 305.0 feet (93.0 meters) of 1.02% copper and 235.5 feet (71.8 meters) averaging 0.46% copper. The lower zones continue to demonstrate the continuity of mineralization.

      NC10-73 is an angle hole that targeted the extension of deep mineralization found in NC10-31. The hole intersected deeper mineralization 70 to 80 meters south of NC10-31. The drilling demonstrates that the mineralization is continuous and thins to the south. Mineralization remains open to the north and northeast where follow up drilling is currently in progress.

      "The recently expanded drill program in the North Deposit continues to produce positive results. Follow up drilling over the next month will focus on the continued expansion of the recently discovered mineralization which remains open," commented Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager of Nevada Copper.

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.3% Cu
      Drill From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC10-72 161.5 254.5 93.0 305.0 93.0 1.02 0.119 4.2 0.009
      263.5 335.3 71.8 235.5 71.8 0.46 0.068 2.1 0.005
      372.5 381.7 9.2 30.3 9.2 0.56 0.057 2.8 0.009
      507.2 513.7 6.5 21.5 5.29 0.66 0.029 1.6 0.005
      542.5 564.6 22.1 72.5 17.9 0.44 0.035 1.0 0.006
      591.9 609.6 17.7 58.0 14.3 0.66 0.064 1.4 0.005
      NC10-73 184.4 187.5 3.1 10.0 2.6 0.39 0.052 0.1 0.003
      - 80
      degrees 262.1 271.2 9.1 30.0 7.7 0.48 0.043 2.1 0.007
      302.1 309.4 7.3 24.0 6.2 0.37 0.069 1.0 0.007
      445.3 460.2 14.9 49.0 11.2 0.87 0.203 2.5 0.009
      470.0 478.5 8.5 28.0 6.4 0.35 0.082 0.8 0.007

      Nevada Copper also continues to collect technical data necessary for feasibility related work. Hydrogeologic drilling has recently been completed and pump tests are currently in progress collecting data necessary for the groundwater modeling.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Eugene Toffolo

      Corporate Communications

      604-683-8266 or Toll Free: 1-877-648-8266


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Giulio T. Bonifacio

      President & CEO


      schrieb am 26.10.10 16:12:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.087 ()
      Riecht nach AllTimeHigh :eek: :D :) :laugh:

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.10.10 07:43:11
      Beitrag Nr. 2.088 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.392.617 von Muesli2k am 26.10.10 16:12:47Guten Morgen Muesli2k,

      war wohl letztes Mal etwas voreilig, aber jetzt bricht NCU aus. Interessant dazu sind auch die Diskussionen auf stockhouse.

      Außerdem neue Insiderkäufe:

      Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)

      As of October 26th, 2010
      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
      Oct 26/10 Oct 21/10 Giuffre, Joseph Paul Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000
      Oct 26/10 Oct 26/10 McKnight, Robert Thomas Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 225,000 $3.740
      Oct 26/10 Oct 26/10 McKnight, Robert Thomas Direct Ownership Options 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.10.10 08:24:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2.089 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.396.356 von Augen_Stern am 27.10.10 07:43:11die freiverkäuflichen Aktien werden immer weniger und somit steigt der Kurs ohne dass wir was dagegen tun können (Grins..)

      In Frankfurt sind schon über 15000 Stck. Vorbörslich über die Bühne gegangen. Ich denke, dass der Run auf die Aktien so langsam anläuft. Ich kann warten, bis die Zeit kommt, wo man sich die Köpfe einschlägt und bereit ist, fast jeden Preis zu zahlen, nur um dabei zu sein.

      schrieb am 28.10.10 08:51:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.090 ()
      28.10.2010 08:26

      M&A 2010: Chinesen kaufen die Welt auf - Unternehmen mit Rohstoffzugriff bleiben stark gefragt

      Nikogosian: «Die Wirtschaftskrise hat in China kaum nennenswerte Auswirkungen gehabt.» Chinesische Unternehmen zeigen sich bei Fusionen und Übernahmen (M&A) von der Krise unbeeindruckt und investieren kräftig weiter. Allein in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2009 waren Firmen aus dem Reich der Mitte an 145 M&A-Transaktionen auf allen Kontinenten beteiligt. Diese Zahl markiert den höchsten Stand an Transaktionen mit chinesischer Beteiligung seit dem Jahr 2000. Vor allem Firmen mit Zugriff auf Rohstoffe sind für die Chinesen interessant. Einer neuen Branchenerhebung des Zentrums für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) nach nutzen neben China verstärkt auch Indien und Russland Chancen.

      Den vollständigen Artikel lesen ...

      © 2010
      schrieb am 28.10.10 09:02:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2.091 ()
      Hatten wir nicht Mitte 2008 auch einmal eine chinesische Beteiligung über ein Private Placement.. Finde leider gerade dazu keine News mehr.. :look:
      schrieb am 28.10.10 20:08:08
      Beitrag Nr. 2.092 ()
      Bei 3,08 Euro ists ein 20-bagger für mich.
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.10.10 09:54:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2.093 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.410.747 von powertecc am 28.10.10 20:08:08Glückwunsch, powertecc,das gönn ich Dir von Herzen.
      Hast Du zwischendurch mal verkauft....z.B. im Frühling, wo es noch mal richtig runter ging? Oder bis jetzt gehalten ?
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.10.10 14:31:19
      Beitrag Nr. 2.094 ()
      Ich habe nach Verdoppelung meinen Einsatz rausgenommen, aber seither alle gehalten.
      schrieb am 01.11.10 14:08:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.095 ()

      Nevada Copper Announces Decision to Proceed Directly to Definitive Feasibility
      Datum : 01/11/2010 @ 13h00
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 4.19 0.0 (0.00%) @ 14h05

      Nevada Copper Announces Decision to Proceed Directly to Definitive Feasibility
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Monday 1 November 2010

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is very pleased to announce it will proceed directly to completion of a Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") at its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow copper project located in Nevada. This decision is based on the success of the delineation drilling program and the substantial progress made in feasibility-related engineering studies. Additionally, this will accelerate the project development timeline and speed up the permitting process.
      The results of current drilling, metallurgical, and geotechnical programs will contribute to the DFS, which will also include an updated resource estimate reflecting the results of the current 2010 drilling program of approximately 50,000 meters. The DFS will advance Pumpkin Hollow toward production by building on the results of the two previous Preliminary Economic Assessment studies (previously announced and filed on SEDAR on April 2008 and January 2010) and recent engineering studies. The DFS will also evaluate alternative project development options for the large integrated open pit & underground operation and stand-alone high-grade operation at Pumpkin Hollow.

      Discussions with selected engineering firms have commenced and will detail the remaining engineering work to be completed for the DFS. Completion of the DFS is anticipated by June 30, 2011.

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio, Nevada Copper's President and CEO, commented: "This significant milestone reflects the confidence of management and the Board in the high quality of the Pumpkin Hollow project. The large high-grade copper resource combined with superior project development characteristics is expected to result in a very profitable and large North American source of copper production."

      Previous Economic Studies

      As we progress through DFS we will evaluate alternative project development options which will include a large 60,000 ton per day integrated open pit & underground operation and a stand-alone 7,500 per ton per day underground High-Grade case. These are discussed and summarized below:

      -- On March 17, 2008 Nevada Copper announced the results of a National
      Instrument 43-101 compliant Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA").
      This study evaluated four development options, including the integrated
      open pit (52,500 tons per day) with an underground (7,500 tons per day)
      operation, producing up to 250 million pounds of copper per year.
      Initial capital costs associated with this operation were estimated at
      US$780 million, including contingencies and working capital. Other
      development options included: open pit mining only, with and without
      iron recovery; and underground mining only.

      -- On December 1, 2009 Nevada Copper announced the results of an updated
      PEA. This PEA evaluated two underground High-Grade Cases that included
      mining at 7,500 tons per day by way of decline to the East and E2
      deposits, and a starter pit from the South Deposit. The High-Grade Cases
      incorporated resource expansion resulting from 2008 and 2009 drilling
      campaigns and optimization studies focused on reducing initial capital
      expenditure requirements. The resulting project proved to be resilient
      to periods of lower copper prices. Capital costs were reduced to
      approximately 25% of capital cost estimates for the larger 60,000 ton
      per day integrated open pit and underground operation that was evaluated
      in the 2008 PEA. Additionally, the High-Grade Cases did not compromise
      the large open pit project envisioned in the 2008 PEA scenarios while
      allowing for transition to a large integrated open-pit & underground
      operation on a staged basis.

      The economic results of both the integrated and underground case are
      compared below at copper prices of $2.50 and $3.00 per pound:

      Summary Results (In Millions of US
      dollars & Imperial) March 2008 PEA January 2010 PEA
      ---------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
      Integrated (3) High-Grade (4)
      60,000 tons per day 7,500 tons per day
      Open Pit & U/G U/G & Starter Pit
      ---------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
      180 to 250 million 80 to 100 million
      Annual Copper Production pounds pounds
      ---------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
      4.4 billion lbs./24 1.06 billion lbs./14
      Copper Sold yr. mine life yr. mine life
      ---------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
      Copper Price $2.50/lb $3.00/lb $2.50/lb $3.00/lb
      ---------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
      Net Present Value @ 8% $856 $1,689 $498 $784
      ---------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
      Internal Rate of Return 19.8% 29.1% 44% 60.4%
      ---------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
      Operating Costs (2) $1.29/lb $1.06/lb
      ---------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
      Project Payback 4.8 yrs 3.6 yrs 2.4 yrs 1.9 yrs
      ---------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
      Capital Cost (Includes
      contingencies & working capital) $780 Million $192 Million
      ---------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
      (1) Recoveries: 89% Cu; 70% Au; 68% Ag.
      (2) Operating Costs, net of by-products: 2008 PEA $550 gold, $10 silver,
      2010 PEA $800 gold, $12 silver.
      (3) Integrated case based on November 2007 Resource Estimate.
      (4) High-Grade case based on July 2009 Resource Estimate.
      PEA prepared by Tetra Tech an industry-leading international
      (5) engineering firm.

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 54 million shares outstanding and is well funded with approximately $21 million in cash.

      Nevada Copper is an emerging copper company, responsibly developing its advanced stage Pumpkin Hollow copper-gold-silver-iron property into Nevada's next copper mine. Concurrent with a resource delineation drilling program, metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrological, and environmental baseline data are being collected and processed for inclusion in a Definitive Feasibility Study which is currently in progress.

      In July 2009, Nevada Copper updated its National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource estimate which was inclusive of a database that included 530 drill holes containing in excess of 223,000 meters of drilling. At a 0.2% copper cutoff grade, the measured and indicated copper resource is 5.6 billion pounds of copper, contained in 488 million tons grading 0.58% copper and 983 thousand ounces of gold and 34 million ounces of silver. An inferred copper resource of 3.7 billion pounds of copper is contained in 441 million tons grading 0.42% copper and 468 thousand ounces of gold and 21 million ounces of silver. Additionally, there is also an open-pit measured and indicated resource of 78 million tons of iron and inferred resource of 51 million tons of iron at a 20% cutoff.

      Within this large resource base is a significant high grade copper resource in the East deposits. Using a 0.75% copper cutoff grade, the measured and indicated resources contain 1.4 billion pounds of copper in 49 million tons of material grading 1.47% copper and, in addition, the inferred resource contains 496 million pounds of copper within 20 million tons grading 1.22% copper.

      Additionally, there are open pit resources on the property in the West deposits. At a 0.20% cutoff the West deposits contain a Measured and Indicated resource of 306 million tons at 0.51% copper and an Inferred resource of 230 million at 0.42% copper for a total of 5 billion pounds of contained copper.

      Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO


      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including estimates of resources, mineralization and planned exploration activities; the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on the Company and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review the Company's annual filings that are available at


      This news release uses the terms "Measured Resources", "Indicated Resources" and "Inferred Resources". Nevada Copper advises US investors that while those terms are recognized and required by Canadian regulators, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") does not recognize them and permits U.S. mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into reserves. "Inferred Resources" have a great deal of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of Inferred Mineral Resources may not form the basis of feasibility or prefeasibility studies, except in rare cases. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that part or all of an Inferred Resource exists, or is economically or legally minable.


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Robert T. McKnight

      Executive Vice President


      schrieb am 01.11.10 20:33:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.096 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.413.587 von Augen_Stern am 29.10.10 09:54:59glückwusch an alle die gehalten haben
      ich könnte mich so in den Arsch beißen
      hane 200000 stücke bei 14 cent gekauft und dann nach und nach verkauft weil ich einfach nur schiss hatte

      nun habe ich noch 1000 stücke bei 14 cent aber das erstemal nun einen 20 bagger also 2000 prozent gemacht na ja was solls vielleicht klappt es ja mit anderen aktien z.b. woulfe oder general metals oder so weier wünsche uns allen gute kurse und dann verkaufe ich erts bei 10 dollar
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.11.10 21:09:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.097 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.431.474 von wuschelx am 01.11.10 20:33:00Weißt du, wenn du bei 0,14 gekauft hast, dann hast du sicher noch eine Menge Reibach gemacht. Und das ist doch was, oder?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.11.10 09:07:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2.098 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      jetzt nimmt der Zug fahrt auf....

      schrieb am 02.11.10 09:30:29
      Beitrag Nr. 2.099 ()
      schrieb am 02.11.10 17:40:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.100 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.431.794 von powertecc am 01.11.10 21:09:39Hallo
      Da haben Sie natürlich recht aber natürlich habe ich auch total verluste wie z.B jsx energy oder auch commerce resources ( haben sich erholt) aber die gier ist natürlich immer vorhanden nur meine Frau will auch so viel und gibt mir nicht immer taschengeld:-) nein also solange man gewinn macht ist das gut aber wenn man weis das man noch mehr hätte machen können ist das halt ärgerlich aber ich denke bei 8 - 10 dollar verkaufe ich dann in 2011 und habe das mit meinen freistellungsauftrag abgedeckt also viel spass noch

      haben sie aktien die ich noch nicht kenne man kann sich ja dennoch austasuschen
      schrieb am 02.11.10 19:59:33
      Beitrag Nr. 2.101 ()
      Hammer Umsätze eben mal wieder :eek:

      1,295 Millionen Shares Block trade :eek:

      schrieb am 05.11.10 08:06:11
      Beitrag Nr. 2.102 ()
      Guten Morgen an alle,

      Vladimir Lorich hat gestern wieder zugeschlagen ;). Unglaublich. Langsam wird`s unheimlich.Mit unseren eigenen Kurszielen...8-9 $ bis Jahresende...liegen wir vielleicht gar nicht mal so daneben.


      Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)

      As of November 4th, 2010
      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
      Nov 04/10 Nov 03/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 890,000 $4.160
      Oct 26/10 Oct 21/10 Giuffre, Joseph Paul Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000
      Oct 26/10 Oct 26/10 McKnight, Robert Thomas Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 225,000 $3.740
      Oct 26/10 Oct 26/10 McKnight, Robert Thomas Direct Ownership Options 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
      Oct 21/10 Oct 13/10 Matysek, Paul Frank Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $3.740
      Oct 21/10 Oct 13/10 French, Gregory Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $3.740
      Oct 21/10 Oct 13/10 Wilson, Foster Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $3.740
      Oct 21/10 Oct 13/10 Kirwin, Brian Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $3.740
      Oct 21/10 Oct 13/10 Chan, Joachim Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 35,000 $3.740
      Oct 21/10 Oct 19/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 750,000 $3.400
      - Amended Filing
      schrieb am 05.11.10 08:54:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.103 ()
      Aus den Bullboards vondem User" bepractical":

      noticed on Sedi that Pala now have 10,790,150 shares which gives then 19.9% so this confirms that other sources have been gathering NCU shares very aggressively. This Company should give longs a healthy payday!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.11.10 12:40:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2.104 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.460.289 von Augen_Stern am 05.11.10 08:54:48Nov 04/10 Nov 03/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 890,000 $4.160

      Unser alter Bekannter kauft mächtig weiter ein.

      schrieb am 10.11.10 19:00:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2.105 ()
      Überlege mir ob ich nicht nocheinmal auch zu diesen Kursen noch einige Aktien erwerben soll. Die Schätze im Boden von Nevada sind noch gigantisch, Kursziel ca.5,00 $ bis 02.02.2011.
      schrieb am 11.11.10 21:30:43
      Beitrag Nr. 2.106 ()
      NEVADA COPPER heute im PLUS und meine Order wurde erstellt.

      November 9, 2010 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce the results of latest feasibility-level metallurgical test work on its Pumpkin Hollow project ore composites. These results, which confirm the preliminary metallurgical test work disclosed in a January 2010 Preliminary Economic Assessment, will be incorporated into the recently-announced Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") which is anticipated for completion by June 30, 2011. Preliminary work on the DFS is expected to commence within a week.

      The recent primary metallurgical test work was conducted at G&T Metallurgical Services Ltd. lab during 2009-10 as part of a feasibility work program. This work built on earlier program completed at Hazen Research Inc. in 2007.

      Summary of Results

      The results on composite samples from the four ore zones indicate uncomplicated metallurgy and ores with a moderate work index that can produce gold and silver-bearing, high grade copper flotation concentrates with high copper recoveries and a relatively coarse primary grind.

      Copper Recovery vs. Concentrate Grade*

      Deposit Copper Recovery % Copper Concentrate Grade %

      North 90.1 25.4
      East 94.8 23.6
      South 85.4 28.5
      E2 93.5 30.3
      * "Optimum" results based on maximizing Net Smelter Return.

      Gold and silver are expected to be recovered to the copper concentrates at levels high enough to receive payment by smelters. The recoveries of these precious metals will be variable, dependent on the grades in the mill feed. The optimum primary grinds were determined to be P80 = 150 microns for the North and South deposits and P80 = 100 microns for the higher grade East and E2 deposits.

      Nevada Copper's Executive Vice President, Robert McKnight, commented as follows: "The above results are significant for the Pumpkin Hollow project as we continue to remove technical risks from the project. The project is capable of producing a high-quality saleable copper concentrate and we expect to be able to secure a very favourable off-take agreement for this product going forward."

      Process Flow Sheet

      The primary metallic minerals include chalcopyrite, pyrite and magnetite, with magnetite representing 20-30% of the total content of three of the four composites. The process flow sheet is conventional, with primary and secondary crushing followed a SAG/ball milland rougher and cleaner copper concentrate flotation and regrind circuits. Use of high pressure grinding roll (HPGR) technology will be investigated as an alternative to the SAG mill for reduced power consumption. Because the E2 and South deposits are elevated in pyrite, the facility will also incorporate a pyrite flotation circuit in order to recover, thicken, filter and ultimately sequester this mineral, to reduce acid generation potential.

      The final process flow sheet will be finalized once the project scope and phasing of mine development has been established by the DFS.

      Copper Concentrates Quality

      The anticipated quality of the copper concentrates has been assessed by copper concentrates market experts and determined to be quite marketable and materially free of deleterious elements. The gold and silver values recovered to the copper concentrates are expected to be high enough to generate additional byproduct revenues. The copper concentrates are expected to be marketed in the USA and Asia. Transportation options are primarily truck and rail, to west coast port facilities in the case of export sales. Two possible rail load-out sites are located within 20 road miles of the project site.

      Tailings Disposal

      Testing on process tails indicate that they can be adequately dewatered by pressure or vacuum filtration methods to meet the requirements necessary for a dry-stacked tailings disposal scheme.

      Additional Planned Work

      Additional ore variability test work is planned and, as mentioned earlier, the possible use of high pressure grinding roll (HPGR) technology to achieve more efficient grinding and lowered power costs.

      Qualified Person

      The G&T test program was directed by three senior consulting mineral processing engineers: Ed Bentzen of Lyntek Inc. (USA), Jim King P. Eng. (BC), and Gary Hawthorn, P. Eng. (BC). Mr. Hawthorn is the Independent Qualified Person that has reviewed the metallurgical technical information contained in this News Release.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at

      schrieb am 12.11.10 08:33:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2.107 ()
      Zukaufszeitpunkt hast du da wirklich optimal gewählt..

      Ich denke das wars mit der Konsi, von nunan gehts richtung 4,50-5Cad $…
      schrieb am 17.11.10 14:01:27
      Beitrag Nr. 2.108 ()
      schönen guten tag

      könnte mir bitte jemand sagen wie hoch die marktcap von Nevada zuzeit ist und ob es sich lohnt momentan einzusteigen.

      mfg iceman
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.11.10 14:39:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2.109 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.537.841 von Iceman2163 am 17.11.10 14:01:27Kurs steht bei 3,5$ und Pala kauft Shares zu 4Ca.$ kannst dir selber ausrechenn ob sich das lohnt ;) :D :eek:

      Shares : 56,496,920 x 3,50 Can.$

      Martkap somit: 197.739.220 Can.$
      schrieb am 17.11.10 14:39:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2.110 ()
      Nevada Copper Announces Investment by Pala, Exercise of Warrants and Appointment of Director
      Datum : 17/11/2010 @ 14h00
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 3.5 0.0 (0.00%) @ 14h00

      Nevada Copper Announces Investment by Pala, Exercise of Warrants and Appointment of Director
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Wednesday 17 November 2010

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") -
      The Board of Directors of Nevada Copper is pleased to announce that Pala Investments Holdings Limited ("Pala") has acquired an additional 10% of Nevada Copper's outstanding common shares, bringing Pala's total ownership in Nevada Copper to approximately 29.1%.

      By way of a private transaction, Pala acquired 5,647,531 common shares of Nevada Copper at CDN$4.00 per common share.

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO, commented, "On behalf of Nevada Copper's Board of Directors, we welcome the additional investment by Pala as a further positive endorsement of the outstanding potential of our Pumpkin Hollow copper project."

      Mr. Jan Castro, Managing Director of Pala Investments AG, exclusive investment advisor to Pala, said, "Pala is very excited about its investment in Nevada Copper and the ongoing development of the Pumpkin Hollow project. We look forward to working with Nevada Copper to advance Pumpkin Hollow through permitting and into development."

      Additionally, 2,250,000 warrants were exercised at CDN$3.00 per share for total proceeds of $6,750,000. Nevada Copper currently has 56,496,920 common shares outstanding and is well funded with approximately $27.8 million in cash.

      The Board of Directors of Nevada Copper is also pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jan Castro to its Board of Directors. Mr. Castro will be replacing Mr. Michael Barton on the Board. The appointment follows the additional investment in Nevada Copper by Pala.

      Mr. Castro is the Managing Director of Pala Investments AG, the exclusive advisor to Pala Investments Holdings Limited, a US$1.0 billion investment company focused on the mining and natural resources sector. As a long-term partner, Pala leverages its extensive mining and natural resources sector experience to provide strategic advice and innovative financing solutions.

      Prior to founding Pala in July 2006, Mr. Castro was Senior Vice President of Investments and Corporate Affairs for Mechel OAO, where his primary responsibilities covered mergers and acquisitions, non-core asset disposals and investor and public relations. Mechel is a NYSE-listed company and one of Russia's largest integrated mining and steel companies, focused on coal, iron ore, nickel and steel products. Mr. Castro was responsible for Mechel's IPO in 2004. Mr. Castro is currently a Director of Anatolia Minerals Development Ltd. (TSX: ANO), Avoca Resources Limited (ASX: AVO), Churchill Mining PLC (AIM: CHL), Titanium Resources Group (AIM: TXR), Dumas Contracting Ltd. and Norcast Wear Solutions Limited.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at

      For additional information about Pala please refer to the Early Warning Report posted on SEDAR or contact Colin Murray at 011 41 41 560 9070.


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.11.10 07:19:51
      Beitrag Nr. 2.111 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.538.120 von Muesli2k am 17.11.10 14:39:56Guten Morgen an alle Nevada Copper Fans,
      der Chart von NCU ist mustergültig. Alle Übertreibungen nach oben werden ausgeglichen. Fahnenstangen können sich gar nicht erst bilden und gestern noch mal auf

      Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)

      As of November 17th, 2010
      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
      Nov 17/10 Nov 16/10 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 11 - Acquisition carried out privately 5,647,531 $4.000

      Das müßte auch allen noch nicht Investierten zeigen, dass unsere Nevada Copper eine grundsolide Aktie ist und sich ein Einsteigen immer noch sehr lohnen wird.

      Wie immer...nur meine Meinung.

      schrieb am 19.11.10 20:29:33
      Beitrag Nr. 2.112 ()
      schrieb am 20.11.10 18:03:05
      Beitrag Nr. 2.113 ()

      Attention Business Editors

      Capstone Realizes C$31 Million on its Investment in Nevada Copper

      VANCOUVER, Nov. 17 /CNW/ - Capstone Mining Corp. (CS: TSX) today
      announced that it had realized on its entire investment in Nevada Copper Corp.
      (NCU: TSX). Capstone recently sold 7,670,031 shares of NCU at an average price
      of C$4.04 per share
      for total proceeds of approximately C$31 million. The
      average cost of the 7,670,031 shares was C$2.54 per share (resulting in an
      estimated C$11.5 million capital gain).
      Forward-Looking Statements
      This document may contain "forward-looking information" within the
      meaning of Canadian securities legislation and "forward-looking statements"
      within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform
      Act of 1995 (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). These
      forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this document and
      Capstone Mining Corp. does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to
      update these forward-looking statements, except as required under applicable
      securities legislation.

      /For further information:
      about Capstone, please contact:
      Darren Pylot, Vice Chairman & CEO,Stephen Quin, President Or Investor
      Relations' Jason Howe at (604) 684-8894 or (866) 684-8894 Or e-mail Capstone
      schrieb am 24.11.10 18:43:51
      Beitrag Nr. 2.114 ()
      Hey möchte hier gerne investieren kann mir einer sagen wieviel tonnen kupfer die im Jahr produzieren? Bin auch bei Tiger Recources drin sagt mal warum ging der Kurs so schnell auf 2 Euro?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.11.10 22:17:43
      Beitrag Nr. 2.115 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.584.720 von freddy1989 am 24.11.10 18:43:51Produzieren noch gar nicht, alles noch in der Phase der Resourcenbestimmung, bzw. Machbarkeitsstudie..

      Kurs ging so hoch, weil unter anderem riesige Vorkommen an Kupfer bereits nachgewiesen sind, und Pala investment ca. 29,1% aller Nevada Copper aktien aufgekauft hat.
      schrieb am 25.11.10 14:26:22
      Beitrag Nr. 2.116 ()
      Nevada Copper Announces Expansion of Drilling Program and Selection of Tetra Tech for Definitive Feasibilty
      Datum : 25/11/2010 @ 14h00
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 4.0 0.0 (0.00%) @ 14h12

      Nevada Copper Announces Expansion of Drilling Program and Selection of Tetra Tech for Definitive Feasibilty
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Thursday 25 November 2010

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce that it will move forward with a 20,000 meter drill program commencing in December which will focus on the expansion of existing resources as well as testing several targets on its 22 square mile Pumpkin Hollow property. Please see map at Currently two drill rigs are on the property completing the geotechnical drilling and following up on the newly discovered mineralization in the North Deposit.
      Mr. Henry Ohlin, Senior Geologist, commented: "Now that we have successfully delineated the resources necessary for the Definitive Feasibility Study in our recently-completed 50,000 meter drilling program, we can now shift our exploration focus toward testing several additional targets on the property. The North Deposit continues to grow with the newly discovered mineralization and is a good example of the robust nature of the mineralizing system at the Pumpkin Hollow property."

      Nevada Copper also announces that Tetra Tech Inc. ("Tetra Tech") has been selected to lead completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") on the Pumpkin Hollow project and has started on this work. The decision to proceed directly to a DFS was previously announced on November 1, 2010. The DFS will incorporate all scoping work and engineering completed to date and advance the remaining work to DFS standards. The DFS is scheduled for completion by June 30, 2011. Other consultants may also be included in specialist roles and for DFS oversight.

      Tetra Tech is very familiar with the Pumpkin Hollow project, having completed two Preliminary Economic Assessments ("PEA") in 2008 and early 2010. The PEA's examined a variety of development alternatives while demonstrating very robust economics.

      Tetra Tech was founded in 1966, initially providing engineering services related initially to waterways, harbours and coastal areas. Over the ensuing years, it has increased the size and scope of its business to include mining-related feasibility studies, and design and construction services. Tetra Tech has approximately 12,000 employees located in more than 330 offices worldwide. Tetra Tech's Denver office will be the lead office for the DFS.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at:


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Eugene Toffolo
      Corporate Communications
      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      schrieb am 02.12.10 14:38:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2.117 ()
      Nevada Copper Announces Further High Grade Drill Results of 78.5 Feet of 3.17% Copper
      Datum : 02/12/2010 @ 14h00
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 3.91 0.0 (0.00%) @ 14h10

      Nevada Copper Announces Further High Grade Drill Results of 78.5 Feet of 3.17% Copper
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Thursday 2 December 2010

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce further positive drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The holes reported below represent the latest results from the geotechnical and North Deposit resource drilling programs. Once the geotechnical drilling is completed the drilling will transition into the recently announced 20,000 meter resource step-out and expansion drilling program.
      Assay results from five geotechnical holes have been received; one from the South Deposit, one in the East Deposit, and three in the Decline area. NC10-GT-01 was drilled to collect geotechnical data within the East Deposit. The hole confirmed mineral continuity intersecting 78.5 feet (23.9 meters) averaging 3.17% copper and 0.228 grams of gold. :shock:

      The geotechnical drilling east of the East Deposit focused on collecting data for engineering the proposed decline to the East and E2 zones. The majority of the drilling was non-mineralized rock above the host units, including NC10GT-02 and NC10GT-04. Hole NC10GT-01 was drilled deeper to collect additional data within development areas. The hole intersected low grade mineralization (less than 1% Cu) in the same host as the East Deposit. The hole was drilled 150 meters east of NC10-49 which intersected 35 feet (10.7 meters) averaging 3.0% copper. This area has been targeted for drilling in the 2011 drill program.

      In addition to collecting geotechnical data in the open-pittable South Deposit, NC10GT-05 was successful in expanding several deeper mineralized zones to the southeast. The hole intersected multiple zones of mineralization with the largest averaging 0.76% copper over 299.1 feet (91.2 meters), 259.2 feet (79.0 meters) true thickness. This intercept is approximately 70 meters southeast of L-102 (216 feet averaging 0.53% Cu).

      NC10-74 completed in the open-pittable North Deposit focused on expanding the recently discovered deep mineralization. While NC10-74 was successful in intersecting several of the lower zones the hole was terminated just above the lowest zones due to hole conditions. The best zone intersected 107.5 feet (32.8 meters), 106.0 feet (32.3 meters) true thickness, averaging 1.26% copper. The last interval in the hole just tagged the top of the lower zones with the last sample interval intersecting 0.86% copper. Continued expansion of the lower zones is planned in the 2011 drill program.

      "The mineral resource and geotechnical drilling continue to produce positive results at the Pumpkin Hollow Project. It is apparent that the limits of mineralization continue to expand. The focus of our 2011 drill program will continue to follow up on this open mineralization as well as test additional targets," commented Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager of Nevada Copper.

      Plan maps with recent drill locations will be made available at

      Drill Hole From To Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC10GT-01 458.1 461.4 3.3 10.9 1.33 0.267 2.9 23.9
      465.3 467.9 2.6 8.6 1.66 0.241 6.4 17.2
      520.3 544.2 23.9 78.5 3.17 0.228 7.2 7.5
      NC10GT-02 NA-Decline Zone
      NC10GT-03 570.3 577.3 7.0 23.0 0.74 0.048 1.2 2.5
      Decline Zone
      NC10GT-04 NA-Decline Zone
      (i) All thicknesses are true width.

      From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      Drill Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC10-GT-5 138.5 147.7 9.2 30.1 8.0 0.23 0.050 1.6 4.9
      (-80 degrees) 253.6 268.2 14.6 48.0 12.6 0.20 0.007 1.1 9.4
      296.3 302.4 6.1 20.0 5.3 0.31 0.021 1.5 9.5
      314.5 337.5 23.0 75.4 19.9 0.52 0.114 3.3 11.6
      349.7 440.9 91.2 299.1 79.0 0.76 0.146 3.4 16.3
      457.5 465.4 7.9 25.9 6.8 0.47 0.065 0.8 12.2

      From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      Drill Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC10-74 190.6 211.8 21.2 69.5 21.1 0.80 0.079 2.7 0.009
      221.0 256.3 35.3 116.0 34.8 0.54 0.055 1.5 0.008
      273.7 306.5 32.8 107.5 32.3 1.26 0.082 3.1 0.005
      391.7 406.3 14.6 48.0 12.0 0.96 0.091 4.3 0.018
      424.7 436.3 11.6 38.0 9.5 0.73 0.087 3.0 0.007
      Lost hole 478.5 480.0 1.5 5.0 1.2 0.86 0.074 3.3 0.012

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 56.5 million shares outstanding and is well funded with approximately $27 million in cash to complete the current and proposed drilling programs as well as the Definitive Feasibility Study scheduled for release in June of 2011.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Eugene Toffolo

      Corporate Communications

      604-683-8266 or Toll Free: 1-877-648-8266
      schrieb am 22.12.10 09:26:52
      Beitrag Nr. 2.118 ()
      Nevada Copper NCU/ZYT konnte gestern in Canada erstmals wieder seit mehrwöchiger Seitwärtskorrektur aus der sehr engen Range zwischen 3,85 und 4,10 CAD nach oben ausbrechen.

      Chart sieht Bombe aus, RSI und Momentum ziehen an, MACD liefert ein Kaufsignal. Vermutlich wurde der Kurs um die 4CAD für eine weiter Finanzierung etwas zurück gehalten:

      11 - Acquisition carried out privately 178,500…

      Nächstes Ziel: 4,50 CAD und Bruch des Jahreshochs..

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 22.12.10 09:32:36
      Beitrag Nr. 2.119 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.748.681 von Muesli2k am 22.12.10 09:26:52Hallo Leute,

      da kann man nur "schöne Weihnachten" sagen und wünschen.

      Die 3€- Marke ist durchstoßen. Wenn sie hält, dann geht es endlich Richtung 4€

      schrieb am 22.12.10 16:47:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2.120 ()
      Canada im TH 4,57 :eek:

      das ging deutlich schneller als gedacht :D
      schrieb am 22.12.10 20:14:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.121 ()
      Starker Auftritt unseres Babys bislang heute.
      schrieb am 10.01.11 17:25:04
      Beitrag Nr. 2.122 ()
      Nevada Copper Announces Key Management Addition
      1/10/2011 9:02:39 AM - Market Wire

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jan 10, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") Nevada Copper is pleased to announce a key addition to its management team. Mr. Timothy M. Dyhr has been appointed as Vice President, Environment & External Relations. Mr. Dyhr has 35 years of worldwide experience in environmental management and mining. He has led multidisciplinary teams to successfully permit copper and gold mines in Nevada since 1983, and worked on mine projects in Arizona, California, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Africa, Turkey, China and Papua New Guinea. His experience includes environmental, regulatory, land and legal affairs; and government, media, NGO and public relations. He has worked as a mine site environmental manager, environmental consultant, natural resources manager, and group environmental manager for BHP Copper. Through his current work as a private contractor to Nevada Copper, he has been working on the Pumpkin Hollow Project for over three years and has a thorough understanding of the Project permitting requirements and timelines.

      Mr. Dyhr will be responsible for directing all local, state and federal permitting efforts at Pumpkin Hollow and for liaison with project stakeholders including the State of Nevada., Lyon County and the local community. Initially, he will continue permitting efforts on advanced exploration that would develop access to the underground East and E2 deposits. These permits are expected by March of 2011.

      Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO commented, "We are extremely pleased that an individual of Mr. Dyhr's calibre has agreed to join Nevada Copper's team. Tim will be invaluable in delivering key permits as Pumpkin Hollow advances towards completion of a Feasibility Study. Tim has developed tremendous expertise over the years and we look forward to his contributions as we move the Pumpkin Hollow project through feasibility, permitting and development. The Company will continue to add key operating personnel as progress at the project dictates."

      Mr. Dyhr commented, "I am excited to join the Nevada Copper management team to develop this exceptional project. I am intimately familiar with Pumpkin Hollow. Not only does the Project have an excellent mineral resource, it also has so many other positives, including a collaborative business and government community in Lyon County, Mason Valley and City of Yerington with a rich mining history. Pumpkin Hollow is also located in Nevada, where we are dealing with an experienced, mature and stable regulatory environment. The local community is poised with human resources capacity, public services, educational, business, commercial and housing resources and other well-established infrastructure needed for a major mine. Pumpkin Hollow will be great project for the Company and the community."

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 58.6 million shares outstanding and is well funded with $26 million in cash and no debt. Nevada Copper is scheduled to release results from a Definitive Feasibility Study release by June, 2011 in addition to ongoing drilling result from its resource step-out and expansion drilling program.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      schrieb am 11.01.11 17:38:42
      Beitrag Nr. 2.123 ()
      Nevada Copper Intersects 180 Feet of 1.59% Copper
      1/11/2011 8:03:47 AM - Market Wire

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jan 11, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce further positive drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The hole reported below represents the latest assay results from the geotechnical drilling program. Currently one drill rig is finishing the geotechnical program and will join the second rig which has already started the 20,000 meter resource step-out and expansion drilling program proposed for 2011.

      Assay results have been received from drill hole NC10-GT-07 and, in addition to collecting geotechnical data within the development areas of the East Deposit, NC10-GT-07 was successful in confirming the continuity of high grade mineralization. Drill hole NC10-GT-07 intersected 180.0 feet #54.9 meters# averaging 1.59% copper and 0.261 grams gold and 3.6 grams silver.

      "We are very pleased that NC10-GT-07, along with the earlier geotechnical holes, continues to confirm and expand mineralization in the East and South deposits. The remaining geotechnical drilling is currently being completed on the E2 and North deposits as part of the engineering data collection for the ongoing Feasibility Study. The drill program will then focus on the expansion of the resource," commented Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager of Nevada Copper.

      Plan maps with recent drill locations will be made available at
      EAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 1.0% Cu-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Length Length Copper Gold SilverDrill Hole
      schrieb am 11.01.11 17:39:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2.124 ()
      Nevada Copper Intersects 180 Feet of 1.59% Copper
      1/11/2011 8:03:47 AM - Market Wire

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jan 11, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce further positive drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The hole reported below represents the latest assay results from the geotechnical drilling program. Currently one drill rig is finishing the geotechnical program and will join the second rig which has already started the 20,000 meter resource step-out and expansion drilling program proposed for 2011.

      Assay results have been received from drill hole NC10-GT-07 and, in addition to collecting geotechnical data within the development areas of the East Deposit, NC10-GT-07 was successful in confirming the continuity of high grade mineralization. Drill hole NC10-GT-07 intersected 180.0 feet #54.9 meters# averaging 1.59% copper and 0.261 grams gold and 3.6 grams silver.

      "We are very pleased that NC10-GT-07, along with the earlier geotechnical holes, continues to confirm and expand mineralization in the East and South deposits. The remaining geotechnical drilling is currently being completed on the E2 and North deposits as part of the engineering data collection for the ongoing Feasibility Study. The drill program will then focus on the expansion of the resource," commented Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager of N
      schrieb am 11.01.11 17:42:28
      Beitrag Nr. 2.125 ()
      Sorry Leute, klappt heut nicht mit dem Kopieren. Bitte bei nachlesen.

      Lieber Gruß
      schrieb am 11.01.11 20:13:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.126 ()
      Nevada Copper Intersects 180 Feet of 1.59% Copper

      Datum : 11/01/2011 @ 14h00
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 4.56 0.14 (3.17%) @ 20h10

      Nevada Copper Intersects 180 Feet of 1.59% Copper
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Tuesday 11 January 2011

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce further positive drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The hole reported below represents the latest assay results from the geotechnical drilling program. Currently one drill rig is finishing the geotechnical program and will join the second rig which has already started the 20,000 meter resource step-out and expansion drilling program proposed for 2011.
      Assay results have been received from drill hole NC10-GT-07 and, in addition to collecting geotechnical data within the development areas of the East Deposit, NC10-GT-07 was successful in confirming the continuity of high grade mineralization. Drill hole NC10-GT-07 intersected 180.0 feet (54.9 meters) averaging 1.59% copper and 0.261 grams gold and 3.6 grams silver.

      "We are very pleased that NC10-GT-07, along with the earlier geotechnical holes, continues to confirm and expand mineralization in the East and South deposits. The remaining geotechnical drilling is currently being completed on the E2 and North deposits as part of the engineering data collection for the ongoing Feasibility Study. The drill program will then focus on the expansion of the resource," commented Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager of Nevada Copper.

      Plan maps with recent drill locations will be made available at

      EAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 1.0% Cu
      From Length Length Copper Gold Silver
      Drill Hole # (m) To(m) (m) (ft) (%) (g/t) (g/t) Fe(%)
      NC10-GT-07 518.1 522.7 4.6 30 1.24 0.157 5.1 19.0
      618.7 673.6 54.9 180 1.59 0.261 3.6 33.6
      Including 637.0 658.3 21.3 70.0 2.35 0.396 5.4 38.2
      -- All thicknesses are true width.

      Other Business

      Nevada Copper announces that Zhongtiaoshan Non-ferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd. ("ZTS") elected to convert its Convertible Debenture and exercise warrants resulting from the transaction entered into in June 2009. ZTS currently holds 2,112,800 common shares of Nevada Copper.

      ZTS is a leading Chinese copper producer formed in 1956 and based in Shanxi Province. ZTS has developed into a large diversified copper group that conducts business in mining, refining and processing. ZTS is currently one of China's largest state-owned enterprises.

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 58.6 million shares outstanding and is well funded with $26 million in cash and no debt. Nevada Copper is scheduled to release results from a Definitive Feasibility Study release by June of 2011 in addition to ongoing drilling results from its resource step-out and expansion drilling program.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Eugene Toffolo

      Corporate Communications

      604-683-8266 or Toll Free: 1-877-648-8266
      schrieb am 16.01.11 15:52:44
      Beitrag Nr. 2.127 ()
      Chart Update:

      5 CAD sollten nun drin sein, womöglich schon nächste Woche :lick:
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.01.11 20:12:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.128 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.870.448 von Muesli2k am 16.01.11 15:52:44Nevada Copper ist und bleibt meine Lieblingsaktie. Ich habe für meine Verhältnisse eine riesige Position in meinem Depot und werde, sobald ich wieder etwas flüssig bin, aufstocken.Mit NCU kann man nichts falsch machen.
      Uns allen viel Glück!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.01.11 14:17:58
      Beitrag Nr. 2.129 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.883.508 von Augen_Stern am 18.01.11 20:12:23Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU) As of January 18th, 2011
      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price

      Jan 13/11 Jan 13/11 Castro, Jan Alex Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 125,000 $4.550
      Jan 13/11 Nov 17/10 Castro, Jan Alex Direct Ownership Options 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
      schrieb am 19.01.11 16:05:54
      Beitrag Nr. 2.130 ()
      Ich habe gestern abend eine Entdeckung gemacht mit der ich bisher nichts anfangen konnte, bzw. ich nicht weis was das soll..

      Es ist zwar schon seit einigen Wochen so, das bei NCU immer wieder massiv 100er und 200er Pakete gehandelt werden, aber das hier ist nochmal eine Nummer komischer.

      und zwar ist mir in den Time & Sales in Toronto aufgefallen das dort exect alle 11 Sekunden etwas aus dem Ask genommen wurde, und zwar immer 100Stück. Läuft da ein Kaufprogramm oder was soll das, kein normaler kauft doch stundenlang immer alle 11 sekunden 100 aktien?

      was macht das für einen Sinn !? habt ihr vielleicht eine Idee ?

      21:58:31 4,80 100 - - - -
      21:58:20 4,80 100 - - - -
      21:58:09 4,80 100 - - - -
      21:57:58 4,80 100 - - - -
      21:57:47 - - 4,79 2.100 4,80 8.600
      21:57:47 4,80 100 - - - -
      21:57:36 - - 4,79 2.100 4,80 8.700
      21:57:36 4,80 100 - - - -
      21:57:25 4,80 100 - - - -
      21:57:14 4,80 100 - - - -
      21:57:03 4,80 100 - - - -
      21:57:00 4,80 1.000 - - - -
      21:57:00 4,80 200 - - - -
      21:56:52 4,80 100 - - - -
      21:56:50 4,80 100 - - -
      schrieb am 20.01.11 17:56:46
      Beitrag Nr. 2.131 ()
      BRIEF-RESEARCH ALERT-Paradigm starts Nevada Copper with buy…

      * Paradigm starts Nevada Copper Corp with buy rating; C$7.50 target :lick:

      aber wer zur Hölle ist Paradigm ?? :eek:
      schrieb am 21.01.11 07:54:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.132 ()
      Guten Morgen Muesli2K,

      auf der Homepage von Nevada Copper steht unter Analyst Coverage, dass man die Berichte anfordern kann.
      Jeff Woolley, CFA ist bei Paradigm Capital Inc. unter der Email : zu erreichen. tel.: 416-361-9557

      Die Homepage:

      Mehr weiß ich jetzt auch nicht. Aber auf stockhouse rätseln sie auch.
      Soll ich oder willst Du dein Glück beim guten Jeff versuchen ???

      Ps. Unsere Nevada Copper hat sich super in diesem grausamen Marktumfeld gehalten, Respekt !

      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 22.01.11 15:16:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.133 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.900.290 von Augen_Stern am 21.01.11 07:54:10Ich hab mal versucht mich dort anzumelden, aber irgendwie hat das nicht geklappt. Da stand etwas von die Freischaltung eines Useraccounts wird überprüft, ist bisher aber nichts weiter passiert!?
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.01.11 17:06:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2.134 ()
      Die 5 Cad Marke überwunden
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.01.11 19:39:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.135 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.929.596 von Muesli2k am 26.01.11 17:06:21Ein Auszug von der Homepage:

      .....the definitive Feasibility Study scheduled for release in June of 2011....

      Viel Glück....

      schrieb am 26.01.11 21:32:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2.136 ()
      5,42 CAD ich flipp aus :eek: :D :laugh:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.01.11 07:06:54
      Beitrag Nr. 2.137 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.931.866 von Muesli2k am 26.01.11 21:32:45Tja Leute, ich habe es ja immer gesagt,

      wenn die Feasibility Study erst mal gesetzt ist und vor allem vorgestellt wird, dann wird NCU sein wahres Potenzial zeigen. NCU wird noch richtig nach Norden gehen und da muss man kein Prophet sein.

      Gruß Jandar
      schrieb am 08.02.11 14:42:34
      Beitrag Nr. 2.138 ()

      TSX: NCU


      February 8, 2011 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") Nevada Copper is pleased to provide an update on progress of the Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”), the start of which was announced on November 25, 2010. The DFS team, led by Tetra Tech Inc., is building upon previous Preliminary Economic Assessments completed in March 2008 and December 2009 (both filed on SEDAR). The DFS is scheduled for completion by June 30, 2011.

      Tetra Tech’s team in December focussed on updating the mineral estimate and completing a number of trade-off studies prior to commencement of detailed engineering. The recently completed definition drilling program totalling 50,000 meters was very successful in achieving its objective of moving additional mineral resources into the Measured and Indicated categories as well as discovering “stacked” mineralization below the existing North deposit. The DFS will use this updated resource estimate to develop mine plans and, ultimately, a categorized mining reserve.

      The trade-off studies covered such areas as staging of mine development from underground and the larger scale open-pits; tailings storage alternatives; reviewing potential production rates; methods of accessing the underground East and E2 deposits and ore transport from underground comparing decline versus shaft options; for the open pits, truck vs. in-pit crushing and conveying; and power supply alternatives.

      With the results of the trade-off studies, Nevada Copper has directed Tetra Tech to proceed with detailed engineering and costing on the basis of the following project development parameters:

      Phased Project Development

      For purposes of the DFS, Nevada Copper has elected to evaluate a phased project development build-out to allow for earlier production from an underground operation located entirely on private, patented claims. The earlier Phase 1 underground mine and mill operation can be developed economically on its own and would not be dependent upon subsequent phases of the project. A subsequent Phase 2 would involve two open pits, which would require additional environmental design, amendments to local and State permits and Federal approvals. This phased plan means that the stand-alone underground project could be in operation as early as late 2013 while additional environmental studies are performed to secure Federal approvals for Phase 2.

      Nevada Copper believes that Phase 1 operations will generate early cash flows that will provide lower cost financing options for the larger Phase 2 development and construction.

      Phase 1 - Underground Operation on Private Land

      · Phase 1 development includes a 8,000 ton per day mine/mill operation with ore feed from the high grade East and E2 underground deposits. Phase 1 mining and milling rates will be optimized and determined as part of the DFS.

      · Phase 1 operation is highly attractive because of its small environmental footprint with the development contained entirely within private patented mining claims - requiring no Federal permits. This phase would require State and County permits only and result in faster permitting and earlier initial copper production. Final permits for the Phase 1 development are expected to be received by the third quarter of 2012.

      · Ore from the East and E2 deposits will be transported to surface by two vertical shafts – one to each of the deposits, which will also be linked underground by a conveyor-equipped decline. Compared to access via a decline, this configuration allows for the earliest possible access to the ore zones, maximizes operational flexibility and minimizes the potential for cost overruns due to any adverse near-surface ground conditions.

      Phase 2 - Open Pit Mine/Mill on Private and BLM Land

      · A Phase 2 expansion includes a 60,000 tons per day open pit mine feeding a separate mill facility with grind size optimized for maximum copper recovery from the open pit ores. Phase 2 mining and milling rates will be optimized and determined as part of the Definitive Feasibility Study. The mining sequence will likely start with pre-stripping of the North Deposit and later move towards the coincident mining of both the North and South Deposits.

      · Phase 2 would require BLM Plan of Operations and an Environmental Impact Statement since the project would extend onto unpatented claims held by Nevada Copper on BLM lands. Phase 2 development timeline allows for more time for detailed engineering and environmental design associated with the larger open pits, mine rock storage facilities, tailings storage facilities and the groundwater studies needed to support County, State and Federal permitting.

      Phase 2 approvals are expected to be received approximately 27 months after submission of a complete BLM Plan of Operations. The BLM Plan of Operations is targeted for submission in Q3 of 2012.

      Copper Production

      Annual copper production for Phase 1, based on previous studies, is expected to be up to 120 million pounds with a life-of-mine average of approximately 90 million pounds. At full production, including Phases 1 and 2, annual copper production, based on previous studies, is expected to be up to 270 million pounds with a life-of-mine average of approximately 190 million pounds. The DFS will confirm the actual annual copper production schedule based on the sequencing of Phase 1 and 2 mine production, mining rates, mill recoveries and mill feed grades.

      Other key elements of the DFS are discussed below:

      · Water Rights. Nevada Copper already owns water rights well in excess of Phase 1 requirements and is currently working on the acquisition, or lease of, additional water rights that would be adequate for the larger combined operation.

      · Tails Storage. For maximizing the potential for water recycling, dry stacked tailings has been selected for Phase 1, and dewatered tails for the larger Phase 2 expansion.

      · Power Supply. Supply of line power to the Project will require upgrading of existing distribution lines and substations. Energy availability nearby in the City of Yerington is considered sufficient, with upgrading, for Phase 1 power requirements. A high voltage power line is located 5 miles east of the property is the likely source of energy for the larger Phase 2 requirements. On-site natural gas generation is also under consideration with existing natural gas lines in place approximately 8 miles west of the Project.

      · Concentrates Transportation. Copper concentrates will be transported by truck to a rail loading facility located close to Yerington and then by Union Pacific rail to a west coast port. Direct truck-to-port transportation is being evaluated as a backup in times where there may be rail disruptions. The overall transportation plan is under development by specialist consultants and will be incorporated into the DFS.

      · Segregated Magnetite Tailings. The process flow sheets for both Phase 1 and 2 require magnetic separation of magnetite before the copper flotation circuits. The magnetite tails will be segregated for future processing and, although not considered in this DFS, possible future sale of an iron magnetite concentrate. Nevada Copper will initiate further studies to determine how best to extract value from this considerable high grade resource.

      Robert McKnight, Executive Vice President of Nevada Copper, comments, “We are very pleased with progress on the feasibility study to date. This work has focussed on various trade-off studies and finalizing an updated mineral resource estimate as a basis for the DFS reserve estimate. Work now will advance to detailed work on all aspects of the staged mine development platform, mine and mill design, equipment selection, developing mine production schedules, development of capital & operating costs and provision for the related project infrastructure requirements. Meantime, State permits allowing for the start on underground access to the East and E2 deposits are expected by the end of the first quarter, 2011.”

      Tetra Tech are an engineering, environmental and permitting and construction services company with over 12,000 staff working in over 30 countries. Tetra Tech's mining services are provided by 4,000 staff from offices in the US, Canada, Peru, Chili, Panama, Colombia, Argentina, UK, China, Australia, India, and Africa. Tetra Tech’s services span the full life cycle of the mining industry. This includes frontend assessments and feasibility studies; engineering and environmental evaluations and permitting, geotechnical engineering around underground and surface mining, including tailings impoundments and heap leach facilities; process metallurgy; EPCM; closure and reclamation and post-closure operation and monitoring.

      Qualified Person
      The Pumpkin Hollow project is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed “forward-looking statements”. All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining, possible future copper grades, recoveries and production rates, and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper’s annual filings that are available at

      For further information call:
      Eugene Toffolo, Corporate Communications
      Phone: 604-683-8266
      Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      Robert McKnight, P.Eng., Executive Vice President
      Phone 604-683-1309

      schrieb am 08.02.11 18:11:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.139 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.907.639 von Muesli2k am 22.01.11 15:16:48Ich habe heut früh Jeff Woolley von Paradigm Captital gemailt und ihn gebeten,mir den Research Report zukommen zu lassen.
      Die Antwort kam prompt heute nachmittag....leider verschicken sie den Report nur an instutionelle Anleger. Er rät mir,mich mit meinem Broker in Verbindung zu setzen.Vielleicht komm ich über ihn an den Bericht. Naja...das wäre dann comdirect...ob das wohl klappt ? ich versuchs mal.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.02.11 18:16:12
      Beitrag Nr. 2.140 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.004.221 von Augen_Stern am 08.02.11 18:11:10Redmetal von stockhouse folgert aus den News:


      Das klingt doch gut!!!!

      schrieb am 14.02.11 16:52:02
      Beitrag Nr. 2.141 ()
      Chart Update:

      Nächstes Ziel liegt im Bereich 5,75-5,95 Cad!

      schrieb am 18.02.11 09:46:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.142 ()
      Gestern wieder sehr hohes Volumen....die 6 $ sind nicht mehr weit...


      Today's Trading (As of 2/17/2011 4:00:00 PM EST)

      Last $ 5.41 Open $ 5.44

      Change -0.03 High $ 5.44

      % Change -0.55 Low $5.25

      Today's Volume 488,865 *Today's Projected Volume 488,865

      3 Month Average Volume 273,646 *Projected Volume vs 3 Month Average 178.65

      Today's $ Volume $ 2,638,052 *Today's Projected $ Volume $ 2,644,760

      # of Trades 182 *Projected # of Trades 182

      *Field is a projected estimate for the current day. Learn more
      schrieb am 02.03.11 20:57:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2.143 ()
      Fast 900.000 Aktien heute aus dem ask gekauft, dabei ein Trade zu 690.000 Stücken, da sammelt wieder jemand ;)
      schrieb am 02.03.11 20:58:42
      Beitrag Nr. 2.144 ()
      schrieb am 08.03.11 22:25:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.145 ()
      Heute wurde mal unauffällig das offene GAP bei 5,12 - 5,18 geschlossen
      schrieb am 11.03.11 12:57:52
      Beitrag Nr. 2.146 ()
      Es gibt eine neue Präsentation auf der Homepage:
      schrieb am 11.03.11 21:26:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.147 ()
      Stock Symbol:…...................................TSX: NCU
      Shares Outstanding:.……..…..............58.7 Million

      • 18% Held by Directors & Officers
      • 28% Held by Pala Investments & 16% by Other Institutions
      • 4% Held Zhongtiaoshan Non-ferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd.(“ZTS”)

      Fully Diluted:……………………………..65.0 Million

      • 5.8 million stock options @ $2.35; 466,000 warrants @ $3.30 for $15.4 million on exercise.

      Cash, February 25, 2011:…..................C$24.1 Million

      Market Cap./Copper Resource lb:……C$3.3 Cents
      schrieb am 15.03.11 19:44:09
      Beitrag Nr. 2.148 ()
      Das gibt`s selten....unsere Nevada ist in festen Händen ;)!!!..siehe Posting M2k. Wir sind wieder bei 5 $.Und das bei diesem katostrophalen Umfeld.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.03.11 10:23:43
      Beitrag Nr. 2.149 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.211.077 von Augen_Stern am 15.03.11 19:44:09Gestern wieder riesige Umsätze...der 6 $ Marke steht nichts mehr im Weg;)

      Today's Trading (As of 3/17/2011 3:55:00 PM EST)

      Last $ 5.26 Open $ 5.05

      Change +0.22 High $ 5.31

      % Change +4.37 Low $5.05

      Today's Volume 1,139,175 *Today's Projected Volume 1,139,175

      3 Month Average Volume 233,839 *Projected Volume vs 3 Month Average 487.16

      Today's $ Volume $ 5,964,867 *Today's Projected $ Volume $ 5,992,061

      # of Trades 193 *Projected # of Trades 193

      schrieb am 18.03.11 16:44:30
      Beitrag Nr. 2.150 ()
      5,75 CAD ATH

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.03.11 13:03:36
      Beitrag Nr. 2.151 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.232.747 von Muesli2k am 18.03.11 16:44:30In der nächsten Woche fällt bestimmt die 6 $ Marke;)...Nevada Copper macht mir viel Freude und das ist erst der Anfang. Im Moment total unterbewertet ist mindestens ein Verdoppler im Laufe des Jahres noch drin.

      Viel Glück uns allen

      Ps.: Wie immer nur meine bescheidene Meinung.
      schrieb am 23.03.11 20:57:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2.152 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.232.747 von Muesli2k am 18.03.11 16:44:30Hallo M2k,
      was meinst Du? Knacken wir diese Woche noch die 6 $ ???Schaut doch gut aus;).
      schrieb am 24.03.11 08:48:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.153 ()
      Zitat von Augen_Stern: Hallo M2k,
      was meinst Du? Knacken wir diese Woche noch die 6 $ ???Schaut doch gut aus;).


      wenn weiter so gekauft wird wie gestern, JA! :)

      Habe gestern Abend Kaufprogramme beobachtet, das ist eigentlich sehr untypisch aber kommt in letzter Zeit bei NCU wohl häufiger vor, da sammelt jemand in sehr großem Stil.

      Schau Dir mal die Time & Sales an, gestern in der letzten Stunde, wurden alle 60 sekunden immer genau um ,24 sekunden nach eine Order mit 200-700 Stück aus dem Ask ausgefüht :lick:

      20:56:24 5,80 600 - - - -
      20:55:24 5,80 200 - - - -
      20:53:24 5,80 700 - - - -
      20:49:25 5,80 400 - - - -
      20:49:24 5,80 200 - - - -
      20:47:25 - - 5,79 200 5,80 700
      20:47:24 5,80 600 - - - -
      20:46:25 - - 5,79 200 5,80 300
      20:46:24 5,80 600 - - - -
      20:45:25 - - 5,79 200 5,80 900
      20:45:24 5,80 600 - - - -

      Hier nimmmt jemand die letzten Shares vom Markt :cool:

      Charttechnisch sollten die 6$ bis nächste Woche drin sein, gestern war ein kleiner Widerstand bei 5,80 zu beobachten.. Nebenbei sei erwähnt ein neues All Time High :D :D


      Chart 1:

      Die Daily Candle`s hangeln sich am oberen Bollinger Band nach oben, könnte auch bis 6,50$ gehen! Nach oben da über ATH sehe ich keine Widerstände mehr.

      MACD: hat ein kaufsignal generiert und verläuft positiv -> weiter Up!

      Chart 2:

      Momentum gedreht, positiv -> weiter Up!

      RSI, positiv ebenfalls steigend!

      MoneyFlow extrem positiv, sehr viel Geld fließt in die Aktie!

      10 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.11 10:14:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.154 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.257.572 von Muesli2k am 24.03.11 08:48:23Hi M2k,

      ja so wie es ausschaut sind das Kaufprogramme.Das Volumen in den letzten Tagen war auch extrem hoch.Insiderkäufe sind es nicht....die letzten waren Ende Februar.
      Ich bilde mir allerdings ein, dass wir am 17.März ein Gap nach oben gebildet haben..zwischen ca. 5,28-5,4o $. Ist das zu vernachlässigen ? Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass es bei diesen Kauforders nicht mehr geschlossen wird.Deine Meinung ?
      9 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.11 11:25:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2.155 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.258.394 von Augen_Stern am 24.03.11 10:14:01hast recht, das hatte ich auch gesehen.. hmm wir haben bisher jedes GAP geschlossen dann wohl auch dieses. Denke wird aber dann ein schneller intraday downer mit blitzschnellem wieder hochziehen, so wie öfters in der Vergangenheit auch...
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.11 13:55:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2.156 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.258.939 von Muesli2k am 24.03.11 11:25:18Das stimmt allerdings auch wieder...bis jetzt wurde jedes Gap mustergültig geschlossen.Ist ja auch besser so. Dann würde ich es mir auch für heute wünschen... intraday schnelle -8 % tun niemanden weh...bin gespannt.
      schrieb am 27.03.11 23:20:20
      Beitrag Nr. 2.157 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.258.394 von Augen_Stern am 24.03.11 10:14:01Die Firma war ja gerade auf Roadshow in Zürich (wo ich Sie am Freitag getroffen habe) und davor auch in anderen Städten. Wäre also kein Wunder, wenn da einige neue Positionen aufbauen bzw. bestehende Positionen aufstocken. Die haben einen sehr guten Eindruck gemacht und der CEO scheint ja fast gar keine Aktien in zig Jahren verkauft zu haben - evtl. sogar noch eher zugekauft hat.
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.03.11 10:21:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.158 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.273.808 von Smallcappicker am 27.03.11 23:20:20Hi Scp,

      Danke für die Info.Schau mal eine Seite zurück..das Posting vonM2k....NCU ist in festen Händen.Sie ist keine Zockeraktie,sondern grundsolide:).Hier sind auch keine Pusher und Basher zufinden,Gott sei Dank!!!!. Eigentlich schreiben nur M2k und ich. Bist Du denn auch investiert?
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.03.11 12:35:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.159 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.274.978 von Augen_Stern am 28.03.11 10:21:10Hi Augen-Stern:

      Nein, ich bin bisher nicht investiert und habe die Firma erst am Freitag getroffen. Gute Bekannte von mir sind hier grösser engagiert und kennen die Firma seit langer Zeit, also auch die Kurstiefen von anscheinend um die 0,20 $. Da die schon einen engen Kontakt haben, hat man mich in diese Minirunde noch dazugeholt und es klang sehr solide. Ausserdem haben die ja sogar noch Gold und Silber und nicht ganz wenig. Das fällt ja bei der Bewertung völlig unter den Tisch, da man immer nur nach Kupfer schaut
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.03.11 17:58:29
      Beitrag Nr. 2.160 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.275.857 von Smallcappicker am 28.03.11 12:35:48Hi Scp,
      würde mich freuen, wenn Du bald "richtig";)zu uns gehören würdest.
      Ich bin seit Jahren dabei und habe im Juni 2009 noch mal richtig nachgelegt.Soll mal meine Rente;) werden....
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.03.11 17:54:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.161 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.277.773 von Augen_Stern am 28.03.11 17:58:29Aus dem stockhouse:
      Allerdings weiß ich nicht ,wer "M Partners" auch keine direkte Quellenagabe dabei:

      new coverage initiated by M Partners today!!!!!!!
      Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU-TSX) (Buy, $12.50) :) - Nevada Copper will begin production at its Pumpkin Hollow project in Nevada’s mining-friendly Yerington District in Q4 2013. Pumpkin Hollow is a classic copper-skarn with a current resource of 6.4B lb Cu, 0.9M oz Au and 35.7M oz Ag. An updated resource estimate and Feasibility Study will be delivered by June 30, 2011 based on a two-phase development of high-grade underground deposits and large open-pits. Meanwhile the 50,000m 2011 drill program will shift the focus from supporting the Feasibility Study towards the testing of new targets within the large property package. Pumpkin Hollow has very low permitting risk, is ideally situated next to excellent infrastructure and remains one of the few major North America copper projects without any off-take funding arrangements. By 2014 it will generate approximately the same production cash flows as Hudbay and Mercator and by 2017 it will generate approximately the same production cash flows as Quadra FNX. As a result we believe Nevada Copper can be financed at attractive terms and remains significantly undervalued ahead of receiving important mine permits.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.03.11 15:34:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.162 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.291.102 von Augen_Stern am 30.03.11 17:54:01News von heute...siehe Nevada Copper Homepage:

      March 31, 2011
      Nevada Copper Updates Mineral Resource Estimate and Clarifies Technical Disclosure


      March 31, 2011 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has completed a National Instrument ("NI") 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate for its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property in Nevada. This mineral resource estimate was updated for purposes of preparing a Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") which is currently in progress and scheduled for completion by June 30, 2011. The mineral resource estimate includes the results of the 50,000 meters of resource delineation drilling program completed in 2010 that focused on upgrading and defining the Measured and Indicated ("M&I") mineralization. Additionally, and as a result of a continuous disclosure review conducted by the British Columbia Securities Commission (the "Commission"), Nevada Copper also wishes to clarify certain of its previous disclosure as described below.

      The completed updated mineral resource estimate was prepared by the mineral resource and mining division of Tetra Tech Inc., an industry leading international engineering firm and received by Nevada Copper on January 17, 2011. Management of the Company determined at that time that, while the updated mineral resource was a milestone towards the completion of its DFS, in the context of an update to the mineral resource it was not considered to be material to the Company because the overall global in-situ copper mineral resource and grades (in all categories) had not significantly changed from the previous resource estimate, although tonnage in the estimate had moved towards the M&I mineral resource categories - as had been anticipated and was disclosed previously. The 2010 drilling was focused primarily on mineralized areas within the previous Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") mine designs and not on resource expansion. While the mineral resource categories within the mine design areas were upgraded, the mineralized shapes and tonnage did not materially change. As a result of the continuous disclosure review by the Commission, it was decided that the updated mineral resource, while not material, should be disclosed prior to publication of the results of the DFS.

      The following are highlights of the new mineral resource estimate, compared to the previously published July 2009 resource estimate (see resource tables below for details on tonnage and grade):

      At a 0.20% cutoff the M & I copper resource for the entire project increased to 5.9 billion pounds (2009 - 5.6 billion pounds) including an increase in gold to 1.6 million ounces (2009 - 983,000 ounces) and an increase in silver to 42 million ounces (2009 - 33.8 million ounces);
      At a 0.20% cutoff the Inferred copper resource for the entire project remain unchanged at 3.7 billion pounds (2009 - 3.7 billion pounds) including an increase in gold to 716,000 ounces (2009 -468,000 ounces) and an increase in silver to 21.8 million ounces (2009 - 21.2 million ounces);
      At a 0.20% cutoff the M & I copper resource for the Western Deposits increased to 3.8 billion pounds (2009 - 3.1 billion pounds) including an increase in gold to 892,000 ounces (2009 - 532,000 ounces) and an increase in silver to 23.8 million ounces (2009 - 20.9 million ounces);
      At a 1.00% cutoff the M & I copper resource for the Eastern Deposits increased to 1.17 billion pounds (2009 - 1.1 billion pounds) including an increase in gold to 351,000 ounces (2009 - 180,000 ounces) and an increase in silver to 8.2 million ounces (2009 - 4.4 million ounces);
      The detailed project-wide resource summary is as follows:

      Cutoff Grade
      Avg. Grade
      Lbs Cu
      Avg. Grade
      Avg. Grade





      Cutoff Grade
      Avg. Grade
      Lbs Cu
      Avg. Grade
      Au opt
      Avg. Grade
      Ag opt





      Cutoff Grade
      Avg Grade
      Lbs Cu
      Avg Grade
      Au opt
      Avg Grade
      Ag opt

      M&I Total

      M&I Total

      M&I Total


      Cutoff Grade
      Avg Grade
      Lbs Cu
      Avg Grade
      Au opt
      Avg Grade
      Ag opt




      * Tonnage, grades and totals may not total due to rounding.

      In considering the cutoff grades in table above, it should be noted that the cutoff grades for the Eastern deposits and the Western deposits will not be the same due to differing proposed mining methods and costs. The cutoff grade ranges in the resource tables below are specific to the likely cut-off grades applicable to each of the individual deposits. Tetra Tech is currently preparing an economic analysis to determine appropriate cut-off grades to be used for the DFS mining plans. Tetra Tech has suggested, on a preliminary basis, that the copper cut-off grade in the DFS for the Western deposits is likely to be between 0.15% and 0.20% and between 0.75% and 1.00% for the Eastern deposits.

      The M & I mineral resource summary by deposit areas is as follows:


      Cutoff Grade
      Avg Grade
      Lbs Cu
      Avg Grade
      Au opt
      Avg Grade
      Ag opt







      M & I Total

      M & I Total

      M & I Total

      Cutoff Grade
      Avg Grade
      Lbs Cu
      Avg Grade
      Au opt
      Avg Grade
      Ag opt




      Cutoff Grade
      Avg Grade
      Lbs Cu
      Avg Grade
      Au opt
      Avg Grade
      Ag opt





      M & I Total

      M & I Total

      Cutoff Grade
      Avg Grade
      Lbs Cu
      Avg Grade
      Au opt
      Avg Grade
      Ag opt



      * Tonnage, grades and totals may not total due to rounding.

      Iron Resources

      Nevada Copper has also updated its standalone estimate of the iron resource at Pumpkin Hollow. Nevada Copper is continuing to assess the commercial viability of the large iron by-product found within and contiguous to the copper-gold-silver deposits at Pumpkin Hollow.

      The following tables express only those iron resources amenable to open-pit mining methods in the Western deposits:

      Iron % Cutoff
      Iron Grade
      Tons Iron





      M&I Total

      M&I Total



      * Tonnage, grades and totals may not total due to rounding.

      The database for the updated mineral resource now consists of over 600 drill holes containing in excess of 270,000 meters (885,000 feet) of drilling and over 65,000 assays. The 2010 program consisted of 96 resource, hydrological, and geotechnical holes that totaled over 54,000 meters (177,000 feet).

      Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager, CPG, M.Sc., commented, "The 2010 drilling program proved to be successful in upgrading and defining the M&I mineralization. The new resource also better defines the mineralization which will aid in the underground and open pit mine designs. Our 2011 drilling program totaling 20,000 meters will now focus on resource step-out and expansion drilling. This program is designed to follow up on the newly discovered deep mineralization in the North Deposit, several open areas of mineralization adjacent to the existing resources, and test other targets identified within our large land position."

      Continuous Disclosure Review and Clarification
      As a result of a continuous disclosure review conducted by the British Columbia Securities Commission, the Company wishes to clarify certain of its previous disclosure.

      With respect to the NI 43-101 PEA Update on the Pumpkin Hollow Project, Lyon County Nevada, United States (the "Report"), prepared by Tetra Tech dated January 13, 2010, the Company wishes to confirm that the qualified person who was responsible for the preparation of the Report was John W. Rozelle, P.G.. Additionally the disclosure of the historic mineral resource estimates in the Report were compiled before the implementation of NI 43-101 reporting standards and are not compliant with NI 43-101 and should have included cautionary language required by NI 43-101. Accordingly, the Company wishes to caution investors that these are estimates of an historic nature for reference only, and should not be relied upon. The Report and certain of the Company's previous written disclosure included inferred resources in the M&I categories. The term "potentially mineable resources" was also used in the Report and was intended to describe that portion of Measured, Indicated resources and Inferred resources that are included in a mining plan as specifically provided for under s2.3 (3) of NI 43-101. However the term "potentially mineable resources" is not a recognized category of mineral resources under NI 43-101 and readers of such previous disclosure should be aware of the context of its usage.

      In certain of the Company's previous written disclosure the Company has disclosed the results of the PEA completed on the Pumpkin Hollow project in 2008 and 2010, which include an inferred mineral resource, without including the required cautionary language. Accordingly, in all such disclosure, investors should be aware that a PEA is preliminary in nature, and includes inferred mineral resources which are considered speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that will enable them to be categorized as mineralized reserves, and there is no certainty that the PEA will be realized.

      Qualified Person

      The updated mineral resource estimate work was performed by or under the direction of John Rozelle, PG, Tetra Tech's Mineral Resource Division Principal Geologist an independent Qualified Person as set forth by Canadian National Instrument 43-101. The Pumpkin Hollow project is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, an internal Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of other technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining, possible future copper grades, recoveries and production rates, and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at

      For further information call:

      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      Phone: 604-699-0023

      Robert McKnight, P.Eng., Executive Vice President
      Phone 604-683-1309

      You can view the Previous News Releases item: Tue Feb 8, 2011, Nevada Copper Updates Feasibility Study Progress

      You can return to the main News Releases page, or press the Back button on your browser.
      schrieb am 31.03.11 15:38:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.163 ()
      Sorry....sorry, die Tabellen fehlen. Irgendwie schaff ich das nicht, Tabellen zu kopieren..
      schrieb am 31.03.11 15:43:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2.164 ()
      Nevada Copper Updates Mineral Resource Estimate and Clarifies Technical Disclosure
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Thursday 31 March 2011

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has completed a National Instrument ("NI") 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate for its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property in Nevada. This mineral resource estimate was updated for purposes of preparing a Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") which is currently in progress and scheduled for completion by June 30, 2011. The mineral resource estimate includes the results of the 50,000 meters of resource delineation drilling program completed in 2010 that focused on upgrading and defining the Measured and Indicated ("M&I") mineralization. Additionally, and as a result of a continuous disclosure review conducted by the British Columbia Securities Commission (the "Commission"), Nevada Copper also wishes to clarify certain of its previous disclosure as described below.
      The completed updated mineral resource estimate was prepared by the mineral resource and mining division of Tetra Tech Inc., an industry leading international engineering firm and received by Nevada Copper on January 17, 2011. Management of the Company determined at that time that, while the updated mineral resource was a milestone towards the completion of its DFS, in the context of an update to the mineral resource it was not considered to be material to the Company because the overall global in-situ copper mineral resource and grades (in all categories) had not significantly changed from the previous resource estimate, although tonnage in the estimate had moved towards the M&I mineral resource categories - as had been anticipated and was disclosed previously. The 2010 drilling was focused primarily on mineralized areas within the previous Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") mine designs and not on resource expansion. While the mineral resource categories within the mine design areas were upgraded, the mineralized shapes and tonnage did not materially change. As a result of the continuous disclosure review by the Commission, it was decided that the updated mineral resource, while not material, should be disclosed prior to publication of the results of the DFS.

      The following are highlights of the new mineral resource estimate, compared to the previously published July 2009 resource estimate (see resource tables below for details on tonnage and grade):

      -- At a 0.20% cutoff the M & I copper resource for the entire project
      increased to 5.9 billion pounds (2009 - 5.6 billion pounds) including an
      increase in gold to 1.6 million ounces (2009 - 983,000 ounces) and an
      increase in silver to 42 million ounces (2009 - 33.8 million ounces);
      -- At a 0.20% cutoff the Inferred copper resource for the entire project
      remain unchanged at 3.7 billion pounds (2009 - 3.7 billion pounds)
      including an increase in gold to 716,000 ounces (2009 -468,000 ounces)
      and an increase in silver to 21.8 million ounces (2009 - 21.2 million
      -- At a 0.20% cutoff the M & I copper resource for the Western Deposits
      increased to 3.8 billion pounds (2009 - 3.1 billion pounds) including an
      increase in gold to 892,000 ounces (2009 - 532,000 ounces) and an
      increase in silver to 23.8 million ounces (2009 - 20.9 million ounces);
      -- At a 1.00% cutoff the M & I copper resource for the Eastern Deposits
      increased to 1.17 billion pounds (2009 - 1.1 billion pounds) including
      an increase in gold to 351,000 ounces (2009 - 180,000 ounces) and an
      increase in silver to 8.2 million ounces (2009 - 4.4 million ounces);

      The detailed project-wide resource summary is as follows:

      Cutoff Avg Contained Avg Avg
      Grade Tons Grade Lbs Cu Grade Au_oz Grade Ag_oz
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000) Au opt (000) Ag opt (000)
      Measured 0.20 155,898 0.59 1,853,025 0.003 520 0.076 11,823
      Measured 0.30 107,657 0.74 1,601,521 0.004 398 0.090 9,684
      Measured 0.75 34,279 1.35 928,652 0.007 230 0.147 5,046

      Cutoff Avg Contained Avg Avg
      Grade Tons Grade Lbs Cu Grade Au_oz Grade Ag_oz
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000) Au opt (000) Ag opt (000)
      Indicated 0.20 375,144 0.54 4,041,006 0.003 1,119 0.080 30,167
      Indicated 0.30 245,171 0.70 3,411,501 0.004 872 0.097 23,706
      Indicated 0.75 68,809 1.30 1,782,967 0.006 390 0.160 11,009

      Cutoff Avg Contained Avg Avg
      Grade Tons Grade Lbs Cu Grade Au_oz Grade Ag_oz
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000) Au opt (000) Ag opt (000)
      M&I Total 0.20 531,042 0.55 5,894,031 0.003 1,639 0.079 41,990
      M&I Total 0.30 352,828 0.71 5,013,022 0.004 1,270 0.095 33,390
      M&I Total 0.75 103,088 1.32 2,711,619 0.006 620 0.156 16,055

      Cutoff Avg Contained Avg Avg
      Grade Tons Grade Lbs Cu Grade Au_oz Grade Ag_oz
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000) Au opt (000) Ag opt (000)
      Inferred 0.20 495,129 0.37 3,670,391 0.001 716 0.044 21,779
      Inferred 0.30 228,707 0.52 2,374,870 0.002 368 0.048 10,932
      Inferred 0.75 26,871 1.31 701,405 0.002 56 0.064 1,723
      (i) Tonnage, grades and totals may not total due to rounding.

      In considering the cutoff grades in table above, it should be noted that the cutoff grades for the Eastern deposits and the Western deposits will not be the same due to differing proposed mining methods and costs. The cutoff grade ranges in the resource tables below are specific to the likely cut-off grades applicable to each of the individual deposits. Tetra Tech is currently preparing an economic analysis to determine appropriate cut-off grades to be used for the DFS mining plans. Tetra Tech has suggested, on a preliminary basis, that the copper cut-off grade in the DFS for the Western deposits is likely to be between 0.15% and 0.20% and between 0.75% and 1.00% for the Eastern deposits.

      The M & I mineral resource summary by deposit areas is as follows:

      Cutoff Avg Contained Avg Avg
      Grade Tons Grade Lbs Cu Grade Au_oz Grade Ag_oz
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000) Au opt (000) Ag opt (000)
      Measured 0.30 88,997 0.64 1,144,204 0.003 230 0.071 6,356
      Measured 0.20 136,540 0.51 1,391,417 0.003 344 0.062 8,458
      Measured 0.15 173,417 0.43 1,507,947 0.002 410 0.058 10,012

      Indicated 0.30 160,158 0.59 1,877,817 0.002 320 0.064 10,311
      Indicated 0.20 275,303 0.44 2,432,205 0.002 551 0.056 15,305
      Indicated 0.15 383,945 0.37 2,803,327 0.002 652 0.051 19,677

      M & I Total 0.30 249,155 0.60 3,022,021 0.002 550 0.067 16,667
      M & I Total 0.20 411,843 0.46 3,823,622 0.002 892 0.058 23,763
      M & I Total 0.15 557,362 0.39 4,311,274 0.002 1,061 0.053 29,689

      Cutoff Avg Contained Avg Avg
      Grade Tons Grade Lbs Cu Grade Au_oz Grade Ag_oz
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000) Au opt (000) Ag opt (000)
      Inferred 0.30 101,028 0.56 1,132,104 0.001 132 0.044 4,491
      Inferred 0.20 242,048 0.38 1,815,712 0.001 242 0.038 9,255
      Inferred 0.15 385,299 0.30 2,288,414 0.001 385 0.039 14,960

      Cutoff Avg Contained Avg Avg
      Grade Tons Grade Lbs Cu Grade Au_oz Grade Ag_oz
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000) Au opt (000) Ag opt (000)
      Measured 1.00 9,206 1.81 333,324 0.011 104 0.240 2,205
      Measured 0.75 12,497 1.56 390,372 0.010 128 0.216 2,699

      Indicated 1.00 24,338 1.72 835,589 0.010 247 0.245 5,971
      Indicated 0.75 38,092 1.40 1,069,452 0.008 321 0.213 8,118

      M & I Total 1.00 33,544 1.74 1,168,913 0.010 351 0.244 8,176
      M & I Total 0.75 50,589 1.45 1,459,824 0.009 449 0.213 10,817

      Cutoff Avg Contained Avg Avg
      Grade Tons Grade Lbs Cu Grade Au_oz Grade Ag_oz
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000) Au opt (000) Ag opt (000)
      Inferred 1.00 4,926 1.45 143,313 0.002 10 0.101 498
      Inferred 0.75 12,098 1.11 267,533 0.002 24 0.065 792
      (i) Tonnage, grades and totals may not total due to rounding.

      Iron Resources

      Nevada Copper has also updated its standalone estimate of the iron resource at Pumpkin Hollow. Nevada Copper is continuing to assess the commercial viability of the large iron by-product found within and contiguous to the copper-gold-silver deposits at Pumpkin Hollow.

      The following tables express only those iron resources amenable to open-pit mining methods in the Western deposits:

      Iron Tons
      Iron % Tons Grade Iron
      Category Cutoff (000s) % (000s)
      Measured 20 205,836 34.57 71,162
      Measured 30 123,627 41.14 50,857

      Indicated 20 135,062 29.56 39,926
      Indicated 30 53,740 37.88 20,356

      M&I Total 20 340,898 32.59 111,088
      M&I Total 30 177,367 40.15 71,213

      Inferred 20 29,769 25.6 7,613
      Inferred 30 3,429 36.1 1,239
      (i) Tonnage, grades and totals may not total due to rounding.

      The database for the updated mineral resource now consists of over 600 drill holes containing in excess of 270,000 meters (885,000 feet) of drilling and over 65,000 assays. The 2010 program consisted of 96 resource, hydrological, and geotechnical holes that totaled over 54,000 meters (177,000 feet).

      Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager, CPG, M.Sc., commented, "The 2010 drilling program proved to be successful in upgrading and defining the M&I mineralization. The new resource also better defines the mineralization which will aid in the underground and open pit mine designs. Our 2011 drilling program totaling 20,000 meters will now focus on resource step-out and expansion drilling. This program is designed to follow up on the newly discovered deep mineralization in the North Deposit, several open areas of mineralization adjacent to the existing resources, and test other targets identified within our large land position."

      Continuous Disclosure Review and Clarification

      As a result of a continuous disclosure review conducted by the British Columbia Securities Commission, the Company wishes to clarify certain of its previous disclosure.

      With respect to the NI 43-101 PEA Update on the Pumpkin Hollow Project, Lyon County Nevada, United States (the "Report"), prepared by Tetra Tech dated January 13, 2010, the Company wishes to confirm that the qualified person who was responsible for the preparation of the Report was John W. Rozelle, P.G.. Additionally the disclosure of the historic mineral resource estimates in the Report were compiled before the implementation of NI 43-101 reporting standards and are not compliant with NI 43-101 and should have included cautionary language required by NI 43-101. Accordingly, the Company wishes to caution investors that these are estimates of an historic nature for reference only, and should not be relied upon. The Report and certain of the Company's previous written disclosure included inferred resources in the M&I categories. The term "potentially mineable resources" was also used in the Report and was intended to describe that portion of Measured, Indicated resources and Inferred resources that are included in a mining plan as specifically provided for under s2.3 (3) of NI 43-101. However the term "potentially mineable resources" is not a recognized category of mineral resources under NI 43-101 and readers of such previous disclosure should be aware of the context of its usage.

      In certain of the Company's previous written disclosure the Company has disclosed the results of the PEA completed on the Pumpkin Hollow project in 2008 and 2010, which include an inferred mineral resource, without including the required cautionary language. Accordingly, in all such disclosure, investors should be aware that a PEA is preliminary in nature, and includes inferred mineral resources which are considered speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that will enable them to be categorized as mineralized reserves, and there is no certainty that the PEA will be realized.

      Qualified Person

      The updated mineral resource estimate work was performed by or under the direction of John Rozelle, PG, Tetra Tech's Mineral Resource Division Principal Geologist an independent Qualified Person as set forth by Canadian National Instrument 43-101. The Pumpkin Hollow project is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, an internal Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of other technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining, possible future copper grades, recoveries and production rates, and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Giulio T. Bonifacio

      President & CEO


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Robert McKnight, P.Eng.

      Executive Vice President

      schrieb am 31.03.11 15:45:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.165 ()
      Wie Du das immer so schön kannst ;)
      schrieb am 31.03.11 15:46:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.166 ()
      Sorry du warst schneller, aber bei mir stimmen hoffentlich die Tabellen :)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.03.11 15:57:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.167 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.297.226 von Muesli2k am 31.03.11 15:46:00Jo, passt und ask steigen :)gewaltig Germany
      schrieb am 31.03.11 16:05:02
      Beitrag Nr. 2.168 ()
      Bei solchen News müssen die 6 $ doch endlich mal fallen....damit die 12 $ in Angriff genommen werden können ;)....
      schrieb am 31.03.11 16:37:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.169 ()
      ATH 5,98 CAD

      schrieb am 01.04.11 14:25:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.170 ()
      Ich bin ja mal gespannt, ob wir heute endlich die 6$ schaffen.
      schrieb am 04.04.11 17:52:28
      Beitrag Nr. 2.171 ()
      Endlich...endlich haben wir es geschafft.;)...die 6 $ waren ein harter Brocken. Andersrum gesehen, sind sie eine super Unterstützung....Ich glaube, jetzt gehts ziemlich straff:) nach oben...
      schrieb am 04.04.11 19:03:35
      Beitrag Nr. 2.172 ()
      ATH 6.4 9.03%

      Heute gehts gewaltig ab, denke es dauert nicht mehr lange und wir haben den BUY Out zwischen 7,50 und 8,50 CAD $
      schrieb am 04.04.11 19:14:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.173 ()
      schrieb am 05.04.11 07:39:14
      Beitrag Nr. 2.174 ()
      Hallo Leute!!

      Die Kursexplosion gestern liegt an den News.
      NCU haben die wichtigen Genehmigungen für den Abbau erhalten.…

      Damit rollt der Zug nicht mehr, sondern er hat richtig Fahrt aufgenommen.

      Meine persöhnliche Einschätzung liegt bis Jahresende bei 6€

      schrieb am 06.04.11 19:48:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.175 ()
      IEF-RESEARCH ALERT-Canaccord Genuity raises Nevada Copper price target

      April 5 (Reuters) - Nevada Copper Corp:

      * Canaccord Genuity raises Nevada Copper Corp price target to C$7.30

      from C$5.90

      schrieb am 08.04.11 19:28:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2.176 ()
      Eine neue Präsentation vom April ist da!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.04.11 12:03:20
      Beitrag Nr. 2.177 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.342.377 von Fex82 am 08.04.11 19:28:17Das geht runter wie ÖL:

      Capital Structure
      Stock Symbol:…………………………..TSX: NCU

      Shares Outstanding:…………………… 59.0 Million
      • 17% Held by Directors & Officers
      • 28% Held by Pala Investments & 18% by Other Institutions
      • 4% Held Zhongtiaoshan Non-ferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd. (“ZTS”)
      Fully Diluted:……………………………65.0 Million
      • 5.8 million stock options @ $2.35; 163,000 warrants @ $3.30 for $14.4 million on exercise.
      Cash, March 31, 2011:…………………..C$23.5 Million
      Market Cap./Copper Resource lb:……C$3.8 Cents

      Analyst Coverage: Paradigm Capital, Cormark Securities,
      Canaccord Genuity and MPartners.

      Investment Highlights
      schrieb am 11.04.11 10:18:16
      Beitrag Nr. 2.178 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      Augen_Stern, muss dich berichtigen.

      Nach den oben aufgeführten Zahlen sind 67% der Aktien in festen Händen. Die Optionen nicht mitgezählt.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 11.04.11 11:38:41
      Beitrag Nr. 2.179 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.347.350 von Jandar am 11.04.11 10:18:16Hallo Jandar,

      lass mich gerne von Dir berichtigen. Ist vielleicht die ungewohnte Hitze ;)....
      Was meinest Du...wie verläuft die Woche für unsere NCU ???
      schrieb am 11.04.11 12:18:53
      Beitrag Nr. 2.180 ()
      Hallo Augen_Stern,

      ich bin eher etwas konservativ eingestellt.
      Ich sehe bis Jahresende NCU bei guten und Dauerhaften 6€ mit Tendenz Steigend.
      Ich denke auch, dass nach der Veröffentlichung der FB-Studie, der Kurs kurzfristig explodieren wird.
      Egal wie ich das sehe, der Kurs wird steigen, ob das schnell oder etwas langsamer geht, ist völlig unrelevant.

      schrieb am 17.04.11 21:12:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.181 ()
      Nun ja, ein allzu tragfähiger Boden waren die 6 $ leider doch nicht.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.04.11 11:44:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2.182 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.380.709 von powertecc am 17.04.11 21:12:26Hallo powertecc,

      schau doch mal genau wurde ein Gap zwischen 5,87 $ und 6 $ geschlossen. Besser gehts nicht ;).Und es hat sich in diesem Bereich m. M. nach ein guter Boden gebildet.
      Warts mal ab...der 30. Juni ist nicht mehr soooo weit:)
      Es heißt zwar, man soll sich nicht in eine Aktie verlieben....aber bei mir ists schon geschehen...;).Natürlich pass ich auf...aber ich bin mir sicher, dass unsere Nevada dieses`und die nächsten Jahre outperformen wird. Immer nur meine ja klar !!!

      Schöne sonnige Woche wünscht
      schrieb am 21.04.11 15:10:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2.183 ()
      Bevor ich mich in die Osterwoche verabschiede, hier noch mal ein äußerst interessantes Rechenexample von "bepractical" aus dem stockhouse:

      The announcement by Capstone to buy Far West Mining for $725m is an interesting case study. I am ignoring the gold component in each case and have called the iron ore component a draw even though NCU has more iron. This leaves copper where Nevada Copper has a 9.6b pound resource versus a 3.4b pound resource for Far west.Capstone is paying $725m for Far West. Is NCU worth $725m plus an additional 6.2b pounds of copper? At 5 cents per pound in the ground, we would add $310m for a total value of $1.035B or roughly $16.00 per diluted share for NCU.Interesting scenario and entirely possible or did Capstone overpay?

      Summa summarum....unsere Nevada könnte und müßte...verglichen mit Far West Mining und nur auf die Kupfervorkommen bezogen...bis zu 16 $ :)pro Aktie wert sein. Ansonsten hätte Capstone zuviel für Far West Mining bezahlt.

      Frohe Ostern und super Wetter wünscht Euch
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.04.11 13:42:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.184 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.401.724 von Augen_Stern am 21.04.11 15:10:59Nevada Copper Provides Update on Feasibility Study & Engages Merit for Pre-Construction Services
      Press Release Source: Nevada Copper Corp. On Thursday April 28, 2011, 8:30 am EDT
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 04/28/11) - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU - News) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to provide an update on the progress of its Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS"). The DFS is progressing well on detailed mine process plant design and capital and operating cost estimates. General surface layouts are largely complete with the locations of Phase 1 and 2 process plants, underground shaft facilities along with the ultimate pit outlines, waste rock and dry stack tailings storage facility ("TSF") areas, as well as conveyor connections. The DFS is being prepared by Tetra Tech and targeted for completion by June 30, 2011.

      Construction Management

      Nevada Copper has engaged Merit Consultants International Inc. ("Merit"- See below) to provide pre-construction services in support of rapid advancement of the Project. Merit focuses on mine construction management and has extensive worldwide experience in this specialty, including shaft sinking. Initially, their work will concentrate on the critical shaft sinking activity, and include:

      -- Preparing a request for proposals ("RFP") for the advanced exploration, underground development work including the review and analysis as well as award recommendation;-- Identify and coordinate with a head frame consultant for the identification of a permanent hoist;-- Working with the selected underground contractor to set up the work program and prepare for construction as early as possible;-- Review design drawings for constructability for the head frame and winch buildings;-- Other work including concrete and QA/QC specifications and supply; and,-- Establish a cost control system that will take the DFS costs and convert them to a workable budget for site use in reporting costs.
      Merit will also review the DFS capital cost estimates and develop a detailed project implementation timeline including key project milestones. Additionally, Merit may assist Nevada Copper in developing a RFP for the design of the Phase 1-8,000 tons per day processing plant as well as the procurement of the required capital equipment.


      The Whittle open pit mine designs are complete. Work continues on location of the in-pit crusher, truck haul profiles and productivities. On the Phase 1 underground mine and mill on private lands, detailed mine designs are underway that incorporate rock mechanics information and backfill design. Testing of paste backfill sample mixtures and strengths is ongoing. Paste backfill plant locations and delivery systems are well advanced. Mine equipment selection, including capital and operating costs is underway.

      Shaft Design

      Shaft diameters, depth, initial geotechnical ground support requirements have been determined. Quantity take-offs for the shaft construction are approximately 90% complete. Equipment selection for shaft construction has also begun. Selection of a hoist will start with an assessment of the availability of used hoist equipment, timelines for the supply of new equipment, and an evaluation of options to establish a temporary hoist and head frame, or a permanent production hoist and head frame.


      Crushing and grinding test work has been completed and design criteria are being established with equipment selection underway. Wardrop Engineers, a TetraTech subsidiary, is providing process design services for the DFS.

      Civil, Surface Geotechnical and Tailings

      Preliminary layouts of the TSF for the Phase 1 underground and the Phase 2 open pit developments have been prepared. The combined Phase 1 and Phase 2 TSF footprint has been sized to store 400 metric tonnes of tailings. Geotechnical laboratory testing of tailings samples is currently in progress. Laboratory test results will be used to refine stability analyses for the TSF and for water flow modeling. TSF layouts will form the basis to develop the conveyor tailings delivery system.

      Giulio Bonifacio, President & CEO of Nevada Copper, commented, "Our Definitive Feasibility Study is advancing on schedule and we are very pleased to have engaged Merit whose experience in construction management will prove invaluable. Nevada Copper has also identified a number of very qualified applicants that will provide mine development and construction experience who along with that with Merit will provide Nevada Copper with the capabilities to advance the Project quickly and meet our development timelines."

      Since 1983, Merit has been providing Project and Construction Management services. Merit has worked with clients in the mining and resource industry worldwide, successfully participating in projects in the USA, Canada, Australia, China, Turkey, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Chile, Guyana, Myanmar, Peru and Portugal. Merit acts as an extension of the development team and assists in the selection and co-ordination of resources best suited to a particular project. Merit is not directly involved in engineering, manufacturing or construction businesses, which enables project decisions to be focused and unbiased.

      Qualified Person

      The Pumpkin Hollow project is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708. Mr. Robert McKnight, P.Eng., and Mr. French are both Qualified Persons as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101 and are responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      We seek safe harbor.

      Contacts:Nevada Copper Corp.Eugene ToffoloCorporate Communications604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266etoffolo@nevadacopper.comNevada Copper Corp.Robert McKnight, P.Eng.Executive Vice
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.04.11 13:58:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.185 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.429.447 von Augen_Stern am 29.04.11 13:42:25Super-Posting von materialsgirl auf stockhouse:

      I share your viewpoints entirely.Even though I own BAJ I would say that NCU is a much more attractive target.

      It is one year behind Baja for mining but there are no joint venture partners and the resource is massive.

      The mine is twice as big as the known resources of Equinox and it is safe has iron ore and by products and so on.

      In round numbers a $2b offer would be $30:) a share and a $3b offer would be $45 :)a share.

      These kinds of offers could happen in 2 years but by then there will likely be additional shares issued.
      In the shorter term the price would be much lower ($10 to $15):) unless a bidding war takes place.

      Sure, Barrick was stupid to pay such a big price for a low grade copper asset in Africa. Dumbos they are called. They now know the insanity of their poor decision that but they will want to save face and stick with it.

      What many of us lost on Barrick because of their bad judgement does have the possible benefit that it inflates the value of massive copper deposits such as Nevada Copper.

      You lose some you win some
      schrieb am 03.05.11 23:10:06
      Beitrag Nr. 2.186 ()
      May 03, 2011
      Nevada Copper Intersects 1,164 Feet of 0.49% Copper in the Pumpkin Hollow North Deposit…
      schrieb am 06.05.11 19:21:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2.187 ()
      Neu auf der Seite von Nevada Copper zu lesen.

      May 06, 2011
      Nevada Copper Stepout Drilling Continues to Intersect Mineralization in the East Deposit and Section 11 Target


      May 6, 2011 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce further positive drill results from the East Deposit and Section 11 Target at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The holes reported below represent assay results from the current 20,000 meter step-out expansion program.

      NC10-65 and NC11-01 were drilled as step-out holes in the East Deposit. NC10-65 was pre-collared in 2010 and later completed as a geotechnical hole along the south end of the deposit. A large zone of lower grade mineralization was encountered extending to the south and the higher grade zones within the mineralized package are narrowing. NC11-01 drilled as a step-out (50 meters) along the northeast portion of the deposit was successful in extending the mineralized horizon to the east, where it remains open. NC11-01 intersected 92.7 feet (28.2 meters), 83.3 feet (25.4 meters) true thickness averaging 1.30% copper.

      NC11-05 was drilled on the Section 11 Target located approximately 1650 feet (~500 meters) from the proposed E2 shaft. The hole was drilled approximately 700 feet (210 meters) down dip from FG-58 which averaged 118' averaging 1.4% copper. Mineralization remains open. Several zones were intersected in NC11-05, the largest was 42.0 feet (12.8 meters), 14.4 feet (4.4 meters) true thickness averaging 1.0% copper.

      "The step-out drill program continues to produce positive results with NC11-01 along the northeastern boundary of the East Deposit confirming and expanding mineralization. In Section 11, previous exploration had focused on the footwall lithologies dominated iron mineralization. The recent drilling targeted the copper mineralization which is similar to the E2 Deposit. The recent results will be incorporated into the exploration model to help focus drilling on the higher grade trends especially along strike where the mineralized boundaries have not been defined", commented Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager of Nevada Copper.

      EAST DEPOSIT -- Assays greater than 0.75% Cu

      Drill Hole #













      SECTION 11 TARGET -- Assays greater than 0.75% Cu

      Drill Hole #












      Plan maps with recent drill locations are available at

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 59 million shares outstanding and is well funded with no debt and approximately $21 million in cash.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      This news release includes certain statements and information that may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements in this new release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements and forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, statements concerning: Nevada Copper's ("the Company") plans at the Pumpkin Hollow Project; the timing of granting of key permits, timing of delivery of key technical reports such as the Definitive Feasibility Study, estimated metal production and the timing thereof; and any capital and operating and cash flow estimates. Forward-looking statements or information include statements regarding the expectations and beliefs of management. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements and forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "anticipated", "is targeted", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or the negatives thereof or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements or information include, but are not limited to, statements or information with respect to known or unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information.

      Forward-looking statements or information are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements or information, including, without limitation, risks and uncertainties relating to: history of losses; requirements for additional capital; dilution; loss of its material properties; interest rates increase; global economy; no history of production; future metals price fluctuations, speculative nature of exploration activities; periodic interruptions to exploration, development and mining activities; environmental hazards and liability; industrial accidents; failure of processing and mining equipment to perform as expected; labour disputes; supply problems; uncertainty of production and cost estimates; the interpretation of drill results and the estimation of mineral resources and reserves; legal and regulatory proceedings and community actions; title matters; regulatory restrictions; permitting and licensing; volatility of the market price of Common Shares; insurance; competition; hedging activities; currency fluctuations; loss of key employees; as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form dated September 24, 2010. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements or information. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update forward-looking statements or information except as required by law, and you are referred to the full discussion of the Company's business contained in the Company's reports filed with the securities regulatory authorities in Canada. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at

      For further information call:
      Eugene Toffolo, Corporate Communications
      Phone: 604-683-8266
      Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      Robert McKnight, P.Eng.,
      Executive Vice President
      Phone 604-683-1309

      Click to Enlarge

      You can view the Previous News Releases item: Tue May 3, 2011, Nevada Copper Intersects 1,164 Feet of 0.49% Copper in the Pumpkin Hollow North Deposit

      You can return to the main News Releases page, or press the Back button on your browser.
      schrieb am 09.05.11 14:31:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2.188 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.258.939 von Muesli2k am 24.03.11 11:25:18Hi M2k,

      jetzt haben wir unser Gap vom 24.3.zwischen 5,30-5,40 $ auch noch geschlossen :).Leider haben wir dafür von der Spitze fast 20 % verloren. Das hätte auch gerne schon früher geschehen können...aber was solls...dafür kann man sich wenigstens darauf verlassen, dass bei NCU jedes Gap geschlossen wird.
      Und jetzt sollte es mal langsam wieder up;) gehen....bin auf die Studie vom 30.6.11 sehr gespannt.

      Uns allen viel Glück und Ausdauer...

      schrieb am 24.05.11 08:34:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.189 ()
      Chart Update :lick:

      Sieht schon wieder sehr gut aus, Erholung gestartet mit dem Abprall/Test der 5,05 CAD

      MACD und Momentum drehen. Die Bollinger Bänder sind für meinen Geschmack etwas zu eng, was auch die Trading Range etwas einschränkt.

      Nach oben wirds ab 6,00-6,25 sehr schwer werden.. Aaaaber ich hoffe doch das jetzt mal etwas schmackes reinkommt und wir geschmeidig Richtung 7,00 CAD durchziehen. Möglich wäre es vor allem mit dem Hintergrund auf die Ende Juni zu erwartenden positiven News :)

      schrieb am 24.05.11 17:34:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2.190 ()
      Hi M2k,
      ja, so wie es aussieht, ist hier wirklich Geduld ;)gefragt.
      Es gibt nichts weiter zu schreiben...zur Zeit auch keine Insiderkäufe/verkäufe....nur Warten auf den 30.6.11 ist angesagt.

      Charttechnisch sehe ich auch einen starken Widerstand bei ca 6,20 $.Wenn wir aber die nächsten 2-3 Wochen in der seitlichen Range bleiben, könnten wir mit viel Rückenwind - den haben wir bestimmt kurz vor dem 30.6.- diesen Widerstand nach oben durchbrechen....dann aber hoffentlich auf Nimmer Wiedersehen!!!

      Also Geduld...wir schaffen das...

      schrieb am 25.05.11 15:34:12
      Beitrag Nr. 2.191 ()
      Nevada Copper Steps Out and Drills 126 Feet of 1.26% Copper/Definitive Feasibility Update
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Wednesday 25 May 2011

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce additional positive step out drill results at the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The holes reported below represent assay results from the current 20,000 meter step out and expansion drilling program.
      Drill Hole NC11-09 was drilled in the East Deposit to follow up the possible extension of high grade mineralization to the southwest where much of the previous drilling consisted of pre-collared holes that never intersected the targeted mineralized zones. Drill hole NC11-09 was successful in extending and confirming the continuity of high grade mineralization intersecting two large zones; 126.0 feet (38.4 meters), averaging 1.26% copper, 0.306 grams gold and 5.8 grams silver and 71.8 feet (21.9 meters), 78.7 feet averaging 1.72% copper, 0.322 grams gold and 6.3 grams silver. Intercepts represent true thickness. Follow up drilling is currently being planned.

      Four holes were drilled in the North Deposit. Two holes were drilled along portions of the proposed north pit and two targeted mineral expansion. Drill Hole NC10-77 was successful in expanding mineralization along the eastern boundary of the deposit where mineralization is still open. Drill Hole NC11-02 was drilled to define the shallow up dip extensions found along the northern edge of the deposit.

      NC-GT10 and GT12 geotechnical holes were drilled along the north and northeast portions of the open-pittable North Deposit. NC10-GT10 drilled to collect geotechnical data along the proposed north pit wall, intersected the deeper mineralization. The hole intersected 192.0 feet (58.5 meters), 71.9 feet (21.9 meters) true thickness averaging 0.75% copper plus associated gold and silver values (see table below). The results from NC10-GT12 confirmed existing mineralization along the northeast portion of the deposit.

      EAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.75% Cu
      From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      Drill Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-09 539.5 551.7 12.2 40.0 12.2 1.04 0.091 1.5 8.2
      640.1 646.2 6.1 20.0 6.1 1.96 0.167 2.8 14.8
      660.9 685.8 21.9 71.8 21.9 1.72 0.322 6.3 15.7
      734.6 773.0 38.4 126.0 38.4 1.26 0.306 5.8 10.6

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.2% Cu
      From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      Drill Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC10-77 275.5 289.5 14.0 46.0 14.0 0.43 0.049 1.3 0.001
      302.4 317.0 14.6 48.0 14.6 0.94 0.123 2.5 0.001
      NC10-GT10 527.3 585.8 58.5 192.0 21.9 0.75 0.046 2.5 0.003
      NC10-GT12 182.9 195.1 12.2 40.0 8.6 1.05 0.103 6.4 0.011
      272.8 283.5 10.7 35.0 7.6 0.42 0.064 2.4 less
      317.0 329.2 12.2 40.0 8.6 1.46 0.154 7.4 less
      455.7 470.9 15.2 50.0 10.7 0.30 0.053 1.1 0.002
      NC11-02 66.4 73.1 6.7 22.0 5.1 0.81 0.023 0.6 less
      172.4 177.1 4.7 15.5 3.6 0.51 less 1.0 0.002

      Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager, CPG, M.Sc., commented, "Drilling in the East and North Deposits continue to expand mineralization. Mineralization remains open down dip and along the eastern boundary of the North Deposit. Drill Hole NC11-09 was drilled as a step out to begin testing an area that has had limited drilling. This step out hole intersected the mineralized zone resulting in a thicker intercept than expected. Expanding the mineralization to the southwest is expected to have a positive effect on future development designs."

      A cross section will be made available at

      Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS")

      The DFS being prepared by Tetra Tech was targeted for completion by June 30, 2011 will now be released prior to the end the third quarter. Additional time is required for geotechnical testing, detailed engineering on Phase 1 and Phase 2, and the sequencing of the ore and waste rock streams from the North and South open pits.

      Results from DFS-related technical studies have identified additional opportunities to optimize:

      -- the location and configuration of process facilities,
      -- the design and placement of the underground cemented paste backfill
      -- the placement of dewatered tailings;
      -- the design of water supply pipeline from the City of Yerington, and
      -- closure planning to reduce the requirement for posting reclamation bonds
      throughout the life of the project

      In addition, ground water studies have concluded that less than expected quantities of groundwater inflows can be anticipated. This has positive implications for shaft construction, as well as underground and open pit mining during operations.

      As previously disclosed, Nevada Copper is planning a phased project development build-out. This takes advantage of an accelerated permitting timeline and earlier production from an initial underground operation resulting from its location entirely on private, patented claims. The Phase 1 Underground mine and mill operation will be a "stand alone" project that is not dependent upon subsequent development phases.

      The subsequent Phase 2 development involves a separate process plant fed by ore from the two adjacent North and South open pits. This requires additional environmental design, amendments to local and State permits, and Federal approvals (see below). This phased plan means that the stand-alone underground project could be in operation in early 2014 while additional environmental studies are performed to secure Federal approvals for Phase 2.

      It is anticipated that Phase 1 operations will generate early cash flows that will provide additional project capital financing options for Phase 2 development and construction.

      Phase 1 - Underground Operation on Private Patented Land

      -- Phase 1 development plan includes a nominal 7,500 ton per day
      underground operation with ore feed from the high grade East and E2
      underground deposits. Phase 1 mining and milling rates will be optimized
      and determined as part of the DFS.

      -- Phase 1 operation is highly attractive because of its small
      environmental footprint with the development contained entirely within
      private patented mining claims - requiring no Federal permits. This
      phase would require State and County permits and result in faster
      permitting and earlier initial copper production. Final permits for the
      Phase 1 development are expected to be received by the third quarter of

      -- Ore from the East and E2 deposits will be transported to surface by two
      vertical shafts - one to each of the deposits, which will also be linked
      underground by a conveyor-equipped decline. The current configuration
      allows for the early access to the ore zones, maximizes operational
      flexibility and minimizes the potential for cost overruns due to any
      adverse near-surface ground conditions.

      Phase 2 - Open Pit Mine/Mill on Private and Bureau Land Management ("BLM") Land

      -- Phase 2 expansion includes a 60,000 tons per day open pit operation with
      a separate mill facility with grind size optimized for maximum copper
      recovery from the open pit ores. Phase 2 mining and milling rates will
      be optimized and determined as part of the DFS. The mining sequence will
      likely start with pre-stripping of the North Deposit and later move
      towards the coincident mining of both the North and South Deposits.

      -- Phase 2 would require BLM Plan of Operations and an Environmental Impact
      Statement since the project would extend onto unpatented claims held by
      Nevada Copper on BLM lands. Phase 2 development timeline allows for more
      time for detailed engineering and environmental design associated with
      the larger open pits, mine rock storage facilities, tailings storage
      facilities and the groundwater studies needed to support County, State
      and Federal permitting.

      Phase 2 approvals are expected to be received approximately 27 months
      after submission of a complete BLM Plan of Operations. The BLM Plan of
      Operations is targeted for submission by Q3 of 2012.

      Giulio Bonifacio, President and Chief Executive Officer commented, "The step-out expansion drilling program continues to produce positive results and we are pleased with the results to date. While these results will not be incorporated into our DFS the initial drilling in the targeted areas as referenced in our April 12th press release have proved very successful to date. We are also pleased with the progress on the DFS albeit modestly delayed. Our phased approach will be extremely beneficial from a permitting and project capital perspective as it will allow us to achieve early production and self-funding in part for Phase 2 project capital."

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who along with Robert McKnight, P.Eng. are responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at

      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      We seek safe harbour.
      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Eugene Toffolo
      Corporate Communications
      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      schrieb am 26.05.11 11:42:09
      Beitrag Nr. 2.192 ()
      Und aus dem stockhouse board:

      Copper Advances for Second Day as Demand Outlook Turns PositiveBy Glenys Sim - May 25, 2011 9:16 AM GMT 0200 .

      .Copper in London climbed for a second day as banks from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. to JPMorgan Chase & Co. backed the metal’s prospects amid signs of improving demand.

      Three-month delivery copper on the London Metal Exchange rose as much as 1.1 percent to $8,958 a metric ton and traded at $8,949.75 at 3:12 p.m. Singapore time. Stockpiles of the metal in Shanghai Futures Exchange warehouses declined to the lowest in more than seven months last week, a sign that demand may be picking up in the world’s biggest consumer.

      “As long as this is a growing market, there will not be enough scrap available, there will not be enough concentrates,” Christian Schirmeister, executive director at JPMorgan’s global commodities group, said at a conference in Singapore.

      Copper for August delivery on the Shanghai Futures Exchange gained for a second day, closing 0.9 percent higher at 66,960 yuan ($10,309) a ton. July-delivery copper on the Comex climbed as much as 1.1 percent to $4.056 per pound.

      “Don’t expect copper prices to fall down to $5,000 or something,” Schirmeister said yesterday. “Demand is stronger ;)than production, whether it’s mined or secondary.” There was a shortage of the metal for a second month in February as supplies trailed demand by 17,000 tons, the International Copper Study Group said yesterday. The Lisbon- based organization expects a 377,000-ton global copper shortfall this year.

      Goldman Sachs yesterday suggested buying oil, copper and zinc, reversing last month’s call to sell commodities. Economic growth will likely be sufficient to tighten key supply- constrained markets in the second half, leading to higher prices, the bank’s analysts wrote in a report.

      Aluminum and zinc in London were little changed at $2,503 a ton and $2,188 a ton, respectively. Lead increased 0.4 percent to $2,496 a ton. Nickel fell 0.6 percent to $22,750 a ton, and tin dropped 0.9 percent to $27,001 a ton.
      schrieb am 08.06.11 11:15:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2.193 ()
      Kupfer: Streikende in viertgrößter Mine in Chile

      von Jens Lüders, Mittwoch 08.06.2011, 10:02 Uhr

      London ( – Kupfer ist am Mittwoch im Handel in London und Shanghai um knapp 0,8 Prozent gefallen, nachdem sich der US-Dollar-Index von seinem Monatstief etwas erholt hat. Zu der sinkenden Notierung bei dem Industriemetall haben Informationen aus Chile beigetragen, wo es in der viertgrößten Kupfermine des Landes zu einem Streit und Arbeitsniederlegungen gekommen ist. Die Mine gehört dem chilenischen Unternehmen Codelco. Zwischenzeitlich musste die Produktion der Mine um rund 50 Prozent heruntergefahren werden.

      Diego Hernandez, Vorstand von Codelco, äußerte gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur Dow Jones, dass die Proteste noch in dieser Woche enden werden und danach die Mine wieder die übliche Fördermenge bereitstellen werde. Der Kontrakt zur Lieferung von Kupfer in drei Monaten (August) fiel an der London Metal Exchange daraufhin um 82,00 US-Dollar auf 9.058,00 US-Dollar je Tonne. Der am aktivsten gehandelte Kontrakt an der Shanghai Futures Exchange zur Lieferung im August sank um 0,8 Prozent auf 67.730 Yuan pro Tonne. Die Preisdifferenz zwischen den beiden Kontrakten verringerte sich damit auf 900 Yuan von noch mehr als 1.000 Yuan am Freitag.

      schrieb am 13.06.11 15:09:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2.194 ()
      Wer weis etwas.mehr zu NCU- gibt es da auch einmal eine Dividendenzahlung ? habe NCU seit 2008 Empfehlung im Auge.
      da war 1,8 US$ noch angesagt . von Divid. oder Bonus no info. ?
      schrieb am 14.06.11 19:56:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.195 ()
      seit wann zahlen Explorer eine Dividende ????? Bullshit :laugh:
      schrieb am 14.06.11 19:57:30
      Beitrag Nr. 2.196 ()
      Nevada Copper Expands North Deposit Intersecting 785 Feet of 0.73% Copper and 320 Feet of 1.08% Copper
      Datum : 14/06/2011 @ 18h24
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 5.64 0.19 (3.49%) @ 19h52
      Kurs Chart Reports Trades Level2

      Nevada Copper Expands North Deposit Intersecting 785 Feet of 0.73% Copper and 320 Feet of 1.08% Copper
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Tuesday 14 June 2011

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is very pleased to announce further positive drill results from the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The holes reported below represent assay results from the current 20,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program.
      Drill Hole NC11-03 was drilled to expand the deeper mineralization in the North Deposit and was successful in extending and confirming the continuity of mineralization intersecting an upper zone 320 feet (97.5 meters), averaging 1.08% copper, 0.164 grams gold, 4.2 grams silver and 0.017% molybdenum and a lower zone 785 feet (239 meters), averaging 0.73% copper, 0.048 grams gold and 1.2 grams silver. Intervals represent true thickness.

      Drill Hole NC11-04 and geotechnical hole NC11-GT03 were drilled in the East Deposit. Drill Hole NC11-04 was drilled along the northern edge of the Deposit. Drill Hole NC11-GT03 was drilled to collect geotechnical data for the East shaft and is over 90 meters east of known mineralization and intersected two thinner mineralized zones. These zones will not affect the location of the shaft but demonstrate the continuity and strength of the mineralizing system.

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.2% Cu

      Drill From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-03 184.4 281.9 97.5 320.0 97.5 1.08 0.164 4.3 0.017
      341.4 500.6 239.2 785.2 239.2 0.73 0.048 1.2 0.006

      EAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.75% Cu

      Drill From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-04 472.9 477.3 4.4 14.5 4.4 1.38 0.226 2.6 27.3
      549.3 563.9 14.6 47.8 14.6 1.27 0.139 2.4 3.6
      568.7 573.7 5.0 16.3 5.0 0.97 0.144 3.5 5.9
      NC11-GT03 560.2 568.4 8.23 27.0 8.23 1.65 0.123 3.4 5.7
      730.0 734.6 4.6 15.0 4.6 0.79 0.171 4.6 26.7

      Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager, CPG, M.Sc., commented, "Drilling in the North Deposit continues to confirm and expand mineralization. Two mineralized zones were intersected, with the upper and the lower zone expanding mineralization. Together the two zones total over 1,100 feet of mineralization grading 0.73% to 1.08% copper. NC11-03 also demonstrated that areas within the deposit have higher molybdenum grades than the deposit average. In view of these very positive results additional drilling is currently being planned."

      Plan maps and a cross section will be made available at

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      We seek safe harbour.


      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Eugene Toffolo
      Corporate Communications
      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Robert McKnight, P.Eng.
      Executive Vice President
      schrieb am 22.06.11 08:52:58
      Beitrag Nr. 2.197 ()
      Die momentane Umsatzschwache Seitwärtsbewegung geht mir so allmählich auf die Nerven :laugh:

      Zum Glück stehen Ende Juni /Anfang July News bzgl. der Definitive Feasibility Study an! Ich denke das es dann mit schmackes eine Etag höher geht.

      Ich werde gerade irgendwie das Gefühl nicht los, das der Kurs absichtlich auf und in der Nähe der 5,50CAD festgetackert wird. Meist macht man so etwas nur, wenn man einen gewissen durchschnitskurs für z.B. eine Übernahmeofferte oder ähnl. erzielen will!

      Mal schauen ob heute in CAN endlich mal was passiert ;)

      Die Indikatoren sind alle Recht neutral, es fehlt nur der zündende Funke!

      schrieb am 22.06.11 11:17:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2.198 ()
      das vergrößern vom Chart scheint nicht immer zu klappen, daher hier nochmal ein link, zur besseren Ansicht
      schrieb am 22.06.11 11:19:16
      Beitrag Nr. 2.199 ()
      schrieb am 26.06.11 11:53:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.200 ()
      In Sachen Insidertrades hat sich wieder einiges getan:…

      Noch 4x schlafen, dann wissen wir mehr. Wie M2k schon sagt,der Chart braucht nur ein kleines;) Signal, dann geht es los. Aber dieses Mal bitte ohne Gap.

      Viel Glück !
      schrieb am 27.06.11 19:03:29
      Beitrag Nr. 2.201 ()
      Posting von redmetal auf stockhouse:

      Looks like management exercised their options and then sold them to Vladi. I wonder what Vladi has up his sleeve?

      Ausüben der Optionen ist ok. Aber was hat der gute Vladimir damit vor ???? Was sind eure Vermutungen??
      schrieb am 27.06.11 22:02:09
      Beitrag Nr. 2.202 ()
      Schaut euch mal die Seite von Pala an, seid ich das letzte mal dort war hat sich einiges getan, Nevada Copper wird nun sogar als Invest aufgeführt, das war seither nicht der Fall :D

      Desweiteren, was will Pala mit den ganzen NCU Aktien?? Denke ich erklärt dies hier ganz gut:

      Pala is an investment company focused exclusively on the mining sector. We are long-term partners for value creation and possess a strong track record of developing successful investments.

      How we work

      Pala partners with management teams and shareholders to create value
      We bring considerable capability in strategic and corporate development to our partners
      We invest in selected listed and private opportunities
      We take a fundamental, value-based approach to investing, commensurate with an enduring partnership

      Our focus - Mining and mining-related services

      Pala considers investments in many stages of a company's or asset's life cycle:
      - Development;
      - Production;
      - Turnaround; and
      - Advanced exploration.

      Pala seeks out and supports opportunities for sector consolidation
      Pala invests in all commodities where value-creation opportunities exist
      Pala also invests in services and consumables for the mining sector where we focus on the development of global platforms and creating market-leading brands

      Grüße M2k
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.06.11 22:18:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2.203 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.707.408 von Muesli2k am 27.06.11 22:02:09Vladimr Iorich auf der Forbes Liste mit Photo und Profil:
      schrieb am 28.06.11 08:47:20
      Beitrag Nr. 2.204 ()
      Leck mich am Buckel.. :eek: :eek: :eek:

      Der Mann hat alles richtig gemacht, und er kauft NCU Aktien ohne Ende.. Der wird sich unser Baby irgendwann noch einverleiben, mir solls Recht sein! Für 25CAD$ kann er meine Anteile haben, vorher geb ich nix her.. äätsche bätsche Vladi :laugh:

      Zitat von Augen_Stern: Vladimr Iorich auf der Forbes Liste mit Photo und Profil:
      schrieb am 28.06.11 09:30:41
      Beitrag Nr. 2.205 ()
      Ja, das ist schon unglaublich. Vladimir hat ein richtiges Näschen für lohnende Investments. Ein self-made billionaire, der sich jetzt für unsere Nevada interessiert und entsprechend kauft.Also, da muß man kein Hellseher sein, um zu erkennen, dass hier etwas ganz Großes entsteht und wir als Aktionäre entsprechend daran verdienen können. Auf Sicht von 2 Jahren....warum sollen da keine 20 CAD $ drin sein ??ßß
      schrieb am 28.06.11 09:37:33
      Beitrag Nr. 2.206 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.401.724 von Augen_Stern am 21.04.11 15:10:59Für alle Neueinsteiger ein Posting von mir kurz vor Ostern :

      Bevor ich mich in die Osterwoche verabschiede, hier noch mal ein äußerst interessantes Rechenexample von "bepractical" aus dem stockhouse:

      The announcement by Capstone to buy Far West Mining for $725m is an interesting case study. I am ignoring the gold component in each case and have called the iron ore component a draw even though NCU has more iron. This leaves copper where Nevada Copper has a 9.6b pound resource versus a 3.4b pound resource for Far west.Capstone is paying $725m for Far West. Is NCU worth $725m plus an additional 6.2b pounds of copper? At 5 cents per pound in the ground, we would add $310m for a total value of $1.035B or roughly $16.00 per diluted share for NCU.Interesting scenario and entirely possible or did Capstone overpay?

      Summa summarum....unsere Nevada könnte und müßte...verglichen mit Far West Mining und nur auf die Kupfervorkommen bezogen...bis zu 16 $ :)pro Aktie wert sein. Ansonsten hätte Capstone zuviel für Far West Mining bezahlt.

      Frohe Ostern und super Wetter wünscht Euch
      schrieb am 29.06.11 10:54:13
      Beitrag Nr. 2.207 ()
      Und noch mal Bewegung bei den Insidertrades:…

      Jetzt wirds langsam spannend.....morgen, 30.6. 2011 sollte die Studie veröffentlicht hab ich das zumindest verstanden. Jemand anderer Meinung ????

      schrieb am 29.06.11 14:04:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.208 ()
      30.06 stand in einer der letzten News, denke die werden den Termin schon einhalten, die Studie wird ja von nem externen Dienstleister erstellt, der hätte schon was gesagt wenn er nicht pünktlich liefert!

      Zitat von Augen_Stern: Und noch mal Bewegung bei den Insidertrades:…

      Jetzt wirds langsam spannend.....morgen, 30.6. 2011 sollte die Studie veröffentlicht hab ich das zumindest verstanden. Jemand anderer Meinung ????

      schrieb am 30.06.11 10:13:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.209 ()
      Und weiter gehts...…

      Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      As of June 29th, 2011
      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price

      Jun 29/11 Jun 27/11 Giuffre, Joseph Paul Direct Ownership Common Shares 11 - Disposition carried out privately -50,000

      Jun 29/11 Jun 27/11 Giuffre, Joseph Paul Direct Ownership Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 50,000 $1.000

      Jun 29/11 Jun 27/11 Giuffre, Joseph Paul Direct Ownership Options 51 - Exercise of options -50,000
      schrieb am 30.06.11 21:29:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.210 ()
      Mist, ich glaube wir haben da was übersehen..

      Stand aber schon in der vorletzte News :cry: Glaube wir müssen uns doch noch etwas gedulden :rolleyes:

      Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS")

      The DFS being prepared by Tetra Tech was targeted for completion by June 30 2011 will now be released prior to the end the third quarter. Additional time is required for geotechnical testing, detailed engineering on Phase 1 and Phase 2, and the sequencing of the ore and waste rock streams from the North and South open pits.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.07.11 20:43:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2.211 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.726.081 von Muesli2k am 30.06.11 21:29:25Jep, danke für den Hinweis.
      schrieb am 04.07.11 11:00:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.212 ()
      Ja, ich habe das auch glatt übersehen. Allerdings fehlt trotzdem noch der Jahresbericht zum 30.6.11. Letztes Jahr wurde er am 29.7.10 veröffentlicht. Siehe Financial Statements:

      Dieser Bericht dürfte auch sehr aufschlußreich sein.
      schrieb am 07.07.11 14:41:30
      Beitrag Nr. 2.213 ()
      Nevada Copper Announces $65 Million Bought Deal Common Share Financing
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Thursday 7 July 2011

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada

      Copper" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with a
      syndicate of underwriters co-led by Canaccord Genuity Corp. and Scotia
      Capital Inc. (the "Underwriters"), pursuant to which the Underwriters
      have agreed to purchase, on a bought deal basis pursuant to a short
      form prospectus, 12,050,000 common shares (the "Common Shares") of the
      Company at a price of $5.40 per Common Share for gross proceeds of

      $65,070,000 (the "Underwritten Offering"). In addition, the Company
      has granted the Underwriters an option to purchase additional Common
      Shares at the Offering price to raise additional gross proceeds of up
      to 15% of the Offering (the "Over-Allotment Option"), exercisable for a
      period of up to 30 days after the closing date (the "Over-Allotment

      Option", and together with the Underwritten Offering, the "Offering").

      The Underwriters will receive a cash fee on the sale of the Common

      Shares under the Offering equal to 5.5% of the gross proceeds raised,
      and broker warrants ("Broker Warrants") equal to 2.5% of the Offering.
      Each Broker Warrant shall be exercisable for one common share of the
      Company at a price of $6.00 at any time up to 24 months after closing.

      The proceeds from the Offering are expected to be used by the Company
      for exploration and development of its Pumpkin Hollow deposit in

      Nevada, and for general working capital and corporate purposes.
      Closing of the Offering is anticipated to occur on or before August 2,
      2011 and is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited

      to, the completion of satisfactory due diligence by the Underwriters

      and the receipt of applicable regulatory approvals including approval

      of the Toronto Stock Exchange.

      This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation

      of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of any of the Common

      Shares in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale

      would be unlawful. The Common Shares have not been and will not be

      registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended

      (the "U.S. Securities Act") or the securities laws of any state of the

      United States and may not be offered or sold within the United States

      or to, or for the account or the benefit of, U.S. persons (as defined

      in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act) unless registered under

      the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or

      pursuant to an exemption from such registration requirements.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website



      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed

      "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other

      than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of

      commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking

      statements. Although Nevada Copper believes the expectations expressed

      in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions,

      such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual

      results or developments may differ materially from those in the

      forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to

      differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include

      unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in

      the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated

      changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions.

      Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events

      may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking

      statements. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have

      demonstrated economic viability. For more information on Nevada Copper

      and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review

      Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at

      To view this news release in HTML formatting, please use the following URL:…

      p Eugene Toffolo, Corporate Communicationsbr/ Phone: 604-683-8266br/ Toll free: 1-877-648-8266br/ Email: a href="" /p p bOR:/bbr/ Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEObr/ Phone: 604-699-0023 /p
      schrieb am 07.07.11 14:51:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.214 ()
      Warst wieder schneller..;)..
      schrieb am 07.07.11 14:57:35
      Beitrag Nr. 2.215 ()
      Zitat von Augen_Stern: Warst wieder schneller..;)..

      was hälst du davon ?? Ich seh das doch richtig, die kaufen 12,5 Millionen Shares zu 5,40 = 65 Millionen Finanzierung ??

      Aber wieso gibt in Frankfurt der Kurs nach, Pari wären nun eigtl. 4,22€

      Hoffe nicht die ziehen in Can den Kurs auf 5,40 nur weil die Platzierung zu dem Kurs stattfand?

      Im Freefloat dürfte es nun bald 0 Aktien mehr geben :D
      schrieb am 07.07.11 16:08:50
      Beitrag Nr. 2.216 ()
      Im Prinzip sehe ich das so wie Du. Sie kaufen sich mit 12.050.000 Aktien zu 5,40 ein.
      Ich gehe auch davon aus, dass sich der Kurs entsprechend anpasst....aber dann gehts ab...

      5,40 $ = 3,9464 Euro.

      Das ist die letzte Gelegenheit, um noch mal zu solch günstigen Preisen zu kaufen oder nachzulegen.
      schrieb am 07.07.11 16:16:19
      Beitrag Nr. 2.217 ()
      Hatten wir vorher nicht nur 7 Analystenhäuser ???? sind es jedenfalls 8 !!!!
      schrieb am 07.07.11 16:24:43
      Beitrag Nr. 2.218 ()
      Ich meine Scotia war nicht dabei, bei Canaccord bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher.. Das sind aber jedenfalls die beiden aus dem private Placement...

      Zitat von Augen_Stern: Hatten wir vorher nicht nur 7 Analystenhäuser ???? sind es jedenfalls 8 !!!!
      schrieb am 07.07.11 16:29:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.219 ()
      Und nicht zu vergessen, der Gründer von Pala, Jan Castro, ist jetzt im Vorstand von Nevada. Schaut ihn euch mal genau an...der weiß, was er will :)!!!
      schrieb am 07.07.11 22:26:08
      Beitrag Nr. 2.220 ()
      Eine Meinung von rozelli 2 aus dem stockhouse board:

      Judging by the price and volume this deal is getting done quickly. I in with both nuts...if management can execute is the big if...and our resident russian seems to have a game plan. Looking for 8$ minimum if successful..maybe 12$ if things get hot....

      Da kann ich mich nur voll und ganz anschließen. Sind die 12.050.000 Aktien erst mal übern Tisch, dann gehts ab....Richtung Norden :)
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.07.11 19:04:46
      Beitrag Nr. 2.221 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.758.840 von Augen_Stern am 07.07.11 22:26:08Nevada Copper Corp.: Kaufen mit Kursziel 7,25 CAD
      09.07.2011 | 8:06 Uhr | ROHSTOFF-WELT.DE

      Nevada Copper Corporation besitzt 100% der Kupferliegenschaft Pumpkin Hollow in West-Nevada. Nach Einschätzung der Analysten von GMP Securities besteht bei dem Projekt kaum politisches Risiko. Es verfügt zudem über eine bestehende Infrastruktur und weiteres Explorationspotenzial.

      Das Projekt könnte sich von 45.000 Tonnen Kupfer pro Jahr ab Mitte 2014 (Untergrundbetrieb) bis Anfang 2017 auf 144.000 Tonnen pro Jahr (Untergrund- und Tagebaubetrieb) steigern.

      GMP nimmt die Bewertung von Nevada Copper neu auf und empfiehlt die Aktie des Unternehmens zum Kauf. Das Kursziel lautet 7,25 CAD.

      © Redaktion
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.07.11 23:05:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.222 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.765.978 von Muesli2k am 09.07.11 19:04:46Na endlich, jetzt wird es nicht mehr lange dauern und unsere Nevada wird auch hier bekannt. Dann sind die ruhigen und besinnlichen Zeiten hier im Board vorbei.Aber war bis jetzt so schön.;).....Bis Jahresende sind 8-10 $ drin. Wenn nicht noch mehr. Aber alles nur meine Meinung...
      schrieb am 12.07.11 21:52:12
      Beitrag Nr. 2.223 ()
      OT: Schaut euch mal diesen Chart Jahr 2009 bei 0,nix und jetzt bei über 8 $.Hat jemand von euch schon mal von Atac Resources gehört ? Interessant ist der 2 Jahreschart!!!!Das ist der Hammer:)!…
      schrieb am 13.07.11 18:22:04
      Beitrag Nr. 2.224 ()
      Bei mir geht leider der link/Chart nicht, gib mal kürzel oder WKN bitte :)
      schrieb am 13.07.11 21:01:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2.225 ()

      Schon wieder gestiegen...
      schrieb am 13.07.11 21:20:57
      Beitrag Nr. 2.226 ()
      Atac Resources Aktie ISIN: CA0464911068 | WKN: A0BKZG | Symbol: ATC

      Na, wenn unsere Nevada auch so abgeht.....warum eigentlich nicht;) ????
      schrieb am 14.07.11 16:42:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.227 ()
      So wie ich das sehe, ist dem Management von Nevada sehr daran gelegen, dass der Aktienpreis nicht zu sehr abfällt.Das ist auch mehr als in Ordnung, denn wir "Altaktionäre" sollten nicht darunter leiden müssen. Über 12 Mio. Aktien...das sind jede Menge. 5,20 $ sollten nicht allzu sehr unterschritten werden.
      Wenn das wirklich so klappen sollte, dann Hut ab vor dem Management...dann denken sie auch an uns.
      schrieb am 22.07.11 08:19:16
      Beitrag Nr. 2.228 ()
      Jetzt kann es nicht mehr lange dauern;). Nur noch ein bißchen Geduld !!!

      Nevada, and for general working capital and corporate purposes.
      Closing of the Offering is anticipated to occur on or before August 2,
      and is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited
      to, the completion of satisfactory due diligence by the Underwriters
      and the receipt of applicable regulatory approvals including approval
      of the Toronto Stock Exchange.

      Wir halten uns prima..:)...und ich glaube nicht, dass es jetzt noch einen großen Abrutscher gibt.
      Auch redmetal1 aus stockhouse sieht das so:

      I suspect when the financing closes we are going to see this start to move again, especially with the DFS coming shortly. They are also drilling 24 hours a day with 3 rigs.
      schrieb am 27.07.11 13:28:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.229 ()
      Ich bin begeistert..:).unsere Nevada hält sich wirklich gut...sogar besser, als ich erwartet habe.
      Ein Posting von Tracker88 aus Stockhouse sieht es folgendermaßen:

      Agreed , The gold and silver content of the property at current prices has a total apox value of 6.2 Billion Dollars US.
      That does not include the copper or Iron ore , I cannot see this sp staying so low for ever , it would not make sence .
      IT could become a take over target if we stay at the 5 dollar range . I think that would be a terrible thing t happen . The fact this mine in full production will be worth north of $ 30.00 . To get $ 2.50 or $ 3.00 above current sp would disappointing , I would rather wait 24 or 36 months and have great gains !

      Thats my out look , I am not a day trader so a small quick short term gain is not for me when there is 500 or 600 %
      returns just around the corner .


      Tracker88 befürchtet zwar, dass wir Ziel einer Übernahme werden könnten, sollte der SP länger bei ca. 5 $ stehen . In meinen Augen wird das nicht der Fall sein. Und schon gar nicht zu so einem lächerlichen Preis von 8-9 $. "Unser" Management ist so weitsichtig und auch auf uns Aktionäre bedacht, dass es nicht am schnellen Profit interessiert ist ! Da bin ich mir sicher. In 2-3 Jahren einen SP von 30 $...das ist keine Utopie!;) Meiner Meinung nach wird es nicht einmal so lange dauern.
      schrieb am 28.07.11 19:53:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.230 () geht um das benötigte Wasser für das Pumpkin Hollow Project. Das Wasser ist natürlich notwendig um dieses Project weiter voran zu treiben. Ohne Wasser geht nichts !

      fVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jul 28, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") Nevada Copper is very pleased to announce that the City of Yerington has amended an existing water service agreement with Nevada Copper to provide for additional water for the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Project. In 2009, Nevada Copper entered into a water agreement with the City of Yerington whereby the City would provide water to Nevada Copper as a standard water service customer. The amended agreement brings the total water volumes available from the City and other sources to approximately 4,300 acre-feet, which considerably exceeds the expected net water requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Project.

      Greg French, Vice President and Senior Project Manager, commented, "This agreement assures that Nevada Copper will have enough water to fully develop the Pumpkin Hollow project. This includes the current planned Phase 1 underground mine and associated 7,500 tons per day processing facility; and the Phase 1 & 2 combined underground mine and an adjacent open pit mine with a second 60,000 tons per day processing facility." Under the Project mine plan, the Company will "dry stack" its tailings, which allows for recycling of up to 85% of the water for re-use in processing. This compares to the conventional slurried tailings pond disposal method, which recycles only 30-50% of the water used.

      Mayor George Dini stated, "Pumpkin Hollow is a critical project for the economy of Yerington and Mason Valley. The structure of this amendment allows the City of Yerington to assist Nevada Copper in meeting their project needs, yet still provides that the City has sufficient water rights to meet other future needs."

      Tim Dyhr, Vice President, Environment and External Relations, stated that "we continue to be very pleased with our ongoing working relationship with the City of Yerington. Nevada Copper recognizes that water is the lifeblood of the economy in Mason Valley. We believe that the agreement with the City utilizes that water wisely to generate economic benefits for the communities of Yerington, Mason Valley and Lyon County. This is part of development of a long term, collaborative relationship with both the City and Lyon County to maximize the economic benefits derived from these water and mineral resources. We look forward to working with both of them as the project progresses into construction and operation."

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at
      schrieb am 02.08.11 16:29:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.231 ()
      Nevada Copper Closes $65 Million Bought Deal FinancingNevada Copper Corp NCU 8/2/2011 9:39:52 AMVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Aug 2, 2011 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

      Nevada Copper Corp. ("Nevada Copper" or the "Company") (TSX:NCU) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced Cdn.$65 million bought deal equity financing (the "Financing"). A syndicate of underwriters, led by Canaccord Genuity Corp. and Scotia Capital Inc., and including GMP Securities L.P., Cormark Securities Inc., Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd., Paradigm Capital Inc., Desjardins Securities Inc. and M Partners Inc., (collectively, the "Underwriters"), purchased an aggregate of 12,050,000 common shares of the Company at a purchase price of Cdn.$5.40 per share.

      The Underwriters were granted an over-allotment option, which is exercisable in whole or in part until 30 days after the closing of the Financing, to purchase up to an additional 1,807,500 common shares of the Company at a purchase price of Cdn.$5.40 per share.

      The net proceeds from the Financing will be used primarily to fund underground access, development and exploration of its Pumpkin Hollow deposit located in Nevada.

      Mr. Bonifacio, President and CEO of Nevada Copper commented: "We are extremely pleased with the interest shown in the financing considering the overall context of the market. Our current cash balance of $80 million allows us to commence our underground access program and development of the high-grade eastern deposits and continue with our ongoing drilling program which continues to expand our current resource."

      The securities offered have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or under any applicable securities laws of any state of the United States and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration thereunder or pursuant to an applicable exemption from such registration requirements. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at

      schrieb am 02.08.11 16:44:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.232 ()
      Diesmal warst du schneller, ich ergänze aber mal einen aktuellen Chart :)

      schrieb am 02.08.11 19:06:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2.233 ()
      Danke für den Chart. Alle Gaps wurden bisher geschlossen...nur so kann ein gesunder ausgeglichener Chart entstehen.Wir machen zwar nicht 300% oder mehr in wenigen Wochen, dafür geht es solide bergauf. Das ist für mich viel wichtiger.
      Apropo, was ich nicht wußte....alle 8 Analystenhäuser waren dabei :). Nicht nur Canaccord und Scotia:

      Nevada Copper Corp. ("Nevada Copper" or the "Company") (TSX:NCU) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced Cdn.$65 million bought deal equity financing (the "Financing"). A syndicate of underwriters, led by Canaccord Genuity Corp. and Scotia Capital Inc., and including GMP Securities L.P., Cormark Securities Inc., Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd., Paradigm Capital Inc., Desjardins Securities Inc. and M Partners Inc., (collectively, the "Underwriters"), purchased an aggregate of 12,050,000 common shares of the Company at a purchase price of Cdn.$5.40 per share.

      Und was ich wirklich genial finde...der SP hält sich gut zwischen 5,20-5,40 $. Das haben wird dem Management zu verdanken.
      schrieb am 03.08.11 12:19:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2.234 ()
      Ich hab mich heut früh mal drüben im Stockhouse Board angemeldet und darauf hingewiesen, dass es uns auch gibt :). Mal schauen, ob sich jemand traut, hier zu schreiben.
      schrieb am 04.08.11 09:16:28
      Beitrag Nr. 2.235 ()
      Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU) As of August 3rd, 2011

      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price

      Aug 03/11 Aug 02/11 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 15 - Acquisition under a prospectus 5,544,300 $5.400
      schrieb am 05.08.11 13:30:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2.236 ()
      Oje, das tut weh....leider können wir uns doch nicht dem allgemeinen Abwärtsstrudel entziehen...das ist wirklich ärgerlich !!!Ich habe so sehr gehofft, dass die 5 $ halten.

      M2k, bist Du noch da ????Hälst Du deine NCU Aktien noch ? Oder tradest Du ?
      Diese Frage gilt für alle...falls noch jemand hier ist.
      schrieb am 05.08.11 15:50:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2.237 ()
      Ich halte.
      schrieb am 05.08.11 16:10:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2.238 ()
      Ich auch !!! Habe bei Dips immer dazu gekauft.Aber das geht im Moment nicht...bin nicht flüssig. Allerdings, wenn ich es mir so recht überlege, hätte man beim Traden schon Geld verdienen können.Sind ja dann immer 25-30%...haben oder nicht haben.
      Bei mir ist es eben nicht haben...dafür mach ich mir keinen Steß ;)...wann muß ich rein und wann raus !
      schrieb am 05.08.11 16:14:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2.239 ()
      Gehe lieber heut abend mit Freundinnen ein Schöppchen trinken, statt krampfhaft die Kurse zu sichten!
      schrieb am 08.08.11 09:56:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2.240 ()
      ganz klar halten.. was da momentan am Markt abgeht ist nurnoch krank und die Taxen von NCU in Frankfurt sind ja wohl ein Witz.. Der Makler taxt 2,80€ !!! nur um Stopps die unter 3€ liegen auch noch auszulösen.. wäre ich gerade flüssig hätt ich schon zugegriffen, meine NCU Posi ist aber keine Trading posi, daher bleibt die schön so liegen mit ek 0,xx :)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.08.11 18:24:05
      Beitrag Nr. 2.241 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.911.132 von Muesli2k am 08.08.11 09:56:15Das ist ja unglaublich, was hier abgeht. Glückwunsch denjenigen, die jetzt zugreifen können. Ich werd mit allen Mittel versuchen, ein paar Euros freizubekommen und nachzukaufen. Das darf doch nicht wahr sein....wenn man bedenkt, dass die Studie spätestens Ende 3. Quartals rauskommt. Ich fass es nicht !!!
      schrieb am 08.08.11 18:46:50
      Beitrag Nr. 2.242 ()
      Die großen Investoren bezahlen 5,40 Can Dollar, und der Kurs fällt auf 4,50 zwar nur mit geringen Stückzahlen, aber schon eine unverständliche Sache, wer da so blöde ist und einfach blind schmeißt..!? Naja, bei dem kranken marktumfeld, ich hoffe nur das sich das alles bald beruhigt, schon wieder ne neue Krise, mit neuen Tiefstständen und ner Rezzession, ich hab echt kein Bock drauf.. :cry:
      schrieb am 09.08.11 11:17:29
      Beitrag Nr. 2.243 ()
      redmetal von drüben:

      The stock is trading at $1 less than the bought deal financing at $5.40. The boys who did the financing must be choked to say the least. Nice to have $80 million in the bank.

      Letzer Satz heißt für mich übersetzt und dem stimme ich voll und ganz zu:

      ".......Die Jungs, die die Finanzierung tätigten, müßten aus der Fassung sein / zu Tränen gerührt sein....gelinde gesagt. Schön, 80 $ Mill. auf der Bank zu haben."
      schrieb am 09.08.11 14:26:41
      Beitrag Nr. 2.244 ()
      Bid und Ask bei 2,61 $ !!!Oder hab ich was mit den Augen ???
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.08.11 14:52:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.245 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.921.879 von Augen_Stern am 09.08.11 14:26:41Ich habe bid und ask jeweils CAD 3,00 auf dem Radar.
      schrieb am 09.08.11 14:54:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2.246 ()
      Jetzt schon 3,62 bid und ask.
      schrieb am 12.08.11 20:02:04
      Beitrag Nr. 2.247 ()
      Ich frage mich gerade was die da drüben machen, immer wenn der Kurs ausbrechen will, so wie vorhin zu 4,48 wird er auf 4,20 runter gehämmert, siehe Chart.. Ich meine da war doch mal was mit warrants, Optionen oder irgendwas mit exercise zu 4,20Cad!? Kann das sein, weil da gingen heute auch schon gute Pakete zu 4,20 das da einer den kurs unten haben muss, weil er nur da optionen ausüben kann? Ich hab schon gesucht, aber so recht fündig wurde ich bisher nicht.. ist auch nur so eine vermutung.. was meint ihr???

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.08.11 16:11:22
      Beitrag Nr. 2.248 ()
      Schaut euch mal die neueste Präsentation an....und vor allem die Seite 26. Dann wißt ihr, wie lächerlich die Bewertung von NCU ist.

      Nur soviel: NCU x 5 :)= Copper Mountain !!!!!!
      Mehr gibts nicht zu sagen.
      schrieb am 15.08.11 17:06:33
      Beitrag Nr. 2.249 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.946.083 von Muesli2k am 12.08.11 20:02:04Das hab ich gefunden....steht auf Seite 16/17. Ist allerdings nicht auf dem neuesten Stand, da der Report Anfang Mai veröffentlicht wurde !!!…

      Share Data
      Capital Structure as of May 12, 2011:

      Common shares issued and outstanding: 58,997,458
      Total stock options outstanding: 5,864,000

      Number of
      Options Exercise Price Expiry Date

      1,586,000 $1.00 August 15, 2011
      30,000 $1.00 December 19, 2011
      105,000 $1.00 May 2, 2012
      343,000 $1.00 August 30, 2012
      530,000 $1.00 July 2, 2018
      210,000 $0.75 November 13, 2018
      355,000 $3.27 January 14, 2020
      1,040,000 $2.12 May 31, 2020
      610,000 $3.74 October 13, 2020
      265,000 $4.55 January 6, 2021
      790,000 $5.37 February 22, 2021


      Total share purchase warrants outstanding: 163,012
      Number of
      Warrants Exercise Price Expiry Date
      163,012 $3.30 April 27, 2012


      Subsequent Event

      Subsequent to March 31, 2011, 302,738 warrants were exercised for common shares at a price of $3.30 per share
      schrieb am 15.08.11 17:16:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2.250 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.946.083 von Muesli2k am 12.08.11 20:02:04Und das steht auf Seite 3 der neuesten Präsentation:

      Stock Symbol:…………………………....TSX: NCU

      Shares Outstanding:…………………….72.7 Million

      •14% Held by Directors & Officers
      •57% Held by Institutions

      Fully Diluted:…………………………….77.4 Million

      •4.2million stock options @ $2.90; 464,000 warrants @ $5.05 for $14.5 million on exercise of options & warrants.

      Cash, August 2, 2011:………..……….....C$80.2 Million

      Market Capital/Copper Resource lb:…C$3.2 Cents

      Analyst Coverage (8):
      Scotia Capital; Macquarie Capital; Desjardins
      Securities; CanaccordGenuity; CormarkSecurities;
      Paradigm Capital, GMP Securities and MPartners
      schrieb am 16.08.11 15:54:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.251 ()
      Nevada Copper Corp.: North Deposit Continues to Expand, Drilling Multiple Intervals of Mineralization Including 358 Feet of 1...
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Tuesday 16 August 2011

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce additional positive step-out drill results from the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The holes reported below represent assay results from the on-going 20,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program.
      Drill holes NC11-07, NC11-12, and NC11-15 were drilled in the North Deposit. Drill holes NC11-12 and NC11-15 were successful in expanding mineralization. In addition to expanding the mineralized zones NC11-15 confirmed the continuity of the shallower high grade mineralization intersecting 358.0 feet (109.1 meters) true thickness, averaging 1.32% copper. Drill hole NC11-12 was drilled along the northeast border of the deposit. The hole intersected two large intervals 195.0 feet (59.4 meters), 149.3 feet (45.5 meters) true thickness, averaging 0.41% copper; and 190.0 feet (57.9 meters), 145.7 feet (44.4 meters) true thickness, averaging 0.51% copper.

      Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager, CPG, M.Sc., commented, "The North Deposit drilling continues to be successful in expanding mineralization to the northeast and along the deeper stacked mineralized zones. The positive results are expected to have a positive effect on future open pit mine designs, both by potential expansion of the ultimate pit shell and conversion of material that is now considered waste into mill feed, but will not be reflected in the current Definitive Feasibility Study pit designs. Our 2011 drilling program continues to focus on resource step-out and expansion drilling and will follow up drilling in both areas."

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.2% Cu

      Drill From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-07 519.7 534.9 15.2 50.0 3.7 1.07 0.128 4.9 0.008
      541.0 545.6 4.6 15.0 3.2 0.26 1.6 1.6 0.003
      563.9 573.0 9.1 30.0 6.4 0.38 0.025 1.8 0.006
      NC11-12 131.0 147.8 16.8 55.0 12.9 0.68 0.070 4.3 0.006
      172.2 231.6 59.4 195.0 45.5 0.41 0.071 2.7 0.008
      457.2 515.1 57.9 190.0 44.4 0.51 0.082 1.9 0.006
      NC11-15 218.5 327.6 109.1 358.0 109.1 1.32 0.121 3.0 0.006
      355.1 371.8 16.7 55.0 16.7 0.43 0.060 3.7 0.015
      400.8 411.5 10.7 35.0 10.7 0.34 0.037 2.3 0.008
      432.8 443.9 11.1 36.5 11.1 0.90 0.031 2.0 0.005
      524.3 530.4 6.1 20.0 6.1 0.43 0.034 1.8 0.003

      Several holes were drilled along the edges of the other deposits. Drill hole NC11-08 drilled on the northwest edge of the East deposit intersected thinning mineralization. Drill hole NC11-06 intersected shallow low grade mineralization along the northeast edge of the South deposit. This shallow mineralization remains open and follow up drilling is planned. Drill holes NC11-10 located in the South Deposit and NC11-11 located in the East Deposit did not intersect any significant mineralization.

      SOUTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.20% Cu

      Drill From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-06 170.7 208.8 38.1 125.0 26.9 0.35 0.015 1.1 0.001

      EAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.75% Cu

      Drill From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-08 492.5 496.8 4.3 14.0 4.3 1.72 0.122 4.6 0.010
      663.8 669.0 5.2 17.0 5.2 1.13 0.193 5.7 0.006

      The section and plan maps with the respective drill locations for the deposits are available at

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 72.7 million shares outstanding and is well funded with no debt and approximately $80 million in cash. Nevada Copper is scheduled to release results from its Definitive Feasibility Study by September 30, 2011 in addition to ongoing drilling results from its 20,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      We seek safe harbour.


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Eugene Toffolo

      Corporate Communications

      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Robert McKnight, P.Eng.

      Executive Vice President


      schrieb am 22.08.11 12:52:06
      Beitrag Nr. 2.252 ()
      Nicht vergessen, bald ist es soweit :

      Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS")

      The DFS being prepared by Tetra Tech was targeted for completion by June 30 2011 will now be released prior to the end the third quarter. Additional time is required for geotechnical testing, detailed engineering on Phase 1 and Phase 2, and the sequencing of the ore and waste rock streams from the North and South open pits.

      Außerdem seh ich grad:

      Bid: 4,12 $
      Ask: 4,90
      schrieb am 24.08.11 07:58:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2.253 ()
      Es tut sich wieder was bei den Insidern:…

      Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU) As of August 23rd, 2011

      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price

      Aug 23/11 Aug 18/11 Giuffre, Joseph Paul Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000
      Aug 22/11 Aug 18/11 Castro, Jan Alex Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000 $4.240
      Aug 21/11 Aug 18/11 Matysek, Paul Frank Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000 $4.240
      Aug 21/11 Aug 18/11 Wilson, Foster Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000 $4.240
      Aug 21/11 Aug 18/11 Kirwin, Brian Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000 $4.240
      Aug 21/11 Aug 18/11 McKnight, Robert Thomas Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 175,000 $4.240
      Aug 21/11 Aug 18/11 Chan, Joachim Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 35,000 $4.240
      Aug 21/11 Aug 18/11 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 765,000 $4.240

      Aug 03/11 Aug 02/11 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 15 - Acquisition under a prospectus 5,544,300 $5.400
      schrieb am 24.08.11 14:04:35
      Beitrag Nr. 2.254 ()
      mal mit dabei
      schrieb am 25.08.11 09:24:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.255 ()
      Hi grasgruener,
      wir freuen uns über jeden Neuzugang.Ich bin mir sicher, Du hast Dich gut über NCU informiert und weißt, dass du in eine richtige Perle:) investiert hast.
      Viel Glück wünscht
      schrieb am 29.08.11 13:22:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.256 ()
      schrieb am 29.08.11 13:54:51
      Beitrag Nr. 2.257 ()
      schaut gut aus!

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.09.11 12:32:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2.258 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.015.581 von grasgruener am 29.08.11 13:54:51The updated PEA assuming a High Grade Case demonstrated that at a US$2.50 copper price, The Pumpkin Hollow Copper Project has a US$498 Million NPV at an 8% discount with an IRR of 44% and Capex of $192 Million.

      At a US$3.00 copper price the project's discounted NPV at an 8% discount increases to US$ 784 Million.
      The NI43-101 compliant technical report highlighted several additional areas that have the potential to further improve the already solid economic base. The detailed PEA can be accessed at….

      der NPV wird bei den aktuellen Preisen deutlich über der 1 Mrd. Grenze liegen, der Gold uns Silber"anteil" wird für eine hochprofitable Kupferproduktion sorgen
      man kann bei der aktuellen Preisentwicklung fast sagen das man Nevada Copper bald als Gold/Silberproduzent bezeichnen kann, der "nebenbei" noch Kupfer fördert ;)
      Nicht unterschätzen darf man den Standortvorteil - in politisch sicheren Gefilden wird bald noch deutlicher zählen.......
      schrieb am 05.09.11 12:34:54
      Beitrag Nr. 2.259 ()
      mit ca. 80 Mio CAD Cash-Bestand ist jede Aktie (F/D) mit etwas über 1 CAD nur durch Cash abgesichert.......
      schrieb am 05.09.11 12:36:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.260 ()
      Definitive Feasibility Study by Q3-2011 !

      denke die wird eine hochprofitable Mine aufzeigen!
      schrieb am 07.09.11 14:19:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.261 ()
      Nevada Copper Corp.: Mineralization Continues to Expand, Intersecting Over 600 Feet of Mineralization Including 323 Feet of 1.82% Copper…

      Nevada Copper Corp NCU 9/7/2011 8:00:05 AMVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Sep 7, 2011 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce additional positive step-out drill results from the 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The hole reported below represents recent assay results from the North Deposit. The 20,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program is progressing with three drill rigs currently on the property.

      Drill hole NC11-14 was drilled in the North Deposit and successfully targeted and expanded the lower mineralized zones. As expected the hole confirmed continuity of the main zone however the grade was significantly higher than the adjacent holes (NC08-22, 270ft at 1.12% and USS-30, 467ft at 1.05%).
      schrieb am 08.09.11 11:18:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.262 ()
      grasgruener, deinen postings habe ich nichts mehr hinzuzufügen.Wir sitzen hier auf einer "Goldgrube" !!!Daran gibts keinen Zweifel.
      schrieb am 19.09.11 14:04:08
      Beitrag Nr. 2.263 ()

      Nevada Copper-Feasibility Study Update and Land Transfer
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Monday 19 September 2011

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") Nevada Copper is pleased to provide an update on the status of the Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") and a proposed land transfer.
      Based upon the proposed land transfer described in detail below, Nevada Copper has elected to expand the scope of its DFS to include an integrated operation that includes both an open pit and underground mine feeding a single large nominal 60,000 ton per day mill ("Integrated Operation"). The final mill throughput rate will be established with further test-work. It is expected that the Integrated Operation will significantly reduce capital costs while also lowering operating costs.

      The City of Yerington (the "City") and Lyon County (the "County"), in cooperation with Nevada Copper, are very pleased to announce that they will be moving forward with a transfer of Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") administered federal lands to the City. This land transfer would both expand economic development opportunities for the City and accelerate the permitting timeline of the Pumpkin Hollow project under a local and State permitting process with production targeted to commence in 2015. Without the land transfer, the Integrated Operation could be permitted and developed under a federal and state permitting process with production targeted to commence in early 2017.

      Definitive Feasibility Study

      With an Integrated Operation and land transfer yielding such large potential benefits for the project, Nevada Copper believes that it is prudent to expand the scope of the DFS and release results at the end of the fourth quarter 2011. The Integrated Operation will significantly reduce capital cost; primarily the result of the elimination of the 7,500 ton per day stand-alone mill along with the related duplication of infrastructure. Operating costs are also expected to be lowered with the cost efficiencies of the Integrated Operation.

      The DFS will now incorporate additional metallurgical work to confirm recovery rates for the blended ores, and revise the process flow-sheet, mill production and mine production schedules. All other work on the DFS is well advanced, including completion of a mineral reserve, development of detailed operating costs, power supply, concentrate transport, dry-stack tailings and mine waste rock designs.

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO, stated that: "We are very pleased with the progress of the feasibility study which continues to indicate robust economics. In view of the opportunity presented by the land transfer the timeline for completion of our expanded DFS will now be 12 months from start to finish. In our view this timeline is reasonable when you consider the expanded scope of the study and large potential benefit."

      Proposed Land Transfer

      The City and County, in cooperation with Nevada Copper, have decided to move forward with a land transfer of BLM administered federal lands to the City. Approval by the federal government would create a contiguous block of City-held land that would support multiple uses including current and future mining, commercial, industrial, and recreational and opens space uses. This transfer, once complete, will substantially reduce the time required to obtain all necessary local and State permits for both the underground and open pit operations.

      Mr. Bonifacio added that: "The land transfer would allow the open pit and underground operation to be permitted together and developed concurrently at a lower overall capital cost and come on-stream together resulting in significant gains at Pumpkin Hollow."

      The proposed land transfer totals 11,630 acres. Of this, approximately 3,800 acres would be dedicated to the development of Pumpkin Hollow. Nevada Copper currently holds unpatented claims covering that 3,800 acre block. When combined with Pumpkin Hollow's 1,560 acres of private patented lands, the consolidated block of lands encompassing Pumpkin Hollow would be 5,360 acres. This contiguous block of lands would be subject to State and local permitting. The remainder of the lands to be transferred, approximately (7,830 acres) of the total lands would be set aside for: general industrial, commercial and renewable energy development (2,500 acres); multi-purpose recreational (880 acres); and open space buffer (4,450 acres).

      Yerington City Council unanimously approved a resolution requesting the legislation on August 22, 2011. Lyon County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a similar resolution supporting the proposed land transfer on August 18, 2011. The City, County and Nevada Copper have thoroughly briefed the Nevada Congressional Delegation, including Senators Harry Reid and Dean Heller and newly-elected Congressman Mark Amodei, in whose District the lands are located, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Congressman Joe Heck to sponsor and seek passage of this Congressional legislation. The City and Nevada Copper have also met with both Governor Brian Sandoval and Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki. All of these officials have encouraged the City, County and Nevada Copper to proceed with this proposed land transfer.

      The three parties have been cooperating for several years on the development of the Pumpkin Hollow Project and believe that there are significant benefits for mine development in concert with other economic development, infrastructure development, recreational use and open space. The objective of this proposal is to utilize planned mine infrastructure to support other local economic and recreational development, and to provide open space buffers between mine development and existing agricultural and residential uses. The area would be developed to serve other concurrent and post-mining land uses and include water supply, wastewater treatment, electrical power, roads and potential solar development. In addition it includes associated public uses, including open space areas and potential outdoor recreation facilities such as an outdoor events center.

      Nevada Copper would still be required to develop a robust environmental management program to manage mine tailings, mine rock, protect groundwater and surface water, and stabilize and reclaim mine disturbances. Performance bonding for reclamation and closure would be the same as well. Nevada is recognized worldwide as having one of the most mature and effective mine regulatory programs under the direction of the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. Mining, reclamation and mine closure plans must be reviewed every five years, and reclamation/closure bonds are reviewed at least every three years.

      After the City Council approval, Mayor George Dini noted, "We have been looking for 20 years for opportunities for economic development. The City, County and Nevada Copper have an opportunity to work together at Pumpkin Hollow in a public private partnership and to start planning now for the future. The proposed mine, with millions of dollars of proposed infrastructure, can be a catalyst for that type of development. We want to diversify of our economic base over the life of the mine, so there can be life after mining for the people of Yerington."

      Lyon County Manager Jeff Page also reported the approval of a resolution by the Lyon County Board of Commissioners seeking support from the Nevada Congressional delegation on the proposed transfer and stated that, "The City has agreed to provide services to Nevada Copper. Therefore, it makes sense to include this adjacent land in the City. The County and other County-level agencies will receive a proportional share of property tax revenues and net proceeds of mines revenues in any event. Additionally, we will continue to collaborate with the City and Nevada Copper to assure that the citizens of Lyon County have sufficient County-based support services."

      Tim Dyhr, Vice President, Environment and External Relations, stated that, "This land tenure arrangement simplifies the land structure and permitting path we must take and allows Nevada Copper to seek sustainable uses of mine facilities at the end of mine life, rather than decommissioning and demolishing those facilities. The unique configuration of Pumpkin Hollow near to the City and existing infrastructure present an extraordinary opportunity to seek and develop sustainable land uses during and after mine development. Where facilities cannot be converted they would be bonded, and subsequently decommissioned, closed and reclaimed as required by Nevada reclamation and closure laws."

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 72.8 million shares outstanding and is well funded with no debt and approximately $79 million in cash. Nevada Copper is scheduled to release results of its DFS at the end of the fourth quarter 2011 in addition to ongoing drilling results from its 20,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at

      Qualified Person

      The Pumpkin Hollow project is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708. Mr. Robert McKnight, P.Eng., and Mr. French are both Qualified Persons as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101 and are responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release.


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      We seek safe harbour.

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Eugene Toffolo
      Corporate Communications
      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Robert McKnight, P.Eng.
      Executive Vice President
      schrieb am 29.09.11 20:05:11
      Beitrag Nr. 2.264 ()

      Nevada Copper Annnounces Management Addition and Shaft Contract Update
      Datum : 29/09/2011 @ 14h00
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 3.8 -0.07 (-1.81%) @ 20h00
      Kurs Chart Reports Trades Level2

      Nevada Copper Annnounces Management Addition and Shaft Contract Update
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Thursday 29 September 2011

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") Nevada Copper is very pleased to announce the strengthening of its construction management team and provide an update on the progress of its underground shaft contractor selection for its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada.
      Mr. Tim Dake has joined Nevada Copper as General Manager, Project Construction. Tim is a mechanical engineering graduate of the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology. He has had an extensive and varied career worldwide in the areas of project management, mill operations, and mine maintenance for such companies as Kinross Gold Corporation, Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold Inc., Kiewit Corporation and ASARCO.

      Mr. Dake is currently a Reno resident and will be based at the Pumpkin Hollow project site near Yerington, Nevada. He will be responsible for all construction-related activities at the project, starting initially with the underground shaft construction. All permits for shaft and related underground development are currently in hand.

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO comments: "We are very pleased that Tim has agreed to join our team. His many years of mine project experience will be invaluable as Nevada Copper moves to completion of its definitive feasibility study, commencement of shaft sinking in 2012 and future project construction activities. We are also pleased with the number and caliber of individuals that have shown interest in joining Nevada Copper. This appointment reinforces our belief that Pumpkin Hollow's superior location close to Reno will continue to attract high quality mining professionals to our team."

      Shaft Construction Progress

      Under the guidance of Merit Consultants International Inc., firms interested in bidding were identified and an initial package of shaft construction bid documents and two addendums were provided to them. After an assessment of proposals received, selection of a shaft contractor is expected to be made in October. Nevada Copper is working toward establishing additional site infrastructure such as upgraded line power to support shaft sinking efforts. Mobilization of contractor equipment to site and engineering for shaft-related surface facilities is expected to start Q4-2011, with shaft collaring commencing by Q1-2012.

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 72.8 million shares outstanding and is well funded with no debt and approximately $77 million in cash. Nevada Copper is scheduled to release results of its Definitive Feasibility Study at the end of the fourth quarter 2011. Drilling results from its 20,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program will be released as they come available.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      We seek safe harbour.


      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Eugene Toffolo
      Corporate Communications
      604-683-8266 or Toll Free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Robert McKnight, P. Eng.
      Executive Vice President
      schrieb am 05.10.11 07:13:27
      Beitrag Nr. 2.265 ()
      Morgen Leute,

      ich bin schon seit 2007 in NCU investiert und das mit einer beträchtlichen Anzahl an Aktien. Ich konnte den Dezember 2008 nutzen (0,18€).

      Wie man sieht ist auch NCU in die Turbulenzen am Aktienmarkt geraden.
      NCU ist ein aufstrebendes Unternehmen, dass ist so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche. Es könnte meiner Einschätzung nach der Kurs noch etwas abrutschen.
      Ich sehe das aber nicht als Katastrophe, sonder als Chance, mein Paket weiter aus zu bauen.
      Also liebe Leute, verkauft eure Aktien zu schleuder Preisen, ich werde es euch danken.

      Das alles spiegelt meine persöhnliche Meinung wieder und ist nicht als Kauf/Verkaufsempfehlung gedacht.

      schrieb am 19.10.11 14:35:20
      Beitrag Nr. 2.266 ()

      Nevada Copper Expands Drill Program
      Datum : 19/10/2011 @ 14h00
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 4.4 0.0 (0.00%) @ 10h30
      Kurs Chart Reports Trades Level2

      Nevada Copper Expands Drill Program
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Wednesday 19 October 2011

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce additional positive step-out drill results from its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Nevada. The drill holes reported below represent results from the current 20,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program. With results to date successfully expanding mineralization, the current step-out and expansion drilling program will now be increased to 50,000 meters. There are currently three (3) drill rigs active at the Pumpkin Hollow project.

      Drill holes NC11-16 and NC11-17 were drilled in the North Deposit. NC11-16 was drilled in the southwest sector of the deposit where multiple zones of mineralization totaling 779 feet (237.5 meters) averaging 0.53% copper, true thickness, continue to expand the deposit southward. In addition to expanding the copper mineralization, several of the zones intersected higher values of molybdenum. The largest of these zones intersected 150.0 feet (45.7 meters), 147.6 feet (45.0 meters) true thickness, averaging 0.71% copper, 0.087 g/t gold, 3.1 g/t silver and 0.031% molybdenum. The southwest area of the North deposit continues to warrant further follow up step-out drilling.

      NC11-17 also intersected multiple zones of mineralization. The hole was drilled as a step-out along the northeast border of the North deposit where limited drilling has been completed. NC11-17 is located approximately 200 feet (60 meters) east of previously announced NC11-12. The new mineralization is located within an area where the material had originally been modeled as waste rock (January 2011 resource update and 2008 Preliminary Economic Assessment). NC11-17 intersected multiple zones of mineralization, with the largest 95.0 feet (29.0 meters), 67.3 feet (20.5 meters) true thickness, averaging 0.84% copper. Drilling will continue in order to determine the extent of the open northeast mineralization.

      NC11-23 targeted the area located between the open pittable North and South Deposits where there has been very limited drilling. The hole was drilled approximately 600 feet (180 meters) north of the South Deposit. Several zones of mineralization have been discovered with the shallowest and largest of the zones intersecting 60.0 feet (18.3 meters), 46.0 feet (14.0 meters) true thickness, averaging 0.29% copper. In view of this newly discovered mineralization and its location between the North and South deposits, additional off set holes are being planned.

      Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager, CPG, M.Sc., commented, "The mineralizing system at Pumpkin Hollow continues to expand and produce positive step-out drill results. The successful expansion of mineralization along the northeast and southwest edges of the North Deposit are expected to have a positive effect on future open pit mine designs by converting waste to mineralized material. The mineralization discovered between the North and South deposits also has the potential to positively affect current mine designs. The North and South deposits could combine into a single open pit if sufficient mineralized material continues to be found."

      Mr. French added: "We are extremely pleased with the drilling results to date and with the drill program now expanded to 50,000 meters, we will continue to aggressively target those open areas that have potential to influence future mine designs."

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.2% Cu

      From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      Drill Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-16 179.8 208.8 29.0 95.0 28.6 0.67 0.064 1.6 0.002
      234.7 294.1 59.4 195.0 58.5 0.49 0.057 2.3 0.003
      326.1 333.7 7.6 25.0 7.5 0.43 0.078 2.5 0.040
      358.1 403.8 45.7 150.0 45.0 0.71 0.087 3.1 0.031
      426.4 493.8 67.4 221.0 66.4 0.50 0.092 1.7 0.005
      499.9 521.2 21.3 70.0 21.0 0.34 0.058 1.2 0.002
      534.9 545.6 10.7 35.0 10.5 0.31 0.021 1.0 0.001
      NC11-17 169.1 173.7 4.6 15.0 3.3 0.47 0.173 2.6 0.002
      181.4 196.6 15.2 50.0 10.8 0.35 0.077 1.7 0.003
      242.3 271.3 29.0 95.0 20.5 0.84 0.069 2.5 0.001
      362.7 372.4 9.7 32.0 6.9 0.50 0.046 2.6 less
      379.6 388.0 8.4 27.5 5.9 0.36 0.032 1.2 0.002

      BETWEEN NORTH-SOUTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.20% Cu

      From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      Drill Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-23 138.7 157.0 18.3 60.0 14.0 0.29 0.032 0.9 20.7
      173.7 181.3 7.6 25.0 5.8 0.33 0.048 1.3 36.6
      189.0 204.2 15.2 50.0 11.6 0.29 0.039 1.2 33.1
      221.0 230.1 9.1 30 7.0 0.26 0.024 1.5 33.7

      An overview map of the North and South Deposits showing the recent drill locations is located at

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 72.8 million shares outstanding and is well funded with no debt and approximately $75 million in cash. Nevada Copper is scheduled to release results of its Definitive Feasibility Study at the end of the fourth quarter 2011. Drilling results from the recently-expanded 50,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program will continue to be released as they become available.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      We seek safe harbour.


      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Eugene Toffolo
      Corporate Communications
      604-683-8266 or Toll Free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Robert McKnight, P.Eng.
      Executive Vice President
      schrieb am 26.10.11 08:13:11
      Beitrag Nr. 2.267 ()
      Hab ich auf Stockhouse entdeckt...wir könnten ein Übernahmekanditat sein...sollte die Meldung stimmen:

      KGHM to bid for Canadian miner

      Ottawa Citizen October 21, 2011

      KGHM Polska Miedz SA, Poland's sole copper producer, will place a bid for a Canadabased mining company in early November as part of its foreign expansion. The statecontrolled company will finance the acquisition with its own funds, chief executive Herbert Wirth said Thursday, without disclosing the name of the target. Nevada Copper Corp., Lumina Copper Corp. and Candente Copper Corp. are among possible takeover targets, said Scotia Capital's mining sales desk in Toronto.

      © Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen

      Read more:…
      schrieb am 26.10.11 10:12:28
      Beitrag Nr. 2.268 ()
      Ich schließe mich materialsgirl an....erst die Studie abwarten !!!

      10/25/2011 8:38:33 AM | | 45 reads

      We should ignore this type of wild speculation.**** KGHM may be spreading this rumour just to divert attention away from whatever their real intention is.**** We should just say "no" to all bids until we see the details of the BFS. ***** A 30% premium is ok for day traders but fundamentally each share of NCU may be worth over $20 in 3 years. *** It simply depends on the BFS and then whatever commodity prices are assumed together with dilution effect to raise the capital.**** KGHM is unlikely to reveal their true intentions weeks before they act.**** Hold on.
      schrieb am 26.10.11 16:56:06
      Beitrag Nr. 2.269 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      sehr interessante Nachricht. Ich sehe das etwas anders als die Jungs aus den USA.
      Wenn ich ehrlich sein soll, dann habe ich auf so etwas gewartet.
      Ich denke, dass ein Übernahmekanditat nicht wartet, bis die Studie veröffentlich wird. Grund: Die Übernahmekosten steigen dann erheblich, da der Kurs demendsprechend steigt.
      Die möglichen Firmen werden sich jetzt schon die Infos einsammeln, wo sie brauchen um eine Entscheidung vor der Studie zu treffen, nur dann könnten sie maximalen Profit machen. Ihr könnt glauben, die haben ihre Experten, die ganz andere Informationen zusammentragen können als wir.
      Also, seit auf der Hut, wenn hier die Übernahmeschlacht losgeht, dann explodiert der Kurs und da sind dann schnell mal Kurse von 6€ möglich.
      Ich stehe in den Startlöcher, damit mir diese Chance nicht flöten geht.

      das alles ist natürlich nur meine Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf/Verkaufsempfehlung.

      schrieb am 27.10.11 09:10:08
      Beitrag Nr. 2.270 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      hier ist was im Busch, der Kurs fängt an auf das sogenannte Gerücht einer Übernahme zu reagieren. ASK Heutemorgen schon bei 3,70€.
      Denkt daran, bislang war an einem Gerücht immer etwas Wahrheit dahinter.
      Also seit Wachsam, der Kurs kann jederzeit richtig steil nach oben gehen.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.10.11 10:03:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2.271 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.264.051 von DBR55 am 27.10.11 09:10:08Hi, wir sind alle wachsam, davon kannst Du ausgehen...viele von uns sind schon sehr lange dabei u haben immer wieder aufgestockt. Auch ich bin mir sicher, dass was im Busch ist....hinter den Kulissen brodelt es gewaltig.
      Einer Übernahmeschlacht bin ich nicht abgeneigt....aber sicherlich nicht zu 6 $.Da erwarte ich mir schon wesentlich mehr.

      Also Daumen drü wird gepokert....
      schrieb am 27.10.11 10:05:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2.272 ()
      Sorry, sollte natürlich 6 Euro heißen !!!
      schrieb am 27.10.11 10:08:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.273 ()
      Hallo Augen_Stern,

      ich bin schon seit 2007 hier dabei und konnte natürlich den Dezember 2008 sehr stark nutzen im Bezug auf Einkauf.
      Wenn es mehr werden sollte als 6€ kurzfristig bei einer Übernahmeschlacht, bin ich der letzte, der hier Unglücklich wäre....

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.10.11 10:14:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2.274 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.264.583 von DBR55 am 27.10.11 10:08:23Na, dann gehörst Du ja wie ich zum harten Kern !!! Bin auch seit 2007 dabei...und habe immer an NCU geglaubt. Eine kleine Belohnung wäre da schon mal fällig!!!!Ich freue mich auf Weihnachten....ich glaube, da werden wir alle große:) Augen machen.....
      schrieb am 28.10.11 09:48:52
      Beitrag Nr. 2.275 ()
      Ich verfolge schon seit Jahren die Diskussionen auf Stockhouse. Materialsgirl gehört in meinen Augen zu denjenigen, die sich sehr ernsthaft mit Nevada Copper auseinandersetzt. Sie ist kritisch u übertreibt nicht.Deshalb stelle ich ihre neueste Stellungnahme hier rein:

      10/27/2011 11:30:17 AM |

      The copper world is once again alive with the sound of sweet music.*** We may or may not be headed for $4 copper as the BFS is published by NCU within a few short months.**** There are endless ways to appraise a company and establish future cash flows, required capex, likely operating margin and many more*** Now NCU has less than 80 million shares fully diluted and the share price is just under $5. So we have a market cap of under $400m; $1 a share is pure cash and there is no debt. **** Roughly the price of the company is only 2 cents a pound for copper equivalent in the ground or just 0.5% of the future revenue.**** The final sell out price will depend solely on what some big company will pay.*** This is the only metric that counts.**** Still, based on the location it is safe to say that the resource will be worth at least $2b within 4 years or 10 cents a pound for copper in the ground.**** If a big operator such as Freeport bought this now for $1b to $1.2b they would be getting a great deal.**** That would be circa $12 to $15 a share.***** I think that current sellers at current prices are crazy but they provide liquidity which is good.**** Christmas is coming for us in more ways than one.
      schrieb am 28.10.11 16:55:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2.276 ()
      Gestern ist mir auf level II aufgefallen, dass Paradigm Capital 6900 Aktien gekauft hat.Der Analyst Jeff Woolley von CFA Paradigm Capital Inc. hat am 20.1.11 einen Researchreport über Nevada Copper geschrieben. Habe mich bemüht, ihn zu bekommen...war nicht möglich...nur für instutionelle Anleger !!!

      Und jetzt kauft Paradigm Capital 6900 Aktien !!!Doch auch nicht ohne Grund;) !!!…
      schrieb am 28.10.11 17:31:20
      Beitrag Nr. 2.277 ()
      Zumindest habe ich auf die Schnelle 6900 Aktien gezählt....können auch mehr gewesen sein.
      schrieb am 29.10.11 11:45:09
      Beitrag Nr. 2.278 ()
      Information Circular for the November 23, 2011 Annual General Meeting…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.11.11 20:10:29
      Beitrag Nr. 2.279 ()
      Schaut euch mal den Chart von Lumina Copper an...wird auch als Übernahmekandidat gehandelt:…
      schrieb am 15.11.11 14:43:51
      Beitrag Nr. 2.280 ()
      Nevada Copper Drills 1,000 ft of Mineralization Grading 0.68% Copper Along the Southern Boundary of the North Deposit
      Datum : 15/11/2011 @ 14h05
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 5.0 0.0 (0.00%) @ 10h30
      Kurs Chart Reports Trades Level2

      Nevada Copper Drills 1,000 ft of Mineralization Grading 0.68% Copper Along the Southern Boundary of the North Deposit
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Tuesday 15 November 2011

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce additional positive step-out drill results from its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Yerington, Nevada. The drill holes reported below represent results from the recently expanded 50,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program. Three (3) drill rigs are currently active at the Pumpkin Hollow project.

      Drill hole NC11-20 was drilled in the North Deposit along the southwest sector of the deposit where multiple zones of mineralization continue to expand southward. Three zones of mineralization were intersected for a total of 1,000 feet (304.8 meters) grading 0.68% copper. In addition to expanding the main mineralization to the south the deeper stacked mineralized zones were also intersected. The deeper mineralized zones are partially represented by the large zone intersected in hole NC11-20, 800 feet (243.8 meters), 655.2 feet (199.7 meters) true thickness, averaging 0.54% copper. Follow up drilling is currently in progress.

      NC11-19 intersected multiple zones of low grade mineralization along the northeast border of the South Deposit. The hole expanded mineralization and confirmed mineral continuity. A series of holes are planned for this area in order to determine the extent of mineralization between the North and South Deposits.

      NC11-18 targeted mineralization along the southwest boundary of the East Deposit. While the mineralization in this area is thinning, continuity of the main mineralized zone was confirmed.

      Giulio Bonifacio, President & CEO, commented, "Our current step out and expansion drilling program and results which commenced at the beginning of 2011 and recently expanded to 50,000 meters will not be included in our upcoming Definitive Feasibility Study. Based on the successful drilling results to date, we do believe the current expansion of the mineralization in the North and South Deposits will have a very positive effect on the future resource and open pit mine designs."

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.2% Cu

      From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      Drill Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-20 198.1 230.1 32.0 105.0 26.2 1.33 0.134 4.5 0.016
      246.9 275.8 28.9 95.0 23.7 1.15 0.176 3.8 0.013
      288.0 531.8 243.8 800.0 199.7 0.54 0.070 2.1 0.009

      SOUTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.20% Cu

      From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      Drill Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-19 259.1 284.7 25.6 84.0 18.1 0.40 0.024 1.0 37.7
      342.9 349.9 7.0 23.0 5.0 0.26 0.025 0.8 11.5
      356.6 390.1 33.5 110.0 23.7 0.22 0.020 0.5 12.5
      397.0 414.5 17.5 57.5 12.4 0.22 0.026 0.9 25.8
      422.4 440.4 18.0 59.0 12.7 0.30 0.043 1.5 35.4
      455.4 461.0 5.6 18.5 4.0 0.36 0.029 0.9 21.9

      EAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.75% Cu

      From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      Drill Hole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-18 576.2 586.7 10.5 34.5 34.5 0.85 0.195 4.8 43.4

      A cross section and plan maps with the respective drill locations will be made available at

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 72.8 million shares outstanding and is well funded with no debt and approximately $73 million in cash. Nevada Copper is scheduled to release results of its Definitive Feasibility Study at the end of the fourth quarter 2011. Drilling results from the recently expanded 50,000 meter step out and expansion drilling program will continue to be released as they become available.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at

      Giulio T. Bonifacio,President & CEO
      We seek safe harbour.


      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Eugene Toffolo
      Corporate Communications
      604-63-8266 or Toll Free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Robert McKnight, P.Eng.
      Executive Vice President

      schrieb am 24.11.11 09:52:35
      Beitrag Nr. 2.281 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.275.309 von Augen_Stern am 29.10.11 11:45:09Gestern war die Jahreshauptversammlung. Ansonsten heißt es warten.... bis die Studie veröffentlicht wird. Es hieß doch zum Ende des 4. Quartals, oder ???
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.11.11 09:57:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.282 ()
      Der letzte Insiderkauf war Mitte August...die News werden nicht mehr lange auf sich warten lassen.
      schrieb am 30.11.11 07:58:34
      Beitrag Nr. 2.283 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.392.797 von Augen_Stern am 24.11.11 09:52:35Gestern war wieder einmal gutes Volumen zu beobachten...hängt bestimmt mit der Studie zusammen, die jetzt am 16.01.12 :)veröffentlicht wird.

      November 29, 2011
      Nevada Copper - Update On Underground Contractor Selection & Feasibility Study Update


      Vancouver, BC, November 29, 2011 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") announces that it has short-listed three underground contractors for final award. The contractor selected will sink a 2,200 foot, 24 foot diameter production-sized shaft on the East underground deposit of the Pumpkin Hollow Project located near Yerington, Nevada. The final selection will be made after the completion of a comprehensive bidding and review process that will conclude in early December. Merit Consultants International Inc. has conducted this process over the past four months.

      Assuming a final award in December, contractor mobilization to site is targeted by February 2012. Nevada Copper is currently advancing related engineering work and subsequent construction of required infrastructure upgrades and shaft surface facilities, including hoist, head frame and related buildings.

      Definitive Feasibility Study Update

      Nevada Copper is also pleased to provide an update on its Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") for the Pumpkin Hollow project (See September 19, 2011 News Release). The DFS is well advanced and progressing on schedule with a draft report available for internal peer review in December 2011. Publication of DFS results is scheduled for release the week of January 16, 2012.

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 72.8 million shares outstanding and is well funded with no debt and approximately $73 million in cash.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO…
      schrieb am 30.11.11 08:10:11
      Beitrag Nr. 2.284 ()
      Ich vermute mal, dass wir bis zum 16.01.12 steigen werden...Nevada ist absolut unterbewertet und die Studie wird der Hammer !!!Alles nur meine Meinung!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.11.11 12:33:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2.285 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.416.962 von Augen_Stern am 30.11.11 08:10:11…

      KGHM plans acquisition of Canada-based mining company

      Copper and silver concern KGHM wants to file a bid for the purchase of a Canada-based mining company at the beginning of November and will finance the acquisition from own means, news agency Bloomberg reported citing KGHM's CEO Herbert Wirth's statement for journalists in Lublin.

      The mining company is Canada-based but also has a mine in Latin America, according to Bloomberg.

      Wirth would not disclose the name of the entity.
      schrieb am 30.11.11 14:06:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2.286 ()
      30.11.2011 12:37
      Kupfer: Long - Chinas Lockerung geht los

      Spekulativer Einstieg jetzt möglich

      Überflüssig zu schreiben, dass China sich massiv auswirkt auf die Bildung der Rohstoffpreise, besonders aber auch der Kupferpreise.
      China hat gewollt die Wirtschaft gebremst, um die Inflation einzudämmen. Ich warte schon seit längerem darauf, dass die ersten Lockerungsschritte kommen. Das würde auch Europa und der Weltwirtschaft massiv helfen. Die ganzen letzten Tagen haben sich verschiedene Notenbanker der People's Bank of China und Politiker aus Peking dahingehend geäußert, dass es China gelungen sei, damit die Inflation abzukühlen. Vor ein paar Minuten kam die Nachricht, dass China den Barreservesatz für Banken gesenkt hat. Das könnte der Beginn der Lockerung der chinesischen Geldpolitik sein.
      Der Schein "DZ7KAF" von der DZ Bank (aktueller Kurs: 3,70 Euro) könnte deutlich an Wert gewinnen. Spekulativ kann man den Schein schon kaufen. SL des Scheins sind 7000 Punkte. Die würde ich auch "wahrnehmen" - also im Rahmen des Trades den Schein ausknocken lassen, in dem Fall, dass der Trade schief ginge. Sicherer wäre es aber, wenn man einen LME-Schlusskurs bei Kupfer über 7700 Dollar abwartet.
      Hierbei handelt es sich um keine Anlageberatung. Es handelt sich lediglich um eine Trade-Vorstellung zu Ausbildungszwecken. Für Anlageberatung wenden Sie sich zwingend an den Anlageberater Ihrer Bank.

      Offenlegung gemäß §34b WpHG wegen möglicher Interessenkonflikte: Der Autor ist in den besprochenen Wertpapieren bzw. Basiswerten derzeit nicht investiert.
      schrieb am 16.12.11 14:52:22
      Beitrag Nr. 2.287 ()
      Nevada Copper construction manager eager to get started

      Written by
      Robert Perea
      Staff Writer

      Mason Valley News
      Yerington News

      Many times throughout his 30-year career in the mining industry, Tim Dake has wished for the chance to do things his own way. As the new General Manager of Project Construction for Nevada Copper's Pumpkin Hollow project, Dake now has that chance.

      Dake joined Nevada Copper in October to help get construction started on the Pumpkin Hollow project, and as that time draws closer, Dake is excited about the challenge he is taking on.

      "Through my career, sometimes think I wish I could do things my way, that my way might be better," Dake said. "Well, this is that shot, and the real key right now is in starting to build team of people."

      As the project construction manager, Dake is charged with building a 67,000-ton a day operation from scratch, a task he admits is no small undertaking.

      "Life wouldn't be all that exciting without challenges, and this is a big challenge," Dake said. "I think it would be for anybody."

      Dake joined Nevada Copper after spending the last nine years working for Kinross Gold, including the last two-and-a-half years at a mine in Brazil where he worked to help a struggling operation get its mill in service.

      "It had just grown and grown and wasn't fun anymore," Dake said.

      In addition, Dake and his wife had bought a house in Reno before he was asked to go to Brazil, and he decided he'd rather find work closer to what has become home after a vagabond career.

      "I was looking to see what was out there, and along came Nevada Copper," Dake said.

      Dake began his career in mining after graduating in 1981 from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City. He and his wife Susan lived in Wyoming, where she worked for a coal mine and he worked for another mine owned by the same company across the border in Montana.

      His career has taken him to New York, Indonesia, Arizona, back to South Dakota for some time off, Arizona again, Alaska, Chile, and Brazil.

      That mirrors a childhood where his family moved often because his father was an engineer helping build the federal highway system.

      Dake finished elementary school in Bolivia, junior high in Sacramento and high school in Forth Worth, Texas, before going to college in South Dakota.

      Dake's son, a computer and electrical engineer in Arizona, and daughter, a geologist working for an oil services company in Alaska, have followed his footsteps.

      At Nevada Copper, Dake has been busy getting ready for what the company hopes will be the sinking of the east shaft beginning in early 2012. The company expects to announce the selection of a shaft sinking contractor in the next couple of weeks, once the agreement is finalized.

      The company's feasibility study is due in January, and Dake hopes a draft version of the study will be finished this week.

      Working on a project from scratch, what is known in the mining industry as a green field, Dake said is an exciting opportunity.

      "We're building everything from the ground up," he said. "We've got the ore body, and we've got to figure out the best way to extract it and make it work, and that's very exciting."

      Dake said the east shaft will be 2,100 feet deep and 24 feet in diameter when complete, and he is now busy working to find a hoist for shaft sinking.

      He said the next step in the operation is to get power to the site. He said studies indicated the operation will require 90 megawatts.

      "We're looking at extending our existing power structure from the Bridge Street substation on out here, and we're working closely with NV Energy for that," Dake said.

      The company also plans to tap into a power line about six miles east of the mine.

      "To bring power to the site is a significant task," Dake said.

      The feasibility study is the overall design of the project from start to finish, including things like starting costs, inventory, how the project works, how many people it will take to man it, operating costs, marketing the product, and then removing facilities and reclaiming the project once it's complete.

      "You have to have a plan in place to make sure you don't just walk away and leave it," Dake said.

      Tailings is another big issue. Most mines put tailings in the ground, but Dake said Nevada Copper plans to dry stack the tailings, which entails taking tailings through filters and extracting the water mechanically.

      "There's huge costs to that, but long-term, it's probably as wash on costs," he said. "Dry stacking is one interesting aspect of this property."

      Dake said the sinking of the east shaft will take about 18 months to complete, and while that is going on, the company will also work on further refinement and design of facilities, including starting prestripping for the surface mine in the middle of 2013.

      "It's about a year-and-a-half process for prestripping, and it involves four electric shovels and 15 320-ton trucks," Dake said. "

      Other facilities that are planned for construction between the end of 2013 to 2015 are building fuel tanks, a truck shop for the surface mine, the dry stack plant, and some additional facilities around the east shaft, as well as a crushing station with two jaw crushers and some ventilation equipment underground at the east shaft.

      "The intention is to be in operation by early 2015," Dake said.

      Leading up to that time, Dake said work will be done to complete the designs and purchasing of long lead items.

      "Quite a few things need long lead time for manufacture," he said. "The list goes on, actually."

      Dake said it's unique that the Pumpkin Hollow project is so close to town and, in fact, will be in the city limits of Yerington if a proposed land transfer is approved. He said it's also exciting that the community is positive about the mine.
      Dake said Nevada Copper is working diligently to get the project started, but is also focused on doing this right.
      "There's a right way and an enough-to-get-by way," he said. "Any company, to retain its value, has to do it the right way."
      schrieb am 02.01.12 08:29:55
      Beitrag Nr. 2.288 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      ein gutes neues und erfolgreiches Jahr 2012.

      Denkt an den 16.01.2012, da wird es knallen. NCU wird die DFS veröffentlichen.

      schrieb am 04.01.12 12:15:14
      Beitrag Nr. 2.289 ()

      es beginnt sich was zu tun...
      Ich denke, dass wir bis zum 16.01.2012 die 4,50€ locker sehen werden. Was dann dannach passiert......auf jedenfall geht der Zug in Richtung Norden.

      schrieb am 04.01.12 15:51:44
      Beitrag Nr. 2.290 ()

      kann hier mal einer ganz kurz die perspektiven zusammen fassen. Wie gesagt nur ganz kurz, ihr seit ja fest im Thema. Was wird an Umsäzten erwartet?

      schrieb am 05.01.12 08:21:52
      Beitrag Nr. 2.291 ()
      Hallo bluechipII,

      der unten aufgeführte Text ist nicht von mir, sondern von NCU.

      Nevada Copper besitzt 100% der Pumpkin Hollow Copper Development Liegenschaften in Walker Lane mineralisierten Gürtel des westlichen Nevada.

      Pumpkin Hollow ist ein fortgeschrittenes Stadium Kupfer-Grundstück und zum März 2011 enthält:

      Gemessene und angezeigte Ressourcen von 5,9 Milliarden Pfund Kupfer sowie zusätzliche vermutete Ressourcen von 3,7 Milliarden Pfund Kupfer (alle mit einer 0,2% igen Kupfer Cutoff-Grad);
      1.600.000 Unzen Gold in der gemessenen und angezeigten Ressourcen sowie 716.000 Unzen in abgeleitete Ressourcen;42.000.000 Unzen Silber in der gemessenen und angezeigten Ressourcen sowie 21.800.000 Unzen in abgeleiteten Ressourcen.
      111 Millionen Tonnen enthalten Eisen in 341 Mio. Tonnen mit einem durchschnittlichen Gehalt von 33% Eisen bei einer 20% Eisen Cutoff in der gemessenen und angezeigten Kategorie.

      Für weitere detaillierte Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Ressource-Abschnitt .

      Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) Ergebnisse wurden am 17. März 2008 angekündigt, und aktualisiert 1. Dezember 2009 zu einem High Grade Gehäuse zu integrieren. Die anfänglichen PEA gezeigt, dass bei einer US $ 1,75 langfristigen Kupferpreis, der Pumpkin Hollow Copper Projekt von US $ 784 Mio. NPV hat bei einem 8% Rabatt, mit einem IRR von 24%. Bei einem US-$ 2,50 Kupferpreis des Projekts diskontierten Kapitalwert bei einem Preisnachlass von 8% erhöht sich auf 1,1 Mrd. US $. Weitere Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte dem PEA 2008

      Der aktualisierte PEA Annahme einer High Grade Fall gezeigt, dass bei einer US $ 2,50 Kupferpreis, der Pumpkin Hollow Copper Projekt von US $ 498 Mio. NPV hat bei einem 8% Rabatt mit einem IRR von 44% und Investitionen von 192 Millionen Dollar. Bei einem US-$ 3,00 Kupferpreis des Projekts diskontierten Kapitalwert bei einem Preisnachlass von 8% erhöht sich auf US $ 784 Millionen. Die NI43-101 konformen technischen Bericht hob einige weitere Bereiche, die das Potenzial zur weiteren Verbesserung der bereits soliden wirtschaftlichen Basis zu haben.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.01.12 14:06:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2.292 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.552.310 von DBR55 am 05.01.12 08:21:52hallo,

      sehr interessant. Danke. Ich schau mir das mal an.

      schrieb am 09.01.12 18:23:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2.293 ()
      Nevada Copper drills 278 m of 0.96% Cu at Pumpkin

      2012-01-09 12:21 ET - News Release

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio reports


      Nevada Copper Corp. has released additional positive step-out drill results from its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located in Yerington, Nevada. The drill holes reported below represent the most recent results from the expanded 50,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program. Three (3) exploration, one hydrologic, and one geotechnical drill rig are currently active at the Pumpkin Hollow project.

      Four holes were completed in the North Deposit along the northeast border and southwest sector of the deposit where drilling continues to expand and intersect multiple zones of mineralization. NC11-27 drilled along the southwest border intersected multiple zones of mineralization, totaling 912 feet (278 meters) grading 0.96% copper. The highest grade zone was 307 feet (93.6 meters) grading 1.39% copper, 0.113 gram gold, 4.5 gram silver and 0.014% molybdenum, including 110 feet (33.5 meters) grading 2.48% copper. Follow up drilling is currently in progress.

      NC11-22 drilled in the southwest sector of the North Deposit was also successful in intersecting multiple stacked zones of mineralization. The upper zones confirmed continuity and the lower zones expanded mineralization. The mineralized zones total over 728.5 feet (222 meters) averaging 0.67% copper.

      NC11-21 and NC11-26 drilled along the northeast border of the North Deposit also intersected multiple zones of mineralization. The holes have expanded mineralization and confirmed mineral continuity. NC11-21 intersected 40 feet (12.2 meters) grading 1.77% copper. Mineralization continues to remain open and additional drilling is planned.

      Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager, CPG, M.Sc., commented, "Our current drilling program in the North deposit continues to intersect mineralization well outside our pit outline. We believe our 2011 drilling results will have a positive impact on related mining plans and our mineral resource & reserve with an update scheduled for mid-2012. Step-out and expansion drilling will continue as the mineralization remains open in several areas."

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.2% Cu

      Drill Core Core True
      Hole # From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) % (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
      NC11-21 146.3 164.6 18.3 60.0 11.8 0.22 0.036 1.6 0.005
      237.7 249.9 12.2 40.0 7.8 1.77 0.178 8.3 0.002
      257.6 263.7 6.1 20.0 3.9 0.50 0.063 2.8 less
      274.3 280.4 6.1 20.0 3.9 0.49 0.096 3.2 less
      298.7 315.8 17.1 56.0 11.0 0.23 0.063 1.6 less
      NC11-22 186.5 274.3 87.8 288.0 87.8 0.77 0.060 1.8 0.004
      332.2 338.3 6.1 20.0 6.0 0.68 0.038 2.3 0.002
      402.4 457.2 54.8 180.0 54.0 0.74 0.067 2.7 0.004
      492.3 553.4 61.1 200.5 55.4 0.55 0.070 2.7 0.006
      571.5 583.7 12.2 40.0 11.0 0.23 0.017 0.6 0.003
      NC11-26 190.5 199.6 9.1 30.0 6.4 0.23 0.032 1.2 0.002
      221.0 248.4 27.4 90.0 19.4 0.43 0.074 2.3 less
      NC11-27 176.2 269.8 93.6 307.0 93.6 1.39 0.113 4.5 0.014
      including 210.3 243.8 33.5 110.0 33.5 2.48 0.182 8.4 0.014
      297.2 321.6 24.4 80.0 23.6 0.71 0.235 2.6 0.011
      390.1 542.5 152.4 500.0 91.7 0.78 0.103 2.3 0.008
      553.2 560.8 7.6 25.0 4.6 0.20 0.046 0.5 0.008

      A cross section and plan maps with the respective drill locations will be made available at

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      We seek Safe Harbor.
      schrieb am 09.01.12 20:08:44
      Beitrag Nr. 2.294 ()

      ich denke, dass wichtigste an der Top-Info, ist folgender Text:

      Nevada Copper hat 72.800.000 Aktien hervorragend und ist gut und hat keine Schulden finanziert und ca. 70.000.000 $ in bar. Bohrergebnisse aus dem kürzlich erweiterten 50.000 Meter Step-Out-und Ausbau-Bohrprogramm wird auch weiterhin veröffentlicht, sobald sie verfügbar sind. Nevada Copper ist geplant die Ergebnisse seiner Definitive Feasibility Study am oder vor dem 20. Januar 2012 veröffentlichen.

      Für weitere Informationen über Nevada Copper besuchen Sie bitte unsere Website unter .

      Das heißt, nächste Woche geht es hier richtig zur Sache...

      schrieb am 17.01.12 18:58:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2.295 ()
      Nevada Copper Hosts Conference Call to Discuss Pumpkin Hollow Definitive Feasibility Study Results
      Datum : 17/01/2012 @ 18h45
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 5.5 0.12 (2.23%) @ 18h56
      Nevada Copper Corp. share price Chart Reports Trades Level2

      Nevada Copper Hosts Conference Call to Discuss Pumpkin Hollow Definitive Feasibility Study Results
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Tuesday 17 January 2012

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce that it will report the results of its Definitive Feasibility Study for its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow project located in Yerington, Nevada on Monday, January 23, 2012.

      A conference call to discuss the results of Pumpkin Hollow's Definitive Feasibility Study has been scheduled for Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 11:00am ET (8:00am PT). Dial-in numbers for North America are: toll free 866-696-5910 or 416-340-2217; for International 800-8989-6336 - Participant Pass Code No. 4343242. An instant replay will be available for two weeks following the conference call as follows: toll free 800-408-3053 or 905-694-9451; for International 800-3366-3052 - Participant Pass Code No. 8818300.

      About Nevada Copper

      Nevada Copper has 72.8 million shares outstanding and is well funded with no debt and approximately $70 million in cash. Drilling results from the recently-expanded 50,000 meter step-out and expansion drilling program will continue to be released as they become available.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      We seek safe harbour.


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Eugene Toffolo

      Corporate Communications

      604-683-8266 or Toll Free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Robert McKnight, P.Eng.

      Executive Vice President

      schrieb am 17.01.12 19:19:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.296 ()
      Über CAD 5,55 sollte der weg bis 6 CAD frei sein :)

      schrieb am 17.01.12 19:20:43
      Beitrag Nr. 2.297 ()
      Mei, is dös spannend!
      schrieb am 23.01.12 15:46:42
      Beitrag Nr. 2.298 ()
      anuary 23, 2012 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce the results of its definitive Feasibility Study for its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Copper Project located in Yerington, Nevada. The Feasibility Study was prepared under the direction of Tetra Tech, Inc. ("Tetra Tech"), an industry leading international engineering firm, with substantial input from Merit Consultants International Inc. ("Merit"), which compiled and reviewed the initial capital cost estimate. The Feasibility Study, with capital costs defined to within plus/minus 15%, builds upon two previous Preliminary Economic Assessments prepared by Tetra Tech, and significant metallurgical and geotechnical work completed in 2010 and 2011. The Feasibility Study confirms the technical and financial viability of constructing and operating a 67,500 ton-per-day copper mining and processing operation at Pumpkin Hollow.

      Highlights of the Feasibility Study (all amounts are stated in United States dollars):

      The project development consists of a 60,000 ton-per-day open pit operation; and a 7,500 ton-per-day underground operation, feeding a single 67,500 ton-per-day concentrator;

      First production targeted for mid-2015, with a current mine life of 18 years;

      Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves of 4.29 billion pounds of copper; 952,000 ounces of gold and 27.3 million ounces of silver on the basis of drill data up to October 2010;

      Life-of-Mine ("LOM") metal production contained in concentrates totals 3.83 billion pounds of copper, 641,917 ounces of gold and 15.37 million ounces of silver;

      Average annual copper production in concentrates: Years 1 to 5: 274 million pounds per year
      Years 1 to 10: 254 million pounds per year
      LOM: 226 million pounds per year

      Initial capital costs are estimated to be $1.04 billion including contingencies, excluding working capital of $48.9 million;

      LOM site operating cash costs are $12.33 per ton of ore-milled; copper production costs net of gold and silver credits are: Years 1 to 5: $1.28 per pound of payable copper
      Years 1 to 10: $1.37 per pound of payable copper
      LOM: $1.43 per pound of payable copper

      Summary of Economic Results:

      Base Case: Three year trailing average price of $3.24/lb. copper, $1,252/oz. gold and $23.19/oz. silver: Net Present Value at 5% is $1.91 billion, pre-tax.
      Net Present Value at 8% is $1.26 billion, pre-tax.
      Internal Rate of Return is 23.1% and payback is 3.6 years.

      Alternate Case (1): Quoted forward prices to 2021 declining to long term of $2.50/lb. copper; gold and silver same as Base Case: Net Present Value at 5% is $1.49 billion, pre-tax.
      Net Present Value at 8% is $1.02 billion, pre-tax.
      Internal Rate of Return is 23.5% and payback is 3.3 years.

      Alternate Case (2): $3.75/lb. copper.; gold and silver same as Base Case: Net Present Value at 5% is $2.93 billion, pre-tax.
      Net Present Value at 8% is $2.05 billion, pre-tax.
      Internal Rate of Return is 30.8% and payback is 3.0 years.

      Average annual operating cash-flow (Years 1 to 5): Base Case: $450 million
      Alternate Case (1): $494 million
      Alternate Case (2): $570 million

      "The completion of the definitive Feasibility Study is a significant milestone in Nevada Copper's development," commented Giulio Bonifacio, President & CEO. "We are extremely pleased with the results as it further validates our expectations for the project while providing independent confirmation that the Pumpkin Hollow project will support a low-risk, and economically robust, copper mine with an initial mine life of 18 years. The Board of Directors has approved a positive production decision, subject to completion of project financing arrangements and receipt of required permits. With the Feasibility Study results in hand, we will now move to secure a strategic partner in 2012. A number of companies have expressed interest in the project and have been conducting due diligence while awaiting the Feasibility Study.

      Additionally, the Feasibility Study will be updated by mid-2012 to incorporate the benefits of magnetite recovery and sales from the iron magnetite resource. If the iron values are incorporated into the future mining plans, the size and tonnage of the North and South open pit deposits are expected to increase significantly while lowering the waste tonnage and strip ratio. Also, since late 2010 drilling has demonstrated extensions to the mineralized zones in the North and South deposits and these extensions will be incorporated into an updated mineral resource, mineral reserve and related mining plans. The dual benefits of the iron resource and results from the current 50,000 meter drilling program are expected to have a further positive impact on already robust economics."

      Permits and Land Transfer
      The Pumpkin Hollow project is located on private land and unpatented mining claims located on Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") administered federal lands ("Federal Lands"). The City of Yerington (the "City") has proposed to acquire the Federal Lands ("Land Transfer") and transfer the Federal Lands to the City. Nevada Copper has agreed to collaborate with the City to support the Land Transfer. If successful, the Land Transfer would convey all Federal Lands associated with the project from BLM jurisdiction to the City. This would allow the City to receive a portion of both property tax and Nevada net proceeds tax. It would also provide additional lands around the project for sustainable development, including current and long-term, post-mining commercial and industrial development, recreational opportunities, and expansion of community and cultural events. Subject to successful completion of the Land Transfer, all permitting would come under the jurisdiction of the State of Nevada and the City, with receipt of permits targeted for early 2013.

      The Nevada Congressional delegation is planning to introduce legislation in Congress as soon as Congress returns to a full schedule on January 24, 2012. The City is requesting that hearings be scheduled as soon as possible to assure timely hearing and passage of this legislation that is critically important to the City. In the event the Land Transfer is not completed as planned, the project activities would require a Plan of Operations with the BLM and compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 ("NEPA"). NEPA compliance would entail preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS") pursuant to BLM guidelines.

      Regardless of the land status and permit process, the environmental, engineering and baseline technical studies associated with the entire project are in progress and will be completed in conformance with all Federal, State and local standards. That assures that the project is designed, constructed and operated to meet those standards and that either permitting process, including preparation of an EIS, would not be delayed. If BLM approval is required, BLM process and State permits for the project would be expected to be complete in early 2015.

      Development Schedule
      An underground contractor was selected in December 2011 for purposes of sinking of a 2,200 foot, 24 foot diameter production-sized shaft to access the East underground deposit. The contractor is in the process of mobilizing to site. All permits to allow for shaft sinking and construction are in hand. Engineering work will start shortly on the design and installation of hoist and head frame facilities at the shaft location. A production hoist has been secured and will be refurbished prior to shipment to site.

      Detailed engineering and ordering of key long-lead-time mining and process equipment will start by mid-2012. Pre-stripping the North deposit and construction of the mill and related facilities will occur in 2013-14 once permits are obtained. Production is anticipated to commence in the second quarter of 2015.

      Project Opportunities
      Project opportunities in the near term to further enhance the economic value of the Pumpkin Hollow project will be included in an updated feasibility study which is targeted for completion in mid-2012 and would reflect the following:

      Work has been initiated to further assess the metallurgy and marketability of the Pumpkin Hollow iron magnetite resources, to incorporate the iron values into the project block models, to revise the current mining plans to generate an iron production schedule and to include the additional revenues from this source in the revised project cash flows. The inclusion of iron values in the block model is expected to greatly improve strip ratios since much of what is now considered open pit waste material would have sufficient value to be processed through the mill facility.

      Resource expansion
      Drilling since late 2010 demonstrated material extensions to the known mineral inventories at Pumpkin Hollow, particularly the North open pit deposit. Updating the mineral resource inventory to reflect this drilling, along with updated mining plans, is expected to expand the mineral resources and reserves at the project.

      Pit expansion
      Whittle pit analysis using the recent drilling and marketable iron product is expected to produce a mine design where the North and South pits will intersect. A merged pit configuration is expected to have a positive effect on the strip ratio, as well as improvements in pit scheduling and equipment utilization.

      Mineral Resources
      The project mineral resource was prepared by the mineral resource and mining division of Tetra Tech, incorporating the results of drilling to the end of October 2010, as previously disclosed in a news release on March 31, 2011. This resource was an update of a previous mineral resource estimate disclosed in July 2009 and filed on SEDAR on August 24, 2009.

      Measured and Indicated Resources - Western Open-Pit Deposits






















































      M & I Total









      M & I Total









      Measured and Indicated Resources - Eastern Underground Deposits






















































      M & I Total









      M & I Total









      The mineral resource estimate was performed by or under the direction of John Rozelle, PG, Tetra Tech's Mineral Resource Division Principal Geologist at the time of this estimate, an independent Qualified Person as set forth by Canadian National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101").

      The following Inferred Resources are in addition to the Measured and Indicated Resources:

      Inferred Resources - Western Open-Pit Deposits


      Copper Cut-off











      lbs (000's)


      Ozs. (000's)


      Ozs. (000's)



















      Inferred Resources - Eastern Underground Deposits


      Copper Cut-off




      Gold Grade







      lbs (000s)


      Ozs. (000's)


      Ozs. (000's)



















      Mineral resources that are not categorized as mineral reserves have not demonstrated economic viability.

      Mineral Reserve
      Proven and Probable mineral reserves are the economically-mineable portions of the Measured and Indicated mineral resources above, respectively, as demonstrated by the Feasibility Study. The proven and probable reserves at Pumpkin Hollow are summarized below:

      Mineral Reserves East & E2 - Underground Deposits










      000's tons




      Billion lbs.






















      Proven & Probable









      Mineral Reserves North & South - Open Pit Deposits










      000's tons




      Billion lbs.






















      Proven &









      Total Mineral Reserve - All Deposits










      000's tons




      Billion lbs.






















      Proven &









      The mineral reserves and mine plans for each of the underground and open pit deposits were determined using cutoff grades developed by Tetra Tech as appropriate for the mining method and costs associated with the deposits. For the open pit western deposits the cutoff grade used was 0.18% copper and 0.8% copper for the eastern underground deposits. A copper price of $3.00 per pound was assumed. Tetra Tech is the independent Qualified Person who is responsible for the mineral reserve estimate. The copper equivalency was determined using Base Case metals prices and metallurgical recoveries of 89.3%, 67.3% and 56.3% for copper, gold and silver respectively.

      Drilling has been continuous since November 2010 with 3 drill rigs that, to date, have completed 28,000 meters of the expanded 50,000 meter drilled program. These drill results have not yet been incorporated into the above mineral resource or reserve numbers. Nevada Copper intends to update its mineral resource and reserve in 2012.

      Iron Mineral Resource
      Though not considered in the Feasibility Study, the Pumpkin Hollow project also has considerable resources of iron in the form of magnetite. The following tables include only those iron resources amenable to open-pit mining methods in the Western deposits. Possible mining, recovery and sale of a magnetite concentrate will be considered in an updated feasibility study. The updated definitive feasibility study will build off the current Feasibility Study and is targeted for completion by mid-2012.

      Iron Resources


      Iron Cut-off


      Iron Grade

      Tons Iron


















































      Mineral resources that are not categorized as mineral reserves have not demonstrated economic viability.

      This iron mineral resource estimate was disclosed in Nevada Copper's March 31, 2011 News Release and was updated from a previous iron resource estimate disclosed in a Technical Report dated August 20, 2009 and filed in accordance with NI 43-101 on SEDAR.

      If an updated feasibility study demonstrates the iron resource to be economically viable, inclusion of iron in the open pit block model values is expected to significantly expand the size and tonnage of the North and South open pits, and lower waste tonnages and strip ratio.

      Both underground and open pit mining methods were selected in order to maximize the overall recovery of copper from the Pumpkin Hollow deposits. The East underground deposit will be developed first via a 24 foot diameter production-sized shaft. All underground production (7,500 ton-per-day) will come initially from the East deposit only. Development of the E2 deposit will occur after development of the East deposit is completed. E2 development will occur from underground via a 4,800-foot conveyor-equipped decline from the East zone. Vent and secondary egress shafts will be constructed for both East and E2 zones as required.

      The open pit deposits will be developed sequentially starting with pre-stripping the North deposit. Open pit mill feed will come exclusively from the North deposit until year 8 when ore from the South deposit is added and is expected to eventually replace all North ore by year 13.

      Total ore mined and processed from open pit and underground sources, LOM, is 405.4 million tons grading 0.53% copper, 0.002 oz./ton (0.081 g/tonne) gold and 0.067 oz./ton (2.31 g/tonne) silver.

      Process Plant
      Ore will be transported from the open pit and underground mines to a nominal 67,500 ton-per-day concentrator located west of the open pits. For open pit ores, a large semi-mobile in-pit crusher reduces ore size before conveyance to the process facility. Underground ore is crushed underground, hoisted to surface via a 24-foot diameter production shaft and transported overland approximately 2 miles by truck to the process facility.

      The concentration circuit is conventional with a single, large semi-autogenous grinding mill and secondary ball mill grinding and flotation, followed by thickening and pressure filtration to produce a final concentrate grading 25.5% copper and containing payable gold and silver. Primary grind size is 150 microns with an overall copper recovery of 89.3%. Gold and silver recoveries to the copper concentrates are 67.3% and 56.3% respectively.

      Metals Production
      Projected metals production to the copper concentrate is summarized below. LOM copper production in concentrates is estimated to be 3.83 billion pounds (1.9 million tons).



      Years 1-5
      Annual Average

      Years 1-10
      Annual Average

      Annual Average

      LOM Total

      Copper Concentrate

      Tons/year (000's)





      Copper in Concentrate

      Million lbs./year





      Copper in Concentrate

      Tons/year; tons





      Gold in Cu Concentrate

      Ozs./year; ozs.





      Silver in Cu Concentrate

      Ozs./year.; ozs.





      Tailings Storage
      To minimize water usage, tailings will be de-watered, filtered and conveyed to a "dry-stack" on-site storage facility. This water is then recycled to the process plant. This method is considered "best practice" for long term tailings storage in dry environments with finite water resources. It also lowers long term environmental monitoring costs.

      The project area is well supplied with nearby local infrastructure. Project-related infrastructure expenditures include a new 6 mile (10km) 120kV power line and related substation. An energy cost of $0.065/kwh was used for Feasibility Study purposes, based on NV Energy expected rates. A 5-mile (8 km) mine access road connects the site to state Highway 95 to the North, and a rail load-out facility located on Union Pacific tracks. The rail tracks run approximately 13 miles (21 km) north of the project and connect with Union Pacific mainline tracks for connection to west coast ports. Process make-up water will be piped 6 miles (10 km) from the City of Yerington, county seat for Lyon County, where housing and regional services are available and most employees are expected to reside. The communities of Silver Springs, Smith Valley, Fernley, Dayton, Fallon, Carson City and Hawthorne are also all within commuting distance, and have a labor pool and existing housing, particularly for a construction workforce.

      Capital Costs
      The project initial capital costs are estimated at $1.04 billion with an accuracy of plus/minus 15% as of January 2012, including a contingency of $64.1 million. The contingency allowance is calculated based on assessed factors for each of the major Direct and Indirect cost categories. The major direct cost items include development of the East underground mine, the North deposit pre-stripping, process plant, tailing storage facility, site infrastructure and offsite rail load-out facility. Indirect costs include such major areas as engineering and procurement, construction management, freight and commissioning, spares inventory, first fills, and Owners Costs.

      Initial Capital Costs

      US$ Millions

      Direct Costs
      Underground Mine Development


      Surface Mine Development


      Process and concentrates handling


      Tailings Dewater & Dry Stack Facility


      Other capitalized pre-production costs


      Offsite Infrastructure


      Power and Electrical


      Site Utilities and Services


      Site Preparation and Roads


      Water Systems and Ancillary Facilities


      Total Direct Costs


      Indirect Costs
      Engineering and Procurement


      Construction Management


      Freight and Logistics


      Construction Temp. Facilities, Services & Equipment


      Environmental and reclamation Costs


      Owner's Costs


      Spares First Fills And Inventory


      Commissioning and Start-Up


      Total Indirect Costs


      Total Direct and Indirect Costs




      Total Initial Capital


      Working capital required for initial operations is estimated to be $48.9 million.

      LOM sustaining capital totals $1.0 billion and includes development of the E2 underground deposit and related equipment; South open pit deposit development costs; replacement of, and additions to, surface mobile equipment; lease costs for the initial mining fleet; reclamation costs; and expenditures on the tailings storage facility.

      LOM Sustaining Capital



      Underground Mine

      E2 equipment


      E2 development


      East equipment


      East development


      Surface Mine

      Mine equipment


      In-pit Crushing & Conveying


      General surface mobile equipment


      Access, site preparation and facilities








      Hydrology / Dewatering


      Total Sustaining Capital


      Operating Costs
      LOM site unit operating cash costs, net of capitalized pre-stripping and other predevelopment costs, are $12.33 per ton-milled, as summarized in the table below:

      LOM Unit Operating Cost Summary



      Mining (open pit & underground average)




      Dry-stack Tailings Facility


      Reclamation, Infrastructure, Hydrology.


      General & Administrative




      Open pit mining cash costs average $4.79 per ton of ore mined, including waste and ore mining costs. Average strip ratios for the North & South deposits respectively are 3.5 and 3.0 to 1, including the North deposit pre-strip. Underground mining costs average $27.98 per ton of ore mined.

      LOM Unit Mining Costs by Mining Method

      $/ton-ore mined

      Open Pit
      $/ton-ore mined



      Copper production cash costs per payable pound including site operating costs and copper conversion costs such as smelter charges and concentrate transport, net of gold and silver credits, are estimated to average $1.28/lb. for Years 1 to 5 and $1.37/lb. for Years 1 to 10.

      Economic Analysis Summary
      The project economics were evaluated using a cash flow analysis, whereby revenues and costs are projected into the future on an annual basis. Annual net cash flows are then discounted at a rate of interest to reflect the time value of money to yield a Net Present Value ("NPV"). The analysis includes all site operating costs, smelter charges and transport costs, royalties, estimated local property taxes, and Nevada Net Proceeds of Mining tax, but excludes corporate income taxes.

      The most significant input which affects project economics are projected future metals prices. The following three metal price scenarios were used:

      Base Case: Three year trailing average London Metal Exchange ("LME") prices were used as at December 22, 2011 and are as follows:

      Copper: $3.24 per pound.
      Gold: $1,252 per ounce.
      Silver: $23.19 per ounce.

      Alternate Case (1):

      Copper: Long term forward prices as at December 8, 2011, supplied by Barclays Capital, were used.
      These forward prices are available to 2021, and thereafter copper prices were reduced to a long term price of $2.50 per pound - See table below.










      Copper Price









      Gold: Same as Base Case.
      Silver: Same as Base Case.

      Alternate Case (2):

      Copper: $3.75 per pound
      Gold: Same as Base Case
      Silver: Same as Base Case

      The cash LME copper price on January 19, 2012 was $3.78/lb.

      Summary of Economic Results
      Key economic indicators extracted from the Feasibility Study are summarized below:

      Base Case

      Alternate Case (1)

      Case (2)

      US$ Millions

      US$ Millions

      US$ Millions

      Cumulative pre-tax cash-flow




      NPV@ 5%, pre-tax




      NPV@ 8%, pre-tax




      Average annual operating
      cash-flow (Years 1 to 5)




      Internal rate of return,




      Payback (years from
      first production)




      Royalties and Nevada Mining Taxes - The economic results include the costs of all third party royalties, and an estimate of local property taxes and Nevada Net Proceeds Tax payable on income from operations.

      Corporate Income Tax - Corporate income taxes were excluded for the purposes of the economic analysis. Income tax calculations related to mining income can be complex in the United States with nominal tax rates on mining income in the United States being lowered by the net effects of percentage depletion and other adjustments.

      Conference Call Details
      A conference call to discuss the results of the Pumpkin Hollow Project Feasibility Study has been scheduled for
      Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 11:00am ET (8:00am PT). Dial-in numbers for North America are: toll free 866-696-5910 or 416-340-2217; for International 800-8989-6336 - Participant Pass Code No. 4343242. An instant replay will be available for two weeks following the conference call as follows: toll free 800-408-3053 or 905-694-9451; for International 800-3366-3052 - Participant Pass Code No. 8818300.

      Qualified Persons
      In November 2011 Nevada Copper commissioned Tetra Tech to complete the Pumpkin Hollow Project Feasibility Study in accordance with NI 43-101. The initial capital costs estimates for the Pumpkin Hollow Project in the Feasibility Study were compiled and reviewed by Merit under the direction of Jay Collins, P. Eng. The scientific and technical information in this release has been reviewed and approved by Erik Spiller, QP, Vice President, of Tetra Tech, and overall manager for the Feasibility Study, and by Mr. Collins both of whom are Independent Qualified Persons within the meaning of NI 43-101.

      This release was also reviewed by Gregory French, PG, Vice-President & Project Manager of Nevada Copper and Robert McKnight, P. Eng., Executive Vice-President of Nevada Copper, both of whom are Non-independent Qualified Persons within the meaning of NI 43-101.

      Readers should refer to the Feasibility Study Technical Report for further details of the project development. The Feasibility Study Technical Report will be filed in accordance with NI 43-101 on SEDAR ( ) within the required 45 day statutory period and will be made available on Nevada Copper's website ( ). An updated PowerPoint presentation will be available on the Nevada Copper website.


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      Cautionary Language

      This news release includes certain statements and information that may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining, securing a strategic partner, expanding the mineral resources and mineral reserves and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements and forward-looking information specifically include, but are not limited to, statements concerning: Nevada Copper Corp. (the "Company") plans at the Pumpkin Hollow Project; the timing of granting of key permits; from the Feasibility Study: the estimated metal production and the timing thereof; capital and operating costs, future metal prices, cash flow estimates, and economic indicators derived from the foregoing.

      Forward-looking statements or information relate to future events and future performance and include statements regarding the expectations and beliefs of management and include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the estimation of mineral resources and reserves, the realization of mineral resources and mineral reserve estimates, the timing and amount of estimated future production, capital costs, costs of production, capital expenditures, success of mining operations, environmental risks and other mining related matters. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements and forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "potential", "is expected", "anticipated", "is targeted", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or the negatives thereof or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements or information include, but are not limited to, statements or information with respect to known or unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information.

      Forward-looking statements or information are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements or information, including, without limitation, risks and uncertainties relating to: history of losses; requirements for additional capital; dilution; loss of its material properties; interest rates increase; global economy; no history of production; future metals price fluctuations, speculative nature of exploration activities; periodic interruptions to exploration, development and mining activities; environmental hazards and liability; industrial accidents; failure of processing and mining equipment to perform as expected; labor disputes; supply problems; uncertainty of production and cost estimates; the interpretation of drill results and the estimation of mineral resources and reserves; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; possible variations in ore reserves, grade of mineralization or recovery rates may differ from what is indicated and the difference may be material; legal and regulatory proceedings and community actions; accidents, title matters; regulatory restrictions; permitting and licensing; volatility of the market price of Common Shares; insurance; competition; hedging activities; currency fluctuations; loss of key employees; other risks of the mining industry as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form dated September 26, 2011. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements or information. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update forward-looking statements or information except as required by law, and you are referred to the full discussion of the Company's business contained in the Company's reports filed with the securities regulatory authorities in Canada. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that could cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. For more information on Nevada Copper and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review Nevada Copper's annual filings that are available at .

      The Company provides no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Alternative Performance Measures

      "Copper Production Costs", "LOM Operating Costs", "LOM site unit operating costs" and similar terms are alternative performance measures. These performance measures are included because these statistics are key performance measures that management may use to monitor performance. Management may use these statistics in future to assess how the Company is performing to plan and to assess the overall effectiveness and efficiency of mining operations. These performance measures do not have a meaning within International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and, therefore, amounts presented may not be comparable to similar data presented by other mining companies. These performance measures should not be considered in isolation as a substitute for measures of performance in accordance with IFRS.
      schrieb am 24.01.12 17:08:44
      Beitrag Nr. 2.299 ()
      Nun ja, warten wir, was weiter passiert.
      schrieb am 25.01.12 10:31:30
      Beitrag Nr. 2.300 ()
      etwas entäuschend der Kursverlauf :rolleyes:

      Ich hatte ehrlich gesagt auch noch keine Zeit die Meldung über die DFS komplett durchzulesen.

      Zudem was mich wundert, das Volumen seit erscheinen der Meldung war auch nicht besonders groß. Gestern gerade einmal 78.000 gehandelte Aktien.. :confused:

      Ich glaube irgendwer sammelt da im Hintergrund weiter Aktien, und solange der nicht fertig hat, wird es nicht weiter hoch gehen..

      schrieb am 25.01.12 15:26:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.301 ()
      Nevada Copper "sector outperform"

      25.01.12 14:11
      Scotia Capital Markets

      Toronto ( AG) - Mark Turner, Analyst von Scotia Capital Markets, stuft die Aktie von Nevada Copper (ISIN CA64128F1099 / WKN A0MK4X) unverändert mit "sector outperform" ein. Das 12-Monats-Kursziel werde von 9,00 CAD (Kanadischer Dollar) auf 8,30 CAD gesenkt. (Analyse vom 24.01.2012) (25.01.2012/ac/a/a)
      Offenlegung von möglichen Interessenskonflikten:

      Das Wertpapierdienstleistungsunternehmen oder ein mit ihm verbundenes Unternehmen gehörte einem Konsortium an, das die innerhalb von fünf Jahren zeitlich letzte Emission von Wertpapieren der Gesellschaft übernommen hat. Weitere mögliche Interessenskonflikte können Sie auf der Site des Erstellers/ der Quelle der Analyse einsehen.
      schrieb am 26.01.12 09:24:06
      Beitrag Nr. 2.302 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      ich Lach mich Tot. Sorry, aber bei diesem Kurs kann ich nur Lachen.
      Der Kurs spiegelt nicht annähernd das Potenzial von NCU wieder.
      Ich bin mir absolut sicher, dass hier die Stop-Los eingesammelt werden und das hier irgendetwas im Hintergrund läuft. Denkt bitte daran, dass ein paar Firmen interesse an NCU angemeldet hatten.
      Wer jetzt seine Aktien einfach so herschenkt, der wird sich noch richtig ärgern.

      schrieb am 26.01.12 19:33:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2.303 ()
      was habe ich gesagt....
      Wie man sieht, wird hier eingesammelt auf niedrigem Niveau...
      schrieb am 27.01.12 21:36:27
      Beitrag Nr. 2.304 ()

      Jan 26/12 Jan 26/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $4.83
      Jan 26/12 Jan 25/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 1,200 $5.07
      Jan 26/12 Jan 25/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 3,800 $5.0
      schrieb am 30.01.12 17:48:55
      Beitrag Nr. 2.305 ()
      Jan 27/12 Jan 27/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 3,500 $4.70
      Jan 27/12 Jan 27/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 7,100 $4.69
      Jan 27/12 Jan 27/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 1,000 $4.70
      Jan 27/12 Jan 27/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 3,400 $4.67
      schrieb am 01.02.12 10:19:19
      Beitrag Nr. 2.306 ()

      das ist ein Artikel aus dem Aktien-Blog. Ich denke, dass trifft es...

      Nevada Copper will in spätestens vier Jahren produzieren
      Übernahmekandidat mit aussichtsreicher Liegenschaft: Rosige Aussichten für Nevada Copper?Übernahmekandidat mit aussichtsreicher Liegenschaft: Rosige Aussichten für Nevada Copper?

      Der Kupfer-Explorer Nevada Copper hat Anfang des Monats das lang erwartete Ressourcenupdate zu seiner Pumpkin-Hollow-Liegenschaft in Nevada veröffentlicht. Laut der nach dem kanadischen Bergbaustandard NI 43-101 verfassten Analyse, belaufen sich die Rohstoffvorkommen in allen Kategorien auf nunmehr 7,9 Milliarden Pfund Kupfer und 144 Millionen Tonnen Eisenerz. Zusätzlich kann das Unternehmen 1,3 Millionen Unzen Gold und 57 Millionen Unzen Silber ausweisen. Dementsprechend zufrieden zeigte sich Giulio Bonifacio, Präsident und CEO von Nevada Copper: “Diese Resultate demonstrieren, dass Pumpkin Hollow eines der größten unterentwickelten Kupferprojekte in Nordamerika ist, für das wir innerhalb kürzester Zeit eine bedeutende Wertsteigerung erreichen konnten.”

      Werden allein die als verhältnismäßig sicher einzustufenden Rohstoffvorkommen der Kategorien „measured&indicated“ in Kupferäquivalent umgerechnet, kann das Unternehmen sechs Milliarden Pfund Kupfer mit einem gegenwärtigen Marktwert von etwa 18 Milliarden US-Dollar (USD) ausweisen. Bei einer Marktkapitalisierung von 120 Millionen USD, entspricht dies einer Bewertung von lediglich 0,02 USD pro Pfund Kupfer. In ihrer kürzlich aktualisierten Präsentation weist das Unternehmen für Nevada Copper eine Bewertung von 0,013 USD pro Pfund Kupfer aus, während die marktübliche Bewertung mit 0,041 USD pro Pfund angegeben wird. Die Analysten von Haywood und Canaccord kamen in vergleichbaren Studien sogar zu Bewertungen von 0,056 beziehungsweise 0,061 USD pro Pfund Kupfer.

      Nevada Copper gilt als Übernahmekandidat

      Nimmt man nun eine durchschnittliche Bewertung von 0,04 USD pro Pfund Kupfer als Maßstab, müsste Nevada Copper mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 240 Millionen USD bewertet sein. Bei 36 Millionen ausgegebenen Aktien entspräche dies einem Aktienkurs von ungefähr 6,60 USD - dies käme zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt (ca. 3,20 USD) einer Verdoppelung gleich. CEO Bonifacio selbst gab als Ziel aus, “…in den nächsten Jahren einen Aktienkurs von 8-10 USD dauerhaft zu erreichen.” Intern soll das Management sogar von noch höheren Bewertungen ausgehen.

      Schon seit längerem halten sich Gerüchte am Markt, wonach Nevada Copper kurz vor einer Übernahme stehe. Angeblich sollen bereits vier potentielle Interessenten die Pumpkin Hollow Liegenschaft besichtigt haben, um die Voraussetzungen für eine Übernahme zu prüfen. CEO Bonifacio bestätigte diese Gerüchte und verwies auf weitere Unternehmen, die bereits ihr Interesse an Nevada Copper bekundet haben sollen. Angesichts der Unterbewertung im Branchenvergleich, zieht das Management zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt jedoch eine Übernahme nicht ernsthaft in Erwägung. Sollte dennoch ein Übernahmeangebot erfolgen, dürfte dies angesichts der Unterbewertung des Unternehmens über der gegenwärtigen Marktkapitalisierung liegen.

      Kapitalkosten sollen weitgehend durch Schuldverschreibungen finanziert werden

      In Anbetracht der marktüblichen durchschnittlichen Bewertung von mindestens 0,04 USD pro Pfund Kupfer, erscheint sogar eine Kursvervielfachung durchaus realistisch. Hinzu kommt, dass es sich bei Pumpkin Hollow um eine ausbaufähige Liegenschaft handelt. Weitere Bohrungen könnten zu einer Erweiterung der bis dato nachgewiesenen Ressourcen führen. Auch vor dem Hintergrund nachhaltig steigender Rohstoffpreise kann eher von einer Wertsteigerung des bestehenden Rohstoffportfolios ausgegangen werden.

      Sollte es dem Management gelingen, eine feindliche Übernahme abzuwehren, bestehen für Nevada Copper beste Aussichten, sich zu einem profitablen Kupferproduzenten zu entwickeln. CEO Bonifacio selbst gab als Ziel aus, in drei bis vier Jahren mit der Produktion beginnen zu wollen. Bis dahin rechnet das Unternehmen mit Kapitalkosten von etwa 175 – 200 Millionen USD, die investiert werden müssen, um die Pumpkin Hollow Liegenschaft zur Produktion zu führen. Dabei ist geplant, diese Summe vorwiegend über Schuldverschreibungen zu finanzieren, um den Verwässerungseffekt für die Aktionäre so gering wie möglich zu halten. Für das erste Jahr wird eine Kupferproduktion in Höhe von etwa 70 bis 80 Millionen Pfund zu durchschnittlichen Produktionskosten von 0,70 bis 0,80 USD pro Pfund Kupfer angestrebt.

      Kann Nevada Copper alle Produktions-Hürden überwinden?

      Mit dem hieraus resultierenden Cashflow soll die Produktion im zweiten Jahr auf 150 bis 200 Millionen Pfund Kupfer ausgeweitet werden. CEO Bonifacio gab an, dass man mit weitgehend stabilen Kupferpreisen rechne und selbst bei einem Kupferpreis von 1,50 USD noch profitabel produzieren könne. Gegenwärtig notiert das Pfund Kupfer bei etwa 3,20 USD – die jährlichen Umsätze dürften daher bei einer zu erwartenden Minenlaufzeit von über 20 Jahren langfristig deutlich im dreistelligen Millionenbereich liegen.

      Aufgrund noch ausstehender behördlicher Genehmigungen sowie der noch nicht erfolgten Finanzierung des Projekts, ist die Aktie von Nevada Copper trotz positiver Aussichten ein spekulatives Investment. Außerdem liegt für Pumpkin Hollow noch keine Machbarkeitsstudie vor - jegliche Prognosen auf Basis der vorläufigen wirtschaftlichen Evaluierung können nur als vorübergehende Einschätzungen angesehen werden. Sollte Nevada Copper jedoch alle Hürden überwinden und sich zum Kupferproduzenten entwickeln, sollten deutliche Kurssteigerungen möglich sein. Gegenwärtig arbeitet das Unternehmen an einer Aktualisierung der Kapital- und Operationskosten, die voraussichtlich Anfang 2008 veröffentlicht werden und die Anlegern weitere wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Aussichten für Pumpkin Hollow liefern sollten. Angesichts des Potentials dieser Liegenschaft, könnte sich ein Einstieg bei Nevada Copper lohnen.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.02.12 11:16:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.307 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.678.782 von DBR55 am 01.02.12 10:19:19Das hört sich doch gut an.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.02.12 17:11:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2.308 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.679.300 von ogon am 01.02.12 11:16:07Der Aktien Blog Artikel ist Stein Alt, müsste von 2007 sein...!??


      Gegenwärtig arbeitet das Unternehmen an einer Aktualisierung der Kapital- und Operationskosten, die voraussichtlich Anfang 2008 veröffentlicht werden und die Anlegern weitere wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Aussichten für Pumpkin Hollow liefern sollten. Angesichts des Potentials dieser Liegenschaft, könnte sich ein Einstieg bei Nevada Copper lohnen.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.02.12 09:09:58
      Beitrag Nr. 2.309 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.700.059 von Muesli2k am 04.02.12 17:11:38Hallo,

      Kupfer:20 Monatshoch im Visier
      Sollte der Konjunkturfrühindikator Kupfer recht behalten, droht der Welt kein Rückfall in die Rezession.
      Seit dem Jahreswechsel hat sich der Preis für das Industriemetall Kupfer mit plus 11,5 Prozent ähnlich stark entwickelt wie das gelbe Edelmetall. Mittlerweile nähert sich das rote Industriemetall dem höchsten Niveau seit Mitte September.

      Das ist ein Ausschnitt aus einem Artikel!

      schrieb am 10.02.12 14:03:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.310 ()
      Jupp, Kupferpreis in der Tat sehr stark am anziehen:

      Spot dazu..

      schrieb am 16.02.12 16:17:46
      Beitrag Nr. 2.311 ()
      February 16, 2012
      Nevada Copper Announces Introduction of Yerington Land Conveyance Bill
      February 16, 2012 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce that Congressman Mark Amodei of the Second Congressional District of Nevada, along with original co-sponsors Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Congressman Joe Heck, announced today they have introduced the "Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act" in the U.S. House of Representatives. This legislation involves the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") lands ("Federal Lands") that surround Nevada Copper's 100% private patented land owned by Nevada Copper located near Yerington, Nevada. Please see full press announcement from Congressman Mark Amodei at the following link:…

      The City of Yerington ("City") and Nevada Copper have been in discussions for over four years to develop water and wastewater treatment agreements and explore economic development opportunities both during and after mining. The City also seeks to annex the area that includes the Pumpkin Hollow mine to allow it to share in property and net proceeds of mines tax revenues. The City would not otherwise share in those taxes if the project were not in the City limits. After a thorough evaluation, the City and Nevada Copper jointly determined to pursue the acquisition of Federal Lands adjacent to and surrounding Nevada Copper's Pumpkin Hollow private patented lands. The benefits of this land acquisition by the City to Nevada Copper, if completed, would be to allow permitting to proceed solely under the Nevada state mine permitting regulations whilst complying with all applicable Federal, State and County laws. This would allow for mine permits to be received in 2013

      To implement this acquisition, the City requested that the Nevada Congressional delegation introduce legislation that directs the Secretary of Interior to convey to the City for fair market value, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the Federal Lands. The City would then annex those lands, including the area of the proposed Pumpkin Hollow Project, into the City. Nevada Copper has agreed to collaborate with the City to support the acquisition and to pay for those lands in consideration for being able to develop and operate Pumpkin Hollow.

      Tim Dyhr, Vice President Environment and External Relations comments: "We wholeheartedly support the City's efforts to acquire this land. It allows the City to participate in property and net proceeds of mines taxes. There are obvious benefits to Nevada Copper. But more importantly, it allows the City and Nevada Copper to expand their existing collaboration on water service and other infrastructure to assure that that infrastructure can be located to enhance opportunities for current and future development. As I have said many times, this is the most compelling sustainable development opportunity I have seen in my 30-year career".

      Summary of the Land Acquisition Transaction

      The legislation would convey approximately 10,200 acres of the BLM-administered Federal Lands to the City in order to develop a multiple use economic development, mining, industrial, recreational and open space area. The Federal Lands are interspersed with, and adjacent to, the 1,560 acres of Nevada Copper private patented lands in the proposed mine area. The City of Yerington would be the municipal entity to take title from the federal government. The City would subsequently enter into development agreements with businesses, including Nevada Copper, to develop mining, industrial and commercial businesses. The City would also facilitate development of recreational facilities.

      The Yerington City Council voted unanimously to support the acquisition ("Resolution No. 2011-3 In Support of Congressional Action", August 22, 2011). Lyon County ("the County"), where the lands and Pumpkin Hollow are currently located, has also been involved in development of the proposed conveyance and voted unanimously to support it ("Lyon County Resolution 11-008, August 18, 2011").

      The Nevada Congressional delegation, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senator Dean Heller, First Congressional District Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Second Congressional District Congressman Mark Amodei, and Third Congressional District Congressman Joe Heck have been consulted regarding this proposed legislation. They have all been very engaged in reviewing this proposal and to develop legislation subject to all due diligence reviews on land status, potential natural resources effects and an appraisal, all of which are underway or completed.

      Nevada Copper would fund the land acquisition costs (to be paid to the Federal government), subject to a reasonable cost determined by appraisal, therefore, the acquisition would not require local or State government funding. Nevada Copper has also undertaken the technical evaluations to support the legislation (land survey, appraisal, cultural and natural resources evaluations, etc.) and assure that there are no land use or resource conflicts.

      The lands proposed for transfer are ideally suited for economic development. They are in very close proximity to Yerington (within 0.25 miles of City limits) with the entire proposed area approximately 5 miles from the center of Yerington. Such a transfer of federal land is consistent with BLM policy objectives to dispose of lands that will support expansion of communities for economic development.

      A conceptual plan developed by the City allocates about 3,840 acres (38% of the lands) for mine development and combined with the 1,560 acres of private land, the mine economic development area would total 5,400 acres. Another 1,980 acres (19%) would be available for general economic development and electric power infrastructure, including solar energy. Approximately 840 acres (8%) would be designated for an events venue with supporting camping and recreation areas including a rock crawl area. 3,580 acres (35%) would be set aside as an open space buffer between the economic development area and adjacent private land. This area would also accommodate a proposed motocross track.

      The land acquisition does not impact Nevada Copper's 1,560 acres of private patented lands, nor the mineral rights on all currently-held claims. All right, title and interest in those lands remain the same.


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      schrieb am 16.02.12 16:28:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2.312 ()
      Nevada Copper Announces Introduction Of Yerington Land Conveyance Bill
      Datum : 16/02/2012 @ 14h00
      Quelle : MarketWire
      Name : Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU)
      Kurs : 4.88 0.24 (5.17%) @ 16h24
      Nevada Copper Corp. share price Chart Reports Trades Level2

      Nevada Copper Announces Introduction Of Yerington Land Conveyance Bill
      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSE:NCU)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Heute : Thursday 16 February 2012

      Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce that Congressman Mark Amodei of the Second Congressional District of Nevada, along with original co-sponsors Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Congressman Joe Heck, announced today they have introduced the "Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act" in the U.S. House of Representatives. This legislation involves the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") lands ("Federal Lands") that surround Nevada Copper's 100% private patented land owned by Nevada Copper located near Yerington, Nevada. Please see full press announcement from Congressman Mark Amodei at the following link:….

      The City of Yerington ("City") and Nevada Copper have been in discussions for over four years to develop water and wastewater treatment agreements and explore economic development opportunities both during and after mining. The City also seeks to annex the area that includes the Pumpkin Hollow mine to allow it to share in property and net proceeds of mines tax revenues. The City would not otherwise share in those taxes if the project were not in the City limits. After a thorough evaluation, the City and Nevada Copper jointly determined to pursue the acquisition of Federal Lands adjacent to and surrounding Nevada Copper's Pumpkin Hollow private patented lands. The benefits of this land acquisition by the City to Nevada Copper, if completed, would be to allow permitting to proceed solely under the Nevada state mine permitting regulations whilst complying with all applicable Federal, State and County laws. This would allow for mine permits to be received in 2013.

      To implement this acquisition, the City requested that the Nevada Congressional delegation introduce legislation that directs the Secretary of Interior to convey to the City for fair market value, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the Federal Lands. The City would then annex those lands, including the area of the proposed Pumpkin Hollow Project, into the City. Nevada Copper has agreed to collaborate with the City to support the acquisition and to pay for those lands in consideration for being able to develop and operate Pumpkin Hollow.

      Tim Dyhr, Vice President Environment and External Relations, comments: "We wholeheartedly support the City's efforts to acquire this land. It allows the City to participate in property and net proceeds of mines taxes. There are obvious benefits to Nevada Copper. But more importantly, it allows the City and Nevada Copper to expand their existing collaboration on water service and other infrastructure to assure that that infrastructure can be located to enhance opportunities for current and future development. As I have said many times, this is the most compelling sustainable development opportunity I have seen in my 30-year career."

      Summary of the Land Acquisition Transaction

      The legislation would convey approximately 10,200 acres of the BLM-administered Federal Lands to the City in order to develop a multiple use economic development, mining, industrial, recreational and open space area. The Federal Lands are interspersed with, and adjacent to, the 1,560 acres of Nevada Copper private patented lands in the proposed mine area. The City of Yerington would be the municipal entity to take title from the federal government. The City would subsequently enter into development agreements with businesses, including Nevada Copper, to develop mining, industrial and commercial businesses. The City would also facilitate development of recreational facilities.

      The Yerington City Council voted unanimously to support the acquisition ("Resolution No. 2011-3 In Support of Congressional Action", August 22, 2011). Lyon County ("the County"), where the lands and Pumpkin Hollow are currently located, has also been involved in development of the proposed conveyance and voted unanimously to support it ("Lyon County Resolution 11-008, August 18, 2011").

      The Nevada Congressional delegation, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senator Dean Heller, First Congressional District Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Second Congressional District Congressman Mark Amodei, and Third Congressional District Congressman Joe Heck have been consulted regarding this proposed legislation. They have all been very engaged in reviewing this proposal and to develop legislation subject to all due diligence reviews on land status, potential natural resources effects and an appraisal, all of which are underway or completed.

      Nevada Copper would fund the land acquisition costs (to be paid to the Federal government), subject to a reasonable cost determined by appraisal, therefore, the acquisition would not require local or State government funding. Nevada Copper has also undertaken the technical evaluations to support the legislation (land survey, appraisal, cultural and natural resources evaluations, etc.) and assure that there are no land use or resource conflicts.

      The lands proposed for transfer are ideally suited for economic development. They are in very close proximity to Yerington (within 0.25 miles of City limits) with the entire proposed area approximately 5 miles from the center of Yerington. Such a transfer of federal land is consistent with BLM policy objectives to dispose of lands that will support expansion of communities for economic development.

      A conceptual plan developed by the City allocates about 3,840 acres (38% of the lands) for mine development and combined with the 1,560 acres of private land, the mine economic development area would total 5,400 acres. Another 1,980 acres (19%) would be available for general economic development and electric power infrastructure, including solar energy. Approximately 840 acres (8%) would be designated for an events venue with supporting camping and recreation areas including a rock crawl area. 3,580 acres (35%) would be set aside as an open space buffer between the economic development area and adjacent private land. This area would also accommodate a proposed motocross track.

      The land acquisition does not impact Nevada Copper's 1,560 acres of private patented lands, nor the mineral rights on all currently-held claims. All right, title and interest in those lands remain the same.

      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      We seek safe harbor.
      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Eugene Toffolo
      Corporate Communications
      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Robert McKnight, P.Eng.
      Executive Vice President

      schrieb am 06.03.12 15:09:41
      Beitrag Nr. 2.313 ()
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire -02/22/12)- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU.TO - News) ("Nevada Copper") - The Governor of the State of Nevada, Mr. Brian Sandoval told a crowd of over 700 people to "Believe It" - that the employment of up to 800 people at Pumpkin Hollow is right in line with his jobs initiative to create 50,000 jobs in Nevada by 2014. Those words were spoken on Saturday February 18, 2012, at Nevada Copper's official Groundbreaking Ceremony for the commencement of sinking of an underground shaft at its Pumpkin Hollow Project, located near Yerington, Nevada.

      Governor Sandoval stated, "I know how much we've been struggling out here and for Nevada Copper to have this type of confidence and this type of investment in this community and this County means the absolute world to us. To have the City, the County, the State, the Federal officials, Nevada Copper, the local businesses, the local development authority all to come together to make an event like this, I was in complete awe to see over 700 people celebrate this day, that will go down in history of Lyon County as one of those absolute bedrock moments and a game changer for a community. It is just such a privilege to be here for this."

      Shaft sinking is a key strategic development for Nevada Copper. Not only does it initiate construction of a critical long lead time element of the overall project, the 24-foot diameter 2,200 foot deep shaft, but it also commences the physical work at the site that will create approximately 40 jobs, many of which will be local hires. Nevada Copper completed its definitive Feasibility Study in January 2012. The Feasibility Study details the development of an integrated mine project consisting of a combined open pit and underground operation feeding a single 67,500 ton per day mill. In the first five years, the average annual production is projected to be 274 million pounds of copper, 53,000 ounces of gold and 1.1 million ounces of silver.

      ...He also noted that mining generates the highest taxes paid per employee in the State of Nevada compared to all other industries. ...

      Giulio Bonifacio, President & CEO stated, "This shaft will allow us to access the over 820 million pounds of high grade underground copper reserves in the East deposit defined in the Feasibility Study. The shaft will also provide us with detailed information on the geotechnical, geochemical and hydrological conditions that exist underground and verify our mining and production assumptions. It will give us access to further extend and define the East underground resource from subsurface drill stations, as well as a platform for further exploration of the nearby JK34 zone. Drilling from underground is much more cost effective and will allow us to define areas of high grade ore targeted for early mining."

      Now that the definitive Feasibility Study is complete, it has provided the final pieces of information required for the final plans and permit applications for submittal to Local, State and, if necessary, Federal regulatory agencies.
      schrieb am 06.03.12 19:26:02
      Beitrag Nr. 2.314 ()
      Toronto ( - Mark Turner und Samar Sidhu, Analysten von Scotia Capital Markets, stufen die Aktie von Nevada Copper (ISIN CA64128F1099 / WKN A0MK4X) unverändert mit "sector outperform" ein. Das 12-Monats-Kursziel von 8,30 CAD (Kanadischer Dollar) werde bestätigt. (Analyse vom 17.02.2012) (20.02.2012/ac/a/a)
      schrieb am 13.03.12 14:05:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2.315 ()
      Unsere geliebte Nevada Copper heute mit wieder einmal einer
      tollen News:…

      Außerdem haben sie die Homepage etwas getuned und verschönert,
      reinschauen lohnt sich!

      Auch ist seit neuestem eine toll gemachte Projekt Homepage Online:
      schrieb am 20.03.12 11:48:14
      Beitrag Nr. 2.316 ()
      NCU - BTV-Business Television Features Nevada Copper Corp.…
      schrieb am 26.03.12 20:55:12
      Beitrag Nr. 2.317 ()
      March 26, 2012
      Nevada Copper Announces Introduction Of Land Conveyance Bill In The United States Senate
      March 26, 2012 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is very pleased to announce that Senator Dean Heller of Nevada has introduced "The Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act" (the "Yerington Bill") into the United States Senate. This legislation directs the sale of Federal Lands located near Yerington, Nevada, administered by Bureau of Land Management ("BLM"), to the City of Yerington. These Federal Lands surround and encompass private patented and unpatented claims that are held by Nevada Copper.

      Senator Heller's press release can be viewed at:…

      The Yerington Bill was introduced into the United States House of Representatives on February 15, 2012 by Congressman Mark Amodei of the Second Congressional District of Nevada, along with original co-sponsors Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Congressman Joe Heck. Congressman Amodei is currently working towards scheduling a hearing in the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands for the Yerington Bill. As a result of the introduction of the Yerington Bill in the Senate, a Senate subcommittee hearing date will also be scheduled.

      Giulio Bonifacio, President & CEO commented: "We have made substantial progress to date on the Yerington Bill in the House and Senate and we are encouraged by the strong political support we have received at the federal, state, and local levels. We look forward to continuing to build momentum in this process such that we have received all the permits necessary for the large, integrated open pit and underground mining project in 2013."

      Tim Dyhr, Vice President Environment and External Relations also commented: "We very much appreciate Senator Heller introducing this bill into the Senate. We look forward to support from Senator Heller and anticipate timely committee hearings in both the House and Senate which will allow us to move this bill through Congress."

      Senator Heller and Congressman Amodei have been consulting with the City and Nevada Copper for several months to address all of the technical aspects of this Federal land disposition, including assessing any potential impacts to natural resources and other land uses.

      Various studies to support the land disposition are in progress. To date, interim results confirm that there are no adverse effects to any natural resources, including wilderness, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, prime or unique farmlands, cultural resources, wildlife (including sage grouse, critical winter range or nesting raptors), riparian areas, surface water resources and rangeland resources. The area receives only five inches (12.7 cm) of rainfall per year and is composed of very low productivity salt-desert scrub habitat with no sagebrush. This type of ecological zone occupies hundreds of thousands of acres in Lyon County.

      Permitting Update

      Until such time as the outcome of the Congressional process for Yerington Bill is clear, Nevada Copper intends to follow two parallel permitting tracks:

      The Nevada State process; and

      The federal BLM process. The BLM permitting will continue until such time that it is clear to management that the land bill will be enacted.

      Nevada Copper will also complete State permitting for an underground mine at the East deposit located entirely on private lands. Shaft sinking on the East deposit commenced in February under currently-held permits.

      Nevada Copper will also complete State permitting for an underground mine at the East deposit located entirely on private lands. Shaft sinking on the East deposit commenced in February under currently-held permits.

      Nevada Copper completed its Pumpkin Hollow Feasibility Study in January 2012. The remaining permitting inputs required from groundwater studies, tailings and mine rock storage designs are mostly in hand or nearing completion. The permitting-related studies are to the same standard for either of the permitting processes above.

      State of Nevada Water Pollution Control and Reclamation permit applications and local permits with the City and/or Lyon County are currently being finalized with submission of applications anticipated in May 2012. Permit review by State and local entities would run concurrent with progress of the Yerington Bill in Congress.

      Receipt of permits is anticipated in the first quarter of 2013 for the underground mine operation and integrated open pit and underground operation assuming passage of the Yerington Bill and closing of the land acquisition by the City of Yerington.

      With regard to water rights, Nevada Copper has previously obtained rights covering 100% of its anticipated Pumpkin Hollow project water needs. Notably, the entire project area is outside of irrigated lands in Mason Valley. Detailed studies have demonstrated that groundwater in the mine project area is not hydraulically connected to the alluvial aquifers in Mason Valley and project operations will not impact that important aquifer.

      More detail on the Yerington land acquisition proposal was presented in the Nevada Copper News Release dated February 16, 2012 and available on the corporate website at and at the project website at

      schrieb am 31.03.12 14:45:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.318 ()
      Ich habe Nevada Copper seit 2 Jahren im Bestand und beobachte die
      Gute täglich. Aber die Veröffentlichungen zum "Übernahmekandidat"
      sind nun, nach langer Zeit, wohl in einem Forum wieder aufgetaucht.
      Kann mich aber auch irren (schlechtes Englisch...)
      Hat da jemand was frisches gehört ?
      schrieb am 13.04.12 16:30:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2.319 ()
      Gestern sehr hohe Umsätze, da gingen einige 250k Blöcke. Weit über 1 Millionen Stück um die 3,80 umgegangen. Da läuft im Hintergrund was ab. Vermute das war ein weiteres Private Placement zu einem ausgehandelten Kurs...
      schrieb am 13.04.12 20:14:12
      Beitrag Nr. 2.320 ()
      Zitat von Muesli2k: Gestern sehr hohe Umsätze, da gingen einige 250k Blöcke. Weit über 1 Millionen Stück um die 3,80 umgegangen. Da läuft im Hintergrund was ab. Vermute das war ein weiteres Private Placement zu einem ausgehandelten Kurs...

      Na also, da hätten wir es doch, Pala hat gestern 1,5 Mio. Shares zu 3,80 Can Dollar gekauft :D:D:D…
      schrieb am 18.04.12 10:21:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.321 ()

      Apr 13/12 Apr 13/12 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 11 - Acquisition carried out privately 1,500,000 $3.80
      schrieb am 19.04.12 19:04:08
      Beitrag Nr. 2.322 ()
      19. April 2012
      Nevada Copper stellt ein Update auf Haus Subcommitee Anhörung über Yerington Landbill
      19. April 2012 - Nevada Copper Corp (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") freut sich, ein Update der Anhörung des House of Representatives Unterausschuss für National Parks, Wald und Public Lands in Washington, DC auf April statt bieten 17. bis Zeugnis auf dem HR 4039, der Yerington Land Beförderung und nachhaltige Entwicklung Act zu hören.

      Der Kongressabgeordnete Mark Amodei von Nevada, die dieses Gesetz dem Repräsentantenhaus eingeführt am 16. Februar 2012 bezeugte in der mündlichen Verhandlung. Testimony Unterstützung wurde auch von George Dini, Bürgermeister von Yerington, und Tim Dyhr, Nevada Copper Vice President, Umwelt und Außenbeziehungen gehört. Briefe der Unterstützung wurden auch in den Datensatz aus der Lyon County Commissioners und zahlreichen anderen öffentlichen Benutzergruppe in Lyon County eingegeben. Es gab kein Zeugnis in der Opposition.

      Das Bureau of Land Management auch ausgesagt. Sie erkannten die Vorteile des Wechsels zu Yerington und Lyon County und bot an, mit der Rechnung des Sponsors und des Unterausschusses auf der Rechnung zu arbeiten.

      Kongressabgeordnete Amodei erklärte:. "Ich bin ermutigt, dass die Beamten des Bureau of Land Management keine inhaltlichen Einwände artikuliert und ich möchte die BLM Carson City Landratsamt für ihre Beiträge zu dieser Angelegenheit danken" Ein Link zu der Kongressabgeordnete Amodei die Pressemitteilung zu diesem Hören ist unten und eine vollständige Kopie wird auch am Ende dieser Pressemitteilung angehängt:…

      Tim Dyhr erklärte:. "Wir freuen uns, dass der Kongressabgeordnete Amodei ist Verfechter dieses Gesetz, und mit der Hilfe von Kollegen, Kongressabgeordnete Kongressabgeordneten Berkley und Heck, die Planung weiter zu geben aus der Ausschuss auf den Boden des Hauses für den Durchgang Wir erwarten, dass mit keinen Probleme mit diesem Transport verbunden ist, sollte sie durch das Haus bis Juni zu verschieben. "

      Die Stadt und Nevada Copper auch weiterhin mit Senator Reid und Senator Heller arbeiten, um den Senat Begleiter Gesetzentwurf, S. 2228, durch den US-Senat zu bewegen.

      "Wir arbeiten sehr eng mit beiden Senatoren 'Stäbe, um die Standard-prozedurale und technische Aspekte, die angesprochen erfolgreich leiten Sie diese Art von Rechnungen im Senat werden muss, anzugehen." Sagte Dyhr.

      Es gibt keine natürlichen Ressourcen Werte, die vom Land Transport, keine Konflikte mit speziellen Management-Status Bereiche in der BLM Resource Management Plan genannten, noch irgendwelche Landnutzungskonflikte oder Effekte zu prime Ackerland in Mason Tal betroffen wären, identifiziert.
      schrieb am 10.05.12 20:09:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2.323 ()
      Na ja, langsam wirds eklig. Der Kurs kennt momentan ja nur eine Richtung, und die gefällt mir nicht. Das hatte ich mir vor einiger Zeit ganz anders vorgestellt.
      schrieb am 15.05.12 20:24:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2.324 ()
      Nun gut, der Kupferpreis bewegt sich nicht eben am Höchststand, aber reicht das als Erklärung für den aktuellen Abwärtstrend? Habt ihr eine Idee, was los sein könnte?
      schrieb am 15.05.12 21:40:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.325 ()
      so richtig erklären kann das keiner. Auch in den USA rätselt man.
      Man kann aber auch sagen, dass allgemein gerade eine extreme Süd-Stimmung an den Aktienmärkten herrscht.
      Auf jedenfall wird im Juni seitens der Politiker in Nevada über eine Zustimmung des Projektes NCU entschieden. Ich denke, dass man diese Entscheidung abwartet.
      Ich sehe das etwas entspannt (Kursrutsch). Immerhin werden von den Eigentümer und Sponsoren 67% der Aktien an NCU gehalten und das ist ein sehr gutes Zeichen.
      Ich werde erst reagieren, wenn die Insider ihre Aktien im großen Stiel abstoßen.

      schrieb am 17.05.12 19:15:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.326 ()

      das Managment von NCU nützt die Situation und kauft fleißig weiter. Ich habe mich ihnen angeschlossen und sag allen, die jetzt ihre NCU-Aktien wegwerfen "DANKE".
      May 16/12 May 16/12 McKnight, Robert Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 1,700 $2.47
      May 16/12 May 16/12 McKnight, Robert Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 200 $2.46
      May 16/12 May 16/12 McKnight, Robert Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 100 $2.45
      May 16/12 May 16/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 2,000 $2.56
      May 16/12 May 16/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 800 $2.57
      May 16/12 May 16/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 2,000 $2.58
      May 16/12 May 16/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 700 $2.54
      May 16/12 May 16/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 600 $2.54
      May 16/12 May 16/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 900 $2.52
      May 16/12 May 16/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $2.59

      schrieb am 23.05.12 17:16:12
      Beitrag Nr. 2.327 ()
      Es stinkt doch was bis zum Himmel... so langsam bekomme ich auch zweifel.. Canada 2,10 -11 % :(:confused::mad:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.05.12 20:50:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.328 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.202.352 von Muesli2k am 23.05.12 17:16:12Ja, die Zweifel kann ich verstehen. So langsam müsste ein Boden gefunden werden, der Wert ist massiv eingegangen in der letzten Zeit. Allerdings schreibt DBR55 von Käufen des Managements, und deshalb ergibt sich für mich ein unklares Bild. Allerdings ist seit den Käufen des Managements der Kurs auch nochmal erheblich zurückgegangen. Darum wird mir das Bild noch unklarer.
      schrieb am 26.05.12 12:13:11
      Beitrag Nr. 2.329 ()
      Hey ja der aktuelle Kurs ist wirklich ekelig kann das irgendwie nicht nachvollziehen ok das Börsenumfeld ist ja momentan schlecht vllt auch dem geschuldet aber die News von Nevada Copper waren ja in letzter Zeit nicht schlecht und die Zukunftsaussichten sehen ja auch gut aus. Für mich ist auch Positiv das das Managment und die sponsoren 67 Prozent der Anteile halten das zeigt doch davon das sie von Nevada Copper überzeugt sind und umsonst stecken sie nicht ihr Geld in das Unternehmen. Allerdings wenn man sich den Chart so anguckt immer wenn die Börsen gefallen ist ist Nevada Copper auch ins Bodenlose gefallen und hat sich bei steigenden Kursen schnell wieder erholt vllt ist das diesmal auch so was meint ihr??Was denkt was für Kurse können wir innerhalb der nächsten 6 Monate erwarten?
      schrieb am 01.06.12 09:17:19
      Beitrag Nr. 2.330 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      ich habe einen Ausschnitt aus einem Artikel, der die momentane Situation exakt wiederspiegelt.

      Die Junior‐Explorationsbranche befindet sich im Umbruch. Aktionäre und Investoren sorgen sich um ihre Investitionen, die Märkte, die Metallpreise, die Wirtschaftslage, das Bankensystem – eigentlich um alles. Die Psychologie der Investoren ist davon geprägt, Kosten zu sparen und das Risiko zu minimieren. In diesem Umfeld wird
      jedoch der eigentliche Wert eines Unternehmens ignoriert. Gute Nachrichten sind ein Weckruf zum Verkauf von Aktien. Alle Nachrichten – sogar gute Nachrichten – weden negativ wahrgenommen. Die Aktienkurse
      erreichen neue Tiefstwerte..........

      Deshalb werde ich die Situation nutzen und nochmal nachlegen. Die Panik der anderen muss man sich zu nutze machen.

      Alles nur meine persöhnliche Meinung.

      schrieb am 01.06.12 09:43:52
      Beitrag Nr. 2.331 ()
      Ja DBR55 hat recht die ganzen Rohstoffexplorer und auch Produzenten sind enorm unter druck geraten egal wie gut die Nachrichten waren.Naja hoffentlich erholt sich Nevada Copper wieder ordentlich wenn der Kupferpreis wieder anzieht wie man hört will China im 2 Halbjahr 2012 wieder mehr Kupferkaufen und das sollte den Preis ein bisschen anziehen lassen kann ja nicht ewig da bleiben.Was meint ihr könnten wir hier bei Nevada Copper nee Rally sehen?
      schrieb am 01.06.12 10:49:53
      Beitrag Nr. 2.332 ()
      im Juni soll eigentlich die Entscheidung seitens der Politik fallen, ob Nevada Copper die zukünftige Mine betreiben darf. Alle - auch die Politiker selbst - gehen von einer positiven Entscheidung aus, da die Minen (insgesamt sind es 3 Stück) in Yerington sehr viel Arbeitsplätze schaffen würden.
      Dannach steht nichts mehr im Weg.
      schrieb am 01.06.12 10:56:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.333 ()
      Naja dann können wir nur die Daumen drücken das alles gut geht wäre ja auch ziemlich bitter wenn nach soviel Arbeit von Nevada Copper die Mine nicht genehmigt würde.
      schrieb am 05.06.12 16:22:14
      Beitrag Nr. 2.334 ()

      wieder ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung.

      June 5, 2012 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to provide an update on applications for permits required for the integrated open pit and underground mining operations at the Pumpkin Hollow Copper Project located in Nevada.

      Nevada Copper has been advancing both State permitting documentation and, in parallel, land conveyance legislation, the Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act ("the Bill" or "Land Conveyance"). The Bill contemplates acquisition by the City of Yerington of a block of Federal lands surrounding Pumpkin Hollow (refer to New Releases dated February 16, 2012 and March 26, 2012).

      The permitting process leading to the issuance of Nevada State permits that allow for Pumpkin Hollow mine operations is proceeding on schedule. There has been no water use, environmental, or cultural issues identified, nor any land use conflicts that would interfere with the issuance of these permits. This has resulted in a tremendous level of support for the Project at the City, County and State level.

      As outlined in more detail below, this process is expected to result in the issuance of State permits for mine operations by Q1-2013 for a Phase 1 underground stand-alone operation and, if the Land Conveyance is successful, State permits for the integrated underground and open pit operation.


      At present, Nevada Copper holds three permits from the State of Nevada. These allow for the construction of a 24-foot diameter, 2,200-foot deep shaft, underground exploration and mining of ore for test purposes, as well as surface drilling. See link… for development photos to date.

      The construction of this shaft has started with delivery of a production hoist, shaft collar, and head-frame steel erection expected over the next few months.

      Completion and submission of mine development permit application documents to the Nevada agencies is expected in June 2012. These applications would modify our existing permits to provide for future mine operations at Pumpkin Hollow. The operations contemplated could be either of:

      A first Phase 6,000 to 7,500 ton per day underground mine operation developed on the high grade Eastern deposits. This would be located entirely on patented claims and, with State-only permits, would not rely on a successful land conveyance.
      A large 67,500 tons per day integrated open pit and underground operation, as described in the January 2012 Feasibility Study. At the present time, this operation would require Federal permits since some of the required land is on our mining claims on federal land. However with a successful land conveyance, all permits would be received from the State and no Federal permits would be required.

      "Submission of permitting documents in June will put us on track to receive all necessary state and local permits in the first quarter of 2013", stated Timothy M. Dyhr, Vice President of Environment and External Relations. "Regardless of the permitting process, Nevada Copper would build and operate the mine to the same environmental standards. We continue to work closely with government officials and local stakeholders to address all aspects of environmental protection for the mine."

      Land Conveyance Bill

      Nevada Copper is very pleased with the progress of the Bill in the House and Senate. Nevada Copper continues to support the City of Yerington proposal, as outlined in the land conveyance bill, to acquire Federal land in and around Pumpkin Hollow. The City and Nevada Copper are in regular communication with the Nevada Congressional delegation to meet all technical and procedural aspects of the legislative process to assure its passage.

      As previously mentioned, the Bill has been introduced in both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate of Congress. A hearing has already been held in the relevant House subcommittee, and the City understands that the Nevada Congressional Delegation is preparing sufficient information to schedule a similar hearing in the Senate this summer. It continues to be high priority for passage to expedite economic recovery in Lyon County, a county with the highest unemployment rate in the country, with little effect to federal lands or natural resources. The 10,300 acres proposed for transfer represents 1% of the 845,000 acres of federal land held in Lyon County.

      Congressman Mark Amodei of Nevada recently stated in an April 17 press release (attached) that: "We will continue to work with Chairmen Bishop and Hastings to pass the bill out of the Natural Resources Committee. And I plan to visit with Reps. Berkley and Heck, as well as Senator Heller this week to push for final passage in the House and Senate"…

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.06.12 17:27:44
      Beitrag Nr. 2.335 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.251.367 von DBR55 am 05.06.12 16:22:14bin bei ca 4 Eur komplett ausgestiegen, war gut so,
      überlege mir einen neueinstieg, halte ncu immer noch für erfolgversprechend,
      schrieb am 05.06.12 18:13:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2.336 ()
      was willst jetzt hören, hast alles richtig gemacht..
      ich habe die tage schon mehrmals gekauft und jedes mal dachte ich der Boden sei gefunden.. scheiße wars.. geht jeden tag tiefer... :mad:

      1,90 CAD in Can. entweder das ist jetzt der boden oder es geht eben noch tiefer... :mad:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.06.12 20:03:04
      Beitrag Nr. 2.337 ()
      so jetzt mal Butter bei de Fische.

      Das schnelle Geld wird man momentan hier nicht machen. Das haben wohl einige gemerkt und steigen einfach aus. Da springen natürlich eine Menge hinterher und dass erkennt man an dem momentanen Kurs. Der ist von Panik geprägt.
      Nur, keiner weiß, wieso hier Panik herrscht oder warum verkaufen angesagt ist.
      Ich bin seit Anfang 2007 dabei und hab schon mal einen extremeren Kursrutsch miterlebt (Dezember 2008, 0,15€). Da habe ich noch mal richtig nachgelegt und gegen den Trend gehandelt.
      Ich bin mir sicher, dass NCU bis 2015 ganz oben stehen wird. NCU wird die Mine ins laufen bringen.
      Ich hatte schon mal erwähnt, dass für mich erst ein Verkaufssignal entsteht, wenn die Firmeneigner und Großinvestoren anfangen zu verkaufen.

      schrieb am 05.06.12 20:44:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2.338 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.251.937 von Muesli2k am 05.06.12 18:13:15hab bei ncu sicher nicht alles richtig gemacht, aber egal,
      ich glaube immer noch das gute aussichten bestehen, aber warte noch etwas ab
      schrieb am 05.06.12 20:46:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.339 ()
      Zitat von Muesli2k: was willst jetzt hören, hast alles richtig gemacht..
      ich habe die tage schon mehrmals gekauft und jedes mal dachte ich der Boden sei gefunden.. scheiße wars.. geht jeden tag tiefer... :mad:

      1,90 CAD in Can. entweder das ist jetzt der boden oder es geht eben noch tiefer... :mad:

      muesli2k, wollte niemanden provozieren, schätze deine vielen fundierten beiträge hier im thread und wünsch dir noch viel erfolg
      schrieb am 06.06.12 16:29:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.340 ()

      das könnte die Gegenbewegung sein. Wenn wir diese Behaupten können, dann steht die Chance nicht schlecht, dass es wieder langsam in Richtung
      Norden geht....

      schrieb am 06.06.12 18:04:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.341 ()
      Naja es sieht jedenfalls sehr gut aus für Nevada Copper wenn jetzt noch der Kupferpreis wieder anzieht steht einer Kurserholung nichts im wege.Hoffe auch das Nevada Copper 2015 ganz oben steht
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.06.12 15:50:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.342 ()

      die Gegenreaktion geht weiter. Ich denke, dass wir wieder Richtung Norden wandern.

      schrieb am 08.06.12 14:12:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.343 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.256.946 von freddy1989 am 06.06.12 18:04:25Man muss hier halt aufpassen.
      Die Weltwirtschaft läuft derzeit noch vergleichsweise gut, was sich auch im Kupfer-Preis wiederspiegelt:

      Hier sieht man aber auch schon, wo es noch hingehen könnte, wenn jetzt je die chinesische Wirtschaft lahmen würde, die US-Wirtschaft nicht in Schwung kommt und Europa weiter fällt....

      Heißt also hoffen, dass sich im Bereich von 3.40$ ein Boden bildet...

      schrieb am 14.06.12 06:35:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2.344 ()

      das hört sich doch richtig gut an.....

      By Nevada News Bureau Staff

      CARSON CITY – The House Natural Resources Committee today passed, with bipartisan support, H.R. 4039, the Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act, which was introduced by Congressman Mark Amodei, R-Nev.

      “I want to thank Chairman (Doc) Hastings and my colleagues on the Natural Resources Committee for their thoughtful consideration and support of this bill, which is of vital importance to the people of Yerington, Lyon County, and Northern Nevada,” Amodei said.

      “I will continue to work with my fellow Nevadans and original cosponsors, Representatives (Shelley) Berkley and (Joe) Heck, as well as Majority Leader (Eric) Cantor, to bring the bill up for a timely vote before the full House of Representatives,” he said. “I am grateful for the attention the committee has given to the legislation to facilitate its movement. I look forward to the bill’s final passage in the House and its arrival in the Senate where I trust it will encounter the same display of bipartisanship. Go Harry Reid and Dean Heller.”

      The bill would convey approximately 11,000 acres of land administered by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management to the City of Yerington for economic, recreational, and cultural development. The city and Lyon County are seeking to leverage the substantial infrastructure investments being made by Nevada Copper at its nearby Pumpkin Hollow project.

      Nevada Copper, which broke ground on the Pumpkin Hollow project in February, invested nearly $50 million in exploration to justify the $1 billion investment necessary to fully develop the mine. The mine will produce 250 to 300 million pounds of copper per year. The initial shaft sinking is already producing economic benefits with the creation of 30 to 40 jobs. An additional 250 to 500 construction jobs could start in 2013 if the land transfer is successful. At full operation in 2015-2016, Pumpkin Hollow is projected to employ 750 to 800 people directly

      schrieb am 15.06.12 16:48:05
      Beitrag Nr. 2.345 ()
      dem Kurs hilft es nicht.. neue Tiefs 1,83 CAD unfassbar..

      Habe gelesen das ein Investment Fonds der 14 % an unsere NCU hält bisher 3% abgestossen hat.. wenn der weiter so agressiv verkauft, sind wir bald im Pennystockbereich 0,xx :mad:
      schrieb am 20.06.12 15:17:51
      Beitrag Nr. 2.346 ()

      June 20, 2012 08:30 ET
      Nevada Copper-Project Update/Land Bill Passed by the House

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 20, 2012) - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to provide a project update on recent developments at its Pumpkin Hollow Copper Project located in Nevada. In addition, Nevada Copper is very pleased to report that the Land Conveyance bill was passed by the House of Representatives on June 19, 2012. Activity will now move to the Senate subcommittee for review and action.

      Pumpkin Hollow New Resource Estimate

      Nevada Copper plans to update the project's overall mineral resource estimate. The updated resource estimate will include the results from approximately 45,000 meters of successful drilling conducted since November 2010, primarily in the North and South open-pittable deposits. The updated resource estimate is planned for release in July 2012 and will be incorporated into further feasibility study updates, as described below.

      Pumpkin Hollow Current Feasibility Study Plan

      In January 2012, Nevada Copper filed a comprehensive feasibility study that contemplates a single, large 67,500 copper concentrator fed by a 60,000 ton per day open pit mine operation and a 7,500 ton per day underground mine operation ("the Integrated Feasibility Study"). Initial capital costs from the Integrated Feasibility Study were estimated to be $1.04 billion.

      In view of the current financial markets, Nevada Copper has decided to advance the project engineering work by completing two separate feasibility studies one of which considers a staged development process, described more fully below:

      By October 2012, a feasibility study will be released that will consider a staged development process with a review of a stand-alone 5,000 to 7,500 ton per day high-grade underground mine and mill, for which a 2,200 foot production shaft has already commenced (see project website for photos and information). Based on capital and operating cost detail from the recently published feasibility study and a previous Preliminary Economic Assessment filed on SEDAR in January 2010, the results are expected to provide an attractive production profile with a significantly reduced capital cost; and

      The Integrated Feasibility Study will be updated and will be released on or before December 2012. It will incorporate the benefits of both magnetite recovery and sales from the project's significant iron magnetite resource in addition to over 45,000 meters of drilling completed since November 2010. The current drilling program will be incorporated into an updated mineral resource, mineral reserve and related mining plans. The dual benefits of the iron resource and results from the current drilling program are expected to have a further positive impact on project economics.

      In management's view, a smaller underground project, with its greatly reduced capital funding requirements would allow retention of 100% of the project ownership. Notably, Nevada Copper has already spent or budgeted approximately $35 million of capital in 2012-13 for a production hoist, infrastructure upgrades and shaft sinking, all of which form part of the initial Stage 1 project capital requirements. Free cash flow from a successful first stage underground project would provide the necessary support for financing a large, Stage 2 open pit operation and separate concentrator.

      A decision whether to stage the project development, starting with a high grade underground operation, or proceeding directly with the larger integrated project (per the Integrated Feasibility Study), will depend on a number of factors including not only the results of the feasibility studies, but also:

      project financing;
      the outcome of discussions with interested potential partners; and
      the disposition of the land conveyance bill (see below).

      Shaft Sinking & Site Services

      Shaft sinking is progressing well on the East deposit, which contains approximately 75% of the underground Proven & Probable copper reserves. Depth is currently 36 feet, with liner plates used for ground support for the first 99 feet of the 24 foot diameter shaft. A 110 ton crane is currently on site to provide hoisting capacity for the pre-sink shaft and erection of the hoist and headframe. Near-surface mucking is being done utilizing a small excavator at the shaft bottom.

      A production-sized hoist has been acquired, refurbished and is in the process of being shipped to site from Ontario. Engineering and design drawings for the headframe, foundations and shaft collar are well-advanced to the point that bids for steel for the headframe have been received.

      A new four-trailer office complex was recently placed into service to house site staff. Staff additions include a procurement manager, and an experienced mine development engineer is expected to be added shortly as shaft sinking accelerates.

      A 5kV power line is being upgraded and extended to the shaft site from the NV Energy grid.


      Nevada Copper currently holds three permits from the State of Nevada ("State"). These permits allow for the construction of a 24-foot diameter, 2,200-foot deep shaft on the East deposit, and for underground exploration and mining of ore for test purposes. Mine development permit documentation will be submitted to the State on June 29, 2012 and is expected to result in the issuance of State permits for mine operations by Q1-2013. The permits would provide for a Phase 1 underground stand-alone operation and, if the Land Conveyance is successful, State permits for a larger integrated underground and open pit operation as well.

      Land Conveyance Bill

      Nevada Copper is extremely pleased with progress and continues to support the City of Yerington (the "City") proposal, as outlined in a land conveyance bill ("the Bill"). The Bill provides for the acquisition by the City of Federal land in and around Pumpkin Hollow and was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate in February and March 2012 respectively. The City and Nevada Copper are in regular communication with the Nevada Congressional delegation to meet all technical and procedural aspects of the legislative process to assure its passage.

      The Bill was passed by the House Natural Resources Committee on June 7, 2012, and by the House of Representatives on June 19, 2012. Now that the legislation has been passed by the House, the City understands that the Nevada Congressional Delegation is preparing sufficient information to move the Bill through the Senate subcommittee hearing process, and on to the Senate for vote, later this summer. Once a Bill has been passed by both the House and Senate, it can be signed into law by the President. The Bill, as passed by the House and introduced in the Senate would, once enacted, direct the Secretary of Interior to convey to the City, within 90 days, all right, title, and interest in the proposed lands, subject to valid existing rights and applicable existing laws.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper, please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      We Seek Safe Harbour.
      schrieb am 28.06.12 18:33:05
      Beitrag Nr. 2.347 ()
      Hey ja unsere Nevada Copper ist wegen der Eurokrise ganz schön unter die räder gekommen und der Kupferpreis ja genauso im Februar hat noch ein analyst ein Kursziel von über 8 CAD ausgerufen meint ihr das ist hier drin wenn sich die Aktienmärkte und der Kupferpreis wieder erholt?? Meint ihr auf sicht von 12 Monaten sind hier 8 CAD drin?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.06.12 18:44:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2.348 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.332.408 von freddy1989 am 28.06.12 18:33:05Das kann dir derzeit keiner sagen!
      Verglichen mit anderen Krisen stehen die Rohstoffpreise noch relativ gut da, d.h. es ist noch eine Menge Abwärtspotenzial vorhanden.
      Wäre also gut möglich, dass nochmal ein Rutsch kommt.

      Die Folge wäre, dass es für Rohstoffunternehmen auch zunehmend schwerer wird und die Risiken schlichtweg steigen.

      Kurz um: Man weiß nicht, wie es sich entwickelt und wie lange die Krise dauert.
      Die Unternehmen, die es überleben, werden sicherlich irgendwann wieder steigen.
      Von welchem Niveau aus und auf welches Niveau? Keine Ahnung.
      schrieb am 29.06.12 10:19:57
      Beitrag Nr. 2.349 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      lassen wir mal den Blick in die Glaskugel, den nichts anderes ist die Aussage von freddy1989 (nicht Böse gemeint).

      Das Problem liegt momentan einfach nur an der Genehmigung durch den Staat. Hier tritt eine Verzögerung ein.
      Wie ich schon erwähnte, sind wir an einem Punkt, wo NCU als ein langfristiges Investment gesehen werden muss. Viele haben auch die Nerven nicht für diese Situation.
      Hier noch NEWS:

      Wednesday June 27, 2012, 4:15am PDT

      By Shihoko Goto - Exclusive to Copper Investing News
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      Nevada Copper’s Outlook Hinges on Senate Vote

      A bill to revitalize Nevada’s copper business has been lauded by the mining industry, but may have trouble passing through the US Senate later this year. Until then, the plan to transfer federal land to the Western Nevada city of Yerington is bolstering hopes that job creation, corporate earnings, and red metal output in Nevada will receive a boost.

      The Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act (HR 4039), approved last week, will push the US Department of the Interior to sell about 11,500 acres of federal land at market value to the city of Yerington. The bill, which was introduced in February by Rep. Mark Amodei (R-Nev.), will increase offsetting receipts, or credit against direct spending, by $2 million in 2013, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

      Vancouver-based Nevada Copper (TSX:NCU) will certainly be a winner if the bill is enacted into law, as land surrounding its Pumpkin Hollow copper project could be acquired by Yerington. The legislation will allow the city of Yerington to partner with Nevada Copper to develop over 10,000 acres of land surrounding the Pumpkin Hollow project. Once the site reaches full production – from 2015 to 2016 – it is expected to create 800 jobs in the area. 500 of these jobs will be created in 2013. The company has already invested about $50 million into the project, which will require over $1 billion to be fully developed. First production at Pumpkin Hollow is targeted for mid-2015, and the mine, with concentrates totaling 3.83 billion pounds of copper, is expected to have a life of 18 years.

      In order to make these plans a reality, “the City [of Yerington] and Nevada Copper are in regular communication with the Nevada Congressional delegation to meet all technical and procedural aspects of the legislative process to assure [the bill’s] passage,” the company stated.

      Rep. Amodei told Nevada daily Las Vegas Sun that “there are no mining issues, cleanup issues … none of those issues,” adding that “there has been not a single voice raised in opposition to this.”

      The problem is that on its way to the Senate for consideration, the bill ballooned into a legislative behemoth, incorporating 14 proposals as legislators push for a broader approach to jump starting the state’s copper mining industry.

      Now title IX of HR 2578, or the Conservation and Economic Growth Act, the bill has gone far beyond selling public lands for economic and recreational development, and now includes items such as having Border Patrol agents gain access to federal lands when environmental laws are inconvenient. It also calls for production of renewable hydropower and for the process of renewing livestock grazing permits to be streamlined. Geographically, the bill goes far beyond Nevada borders as it looks to protect salmon from California sea lions, revitalize the Chesapeake Bay, and allow the Sealaska Native Corporation to receive its remaining land conveyance under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

      Yet Amodei commented, “I was surprised by the focus of some colleagues on other parts of the jobs and lands package in which the Yerington bill was passed.”

      The majority of Democrats opposed the latest bill, including Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.), stating that “it is extremely unfortunate the House did not have the opportunity to vote on this important job-creating measure except as a part of a larger legislative package that has no chance of passing in the Senate and faces strong opposition in Nevada.” Berkley was one of the co-sponsors of the original Yerington land bill.

      The latest bill does, however, have a number of strong supporters in the Senate, including Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.), who introduced a companion legislation (S.2228) on the Senate in March.

      HR 4039 is “an example of how Congress can act to encourage job growth … [m]ining is the backbone of Nevada’s rural economy and we are fortunate to have resources in our backyard for economic development,” Heller stated. “This legislation will create hundreds of jobs providing much-needed relief in one of Nevada’s most distressed counties. Every member of the Nevada delegation should support this measure and work to pass it out of Congress.”

      Given that Heller and Berkley are facing off for a hotly-contested Arizona Senate seat in November, their personal rivalry alone is likely to keep the legislation in the limelight as it comes under consideration by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resouces.

      schrieb am 03.07.12 20:10:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2.350 ()

      der Gründer persöhnlich hat wieder zugeschlagen.

      Jun 29/12 Jun 29/12 Bonifacio, Giulio Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 35,000 $1.90

      Und Heute hat jemand 2.500.000 auf einmal ausgefasst.
      Also wer jetzt noch zweifelt, ist einfach selber Schuld.
      Da kommt demnächst etwas....

      schrieb am 04.07.12 19:53:05
      Beitrag Nr. 2.351 ()
      Den fetten Broken gestern, 2,5 Millionen Aktien hat PALA gekauft, hier die Meldung:

      Das ist mehr als ein vertrauensbeweis, und ich kaufe jetzt auch richtig nach.. Leute!??? Aufwachen, die Aktie wird es nie wieder soo günstig geben, der Kurs ist ein Witz, gar eine Beleidigung!!!

      Pala invests in Nevada Copper Corp.
      TORONTO, July 4, 2012 /CNW/ - Pala Investments Holdings Limited ("PIHL") announced today that it has agreed to acquire a total of 2,500,000 common shares of Nevada Copper Corp. ("NCU"), representing approximately 3.43% of the 72,861,458 issued and outstanding common shares of NCU, as known by PIHL. The common shares are to be acquired by way of private transaction pursuant to a share purchase agreement dated July 3, 2012.

      Assuming the closing of the acquisition referred to above, PIHL will own and control, directly and indirectly, a total of 27,381,981 common shares representing approximately 37.58% of the issued and outstanding shares of NCU, as known by PIHL.

      The consideration payable for each common share that PIHL has agreed to purchase is CDN$1.90 per common share. It is a condition to the Share Purchase Agreement that the acquisition of common shares close by July 10, 2012. PIHL intends to acquire the common shares for investment purposes and may increase or decrease the investment in the common shares depending upon future market conditions.

      The common shares of NCU are being acquired pursuant to an exemption from securities legislation provided by Section 100.1 of the Securities Act (Ontario) and section 4.2 of Multilateral Instrument 62-104 of the Canadian Securities Administrators. Such exemptions are available on the basis that the common shares were purchased from less than five vendors and the price per common share was less than 115% of the market price of NCU's common shares on the date of the share purchase agreement.

      PIHL's address is 12 Castle Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE2 3RT. For further information please refer to the Early Warning Report posted on SEDAR or contact Colin Murray at 011 41 41 560 9070.

      About Pala

      Pala Investments Holdings Limited is a multi-strategy investment company dedicated to investing in, and creating value across, the mining sector in both developed and emerging markets. Pala Investments seeks to assist companies in which it has long-term shareholdings by providing strategic advice and innovative financing solutions. For more information, visit

      Certain statements in the press release are forward-looking statements and are prospective in nature, including statements with respect to PIHL's future intentions regarding the securities of NCU that it owns and statements relating to the closing of the above transactions. Forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts, but rather on current expectations and projections about future events, and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "may", "should", "will", "could", "intend", "estimate", "plan", "anticipate", "expect", "believe" or "continue", or the negative thereof or similar variations. Such statements are qualified in their entirety by the inherent risks and uncertainties surrounding future expectations. Such forward-looking statements should therefore be construed in light of such factors, and PIHL is not under any obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      For further information:
      please refer to the Early Warning Report posted on SEDAR or contact Colin Murray at 011 41 41 560 9070.
      schrieb am 05.07.12 08:17:27
      Beitrag Nr. 2.352 ()

      jetzt gehts richtig nach Norden. Ich denke, dass wir Ende Juli wieder an der 3€ Marke kratzen.

      schrieb am 05.07.12 13:39:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.353 ()
      Mein Ziel sind bis Jahresende die 4,50 - 5,00 CAD, das ist das minimum was ich sehen will.. habe fett aufgestockt die Tage, bin guter Dinge :)
      schrieb am 05.07.12 17:14:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.354 ()
      hey na die news sind ja wirklich der hammer denke mir Pala Investment wird schon wissen worin sie investieren ist wie ein Ritterschlag für Nevada copper das zeigt ja auch der heutige kursanstieg na hoffentlich kehrt Nevada Copper bald wieder in die Region um 5 Euro zurück wo Nevada Copper auch hingehört.Was meint ihr schafft das nevada Copper noch dieses Jahr??
      schrieb am 13.07.12 12:59:13
      Beitrag Nr. 2.355 ()
      Hey gibt ein paar News von unserem Nevada Copper hört sich ganz gut an

      Nevada Copper Submits Mine Development Permit Applications and Announces Drill Results

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 07/10/12 -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is very pleased to announce that it has submitted mine development and operating permit applications to the State of Nevada for its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located near Yerington, Nevada. These documents take the form of applications to modify Nevada Copper's existing State permits as outlined below. Nevada regulations provide for six months to review and approve mine permit applications which will result in mine development and operating permits being issued in Q1-2013. Nevada Copper will work closely with State agencies to ensure that the applications are thoroughly reviewed and that permits are issued within the statutory review period.

      Drill results are also reported, representing results from the current step-out and expansion drilling program that commenced in November 2010. To date, 94 holes totaling 47,000 meters have been drilled. These drill results will be incorporated into an updated resource estimate that will be released in early August, 2012. The updated resource estimate will be incorporated into feasibility study updates as described in press release dated June 20, 2012.


      Nevada Copper has submitted requests for modification of our existing Nevada Water Pollution Control Permit and Nevada Reclamation Permit. The modifications of the existing permits address the development of a Pumpkin Hollow mine under either one of two development scenarios:

      1. Private Land Underground Mine ("PLUM") with stand-alone 5,000 to 7,500
      ton per day processing facility ("PLUM Processing Facility") as a Phase
      1 operation. The PLUM operation would be located entirely on patented
      private claims and require no Federal permits; or

      2. Integrated open pit and underground mine with a single 67,500 ton per
      day processing facility ("Integrated Operation").

      Should Nevada Copper elect to develop the Pumpkin Hollow initially with the PLUM operation, open pit mining and processing would be constructed later as a second phase ("Phase 2"). Nevada Copper's ability to develop the larger, Integrated Operation option under the State permits that were applied for is subject to successful passage of the Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act, discussed below.

      The permit applications are reviewed, and permits granted, by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection ("NDEP") Bureau of Mining Regulation and Reclamation ("BMRR"). Nevada state regulations provide for a six month period to review and approve mine permit applications, which imply that these permits for both the PLUM and Integrated Operations would be issued in Q1-2013.

      Now that these permit applications have been submitted, Nevada Copper will prepare and submit other permit applications and other regulatory documents in order to meet a Q1-2013 target date for receipt of all permits needed to commence construction of either the Integrated Operation or PLUM operation. It is important to note that the company will also prepare a Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") Plan of Operations and submit that to the BLM to initiate that process to ensure that if the Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act is delayed or does not pass, the schedule for receipt of federal approvals for a Phase 2 open pit mining and processing can be processed in the most expeditious manner possible. In this case, since Phase 1 PLUM alternative does not require federal approvals, it will be advanced in 2013 under the expected State permits.

      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO, commented: "By permitting both the Integrated Operation and the PLUM case, we can significantly decrease the permitting and financial risks to the project by providing alternative development scenarios. We have evaluated both development options and believe either option economically robust however, the ultimate development scenario will be subject to several factors going forward including the pending conveyance of federal lands to the City of Yerington, completion of project financing arrangements and receipt of required permits."

      Timothy M. Dyhr, Vice President Environment and External Relations, commented: "This represents a significant milestone for the project as these are the two key, critical path permits for the project. We have been working on the technical baseline studies to support these applications since 2007, including groundwater monitoring from 2007-2012; mine rock, ore, tailings and underground paste backfill characterization from 2008-2012; groundwater hydrology test pumping and modeling from 2009-12. Thousands of man-hours have been invested to develop a comprehensive environmental evaluation; mine permit applications and a comprehensive environmental management program."

      Yerington Land Conveyance Bill Update

      The permit applications are part of a strategic environmental and sustainable development plan being prepared for the project. A critical aspect of sustainable development is the transfer of BLM-administered federal lands to the City of Yerington, currently being advanced via federal legislation: the Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act. That act was introduced into the U.S. Congress as House bill H.R. 4039 on February 16, 2012, sponsored by Nevada Congressman Mark Amodei and co-sponsored by Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Congressman Joe Heck. The bill was passed by the House of Representatives as part of a larger "omnibus" lands bill on June 19, 2012. An identical companion bill, sponsored by Nevada Senator Dean Heller, was introduced into the U.S. Senate (S. 2228) on March 13, 2012 and is awaiting the scheduling of a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing as requested by Senator Heller on June 21, 2012. Now that the House has approved the bill, the City and Nevada Copper continue to consult with the entire Nevada Congressional delegation, including Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid, to support passage of this critical legislation through the Senate.

      Passage of the bill into law will help jumpstart the economy of Lyon County, the third most economically stressed county in the U.S. with over 16% unemployment for the last four years.

      Drill Results

      The drill results reported below include 17 holes drilled in the open-pittable Western deposits and one hole in the underground East deposit. Much of the drilling focused on expanding open mineralization in the North deposit and the area between the North and South open pits. The holes have intersected new mineralization within or just outside the outside the current National Instrument 43-101 Feasibility Study ultimate pit limits.

      Five holes were drilled in the northeastern portion of the North deposit (NC11-53, NC12-05, NC12-09, NC12-13 and NC12-14). Results continue to expand mineralization to the east and at depth. In addition to successfully intersecting deeper mineralization, NC12-14 intersected higher grade mineralization in the main zone. NC12-14 intersected 204 feet (62.2 meters), 151.2 feet (46.2 meters) true thickness grading 1.01% copper, greater than adjacent hole L-175 which intersected 154 feet (46.9 meters), 108.9 feet (33.2 meters) true thickness grading 0.36% copper. Mineralization remains open at depth and to the East.

      Five holes were drilled along the southern boundary of the North deposit (Drill holes NC12-08, NC12-12, NC12-15, NC12-16, NC12-17). Drilling continues to intersect mineralized zones that are just outside and also within the present ultimate pit limit. NC12-17 drilled on the southwest edge of the deposit intersected 330 feet (100.6 meters), 253 feet (77.1 meters) true thickness grading 0.35% copper. Future drill programs will follow up on the open mineralization.

      Five holes were drilled between the North and South deposits (Drill holes NC11-52, NC12-04, NC12-06, NC12-07, NC12-10). Drilling continues to intersect and expand mineralization between the deposits. NC11-52 intersected a large zone of mineralization, 206.5 feet (62.9 meters), 162.7 feet (49.6 meters) true thickness grading 0.20% copper. The mineralization remains open between the deposits.

      Drill hole NC11-48 targeted the open mineralization along the southwestern portion of the East deposit. The results continue to expand underground grades and confirm the continuity of the flat lying nature of the mineralization. NC11-48 intersected, 80 feet (24.4 meters), true thickness grading 1.42% copper. Mineralization remains open to the southwest.

      Drill hole NC12-11 was drilled in the Southeast deposit and confirmed mineralization.

      Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager, commented, "We are encouraged that the step out drill program continues to expand mineralization between the North and South open pits. The drill results are expected to have a very positive effect on the upcoming resource update. In addition to expanding the resource, we are encouraged that the expansion of mineralization between the deposits as well as the enlargement of mineralization outside the current Feasibility Study pits suggests the pits will eventually merge and improve mining efficiencies."

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.15% Cu

      Drill Hole # From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Mo
      (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) % (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
      NC11-53 278.9 296.1 17.2 56.5 15.6 0.33 0.025 1.4 0.003
      335.3 346.3 11.0 36.0 10.0 0.23 0.011 1.5 0.001
      580.6 614.1 33.5 110.0 30.4 0.18 0.005 0.6 0.001
      NC12-05 269.8 278.9 9.1 30.0 7.5 0.19 0.020 0.9 0.002
      299.0 304.8 5.8 19.0 4.8 0.32 0.034 2.5 0.001
      333.8 350.5 16.7 55.0 13.7 0.36 0.032 1.8 0.001
      378.0 393.2 15.2 50.0 12.5 0.18 0.013 1.1 0.001
      430.1 437.1 7.0 23.0 5.7 0.40 0.027 1.4 0.001
      NC12-08 249.9 266.7 16.8 55.0 16.7 0.43 0.019 1.2 0.002
      NC12-09 213.4 220.4 7.0 23.0 6.9 0.23 0.022 1.0 0.020
      247.8 263.6 15.8 52.0 15.5 0.37 0.029 1.6 0.001
      318.5 326.1 7.6 25.0 7.5 0.41 0.036 0.7 0.001
      345.6 368.8 23.2 76.0 22.8 0.21 0.020 0.9 0.001
      NC12-10 No Significant Intercepts
      NC12-12 222.5 231.6 9.1 30.0 7.5 0.17 0.002 0.6 0.007
      263.7 272.2 8.5 28.0 7.0 0.23 0.005 0.5 0.008
      332.2 339.8 7.6 25.0 6.2 0.15 0.023 0.8 0.001
      352.0 403.8 51.8 170.0 42.4 0.43 0.036 1.7 0.001
      NC12-13 258.6 275.8 17.2 56.5 14.0 0.45 0.055 1.4 0.007
      321.6 335.3 13.7 45.0 11.2 0.36 0.052 1.5 0.001
      347.5 432.8 85.3 280.0 70.0 0.30 0.057 1.4 0.003
      461.8 477.0 15.2 50.0 12.4 0.22 0.014 0.5 0.001
      496.8 504.4 7.6 25.0 6.2 0.23 0.032 1.0 0.001
      NC12-14 278.9 341.1 62.2 204.0 46.2 1.01 0.116 3.8 0.004
      431.1 464.8 33.7 110.5 25.0 0.33 0.040 1.5 0.001
      474.0 481.6 7.6 25.0 5.6 0.30 0.045 1.8 0.001
      NC12-15 less
      198.1 206.0 7.9 26.0 7.4 0.75 0.009 1.1 0.001
      293.7 335.1 61.4 201.5 57.5 0.34 0.058 1.4 0.004
      512.1 521.2 9.1 30.0 8.6 0.42 0.030 1.8 0.001
      NC12-16 less
      217.9 224.0 6.1 20.0 6.1 0.27 0.005 1.1 0.001
      NC12-17 344.4 445.0 100.6 330.0 77.1 0.35 0.037 1.3 0.006
      463.3 491.0 27.7 91.0 21.2 0.39 0.045 2.1 0.008

      BETWEEN NORTH & SOUTH DEPOSITS - Assays greater than 0.15% Cu

      Drill Hole # From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) % (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-52 146.3 153.9 7.6 25.0 6.0 0.66 0.019 1.0 4.6
      193.5 224.0 30.5 100.0 24.0 0.19 0.020 0.9 35.1
      237.8 300.7 62.9 206.5 49.6 0.20 0.031 0.9 38.1
      NC12-04 No Significant Intercepts
      NC12-06 170.7 187.5 16.8 55.0 13.2 0.44 0.019 1.0 0.001
      207.3 227.1 19.8 65.0 15.6 0.26 0.025 0.8 0.001
      245.4 253.0 7.6 25.0 5.0 0.34 0.037 1.3 0.001
      NC12-07 234.7 262.1 27.4 90.0 21.6 0.60 0.048 1.6 0.002
      NC12-10 No Significant Intercepts

      EAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.75% Cu

      Drill Hole # From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) % (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC11-48 691.9 716.3 24.4 80.0 80.0 1.42 0.127 2.0 7.8

      SOUTHEAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.15% Cu

      Drill Hole # From To Length Length Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) % (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC12-11 120.4 140.2 19.8 65.0 19.5 0.67 0.147 1.5 16.6
      227.1 248.4 21.3 70.0 21.3 0.43 0.089 0.7 17.9

      Plan maps with the respective drill locations will be made available at

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      schrieb am 27.07.12 00:53:11
      Beitrag Nr. 2.356 ()
      Minmetals erwartet eine Verbesserung des Kupfermarkts
      26.07.2012 | 15:58 Uhr | EMFIS
      Peking - ( - Die chinesische Rohstoffirma Minmetals Resources setzt große Hoffnungen in die stimulierenden Maßnahmen der dortigen Regierung.

      Wie das Unternehmen mitteilte, prognostiziere es ein baldiges Anspringen des Geschäfts mit Kupfer, da die Volksvertretung nun die Vorhaben umsetze und Aufträge, besonders im Infrastruktursektor, vergebe. Dies werde die Rohstoffmärkte positiv beeinflussen und bei Kupfer die Nachfrage und Preise steigen lassen.…
      schrieb am 01.08.12 14:29:29
      Beitrag Nr. 2.357 ()
      Hey ja der Kupferpreis ist wohl langfristig auf unserer Seite

      Miriam Kraus in Rohstoff Daily
      Kupfer - langfristig spricht vieles für steigende Preise
      Geschrieben von Miriam Kraus • 1. August 2012

      Auch der Kupferpreis konnte zum Ende der vergangenen Woche im Zug der übrigen Märkte von den Aussagen des EZB-Chefs und der allgemein etwas verbesserten Stimmung profitieren - die Verluste der Vorwoche konnten allerdings noch nicht wieder aufgeholt werden.

      Zu stark wirken noch die Konjunktursorgen und insbesondere die Frage nach Chinas Kupfernachfrage - in diesem Zusammenhang dürfte der kommende Mittwoch wieder interessant werden, wenn neue Konjunkturdaten aus China veröffentlicht werden.

      Aktuell notiert Kupfer zur Lieferung im September bei 3,41 USD pro Pfund an der COMEX.



      Auch wenn die Preisentwicklung momentan noch gedämpft ist, langfristig spricht vieles für steigende Kupferpreise. Aktuell sind die Preise nämlich bereits so günstig, dass sogar schon die großen Produzenten wie Barrick und BHP Billiton gezwungen sind, Projekte oder Ausweitungen auf Eis zu legen. Langfristig bedeutet dies ein eingeschränktes Angebot und damit wieder steigende Preise.


      Die Getreidepreise handeln nach wie vor nach den massiv preisunterstützenden Fundamentaldaten - sprich insbesondere die Dürre in den USA unterstützt die Preisentwicklung.

      So hat das IGC mittlerweile seine Prognose für die weltweite Getreideernte um 53 Millionen auf 864 Millionen Tonnen nach unten revidiert. Das entspricht einem Angebotsdefizit von 14 Millionen Tonnen im kommenden Erntejahr.

      Zuletzt wurden in den USA noch einmal die Mais-Erträge nach unten revidiert. Die Berichterstatter fanden in 4 US-Bundesstaaten durchschnittlich 118 Scheffel Mais pro Morgen, gegenüber 146 Scheffel nach der zuvor getroffenen USDA-Prognose.

      Mais notiert heute wieder auf Rekordhoch bei aktuell 8,22 USD pro Scheffel zur Lieferung im September an der CBOT.


      Mais dürfte vorerst gut unterstützt bleiben, von zwischenzeitlichen Rückgängen und Gewinnmitnahmen abgesehen.

      So long liebe Leser... liebe Grüße
      schrieb am 07.08.12 16:38:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.358 ()
      Hey Leute ganz schön ruhig geworden hier im Form lasst mal was von euch hören was denkt ihr wie gehts hier bei Nevada Copper weiter?irgendwie Newsflaute Gruß Freddy
      schrieb am 08.08.12 20:18:53
      Beitrag Nr. 2.359 ()
      Aaaaabbfahrt :)

      Es geht steil Bergauf, bitte alle einsteigen ;)

      habt ihr eigtl. schon gewusst das wir auch eine Facebook Seite haben?
      Hehe, ich finds toll :D
      schrieb am 09.08.12 12:27:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2.360 ()
      Hey na langsam kommt ihr Fahrt rein hoffentlich ist der Aufschwung von Nevada Copper nachhaltig
      schrieb am 09.08.12 14:36:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.361 ()
      Chart Update:

      Wir sollten heute eine schöne Candle oberhalb der 2,50 CAD hinbekommen, dann wäre der Ausbruch über die grüne SMA Linie bestätig. Ich gehe davon aus das die Bodenbildung damit ebenfalls abgeschlossen ist.

      MACD und Momentum ebenfalls positiv gedreht..

      Ziel Ende August 3,25 CAD

      Jahresende: 4,00 - 4,50 CAD müssen bei momentan positiven Ausgangslage minimum drin sein. Vorrausgesetzt die Märkte und der Kupferpreis spielen mit.

      Nur m.M.

      schrieb am 09.08.12 14:39:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.362 ()
      1 Jahr:

      3 Jahre:

      schrieb am 09.08.12 14:41:51
      Beitrag Nr. 2.363 ()
      Heute Action Tag, gleich noch eine News hinterher :)…
      schrieb am 22.08.12 13:06:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2.364 ()
      Man beachte den gestrigen Umsatz, da hat sich wieder einer 1,5 Millionen Stücke unter den Nagel gerissen. Rechne dazu heute oder morgen mit einer Meldung, evtl. wieder PALA!!

      Ausserdem charttechnisch einen netten kleinen weißen Hammer generiert, sieht man im anhängenden Chart ganz gut, könnte der Startschuss für eine kleine Rally sein.. Heute und Morgen heißt es aufgepasst :)

      schrieb am 27.08.12 14:16:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.365 ()

      warum finde ich auf der Webseite von Nevada Copper keine aktuellen Financial Statements?
      Der letzte ist vom March 31, 2012...

      Evtl. kann mir einer helfen, denn ich bin auf der Suche nach dem aktuellen Cash Bestand...
      schrieb am 27.08.12 16:46:35
      Beitrag Nr. 2.366 ()
      Meine letzte inforation ist das sie 65 Millionen in Cash haben aber mehr hab ich leider nicht lasse mich gerne korregieren.
      schrieb am 06.09.12 08:06:34
      Beitrag Nr. 2.367 ()
      September 05, 2012
      Nevada Copper - Nevada Governor Sandoval's Trade Mission To China and South Korea
      September 5, 2012 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce that Mr. Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO and Mr. Timothy M. Dyhr , Vice President, Environment & External Relations of Nevada Copper are scheduled to accompany Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval on his Trade Mission to China and South Korea in September.

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio, President & CEO stated "Nevada Copper seeks to solidify its collaborative relationship with Governor Sandoval and to expedite development of the Pumpkin Hollow Project. We also look forward to assisting Governor Sandoval in meeting his job creation goals in Nevada and to seek markets for copper concentrates in Asia. While in Asia, we will also highlight the positive attributes of the Pumpkin Hollow project, including Nevada's favorable permitting regime and available local infrastructure."

      Governor Brian Sandoval of Nevada stated: "I am very pleased that Nevada Copper has accepted my invitation to join me on this Trade Mission. Nevada wants to be a premier trading partner with China and South Korea. We want to assure them that we are a great place to do business and to invest. We also want to assure them that a mine like Pumpkin Hollow in Nevada is the Right Place, and it can be permitted in a timely fashion under Nevada regulations with the highest environmental standards. Nevada is a mining powerhouse and can help meet world copper needs for decades to come."

      Asia will be a key market for copper as China now consumes nearly 40% of world copper production. Asia, including China, South Korea and Japan, also has the majority of available smelter capacity in the world and are expanding that capacity. Marketing of products and attracting investment capital from countries like China and South Korea are also key objectives of the Governor's economic strategy. Exports will be a key component of Nevada's economic recovery.

      Mr. Timothy Dyhr, Vice President, Environment & External Relations stated "This is an opportunity for the people of Nevada, particularly Yerington and Lyon County, the latter of whom have suffered greatly during the recession. Nevada continues to lead the nation in unemployment and home foreclosures, and Lyon County still has the highest unemployment rate in Nevada, averaging over 16% for more than two years. The project will generate hundreds of construction jobs and high paying mining jobs with a projected $1 billion initial capital investment and initial mine life of 18 years while also jumpstarting the economy of Lyon County and Nevada."

      When informed of the Trade Mission Yerington Mayor George Dini stated: "Anything that Governor Sandoval, Nevada Congressional Delegation and Nevada Copper can do to bring this project forward is critical to the economic and social well-being of this community. We are still on economic life support here. Both the City and County continue to cut services and lay off people. The need for action on all fronts is critical."

      Land Conveyance Update

      Nevada Copper is also pleased to announce that the company has signed an option agreement to acquire a Conservation Easement ("Conservation Easement Option") on the Desert Creek Ranch in Smith Valley, which will prove to be a complimentary companion to the Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act ("Land Conveyance"). The lands included within the proposed conservation easement are located approximately 20 miles southwest of Pumpkin Hollow and are not part of the Land Conveyance lands. Exercise of the Conservation Easement Option is subject to passage of the Land Conveyance.

      Timothy M. Dyhr, Vice President of Environment and External Relations stated "Nevada Copper decided enter into the Conservation Easement Option to secure prime Sage Grouse habitat in the Bi-state region of Nevada and California, the Desert Creek Ranch, as a companion conservation component to the Land Conveyance, once passed into law. "We believe this confirms our commitment to support passing this important legislation."

      In March 2010, the US Fish and Wildlife Service determined that the Bi-State population of Greater Sage Grouse constitutes a valid Distinct Population Segment ("DPS"). This distinction allows the Bi-State DPS to be listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act independently from the range wide population. The Bi-State DPS comprises a genetically unique meta-population of greater sage-grouse that defines the far southwestern limit of the species' range. The Bi-State DPS occurs over an approximately 170-mile long range, which is up to 60 miles wide and includes portions of eight counties in western Nevada and eastern California.

      A Desert Creek conservation easement, once established, would help address one of the most critical environmental issues in the State of Nevada and Lyon County, the preservation of the Sage Grouse and more specifically the Bi-State population of the Sage Grouse. The easement is located in the Pine Nut Mountain and Desert Creek-Fales Bi-State Sage Grouse Planning Management Unit of the Bi-State DPS, and is classified by the Nevada Department of Wildlife as Essential and Irreplaceable Sage Grouse Habitat, important for summer, winter, and nesting habitat.

      Ken Mayer, Director of the Nevada Division of Wildlife stated in a letter to Nevada Copper that: "it is critical that the Desert Creek Ranch remain intact for the future conservation of the Bi-State Sage-grouse" and that he "strongly supports Nevada Copper's proposal to acquire a conservation easement on Desert Creek Ranch."

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      schrieb am 07.09.12 20:20:08
      Beitrag Nr. 2.368 ()
      07.09.2012 13:00 Uhr | Marketwire
      Nevada Copper Announces 1.1 Billion Pound Increase in Measured and Indicated Resource

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 09/07/12 -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper" or the "Company") is very pleased to announce it has completed an updated National Instrument ("NI") 43-101 mineral resource estimate for its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property in Nevada. The updated mineral resource estimate includes the results of approximately 44,000 meters of resource delineation drilling completed since October, 2010. This program focused on expanding the Measured and Indicated ("M&I") copper resource primarily in the North and South open-pittable deposits (the "Western Deposits").

      The following are highlights of the new mineral resource estimate, compared to the previously published January 2011 resource estimate. The new resource estimate is based on drill results from October 2010 to August 2012. The details of tonnage and grades are contained in the resource tables below.

      -- 26% Increase of the M&I copper resources for the Western Deposits -
      increasing by 1.1 billion pounds to 5.4 billion pounds (0.15% cutoff);

      -- 30% Increase of the M&I copper resource in the North Deposit -
      increasing by 820 million pounds to 3.5 billion pounds (0.15% cutoff);

      -- 20% Increase of M&I copper resources in the South Deposit - increasing
      by 315 million pounds to 1.9 billion pounds (0.15% cutoff);

      -- 1.1 billion pound increase of Total M&I copper resource to 6.8 billion
      pounds for the combined Western and Eastern Deposits from 5.7 billion
      pounds (0.15% cutoff - Western Deposits; and 0.75% cutoff - Eastern

      -- Total Inferred copper resource of 1.7 billion pounds for combined
      Western and Eastern Deposits (0.15% cutoff - Western Deposits and 0.75%
      cutoff - Eastern Deposits);

      -- 16% Increase of the M&I Iron Resource for the Western Deposits
      increasing by 17.8 million tons to 129 million tons of contained iron
      (20% cutoff); and,

      -- Significant Increase in the Inferred Iron Resource for the Western
      Deposits increasing by 19.9 million tons to 27.6 million tons of
      contained iron (20% cutoff).

      Since October 2010 the Eastern Deposits received limited drilling mainly along the edges of the deposits representing only 6% of the total drilling completed. As a result, the Eastern Deposits mineral resources have not been updated and are reported below as previously published.

      On completion of the 2,200 foot, 24 foot diameter production-sized shaft currently underway, Nevada Copper anticipates commencement of an underground drilling program that will focus on several open areas of the East Deposit and the JK-34 target area.

      In considering the cutoff grades in the tables below, it should be noted that the cutoff grades for the Eastern deposits and the Western Deposits are different due to differing mining methods and costs. The cutoff grade ranges in the resource tables below are specific to the individual deposits.

      In preparing economic analyses, appropriate cut-off grades are determined for use for the mining plans, either underground or open pit, developed as part of any feasibility study. The cut-off grades used in resource tables below are indicative of those used in Nevada Copper's National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report-Feasibility Study filed on SEDAR ( in February 2012.

      The Pumpkin Hollow mineral resource summary, by deposit area, is as follows:



      Cutoff Contained Gold Gold Silver Silver Cu
      Grade Tons Grade Copper Grade (000 Grade (000 Equiv.
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000 lbs) opt ozs) opt ozs) %
      Measured 0.20 186,037 0.48 1,793,250 0.002 318 0.054 10,124 0.531
      Measured 0.15 237,915 0.41 1,954,874 0.002 368 0.049 11,620 0.460
      Indicated 0.20 348,389 0.43 3,023,109 0.001 478 0.052 18,141 0.461
      Indicated 0.15 494,141 0.35 3,493,351 0.001 613 0.045 22,414 0.379

      M&I Total 0.20 534,426 0.45 4,816,359 0.001 796 0.053 28,265 0.481
      M&I Total 0.15 732,056 0.37 5,448,225 0.001 981 0.046 34,034 0.400



      Cutoff Contained Gold Gold Silver Silver Cu
      Grade Tons Grade Copper Grade (000 Grade (000 Equiv.
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000 lbs) opt ozs) opt ozs) %
      Inferred 0.20 138,149 0.40 1,094,775 0.001 150 0.049 6,775 0.430
      Inferred 0.15 225,073 0.31 1,388,107 0.001 219 0.41 9,296 0.416
      Copper equivalency is based on $3.00 per pound for copper, $1400 per ounce
      gold and $20 per ounce silver and metallurgical recoveries of 92%, 78% and
      57.5% for copper, gold and silver respectively.



      Cutoff Contained Gold Gold Silver Silver Cu
      Grade Tons Grade Copper Grade (000 Grade (000 Equiv.
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000 lbs) opt ozs) opt ozs) %
      Measured 1.00 9,206 1.81 333,324 0.011 104 0.24 2,205 2.080
      Measured 0.75 12,497 1.56 390,372 0.01 128 0.216 2,699 1.805
      Indicated 1.00 24,338 1.72 835,589 0.01 247 0.245 5,971 1.971
      Indicated 0.75 38,092 1.4 1,069,452 0.008 321 0.213 8,118 1.605

      M&I Total 1.00 33,544 1.74 1,168,913 0.01 351 0.244 8,176 1.991
      M&I Total 0.75 50,589 1.45 1,459,824 0.009 449 0.213 10,817 1.675



      Cutoff Contained Gold Gold Silver Silver Cu
      Grade Tons Grade Copper Grade (000 Grade (000 Equiv.
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000 lbs) opt ozs) opt ozs) %
      Inferred 1.00 4,926 1.45 143,313 0.002 10 0.101 498 1.511
      Inferred 0.75 12,098 1.11 267,533 0.002 24 0.065 792 1.164
      Copper equivalency is based on $3.00 per pound for copper, $1400 per ounce
      gold and $20 per ounce silver and metallurgical recoveries of 92%, 78% and
      57.5% for copper, gold and silver respectively.

      Tonnage, grades and totals in the tables above may not total due to rounding.

      Iron Resources

      Nevada Copper has also updated the standalone estimate of the iron resource at Pumpkin Hollow. Nevada Copper is continuing to assess the commercial viability of the large iron by-product found within, and contiguous to, the copper-gold-silver deposits at Pumpkin Hollow.

      The following tables summarize only those iron resources amenable to open-pit mining methods in the Western deposits:


      Tons Iron Grade Tons Iron
      Category Iron % Cutoff (000s) % (000s)
      Measured 20 243,007 32.8 79,759
      Measured 30 133,897 39.4 52,736

      Indicated 20 157,219 31.4 49,140
      Indicated 30 71,188 39.4 28,041

      M&I Total 20 400,226 32.2 128,899
      M&I Total 30 205,085 39.4 80,777

      Inferred 20 93,127 29.6 27,562
      Inferred 30 35,4082 38.8 13,721
      (i) Tonnage, grades and totals may not total due to rounding.

      Drill-Hole Database

      The updated resource is based on a database that now consists of over 740 drill holes containing in excess of 335,200 meters (1,100,000 feet) of drilling and over 89,000 assays. The 2011 and 2012 program consisted of 94 resource holes totaling 47,700 meters (156,500 feet) and 10 hydrological, and geotechnical holes that totaled 3,900 meters (12,800 feet).

      Gregory French, CPG, M.Sc., VP, Senior Project Manager, commented, "The drilling program since late 2010 has proved to be extremely successful in expanding the M&I resources in the North and South Deposits which focused primarily on the North Deposit and increased by over 800 million pounds or 32%. We are extremely pleased that these results have exceeded our initial expectations while mineralization still remains open in both the North and South Deposits.

      The addition of more than 1.1 billion pounds of copper to the previous 4.3 billion pounds of copper in the M&I category is expected to have a very positive impact on already robust project economics. The combination of converting waste and inferred material within the current feasibility open pit designs to M&I and the new mineralization discovered in the North Deposit is expected to yield a larger and deeper ultimate North Pit. Based on limited pit design work by Tetra Tech, we believe that this will significantly increase mineable reserves within the designed pits, subject to the results of an updated feasibility study encompassing the Western deposits. This study is targeted for release in January 2013. Additionally, the updated resource estimate further supports our expectation that the North and South pits will merge. We anticipate that merged pits should produce both operational and project capital synergies, whilst extending the mine life of the North Deposit by several years."

      Qualified Person

      The completed updated mineral resource estimate was prepared by the mineral resource and mining division of Tetra Tech Inc. an industry leading international engineering firm by, or under the direction of, Dr. Rex Bryan, SME Registered Member, an independent Qualified Person as set forth by Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG, M.Sc., Vice President, Senior Project Manager of Nevada Copper Corp. Mr. French is a non-independent Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

      A National Instrument 43-101 technical report, including the updated mineral resource estimate, will be filed on SEDAR within the next 45 days and will also be available on the company's website.


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      Cautionary Language

      We seek safe harbour.


      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Eugene Toffolo

      VP, Investor Relations & Communications

      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Robert McKnight, P.Eng.

      Executive Vice President

      schrieb am 07.09.12 20:22:30
      Beitrag Nr. 2.369 ()
      Chart Bombe, Umsatz passt, Ausbruch auch wenn um ein paar Tage verzögert voll gelungen :):D

      kratzen an der 3 Can. $ Marke :):cool:

      Zitat von Muesli2k: Chart Update:

      Wir sollten heute eine schöne Candle oberhalb der 2,50 CAD hinbekommen, dann wäre der Ausbruch über die grüne SMA Linie bestätig. Ich gehe davon aus das die Bodenbildung damit ebenfalls abgeschlossen ist.

      MACD und Momentum ebenfalls positiv gedreht..

      Ziel Ende August 3,25 CAD

      Jahresende: 4,00 - 4,50 CAD müssen bei momentan positiven Ausgangslage minimum drin sein. Vorrausgesetzt die Märkte und der Kupferpreis spielen mit.

      Nur m.M.

      schrieb am 11.09.12 13:19:27
      Beitrag Nr. 2.370 ()
      BTV Moves Into Animation, Showcasing Nevada Copper
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 09/11/12 -- Editors Note:
      There is one photo and one animation associated with this press release.

      BTV - Business Television is pleased to announce the launch of its new animation department. The introduction of short animated videos for publicly traded companies to attract investors and illustrate the vision of their company is another example of BTV's ability to identify a need in the market and fill a void.

      "We wanted to create something a little different than the run of the mill animation currently available. 'Morphing' from company video footage into animation is one of the unique elements we provide," said Taylor Thoen, CEO/Executive Producer BTV and CEO Clips.

      To view the animation BTV created for Nevada Copper (TSX: NCU), click on:

      To view the photo associated with this press release, click on:

      "The animation created by BTV of our Pumpkin Hollow copper project will be extremely helpful in attracting further investment as it visually highlights our resources and ongoing and future development plans. We are extremely pleased with BTV's quality of work, dedication to exceed expectations and willingness to accommodate through this process," stated Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO of Nevada Copper Corp.

      BTV's move into animation will provide an essential tool for publicly traded companies to attract investors by illustrating the vision of their company.

      About BTV:

      BTV-Business Television, a half-hour weekly TV business program profiles emerging publicly traded companies across Canada and the USA broadcast to over 100 million households on BNN, FOX Business News Network, America One and Biz Network. With Host Taylor Thoen, BTV features companies at their location, interviews the company's key executives, features their products and services, and unveils their plans for future growth.

      Its sister brand, CEO Clips are short form profiles on publicly traded companies broadcast on The Documentary Channel,, Rogers Capital Magazine, MSN Money Canada, Thomson Reuters Insider,, Stocktwits and on Germany's investor-sms site. CEO Clip commercials broadcast on BNN, CBC NewsNet, Bloomberg TV + UK, FOX Business News and

      Both BTV and CEO Clips are innovative marketing methods for publicly traded companies to increase awareness and brand their story to retail and institutional investors via national TV and financial portals.

      Add to Digg Bookmark with Add to Newsvine

      BTV - Business Television
      Cheryl Nicks
      (604) 664-7401 x 4

      © 2012 MarketWire
      schrieb am 14.09.12 20:52:29
      Beitrag Nr. 2.371 ()
      TH 3,38 CAD $
      schrieb am 04.10.12 17:01:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.372 ()
      TH 3,62 Cad.$

      läuft alles nach Plan :)
      schrieb am 05.10.12 15:53:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.373 ()
      Durch Zufall gefunden, aber finde keine Adhoc dazu ?!?

      Was will NCU denn damit !?? :confused::)

      Nevada Copper Corp. NCU.T +3.58% said it has agreed to buy 46 million shares of Mercator Minerals Ltd. ML.T 0.00% from Pala Investments Ltd. in exchange for 7.3 million of its own shares. Nevada will own about 17.8% of Mercator, while Pala’s stake in Nevada Copper will rise to 43.1% from 37.4%.
      schrieb am 06.10.12 09:15:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2.374 ()
      Nevada Copper kauft 17,8% der Aktien von Mercator Minerals

      Nevada Copper Corporation gab heute bekannt, dass man eine Vereinbarung mit Pala Investments Limited geschlossen habe, wonach Nevada Copper von Pala Investments insgesamt 46.000.000 Stammaktien von Mercator Minerals Limited erwerben wird. Die Aktienzahl entspricht etwa 17,8% der ausgegebenen und ausstehenden Stammaktien von Mercator. Pala Investments erhält für die Mercator-Aktien 7.315.000 Stammaktien von Nevada Copper.

      Der Abschluss des Aktienkaufs unterliegt der Erfüllung bestimmter Voraussetzungen wird jedoch voraussichtlich spätestens am 12. Oktober 2012 erfolgen. Der Erwerb der Mercator-Aktien dient laut dem Unternehmen Investmentzwecken.

      © Redaktion
      schrieb am 10.10.12 09:46:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.375 ()
      PressRelease by Pala Investments Limited

      (firmenpresse) - TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (Marketwire) -- 10/09/12 -- Pala Investments Limited ("Pala") announced today that it acquired 7,315,000 common shares (the "Shares") of Nevada Copper Corp. ("NCU"), representing approximately 9.09% of the 80,496,458 issued and outstanding common shares of NCU, as known by Pala, following issuance of the Shares. The Shares were issued from treasury to Pala in reliance on an exemption from the prospectus requirements under applicable securities laws.

      As a result of the acquisition of the Shares, Pala now owns and controls a total of 34,696,981 common shares of NCU, representing approximately 43.10% of the issued and outstanding common shares of NCU, as known by Pala.

      The Shares were issued at a value of CDN$3.37 per common share as payment of the purchase consideration for the 46,000,000 common shares of Mercator Minerals Ltd. purchased by NCU from Pala pursuant to a share purchase agreement dated October 4, 2012 between Pala and NCU. Pala has acquired the common shares of NCU for investment purposes and may increase or decrease the investment in common shares of NCU depending upon future market conditions.

      Pala's address is 12 Castle Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE2 3RT. For further information please refer to the Early Warning Report posted on SEDAR or contact Gregory Radke at +41 41 560 9070.

      About Pala

      Pala is a multi-strategy investment company dedicated to investing in, and creating value across the mining sector in both developed and emerging markets. Pala seeks to assist companies in which it has long-term shareholdings by providing strategic advice and innovative financing solutions.

      Certain statements in the press release are forward-looking statements and are prospective in nature, including statements with respect to Pala's future intentions regarding the securities of NCU that it owns. Forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts, but rather on current expectations and projections about future events, and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "may", "should", "will", "could", "intend", "estimate", "plan", "anticipate", "expect", "believe" or "continue", or the negative thereof or similar variations. Such statements are qualified in their entirety by the inherent risks and uncertainties surrounding future expectations. Such forward-looking statements should therefore be construed in light of such factors, and Pala is not under any obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.
      schrieb am 17.10.12 19:10:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2.376 ()
      TH 3,90 CAD
      schrieb am 31.10.12 11:28:27
      Beitrag Nr. 2.377 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      NCU geht bleibt weiter auf der Erfolgsspur. Die Gehnemigungen kommen vorran.Wichtiger Termin ist 19.11.2012 im Bezug auf die Machbarkeitsstudie. Der Schachzug mit dem Aktienpacket ist eventuell ein wahnsinns Sache. Die Aktie stehen momentan bei ca.0.5€ mit Potenzial auf Verdoppelung. Da hätte NCU das Geld für die Umsetzung quasi im Schlaf bekommen.

      October 30, 2012
      North Deposit Mineralization Remains Open Intersecting 119 Feet At 1.67% Copper
      October 30, 2012 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce the remaining step-out and expansion drill results from its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located near Yerington, Nevada. The total drilling program consisted of ninety four (94) drill holes totaling 47,000 meters of which results totaling 44,000 meters were included in the recently released updated resource. As previously reported on September 7, 2012, the updated measured and indicated copper resource in the North, South, and Southeast deposits (the "Western Deposits") increased by over 1.1 billion pounds to 5.4 billion pounds.

      The drill results reported below include the last three (3) holes drilled in the Western Deposits.

      In the North deposit, drill hole NC12-36 continues to expand mineralization along the northwest edge. The hole targeted the expansion of the main mineralized zone down dip, intersecting 119.0 feet (36.3 meters), 84.1 feet (25.7 meters) true thickness, grading 1.67% copper, 0.288 g/t gold, and 5.7 g/t silver outside the current feasibility ultimate pit limit. Mineralization remains open to the north, down dip.

      Drill hole NC12-35 was drilled in the northern part of the South deposit. Drill hole NC12-35 targeted deeper mineralization and intersected several zones, confirming the shallower zones and expanding the lower mineralized zone. The largest zone intersected, 490.0 feet (149.4 meters), 411.1 feet (125.3 meters) true thickness grading 0.27% copper.

      Drill hole NC12-38 was drilled in the Southeast deposit to better define the copper mineralization in the deposit. The drilling confirmed and expanded the mineralization.

      Gregory French, Vice President, Senior Project Manager, commented, "The assay results released today complete a very successful drill program that discovered new mineralization, re-classified mineral classes, and converted waste into mineralized material. Our recent drill program increased the measured and indicated copper resource in the Western Deposits by over 1.1 billion pounds to 5.4 billion pounds. The recent results from NC12-36 and the earlier reported NC12-34 which intersected 690 feet grading 1.17% copper demonstrate the further potential and open nature of the deposit. Whether it's down dip from NC12-36 or the large area around NC12-34, major areas remain open in the North Deposit. These holes are outside the current feasibility pit limits and were not included in the recent resource update. The newly discovered mineralization in the NC12-34 area will be a priority in future drilling."

      NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.15% Cu

      Drill Hole #





      True Length































































































      SOUTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.15% Cu

      Drill Hole #





      True Length




































































      SOUTHEAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.15% Cu

      Drill Hole # From To Length Length True Length Copper Gold Silver Fe
      (m) (m) (m) (ft) (m) % (g/t) (g/t) (%)
      NC12-38 74.6 97.5 22.9 75.0 11.5 0.61 0.171 3.0 39.4
      217.9 225.5 7.6 25.0 3.8 0.45 0.110 0.5 27.9

      A cross section and plan maps with the respective drill hole locations are available at

      Follow Up Drill Program

      A follow up drill program targeting the newly discovered mineralization of 690 feet (210.3 meters) grading 1.17% copper in drill hole NC12-34 is currently being planned. The mineralized zones are outside the current feasibility pit limits and were not included in the recent resource update reported on September 7, 2012. The drill results open up a very large prospective area where existing holes are shallow and the mineralized zones have not been drill tested. The nearest drill holes to the south and east are over 600 to 800 feet away.

      Feasibility Study Update

      Feasibility study work continues on schedule for a stand-alone high grade underground mine and mill as described in the News Release dated June 20, 2012. The production rate has been established at 6,500 tons per day, for an initial 12 year mine life. This feasibility study is well advanced with publication of results scheduled for release the week of November 19, 2012.

      A separate, updated optimized feasibility study for an integrated open pit and underground operation ("Integrated Operation") which will incorporate the updated resource for the Western Deposits is scheduled for release by February 2013.

      Shaft and Infrastructure Update

      Work on the production-sized exploration shaft continues with a focus on surface facilities by Clark/Atkinson Construction. The foundation for the 12 foot double drum hoist is complete and arrangements are underway for installation and commissioning of the hoist. The concrete formwork for the sub-collar is in progress. Completion of the collar concrete is expected to coincide with delivery of the headframe steel in late November. Fabrication of the headframe structure by Utah Fabrication is approximately 32% complete and progressing well. Line power has now been established at the shaft construction site.

      Permitting and Land Transfer Update

      Nevada Copper continues to work toward receipt of State construction permits by the end of the first quarter of 2013. State Permit applications were submitted in July 2012 for both:

      A Stand-Alone High Grade Underground Mine and mill located entirely on private land; and,
      Integrated Operation and single process facility.

      The three key state permits are the Water Pollution Control Permit ("WPCP") for mining, a WPCP for dewatering and a Reclamation Permit. The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Mining Regulation and Reclamation ("NDEP-BMMR") has deemed the two WPCP'S complete and is in technical review on those two permits.

      Another key permit is a Nevada Air Quality Permit which can be attained in approximately sixty (60) days. Either a County or City Special Use Permit would be required, subject to the outcome of the proposed Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act (the "Yerington Bill") and will be submitted in January 2013 to assure approval in the first quarter of 2013.

      Permit reviews are being done concurrently with Congressional action on the Yerington Bill. The Yerington Bill would transfer 10,400 acres Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") administered federal lands to the City of Yerington, 3,800 of which would be needed for the Integrated Operation. Subject to successful passage of the Yerington Bill the Integrated Operation alternative could be implemented with the granting of State Permits.

      The City of Yerington, Lyon County and Nevada Copper are working together and with the Nevada Congressional delegation on a daily basis to assure passage of the Yerington Bill in the 112th Congress, which will reconvene after the U.S. elections on November 6 and close late in 2012. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada has said that he will be able to pass this legislation in the 112th Congress. Senator Reid, Senator Dean Heller and Congressman Mark Amodei continue to have the Yerington Bill as one of their top priorities in this Congress. The Yerington Bill is supported by the entire Nevada Congressional delegation, co-sponsored by Nevada Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Nevada Congressman Joe Heck in the U.S. House of Representatives.

      As a contingency, if the Yerington Bill were not to pass, open pit operations could be permitted as a second phase to the first phase stand-alone high grade underground mine and mill. A pre-application consultation was held with BLM in early October and a Plan of Operations will be submitted to BLM in November 2012 to initiate that review process. If the Yerington Bill is passed, that process would not be required and would be suspended.

      Qualification Statement

      The Pumpkin Hollow drilling program is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, and a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at

      schrieb am 20.11.12 12:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 2.378 ()
      schrieb am 17.01.13 14:03:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.379 ()
      Mit diesem Beitrag möchte ich nur verhindern, dass der thread bald als "historisch eingestuft wird.

      Wer bei 1,5 Euro nachgelegt hat, kann sich über einen Verdoppler freueun. Ich habe nicht nachgelegt, was ich (fast) bereue. Aber meinen Einstieg wollte ich nicht verteuern.

      In diesem Sinne: Auf einen positiven Jahresverlauf!
      schrieb am 18.02.13 14:30:20
      Beitrag Nr. 2.380 ()
      na das nenne ich mal Positiv...

      Feb 4/13 Jan 31/13 Bonifacio, Giulio Direct Ownership Common Shares 11 - Acquisition carried out privately 540,000
      schrieb am 05.03.13 19:43:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2.381 ()
      Hey sagt mal hat einer von euch nee Ahnung was so nee Anlage von 6,500 tpd wie Nevada Copper sie auf ihrem Projekt planen kostet???
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.03.13 20:47:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.382 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.217.522 von freddy1989 am 05.03.13 19:43:49Schau einfach in die Präsentation (S. 19 stehen die Kosten):
      schrieb am 02.04.13 13:04:51
      Beitrag Nr. 2.383 ()

      die Finanzierung für die Produktion ist in trockenen Tüchern ohne das Aktien gedruckt werden (keine Verwässerung). Das nenne ich Perfekt.

      March 28, 2013
      Nevada Copper Closes US$200 Million Loan Facility And Concentrate Off-Take Agreement
      March 28, 2013 - Nevada Copper Corp. ("Nevada Copper" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the closing of a US$200 million senior secured loan facility (the "Loan Facility") and copper concentrate off-take (the "Concentrate Off-Take") agreement with RK Mine Finance ("Red Kite"). Proceeds from the Loan Facility will be used for construction of Nevada Copper's underground mining operation at its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow copper project located near Yerington, Nevada.

      A summary of the Loan Facility and Concentrate Off-Take terms are as follows:

      UUS$36 million has been paid to Nevada Copper. This cash amount, combined with the Company's current treasury, provides approximately US$65 million (excluding marketable securities currently valued at approximately US$17 million) to continue current shaft sinking activities, commence detailed engineering and secure long lead time equipment;
      UUS$15 million will be advanced on receipt of the key State permits allowing for the commencement of full construction of an underground mining operation. These permits are expected in Q2-2013 (See February 15, 2013 News Release);
      UUS$10 million will be advanced on passage of the Lyon County Bill and land conveyance to the City of Yerington (See February 15, 2013 News Release). This bill has been introduced on a bi-partisan basis in both the Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Passage of the bill does not affect the development timeline of the underground mining operation;
      UUS$139 million (US$149 million should passage of the land bill be delayed) will be advanced on the completion of certain other project milestones, including completion of the 24 foot diameter, 2,200 foot production sized shaft;
      UThe Loan Facility has a six year term maturing on January 3, 2019, with interest payable at an annual rate of LIBOR plus 6%. The loan and interest are repayable in equal quarterly installments commencing April 2015, and mandatory prepayments equal to 20% of excess cash, as defined in the Loan Facility are required. The Company has the ability in certain circumstances to repay the loan in full without penalty prior to maturity. The loan is secured against all current and future assets of the Company and its subsidiaries. As part of the loan agreement, the Company has paid an origination fee of 3% of the principal amount of the loan; and,
      Under the terms of the Concentrate Off-Take agreement, the Company will sell to Red Kite, for the life of the mine on the Eastern deposits (East & E2 underground mineable deposits and JK34 zone), such percentage of copper concentrates produced from the Eastern deposits on the Pumpkin Hollow project as is equal to the amount advanced by Red Kite to the Company under the loan agreement as a percentage of the US$200 million maximum principal amount of the loan.

      The Concentrate Off-Take agreement does not include any rights to future copper concentrate production from the open-pittable North and South deposits and provides for benchmark-referenced treatment and refining charges, and standard payment factors for contained copper, gold and silver.

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO commented: "We are extremely pleased with the closing of this financing with Red Kite which further validates and provides independent confirmation that the Pumpkin Hollow project will support a low-risk, and economically robust, copper mine. This financing will satisfy 100% of our capital requirements in 2013 on a non-dilutive basis while more importantly allowing us to move to commercial production in 2015 subject to receipt of permits which are expected in Q2-2013. We envisage additional project capital as required in 2014 to be funded by way of a precious metal stream, subordinated debt and a modest level of equity. Another compelling feature of this financing is that it will allow Nevada Copper the flexibility to move forward on funding the larger open pit operation by way of precious metal stream, project debt, concentrate off-take and/or strategic partnership without restriction as the Red Kite transaction is specific to the underground operation only."

      Status of Site Construction Activities
      The surface facilities at the East shaft site are nearing completion, with commissioning scheduled for April. These facilities include a production-sized head-frame and a 12 foot diameter double drum hoist. The 24 foot diameter, 2,200 foot production shaft, which will be concrete-lined, was developed to the 99 foot "pre-sink" level, allowing work to proceed on the shaft sub-collar and head-frame foundations, head-frame erection and hoist commissioning. The head-frame is essentially complete. Dump chutes and related equipment have arrived on site and installation is commencing. Cable tray, lighting and door and dump controls are being installed, as well as utilities in the shaft sub-collar.

      The hoist contractor has completed mechanical installation of the hoist and the hoist house building is complete. Electrical cable installation is currently in progress. The hoist control room has been placed in its final position and the control console installed. Foundations have also been placed for the Galloway (sinking platform) winches and the Mary-Anne service hoist, and the winches have been set in place. The power unit for the winches is being installed.

      Electrical cable installation and testing will be ongoing through March. Rope-up and final hoist commissioning is scheduled for April. Hoist commissioning will allow for resumption of shaft sinking which is expected to continue through 2013 with completion by Q1-2014. Head-frame and hoist photos can be seen on our project website at

      About Red Kite
      RK Mine Finance specializes in providing mining companies with project financing and metal off-take agreements for initiation or expansion of mine production and is part of the Red Kite Group. The Red Kite Group is one of the largest metal merchants in the world and has over US$3.1 billion under management as at December 31, 2012, with US$1.7 billion dedicated exclusively to the mine finance business. As a result of their extensive experience, the mine finance team is able to both tailor and expedite financing solutions for mining companies.

      The Red Kite Group operates across the global metals industry from offices in Bermuda, Denver, Hong Kong, London, New York, Shanghai and Sydney. Investors in Red Kite funds include college endowments, foundations, family offices, pensions and other institutional investors. For additional information about Red Kite please visit

      About Nevada Copper
      Nevada Copper has 80.5 million shares outstanding and is well funded for purposes of advancing its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow copper project to commercial production in 2015. For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      schrieb am 19.04.13 19:06:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.384 ()
      Her nochmal ein Interessanter Artikel von DRR55 kann auf lange Sicht nur nach oben gehen mit Nevada Copper bislang läuft ja alles nach Plan.


      das ist ein Artikel aus dem Aktien-Blog. Ich denke, dass trifft es...

      Nevada Copper will in spätestens vier Jahren produzieren
      Übernahmekandidat mit aussichtsreicher Liegenschaft: Rosige Aussichten für Nevada Copper?Übernahmekandidat mit aussichtsreicher Liegenschaft: Rosige Aussichten für Nevada Copper?

      Der Kupfer-Explorer Nevada Copper hat Anfang des Monats das lang erwartete Ressourcenupdate zu seiner Pumpkin-Hollow-Liegenschaft in Nevada veröffentlicht. Laut der nach dem kanadischen Bergbaustandard NI 43-101 verfassten Analyse, belaufen sich die Rohstoffvorkommen in allen Kategorien auf nunmehr 7,9 Milliarden Pfund Kupfer und 144 Millionen Tonnen Eisenerz. Zusätzlich kann das Unternehmen 1,3 Millionen Unzen Gold und 57 Millionen Unzen Silber ausweisen. Dementsprechend zufrieden zeigte sich Giulio Bonifacio, Präsident und CEO von Nevada Copper: “Diese Resultate demonstrieren, dass Pumpkin Hollow eines der größten unterentwickelten Kupferprojekte in Nordamerika ist, für das wir innerhalb kürzester Zeit eine bedeutende Wertsteigerung erreichen konnten.”

      Werden allein die als verhältnismäßig sicher einzustufenden Rohstoffvorkommen der Kategorien „measured&indicated“ in Kupferäquivalent umgerechnet, kann das Unternehmen sechs Milliarden Pfund Kupfer mit einem gegenwärtigen Marktwert von etwa 18 Milliarden US-Dollar (USD) ausweisen. Bei einer Marktkapitalisierung von 120 Millionen USD, entspricht dies einer Bewertung von lediglich 0,02 USD pro Pfund Kupfer. In ihrer kürzlich aktualisierten Präsentation weist das Unternehmen für Nevada Copper eine Bewertung von 0,013 USD pro Pfund Kupfer aus, während die marktübliche Bewertung mit 0,041 USD pro Pfund angegeben wird. Die Analysten von Haywood und Canaccord kamen in vergleichbaren Studien sogar zu Bewertungen von 0,056 beziehungsweise 0,061 USD pro Pfund Kupfer.

      Nevada Copper gilt als Übernahmekandidat

      Nimmt man nun eine durchschnittliche Bewertung von 0,04 USD pro Pfund Kupfer als Maßstab, müsste Nevada Copper mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 240 Millionen USD bewertet sein. Bei 36 Millionen ausgegebenen Aktien entspräche dies einem Aktienkurs von ungefähr 6,60 USD - dies käme zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt (ca. 3,20 USD) einer Verdoppelung gleich. CEO Bonifacio selbst gab als Ziel aus, “…in den nächsten Jahren einen Aktienkurs von 8-10 USD dauerhaft zu erreichen.” Intern soll das Management sogar von noch höheren Bewertungen ausgehen.

      Schon seit längerem halten sich Gerüchte am Markt, wonach Nevada Copper kurz vor einer Übernahme stehe. Angeblich sollen bereits vier potentielle Interessenten die Pumpkin Hollow Liegenschaft besichtigt haben, um die Voraussetzungen für eine Übernahme zu prüfen. CEO Bonifacio bestätigte diese Gerüchte und verwies auf weitere Unternehmen, die bereits ihr Interesse an Nevada Copper bekundet haben sollen. Angesichts der Unterbewertung im Branchenvergleich, zieht das Management zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt jedoch eine Übernahme nicht ernsthaft in Erwägung. Sollte dennoch ein Übernahmeangebot erfolgen, dürfte dies angesichts der Unterbewertung des Unternehmens über der gegenwärtigen Marktkapitalisierung liegen.

      Kapitalkosten sollen weitgehend durch Schuldverschreibungen finanziert werden

      In Anbetracht der marktüblichen durchschnittlichen Bewertung von mindestens 0,04 USD pro Pfund Kupfer, erscheint sogar eine Kursvervielfachung durchaus realistisch. Hinzu kommt, dass es sich bei Pumpkin Hollow um eine ausbaufähige Liegenschaft handelt. Weitere Bohrungen könnten zu einer Erweiterung der bis dato nachgewiesenen Ressourcen führen. Auch vor dem Hintergrund nachhaltig steigender Rohstoffpreise kann eher von einer Wertsteigerung des bestehenden Rohstoffportfolios ausgegangen werden.

      Sollte es dem Management gelingen, eine feindliche Übernahme abzuwehren, bestehen für Nevada Copper beste Aussichten, sich zu einem profitablen Kupferproduzenten zu entwickeln. CEO Bonifacio selbst gab als Ziel aus, in drei bis vier Jahren mit der Produktion beginnen zu wollen. Bis dahin rechnet das Unternehmen mit Kapitalkosten von etwa 175 – 200 Millionen USD, die investiert werden müssen, um die Pumpkin Hollow Liegenschaft zur Produktion zu führen. Dabei ist geplant, diese Summe vorwiegend über Schuldverschreibungen zu finanzieren, um den Verwässerungseffekt für die Aktionäre so gering wie möglich zu halten. Für das erste Jahr wird eine Kupferproduktion in Höhe von etwa 70 bis 80 Millionen Pfund zu durchschnittlichen Produktionskosten von 0,70 bis 0,80 USD pro Pfund Kupfer angestrebt.

      Kann Nevada Copper alle Produktions-Hürden überwinden?

      Mit dem hieraus resultierenden Cashflow soll die Produktion im zweiten Jahr auf 150 bis 200 Millionen Pfund Kupfer ausgeweitet werden. CEO Bonifacio gab an, dass man mit weitgehend stabilen Kupferpreisen rechne und selbst bei einem Kupferpreis von 1,50 USD noch profitabel produzieren könne. Gegenwärtig notiert das Pfund Kupfer bei etwa 3,20 USD – die jährlichen Umsätze dürften daher bei einer zu erwartenden Minenlaufzeit von über 20 Jahren langfristig deutlich im dreistelligen Millionenbereich liegen.

      Aufgrund noch ausstehender behördlicher Genehmigungen sowie der noch nicht erfolgten Finanzierung des Projekts, ist die Aktie von Nevada Copper trotz positiver Aussichten ein spekulatives Investment. Außerdem liegt für Pumpkin Hollow noch keine Machbarkeitsstudie vor - jegliche Prognosen auf Basis der vorläufigen wirtschaftlichen Evaluierung können nur als vorübergehende Einschätzungen angesehen werden. Sollte Nevada Copper jedoch alle Hürden überwinden und sich zum Kupferproduzenten entwickeln, sollten deutliche Kurssteigerungen möglich sein. Gegenwärtig arbeitet das Unternehmen an einer Aktualisierung der Kapital- und Operationskosten, die voraussichtlich Anfang 2008 veröffentlicht werden und die Anlegern weitere wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Aussichten für Pumpkin Hollow liefern sollten. Angesichts des Potentials dieser Liegenschaft, könnte sich ein Einstieg bei Nevada Copper lohnen.
      schrieb am 23.04.13 20:22:40
      Beitrag Nr. 2.385 ()
      Nevada Copper decides on two stages for Pumpkin Hollow

      2013-04-23 08:29 ET - News Release

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio reports


      Nevada Copper Corp. will be proceeding with a two-stage approach to developing its 100-per-cent-owned Pumpkin Hollow copper project located near Yerington, Nev.

      In late 2012, it became apparent that the company was capable of financing a 6,500-ton-per-day Stage 1 underground operation without the resulting dilution of bringing in a strategic partner and reducing its current 100-per-cent-owned Pumpkin Hollow project. A feasibility study examining this option was published on Dec. 12, 2012, and indicated an initial capital cost of $329-million (U.S.). The underground operation is considered as Stage 1 of a larger, two-stage Pumpkin Hollow project development plan.

      On March 28, 2013, Nevada Copper closed a $200-million (U.S.) loan facility and copper concentrate off-take agreement with RK Mine Finance with proceeds to be allocated to the construction of the stand-alone underground operation. The initial tranche of financing from the loan facility, additional financing on receipt of key state permits allowing for commencement of full construction of an underground mining operation, combined with current treasury, is more than sufficient to support project development work through the second quarter of 2014. This work includes sinking of the 2,200-foot production-sized shaft, construction of the head frame and associated surface works, and commencement of detailed engineering work. The engineering work will allow for placement of key equipment orders by the third quarter of 2013, and first production in 2015. Ore from the eastern underground deposit will feed a concentrator located in close proximity to this deposit.

      The summary of results for the underground operation on the East deposit were released in a SEDAR-filed National Instrument 43-101 technical report feasibility study filed on Dec. 12, 2012:

      The base case economics reflecting a three-year trailing average price of $3.59 per pound copper, $1,419 per ounce gold and $27.14 per ounce silver;
      Production commencing in 2015, with and initial mine life of 12 years;
      Average annual copper production in concentrate:
      Year 1 to 5: 75 million pounds;
      Year 1 to 10: 67 million pounds;
      Net present value at 5 per cent is $419-million, pretax;
      Net present value at 8 per cent is $309-million, pretax;
      Internal rate of return is 28.6 per cent pretax and payback of 2.5 years;
      Annual operating cash flow of $149-million (U.S.).

      In deciding to proceed immediately with the underground operation of a two-stage approach, the company considered the following factors:

      Stage 1 underground operation is largely financed, with state permits expected this quarter and key construction activities that can commence without delay, including the already well-advanced construction of a production-sized shaft;
      Future cash flows from the underground operation in 2015 would support and facilitate financing of a larger open-pit operation;
      The stand-alone open-pit feasibility study would assist potential strategic partners in assessing a possible investment;
      Recent expansion of the mineral resource base for the open-pit Western deposits (see resource table);
      The company's expectation that the open pit could be permitted in 2013 with targeted production to commence in 2016 contingent upon project financing (see news release dated April 17, 2013, for further information).

      As a result, the company has decided that the current update to the integrated feasibility study will be modified to reflect a stand-alone open-pit mine. In view of the recently increased mineral resources, TetraTech, an industry-leading international engineering firm, will also evaluate higher-throughput production rates in the range of 70,000 to 90,000 tons per day. Completion of the updated feasibility study for the open pit is now targeted on, or before, August, 2013.

      Giulio Bonifacio, president and chief executive officer, commented: "As a result of closing the Red Kite transaction, Nevada Copper will move towards a fully permitted and funded underground operation in the short term while maintaining 100-per-cent ownership of the Pumpkin Hollow project. We believe this is a superior strategy that will allow for the commencement of commercial production and cash flow in 2015 while also further facilitating funding of the larger open-pit operation. We will also continue to move forward with the Lyon county land bill and receipt of open-pit permits expected in 2013, which will be a significant step in beginning the development of the second stage of Pumpkin Hollow."

      Shaft construction update and underground project activities

      Commissioning of the hoist and head frame is under way. Hoist commissioning will allow for resumption of shaft sinking which is expected to continue through 2013 with completion by the first quarter of 2014. Shaft progress can be seen on the project website.

      Detailed mine design work is under way for the high-grade East deposit to provide the framework for mine planning. Once the production-sized shaft is completed to a total depth of 2,200 feet, drilling will resume from underground drill stations. This drilling program will target areas of higher grades with an initial objective of allowing for early production from the highest-grade stopes. For example, in the northern pod of the East deposit, drill holes NC 09-05 and NC 08-49 returned intervals grading 114.5 feet of 3.20 per cent copper and 125 feet of 3.24 per cent copper, respectively. In the south pod of the East deposit, adjacent drill holes NC08-14 and KM-21 returned intervals grading 52 feet of 6.79 per cent copper and 84 feet grading 4.93 per cent copper, respectively. With mineralization in the East deposit currently open in several directions, management expects that further drilling from underground drill stations will also extend the current mine life of 12 years. Ore from the E2 deposit will be mined after the East deposit which will further add to the current mine life.

      In addition, selection of firms to provide detailed engineering, procurement and construction services for the underground operation is in progress.

      Feasibility study -- open-pit operation

      On Feb. 7, 2012, the company SEDAR-filed a National Instrument 43-101 integrated feasibility study for the Pumpkin Hollow project. This integrated feasibility study included ore reserves which were based on drilling results received to October, 2010. During 2011 and 2012, the company drilled 44,000 metres of additional definition drilling on the North and South open-pit deposits (Western deposits). This drilling was successful in expanding the measured and indicated mineral resources on the Western deposits by 1.1 billion pounds to 5.4 billion pounds and a new updated mineral resource was SEDAR filed on Oct. 19, 2012 (see resource table and news release dated Sept. 13, 2012, for further information).

      The large increase in mineral resources encouraged the company to update the previous February, 2012, integrated feasibility study. This work has progressed into 2013 and, as discussed above, will now be modified to reflect a stand-alone open-pit operation.

      The mineral resources in the table do not include results from drill hole NC 12-34, which encountered 690 feet grading 1.17 per cent copper as previously disclosed in new release dated Sept. 13, 2012, or any results from the current follow-up drilling program.

      SEPTEMBER, 2012

      Cut-off Contained Gold Gold Silver Silver Cu
      grade Tons Grade copper grade (000 grade (000 equiv.
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000 lb) oz/t oz) oz/t oz) %

      Measured 0.20 186,037 0.48 1,793,250 0.002 318 0.054 10,124 0.53
      Measured 0.15 237,915 0.41 1,954,874 0.002 368 0.049 11,620 0.46
      Indicated 0.20 348,389 0.43 3,023,109 0.001 478 0.052 18,141 0.46
      Indicated 0.15 494,141 0.35 3,493,351 0.001 613 0.045 22,414 0.38
      ---- ------- ---- --------- ----- --- ----- ------ ----
      M+I total 0.20 534,426 0.45 4,816,359 0.001 796 0.053 28,265 0.48
      M+I total 0.15 732,056 0.37 5,448,225 0.001 981 0.046 34,034 0.40
      ---- ------- ---- --------- ----- --- ----- ------ ----


      Cut-off Contained Gold Gold Silver Silver Cu
      grade Tons Grade copper grade (000 grade (000 equiv.
      Category (%Cu) (000) (%Cu) (000 lb) oz/t oz) oz/t oz) %

      Inferred 0.20 138,149 0.40 1,094,775 0.001 150 0.049 6,775 0.43
      Inferred 0.15 225,073 0.31 1,388,107 0.001 219 0.41 9,296 0.42
      schrieb am 26.04.13 06:26:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2.386 ()
      Hier eine kleine Übersicht.....

      According to M Partners:


      Rating: Under Review

      12-Month Target: Under Review



      Nevada Copper will progress the Pumpkin Hollow Project using a two-staged approach, which will begin with a smaller 6,500tpd underground operation at the East Deposit and the eventual development of a larger 70,000tpd operation with the addition of the western open-pit.

      - The first stage of development, which was detailed in a stand-alone feasibility study released in December 2012, is entirely confined to patented private claims and requires no federal permits. The high grade underground operation should cost an estimated $329M in capex plus $222M in sustaining capital, with initial
      production estimated to begin in 2015.

      - The second stage open-pit mine should increase production from 6,500tpt to 70,000tpd for an additional $710M and could see initial production as early as 2016.


      - With a pre-tax NPV@8% of $309M, IRR of 28.6% and a 2.5 year payback period (using $3.59/lb Cu, $1,419/oz Au and $27.14/oz Ag) the Stage 1 underground mine operation reduces initial capex from the $1.04B estimates for the full integrated approach.

      - Nevada Copper’s $200M in debt financing received in March 2013, along with approximately $30M in cash will fund the majority of the $329M of initial capex. The company has multiple alternatives available to fund the remainder including potential streaming and offtake agreements, as well as its approximately 14% ownership in Mercator Minerals. Nevada Copper estimates it is funded for development through to Q2’2014. Although we do not believe equity financing is needed in 2013, we do believe Pala would maintain its 43% interest in the company in the event of an equity issue.

      - The staged approach also offers flexibility for the timing of the second stage, which allows for the receipt of the federal land permits. The permitting process remains on track, with some draft permits expected to be received in the coming weeks and the final permits still expected in Q2’2013. Federal permitting could also reduce costs and time associated with the Stage 1 development, as it would eliminate some additional power infrastructure upgrades.

      - The company expects to release an updated feasibility study in August 2013 evaluating alternatives to potentially increase throughput production rates in the 70,000tpd to 90,000tpd range.


      - Approximately $18M has been spent on shaft related activities and a further $16M to $17M is required to complete initial underground work. The shaft is targeted for completion in January 2014.


      - Flexibility to progress with development of a staged or integrated operation has been supported by two separate feasibility studies that confirm the robustness of the project.

      - We are placing Nevada Copper Under Review as we assess the full impact of the staged approach.


      - Q2’2013: Issuance of the Yerington Bill state level permits

      - Q3’2013: Feasibility study for the Stage 2 open pit operation

      - H1’2013: Decision on BLM Land Transfer Legislation

      - 2015: Initial production at the East Deposit
      Read more at…
      schrieb am 08.05.13 07:01:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.387 ()
      According to Desjardins Securities:

      Nevada Copper Corp.

      Rating Buy–Speculative Target C$7.35

      NCU provides updates on Yerington land bill and status of permitting

      Impact: Positive

      This morning Nevada Copper provided updates on the Yerington land conveyance legislation as well as the status of state permits required to construct and operate the underground mine at its 100%-owned Pumpkin Hollow copper project in Nevada.

      The Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation bill would convey, via a direct sale at fair market value, 10,400 acres of federal lands to the city of Yerington to facilitate the Pumpkin Hollow mine development as well as for other economic and recreational uses. Nevada Copper will finance 100% of the cost to acquire the lands.

      (1) House of Representatives subcommittee hearing. The US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation held a hearing on H.R.696 on April 18. Congressman Steven Horsford and Yerington Mayor George Dini both testified in favour of the bill. Lyon County also submitted written testimony that strongly supported the bill; there was no testimony in opposition. The bill will now be sent to the full House Committee on Natural Resources for a vote, after which it will be sent to the floor of the House for a vote. Nevada Copper expects this bill to pass.

      (2) Senate subcommittee hearing. Companion Bill S.159 was heard in the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands on April 25. There was no testimony in opposition to the bill. Nevada senators Harry Reid and Dean Heller personally testified in strong support of the bill, with Senator Heller quoted in his testimony as saying, “There is no more urgent legislation for Nevada than the Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act.” The bill has now been referred to the Senate Committee on Natural Resources for a vote.

      (3) Status of state permits. State permitting of the Stage 1 underground project is advancing on schedule. The draft reclamation permit was published on May 1; the draft water pollution control permit is expected to be made public next week. The third major permit, the air quality permit, is well advanced. At the county level, the special use permit is advancing on schedule. NCU made note that a meeting with Lyon County officials on May 1, to review the SUP application was very productive, and it indicated that there were no significant issues that might delay receiving this permit from Lyon County.

      Company management remains optimistic that it will meet its target of initiating full construction of the Stage 1 underground operation in 2013. We view today’s news as positive, as the company continues to advance its flagship Pumpkin Hollow copper project.

      We reiterate our Buy–Speculative recommendation and C$7.35/share target price on the shares of Nevada Copper.
      Read more at…
      schrieb am 28.05.13 00:17:34
      Beitrag Nr. 2.388 ()
      Wahnsinn diese Preise wenn sie nicht so günstig wären und damit es eigentlich traurig ist müsste man weinen.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.06.13 13:44:41
      Beitrag Nr. 2.389 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.726.943 von freddy1989 am 28.05.13 00:17:34Hi there,

      Frage an die Kenner dieses Wertes: wie lange wird der - wahrscheinlich durch den Interimszustand " Planung perfekt - Umsetzung bis zu ersten Realerträgen noch am Laufen" verurschate Stillstand / das Abbröckeln noch dauern?

      Ciao for now: Weltgeist
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.06.13 16:20:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2.390 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.916.661 von Weltgeist am 25.06.13 13:44:41Schwierig zu sagen. Die Situation für Juniorunternehmen ist dermaßen schlecht und bis dahin ist keineswegs ein Wendeanzeichen in Sicht. Demnach denkbar schwierig an gute Projekt-Finanzierungsmöglicheiten zu kommen, ohne die Aktionäre in den Tod zu verwässern..
      schrieb am 25.06.13 16:22:33
      Beitrag Nr. 2.391 ()
      June 25, 2013 08:00 ET

      Nevada Copper Receives Special Use Permit and Provides Update on Land Bill

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - June 25, 2013) - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper" or "Company") is extremely pleased to announce receipt of its Special Use Permit from Lyon County on June 11, 2013. We also provide an update on the permits and Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act ("Land Bill") for its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Property located near Yerington, Nevada..

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.07.13 12:05:54
      Beitrag Nr. 2.392 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.918.101 von combatiente am 25.06.13 16:22:33Hi there,

      CEO Bonifacio setzt in seinem Kommentar zur letzten Fortschrittsmeldung bezgl.
      der Genehmigungsprozedur (Stichwort "land bill") das Jahr 2015 als Zielmarke für den Förderstart:

      Giulio Bonifacio, President & CEO stated: "We are extremely pleased with the nature in which we continue to advance the project with significant developments on the state permitting front which will allow us to commence construction and achieve commercial production in 2015 of our Stage 1 underground operation. We are also very pleased with the developments on the Land Bill which will allow us to then move forward with a much larger Stage 2 open pit operation."

      Was schätzen die Experten hier: 2 Jahre dümpeln - Übernahme - Kursanstieg in Erwartung des sicheren rfolgs?

      Gebt mal Laut: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 18.07.13 08:08:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2.393 ()
      Produktionsstart 2015 geplant.
      Momentan haben sie noch keine Genehmigung vom Staat.
      Das soll im September 2013 entschieden werden.
      Wenn eine positive Entscheidung kommt, dann geht der Kurs nach oben, denn dann ist alles in trockenen Tüchern und alle wollen noch mitverdienen wenns 2015 los geht.

      Meine Meinung...

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.07.13 11:26:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2.394 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.067.989 von DBR55 am 18.07.13 08:08:32Hi there,

      die komplizierte Genehmigungsprozedur lässt erahnen, dass es bei NEVADA COPPER nicht um kleine Brötchen geht:

      News Releases July 16, 2013

      Nevada Copper's Remaining Stage One Permits Issued for Public Comment
      July 16, 2013 - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper" or "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the final two permits needed for the Stage 1 underground mine. The two other key permits, the State reclamation permit and the Lyon County Special Use Permit have been issued (see June 10 and June 25, 2013 News Releases).

      The Nevada Department of Environmental Protection ("NDEP") issued the reclamation permit after receiving no comments during a 30 day public comment period. The Lyon County Special Use Permit was issued after a unanimous decision by the Lyon County Commission.

      Water Pollution Control Permit ("WPCP")

      On July 10, 2013, NDEP issued the 30-day Public Notice to issue the modified Water Pollution Control Permit allowing for Stage 1 construction and operations. Subsequent to the 30-day public review, the permit modification will be issued. Nevada Copper originally received this Water Pollution Control Permit in 2008 in order to sink the current 2,400 foot, 24 foot diameter production sized shaft currently in progress and targeted for completion by Q2-2014.

      Air Pollution Control Permit ("APCP")

      Nevada Copper also submitted the application for an Air Pollution Control Permit in May 2013. The application is for a Class II, or minor, permit, and the only emissions from the project were particulates (dust). The emissions inventory and air dispersion modeling completed showed that the project, as designed with emission controls, would be well within ambient air quality standards.

      NDEP deemed that application administratively complete on June 28, 2013. At that time the 30-day public notice period begins and runs concurrent with the NDEP technical review. NDEP had up to 60 days to provide technical comments and provided those on July 3, 2013 to Nevada Copper. The Company will submit responses to the NDEP comments by July 18, 2013. The technical items were minor changes to drawings and emission information. Based on the timely response by both NDEP and Nevada Copper, the Company expects to receive this Air Pollution Control Permit in August 2013.

      Issuance of both the Water Pollution Control Permit and Air Pollution Control Permit are expected in August 2013.

      Tim Dyhr, Vice-President of Environment and External Relations for Nevada Copper, stated: "Nevada Copper has worked diligently over the past six years with Nevada regulators to insure that the Pumpkin Hollow project is protective of the environment. We have now operated under the original 2008 permit for five years and have developed a cooperative and transparent relationship with both the local community and NDEP that has facilitated the receipt of these permit modifications."

      Nevada Copper currently holds an Air Quality Surface Area Disturbance permit, so site civil work can commence at any time. Shaft construction is included under previous permits and is well underway. Detailed engineering for mining and processing is progressing and the construction schedule can easily be accommodated by the projected receipt of the last two permits needed.

      For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      Wenn ich´s richtig verstanden habe sind die beiden permits (water pollution & air pollution control) auf der Genehmigungsseite die letzten fehlenden Puzzlesteine vor der freien Fahrt zum Produktionsstart ...

      Ciao for now: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 22.07.13 12:39:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.395 ()
      wie ich schon erwähnte, im September ist die Sache durch.
      So günstig wie jetzt wird man die Aktie wohl nicht mehr bekommen.
      Die Richtung wird nach oben gehen. Die ersten Anzeichen kann man schon erkenne.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.08.13 10:57:13
      Beitrag Nr. 2.396 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.090.079 von DBR55 am 22.07.13 12:39:07Hi there,

      der Chart zeigt erste Aufwärtsneigung ... bin mal gespannt, ob die Septemberprognose eintrifft.

      Ciao for now: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 14.08.13 17:36:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.397 ()
      Chart in Canada sieht verdammt gut aus, sieht nach Trendwende aus.
      Bodenbildung um die 2CAD Marke abgeschlossen. TH 2,05 leicht steigend..

      Habe mir eben auch nochmal ein Paket über Tradegate zu 1,474 geschnappt ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.08.13 08:57:44
      Beitrag Nr. 2.398 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.250.619 von Muesli2k am 14.08.13 17:36:48Hi Muesli2k,

      könntest Recht haben mit deiner Schlussfolgerung ...

      Ciao for now: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 10.09.13 08:38:30
      Beitrag Nr. 2.399 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      endlich ist es soweit...

      9. September 2013 - Nevada Copper Corp (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper" oder "das Unternehmen") ist sehr erfreut bekannt zu geben, dass es seine Nevada Air Quality Operating Permit erhalten. Dies ist die letzte Genehmigung für den Bau und den Betrieb der U-Bahn-Projekt Stage 1 benötigt. Das Pumpkin Hollow Projekt U ist nun vollständig für die Errichtung der Mine und Operationen erlaubt.

      Mit allen Genehmigungen in der Hand, wird Nevada Copper erhalten eine weitere 15 Mio. US $ unter der 200 Millionen US $ RK Bergwerk Finanzen vorrangig besicherte Kreditfazilität und Kupfer-Konzentrat Abnahmevereinbarungen (siehe 28. März 2013 Pressemitteilung). Insgesamt 51 Mio. USD werden von dieser Anlage mit einem weiteren US empfangen werden $ 149.000.000 von Q2-2014 auf die Fertigstellung von bestimmten anderen Projekt-Meilensteine, einschließlich des Abschlusses der 24 Fuß Durchmesser, 2.140 Fuß tief Produktion große Welle empfangen werden.
      schrieb am 04.10.13 14:28:28
      Beitrag Nr. 2.400 ()
      Hier mal was neues hört sich sehr gut an was meint ihr??

      Nevada Copper projects 22-year open-pit life at Pumpkin


      Nevada Copper Corp. has released the results of a National Instrument 43-101 technical report feasibility study for its 100-per-cent-owned Pumpkin Hollow copper project located in Yerington, Nev. This feasibility study reports the results of a stand-alone open-pit operation. The feasibility study builds upon the previously released feasibility studies in February, 2012, and December, 2012, which were prepared under the direction of Tetra Tech Inc., an industry leading international engineering firm. (All amounts are stated in U.S. dollars.)

      The feasibility study confirms the technical and economic viability of constructing and operating a stand-alone 70,000-ton-per-day open-pit copper mining and processing operation. The Stage 2 open-pit operation would be located approximately four kilometres west of the 6,500-ton-per-day Stage 1 underground operation that is currently under construction. Development of the Stage 1 underground operation is supported by a feasibility study filed on SEDAR in December, 2012. The Stage 1 underground operation will initially access ore from the East deposit and, if warranted, the E2 deposit. With all Stage 1 permits received on Sept. 5, 2013, and a significant portion of project capital financing arranged, Nevada Copper is advancing toward production from the Stage 1 operation and, subject to receipt of permits and project financing, construction of the Stage 2 open-pit operation.

      Production for the Stage 1 underground operation is expected to commence in 2015, with Stage 2 open-pit operation targeted for 2016, subject to the successful passage of the Lyon county Economic Development Land Bill. It is anticipated that the land bill will be passed by Congress in 2013.

      The following positive Stage 2 feasibility study results further support the company's decision to proceed with a two-staged development of Pumpkin Hollow as reported in the company's news release dated April 23, 2013.

      Upon establishing production from both Stage 1 and Stage 2 operations, Nevada Copper's projected annual average production for the first five years will be approximately 285 million pounds of copper, 45,000 ounces of gold and 1.1 million ounces of silver resulting in annual operating cash flow of approximately $500-million, which assumes a forward price curve reducing to a long term price of $2.75 per pound copper.

      "The completion of our Stage 2 stand-alone open-pit feasibility study is yet another significant milestone achieved by Nevada Copper since the company was formed in 2006," commented Giulio Bonifacio, president and chief executive officer. "We are extremely pleased with these results as it further confirms that the Pumpkin Hollow project will support an economically robust, large copper mine built on a staged basis, which is unlike any other copper project currently in construction."

      Mr. Bonifacio further commented: "It is our view that cash flows from Stage 1 will enhance the available financing alternatives for the much larger open-pit operation, which, once constructed, will transform Nevada Copper to a mid-tier copper producer. On a combined basis, Stage 1 and Stage 2 currently represent proven and probable mineral reserves of approximately five billion pounds of copper and annualized average production in the first five years of 285 million pounds of copper on a project that has an ideal geographic location with an extremely low-risk profile."

      Highlights of the Stage 2 open-pit feasibility study (all amounts are stated in U.S. dollars):

      The project development consists of a nominal 70,000-ton-per-day open-pit mining and milling operation.
      The open-pit proven and probable mineral reserves increased from 3.2 billion to 4.1 billion pounds of copper reflecting a 29-per-cent increase. The current mineral reserves for the precious metals are 717,530 ounces of gold and 26.7 million ounces of silver. Mineral reserves are based on drill data up to July, 2012.
      First production targeted for 2016, with the mine life expanding from 18 to 22 years. The current open-pit mine life is based on increased daily throughput of 70,000 tons per day, up from 60,000 tons per day previously.
      The 29-per-cent increase in mineral reserves reflects a lower copper price of $2.80 per pound copper used for the current pit design limit, versus $3 per pound used in the 2012 mineral reserve. The expansion of the mineral reserves has resulted in a merged North and South open pit. This has had a positive impact on sustaining capital, moving South pit prestripping out four years and reducing equipment needs.
      Life-of-mine metal production contained in concentrates totals 3.7 billion pounds of copper, an increase of 29 per cent, 483,476 ounces of gold and 15.0 million ounces of silver.
      Average annual copper production in concentrates (amounts reflect periods of full production):
      Years one to five: 221 million pounds per year;
      Years one to 10: 197 million pounds per year.
      Average annual gold and silver production in concentrates (amounts reflect periods of full production):
      Years one to five: 24,089 ounces of gold and 849,300 ounces of silver per year;
      Years one to 10: 23,320 ounces of gold and 808,870 ounces of silver per year.
      Initial capital costs are estimated to be $926-million, including contingencies, excluding working capital of $23-million.
      LOM site-operating costs are $9.94 per ton of ore milled; copper production costs net of gold and silver credits are:
      Years one to five: $1.58 per pound of copper;
      Years one to 10: $1.69 per pound of copper.

      Base case: $3.33/lb copper, $1,376/oz gold and $23.07/oz silver
      Cumulative cash flow $3.2-billion
      Net present value at 5 per cent $1.5-billion
      Net present value at 8 per cent $961-million
      Internal rate of return 20.2 per cent
      Payback 4.0 years
      After tax
      Cumulative cash flow $2.6-billion
      Net present value at 5 per cent $1.2-billion
      Net present value at 8 per cent $726-million
      Internal rate of return 17.9 per cent
      Payback 4.3 years

      Alternative case No. 1: quoted forward prices to 2023 declining to long term
      of $2.75/lb copper, gold declining to long term $1,100/oz and silver
      declining to long term $20/oz
      Cumulative cash flow $2.2-billion
      Net present value at 5 per cent $1.1-billion
      Net present value at 8 per cent $733-million
      Internal rate of return 20.0 per cent
      Payback 3.7 years
      After tax
      Cumulative cash flow $1.9-billion
      Net present value at 5 per cent $888-billion
      Net present value at 8 per cent $550-million
      Internal rate of return 17.4 per cent
      Payback 4.1 years

      Alternative case No. 2: three-year trailing average price of $3.71/lb
      copper, $1,550/oz gold and $30.50/oz silver
      Cumulative cash flow $4.6-billion
      Net present value at 5 per cent $2.3-billion
      Net present value at 8 per cent $1.6-billion
      Internal rate of return 26.4 per cent
      Payback 3.0 years
      After tax
      Cumulative cash flow $3.6-billion
      Net present value at 5 per cent $1.8-billion
      Net present value at 8 per cent $1.2-billion
      Internal rate of return 22.9 per cent
      Payback 3.5 years

      Average annual operating cash flow (years one to five)
      Base case $346-million
      Alternative case No. 1 $368-million
      Alternative case No. 2 $426-million
      Project opportunities

      Project opportunities that will further enhance the economic value of the Pumpkin Hollow project will be included in future mine designs and would reflect the following:

      Resource/reserve expansion

      The 29-per-cent increase in mineral reserves incorporated the results of a further 44,000 metres of drilling from the previously published mineral reserve in February, 2012. This drilling resulted in the merging of the North and South open pits producing improvements in pit scheduling and equipment utilization.

      Subsequent drilling has encountered new mineralization and extensions, particularly along the south border of the North open-pit deposit. Mineralization outside the North and South current pit design limit continues to be intersected and remains open. Drill hole NC 12-34, which is not included in the current mineral resource and reserve, intersected 690 feet (210.3 metres) grading 1.17 per cent copper and is located along the southern edge of the current North pit.

      Further drilling is being planned and expected to expand the current mineral resources and reserves at the project, which will have a further positive effect on the strip ratio and economics.


      A magnetite separation plant was not considered for the process circuit as initially contemplated, as mining the iron-rich South deposit has been delayed from year eight to year 14 as a result of the increased mineral reserves in the North deposit. While this represents a significant opportunity (see iron mineral resource summary herein), the company has determined that this study will be deferred as the North deposit still warrants additional drilling, which may further delay access to the iron-rich South deposit.

      Updated costs, mine design, marketability and additional iron metallurgical testing will be reviewed in the future. Though not considered in the feasibility study, should the inclusion of iron in the mine operation prove to be economic, it is expected to greatly improve strip ratios and project economics as iron-bearing material is currently considered waste in the feasibility study mine plan.

      Permits and land transfer

      The Pumpkin Hollow project is located on both private land and unpatented mining claims located on Bureau of Land Management-administered federal lands. The City of Yerington has proposed to acquire the federal lands at fair market value. Nevada Copper has agreed to collaborate with the city to support the land transfer. If successful, the land transfer would convey all federal lands associated with the project from BLM jurisdiction to the city. This would allow the city to receive a portion of both property tax and Nevada net proceeds tax. It would also provide additional lands around the project for sustainable development, including current and long-term postmining commercial and industrial development, recreational opportunities, and expansion of community and cultural events. Subject to successful completion of the land transfer in 2013, all project permitting would come under the jurisdiction of the State of Nevada and the city, with receipt of permits targeted in 2014.

      In the event the land transfer is not completed as anticipated, the project activities would require a plan of operations with the BLM and compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. NEPA compliance would entail preparation of an environmental impact statement pursuant to BLM guidelines.

      Regardless of the land status and permit process, the environmental, engineering and baseline technical studies associated with the entire project are either completed or in progress and will conform to all federal, state and local standards. This will assure that the project is designed, constructed and operated to meet those standards and that either permitting process, including preparation of an EIS, would not be delayed. If BLM approval is required, BLM process and state permits for the project would be expected to be complete in 2016.

      Development schedule

      For the Stage 2 open-pit operation, prestripping the North deposit and construction of the mill and related facilities will commence in 2015 assuming all development permits have been obtained. Production is anticipated to commence in 2016.

      The Stage 1 underground operation is located approximately four kilometres east, received all its required permits in September, 2013, and is currently under construction. A 2,200-foot, 24-foot-diameter production-sized shaft is being sunk to access the East underground deposit with further development to the E2 deposit if warranted. Detailed engineering and ordering of key long-lead-time mining and process equipment are currently in progress.

      Mineral resources

      The project mineral resource was prepared by the mineral resource and mining division of Tetra Tech, incorporating the results of drilling up to July, 2012, for the feasibility study. This resource was an update of a previous mineral resource estimate disclosed in September, 2012.


      cut- Copper Gold Silver
      Category off Tons grade Copper grade Gold grade Silver
      lb oz oz
      % (000s) % (000s) oz/ton (000s) oz/ton (000s)

      Measured 0.20 186,037 0.48 1,793,250 0.002 331 0.056 10,465
      Measured 0.15 237,915 0.41 1,954,874 0.002 369 0.051 12,015
      Indicated 0.20 348,389 0.43 3,023,109 0.001 467 0.052 18,200
      Indicated 0.15 494,141 0.35 3,493,351 0.001 568 0.046 22,651
      M&I total 0.20 534,426 0.45 4,816,359 0.001 798 0.054 28,665
      M&I total 0.15 732,056 0.37 5,448,225 0.001 937 0.047 34,666

      Mineral resources that are not categorized as mineral reserves have not
      demonstrated economic viability.
      The mineral resource estimate was performed by or under the direction of Dr. Rex Bryan, PhD, Tetra Tech's mineral resource division senior geostatistician. Dr. Bryan is an independent qualified person as set forth by Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

      The inferred resources are in addition to the measured and indicated resources.

      cut- Copper Gold Silver
      Category off Tons grade Copper grade Gold grade Silver
      lb oz oz
      % (000s) % (000s) oz/ton (000s) oz/ton (000s)

      Inferred 0.20 138,149 0.40 1,103,536 0.001 134 0.044 6,134
      Inferred 0.15 225,073 0.31 1,392,266 0.001 198 0.039 8,755

      Mineral resources that are not categorized as mineral reserves have not
      demonstrated economic viability.
      Mineral reserve

      Proven and probable mineral reserves are the economically minable portions of the measured and indicated mineral resources provided herein, respectively, as demonstrated by the feasibility study. The current reserves have increased the open-pit reserves from 3.2 billion to 4.1 billion pounds representing a 29-per-cent increase. A base price of $2.80 per pound copper was used for the current pit design limit as compared with $3 per pound copper in 2012. The proven and probable reserves at Pumpkin Hollow are summarized in the attached mineral reserves table.


      Contai- Contai- Contai-
      ned ned ned Copper
      Classification Ore Copper Gold Silver copper gold silver equiv.
      000s oz/ oz/ billion 000s
      tons % ton ton lb oz oz %

      Proven 204,182 0.409 0.0015 0.052 1.67 306,610 10,685 0.44
      Probable 344,004 0.358 0.0012 0.047 2.46 410,920 16,009 0.39
      Proven and
      probable 548,186 0.377 0.0013 0.048 4.13 717,530 26,694 0.40

      The mineral reserves and mine plans for each of the open-pit deposits were
      determined using cut-off grades developed by Tetra Tech as appropriate for
      the mining method and costs associated with the deposits. For the open-pit
      North and South deposits, the cut-off grade used was 0.175 per cent and
      0.179 per cent copper, respectively. The break-even cut-off was calculated
      using a $2.80 mining cost while the internal cut-off was calculated using
      $3 copper. Ed Lips, principal mining engineer for Tetra Tech, is the
      independent qualified person, who is responsible for the mineral reserve
      estimate. The copper equivalency was determined using base-case metal
      prices and metallurgical recoveries of 89.3 per cent, 67.3 per cent and
      56.3 per cent for copper, gold and silver, respectively.
      Resources outside current pit design limit

      The attached resources outside pit design limit table summarizes the measured and indicated resources that remained outside the current pit design limit at the time of the drill data cut-off for the resource calculation up to July, 2012. The resources outside the current pit design limit are not included in the mineral reserves.


      Copper Gold Silver
      Tons grade Copper grade Gold grade Silver
      lb oz oz
      (000s) % (000s) oz/ton (000s) oz/ton (000s)

      Measured 39,535 0.328 259,730 0.0014 55.8 0.037 1,459
      Indicated 180,818 0.290 1,048,013 0.0010 168.1 0.041 7,448
      M&I total 222,353 0.291 1,307,743 0.0011 223.9 0.040 8,907
      Drilling has continued since the reserve and resource drill cut-off date. Additional mineralization outside the North and South current pit design limit continues to be intersected and remains open.

      Iron mineral resource

      Though not considered in the feasibility study, the Pumpkin Hollow project also has considerable resources of iron in the form of magnetite. The attached iron resources table includes only those iron resources amenable to open-pit mining methods in the North and South deposits. Possible mining, recovery and sale of a magnetite concentrate will be considered in future studies.

      If an updated feasibility study demonstrates the iron resource to be economically viable, inclusion of iron in the open-pit block model values is expected to significantly expand the size and tonnage of the North and South open pits and lower the waste tonnages and strip ratio.

      Iron Iron Tons
      Category cut-off Tons grade iron
      % (000s) % (000s)

      Measured 20 242,957 32.8 79,738
      Measured 30 133,890 39.4 52,737
      Indicated 20 152,265 31.0 47,216
      Indicated 30 98,065 39.0 26,566
      M&I total 20 395,222 32.1 126,954
      M&I total 30 231,955 39.1 79,303
      Inferred 20 118,334 29.0 34,270
      Inferred 30 39,392 39.5 15,556

      Mineral resources that are not categorized as mineral reserves have
      not demonstrated economic viability.

      The stand-alone open-pit deposits will be developed sequentially starting with 1-1/2 years of prestripping the North deposit. Open-pit mill feed will come exclusively from the North deposit until year 12 when ore from the South deposit is added and is expected to eventually replace all North ore by the end of year 14. The current design pit limit will combine the two deposits into a single merged pit with an initial mine life of 22 years based on the current reserve.

      The initial loading fleet will consist of three 43- to 45-cubic-yard electric cable shovels and one 27- to 31-yard shovel excavator. The ore and waste haulage fleet will consist of 13 350-plus-ton electric or diesel haul trucks. The ore will be transported from the pit through an in-pit crusher-conveyor system, and the waste will be hauled.

      The average strip ratio for the North and South deposits is, respectively, 3.7 to 1, which includes the North and South deposit prestrip.

      Total ore mined and processed from the open pits, LOM, is 548.2 million tons grading 0.38 per cent copper, 0.0013 ounce per ton (0.045 gram per tonne) gold and 0.048 ounce per ton (1.65 grams per tonne) silver.

      Process plant

      Ore will be transported from the open pit to a nominal 70,000-ton-per-day concentrator located west of the open pits. A large semi-mobile in-pit crusher will reduce ore size before conveyance to the process facility. The concentration circuit is conventional with a single, large semi-autogenous grinding mill and secondary ball mill. Grinding and flotation of copper sulphide are followed by thickening and pressure filtration to produce a final copper concentrate grading 25.5 per cent copper and containing payable gold and silver. The bond work index ranges between 12.5 to 13.7, and the abrasion index ranges between 0.230 and 0.263. Primary grind size is 150 microns with an overall copper recovery of 89.3 per cent. Gold and silver recoveries to the copper concentrates are 67.3 per cent and 56.3 per cent, respectively.

      Copper concentrates

      Projected assays for the copper concentrates produced from the North and South deposits are summarized in the attached copper concentrates table. Further metallurgical work will be performed focused on ores from the early years of production from the North deposit. Concentrates are expected to average 25.5 per cent copper with payable levels of gold and silver. The concentrates contain no deleterious elements that would materially affect marketability.

      Concentrates will be shipped by rail from a West Coast port facility then principally to Asian markets. Union Pacific tracks run approximately 13 miles north of the project.


      Years 1-5 Years 1-10 LOM
      annual annual annual LOM
      Description Units average average average total

      Copper concentrate 000s 434 385 337 7,239
      Copper in Million 221 197 172 3,692
      concentrate lb/year
      Copper in 000s 110.6 98.3 85.9 1,846
      concentrate tons/year
      Gold in Cu Oz/year 24,089 23,322 22,487 483,476
      Silver in Cu Oz/year 849,300 808,870 699,000 15,026,000
      Tailings storage

      To minimize water usage, tailings will be dewatered, filtered and conveyed to a dry-stack on-site tailings storage facility. This water is then recycled to the process plant. This method is considered best practice for long-term tailings storage in dry environments with finite water resources. It also lowers long-term environmental monitoring costs. The TSF will effectively be an expansion of the Stage 1 project TSF.


      The project area is well supplied with nearby local infrastructure. Project-related infrastructure expenditures include a new six-mile (10-kilometre) 120-kilovolt power line and related substation. An energy cost of 5.5 cents per kilowatt hour was used for feasibility study purposes, based on NV Energy expected rates. A five-mile (eight-kilometre) mine access road connects the site to state Highway 95 to the North and a rail load-out facility located on Union Pacific tracks. The rail tracks run approximately 13 miles (21 kilometres) north of the project and connect with Union Pacific mainline tracks for connection to West Coast ports. Process makeup water will be piped six miles (10 kilometres) from the city of Yerington, county seat for Lyon county, where housing and regional services are available and most employees are expected to reside. The communities of Silver Springs, Smith Valley, Fernley, Dayton, Fallon, Carson City and Hawthorne are also all within commuting distance and have a labour pool and existing housing, particularly for a construction work force.

      Capital costs

      The project initial capital costs are estimated at $926.6-million with an accuracy of plus/minus 15 per cent as of September, 2013, including a contingency of $46-million. The contingency allowance is calculated based on assessed factors for each of the major direct and indirect cost categories. The major direct cost items include North deposit prestripping, process plant, tailing storage facility, site infrastructure and off-site rail load-out facility. Indirect costs include such major areas as engineering and procurement, construction management, freight and commissioning, spares inventory, first fills, and owner's costs.

      $ millions (U.S.)
      Direct costs
      Prestrip $158.6
      Surface mine development 127.2
      Process and concentrates handling 292.8
      Tailings dewater and dry stack facility 59.1
      Other capitalized preproduction costs 5.2
      Infrastructure 75.6
      Environmental and reclamation 8.6
      Water management 9.2
      Total direct costs $736.3
      Indirect costs
      Engineering and procurement 26.4
      Construction management 26.4
      Surface mine development 3.0
      Process and concentrates handling 59.9
      Tailings dewater and dry stack facility 5.8
      Infrastructure 11.1
      Environmental, reclamation and water 0.9
      Owner's and personnel costs 10.8
      Total indirect costs 144.3
      Total direct and indirect costs $880.6
      Contingency 46.0
      Total initial capital $926.6
      Net working capital required for initial operations is estimated to be $23-million.

      LOM sustaining capital totals $758-million, of which $425-million is incurred beyond year five, which includes development of the South open-pit deposit development costs; replacement of, and additions to, surface mobile equipment; lease costs for the initial mining fleet; reclamation costs; and expenditures on the tailings storage facility.

      The merging of the North and South pits, along with an expanded North deposit reserve, has produced positive results in mine scheduling. The South deposit prestripping has been pushed from year six to year 10, and a second in-pit crusher has been eliminated.

      Area $ millions

      Surface mine
      Mine equipment $331.3
      In-pit crushing and conveying 79.1
      General surface mobile equipment 26.4
      Access, site preparation and facilities 2.5
      Ore handling 4.9
      Process 183.9
      Tailings 81.7
      Reclamation 41.6
      Hydrology/dewatering 6.5
      Total sustaining capital $757.9
      Operating costs

      LOM site-unit-operating costs, net of capitalized prestripping and other predevelopment costs, are $9.94 per ton milled, as summarized in the attached LOM unit-operating cost summary table.

      Area LOM
      $/ton milled

      Mining $4.36
      Processing 5.10
      Dry stack tailings facility 0.16
      Reclamation, infrastructure and hydrology 0.01
      General and administrative 0.31
      Total $9.94
      Copper production costs per pound, including site-operating costs and copper smelter charges and concentrate transport, net of gold and silver credits, and excluding royalty, are estimated to average $1.58 per pound for years one to five and $1.69 per pound for years one to 10.

      Economic analysis summary

      The project economics were evaluated using a cash flow analysis, whereby revenues and costs are projected into the future on an annual basis. Annual net cash flows are then discounted at a rate of interest to reflect the time value of money to yield a net present value. The analysis includes all site-operating costs, smelter charges and transport costs, royalties, estimated local property taxes, Nevada net proceeds of mining tax, and an estimate of U.S. federal corporate income taxes. There are no Nevada corporate income taxes.

      The most significant input, which affects project economics, is projected future metals prices. The three metal price scenarios used are provided in the attached metal price scenarios table.

      (base case: assumed spot metals prices
      as of Aug. 22, 2013)

      Copper $3.33 per pound
      Gold $1,376 per ounce
      Silver $23.07 per ounce
      Three-year trailing average London Metal Exchange prices were used, determined as of mid-August, 2013.


      Copper $3.71 per pound
      Gold $1,550 per ounce
      Silver $30.50 per ounce
      Summary of economic results

      Key economic indicators extracted from the feasibility study are summarized in the attached economic results summary table.

      (in millions U.S. dollars)
      Alternative Alternative
      Base case case No. 1 case No. 2

      Cumulative pretax cash flow $3,233 $2,243 $4,594
      NPV at 5%, pretax $1,524 $1,124 $2,314
      NPV at 8% pretax $961 $733 $1,557
      Cumulative after-tax cash flow $2,606 $1,851 $3,612
      NPV at 5%, after tax $1,196 $888 $1,784
      NPV at 8%, after tax $726 $550 $1,172
      Average annual operating
      cash flow (years 1 to 5) $346 $368 $426
      Internal rate of return, pretax 20.2% 20.0% 26.4%
      Internal rate of return,
      after tax 17.9% 17.4% 22.9%
      Payback pretax (years from
      first production) 4.0 3.7 3.0
      Payback after tax (years from
      first production) 4.3 4.1 3.5
      Royalties and Nevada mining taxes

      The economic results include the costs of all third party royalties and an estimate of local property taxes and Nevada net proceeds tax payable on income from operations. Nevada has no corporate income taxes. Federal corporate income taxes are estimated for a fully taxable company with a single, stand-alone project.

      Qualified persons

      The scientific and technical information in this release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Lips, PE, of Tetra Tech, overall manager for the feasibility study. Mr. Lips is an independent qualified person within the meaning of NI 43-101.

      This release was also reviewed by Gregory French, PG, vice-president and senior project manager of Nevada Copper, and Robert McKnight, PEng, executive vice-president and chief financial officer of Nevada Copper, both of whom are non-independent qualified persons within the meaning of NI 43-101.

      Readers should refer to the feasibility study NI 43-101 technical report for further details of the project development. The feasibility study technical report will be filed in accordance with NI 43-101 on SEDAR within the required 45-day statutory period and will be made available on Nevada Copper's website.

      An updated PowerPoint presentation will be available on the Nevada Copper website.

      We seek Safe Harbor.
      schrieb am 05.11.13 20:35:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2.401 ()
      Nun ja,
      ich glaube, ich stell meine Posi hier demnächst glatt. Ich habe keine Lust mehr auf die mehr oder minder schleichenden Kursverläufe.
      Nur mein eigener Standpunkt.
      schrieb am 07.11.13 09:45:33
      Beitrag Nr. 2.402 ()

      tja, ohne Frage, wir befinden uns in einer schweren Zeit.
      Es sind bestimmt auch viele unüberlegte Panikverkäufe dabei.
      Ich für meinen Teil sitze das aus und werde entsprechend zukaufen.
      Mein Gedanke zu der ganzen Sache:
      Die Luft für schnelles Geld ist vorerst raus. Die Aktie wird aber miitelfristig (ab 2015) wieder richtig zulegen, denn dann wird NCU Geld verdienen durch ihre Produktion.

      Ein Analyst sieht das ebenso. Hier die aktuelle Einschätzung:

      10/11/2013 Scotiabank Old C$6.00 New C$4.60 Nevada Copper (NCU) Outperform

      schrieb am 13.11.13 08:55:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2.403 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      dass sind für mich positive Signale.
      Nov 12/13 Nov 12/13 Iorich, Vladimir Indirect Ownership Common Shares 11 - Acquisition carried out privately 3,492,860 $1.75
      Insider kaufen massiv nach und die klein Aktionäre sind die verlierer, da sie Panikartig ihre Aktien auf den Markt werfen.
      schrieb am 14.11.13 21:49:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2.404 ()
      Hey hallo weiss nicht es gab einen Videobericht mit Nevada Copper ob der bekannt ist. Finde ich ganz interessant

      Und Pala Investments stockt seine Beteiligung auch auf.


      Pala Investments Ltd. has acquired 3,492,860 common shares of Nevada Copper Corp. (NCU), representing approximately 4.34 per cent of the 80,501,458 issued and outstanding common shares of NCU, as known by Pala. The shares were purchased by way of a private transaction pursuant to a share purchase agreement.

      As a result of the acquisition of the shares, Pala now owns and controls a total of 40,289,141 common shares of NCU, representing approximately 50.05 per cent of the issued and outstanding common shares of NCU, as known by Pala.

      The consideration paid for each share was $1.75. Pala has acquired the shares for investment purposes and may increase or decrease the investment in shares depending on its evaluation of the business, prospects and financial condition of NCU, the market for NCU's securities, general economic and tax conditions, and other factors.

      The shares were acquired pursuant to the private agreement takeover bid exemption in Section 100.1 of the Securities Act (Ontario) and in Section 4.2 of Multilateral Instrument 62-104 takeover bids and issuer bids and in compliance with the requirements thereof, including that the purchase of shares was made from less than five persons, the bid was not made generally to holders of shares and the value of the consideration paid for the shares was not greater than 115 per cent of the market price of the shares.

      Pala's address is 12 Castle St., St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RT. For further information please refer to the early warning report posted on SEDAR or contact John Nagulendran at 41-41-560 9070.

      About Pala

      Pala is a multistrategy investment company dedicated to investing in, and creating value across the mining sector in both developed and emerging markets. Pala seeks to assist companies in which it has long-term shareholdings by providing strategic advice and innovative financing solutions.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.12.13 14:42:50
      Beitrag Nr. 2.405 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.837.586 von freddy1989 am 14.11.13 21:49:15Hi there,

      was ein Abrutsch ... wer sieht wo einen Turnaround - und warum?

      Ciao for now: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 30.12.13 10:46:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2.406 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.837.586 von freddy1989 am 14.11.13 21:49:15Wie, die haben mehr als die Hälfte aller Aktien der Firma?:eek:
      Hmmm ......:confused:
      schrieb am 07.01.14 11:22:05
      Beitrag Nr. 2.407 ()
      Interessanter Bericht!
      Um mal zu sehen, wie Rohstoffwerte im Moment bewertet werden ...…

      Hier scheinen ja nicht allzuviele Anleger investiert zu sein ...
      ... obwohl hier meines Erachtens kein Haar in der Suppe zu finden ist!
      Außer vielleicht, dass man einem Investor mehr als 50% der Aktien zugestanden hat. Ob das gut sein kann!!??
      schrieb am 09.01.14 17:07:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2.408 ()
      Langsam aber sicher fällt der Kurs weiter ...:confused:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.01.14 14:26:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2.409 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.193.813 von rotie1 am 09.01.14 17:07:37Und das, obwohl alles gut läuft::eek:

      Nevada Copper Provides Update
      Nachrichtenquelle: Marketwired | 14.01.2014, 13:45 | 84 Aufrufe | 0 |
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Jan. 14, 2014) - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper" or "Company") is pleased to provide updates on the Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act (the "Land Bill") and project activities at its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow copper project in Yerington, Nevada.

      The 6,500 ton per day Stage 1 underground mine is fully permitted for construction and operations (See September 9, 2013 News Release). Additionally, National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report Feasibility Study results for a stand-alone 70,000 ton per day Stage 2 open pit operation were announced (See October 3, 2013 News Release).

      With respect to the stand-alone Stage 2 open pit operation, the Company previously announced the engagement of BMO Capital Markets as a financial advisor (See October 30, 2013 News Release) to assist the Company in securing project financing by way of joint ventures and strategic off-take opportunities. The Company continues to advance discussions regarding its stand-alone Stage 2 open pit operation.

      Land Bill and Stage 2 Open Pit Permitting

      With the Stage 1 underground mine having been fully permitted under the State auspices, the permitting path forward for Stage 2 will depend on passage of the Land Bill now before the House and Senate in the United States Congress.

      The Land Bill has three final steps for passage by Congress before being signed into law by the President. The first of those is a "mark-up" and action by the House Natural Resources Committee. The Land Bill received a major commitment from Chairman and Congressman Doc Hastings on December 12, 2013 to act on this legislation in January 2014, after which it can be brought to the House floor for passage, which is the second step. The Land Bill has already been passed out of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and is ready for the third step, floor action in the Senate. The Nevada Congressional delegation has worked together to conform the House and Senate versions of the Land Bill to assure expedited passage in both the Senate and House.

      The Nevada Congressional delegation has been in unanimous agreement on this Land Bill since its re-introduction in early 2013. It has the full support of Governor Brian Sandoval, the unanimous support of the Nevada State Legislature during their 2013 session and the unanimous support of the City of Yerington and Lyon County. Successful passage of this Land Bill, and subsequent acquisition of the land by the City of Yerington, would allow for continued permitting of Stage 2 under Nevada State and Lyon County laws and regulations.

      Regardless of whether the project is permitted under State or Federal laws, Nevada Copper has followed and will follow the same environmental technical standards for protection of ground and surface water, air quality, pollution control for mining and mineral processing, reclamation and other environmental aspects. There are no endangered species, wilderness, cultural or Native American impacts from the project and the project area has no other land use conflicts. Much of the required permitting documentation for Stage 2 has already been provided to State regulators as part of the Stage 1 permitting process.

      We believe that subject to passage of this Land Bill in early 2014, issuance of Stage 2 permits for the construction and mine operations of an open pit will be obtained in 2014.

      Stage 1 Underground Shaft Sinking

      Nevada Copper completed a CDN$65 million bought deal financing in August 2011 with a majority of this funding being allocated to the early commissioning of a production-sized shaft accessing the Eastern deposits. Mineral reserves on these deposits were confirmed by a NI 43-101 Technical Report Feasibility Study that was SEDAR-filed on December 13, 2012. Following an evaluation and selection process, a shaft contractor was selected in December 2011 followed by an official ground breaking in February 2012. The opportunity to acquire a used production hoist allowed the Company to plan for production-sized ore hoisting facilities, and engineering design work allowed for this construction during 2012 and into early 2013.

      By late May 2013, the production-sized hoist and permanent shaft head frame had been constructed and deemed operational, along with the necessary shaft infrastructure, including 25kV power line and substation, site offices, mine rescue capabilities, supplies warehouse, mine dry and equipment repair shop. At this point, the shaft foundation (sub-collar) had also been completed, along with a pre-sink of the 24 feet diameter, concrete-lined shaft to a depth of 99 feet. During the balance of 2013, shaft sinking operations continued to a current depth of 550 feet.

      In December 2013, the Company elected to continue shaft sinking and underground development under a different contractor, Cementation USA Inc. ("Cementation"). As part of the global Cementation Mining Group, Cementation has extensive worldwide experience in shaft sinking and underground mine development work. The current targeted completion date of the shaft including development of initial lateral access to the ore zone is Q1-2015.

      2014 and 2015 Project Construction

      During 2014 and into 2015, shaft sinking at the project site will be under Cementation's management. Sinking will advance to the 1906 foot depth, the main level from which lateral development will begin and allow for access to the East ore zone. Development drilling from this level will focus on obtaining mineral and geotechnical data for mine planning. We believe the drilling will not only improve the grade profile in the early years of mine production, but also expand the mineral resource. Subject to shaft sinking rates, reaching the 1906 level is anticipated during Q4-2014. After completion of initial development work at the 1906 level, including a bulk ore sample and drilling, the shaft will be completed to the final 2140 foot depth. This will be followed by equipping of the shaft for ore hoisting along with development of the underground crushers and related infrastructure required for production operations. While shaft sinking progresses, engineering and procurement for the copper concentrator and site infrastructure will continue.

      The pace of engineering and construction expenditures on the non-shaft areas during 2014 and 2015 will be closely managed to match the shaft sinking completion timeline. The pace will also be controlled by the availability of funds from:

      a) US$46 million cash balance at December 31, 2013;
      b) US$149 million undrawn portion of the Red Kite loan facility (See March 28, 2013 News Release); and,
      c) US$24 million Caterpillar Financial equipment lease finance facility (see October 1, 2013 News Release).

      Subject to securing the remainder of financing required for the Stage 1 underground mine, and in view of the current targeted completion date of the shaft, first ore will be produced by Q4-2015.

      Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO, stated: "As we proceed towards fully financing our Stage 1 underground mine the Company will continue to prudently manage our treasury while considering our financing options. We will also continue to advance current discussions regarding funding for our much larger stand-alone Stage 2 open pit operation in anticipation of Stage 2 being fully permitted in 2014."


      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

      We seek safe harbor.

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Eugene Toffolo
      VP, Investor Relations & Communications
      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Robert McKnight, P.Eng., MBA
      Executive Vice President & CFO
      schrieb am 23.01.14 22:58:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.410 ()
      Hier nochmal ein Video zu Nevada Copper
      schrieb am 25.01.14 00:53:52
      Beitrag Nr. 2.411 ()
      Hab Nevada leider erst Anfang 2009 für 16c gekauft. Auch nur 2000 St. und für gut 3€ zu früh verkauft. Meiner Meinung nach ist jetzt wieder ein guter Einstiegszeitpunkt. Weltweit gibt es ein deutliches Kupferdefizit. Alles Andere ist Unsinn. China kauft immer noch gewaltige Mengen und hat Fehlbestände. Den Wert hab ich jetzt längere Zeit nicht mehr verfolgt, aber sollte vor Ort weiterhin alles im grünen Bereich sein, steige ich bald wieder ein. Der richtige zeitpunkt ist immer dann, wenn die meisten entnervt geschmissen haben. Mir ging es Ende 12 mit Yingli und Jinko so. 3-400% weggeschmissen.
      schrieb am 07.02.14 17:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 2.412 ()
      Leute, sagt mal Piep!!!:laugh: (wer kennt es nicht aus Kindertagen)
      Nevada Copper ist so weit fortgeschritten im Produktionsprozess, alles läuft wie geschmiert, und kein Mensch scheint hier investiert zu sein. Sogar in Kananda ist heute NULL Umsatz. Über jeden anderen "grassroot"-Explorer ohne Hintergrund wird diskutiert, dass die Tasten glühen.
      Gibt es Menschen in Deutschland, die zur Zeit investiert sind in diese tolle Firma?
      schrieb am 07.02.14 20:04:29
      Beitrag Nr. 2.413 ()
      Piep. Abwarten Teetrinken. Abbau in 2015. 72,77 Mio. EUR Wert.
      Rohstoffpreise naja. Aber hoffe das Kupfer in Zukunft noch stärker gebraucht wird. Deshalb mal sehen wann das Tal der Tränen durchschritten ist. ;):)
      schrieb am 10.02.14 23:19:27
      Beitrag Nr. 2.414 ()
      Und weiter geht's: Der nächste Megadeal im Rohstoffsektor

      Liebe Leser,

      in den vergangenen zwei Wochen habe ich Sie über den Stand der möglichen Osisko Mining Übernahme hier auf dem Laufenden gehalten. Dieser Deal ist noch nicht durch und wird nun erst einmal ein Gericht beschäftigen. Doch mit dem Volumen von 2,6 Mrd. Dollar hat er auch gezeigt: Es ist wieder Leben im Rohstoff-Sektor.

      Heute nun gibt es die Ankündigung eines weiteren Deals: Der kanadische Kupferspezialist HudBay Minerals kündigt die Übernahme von Augusta Resource an. Das Volumen liegt immerhin bei 540 Mio. CAD. Und das Signal für die Börse ist eindeutig: Starke Projekte mit guten Perspektiven werden jetzt wieder interessant.

      Und gleichzeitig sind die Großen auch wieder bereit deutliche Aufschläge zu zahlen. So liegt das HudBay Angebot an die Augusta Aktionäre 62% über dem Handelsdurchschnitt der vergangenen 20 Tage. Doch der Blick auf die längerfristige Kursentwicklung von Augusta Resources zeigt auch, dass Hudbay hier noch ein Schnäppchen macht. Auf Sicht von 12 Monaten hat die Aktie eben xxxx% an Wert verloren.

      Was HudBay aber macht ist nur legitim: Viele Unternehmen nutzen das aktuell niedrige Niveau im Sektor für Zukäufe. Und da ist es wie im richtigen Leben: Die hübschesten Bräute ist zuerst vom Markt. Und das Rosemont Projekt ist auf jeden Fall eine hübsche Braut. Und es fehlt nur noch eine finale Genehmigung – also hat Augusta Resources (um hier im Bild zu bleiben), die Braut auch wirklich noch mal aufgehübscht für eine gute Übernahme im Sinne der Aktionäre.
      Neuer Übernahme-Deal zeigt ganz klar: Es bewegt sich bei den Rohstoffwerten

      Dieses Beispiel soll Ihnen auch zeigen, was aktuell in diese Branche wieder möglich ist. Die Augusta Aktie notierte heute in der Spitze schon bei 2,35 Euro. Ende November war der Wert auf Grund einer falsch lancierten Meldung kurzzeitig auf 0,75 Euro abgesackt.

      Das ist ein enormes Potenzial – aber eben auch ein deutlich höheres Risiko als in anderen Branchen. Doch der Fall Augusta Resource zeigt auch: Es gibt für die Rohstoffexplorer mit guten Projekten noch das klassische Exitmodell der Übernahme durch einen großen Produzenten. Und HudBay kauft auch keine Katze im Sack.

      Das Unternehmen ist schon seit 2010 als Aktionär bei August Resource mit dabei und besitzt derzeit 15% an dem viel versprechenden Kupferprojekt. Aktuell sieht die Minenplanung eine jährliche Produktion von 243 Mio. Pfund Kupfer vor bei der Mine im US-Bundesstaat Arizona. Sollte das gelingen würde Rosemont die drittgrößte Kupfermine in den USA. Der Produktionsstart ist nach den aktuellen Planungen für 2016 vorgesehen.

      Da ist der jetzt erfolgte Schritt mit der geplanten Übernahme durch den Produzenten HudBay Minerals nur logisch. Es bleibt aber spannend, ob dieser Deal so einfach über die Bühne geht. Ich werde Sie auf dem Laufenden halten.

      Erfolgreiche Investments

      wünscht Ihnen

      Heiko Böhmer

      Redaktion „Rohstoff-Giganten“
      schrieb am 26.02.14 21:21:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.415 ()
      Hi there,

      NEVADA ist momentan wohl völlig aus dem Anlegerfokus – meiner Meinung nach zu Unrecht:

      ANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Feb. 26, 2014) - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper" or "Company") is pleased to announce that Mr. Timothy Arnold, Vice President Operations for Nevada Copper, has been named by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration's ("SME") Nominating Committee as its candidate for President-elect Designate. Subject to ratification in February of 2015, Mr. Arnold would serve as President of the Society from February 2016 to February 2017.
      Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO, stated: "We are in a very exciting phase at our Pumpkin Hollow project where we are adding top caliber professionals to our senior team. To attract a person of Tim's caliber and experience this past October is a major accomplishment and further complements our team. Tim has hit the ground running to provide the leadership of our construction and operations team."
      Mr. Arnold is a Registered Professional Mining Engineer with more than 30 years of experience in mine engineering, underground and open-pit mine operations, 12 of those years on Nevada mining projects. As previously reported, Mr. Arnold's past experience includes being the General Manager at the Mt. Hope and Liberty molybdenum projects for General Moly, Inc. in Nevada, primarily responsible for building the Mt. Hope operating team, developing operating systems, processes and policies, coordinating the transition to start-up, and managing local stakeholder relationships. Prior to that, Mr. Arnold was Vice President and General Manager of Coeur d'Alene Mines where he managed the underground Kensington Gold Mine project. Mr. Arnold also held the position of Vice President and General Manager at the Coeur Rochester mine, a silver/gold open pit operation in Nevada. During his tenure at the Rochester mine, it was ranked as one of safest medium-sized mines in Nevada by the Nevada Mining Association. Mr. Arnold's other roles included General Manager of Hecla's Lucky Friday mine, Mine Superintendent of Barrick's Bullfrog mine and Senior Underground Operations Engineer with Independence Mining.
      Mr. Arnold stated: "It is an honor and a privilege to be nominated for this position. SME is a professional society with more than 15,000 professional members serving the minerals industry in more than 85 countries. It has provided invaluable service to the industry over the years. I believe strongly that people are a mining company's greatest asset, and one of SME's core values is to be the resource and advocate for the mining community by developing the skills and knowledge of its members. My most exciting challenge over the next several years is, not only to help build the physical assets of Nevada Copper's Pumpkin Hollow copper project, but to also help build a safe workforce for our Stage 1 underground operation for over 400 people."
      The Stage 1 underground mine is scheduled for initial ramp-up of production in late 2015, and will have a permanent workforce of approximately 400 people. Nevada Copper also seeks to expedite the development of the Stage 2 open pit operation pending passage of the Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act in Congress. Passage of that bill would more than double the number of mine jobs, 2-3 years sooner, to a total combined workforce of approximately 1,000 workers. That is in addition to the approximately 200-500 workers who will be needed for construction of those two stages of the project.
      Nevada Copper also announces the launch of its newly-updated corporate website: This website, with its new user interface, will make it easier for users to access the most sought after information such as news releases, corporate presentations and financial statements, as well as technical information on mineral reserves and resources related to the Pumpkin Hollow project. The site also has a link to the Pumpkin Hollow project website that focuses on project activities and stories important to the local and Nevada community.
      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      We seek safe harbor.
      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Eugene Toffolo
      VP, Investor Relations & Communications
      604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

      Nevada Copper Corp.
      Robert McKnight, P.Eng., MBA
      Executive Vice President & CFO

      Ciao for now: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 26.02.14 22:08:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.416 ()
      Die Frage ist wie lange dauert die Flaute im Rohstoffsektor noch an China kommt auch nicht in die Gänge. Und der Superzyklus soll erst wieder um 2016 oder 2017 wieder richtig fahrt aufnehmen habe ich heute gelesen.

      Aber wir wissen ja alle Papier ist geduldig wäre nur bitter wenn Nevada Copper selbst bei Produktionsstart und ersten Zahlen noch immer so da steht geht aber momentan vielen so.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.03.14 09:55:58
      Beitrag Nr. 2.417 ()
      Ich bin ja hier auch schon seid Jahren investiert, mal mit mehr mal mit weniger. zwischen 2,50 und 4€ habe ich damals viele der sehr günstigen ANteile abgebaut.

      Das es aber noch einmal so deutlich unter 1€ fällt, hätte ich auch nie geglaubt. Der Verfall des Kupferpreises ja ok, aber das Nevada die fair bewertet bei 8 CAD gesehen wird, auf 1,40 runterkommt.. nunja.. Anfang 2015 wirds hier richtig losgehen, und daher denke ich ist genau jetzt wieder ein guter zeitpunkt einzusteigen. Habe mir daher schon in den letzten Wochen wieder eine Pakete geholt. Ich habe Zeit, 4€ werden wir definitiv wieder sehen, fragt sich nur wie lange es diesmal dauern wird :)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.03.14 23:24:02
      Beitrag Nr. 2.418 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.620.223 von Muesli2k am 13.03.14 09:55:58Hi Muesli2k,

      that´s exactly the way I see things!

      Regards: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 19.03.14 02:01:53
      Beitrag Nr. 2.419 ()
      Seh ich auch so. Allerdings fällt ja der Kupferpreis immer noch, und wenn jetzt wirklich China in die Krise kommt, könnte es hier nochmal deutlich günstigere Einstiegskurse geben.
      Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr. Hier würde ich auch bei weiter fallenden Kursen immer wieder nachkaufen.
      Es geht halt nach oben wie nach unten oftmals weiter, als man denkt.
      Nicht neu, diese Erfahrung und doch staunt man immer wieder. Aber gute Einstiegskurse sind ja auch nicht zu verachten.
      schrieb am 19.03.14 02:05:08
      Beitrag Nr. 2.420 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.530.897 von freddy1989 am 26.02.14 22:08:48Freddy, wo hast das gelesen? es schreibt aber auch Jeder was Anderes.
      Echt wissen kann es ohnehin Niemand.
      schrieb am 20.03.14 16:56:50
      Beitrag Nr. 2.421 ()
      Hier nochmal was zum Kupfermarkt…

      Meine Frage mal in die Runde was meint ihr wie doll wird Kupfer noch fallen und wie wirkt sich das auf Nevada Copper aus?

      Könnte also sein das wir nochmal deutlich niedrigere Kurse sehen.

      Was meint ihr hat China bei den Kupferproduzenten auch so hohe Schulden wie bei den Eisenerzzulieferern??……
      schrieb am 26.03.14 12:58:13
      Beitrag Nr. 2.422 ()
      Hier mal eine Zusammenfassung von Nevada Copper…
      schrieb am 27.03.14 09:33:43
      Beitrag Nr. 2.423 ()
      schrieb am 31.03.14 13:09:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.424 ()…

      Wieviele Kaufinteressenten hätten das wohl bessere Projekt und NCU wohl kaufen wollen, wenn nicht Pala die Mehrheit der Aktien hätte?
      Naja, so sind wir wenigstens vor einer Billig-Übernahme geschützt und der Kurs kann sich stetig in höhere Gefilde weiterentwickeln.
      schrieb am 09.04.14 13:07:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.425 ()
      Hier nochmal nee Analyse die das Potenzial von Nevada Copper zeigt.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.04.14 10:48:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.426 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.792.481 von freddy1989 am 09.04.14 13:07:47Hi Freddy,

      wie vermutet waren Kurse unter 1 € gute Kaufgelegenheiten für Mittel- bis Langfristanleger ... langsam kehrt das Momentum zurück (wir waren ja mal bei Kursen über 4,50 €).

      Mich wundert nur, dass NCU trotz der bis vor einem Jahr großen Fangemeinde so "eingeschlafen" ist ... andererseits: Hauptsache sie wachen wieder gesund auf ;)!

      Für alle Interessierten hier die Homepage (mit exzellenter Investors Presentation) :

      Ciao for now: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 25.04.14 12:01:55
      Beitrag Nr. 2.427 ()
      Die treuen langzeit Investoren sind noch da ;)

      Wobei ich mich mit meinem jetztigen "neuen" Einstand unter 1€ wie ein frisch investierter Fühle :D

      Auf gehts, hab Geduld... Will die 6 CAD wiedersehen :D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.04.14 12:19:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2.428 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.873.972 von Muesli2k am 25.04.14 12:01:55Hi Muesli,

      me too ... aber dabei cool bleiben - das wird nicht von heute auf morgen passieren.

      Alles wird natürlich anders wenn da ein attraktives Übernahmeangebot reinkommt ... NCU ist ja längst über das Ideenstadium hinaus und nur 1 Jahr vom Produktionsstart entfernt.

      Mit anderen Worten: der Apfel ist dick, gesund und lecker, und gerade im Rohstoffsektor sind viele hungrige bis gierige Big Players unterwegs.

      Schaun mer ma - so oder so sehe ich hohes Potenzial.

      Ciao for now: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 26.04.14 11:56:57
      Beitrag Nr. 2.429 ()
      Hi again,

      NCU fängt gerade an wieder Spaß zu machen...der letzte Aufwärtsschwung vor dem Absturz auf unter 1 € ging bis gut 1,70 € ... sehe das mal als erste Zwischenmarke der aktuellen Entwicklung.

      Aber dabei wird´s mittelfristig nicht bleiben - und der stärkste Hinweis darauf ist die Tatsache, dass das Management der Firma einen sehr hohen Aktienbestand hält.

      TGIS (Thank god it´s Saturday) & allen Investierten weiterhin viel Erfolg: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 27.04.14 23:43:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.430 ()
      Hey Leute bin hier auch ein treuer Langzeitinvestor hab mal einen Bericht über Kupfer gefunden.

      Nur falls es interssiert.

      Study: Copper surplus "likely to push price down, to $2.75/pound"; The closely-watched Thomson Reuters GFMS annual copper survey "paints a grim picture for the copper price in 2014, +beyond" - - Apr 8, 2014

      - F. Els -…

      "After a 9% drop in the price during 2013 and a double digit decline so far this year, the outlook for copper just got a little bit darker still.

      The closely-watched Thomson Reuters GFMS Copper Survey launched during the industry's biggest annual event, CESCO Week in Santiago Chile, forecasts a period of surpluses as global mine supply ramps up.

      The annual average price is expected to fall below $7,000/tonne in 2014 for the first time since 2009, with a test of the $6,000/tonne level deemed likely over the second half.

      The copper market mostly balanced in 2013 despite global mine production rising by 8% to 17.8 million tonnes, its fastest pace in over a decade thanks to marked expansion top producer Chile and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

      Had it not been for robust demand growth, a tight scrap market and delays in processing concentrate into refined metal, a surplus would've been created according to the study.

      Global copper consumption rose 4% in 2013, up from zero growth in 2012 and the fastest since 2010. The jump was mostly due to China where demand growth came in at 9% in 2013 from 4% in 2012.

      GFMS said stockpiling of refined metal within China towards the end of last year also helped put a floor under prices.

      More recent concerns surrounding slowing Chinese growth and the sustainability of the copper financing trade saw prices weaken further to near-four year lows in mid-March 2014.

      Rob Smith, Senior Base Metals Analyst from the GFMS team at Thomson Reuters, said "whilst many commodities markets have been on the back foot of late, the copper market has been particularly susceptible to weakness given its heightened exposure to the Chinese market, through both traditional end-use demand as well as finance-related routes."

      Mine output is expected to continue to rise, keeping the market in surplus over the medium term, although rising capital costs, easing prices and a shift in mindset among mining companies towards one of constraint "could lay the foundations for renewed tightness later in the decade."

      Global exchange inventories fell by 83,000 tonnes in 2013, with drawdowns concentrated in the second half. This compares with Thomson Reuters estimated market surplus of 49,000 tonnes last year.

      The apparent mismatch is attributed to a shifting of material to off-exchange locations within China over late 2013, a trend that continued into early 2014, according to the study.

      Indeed, Shanghai bonded warehouse stocks have increased over recent months, reversing the drawdowns that took place during early and mid-2013, whilst material is also believed to have accumulated at other coastal cities.

      A key factor leading to this stock shift has been the ongoing demand for copper for financing purposes, concerns over the sustainability of which contributed to a sharp sell-off in copper prices in mid-March.

      Although Thomson Reuters see the most likely scenario as a continuation of such activities, albeit likely on a smaller scale than previously, such worries have added to the downside risks facing the copper market in light of prospects for improved metal availability going forward. "
      schrieb am 29.04.14 16:44:34
      Beitrag Nr. 2.431 ()
      Man lernt nie aus an der Börse:
      das BID und ASK hier zieht immer schön mit der Heimatbörse mit, mit realer Nachfrage und realem Angebot ...
      ... es kommt nur seit Wochen so gut wie kein Geschäft zustande! Sehr komisch.
      Eben wollte jemand 12000 St.(!!!) in Mümchen kaufen, war kurz im BID zu sehen.
      Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass meine 1000 St., welche ich 5 cent unter Umrechnungspreis heute morgen bekommen habe, der einzige Umsatz heute bleibt.:confused::confused::confused:
      schrieb am 30.04.14 17:14:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.432 ()
      Kurs wird auch in CAN gemacht, das getaxe hier in D. interessiert dort keinen. Bei größeren Orders ist immer die Heimatbörse zu bevorzugen..

      schrieb am 30.04.14 23:55:55
      Beitrag Nr. 2.433 ()
      Ich sagte ja: reales BID/ASK, also kein rumgetaxe in meinen Augen ...
      ... und doch kommt kaum ein Geschäft zustande.
      schrieb am 01.05.14 10:57:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.434 ()
      Schöne Feiertage, so kanns doch gerne weitergehen :D

      schrieb am 01.05.14 13:42:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2.435 ()
      Wünsche auch einen schönen 1.Mai ...
      .. in Kanada wird heute wieder gehandelt, mal sehen, ob es immer weiter hoch geht?
      schrieb am 12.05.14 15:41:42
      Beitrag Nr. 2.436 ()
      Nevada Copper Update on Lyon County Land Bill
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - May 12, 2014) - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU) ("Nevada Copper" or "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act (the "Lyon County Land Bill", or "the Bill") related to its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow copper project located in Yerington, Nevada.

      The Lyon County Land Bill has achieved yet another significant milestone. The U.S. Senate has published its Senate Calendar/General Orders which officially lists the Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act (Senate bill S. 159) as ready for Senate floor action:

      (See Link…

      This recent development is considered a very important procedural step which will allow the Lyon County Land Bill to be brought to the floor of the Senate. Subject to scheduling amongst other Senate business, the Bill can now be brought to the floor of the Senate for a vote at any time. The Senate will be in session for May and June.

      With the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee recommending passage, and having the full support of both Senator and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) and Senator Dean Heller ®, we fully expect the Bill to be passed by the Senate.

      Giulio Bonifacio, President and CEO, stated: "This recent development advances the land bill one step closer to passage. The passage of the land bill by the 113th Congress is critical to the economy of Yerington and Lyon County as they continue to suffer unnecessarily from chronic unemployment."

      On the House side, as previously reported on January 28, 2014, the House of Representatives, Committee on Natural Resources held a "mark-up" meeting on H.R. 433, the "Northern Nevada Land Conservation and Economic Development Act." That bill combined seven (7) separate land bills for northern Nevada that have all had Subcommittee hearings in the House. The "Lyon County" bill (H.R. 696) is included as Title II of H.R. 433, the combined bill.

      In communications with Senator Reid, Senator Heller, Congressman Mark Amodei and Congressman Stephen Horsford, Lyon County, the City of Yerington and Nevada Copper have been advised that this Bill is one of their top priorities and that they are working very hard to complete the procedural steps in the House and the Senate to get the Nevada bills passed.

      Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO
      We seek safe harbor.

      Eugene Toffolo
      VP, Investor Relations & Communications
      Phone: 604-683-8266
      Toll free: 1-877-648-8266
      Robert McKnight, P.Eng., MBA
      Executive Vice President & CFO
      Phone 604-683-1309
      schrieb am 21.05.14 16:42:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2.437 ()

      Spezial am 21. Mai 2014
      Spezial zu Nevada Copper: Der 'Megahebel'
      Nevada Copper (WKN A0MK4X): Kurzfristiger Hebel extrem; Mittelfristige 500%-Chance
      Rechtlicher Hinweis: Beachten Sie bitte auch die Angaben zu bestehenden Interessenskonflikten sowie Risikohinweise und Haftungsauschluss am Ende der Email.

      Wie heute morgen angekündigt lesen Sie jetzt aus aktuellem Anlass unser Spezial zu Nevada Copper

      Die BÖRSE-Experten meinen, dass Anleger gerade jetzt die Chance mit Nevada Copper (WKN A0MK4X) ergreifen sollten, da bereits kurzfristig ein signifikanter Hebel in der Aktie steckt.

      BÖRSE-Einschätzung zu Nevada Copper:
      Potenzial 1 Monat: 100%
      Potenzial 6 Monate: 500%
      Potenzial 12-24 Monate: 1000%+

      Börsenplätze: Toronto Stock Exchange (Main Board); Kanada
      Tradegate, Frankfurt u.a.; Deutschland

      BÖRSE-Tipp: "Das Unternehmen sitzt auf einer gewaltigen Rohstofflagerstätte. Mit 4,29 Milliarden Pounds Kupfer, fast 1 Mio. Feinunzen Gold und zusätzlich noch 27 Mio. Unzen Silber in einer der minenfreundlichsten Regionen der Welt, im US-Bundesstaat Nevada, befindet sich der angehende Kupferproduzent mit dem Pumpkin Hollow - Kupferprojekt in einer Lage, die vor allem auch für die bereits großen Produzenten in Form einer potenziellen Übernahme äußerst attraktiv sein könnte.
      Jedoch steht das Unternehmen selbst davor, zu einem bedeutenden Kupferproduzenten zu werden. Gemäß bereits durchgeführter Machbarkeitsstudien wird Nevada Copper durch die Inbetriebnahme seiner Untertage-Mine in Nevada bereits im ersten Produktionsjahr über 100 Mio. Dollar Cashflow (nach Steuern) erwirtschaften können. Die Marktbewertung an der kanadischen Börse in Toronto liegt aber gerade einmal grob in dieser Größenordnung. Allein basierend auf die prognostizierten Einnahmen der Untertage-Kupfermine ist das Kurspotenzial beachtlich. Selbst wenn morgen ein Major der Rohstoffbranche ein Übernahmeangebot mit 50% Kursaufschlag machen würde, würden wir daher davon abraten, dieses Angebot anzunehmen. Nevada Copper ist ein klarer Kauf und bietet bereits kurz- und mittelfristig ganz beachtliche Kurschancen", so meinen die BÖRSE-Experten.

      Auch basierend auf frühere Kurse ist das Potenzial der Aktie enorm.
      Nevada Copper - 5-Jahres-Chart von (c) comdirect

      Der kurzfristige Megahebel: Permits & Land Bills für die Tagebau-Mine
      Neben der Untertagebau-Produktion plant Nevada Copper nämlich auch noch die Inbetriebnahme eines Open-Pit-Bereichs der Lagerstätte. Auch hierfür wurden bereits Gutachten erstellt und das Management sieht sich in der Lage, zusammen mit Untertage- und Open-Pit-Produktion einen jährlichen Cashflow von 380 Mio. Dollar (CDN; nach Steuern) zu erzielen. Das sind für den aktuell bei lediglich rund 115 Mio. Euro bewerteten Konzern beachtliche Zahlen. Aber: Der US-Senat muss noch die Permits und die sog. Land Bills für den Tagebaubereich der Mine freigeben. Erst vor kurzem gab Nevada Copper hierzu ein Update heraus und zeigte sich sehr optimistisch, dass man die notwendigen Freigaben aus Washington erhalten wird. Die Indizien sprechen tatsächlich dafür, denn:

      1. Der Untertagebereich der Kupfermine wurde bereits genehmigt. Die Produktion (prognostizierter Cashflow im Jahr nach Steuern über 100 Mio. Dollar CDN) soll schon in 2016 starten. Der Minenbau hat bereits begonnen.

      2. Bei voller Minenauslastung (Untertage & Open-Pit) würden voraussichtlich über 2000 Jobs in Nevada neu entstehen.

      3. Nevada Copper hat die volle Unterstützung der Behörden in Nevada.

      Und das ist er, der 'Megahebel': Erhält Nevada Copper alle notwendigen Permits und Land Bills für den Open-Pit-Abbau, müsste das unseres Erachtens zu einer vollständigen Neubewertung der Aktie führen. Denn mit dem prognostizierten Cashflow von dann insgesamt rund 380 Mio. Dollar (CDN) im Jahr würde sich sich dieser somit im Vergleich zur Situation, dass man nur Untertage abbauen könnte, beinahe vervierfachen.

      Unser Ergebnis: "Kaufen, bevor Nevada Copper grünes Licht aus Washington erhält.", so meinen die BÖRSE-Experten.
      Aktie in dieser Ausgabe:
      Nevada Copper (WKN A0MK4X)


      Bitte beachten Sie unbedingt auch folgende Hinweise bezüglich ausdrücklich bestehender Interessenskonflikte und den Haftungsausschluss:

      Angaben zu Interessenskonflikten (§ 34b WpHG, Deutschland u.a.)

      Herausgeber und verantwortliche Autoren erklären hiermit, dass folgende Interessenskonflikte hinsichtlich des in dieser Veröffentlichung besprochenen Unternehmens Nevada Copper zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung bestehen:

      I. Autoren und Herausgeber sowie diesen nahestehende Berater und Auftraggeber halten zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung Aktienbestände in Nevada Copper und behalten sich vor, diese zu jedem Zeitpunkt und ohne Ankündigung zu verkaufen oder neue Positionen in Nevada Copper einzugehen.

      II. Autoren, Herausgeber und Auftraggeber unterhalten zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung ein Beratungsmandat mit Nevada Copper und erhalten hierfür ein Entgelt.

      Herausgeber und verantwortliche Autoren erklären hiermit stellvertretend und gemäß der Angaben für Dundee Capital Markets, dass folgende Interessenskonflikte hinsichtlich des in dieser Veröffentlichung besprochenen Unternehmens Nevada Copper zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung bestehen:

      I. Autoren und Herausgeber sowie diesen nahestehende Berater und Auftraggeber halten zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung Aktienbestände in Nevada Copper und behalten sich vor, diese zu jedem Zeitpunkt und ohne Ankündigung zu verkaufen oder neue Positionen in Nevada Copper einzugehen.

      II. Autoren, Herausgeber und Auftraggeber unterhalten zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung ein Beratungsmandat mit Nevada Copper und erhalten hierfür ein Entgelt.

      Autoren und Herausgeber können nicht ausschließen, dass andere Börsenbriefe, Medien oder Research-Firmen die von Autoren und Herausgeber besprochenen Aktien im gleichen Zeitraum besprechen. Daher kann es in diesem Zeitraum zur symmetrischen Informations- und Meinungsgenerierung kommen.

      Es handelt sich bei dieser BÖRSE-Veröffentlichung ausdrücklich nicht um eine Finanzanalyse, sondern um eine Veröffentlichung eines klar und eindeutig werblichen Charakters in Auftrag des besprochenen Unternehmen.

      Risikohinweise und Haftungsausschluss

      Wir weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Verlinkungen übernehmen.

      Jedes Investment in Wertpapiere ist mit Risiken behaftet. Aufgrund von politischen, wirtschaftlichen oder sonstigen Veränderungen kann es zu erheblichen Kursverlusten kommen. Dies gilt insbesondere bei Investments in (ausländische) Nebenwerte sowie in Small- und Microcap-Unternehmen; aufgrund der geringen Börsenkapitalisierung sind Investitionen in solche Wertpapiere höchst spekulativ und bergen ein hohes Risiko bis hin zum Totalverlust des investierten Kapitals. Darüber hinaus unterliegen die bei BÖRSE vorgestellten Aktien teilweise Währungsrisiken.

      Die von BÖRSE für den deutschsprachigen Raum veröffentlichten Hintergrundinformationen, Markteinschätzungen und Wertpapieranalysen wurden unter Beachtung der deutschen Kapitalmarktvorschriften erstellt und sind daher ausschließlich für Kapitalmarktteilnehmer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bestimmt; ausländische Kapitalmarktregelungen wurden nicht berücksichtigt und finden in keiner Weise Anwendung. Die Veröffentlichungen von BÖRSE dienen ausschließlich zu Informationszwecken und stellen ausdrücklich keine Finanzanalyse dar, sondern sind Werbetexte rein werblichen Charakters zu den jeweils besprochenen Unternehmen. Zwischen dem Leser und den Autoren bzw. dem Herausgeber kommt durch den Bezug der BÖRSE-Publikationen kein Beratungsvertrag zu Stande.

      Sämtliche Informationen und Analysen stellen weder eine Aufforderung noch ein Angebot oder eine Empfehlung zum Erwerb oder Verkauf von Anlageinstrumenten oder für sonstige Transaktionen dar. Jedes Investment in Aktien, Anleihen, Optionen oder sonstigen Finanzprodukten ist – mit teils erheblichen – Risiken behaftet. Der Herausgeber und die Autoren der BÖRSE-Publikationen sind keine professionellen Investmentberater; deshalb lassen Sie sich bei ihren Anlageentscheidungen unbedingt immer von einer qualifizierten Fachperson (z.B. durch Ihre Hausbank oder einen Berater Ihres Vertrauens) beraten.

      Alle durch BÖRSE veröffentlichten Informationen und Daten stammen aus Quellen, die wir zum Zeitpunkt der Erstellung für zuverlässig und vertrauenswürdig halten. Hinsichtlich der Korrektheit und Vollständigkeit dieser Informationen und Daten kann jedoch keine Gewähr übernommen werden. Gleiches gilt für die in den Analysen und Markteinschätzungen von BÖRSE enthaltenen Wertungen und Aussagen; diese wurden mit der gebotenen Sorgfalt erstellt. Eine Verantwortung oder Haftung für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der in dieser Publikation enthaltenen Angaben ist ausgeschlossen.

      Alle getroffenen Meinungsaussagen spiegeln die aktuelle Einschätzung der Verfasser wider, die sich jederzeit ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern kann. Es wird ausdrücklich keine Garantie oder Haftung dafür übernommen, dass die in den BÖRSE-Veröffentlichungen prognostizierten Kurs- oder Gewinnentwicklungen eintreten.
      schrieb am 24.05.14 10:42:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.438 ()
      Mal wieder ein Wert, der als Spammail versendet wird, wie immer "nicht kaufen"
      wer will, in Watchlist beobachten, fast immer, kurzer Hype, dann Absturz nahe
      0,001 Cent!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.05.14 11:06:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2.439 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.039.762 von geldspender am 24.05.14 10:42:00Auf dein selten dummes Posting komme ich mal in einem Jahr zurück!!!
      schrieb am 28.05.14 14:04:41
      Beitrag Nr. 2.440 ()
      Heute liegt was in der Luft. Es wurde hier in Deutschland dick eingekauft, und zwar deutlich über Pari. :eek:
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.05.14 19:41:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.441 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.061.294 von rotie1 am 28.05.14 14:04:41Neue Empfehlung eines Börsenmagazins.:D
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.06.14 11:19:29
      Beitrag Nr. 2.442 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.064.402 von gdf am 28.05.14 19:41:01Wieder wird 5 cent über Pari-Kurs dick eingekauft ...
      Monatelang wurde bei steigenden Kursen in Deutschland garnicht gekauft, komisch!:confused:
      schrieb am 04.06.14 09:04:30
      Beitrag Nr. 2.443 ()
      Jetzt werden so langsam die ganzen "schreiberlinge!" auf unser Baby aufmerksam, hier wieder ein Artikel, aber recht gut und Informativ zusammen gefasst, daher stell ich mal den Link ein:…

      Bin gespannt ob jetzt mal etwas Bewegung reinkommt ;)
      schrieb am 04.06.14 13:39:41
      Beitrag Nr. 2.444 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.064.402 von gdf am 28.05.14 19:41:01Ja, jetzt ist es klar.
      Man wundert sich, wer alles zusammengehört.
      Und warum man sich im Vorwege die Aktien nicht viel billiger in Kanada gekauft hat ...:confused:
      schrieb am 06.06.14 11:57:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2.445 ()
      In Canada schauts so aus als würde sich hier die nächsten Tage was tun (ChartBild)
      Ich rechne in der kommenden Woche mit dem Bruch der 2,20 CAD und dem Test des letzten Hochs bei 2,48CAD.

      Mit Bruch wäre dann Luft nach oben, bis in den Bereich um 2,80 - 3,20 CAD.

      schrieb am 12.06.14 09:50:16
      Beitrag Nr. 2.446 ()
      Läuft alles nach Plan, die Indikatoren drehen und die 2,20CAD sind per SK gebrochen! :)
      schrieb am 13.06.14 14:05:50
      Beitrag Nr. 2.447 ()
      Unser CEO im Interview mit SmallCapInvestor :eek: :D

      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.06.14 11:19:16
      Beitrag Nr. 2.448 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.149.488 von Muesli2k am 13.06.14 14:05:50Thx Muesli2k,

      gute Info vom Small Cap Investor - aber was für ein peinliches "Bavarenglish" vom Interviwer ... da rollen sich mir die Zehnägel auf !!!!!!!!!!

      Interviewer - falls du das hier liest - biete dir ein maßgeschneidertes English Conversation Training an und garantiere, dass du dich nach einer Woche in meinem "Vernünftig Englisch Sprechen !!!!"Bootcamp selber nicht mehr wiedererkennst (im fremdsprachlich positiven Sinne)... just get in touch with me via Boardmail.

      Ciao for now: Weltgeist
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.06.14 14:36:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2.449 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.157.614 von Weltgeist am 16.06.14 11:19:16Dann bin ich mal dabei, obwohl BV seit 1 Monat trommelt. DA im Kupferbereich einige Übernahmen liefen, bzw Angebote gemacht wurden scheint das hier auch manchen Interessenten auf den Plan zu rufen.
      Gruß aaahhh
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.06.14 10:11:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2.450 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.170.132 von aaahhh am 18.06.14 14:36:03Hi aaahhh,

      ich denke, die Entwicklung (s. Chart) plus das von Muesli2k eingestellte CEO-Interview sprechen eine deutliche Sprache:

      ein sicheres Investment mit großem Gewinnpotenzial (Produktionsbeginn Bergwerk 2015 / sehr großer Managementanteil am Aktienbesitz = die glauben an ihr Ding /super Metallgehalte in den Kernen der Probebohnrungen / Genehmigungen auch für den noch weit profitableren Tagebau in Reichweite / Jobgenerator im Hinterland etc.).

      Noch steigt´s langsam aber stetig ... denke, das könnte sich auf - schätze mal - Quartalsfrist auch stark nach oben beschleunigen.

      Good luck: Weltgeist
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.06.14 16:01:35
      Beitrag Nr. 2.451 ()

      Nevada Copper Corp. WKN: A0MK4X TSX: NCU

      schrieb am 19.06.14 16:15:34
      Beitrag Nr. 2.452 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.174.760 von Weltgeist am 19.06.14 10:11:03Drück euch die Daumen. Die Chancen sind sicher sehr gut, vor allem, wenn Kupfer wieder mal anzieht. Nevada Copper war mein größter Erfolg. 2009 mit 17c eingestiegen (leider nur schlappe 2000St. wegen der Risiken. Für 3€ verkauft, und das war noch zu früh.

      Aber man kann halt auch nicht auf jeder Hochzeit tanzen.
      Wer mag, sollte jetzt auch mal auf Matsa res. schauen. Kurzfristig hervorragende Chancen wegen vielversprechender Tiefenbohrungen. Aktie steigt schon sehr schön bei hohen Umsätzen in AUS.
      Nachbar sirius ist danach explodiert. Die Oberflächenfunde sind ähnlich.
      Wer weiß, wer weiß?;)
      schrieb am 24.06.14 14:08:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2.453 ()
      Wassn heute in D. los? Alleine auf Tradegate schon fast 100K gehandelt :eek:

      48.367k um 13.01 uii :look:
      schrieb am 24.06.14 14:22:43
      Beitrag Nr. 2.454 ()
      Ok, die Frage hätte ich mir selbst beantworten können..

      habs gefunden.. kennt den wer den Typ?

      Aber gut geschriebener Report:

      DGAP-News: Original-Research: Nevada Copper (TSX: NCU WKN A0MK4X / ISIN: CA64128F1099]. - von Schmider Report (deutsch)
      24.06.2014 - 10:09 | Quelle: dpa-AFX

      Original-Research: Nevada Copper (TSX: NCU WKN A0MK4X / ISIN: CA64128F1099]. - von Schmider Report

      DGAP-News: Content Professionals / Schlagwort(e): Studie Original-Research: Nevada Copper (TSX: NCU WKN A0MK4X / ISIN: CA64128F1099]. - von Schmider Report

      24.06.2014 / 10:09


      Einstufung von Schmider Report zu Nevada Copper

      Unternehmen: Nevada Copper ISIN: CA64128F1099

      Anlass der Studie: Erstanalyse

      Empfehlung: Kaufen seit:24.06.2014

      Kursziel:10 EUR :eek::eek:(15 CAN$) EUR Kursziel auf Sicht von: 24 Monate

      Letzte Ratingänderung: -

      Analyst: Carsten Schmider (MA, Köln)

      Hier bahnt sich eine sensationelle Übernahmechance an - Auf dem Weg vom Junior zum Kupfergiganten: 500% Gewinn und mehr - Aktie vor unmittelbarer Kursexplosion

      Schmider Report veröffentlichte heute eine 15-seitige Erstanalyse über das an der TSX gelistete Unternehmen Nevada Copper (WKN: A0MK4X), in der ein spekulatives Kursziel von 10 Euro(15 $ CAN) innerhalb von 24 Monaten fundamental begründet und in Aussicht gestellt wird - eine Aufwertung von über 500% vom aktuellen Kursniveau bei 1,80 EUR Euro. Schmider setzt sich hierbei mit den Researchstudien von GMP Securities und Dundee Capital auseinander und erklärt, weshalb die von den genannten Analysten ausgeführten, schon positiven Kurserwartungen viel zu konservativ sind und mehr als 500% Kursgewinn in den kommenden 24 Monaten realistisch scheinen.

      Schlüssel für die prognostizierte Kursrallye soll eine aufkommende Übernahmephantasie sein, weil die singuläre Qualität des Pumpkin Hollow Projektes von Nevada Copper nahezu zwangsläufig das Interesse von Major Companies im Rohstoffsektor wecken und in der Branche bereits konkret über Vorbereitungen für eine Akquisition durch einen Produzenten gemutmaßt würde.

      Für die nächsten Wochen rechne der Schmider Report zudem mit einer Fülle von Firmennews über die weit fortgeschrittene Underground-Exploration sowie mit der Entscheidung der Behörden über die Inbetriebnahme der Open Pit Mine (Tagebau). Schmider Report geht von einem zeitnahen positiven Bescheid aus. Dies würde einen sensationellen Quantensprung in der Unternehmensgeschichte auslösen, weil nach Auswertung aller signifikanten Daten über die Kupferlagerstätte, die Nevada Copper zu 100% gehört, anschließend ein jährlicher Cashflow von über 400 Mio CAN$ bei halbwegs stabilen Kupferpreisen die logische Folge wäre. Bei einem Anstieg der Kupferpreise seien sogar wesentlich höhere Werte vorstellbar. Aber selbst bei einem Verharren des Kupferpreises auf aktuellem Niveau und einer ausschließlichen Underground-Produktion, die längst genehmigt wurde und 2016 starten wird, wäre der jährliche Cashflow immer noch mit 100 Mio Can$ sehr hoch und müsste automatisch eine Anpassung der Marktkapitalisierung auf rund 400-500 Mio Can$ nach sich ziehen, was einer Verdoppelung des Kurses entspräche.

      Dennoch gehe der Schmider Report nach ausführlicher Analyse und Recherche davon aus, dass die Inbetriebnahme der Open Pit Mine nur noch eine Formalität sei und damit ein Kursziel von 15 $ schnell erreicht werden könne.

      Der Markt habe die einzigartige Chance, die sich einem sofortigen Investment in Nevada Copper aktuell biete, noch nicht annähernd erkannt und demzufolge sei die Aktie extrem unterbewertet.

      Schon in den nächsten Tagen werde die Aktie voraussichtlich aus ihrem Trendkanal nach oben ausbrechen und gewaltiges Steigungspotenzial freisetzen. Die Mischung aus spektakulärem Übernahmeziel und baldigem Gang in die Produktion lasse nur die Schlußfolgerung zu, dass Nevada Copper im Juni/Juli eine der heissesten und revolutionärsten Stories am internationalen Aktienmarkt sei.

      Die gesamte Lagerstätte Pumpkin Hollow beherberge mehr als 8 Milliarden Pfund Kupfer und der Distrikt, in dem die Ressource von Nevada Copper liege, verfüge über mehr als 24 Milliarden Pfund Kupfer und befinde sich im hochproduktiven mineralisierten Gürtel Walker Lane in Nevada.

      Dies seien unverkennbar Indikatoren für eine Weltklasselagerstätte und der Kurs der Aktie sei massiv unterbewertet. Schmider Report empfiehlt den sofortigen Einstieg

      In der Erstanalyse von Schmider Report werden minutiös alle Argumente beschrieben, die anschaulich machen, weshalb Nevada Copper die Sensationsaktie 2014 werden kann.

      Die Erstanalyse von Schmider Report mit dem Titel " Hier bahnt sich eine sensationelle Übernahmechance an - Auf dem Weg vom Junior zum Kupfergiganten" lesen Sie vollständig unter


      Kontakt für Rückfragen


      Die Hintergrundinformationen, Markteinschätzungen und Wertpapieranalysen, die Schmider Report auf seinen Webseiten und in seinen Newslettern veröffentlicht, stellen weder ein Verkaufsangebot für die behandelten Notierungen noch eine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren dar. Den Ausführungen liegen Quellen zugrunde, die der Herausgeber für vertrauenswürdig erachtet. Dennoch ist die Haftung für Vermögensschäden, die aus der Heranziehung der Ausführungen bzw. der Aktienbesprechungen für die eigene Anlageentscheidung möglicherweise resultieren können, kategorisch ausgeschlossen. Wir geben zu bedenken, dass Aktien grundsätzlich mit Risiko verbunden sind. Jedes Geschäft mit Optionsscheinen, Hebelzertifikaten oder sonstigen Finanzprodukten ist sogar mit äußerst großen Risiken behaftet. Aufgrund von politischen, wirtschaftlichen oder sonstigen Veränderungen kann es zu erheblichen Kursverlusten, im schlimmsten Fall zum Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals kommen. Bei derivativen Produkten ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit extremer Verluste mindestens genauso hoch wie bei SmallCap Aktien, wobei auch die großen in- und ausländischen Aktienwerte schwere Kursverluste bis hin zum Totalverlust erleiden können. Jeglicher Haftungsanspruch auch für ausländische Aktienempfehlungen, Derivate und Fondsempfehlungen wird daher ausnahmslos ausgeschlossen. Sie sollten sich Die vor jeder Anlageentscheidung (z.B. durch Ihre Hausbank oder einen Berater Ihres Vertrauens) weitergehend beraten lassen. Obwohl die in den Analysen und Markteinschätzungen von Schmider Report enthaltenen Wertungen und Aussagen mit der angemessenen Sorgfalt erstellt wurden, übernehmen wir keinerlei Verantwortung oder Haftung für Fehler, Versäumnisse oder falsche Angaben. Dies gilt ebenso für alle von unseren Gesprächspartnern in den Interviews geäußerten Darstellungen, Zahlen und Beurteilungen.

      Alle in dem vorliegenden Report zu Nevada Copper geäusserten Aussagen, ausser historischen Tatsachen, sollten als zukunftsgerichte Aussagen verstanden werden, die sich wegen erheblicher Risiken durchaus nicht bewahrheiten könnten. Die Aussagen des Autors unterliegen Ungewissheiten, die nicht unterschätzt werden sollten. Es gibt keine Sicherheit oder Garantie, dass die getätigten Aussagen tatsächlich eintreffen. Daher sollten die Leser sich nicht auf die Aussagen von Schmider Report verlassen und nur auf Grund der Lektüre des Reports Wertpapiere kaufen oder verkaufen. Schmider Report ist kein registrierter oder anerkannter Finanzberater. Bevor in Wertschriften oder sonstigen Anlagemöglichkeiten investiert wird, sollte jeder einen professionellen Anlageberater konsultieren und erfragen, ob ein derartiges Investment Sinn macht oder ob die Risiken zu gross sind. Schmider Report übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Richtigkeit und Verläßlichkeit der Informationen und Inhalte, die sich in diesem Report oder auf unser Webseite befinden, von Schmider verbreitet werden oder durch Hyperlinks von aus erreicht werden können (nachfolgend Service genannt). Der Leser versichert hiermit, dass dieser sämtliche Materialien und Inhalte auf eigenes Risiko nutzt und
      Schmider Report keine Haftung übernimmt . Schmider behält sich das Recht vor, die Inhalte und Materialien, welche auf bereit gestellt werden, ohne Ankündigung abzuändern, zu verbessern, zu erweitern oder zu entfernen. Schmider Report schließt ausdrücklich jede Gewährleistung für Service und Materialien aus. Service und Materialien und die darauf bezogene Dokumentation wird Ihnen "so wie sie ist" zur Verfügung gestellt, ohne Gewährleistung irgendeiner Art, weder ausdrücklich noch konkludent. Einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf konkludente Gewährleistungen der Tauglichkeit, der Eignung für einen bestimmten Zweck oder des Nichtbestehens einer Rechtsverletzung. Das gesamte Risiko, das aus dem Verwenden oder der Leistung von Service und Materialien entsteht, verbleibt bei Ihnen, dem Leser. Bis zum durch anwendbares Recht äußerstenfalls Zulässigen kann Schmider Report nicht haftbar gemacht werden für irgendwelche besonderen, zufällig entstandenen oder indirekten Schäden oder Folgeschäden (einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf entgangenen Gewinn, Betriebsunterbrechung, Verlust geschäftlicher Informationen oder irgendeinen anderen Vermögensschaden), die aus dem Verwenden oder der Unmöglichkeit, Service und Materialien zu verwenden entstanden sind. Der Service von Schmider Report darf keinesfalls als persönliche oder auch allgemeine Beratung aufgefasst werden. Nutzer, die aufgrund der bei abgebildeten oder bestellten Informationen Anlageentscheidungen treffen bzw. Transaktionen durchführen, handeln vollständig auf eigene Gefahr. Die von der zugesandten Informationen oder anderweitig damit im Zusammenhang stehende Informationen begründen somit keinerlei Haftungsobligo. Ausdrücklich weisen wir darauf hin, dass es sich bei den veröffentlichten Beiträgen um keine Finanzanalysen nach deutschem Kapitalmarktrecht, sondern um journalistische und werbliche Beiträge handelt.

      Offenlegung der Interessenkonflikte:

      Die auf den Webseiten von Schmider Report veröffentlichten Empfehlungen, Interviews und Unternehmenspräsentationen erfüllen grundsätzlich werbliche Zwecke und werden von den jeweiligen Unternehmen oder sogenannten third parties bezahlt. Aus diesem Grund kann allerdings die Unabhängigkeit der Analysen in Zweifel gezogen werden. Diese sind per definitionem nur Informationen

      Dies gilt auch für die vorliegende Studie zu Nevada Copper. Die Erstellung und Verbreitung des Berichts wurde vom Unternehmen bzw. von dem Unternehmen nahe stehenden Kreisen in Auftrag gegeben und bezahlt. Damit liegt ein entsprechender Interessenkonflikt vor, auf den wir Sie als Leser ausdrücklich hinweisen. Ferner geben wir zu bedenken, dass die Auftraggeber dieser Studie in naher Zukunft beabsichtigen, sich von eigenen Aktienbeständen in Nevada Copper zu trennen und damit von steigenden Kursen der Aktie profitieren werden. Auch hieraus ergibt sich ein entsprechender Interessenkonflikt.

      Die zitierte Analyse von Dundee Capital ist keine unabhängige Studie, sondern es bestehen erhebliche Interessenkonflikte seitens der Analysten, denn diese halten Aktien von Nevada Copper.

      Natürlich gilt es zu beachten, dass Nevada Copper in der höchsten denkbaren Risikoklasse für Aktien gelistet ist. Die Gesellschaft weist noch keine Umsätze auf und befindet sich auf Advanced Stage Level, was gleichzeitig reizvoll wie riskant ist. Es gibt keine Garantie dafür, dass sich die Prognosen der Experten und des Managements tatsächlich bewahrheiten. Damit stellt Nevada Copper einen Wechsel auf die Zukunft aus. Wie bei jedem Explorer gibt es auch hier die Gefahr des Totalverlustes, wenn sich die hohen Erwartungen des Managements nicht auf absehbare Zeit realisieren lassen.

      Deshalb dient Nevada Copper nur der dynamischen Beimischung in einem ansonsten gut diversifizierten Depot. Der Anleger sollte die Nachrichtenlage genau verfolgen. Die segmenttypische Marktenge sorgt für hohe Volatilität. Der erfahrene Profitrader, und nur an diesen und nicht etwa an unerfahrene Anleger und LOW-RISK Investoren richtet sich unsere Empfehlung, findet in Nevada Copper aber einen hochattraktiven spekulativen Wert, der über ein extremes Vervielfachungspotenzial verfügt.

      Ende der Finanznachricht


      24.06.2014 Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News/Finanznachricht, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EQS Group AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.

      Die DGAP Distributionsservices umfassen gesetzliche Meldepflichten, Corporate News/Finanznachrichten und Pressemitteilungen. Medienarchiv unter und


      274831 24.06.2014

      Quelle: dpa-AFX
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.06.14 14:41:19
      Beitrag Nr. 2.455 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.200.274 von Muesli2k am 24.06.14 14:22:43Naja auf die 15$ kommt er wohl hauptsächlich deswegen, weil in einem Gespräch von BV mit Nevada C. wohl der Satz gefallen ist, dass man einer der schönsten Bräute in diesem Sektor wäre und nicht unter 15$ zu haben sei.
      Gruß aaahhh
      schrieb am 24.06.14 15:18:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2.456 ()
      Ich frage mich, welche Bekloppten (Entschuldigung!!) jetzt unbedingt verkaufen!!??:confused::rolleyes:
      Ein selten dämlicher Zeitpunkt ...
      ... auch wenn es in Kanada gestern noch ein paar Cent günstiger war.
      schrieb am 11.07.14 18:09:16
      Beitrag Nr. 2.457 ()
      Live Chart aus der Heimatbörse !;)Gruß Lars hier ist noch viel geduld gefragt !.
      schrieb am 17.07.14 15:13:27
      Beitrag Nr. 2.458 ()
      Gute news was haltet ihr davon?scheint alles nach plan zu laufen.

      Nevada Copper expects stage 1 Pumpkin financing in Q4

      2014-07-16 08:11 ET - News Release

      Mr. Giulio Bonifacio reports


      Nevada Copper Corp. is providing a project and financing update.


      Shaft sinking has reached mid-shaft pumping level and is at a current depth of 1,000 feet.
      Sinking rates increased and stabilized at a design rate of six to seven feet per day. Access to the main ore haulage level is expected in first-quarter 2015.
      Detailed engineering of the process plant has advanced and is now 40 per cent complete.
      Multiple financing proposals are being evaluated. Completion of project capital financing for stage 1 is targeted for fourth-quarter 2014.
      Steps have been taken to conserve cash. Most non-shaft-sinking expenditures have been temporarily reduced.
      Initial ore production ramp-up is now forecast in second-quarter 2016.
      BMO Capital Markets has been engaged as a strategic and financial adviser.
      Giulio Bonifacio, president and chief executive officer, stated: "We have made substantial progress in our key focus areas of shaft sinking and financing in the last quarter. Our decision to temporarily reduce non-shaft-sinking expenditures allows us the time to fully optimize the funding mix for the balance of stage 1 project capex while maximizing value for shareholders both from stage 1 underground mine and the much larger stage 2 open pit mine.

      "We continue to progress the permitting of stage 2 and are awaiting the completion of the final procedural steps required for passage of the land bill. We have been advised that this remains one of the top priorities of the Nevada senators and congressmen."

      Project update

      Project activities continue to be focused on shaft sinking. The shaft has now reached its approximate midpoint, a depth of 1,000 feet. Sinking rates have improved and have stabilized at between six and seven feet per day, in line with the company's projections. A mid-shaft pump station has been successfully excavated and will be equipped with high head positive-displacement pumps and associated electrical and piping infrastructure. Detailed engineering and procurement have advanced in the quarter and are now 40 per cent complete.

      Water inflows into the shaft remain limited, and ground conditions are good. Grouting requirements have been minimal. Assuming that no unusual ground conditions or water inflows are encountered, sinking is expected to continue at between six and seven feet per day, reaching the main ore haulage level in first-quarter 2015.

      With shaft completion modestly delayed, and while financing discussions are continuing, the level of all non-shaft-related activities, including engineering and construction expenditures, has been being temporarily curtailed. This prudent action allows the company the time to fully evaluate the financing options that will provide the balance of financing for stage 1. Shaft construction and related activities, being critical-path items, will continue at the current rate. The company is now targeting the start of ramp-up to full ore production in second-quarter 2016.

      Financing update

      Nevada Copper has a current cash balance of $18-million (U.S.) plus marketable securities of $4-million (U.S.). The company also has a further $149-million (U.S.) remaining as the undrawn portion of its Orion/Red Kite secured loan facility (see the company's March 28, 2013, news release for further information). The final draw of the loan facility is subject to certain conditions, including completion of the shaft and arrangement of the balance of financing of stage 1 project capital. Nevada Copper also has an available $24-million (U.S.) Caterpillar Financial equipment lease finance facility.

      The company continues to evaluate several financing opportunities, including additional debt, precious metal streams, joint ventures and off-take structures to provide the remaining financing for both stage 1 and stage 2. Numerous proposals have been received for the stage 1 underground financing, and term sheets are currently being reviewed in this capacity. Completion of stage 1 financing is targeted by fourth-quarter 2014.

      BMO Capital Markets had previously been engaged by Nevada Copper as adviser to assist the company with the process of identifying and evaluating its strategic alternatives. The objective of this process is to maximize shareholder value, and the engagement remains active.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 22.07.14 13:02:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.459 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.326.754 von freddy1989 am 17.07.14 15:13:27Hi Freddy,

      sehe ich auch so mit dem nach Plan laufen ... aber der stark gestiegene Kurs bei gleichzeitig geringem Handelsvolumen hat Trader auf den Plan gerufen, die den Kurs überproportional (im Verhältnis zu den gehandelten Stücken) nach unten drücken.

      Ich habe bei NEVADA erlebt, dass der Kurs seit dem Boden bei ca. € 0,85 nach ein paar Dellen stetig weiter nach oben ging und bleibe deshalb lang drin.

      Der SCHMIEDER Report offenbart zwar im Disclaimer, dass die Analysten ihre Aufträge zu werblichen Zwecken schreiben - aber das ändert nichts an der Tatsache, dass eine Kupfermine mit exzellenter Mineralisierung kurz vor der Produktionsreife plus der Zusatzresource Open Pit Mining in den nächsten 3 jahren ein attraktiver Übernahmekandidat ist ... und sollte da tatsächlich ein Angebot kommen geht´s bei der Marktenge schneller nach oben als ich hier am PC die Orderknöpfe drücken kann.

      Außerdem verdient die Firma auch deshalb Vertrauen, weil das Managment durch einen ungewöhnlich hohen und schon lange gehaltenen Aktienbestand offensichtlich vom eigenen Projekt überzeugt ist.

      Schaun´mer mal: Weltgeist
      schrieb am 24.07.14 17:29:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2.460 ()

      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.367.024 von donnerpower am 24.07.14 16:56:24
      Vom 15.07

      Intergeo sagt "Nein" zu weiteren Erweiterungen auf Mercator Minerals (T.ML) Combo-Deal, um 25%

      Mercator Minerals ( TSX: ML , Lizenz Forum ) unterzeichnete einen Unternehmenszusammenschluss im Dezember 2013 Intergeo, die schließlich ziehen würde das Unternehmen aus unter der Fuchtel einer überwältigenden Kreditfazilität und bringen ihre Park Mine Mineral bis zu Geschwindigkeit und in eine Cash- positive Position.

      In dem Geschäft , Intergeo der Mehrheitsaktionär, Daselina Investments, dem Unternehmen geben würde eine dringend benötigte Schuss in den Arm über ein 14,0 Millionen Dollar Überbrückungskredit als Vorschuss so lange, bis die Transaktion abgeschlossen ist.

      Alles sah rosig aus für das Unternehmen, da die vorgeschlagene Deal, von Dritten Berater genehmigt, der Vorstand und die Aktionäre, einen kombinierten Kupfer-Basismetall konzentriert Einheit mit einem robusten Wachstumsprofil und starken finanziellen Rückhalt schaffen würde.

      Alles, was übrig blieb, war sicher notwendigen behördlichen Genehmigungen, aber das war, wo der Zug nach Erlösung begann zu entgleisen. Ein bürokratisches Hin-und-Her begann mit der russischen Föderalen Antimonopol Services ("FAS"), die in mehreren Verlängerungsanträge von der Kontrolleinrichtung geführt, so dass es weitere Informationen zur Prüfung des Deals sichern konnte.

      Sowohl Mercator und Intergeo wartete geduldig, wie der FAS dachte über die Dokumentation und sogar erweitert den Abschluss Frist bis zum 1. August 2014 dafür sorgen, dass die Regulierungsbehörden genug Zeit, um eine Entscheidung zu treffen hatte. Leider, Anfang Juli die FAS drehte sich um und forderte zwei weitere Monate verlängern.

      Das führt zu der heutigen schicksalhafte Ankündigung , wenn das Unternehmen erklärte, dass Intergeo hat derzeit nicht davon zu verlangen, oder sich auf eine Verlängerung der Fertigstellung über 1. August 2014, wirksam setzen einen Stopp des geplanten Unternehmenszusammen.

      Das Unternehmen hat Gänge geschaltet werden und der Überprüfung seiner Alternativen in den kommenden Wochen, die Intergeo hat durch die Gewährleistung der Firma war es bereit, die nicht-Aufforderung Bestimmungen der Regelung Vereinbarung zu verzichten, so dass Mercator voll seine Alternativen in Betracht ziehen geholfen.

      Präsident des Unternehmens und CEO, D. Bruce McLeod, kommentierte die Situation: "Wir sind sehr enttäuscht, in der Entscheidung der Intergeo, vor allem in Anbetracht der starken Operationen und operative Cashflows von Mineral Park Mine generiert. Wir überlegen, unsere Alternativen in dieser Hinsicht und wird auch weiterhin Updates zur Verfügung stellen, wie die Umstände zu entwickeln. "

      Um es noch schlimmer zu machen, ist das Unternehmen immer noch auf den Haken für die Millionen-$ 13,0 er aus dem Überbrückungskredit gezogen, wie es angeblich bei der Auflösung der Transaktion fällig.

      Wird das Unternehmen in der Lage, den Spieß drehen diese Unternehmens Kick-in-der-Zähne vor August? Nur die Zeit wird es zeigen.

      Mercator war in den Nachrichten vor kurzem, als das Unternehmen berichtet, Q2 2014 Produktionsergebnisse vor einer Woche .

      Aktien sank 25,00% auf die Nachrichten zu $ 0,06 pro Aktie.

      Derzeit gibt es 315.7m ausstehenden Aktien mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 18,9 Millionen Dollar.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.07.14 17:35:35
      Beitrag Nr. 2.461 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.367.288 von donnerpower am 24.07.14 17:29:17Demnach müsste Nevada Copper wieder der Großaktionär von Mercator Mining sein....

      Pala hatte damals ihre 17,8% an Nevada im Ausgleich an Nevada Anteile überschrieben.

      Nevada kann keine 14Mio Dollar aufbringen aber Pala könnte nun die Chance zu ihren Vorteil nutzen und hält am Ende an beiden Firmen 50 + 1 :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 31.07.14 14:38:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2.462 ()
      schrieb am 07.08.14 23:59:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2.463 ()
      Überraschende positive Zahlen bei Mercator Minerals wo Nevada Copper Großaktionär ist ;)

      Mercator Minerals Reports Second Quarter 2014 Results

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug. 7, 2014) - Mercator Minerals Ltd (TSX: ML) ("Mercator" or the "Company") today announced its financial and operating results for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2014. During the second quarter 2014 ("Q2 2014"), the Company generated revenues of $69.8 million, cash flow from operations of $8.4 million, a net loss of $3.0 million (loss of $0.01 per share, basic) or an adjusted net income* of $5.2 million (adjusted earnings of $0.02 per share).

      "Continued quarter over quarter improvements in productivity and lower costs allowed our Mineral Park Mine to generate $11.0 million in operating cash flows this quarter, the highest since Q3 2011," stated D. Bruce McLeod, President and CEO of Mercator. "Continued positive operating cash flows will allow Mineral Park to sustain the productivity gains made and to pursue additional low capital productivity improvements that are designed to provide further cost reductions."


      Copper equivalent(ii) production of 19.4 million pounds, comprised of 8.8 million pounds of copper in concentrates and cathode and 2.6 million pounds of molybdenum in concentrates.
      Copper and molybdenum sales in Q2 2014 were 8.9 million pounds and 2.5 million pounds, respectively, which generated revenues of $69.8 million, or 9% higher than in Q2 2013. Despite the lower metal sale volumes, the primary reason for the higher revenues were the higher molybdenum prices realized ($16.00 per pound) and higher copper prices realized ($3.27 per pound) in Q2 2014 as compared to Q2 2013. The higher molybdenum prices realized were a result of higher molybdenum prices, and positive mark- to-market adjustment on molybdenum in concentrate sales. Despite lower copper prices in Q2 2014 than in Q2 2013, the higher copper prices realized were due to positive mark-to-market adjustment on copper in concentrate sales related to deliveries in prior periods.
      Total cash cost, as determined on a co-product accounting basis, for Q2 2014 was $2.43 per pound of total copper produced and $12.66 per pound of molybdenum produced as compared to $2.75 per pound of copper produced and $10.46 per pound of molybdenum produced in Q2 2013.
      Cash flow from operating activities was $8.4 million (the highest since Q3 2011), with $11.0 million from Mineral Park as a stand-alone operation. -
      Unrestricted cash at June 30, 2014 was $9.2 million.

      Revenues were 9% higher in Q2 2014 than in Q2 2013, primarily due to prices realized for copper being 7% higher and for molybdenum being 50% higher, which more than offset the 18% lower copper and 11% lower molybdenum sales. The 7% increase in realized copper prices is due primarily to mark-to-market adjustments on the Company's unsettled copper concentrate sales. The 50% increase in realized molybdenum prices is primarily due to a 30% increase in the average spot price of molybdenum with the balance of the increase a result of mark-to-market adjustments on the Company's unsettled molybdenum concentrate sales. Cash costs of production, when comparing Q2 2014 to Q2 2013, on a co-product accounting basis, were 12% lower for copper and 21% higher for molybdenum. On-site operating costs of $11.62 per ton milled in Q2 2014 were 8% higher, primarily due to mining in harder ore sections of the pit, resulting in lower throughput rates and higher operating costs. As a result of the above noted operating factors, gross profit was $10.8 million in Q2 2014, as compared to a loss of $4.3 million in Q2 2013. In addition to the impact of the mining operations, variations in net income achieved in Q2 2014 of $11.6 million, as compared to Q2 2013, were primarily impacted by realized and unrealized gains/losses on derivative instruments.

      Mineral Park Mine

      Since the receipt of the initial bridge loan proceeds in late December 2013 (see December 23, 2013 press release), Mineral Park has improved operations month over month throughout the first half of 2014 ("1H 2014") with Q2 2014 better than Q1 2014 operations. Total copper production in Q2 2014 was 8.8 million pounds, which was 23% higher than in Q1 2014, with June 2014 total copper production of 3.6 million pounds. Likewise, molybdenum production in Q2 2014 was 2.6 million pounds which was 18% higher than in Q1 2014, with May and June 2014 molybdenum production totaling 2.0 million pounds.

      Total tons mined of 7.7 million in Q2 2014 were 35% higher than in Q1 2014, with June 2014 at 2.4 million tons mined. The sequentially higher mining rate is primarily attributed to improved equipment availability and productivity improvement initiatives (including continued blasting optimizations). Copper grades mined were consistent quarter over quarter at 0.14% with molybdenum grades mined slightly higher than prior quarters at 0.045%.

      The average throughput rate in the mill in Q2 204 was 41,601 tpd, with June 2014 mill throughput rate of 43,217 tpd (despite both SAG mills having taken downtime to be re-lined during the month). The increased throughput was achieved despite the harder than expected ore mined, and is a result of several productivity initiatives underway (including grinding circuit optimizations and an on-site contract pebble crusher). Recoveries of 80.4% and 75.2%, for copper and molybdenum, respectively, in Q2 2014 continue to be above mill design rates.


      Although guidance has not been provided for H2 2014, the Company believes the production increase reflected in the H1 2014 results are sustainable and based on the following initiatives:

      Enhanced mill throughput rates with continued process optimization;
      Optimization of the mining fleet;
      The pushback into softer, higher grade supergene ore in the Ithaca pit in Q4 2014;
      Optimized mine plan with higher grade ores to be mined in the near term to better match current commodity prices;
      Increased mining of leach ores to better utilize existing SX/EW plant capacity;
      Increased warehouse stocks with a larger inventory of critical spare parts;
      Concentrator flow sheet optimization to reduce reagents and increase concentrate grades;
      Further optimization of the SAG mills to achieve higher throughput;
      On-site contract pebble crusher to improve grinding capacity.
      Strategic Review

      With the termination of the Intergeo Transaction and the forbearance granted by MPI Lenders in exercising their various rights and remedies under the MPI Credit Facility until up to August 15, 2014 (see August 1, 2014 press release), the Company, with the support of its financial advisor, BMO Capital Markets, is fully considering its strategic alternatives that may include, but are not limited to, a sale of the Company, a business combination with another entity, a sale of all or a portion of the assets of the Company, a strategic investment in the Company or any combination thereof.

      At present, there can be no assurance as to what, if any, strategic alternatives might be pursued by the Company. The Company does not intend to disclose further details with respect to its evaluation of its strategic alternatives unless and until the board of directors has approved a specific transaction or it otherwise determines that disclosure is appropriate.

      As a result of the ongoing strategic process, management will not be hosting a webcast/conference call to discuss Q2 2014 financial results, nor will the Company be providing production guidance.

      Financial Statements and Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A)

      This news release should be read in conjunction with the MD&A and Financial Statements for the three and six month period ended June 30, 2014 which has been posted on Mercator's website ( and on SEDAR ( under the Company's profile.

      Quality Assurance/Quality Control

      Gary Simmerman, BSc Mining Eng, FAusIMM, a consultant to the Company and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of and verified the technical information contained in this news release.

      We seek Safe Harbor.

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 08.08.14 20:59:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.464 ()
      Hier nochmal was zu Nevada Copper könnten wirklich langfristig locker die 10 Euro drin sein aber wir werden sehen wo steht eigentlich der Kupferpreis pro Pfund??
      schrieb am 22.08.14 17:06:07
      Beitrag Nr. 2.465 ()
      Wenn ich eine Spammail erhalte, wo in der Überschrift steht, dass ein
      Milliardär 50% der Aktien zu einem deutlich höheren Kurs gekauft hat,
      dann ist hier was faul! Wer zahlt einige Millionen mehr als notwendig?
      Lasst Euch nicht in eine Aktie drängen die nur auf Vermutungen beruht.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.08.14 08:48:53
      Beitrag Nr. 2.466 ()
      Da kann ich Dir nur zustimmen,habe mir auch schon ein paar mal bei solchen
      Akien die Finger verbrannt.
      schrieb am 30.08.14 19:55:43
      Beitrag Nr. 2.467 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.587.603 von geldspender am 22.08.14 17:06:07
      Zitat von geldspender: Wenn ich eine Spammail erhalte, wo in der Überschrift steht, dass ein Milliardär 50% der Aktien zu einem deutlich höheren Kurs gekauft hat, dann ist hier was faul! Wer zahlt einige Millionen mehr als notwendig?

      Naja, so eine Argumentation kann -"gewissermassen- Sinn machen, muss aber nicht.
      Aber -hier im Falle von Nevada Copper, und generell 'gestaffelten Entwicklungsplänen'- müsst Ihr auch einfach diesen Zusammenhang sehen.
      Und dieses ganze 'optimized Starter Pit' ist meiner Erfahrung nach meist keine Auszeichnng für eine Firma, oder Projekt.
      Hier ist//wäre der Grund -des gestaffelten Plans- ja der Wechsel der Abbaumethode, aber es sind, so oder so, eben auch Beide Phasen zu sehen.
      schrieb am 15.09.14 13:40:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.468 ()
      Wenn das "land bill" jetzt nicht endlich durchgeht, geht´s wohl erstmal wieder abwärts ... :mad:
      schrieb am 15.09.14 16:44:20
      Beitrag Nr. 2.469 ()
      Riesen-Sauerei, was da wieder abläuft::mad:
      ich habe seit heute Morgen ein BID von 1,39€ für 1000 Aktien in Frankfurt bis Ultimo stehen. Das wird realtime nicht mehr gezeigt, dafür 1.374€ oder so ähnlich ...:mad:
      In München möchte aber jemand 1500 Stück genau für 1,39€ verkaufen. Derjenige hätte sicher den Börsenplatz Frankfurt gewählt, wenn er gesehen hätte, dass er hier seinen Preis von mir für die Aktien bekommt.
      Was soll der Mist! Wofür gibt es denn BID/ASK, realtime und sonst noch was, wenn dort an der Börse von den Herren manipulativ auf eigene Rechnung gehandelt wird ...:mad:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.09.14 19:07:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2.470 ()
      HEUTE ist es gut möglich, dass die Land Bill endlich verabschiedet wird! :eek:

      RENO — After years of wrangling, a package of Northern Nevada land bills is scheduled for a vote Monday in the U.S. House of Representatives.

      One of the seven bills would allow the city of Yerington to develop federal land near a copper mine while setting aside a wilderness area. Another measure would help ranchers while establishing a wilderness area northwest of Winnemucca.

      Other measures would allow federal land transfers or purchases to benefit Elko County, Carlin, Fernley and the Naval Air Station Fallon.

      Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., who introduced six of the measures, said he is optimistic about their chances of passage and looks forward to President Barack Obama signing the legislation. If approved by the House, the legislation would first have to be passed by the Senate before it could be sent to Obama.

      “After years of hard work, this bill is scheduled and ready to go,” Amodei said in a statement. “Yerington desperately needs an economic jolt, and this job-creating legislation will put Nevadans back to work.”

      U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and U.S. Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., have introduced similar legislation to boost Yerington’s economy.

      The bill would allow Yerington to buy from the federal government 10,000 acres surrounding Pumpkin Hollow, a copper mine being developed by Nevada Copper.

      The proposed Wovoka Wilderness encompasses 48,000 acres in Lyon County south of Yerington that officials say is culturally significant to Native Americans.

      Another measure would set aside 26,000 acres for the Pine Forest Range Wilderness northwest of Winnemucca and release for development 1,000 acres of existing wilderness study area lands.

      The bill also would direct the federal Bureau of Land Management to exchange federal lands surrounding nearby ranches for private parcels within the existing wilderness study areas to help ranchers.

      Yet another bill would allow Elko County and the Te-moak Tribe of Western Shoshone of Nevada to buy from the federal government 275 acres for a motocross, bicycle, off-highway vehicle or stock-car racing area.

      Other measures would allow the cities of Carlin and Fernley to buy surrounding federal land for multi-use development.
      schrieb am 15.09.14 19:16:02
      Beitrag Nr. 2.471 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.784.456 von rotie1 am 15.09.14 16:44:20Gratuliere zu den 1000 Stk. Hat doch eh geklappt, oder? :D

      16:42:58 1,388 A 1.000
      schrieb am 16.09.14 07:36:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2.472 ()
      Es ist vollbracht! Die Land Bill wurde gestern verabschiedet!

      Das sollte der Aktie mächtigen Auftrieb gegen. Schätze mal mindestens 20% in den nächsten paar Tagen.

      Nur meine Meinung

      WASHINGTON, D.C — U.S. Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., welcomed passage of the Northern Nevada Land Conservation and Economic Development Act (H.R. 5205) by the House of Representatives today.

      Introduced by U.S. Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., this legislation contains highly valued measures for the state of Nevada, including job-creating measures such as the Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act.
      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.09.14 08:08:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2.473 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.788.953 von gdf am 16.09.14 07:36:49Endlich ...
      wobei man sich fragt, warum auch dieses wieder so lange daurn musste.
      Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen sollte eigentlich im Interesse aller Parteien sein, und zwar schnellstmöglich!:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 16.09.14 08:48:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2.474 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.788.953 von gdf am 16.09.14 07:36:49Das war leider nur der erste Schritt. Wenn ich das richtig gelesen habe muss das Teil auch noch vom Senat verabschiedet werden, um dann vom Präsidenten als Gesetz unterzeichnet zu werden. Aber immerhin: ein erster Teilerfolg !! :)
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.09.14 08:57:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2.475 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.789.484 von Rumo2006 am 16.09.14 08:48:21Northern Nevada lands bill passes House, heads to Senate

      By Amber Phillips (contact)

      Monday, Sept. 15, 2014 | 4:34 p.m.
      Washington —
      Related news

      Committee’s tweaks to Yerington land-swap bill may doom it

      A sweeping lands bill for Northern Nevada that had a bleak outlook just a few months ago passed the House of Representatives with unanimous support Monday.

      Thought for dead much of this year, legislation to create up to 71,500 acres of wilderness and set up 23,000 more for economic development passed the House quickly and easily.

      “Thank you to the House of Representatives for passing this bill,” said Rep. Mark Amodei, a Republican representing Northern Nevada and co-author of the legislation.

      “Something that appears to be a small achievement in the constellation of national politics will mean a lot to Lyon County,” said Rep. Steven Horsford, a Democrat representing North Las Vegas and rural areas northwest including Lyon County and co-author of the legislation.

      The rest of Nevada’s delegation sent out statements praising the vote. The bill still must pass the Senate and be signed by the president to become law.

      The passage is a major accomplishment for Nevada’s delegation, particularly Amodei and Horsford, who spent months negotiating with the House Natural Resources Committee after Republicans changed the bill so much that Democrats — especially Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid — couldn’t support it.

      They altered language that would, in effect, prevent Congress from creating anymore wilderness in the future.

      If the bill passes the Senate, it means residents in Lyon County, one of the most economically depressed in the state, could benefit from as many as 1,000 jobs from a new copper mine if Congress approves the lands package. In exchange for selling 10,000 acres of federal land to the city of Yerington for the mine, the bill creates wilderness in the Wokova Forest.

      Lands bills have been tricky in the Republican-controlled House, in part because some conservatives oppose the transferring of or creation of federal land. It’s also not clear the bill could pass the Senate, for the same reason. Horsford said in an interview the unanimous vote Monday could give the bill momentum in the Senate.

      But Nevada lawmakers have been determined to find a compromise. Amodei, Horsford and Nevada’s senators negotiated behind the scenes to find a deal.

      A unanimous committee vote in July for the legislation was evidence they had found one — but in the unpredictable world that is Congress, no one in Nevada’s delegation is exhaling yet.

      “I’m not happy until I see it passed by both chambers and signed by the president,” Horsford told the Sun in July. "I'm a little happier tonight," he said Monday.…
      schrieb am 16.09.14 09:19:36
      Beitrag Nr. 2.476 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.789.484 von Rumo2006 am 16.09.14 08:48:21Da hab ich jetzt aber keine Bedenken mehr, dass der Senat das jetzt nicht
      mehr absegnet. Eher reine Formsache ab jetzt. Denke die Zeichen stehen auf grün!
      Gruß aaahhh
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.09.14 10:07:44
      Beitrag Nr. 2.477 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.789.934 von aaahhh am 16.09.14 09:19:36Genau!
      Reine Formsache nun ...
      schrieb am 16.09.14 10:24:52
      Beitrag Nr. 2.478 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.789.934 von aaahhh am 16.09.14 09:19:36Na ja, beim letzten Mal ist der Entwurf genau an dieser Stelle gescheitert ;) Aber es wurde ja nachgebessert und ich denke auch, dass es dieses Mal keine Probleme geben wird.
      schrieb am 16.09.14 10:31:09
      Beitrag Nr. 2.479 ()
      Think positive, jetzt gehts Berg auf :D

      Warte noch was die Holzfäller heute daraus machen,

      evtl. gibts nochmal welche zum Schnäppchenpreis :)

      schrieb am 16.09.14 15:03:16
      Beitrag Nr. 2.480 ()
      Das hier in Deutschland mal so viele Aktien gekauft werden, hätte ich nicht gedacht. Ich dachte, ich wäre der einzige ...:laugh:
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.09.14 15:34:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2.481 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.793.234 von rotie1 am 16.09.14 15:03:16Geht gut los in CAN 2,16 RT
      Gruß aaahhh
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.09.14 15:59:30
      Beitrag Nr. 2.482 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.793.234 von rotie1 am 16.09.14 15:03:16Der Senat sollte wirklich nur noch Formsache sein, da beide Senate Leaders für dieses Gesetz sind.

      Sowohl Harry Reid, Mehrheitsführer im Senat von Nevada, als auch Senator Dean Heller befürworten die Lyon County Bill und arbeiten zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass dieser Gesetzesentwurf so schnell wie möglich mit der Unterstützung beider Parteien verabschiedet wird.

      Im Repräsentantenhaus war die Abstimmung einstimmig. Das gibt klare Voraussetzungen.

      Ich habe schon am Freitag aufgestockt...
      schrieb am 16.09.14 16:01:53
      Beitrag Nr. 2.483 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.793.543 von aaahhh am 16.09.14 15:34:17Nich wundern und nerven die Aktionäre, die nach solchen Meldungen nichts anderes zu tun haben, als jetzt ihre Aktien mit 10% Gewinn auf den Markt zu schmeißen und jeden Anstieg damit wieder auszubremsen ...
      ... naja, wahrscheinlich sind es doch wieder die Großen, die das ganze wieder beruhigen wollen, um dann die kommenden Monate billig Aktien abgreifen zu können.:rolleyes:
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.09.14 16:17:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.484 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.793.882 von rotie1 am 16.09.14 16:01:53Vielleicht gehen wir ja noch ins Minus heute!!
      Unfassbar ...:cry::cry::(
      schrieb am 16.09.14 16:51:34
      Beitrag Nr. 2.485 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.793.882 von rotie1 am 16.09.14 16:01:53Das mit dem billigen Abgreifen von irgendwelchen großen Adressen kommt immer als Erklärung, wenn News nicht so einschlagen wie erwartet. Die hatten genug Zeit, so wie wir auch, hier einzusteigen. Der gesamte Explorermarkt ist für mich immer noch nicht soweit, solche News und die damit verbundenen Zukunftschancen richtig einzuschätzen, ist noch zu viel Unsicherheit im Markt und außerdem sind Sept. und Okt. auch noch die schlechtesten Börsenmonate. Der Kupferpreis spielt auch noch nicht mit.
      Wird wohl noch etwas dauern, bis es hier ordentlich nach Norden geht.
      Gruß aaahhh
      schrieb am 16.09.14 19:37:00
      Beitrag Nr. 2.486 ()

      Nevada Copper Corp. WKN: A0MK4X TSX: NCU

      Original-Research: Nevada Copper (von Schmider Report): Strong Buy

      Anlass der Studie: Update Empfehlung: Strong Buy seit: 16.09.2014 Kursziel: 10 EUR Kursziel auf Sicht von: 24-Monate Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Carsten Schmider MA

      Eilmeldung: Nevada Copper mit Sensationsnews! Lyon County Gesetz verabschiedet! Zeitrahmen für Inbetriebnahme der Open Pit Mine verbessert sich dramatisch- Positiver Cashflow von 400 Mio CAN$ jährlich ab 2017.

      schrieb am 17.09.14 16:42:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2.487 ()
      "Unser" Chef spricht gleich ...
      ... auf BNN oder so ähnlich.:lick:
      schrieb am 17.09.14 18:43:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2.488 ()
      Das Interview mit Gulio Bonifacio ist online abrufbar.

      Nevada Copper's stage two mine a step closer to being fully permitted


      Air Date: 9/17/2014-11:30 AM unter Latest Videos.
      schrieb am 17.09.14 19:22:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2.489 ()
      Hier der Link

      Was meint ihr so stehen wir bei Nevada Copper wenn 2017 wirklich die Große Verarbeitungsanlage läuft und das mit den 400 Millionen Cash Flow stimmt.
      schrieb am 17.09.14 23:03:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2.490 ()
      Vielleicht ganau so tief wie heute ...:mad:
      Ich verstehe Börse eh nicht mehr: da ist heute ein gewaltiges Volumen, mehr als gestern nach den Super-Neuigkeiten ...
      ... und was macht der Kurs!?
      schrieb am 18.09.14 10:03:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2.491 ()
      ... die Aktie kann gar nicht steigen,
      ... weil ich vor ein paar Tagen einige gekauft habe.
      ... schwarze Magie!!!!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.09.14 12:02:54
      Beitrag Nr. 2.492 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.810.847 von Toby08 am 18.09.14 10:03:59Ach, du hast die Schuld ...:laugh:

      Mal im Ernst ...
      ... wer wem minütlich Tausende von Aktien rüberschiebt, und warum, erschließt sich mir nicht wirklich! Tatsächlich nur, um entnervte Kleinanleger rauszudrängen?:(
      schrieb am 19.09.14 17:51:39
      Beitrag Nr. 2.493 ()
      Was soll´s ...
      ... wenn wir jeden Tag 1 Cent steigen, sind wir in einem Jahr 2.50 höher, in zwei Jahren 5.00, das ist doch auch was, oder!?:yawn:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 22.09.14 20:08:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2.494 ()
      ... ja, wenn. Sieht aber nicht so aus.
      schrieb am 22.09.14 22:15:48
      Beitrag Nr. 2.495 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.827.643 von rotie1 am 19.09.14 17:51:39Da wird von KZ 6 oder 7 oder gar 10 $ geschrieben und das Teil fällt nach den guten News nur. Kann doch nicht nur am miesen Kupferpreis liegen.
      Gruß aaahhh
      schrieb am 23.09.14 00:21:42
      Beitrag Nr. 2.496 ()
      ... liegt an mir. Siehe oben!
      schrieb am 23.09.14 08:52:04
      Beitrag Nr. 2.497 ()
      Na prima, da sind wir mal gespannt. Ich sitze das auf jeden Falla aus.... Wenns in die Hose geht, hab ich 1000 € in den Sand gesetzt. Aber seien wir mal optimistisch.
      schrieb am 23.09.14 11:25:57
      Beitrag Nr. 2.498 ()
      ... deine 1000€ sind schon weg. Meine 250€ auch, weil ich nichts abgebe.
      schrieb am 25.09.14 18:58:08
      Beitrag Nr. 2.499 ()
      ... pleite
      schrieb am 25.09.14 19:57:22
      Beitrag Nr. 2.500 ()
      immer mit der Ruhe Leute....

      22.09.14 08:54 EXKLUSIV Venture Select

      Vancouver ( - Wichtiger Meilenstein zu einer der größten Kupfer-Minen der Welt

      Der derzeit wohl aussichtsreichste Kupfer Explorer der Welt Nevada Copper Corp. (ISIN CA64128F1099 / WKN A0MK4X) steht nach der Verabschiedung eines ungemein wichtigen Gesetztes unmittelbar vor dem endgültigen Durchbruch auf dem Weg zu einer der größten und profitabelsten Kupferminen der Welt.

      Das Lyon-County-Gesetz könnte den Weg frei machen für die Genehmigung des hoch profitablen Tagebaus des zu 100% im Besitz von Nevada Copper Corp. befindlichen Kupferprojektes Pumpkin Hollow schon Anfang 2015.

      Durch die diese Woche gemeldete einstimmige Verabschiedung des Gesetzes im US-Repräsentantenhaus hat die Genehmigung eine entscheidende Hürde genommen.

      Jetzt fehlt lediglich noch die Zustimmung des Senats. Sowohl der Mehrheitsführer der Demokraten Senator Harry Reid als auch Senator Dean Heller von den Republikanern haben bereits ihre Unterstützung des Gesetzesvorhabens angekündigt.

      Damit könnte US-Präsident Barrack Obama das für Nevada Copper Corp. wegweisende Gesetz noch im Jahr 2014 unterzeichnen.

      Gesetz macht Weg frei für hoch profitable Tagebau-Mine

      Das Lyon-County-Gesetz würde Nevada Copper Corp. in eine völlig neue Dimension katapultieren. Bislang liegt lediglich die Genehmigung für eine Phase-1-Untertagebaumine mit einer Kapazität von 6.500 Tonnen pro Tag vor. Das Lyon-County-Gesetz würde den Weg zur Genehmigung der viel größeren Phase-2-Tagebaumine mit einer Kapazität von 70.000 Tonnen pro Tag frei machen.

      Eine Neubewertung für die Nevada Cooper-Aktie wäre erforderlich.

      Erwarteter Cashflow steigt von CAD 100 Mio. auf CAD 400 Mio. jährlich

      Die Genehmigung des Tagesbaubetriebs für das Pumpkin Hollow-Projekt wäre der ultimative Durchbruch für die Nevada Copper Corp.-Aktie.

      Der prognostizierte jährliche Cashflow durch die Inbetriebnahme der Kupfermine von Nevada Copper würde sich damit von CAD 100 Mio. (Untertagebau Mine) auf über CAD 400 Mio. (Tagebau Mine) vervierfachen!

      Sollte die Unterschrift von Präsident Obama unter das Lyon-County-Gesetz erst einmal getrocknet sein, dann dürfte die Nevada Copper-Aktie nicht mehr zu halten sein.

      Schon jetzt hat sich das Who-is-Who der internationalen Institutionellen Investoren der Rohstoff- und Finanzwelt in den Aktien von Nevada Copper Corp. positioniert und wartet auf den ganz großen Durchbruch.

      Letzte Einstiegschance nach gelungenem Turnaround

      Der Trendwende bei unserem Turnaround-Kandidaten Nevada Copper Corp. ist erfolgreich vollzogen worden.

      Unter massiv angestiegenen Handelsumsätzen wurde der langfristige Abwärtstrend der gleitenden Durchschnittslinie GD200 nach oben durchstoßen. Ein starkes Kaufsignal der Chartanalyse für die Nevada Copper-Aktie.

      Nun erfolgte der für die nachhaltige Trendwende sehr gesunde Rücksetzer auf den seit Jahresbeginn 2014 intakten Aufwärtstrend.

      Die deutlich verbesserten Aussichten auf die baldige Genehmigung der Tagebau-Mine dürfte der Nevada Cooper-Aktie weiteren Rückenwind verleihen.

      Mutigen und risikobereiten Investoren bieten sich daher nun eine letzte Einstiegschance, um von dem Turnaround der Nevada Cooper-Aktie zu profitieren.

      Metallwert von über USD 25 Mrd. im Boden

      Mit der Pumpkin Hollow Kupferlagerstätte in Nevada verfügt Nevada Copper Corp. über eines der aussichtsreichsten Kupfer-Projekte der Welt.

      Der Metallwert im Boden (In-Situ-Wert) der Kupfer-Lagerstätte beträgt über USD 25 Mrd.

      Eckdaten der Ressourcen der riesigen Kupfer-Lagerstätte
      von Nevada Copper Corp:

      Western Deposits 6,85 Mrd. Pfund Kupfer (M+I+I)
      Eastern Deposits 1,73 Mrd. Pfund Kupfer (M+I+I)
      Gesamt 8,58 Mrd. Pfund Kupfer (M+I+I)
      + 50 Mio. Unzen Silber
      + 1,5 Mio. Unzen Gold
      In-Situ-Wert über $ 25 Mrd.
      Marktkapitalisierung $ 168 Mio.

      Die Marktkapitalisierung von gerade mal $ 168 Mio. steht in krassem Missverhältnis zu dem Metallwert im Boden von über $ 25 Mrd.

      Ein Pfund Kupfer wird gemessen in den Aktien von Nevada Copper Corp. derzeit mit lächerlichen $ 0,016 bewertet

      Genehmigungen für den Untertagebau liegen bereits vor

      Die Abbau-Genehmigung ist für eine Vielzahl von Kupfer-Explorern eine unüberwindbare Hürde.

      Die Genehmigungen für den Untertage-Bergbaubetrieb von Nevada Copper Corp. wurde bereits erteilt.

      Konstruktion der Untertagebau-Mine ist in vollem Gange

      Auch ohne die Genehmigung des Tagebau-Betriebs wäre die Nevada Copper-Aktie ein hoch attraktives Investment.

      Schließlich ist der Bau der Tagebau Mine von Nevada Copper Corp. in vollem Gange.

      Derzeit wird der Schacht für den Untertagebau-Bergbau in die Tiefe getrieben. Mit der Fertigstellung wird in Q1 2015 gerechnet.

      Dann sollen zusätzliche Explorationsarbeiten für eine Erweiterung der riesigen Kupfer-Lagerstätte sorgen.

      Die Inbetriebnahme der Tagebau-Mine ist für Q2 2016 geplant. Allein der Tagebaubetrieb lässt perspektivisch einen positiven Cashflow von CAD 100 Mio. pro Jahr erwarten.
      Neubewertung bei Erteilung der Genehmigung für den Tagebau-Betrieb

      Sollte Nevada Copper Corp. auch die Genehmigung für den Tagebau-Betrieb erhalten, so stünden die Aktien von Nevada Copper Corp. vor einer Neubewertung.

      Die Genehmigung des Tagebaus würde das Projekt noch sehr viel ergiebiger und profitabler machen. Der erwartete jährliche Cashflow würde sich von CAD 100 Mio. auf mehr als CAD 400 Mio. vervierfachen.

      Nevada Copper Corp. genießt die volle Unterstützung der lokalen Behörden.

      Das nun vom US-Repräsentantenhaus verabschiedete Lyon-County-Gesetz dürfte den Durchbruch auf dem Weg zum Tagebau-Betrieb bedeuten.

      Die Nevada Copper-Aktie steht im Falle der Genehmigung des Tagebau-Betriebs vor einer gewaltigen Kursrallye.

      Machbarkeitsstudien bereits erfolgreich abgeschlossen

      Die Nevada Copper Corp. hat bereits erfolgreich die ökonomische Machbarkeit sowohl des Abbaus im Untertagebau, als auch im Tagebau geprüft.

      Vielen Rohstoffprojekten fehlt es trotz hoher Metallressourcen an der ökonomischen Machbarkeit

      Diese ist bei dem aussichtsreichen Kupferprojekt von Nevada Copper Corp. nachweislich gegeben.

      Genau deswegen sind die Finanzprofis schon derart massiv in den Aktien von Nevada Copper Corp. investiert.

      Die Chancen auf eine Vervielfachung des Aktienkurses stehen bei der
      Nevada Copper-Aktie besonders gut.

      Ausgezeichnete Finanzausstattung

      Nevada Copper Corp. verfügt über Bargeld und liquide Wertpapiere im Volumen von USD 36 Mio. (Per 31.03.2014).

      Zudem steht der Nevada Copper Corp. eine besicherte Kreditlinie im Volumen von USD 200 Mio. zum Bau der Mine zur Verfügung. Davon wurden bislang erst USD 51 Mio. abgerufen. Somit verbleibt eine Kreditlinie im Volumen von USD 149 Mio. (Per 31.03.2014).

      70% der Nevada Copper-Aktien sind in fester Hand

      Die Nevada Copper Corp. verfügt über einen ausgesprochen hohen Anteil Institutioneller Investoren.

      Über 50% der Nevada Copper-Aktien sind im Besitz von Pala Investments. der ausgesprochen loyale Investor Pala Investments hat in den vergangenen Jahren über 50% der Nevada Copper-Aktien durch Finanzierungen und Käufe am Markt erworben.

      Rund 70% der Nevada Copper Aktien sind in den festen Händen institutioneller Investoren. Der Streubesitz beträgt damit lediglich rund 24 Mio. Aktien.

      Attraktives Übernahmeziel

      Angesichts der deutlichen Unterbewertung handelt es sich bei Nevada Copper Corp. um einen attraktiven Übernahmekandidaten.

      Eine mögliche Genehmigung des Tagebaubetriebes würde das Übernahmeinteresse der großen Player des Kupfersektors nochmals deutlich erhöhen.

      Spätestens dann dürfte bei der Nevada Copper-Aktie so richtig die Post abgehen.

      Nevada Copper Corp. (ISIN: CA64128F1099, WKN: A0MK4X, TSX: NCO)

      10 gute Gründe für die Turnaround-Aktien von Nevada Copper Corp.

      Das attraktivste Übernahmeziel im Kupfer-Sektor

      Nach Einschätzung der Analysten von Dundee Capital handelt es sich bei Nevada Copper Corp. um das attraktivste Übernahmeziel im Kupfersektor.

      Metallwert von über USD 25 Mrd. im Boden

      Die Marktkapitalisierung von gerade mal $ 168 Mio. steht in krassem Missverhältnis zu dem Metallwert im Boden (In-Situ) von über $ 25 Mrd.

      Genehmigungen für den Untertagebau liegen bereits vor

      Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Kupfer Explorern verfügt Nevada Copper Corp. bereits heute über die Genehmigung für den Untertagebau.

      Chance Neubewertung bei Erteilung der Genehmigung des Tagebaus

      Experten rechnen mit einer bevorstehenden Genehmigung auch für den Tagebau-Betrieb. In dem Fall stünden die Aktien von Nevada Copper Corp. vor einer Neubewertung.

      Ökonomische Machbarkeit erfolgreich geprüft

      Die ökonomische Machbarkeit des aussichtsreichen Kupferprojektes von Nevada Copper Corp. wurde sowohl für den Untertagebau als auch für den Tagebau erfolgreich geprüft.

      Ausgezeichnete Finanzausstattung

      Die Nevada Copper Corp. verfügt laut Unternehmensangaben über Barreserven und liquide Wertpapiere im Volumen von $36 Mio. Zudem verfügt Nevada Copper Corp. über eine Kreditlinie zum Bau der Mine im Volumen von $ 200 Mio. von denen bislang erst 51 Mio. abgerufen worden sind (Per 31.03.2014).

      Hoher Anteil institutioneller Investoren

      Über 70% der Nevada Copper-Aktien befinden sich in den festen Händen institutioneller Investoren. Der Streubesitz ist mit gerade mal 24% sehr gering.

      Trendwende ist bereits geschafft

      Für die Aktien von Nevada Copper Corp. spricht auch die Chartanalyse. Der langfristige Abwärtstrend der Nevada Copper-Aktie wurden nach oben durchstoßen und generierte ein starkes Kaufsignal der Chartanalyse.

      Der nun erfolgte Rücksetzer auf den seit Januar 2014 intakten Aufwärtstrend bietet eine letzte Einstiegschance für mutige und risikobereite Investoren.

      Massive Unterbewertung

      Der Net-Asset-Value liegt von Nevada Copper Corp. liegt laut den Analysten von Dundee Capital bei CAD 6,71 pro Aktie. Das sind rund 221% mehr als der aktuelle Aktienkurs der Nevada Copper-Aktie von CAD 2,09.

      Kursziel CAD 5,25

      Die Analysten von Dundee Capital haben in ihrer Studie ein Kursziel von CAD 5,25 für die Aktien von Nevada Copper Corp. errechnet. Basierend auf dem aktuellen Aktienkurs von CAD 2,09 entspricht dies einem Kurspotential von rund 150% für die Nevada Copper-Aktie.

      Aktueller Top-Pick von AktienCheck Exklusiv Venture Select:

      Nevada Copper Corp.

      (ISIN: CA64128F1099, WKN: A0MK4X, TSX: NCO)


      Die Aktien von Nevada Cooper Corp. gehören derzeit zu den absoluten Top-Picks im Rohstoffsektor.

      Die Genehmigung für den Tagebaubetrieb liegt vor und die Tagebaumine befindet sich bereits im Bau. Der Produktionsstart wird für das zweite Quartal 2016 erwartet.

      Analysten erwarten einen Cashflow von CAD 100 Mio. pro Jahr. Allein der Produktionsstart der Tagebaumine würde eine Verdreifachung des Aktienkurses der Nevada Copper-Aktie rechtfertigen.

      Sollte Nevada Copper Corp. hingegen schon bald die Genehmigung für den Tagebaubetrieb erhalten, dann dürfte die Nevada Copper Corp-Aktie kein Halten mehr kennen.

      Analysten erwarten im Falle des Tagebaubetriebs einen Cashflow von CAD 400 Mio. pro Jahr. In dem Fall wäre durchaus auch ein Tenbagger für die Nevada Copper Corp-Aktie denkbar.

      Das Chance-Risiko-Verhältnis für die Nevada Copper Corp.-Aktie ist exzellent. Mutige und risikobereite Investoren bauen daher eine erste Position in den Aktien von Nevada Copper Corp. auf und legen sich diese unters Kopfkissen.

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